Gradation of scientific degrees. Academic title

Government Decree Russian Federation dated October 24, 1994, the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees to scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers and assigning academic titles to scientific workers were approved.

In Russia the system is this moment mixed: partially applicable new system with the graduation of bachelors (4 years) and masters (6 years), partly old with the graduation of certified specialists (5 years). The German-style system inherited from the Soviet Union is used, in which there are two degrees:



Currently, the academic degree of both candidate and doctor of sciences is awarded by the dissertation council. However, if to obtain a Candidate of Sciences diploma a positive decision of the council is sufficient, then to obtain a Doctor of Sciences diploma it is also necessary to have a positive conclusion of an expert council in the relevant field by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Persons to whom academic degrees were awarded in violation of the established procedure may be deprived of these degrees by the Higher Attestation Commission, as a rule, on the basis of petitions from dissertation councils, at whose meeting the dissertation defense took place.

To obtain a candidate or doctorate degree, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that in this case the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously obtained (sequentially) higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Science being sought is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical, veterinary and legal sciences, which are possible only if the applicant has a higher medical, veterinary or legal education, respectively. In fact, in practice, cases of receiving more than high degree in a branch of science and specialty unrelated to the existing one: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, of technical and physical and mathematical sciences, etc.

Until the end of 2013, in the Russian Federation, the academic titles of associate professor in the department and professor in the department in higher educational institutions, associate professor in the specialty and professor in the specialty in research institutions were awarded. The academic titles of associate professor and professor in a specialty were also awarded to persons holding positions as research assistants in higher educational institutions (that is, those engaged mainly in scientific, rather than scientific and pedagogical activities). Academic title Associate professor is assigned, as a rule, to candidates of science, and the academic title of professor is usually awarded to doctors of science.

Since December 2013, the academic titles of professor and associate professor have been introduced without indicating “by department” or “by specialty”; previously existing titles are equated to them. At the same time, the procedure for obtaining academic titles is becoming more complicated. Yes, one of mandatory conditions to be awarded the academic title of professor is now required to have been present for no less than three years academic title of associate professor. Previously, the academic title of professor could be assigned to persons who previously did not have an academic title at all.

Academic titles both in the department and in the specialty were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, based on the conclusion of the Higher Attestation Commission. The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Until 2006, in the Russian Federation (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and qualification requirements Applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

The academic titles of associate professor and professor (as well as senior researcher and others listed below) should not be confused with positions in universities and research institutes that have similar names. As a rule, an academic title is awarded after a certain time of work in the corresponding position (if a number of other necessary conditions are met), however, the title is assigned for life and is retained by its holder even when changing position, place of work, or after retirement. For example, a teacher who has the academic title of associate professor can hold the position of professor, a professor by title can work as a dean or senior researcher, etc.

The presence of an academic title (as well as an academic degree) gives the right to a bonus determined by law official salaries(rates) for employees of a number of federal law enforcement agencies and for contract military personnel (10% for the title of associate professor, 25% for the title of professor), for employees of the prosecutor's office (5% and 10%, respectively).

By virtue of historical features development of science and education system in different countries The concepts of “academic title” and “academic degree” are defined differently, hence the understanding of their place and role in science and education can differ significantly. The widespread development of international education and scientific cooperation makes us look for general points and develop at least an approximate scale for comparing these concepts. In our material today, we consider the main differences between the Russian and Western systems of academic degrees and titles.

Academic degree: award

Academic degrees in many countries– this is the qualification of a researcher, which reflects the achieved scientific level.

In universities in Western countries there is the following system of academic and scientific degrees:

  • Academic degrees or qualifications– these are bachelor and master (in some countries a master is considered as an academic degree).
    • According to the rules adopted in the countries of the Bologna Process, a bachelor's degree is considered an academic degree indicating higher education. Sometimes defined as a qualification in a particular specialty.
    • A master's degree is an academic degree following a bachelor's degree, aimed at deepening the specialization of higher professional education.
  • Academic degree (one single): Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). What is meant here is not philosophy itself, but science in general. All listed degrees are awarded by universities and scientific institutions.

In Russia today there is two specialist training systems with academic degrees and qualifications.

  • The first consists of training bachelors (4 years of study) and masters (6 years of study). Bachelors and masters were initially considered in our country as graduates of higher professional educational institutions. Moreover, a bachelor's degree corresponded to higher education of the first level, which was lower than a master's degree and the qualifications of a certified specialist.
  • The second system has been producing certified specialists with a 5-year training period since Soviet times.

