Children of Russian oligarchs. How the children of the Russian bourgeoisie have fun

0 15 February 2016, 14:13

An interesting Instagram was found on the Internet - Rich Russian Kids. The author of an anonymous blog posts pictures from the accounts of wealthy young Russians. Children of oligarchs regularly publish expensive cars, watches, gadgets, luxury items on their profiles, show photographs taken on luxury yachts, and their own selfies with influential government officials.

Within six months of its existence, the number of profile subscribers exceeded 130 thousand, reports TJournal. The author adds captions to all photographs, which may belong to their owners - or are the creativity of the blog creator himself.

The anonymous author of the blog noted in an interview with the Bigpicture website that he is “on the side of the heirs,” but tries to please both ordinary users and the “VIP crowd.” However, at first glance, the pictures rather make fun of the spoiledness and arrogance of wealthy children and once again point to social inequality. Instagram RRK looks especially relevant against the backdrop of the ongoing financial crisis in the country.

The author of the profile also noted that previously a whole team worked on replenishing the account, communicating with wealthy people. But over time, the Instagram of “Rich Russian Kids” became so popular that young people themselves began to tag their photos with the tag #RRK (Rich Russian Kids), which made the work of the blog’s creators easier.

An evening with your closest friends.

While you are saving for the down payment on your credit car.

We take the baby in front of the crisis.

Local time - 5 million rubles. Which card should I tip?

How is it in Murmansk now?

I broke my iPhone again yesterday, today I freaked out.

When the employees stop you, they already know how to handle you. What do you know about good gifts on DR?

Spiritual awakening in the countryside.

The outfits for this weekend have been selected.

Locals are shocked by Russian handouts.

We'll raise wine glasses for a ruble.

In a curtained Maybach, the crisis is neither heard nor seen.

Gift to match the color of the landscapes.

Let us recall that we previously wrote about the popular Western magazine, which also publishes photographs of wealthy children from all over the world.

Source TJournal

Instagram photo

What is life like for the offspring of businessmen? Is it worth envying them or not? Children of rich parents do not deny themselves anything: they relax in elite clubs and on best resorts, purchase luxury clothing and vehicles, have huge mansions and apartments. What are the features of such life support or what it entails will be discussed in this article.


Children of rich parents do not just waste their lives, being the most enviable, “golden” brides and grooms. Over time, they bear all the burdens and troubles and responsibility for the business that their ancestors developed. They have to work hard, continuing the work of their fathers and mothers, because even if they make every effort, they can easily get into trouble, and then all the works of previous generations will be buried.

Usually children of rich parents from the very early age They are preparing to continue the family business with dignity: they study in good schools and universities that are appropriate for their future studies, practice, and get involved in business in advance. The magazine "CEO" identified the richest heirs of millionaires. I had to calculate the capital and divide it by the number of children in each such family.


Children of rich parents change their position as the leader of this rating quite often. At the first stage there are either Victoria Mikhelson - the most desirable bride in Russia, and quite possibly the world (Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson, chairman of the board), or the heir to Lukoil.

Those who are willing to take risks become richer from time to time, and Mikhelson invests in various and numerous areas - development, petrochemical companies, and Alekperov’s son is clearly following in his father’s footsteps: he graduated from an oil and gas university, worked in the fields from a worker to a technologist and engineer. This means he knows exactly how oil is produced.

Third and beyond

Not all children of rich parents in Russia are ready to study family business. And the top three “golden” heirs are completed by Polina Galitskaya, the daughter of Sergei Galitsky, owner of the Magnit chain. Revenue volumes and number of stores of this trading network significantly ahead of its main competitors. Polina, according to forecasts, is going to become an economist, that is, she will be able to continue her work if she has such a desire.

Roman Abramovich is also preparing his replacement in the person of his eldest son. However, there are many children in the Abramovich family, and their number is growing, so in the ranking of heirs high places they can't borrow. Nevertheless, it is not for nothing that daughter Leia was called the most golden child on the planet: her father’s expenses for her birth were not limited to several hundred million dollars.


Personal life and information about the family are most often kept secret by businessmen; it is almost impossible to find out about many and perhaps the richest heirs. But there are also “golden” children of rich parents who do not shy away from publicity. It is no secret that the owner of Chelsea transferred to his son Arkady, even before he came of age, up to forty percent of the shares of Zoltav Resources Inc, and more recently he acquired shares of CenGeo, oil company V Western Siberia. And everyone knows that Anastasia and Ivan Potanin, the children of the president of Interros, became famous thanks to sports.

