How to learn fighting techniques. Secrets of effective self-defense

It is known that human life is unpredictable, and sometimes it is difficult to imagine what can happen. Therefore, you need to learn a lot so that if anything happens, you will face difficulties with dignity. But we intuitively develop some skills and knowledge, while others we need to learn ourselves. The ability to fight falls into the latter category. From childhood, parents instill in them that fighting is bad. You believe it. However, someday there may come a critical moment when you realize that it was worth learning how to fight...

But don't talk about sad things. But you should be prepared for anything. And don’t rule out the possibility that you will need the ability to fight at some point. That is why, until that very moment, it is worth thinking about learning some kind of martial art.

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    How to learn to fight at home

    People whose parents have been since childhood or adolescence brought to the fighting section, of course I was lucky. Now there are many different sports schools for boxing, karate and other types of martial arts. However, what if throughout your life you only went to chess? In this case, you can try to learn on your own. After all, learning to fight at home is quite possible. You will need to follow a couple of traditional steps:

    1. 1. Find the desire to practice. It may seem to you that there is nothing difficult in this, but only the presence of desire, which is to learn something, gives one third of success. It is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to fight if you doubt the need for it. Therefore, one should “nourish” the desire with all kinds of arguments and reasons.
    2. 2. Make an effort. It is not realistic to learn at least something without making an effort. So it is with martial arts training. IN in this case your “horses” will be theory and practice. The theory implies finding necessary information about different techniques and techniques, and practice is about honing and mastering these techniques and techniques. You can implement the practical part in several places: on the sports ground, in the gym, in the garage, in front of the mirror. A T-shirt stuffed with a blanket, a pillow, a wall, etc. can be used as an opponent. You will learn about the theory a little later.
    3. 3. Before starting training, it is worth find a teacher, who will be able to teach you both theory and practice. It’s better if there are a couple of teachers - different points vision and extra knowledge will not hurt. A teacher can be all kinds of literature, the Internet, a friend, brother, dad. And don’t forget that the toughest and worst option is if the teacher is a critical situation or “street”. Try to avoid this kind of “science”.

    How to learn to fight well

    Let's say you already know how to fight, but want to learn something more. There is nothing impossible about this, and your desire only testifies to your desire for the best and character.

    • To fight well, you need to master correct technique fight, and not just wave your arms. Naturally, it is better to study in specialized sections, where professionals will tell you what, how and why to do.
    • Also practice more. And do this not only with a pillow, but also with a real partner. As a sparring partner, you can ask anyone who can give an answer to speak. And, of course, it’s good if your partner knows something about the fight.
    • Also remember general physical fitness. Because to fight well, you need to have strength and good control of your body.

    Before learning martial arts, you should think carefully about motivation. The more meaning you find in what you do, the more effort you put in, and the better the result will be.

    How to fight on the street

    At the beginning of the article, you already read that life is unpredictable, and the ability to stand up for yourself can come in handy at any moment. Standing up for yourself means getting into a street fight, which has its own characteristics. Naturally, you can only learn street fighting on the street, but it is better to be mentally prepared:

    • If you were forced to fight on the street, then you need to remember why exactly you had to get involved in a fight. If the motivation is to save life, then it will motivate you to action and give you a lot of strength.
    • Everyone knows that street fights differ from fights in the ring in their cruelty. If you realize that you are in such a situation, then forget about the rules of a fair fight.
    • Also, do not rely only on your own strength - use everything that is at hand: a brick, a strong stick, etc.
    • And most importantly, if you want to learn how to fight well, you need to understand that the real art is avoiding a fight. And if you consider the number of inadequate people, in simple words“scumbags”, use this skill to the maximum. Especially if you don’t understand what he wants and how he might behave. You normal person, and you still have your life ahead of you, and a street fight can lead to different outcomes.

    How not to be afraid of a fight

    It is also worth discussing the state of fear. After all, people who are afraid of fighting as such are often afraid to learn to fight. In this case, remember your motivation and also that you are confident in your abilities.

    Now you will learn how to learn to fight well if you are scared, and also how not to be afraid of a fight.

    • You need to understand that your life and the lives of your loved ones may depend on your ability to fight. Fear means you might lose. By entering a fight, you protect your life, dignity, honor and future.
    • Many people are afraid to fight because they don't want to feel physical pain. Believe me, this pain will pass quickly, but the moral pain will accompany you, if not all your life, then much longer.
    • Some people avoid fights for fear of losing. In this case, Eastern philosophy will help, which says that the main victory is victory over oneself. Believe me, it’s better to lose than to be known as a weak-willed coward. Sometimes, by fighting and losing, you win morally and become a hero in the eyes of society.
    • Another type of fear of fighting is the thought of what others will think and say. You should stop thinking about it, if the situation cannot be resolved differently, then go ahead!

    It's hard enough to learn to fight without fear. They are also right to be afraid, the main thing is to figure out what you are afraid of and overcome this particular reason.

    How to quickly learn to fight well

    Despite the saying “Only cats breed quickly,” sometimes you need to quickly learn how to fight well. More often this happens when the opponent is known and the fight has already been scheduled. Naturally, in this case, you shouldn’t “pull the tires.” Also, don't expect to become Jackie Chan in a few days. However, you can still get some things done.