There are also two academic degrees in Russia: Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences. An academic degree is awarded on the basis of the defense of a candidate or doctoral dissertation by the Academic Councils of universities and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in a specific scientific specialty, reflected in the code and name of the field of knowledge. For example, a candidate of historical sciences or a doctor biological sciences.

Academic title: assign

Academic title– this is the qualification level of scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees, reflecting various levels and volumes of academic and scientific-pedagogical work. Holders of an academic title can not only conduct individual scientific research and train students, but also organize these processes at a high qualification level.

In Russia, there are officially two academic titles: associate professor and professor. In this case, the academic title should be distinguished from the position. For example, Associate Professor is an academic title or position? It’s both at the same time: there is the title of associate professor, and there is the position of associate professor. Ideally, they should coincide, that is, the position of associate professor is intended for a scientist who has the title of associate professor. But sometimes the position of associate professor can be occupied by a person who does not have this scientific title.

Who confers the academic title?

Academic titles are awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science upon proposal educational organizations higher education.

Academic title of associate professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who holds the position of associate professor, whose teaching experience is at least 3 years, and the number of published scientific works is at least 20.

Academic title of professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who holds the position of professor, head of department, dean of the faculty and has the rank of associate professor. The teaching experience of a candidate for professor must be at least 10 years, and the number of published scientific works- at least 50.

As a rule, the title of associate professor corresponds to the academic degree of a candidate of sciences, and the title of professor corresponds to a doctor of sciences. In the field of art, physical culture and sports, the scientific titles of professor and associate professor are also awarded, but according to other approved criteria. To be awarded them, it is not necessary to have an academic degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences.

Awarded scientific titles are of an indefinite “lifetime” nature. At the same time, persons holding scientific titles may be deprived of them in case of non-compliance or violation of the requirements of the Regulations on the conferment of scientific titles.

Abroad, scientific titles coincide with positions held. If an employee receives the position of professor, then from that moment he is called a professor until he holds this position. A number of leading universities have a lifetime title of professor along with an assigned position. Thus, the work of a scientist in the West is paid according to his position, but no money is paid for his title.

Honorary titles and degrees

In addition to official academic degrees and titles in the scientific world, there are also honorary titles and degrees. For example, title Honorary Member Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation worn by the famous designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences (according to the totality of discoveries and inventions) M.T. Kalashnikov. Approved in 2015 honorary academic title "Professor" Russian Academy Sciences (RAS)", which is awarded for merits in scientific activity.

IN Western countries awarded for great services to science and culture Honorary doctorate (honoris causa), which translated means “for the sake of honor,” that is, without defending a dissertation. Usually, we're talking about about people who, as a result of their social and practical activities, contributed huge contribution in the development of society, scientific thought and culture.

Despite all the differences in academic degrees and titles, international practice has shown that there are real opportunities for practical comparison of qualification systems of different countries in science and education. This issue is partially resolved international treaties and agreements, partially the accession of countries to the Bologna process. For example, the scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of science are equated to Ph.D., and the scientific titles of associate professor and professor are equal to the Western title of professor in each specific case, depending on the field of knowledge (humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences).


1. ACADEMIC DEGREES……………………………………………………..2

2. ACADEMIC RANKS……………………………………………………….....7


4. WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACADEMIC DEGREE……………………………………………………….9


7. HONORABLE DEGREE……………………………………………………12

8. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………….12

9. LIST OF REFERENCES……………………..…13


Academic degrees and titles are a qualification system in science and higher education that allows ranking scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees at individual stages of their academic career. Currently, in the Russian Federation, academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are awarded and the academic titles of associate professor and professor are awarded (by department, by specialty). The academic title of associate professor is assigned, as a rule, to candidates of science, and the academic title of professor is assigned, as a rule, to doctors of science.

  1. Academic degrees

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

In the USA, Great Britain and a number of other European countries that have joined the Bologna process, the nomenclature of academic degrees is being harmonized, suggesting the establishment of uniform requirements for three degrees in each field of knowledge:

    bachelor or licentiate

Bachelor (from the Latin baccalarius - “young man”, in turn from the Latin bacca lariu - fruit of the laureate) is an academic degree or qualification awarded to students after mastering the basic training program. It first appeared in medieval universities in Western Europe. In Russia, this level of training was introduced in 1993. The standard duration of the bachelor's training program (for full-time study) is 4 years. The qualification is awarded based on the results of the defense of the final work at a meeting of the State Certification Commission and gives the right to admission to the master's program. After December 31, 2010, bachelor's and master's qualifications will become the main qualifications for applicants to Russian universities.