The richest Russian - but his children - the legal heirs - are not included in the ranking of the richest, since journalists divide the parents' capital by the number of children. In this case, Anton Viner is the stepson of a billionaire, and Babur Usmanov is a nephew, but both of them lay claim to the fortune of Metalloinvest. The list of the richest heirs, like all ratings, is very arbitrary, if only because the number of children in the families of millionaires is steadily increasing, which means that with each addition they all receive a smaller and smaller share of the inheritance. It is also possible that parents can write a will in favor of one of the children and not even leave anything to anyone.


Judging by information on social networks, including Instagram, which visually confirms the facts, the life of children of rich parents is pure pleasure. They travel a lot, most often use private jets, fly to luxury resorts to relax, buy all kinds of brands wholesale - in short, they do not deny themselves anything.

Moreover, they want the world to know about this lifestyle in every detail. One hundred thousand subscribers of Rich Kids of Instagram closely monitor the appearance of new photos that do not show them gray everyday life, and the triumph of the golden youth - the heirs of multi-million and multi-billion dollar fortunes who live all over the world. And how do children of rich parents dress? Peers cannot lose interest in savoring the details of the unattainable.

Life on display

While their fathers do not have time to demonstrate the external paraphernalia of their own wealth, the young shoots are throwing dust in their eyes with might and main, and the dust, of course, is “golden”: these are private helicopters on the roofs, luxury cars, swimming pools in lived-in high-rises, luxury resorts, private clubs. Shoes self made and designer clothes - this is how children of rich parents dress. It’s impossible to list everything that concerns the differences between their lifestyle and the average.

Alcohol can be taken into a separate topic. When champagne is flowing like a river, costing many thousands of euros per bottle, these are clearly not ordinary teenagers. On the Instagram network, on each still life you can see the characteristic yellow labels on the bottles. The captions for the pictures are appropriate, sometimes even with almost no grammatical errors: “This is not a boyfriend, this is my butler (butler)”, “I miss Saint-Tropez” and “Bentley” on a snowy road.”

Habit of envy

Negativity, naturally, pours in on such ostentatious demarches as from But the heirs of large capitals are not only accustomed to this state of affairs - it even flatters them. Girls and boys rocking up at private parties, celebrating birthdays with multi-million dollar investments in pop and rock stars on distant islands with favorable climate, also have some kind of vision for a different future, different from today’s.

Some people dream of launching a reality show, others - a line of designer clothes. In the meantime, there are pictures from gourmet restaurants, and they are taken as cheerfully as selfies with friends at McDonald's, and black caviar does not make them any closer to art. The envy of others is the engine Have a good mood. Some peers are indignant at the ostentatious luxury, others would like to live the same way, but it is unlikely that they will be able to do this without a daddy with billions. And there are only twenty “daddies” in Russia. And a “beautiful” life is expected only in forty-seven of their offspring.

According to teachers

Most often, as children of rich parents are called, they study at MGIMO, like their parents. The most chosen profession is management. Methodologists from the Ministry of Education collected contextual information to assess the cultural capital of first-graders.

One of the main criteria is the number of books in the family library. It turns out that schools with elevated status teach children who benefit from the richest book collections. Children of wealthy parents in Moscow, if they do not prefer institutions in London and Paris, study in Moscow gymnasiums and lyceums. The rest are in regular secondary schools.


The second criterion is the education of the parents. In such schools, mothers of students have more than seventy percent higher education. Fathers are much more likely to work in more prestigious places and in leadership positions. In regular schools the situation is completely different. But for some reason it turns out that about seventy percent of rich families almost completely lose their wealth when their children begin to manage the business.

And the grandchildren squander the fortune of their grandfathers if their parents did not fully do this. And it's not even about knowledge. The younger generation, who grew up with everything ready-made, is not able to feel the responsibility that their parents felt when developing their business. They are brought up most often as party people. Rich children - poor parents, this already sounds almost an axiom.

Why is that

These children have everything, and therefore they don’t want anything, they don’t need to strain to achieve certain benefits. They had governesses and nannies, not kindergartens and nurseries. They rode in hot countries and had not heard of pioneer or sports camps. By the time they reach adolescence, they speak English better than Russian, but they do both poorly because lexicon small, and there is no experience of wide communication.

They are sick of the colossal prospects of Cambridges and Harvards, they are bored. Their adapted to modern world parents are rich, successful, correct, ambitious and educated people, trying in every way to identify the inclinations and abilities of their children, sparing no money invested in education and upbringing, as well as attention, strength and parental love.

Life lessons

Excessive manifestations of care are most often met along the way by a complete lack of goals, desires, and ability to work. Children are mostly sociable and quite intellectually developed, but passive in all manifestations. They do not have a value system, and therefore it is difficult to find motivation and direct the child towards one goal or another.

They know exactly what they don't want - to make an effort. Such children need difficulties in childhood to overcome them, to develop independence. A person acquires his best qualities along with victories over difficult life circumstances, and the “golden” children of rich parents in Russia and abroad are deprived of this. Positive life lessons, unfortunately, are much worse learned than negative ones. And too much comfort will certainly slow down development.

Problem of choice

Knowledge and skills cannot be bought, it is not ready-made computer program. Efforts are required to carry out routine work in huge volumes. There are, say, in England, expensive boarding houses for the elite, who even in everyday life lives there very ascetically, with a strict disciplinary order and the most complete training program. There crown princes they clean the toilets and cook their own porridge, which does not at all interfere with their academic success, in fact it helps. And it is in vain that not all rich Russians take this experience into account.

Their own world is almost completely closed, children leave it for a short time and under supervision - to attend a music or art school, theater, and so on. Otherwise, the life of the heirs of capital is extremely structured, despite the desire to satisfy the needs of the child, down to the most meager. They are entitled to the best: personal and best teachers in tennis and swimming, foreign languages and other activities, everything is planned down to the minute. And some children fall into this routine, becoming adults ahead of time, knowing one hundred percent what they want.

These girls can afford almost anything, and some have already plunged into their own business.

Beautiful life these girls are well off, but beautiful appearance Not all daughters of rich parents have it. We decided to find out whose favorites are growing up to be real beauties and what chic things they can afford. Many girls, of course, study and live abroad, but there are also those who went to Russian universities.

Lada Shefler

Daughter of the owner of S.P.I. Yuri Shefler's GROUP is very active image life. Lada is a designer and owns the LADA SHEFLER DESIGNS brand. She also has her own atelier. In addition, Lada is passionate about cooking and has been blogging about food for a long time.

Publication from DOPEMGZ 🎥(@elenmanasir) May 2, 2017 at 1:38 PDT

Maria Chigirinskaya

The girl is the daughter of a major investor and owner football club“Vitesse” by Alexander Chigirinsky. She is also the niece of businessman and oligarch Shalva Chigirinsky. The girl often posts photos with famous people, for example, with Robert De Niro.

Anastasia Koveshnikova

The daughter of one of the influential businessmen is a former tennis player. At one time, the girl was even among the Top 100 young tennis players in Russia. Now Anastasia is building a career as a singer; most recently she tried to break into the show “The Voice”.

This city needs new heroes...🌘 Now I’ll restore order in New York 🌪🌖 and Moscow you’re next ☄️🐾 P.S. I usually make my face simpler, I just got into the image of a superhero 😎🤣😂 #newyork#moscow#heroes#superheroes#captain#maga#maga#america#great#insta#streetstyle

A crisis? What crisis?! Look at how the children of our millionaires live, and you will doubt whether he really exists. Even if your refrigerator has been empty for a long time. In this world of sports cars, small dogs and bottles of champagne for hundreds of dollars, a “crisis” is when one of the platinum credit cards does not take place in a boutique on a tropical island.

On the social network Instagram, unknown enthusiasts created a profile “Rich Russian Kids”, where they collected photographs of “golden” offspring. A year ago, an English-language blog dedicated to the children of the elite from all over the world - from the heirs - gained great popularity Arab sheikhs to the offspring of US financial sharks. So our home page has justified itself - it already has 171 thousand subscribers.

On the way from London to a morning lecture at MGIMO, you can sleep comfortably on the plane.

The effect was so strong that the British newspaper Daily Mail republished the photos. Most of the photos are anonymous, and rare names the general public is not told anything. Serious business people Not only on Instagram, they prefer not to appear in Forbes magazine in our difficult times. But the children of the rich do not want to understand this - they prefer to live not just beautifully, but also for show.
Here is Anna Fursova, the daughter of a money bag from Rostov-on-Don, where the average salary does not exceed 30 thousand. She is in the pictures either against the backdrop of a casino in Monte Carlo or next to palm trees in Saint-Tropez.
And this is Russia - a certain boy has tied an ice cube to an expensive sports car and is riding along a high stone fence, behind which, obviously, is his parents’ mansion.
A certain young jerk under the pseudonym Danila Aleksandrovich posts selfies with famous politicians on the Internet. On his personal page, he welcomes the crisis. “Rules written on paper are even easier to change if you have enough money,” he explains.