    master's degree

Master (from Latin magister - mentor, teacher, leader) is the highest academic degree, qualification (in some countries - an initial academic degree) acquired by a student after completing a master's degree (mastering a special training program). Master's degree is a stage of higher professional education, following the bachelor's degree, which allows you to deepen specialization in a certain professional area. In 1993, the term “master” returned as a qualification for graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education. The position of master's programs in the modern Russian education system is dual. On the one hand, this is a system of advanced training for bachelors and specialists, on the other hand, the “master” qualification is equal to the qualifications of university graduates. The standard duration of the master's program (for full-time study) is 2 years. However, the student must first complete a bachelor's (4 years) or specialist (5 years) training program. The qualification is awarded based on the results of defending a master's thesis at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission and gives the right to enroll in graduate school. After December 31, 2010, bachelor's and master's qualifications will become the main qualifications for applicants to Russian universities.

    Doctor of Philosophy (here philosophy means science in general, and not philosophy itself; in parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Law, Medicine, Theology, etc.)

Doctor of Philosophy (lat.Philosophiæ Doctor, Ph.D., PhD, usually pronounced pee-ah-dee) is an academic degree awarded in many Western countries. The actual analogue of the academic degree “Doctor of Philosophy” in the Russian education system is the academic degree “Candidate of Sciences”. The qualifying work of the degree applicant is a doctoral dissertation (English Ph.D. Thesis) Despite the name, currently the degree has no practical relation to philosophy (historical only) and is awarded in almost all scientific fields, for example: Doctor of Philosophy in literature or Doctor of Philosophy in physics. This situation is associated with traditions dating back to the times of medieval universities, the standard structure of which usually included faculties of philosophy, law, theology and medicine. Therefore, in addition to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, there are a limited number of other doctoral degrees of the same rank; Doctors are awarded the degree Doctor of Medicine, lawyers - Doctor of Laws, theologians - Doctor of Divinity, and everyone else - Doctor of Philosophy.

In Russia, the system is currently mixed: partly the new system is used with the graduation of bachelors (4 years) and masters (6 years), partly the old one with the graduation of certified specialists (5 years). Instead of the highest single Western degree of doctor (philosophy, etc.), the German-style system inherited from the Soviet Union is used, in which there are two degrees:


Candidate of Sciences - first-level academic degree (doctor of science) in the USSR, the Russian Federation and a number of CIS countries. Established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1934. In Russian universities, a candidate's degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the position of assistant professor. Award procedure: in Russia, the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by the dissertation council based on the results of defending a candidate's dissertation. Then the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia decides to issue a candidate of sciences diploma.

Scientific branches:

Candidate of Architecture (Arch.)

Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Military Sciences (PhD)

Candidate geographical sciences(PhD)

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Art History (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Cultural Studies

Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Political Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate psychological sciences(Ph.D. in Psychology)

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Sociological Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD)

Candidate philosophical sciences(PhD in Philosophy)

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D. in Law)


Doctor of Sciences is an academic degree of the second, highest level (after Candidate of Sciences) in the USSR, Russia, a number of CIS countries and in some former socialist countries. In Russian universities, a doctoral degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the position of professor.

Scientific branches:

Depending on the specialty in which the doctoral dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the following academic degrees:

Doctor of Architecture (Doctor of Arch.)

Doctor of Biological Sciences (Doctor of Biological Sciences)

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (Doctor of Veterinary Sciences)

Doctor of Military Sciences (Doctor of Military Sciences)

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (Doctor of Geographical Sciences)

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)

Doctor of Art History (D.C.)

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Doctor of Historical Sciences)

Doctor of Cultural Studies

Doctor of Medical Sciences (MD)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences)

Doctor of Political Science (Doctor of Political Science)

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (Doctor of Psychology)

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)

Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Doctor of Social Sciences)

Doctor of Technical Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences)

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics)

Doctor of Philological Sciences (Doctor of Philological Sciences)

Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)

Doctor of Chemical Sciences (Doctor of Chemical Sciences)

Doctor of Economic Sciences (Doctor of Economics)

Doctor of Law (Doctor of Legal Sciences)

In this case, the degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by the dissertation council and approved (a decision is made to issue a diploma of Candidate of Sciences) by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is awarded by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission based on the petition of the dissertation council.

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council. Academic degrees appeared in the USSR in 1934 (introduced by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On Academic Degrees and Titles” dated January 13, 1934, which actually restored the academic degrees that previously existed in pre-revolutionary Russia). The largest number of candidates and doctors of science are in technical, medical, physical and mathematical sciences.

The analogue of the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., pronounced “pee-ah-dee”; not to be confused with Doctor of Philosophy) and numerous (but more rarely awarded) degrees equivalent to it. An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system of academic degrees is the degree Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - a habilitation doctor.

Academic degrees

Academic degrees awarded in various countries, vary significantly in title, qualification requirements, award and/or approval process.

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously received (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical and veterinary sciences, which are possible only if you have applicant for higher medical (veterinary) education. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining a higher degree in a branch of science and a specialty unrelated to the existing one are recognized as quite acceptable and are not in any way limited by the Higher Attestation Commission: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, of technical and physical sciences. mathematical sciences, etc.

In parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Law, Theology, etc., awarded by an accredited institution of higher education. Doctor of Laws (DL), Doctor of Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc. degrees are in many countries considered to constitute a professional rather than an academic/research doctorate, i.e. the degree holder is expected to be engaged in a general occupation , practical activity, not science. Obtaining such degrees also does not require completing independent scientific research, so a professional doctorate is not usually considered an advanced degree. Whether a degree is classified as a professional or research doctorate varies by country and even by university; Thus, in the USA and Canada the degree of Doctor of Medicine is professional, and in Great Britain, Ireland and many countries British Commonwealth- research. A number of UK universities (including Oxford and Cambridge) even include the Doctor of Medicine degree as a higher doctorate (roughly equivalent to the Doctor of Science in Russia), which requires a significant contribution to medical science.

Academic titles

In Russia, academic titles are currently divided into the titles of associate professor (or professor) by specialty And by department. Since 2011, academic titles both in the department and in the specialty are awarded by orders of the Minister of Education and Science on the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission. The qualification requirements for applicants for academic titles in the department and in the specialty are somewhat different, for example, to apply for the academic title of professor in the department, you must be the author (co-author) of textbooks or teaching aids, which is not required for the title of professor in the specialty. But a professor in his specialty needs larger number persons who defended candidate dissertations under his supervision: for a professor in the department - as a rule, no less than two, for a professor in the specialty - as a rule, no less than five.

In addition, the requirements differ within each category (professor in the department, associate professor in the department, professor in the specialty, associate professor in the specialty). Thus, it is allowed to assign the academic title of professor in the department to persons who have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, and associate professor to persons who do not have an academic degree, but the requirements for them are much stricter than for applicants who have the academic degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, respectively. Special requirements are imposed on applicants for academic titles who are workers of culture and art and have relevant honorary titles ( National artist, Honored Artist, etc.), as well as physical education and sports workers who have the title of Honored Trainer. In addition, it is allowed to assign the academic title of professor in the department to major specialists who have received international or Russian recognition in the relevant field of knowledge.

According to the current system in Russia and Belarus, to obtain the academic title of professor it is not necessary to have the academic title of associate professor.

Previous academic degrees and titles

The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and the qualification requirements for applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

Until the 1950s in the USSR there was the academic title of “senior laboratory assistant”.

Before the revolution, in the scientific and educational system of Russia there were academic degrees of full student, candidate (more precisely, candidate of the university), master's and doctor, academic titles of adjunct, privat-docent, associate professor, associate professor, extraordinary professor, ordinary professor, emeritus professor. This entire hierarchy was abolished in its entirety in 1918 (although some of the listed degrees and titles were abolished back in the 19th century). Academic degrees in Russian Empire gave the right to receive ranks of a certain class (see Table of Ranks).

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia do not refer to academic degrees, but to qualifications (degrees) of graduates educational institutions higher professional education.

Nomenclature of academic degrees

Depending on the specialty in which the dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the academic degrees.

Honorary degree

An honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and who have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching and give lectures at the best universities in many countries around the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine.

An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

Non-governmental organizations

Religious organizations can award candidate (doctor) degrees in theological sciences (or theology), award the titles of professor and associate professor, etc. Other non-governmental organizations can also award various academic degrees and titles, up to academician (see Non-state academies). However, all these degrees and titles are not legally recognized as such in Russia and do not give their holders the rights provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Contemporary discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


Related links

  • Website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Baleevskikh L.S., Muranov A.I. Domestic history of normative regulation of nomenclatures of specialties of scientific workers in relation to jurisprudence // Jurisprudence. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 243-259.