The daughter of billionaire Ziyad MANASIR Diana CHERVICHENKO with her boyfriend Mikhail SEMENDUEV (left), the son of singer JASMINE. Together with his friend Yura, the son of the head of the Federation Foundation Vladimir KISELEV, they drink champagne at Cote d'Azur in the elite club "Twiga Monte Carlo". Photo:

And here is the environment in which another rich child is found. On the hood of a Mercedes SUV sits a “bee-bee-bee” dachshund, and next to it is a bottle of expensive Crystal champagne. The photo was taken in Miami. The bloggers captioned the photo: “Is there any other way to walk the dog?”
The author of the anonymous page does not hate the objects of his research.
“Although I try to ridicule social injustice, I have nothing against the rich and beautiful descendants of Russian oligarchs,” the author said in his profile.
Well, those we see in the pictures are not some thugs from the “golden youth”, like four scoundrels from Russia - Oleg Ivanov, 22 years old, Norayr Davtyan, 22 years old, Armen Simonyan, 19 years old, and Grigory Melnikov , 23 years old. These scumbags raped a girl in London in August 2011, filming it all on camera. mobile phone. For the crime they received a total of 36 years in prison. And not even the then 22-year-old idiot Ziya Babaev, the son of a construction magnate, who in 2009 hit a German pensioner in Switzerland with his Lamborghini. The guy was then kicked out of Russian university, he received a suspended sentence. Today's “social exhibitionists” are completely law-abiding guys. Well, they like to show off, big deal! Youth plays in the ass. But the vast majority of people in Russia perceive this behavior as a slap in the face.

“I’m 56 years old,” Svetlana Kuzicheva from Volgograd writes on one of the thematic forums. “I worked all my life as an engineer at a chemical plant, and my health was damaged. I've only been abroad twice - in Egypt and Turkey. And God knows, I never envied the nouveau riche. But it pains me that the brainless children of the elite brag about spending hundreds of dollars on alcohol per evening, when the medicine I need at the pharmacy has doubled in price.”
Olga Kryshtanovskaya, head of the sector for the study of elites at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as we see, in our country there is an urgent need to study those who have latched on to the gravy train), states that the children of the elite “sink to the bottom much faster than their ordinary peers.” “They have more access to drugs and expensive cars, which they can smash without regret, because dad will buy a new one. Wise Bill Gates doesn’t give his children a lot of money,” says the learned lady.
But just recently, sociologists predicted the dawn of a new century: they say that the children of the swindlers of the 90s will receive an excellent education, become true patriots, return the capital stolen by their parents to Russia and it will become a comfortable place for life for all segments of society. No matter how it is! By their behavior, the offspring of the rich only emphasize how far they are from the problems of the country and how little they care about the life of the “rabble.”
- Is not " sweet life“, wrote one of the residents of Russia, having read the content of Rich Russian Kids. - This is already “sweet tin”!

It's always interesting how life turns out for the heirs of the richest people in our country...

Arkady Abramovich

Roman Abramovich is perhaps the most famous Russian oligarch, and also father of many children. He has seven children: 26-year-old Anna, 24-year-old Arkady, 23-year-old Sophia, 17-year-old Arina and 15-year-old Ilya from ex-wife Irina, as well as 8-year-old Aaron Alexander and 4-year-old Leya from ex-girlfriend (broke up in August 2017), gallery owner Daria Zhukova.

It is too early to talk about the minor children of the ex-governor of Chukotka, but there is some information about the older ones.

The main heir to the oligarch's fortune, Arkady, began to manage his father's assets at a fairly early age. at a young age. Since the age of 19, he has been the owner of the investment company ARACapitalLimited, ZoltavResourcesInc., named after the initials of Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich. Eyewitnesses claim that Arkady is no worse at running a business than his mentor. He is known to close large deals, and his income level is growing every year. According to Forbes magazine, in April 2015, Arkady owned 39.62% of Zoltav shares; the company’s capitalization at that time was more than $98 million.

By the way, Arkady, like his father, is a football fan. He and Roman Arkadyevich often appear at Chelsea matches.

Anna Abramovich

The eldest of Roman Abramovich's children did not follow in her father's footsteps. She is better known as socialite. You can meet her at the most pretentious parties, and surrounded by different men(she herself says that these are just friends). The girl does not have a permanent boyfriend. Perhaps that is why she was recognized as the most enviable bride Russia.