Modern science is multifaceted, and the scientists involved in it have a variety of titles. They depend both on research merits and on the country of residence. In Russia and many countries post-Soviet space The scientific title "Assistant Professor" was retained. This is the equivalent of an American assistant professor or lecturer.

History and modernity in the naming of scientific workers

The term "associate professor" is a form Latin word, translated it means “train” or “teach”, which, of course, applies to modern workers high school. In Russian universities, this position appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a step between a master and a professor.

Until the 30s of the last century, this position and title remained unchanged. After education reforms, this name was abolished, and research fellows. However, over time, the need arose to functionally distinguish between employees of institutes engaged exclusively in science and those who combined research activities with teaching students.

In modern Russian university An associate professor is an employee engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, who necessarily has certain achievements in his field of knowledge. Most often, a candidate or even a doctor of sciences. In addition, there are certain requirements for teaching work and public responsibilities.

Professor and associate professor: similarities and differences

Both professor and associate professor are employees of universities and other institutions of higher education engaged in research, scientific, teaching and administrative activities. However, there are significant differences among the employees who occupy these positions.

Professors are scientists engaged primarily in research activities, with considerable practical experience and a huge store of knowledge. Most often they are doctors of any sciences, or candidates, but with published monographs. These are recognized figures in their field of research who have earned a certain trust of the scientific community.

Professors teach very little pedagogical activity, usually only in the field of their scientific interests. Their main work is aimed at training graduate students and research on their topic. Professors usually occupy leading administrative positions in universities.

Regardless of whether an associate professor is a position or an academic degree, his position in the conventional hierarchy of the university is somewhat lower. Most often this is a candidate of certain sciences who has practical experience and teaching disciplines of his specialty.

Postgraduate graduates who successfully defend their dissertation are awarded the title of Candidate of Science. If they have at least three years of teaching experience and a solid baggage of scientific publications, they can immediately apply for the position of associate professor.

How to become an assistant professor after changes in Russian legislation in 2013

Modern Russian science It is moving further and further away from its Soviet roots. The nomenclature of scientific specialties is changing. The procedure for awarding the title of “Assistant Professor” has also changed. Previously, it was enough to work for a certain period of time at the department. Now you need to put in a little more effort.

In 2013, new rules for awarding academic titles and degrees were adopted. From now on, the position of “associate professor in the department” is abolished. Only the scientific specialty remains, and the candidate is considered directly by the Ministry of Education and Science, with the involvement of experts from various fields.

Now, in order to receive the scientific title of associate professor, you must:

  • be a candidate of science;
  • have at least three years of teaching experience in a scientific specialty;
  • have scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, published lecture courses;
  • engage not only in pedagogical, but also scientific activities, supervise final qualifying works, work on a dissertation;
  • give lectures and conduct practical classes at a high professional level.

However, the question of whether an assistant professor is a position or an academic degree remains open. Universities retained the nomenclature of employees with the corresponding entry. Now this position is assigned not by department, but by educational institution generally. Most often, employees who already have an associate professor degree and a defended candidate's dissertation are elected to this position.

Qualification requirements for the position of assistant professor

Most graduate students want to defend their thesis and subsequently receive the title and position of associate professor. A scientific achievement is considered inalienable, and even if a candidate of science ceases to engage in science, the assigned title remains forever.

The position of “Assistant Professor” is another matter. This is work most often associated with teaching certain disciplines, conducting seminars and practical classes, supervising coursework and theses. IN employment contract The duties and rights of the assistant professor must be clearly stated.

Qualification requirements:

  • defended candidate's dissertation;
  • active participation in scientific life university;
  • delivering lectures and conducting seminars at a high level.

Assistant Professor Career

Most modern scientists are clearly focused on career. This is facilitated by the grant system of remuneration and great opportunities for especially talented representatives of science.

There are three career paths for a young scientist:

  1. Grow in your scientific field, write and defend your doctoral dissertation, become a professor. Subsequently, open a personal scientific school.
  2. Develop professionally as a teacher.
  3. Engage in administrative activities with the prospect of leading a department, faculty, or university.

Any option has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the prospect of further movement, you should focus only on the characteristics of the individual.

Foreign analogues of the title of associate professor

This division into candidates and doctors of science, as well as associate professors and professors, is practiced only in Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp.

In the majority European countries and in the USA there is no such intermediate step. Young scientists defend scientific work and immediately receive the title of Doctor of Science. After this, they can apply for the position of professor. The equivalent of an associate professor is the American "assistant professor" or the European "lecturer".