Sofia Abramovich

The third oldest child of Roman Abramovich is 23-year-old Sophia. Previously, she was an active user of the social network Instagram, and it was from there that one could find out something about her, however, now the account of the oligarch’s heiress is closed. Judging by the photographs that Sophia has published before, her main passion is horses. She goes in for equestrian sports and even participates in competitions. She records her successes on video and, of course, posts them online. There are no parties, luxurious life with yachts and mansions in her photographs. But there were touching rare photographs of young Roman Arkadyevich.

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili

Russian-Israeli billionaire entrepreneur Mikhail Mirilashvili has a daughter and a son. Little is known about the first. Her name is Tamara, she studied in St. Petersburg, then moved to Israel to study as a fashion designer, and in 2000 she got married. But Mirilashvili’s second child, 30-year-old Vyacheslav, became famous throughout the country.

After graduating from Tufts University in the USA, he, together with his classmate Pavel Durov, founded the most popular Russian social network"In contact with". Moreover, to do this, he borrowed 30 thousand dollars from his father and was right - in 2013, Vyacheslav sold his 40% stake in the social network for $700 million. Mirilashvili Jr. also owns the assets of the First Popular Television company and is a co-owner of the hosting provider Selectel. In 2013 he was recognized as the youngest dollar billionaire in Russia.

Anastasia Potanina

Vladimir and Anastasia Potanin

The president of the investment company Interros, Vladimir Potanin, has four children: 34-year-old Anastasia, 29-year-old Ivan and 18-year-old Vasily from his first wife, and 5-year-old Varvara from his second. But all of them are not heirs to his fortune. In 2010, he announced that he would transfer his capital to charity. By the way, this is exactly the principle that Bill Gates follows.

The eldest daughter of a businessman, Anastasia, is currently a development manager ski resort in Sochi "Rosa Khutor", whose assets belong to Interros. But many people also know her as a four-time champion of Russia among women in aquabike. First gold medal she won at the age of 23, however, she left the sport back in 2007, according to rumors, due to an injury.

Ivan Potanin

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti

Ivan Potanin, having studied at MGIMO, first worked in his father’s company, but then took up own business: became the founder of the men's Internet portal True, the site did not become popular. But for Ivan, like his sister, everything has grown together with aquabikes. He is a repeated champion of our country in this sport.

Kira Plastinina

Anna Anisimova

The owner of Coalco and co-owner of Gazmetall Vasily Anisimov has five children. The most famous (and not only in Russia) among them was his third daughter from his first marriage, 32-year-old Anna. Since 1991, she has lived in New York and, being married to American producer Peter Schafer, tries her hand at acting career. So far she doesn’t have many roles to her name - after giving birth to a daughter in the spring of 2014, Anna left her film career for several years, devoting all her time to her baby. But in 2017 she returned to work and played main role in the drama “Elizabeth’s Sadness,” and two more films with her participation will be released this year. Anisimova (by the way, in America, the emphasis on her last name is placed on the penultimate syllable and is called the “Russian Paris Hilton”) is known as a former top model and socialite.

By the way, Anna was recently included in the list of beauties of the entertainment portal TrendChaser: in addition to youth and beauty, the young ladies included in the rating had to have one more criterion - a billion dollars in their accounts. Anna met all the parameters - the portal estimated her personal fortune at 2 billion.

Evgeny Lebedev

Evgeny Lebedev with Alena Doletskaya and Igor Chapurin

At the moment, entrepreneur Alexander Lebedev is married to famous model Elena Perminova, with whom he has three children: 8-year-old Nikita, 6-year-old Egor and 4-year-old Arina. However, from his first wife Natalya, the daughter of Soviet academician Vladimir Solovyov, he has an eldest son, 38-year-old Evgeniy.

Evgeniy spent most of his life abroad - he was 8 when his father got a job at the Soviet embassy in London and the family moved to England. Now he helps his father manage his companies: the British newspapers Independent and Evening Standard, the latter, under his leadership, became the first freely distributed large-circulation newspaper in Britain. Evgeniy also has his own business projects: he is involved in restaurant business in London, owns the boutique hotel Palazzo Terra Nova in Umbria and is a co-sponsor of the Moscow Art Theater. In addition, Lebedev Jr. is actively involved in charity: in 2006, he founded the Raisa Gorbacheva Foundation, which helps children with oncological diseases. Not married. He met with actress Geri Halliwell, and there were rumors about his affair with Gillian Anderson.