Never use force to solve problems with strangers on the street. First of all, you need to try to resolve all issues or defuse the situation with words. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to defend yourself, then it is important to understand the basic tactics of street fighting in order to avoid getting hurt and emerge victorious from the fight. Try not to get into fights, but also learn to defend yourself. Use the right martial arts techniques and tactics to defeat your opponent and feel confident in your abilities if the person is hot-tempered and does not give in to reason.


How to protect yourself

    Remember safety. It is not always possible to choose the place where a fight will start, but certain actions reduce the level of danger in self-defense. Avoid getting into fights in the middle of the street or on paved sidewalks, concrete, or areas with sharp or hard edges such as concrete steps.

    Try to aim at weak spots opponent. Strike the face, temples, throat, kidneys and solar plexus to immobilize the enemy. You can also scratch, bite, spit, grab hair and aim at the eyes. In such a situation, a person defends himself from a cruel aggressor, and does not fight according to the rules in the ring. Any means that will help you stand up for yourself are good. Press on the eyes and hit the throat area.

    • If you hit your opponent in the nose, his vision will be temporarily blurred and the person will experience pain, as a result of which you will have time to hide as far as possible.
  1. Hit the legs. Try to hit the shins, ankles, calf muscles, hips and kneecaps (if the opponent stands on straight legs). Don't aim above the knee or waist level to prevent your opponent from grabbing your leg. If you have a bat or pipe in your hands, then also hit your legs. It is much easier to run away from the aggressor and not continue the fight if he cannot move and pursue you.

    Attack your opponent from behind. Attacks from the back are more difficult to notice and dodge, and in street combat there is not an ounce of cowardice in such actions. Control everything that happens behind you, and also attack the aggressor from behind. Go around your opponent and move to the sides of him. Aim for the legs or grab the opponent's arms from behind to twist him and wait for help.

    Attack the aggressor with your head quickly and hard. Take aim top part forehead to your opponent's nose and face. A headbutt can knock out an opponent or break their facial bones. Remember to tuck your chin in and hit with the top of your forehead. Aim for the enemy's eyes, nose and mouth.

    Learn the grips. A successful grab allows you to control the situation even in the case of a stronger or faster opponent. Popular types of holds are represented in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, sambo and wrestling. If you want to finish the fight as quickly as possible, then learn how to grab, throw or choke your opponent. Positional control is extremely important when transitioning to a ground confrontation.

How to avoid a fight

    Walk away from the fight . It is quite obvious that The best way winning a street fight is simply avoiding the fight itself. In most cases, the opponent will resort to a warning before displaying physical aggression. Try to come to an agreement and not get into a fight. In the event of a disagreement, remain calm and take a firm but conciliatory position. You should remain neutral and not engage in confrontation. Try to apologize to your opponent and explain that there was a misunderstanding.

    When and how to run away. If the enemy is superior to you in strength or numbers, or you do not want to get into a fight, then at the first opportunity try to run away to a crowded place in a well-lit area. If you escape in the middle of a skirmish, try to prevent your opponent from catching up with you and block the path with obstacles.

    • Try to let the aggressor go trash can, car, bus or other obstacles.
    • Run away through tight spaces - between cars, along narrow stairs or corridors. It will be more difficult for opponents to catch up with you if there are several of them.
    • Don't try to escape if you can't outrun the aggressor. If you get caught (especially by multiple opponents), you will lose the fight simply due to fatigue. In this situation, it is better to turn to face your opponents and prepare to defend.
  1. Make some noise. Don't be afraid to scream or call for help. Try to find representatives of law enforcement agencies - the police or security service. Screams and noise will attract unwanted attention from the aggressor, and will also distract the enemy and may contribute to panic, making him less of a threat. If the fight attracts the attention of eyewitnesses, then your opponents may refrain from violence.

    • Shout “Help, he’s attacking and wants to hit me!” or “Help, call the police!”
    • Look at a specific person and start calling for help.
    • If you attract the attention of strangers, the aggressor may change his mind and leave.
  2. Run away as soon as you incapacitate the aggressor. Call the police or notify other law enforcement agencies immediately. Provide your location, describe the location of the attack, and appearance attackers. Don't try to stay in place and defeat all opponents. Run away as soon as possible.

  3. Apologize for your actions. If a person becomes very angry while interacting with you, then it is likely that you may have provoked such a situation. Think about your actions, apologize and try to leave. Look at the situation through your opponent's eyes and try to offer a sincere apology. It is better to show sympathy and not escalate the situation, even if you do not understand the very reason for the anger.

    • For example, if the person is yelling and being aggressive, say, "I'm sorry I spilled your coffee. It's very crowded here, so I accidentally hit you. I didn't mean to. No offense?"
    • If a person is offended by your words, then say: “I didn’t want to offend you. I understand that I said something stupid. I’m very sorry. Can you forgive me?”
  4. Assess the severity of the fight. Various cases attacks may be considered hooliganism or a serious crime. If you provoke a fight and seriously injure your opponent, you may be sent to prison. In different situations, penalties for assault can range from probation to life in prison. Any fight poses a threat to health, life and well-being. Always try to avoid a street fight at all costs.

    • If you are looking for an outlet for aggression and love to fight, take a mixed martial arts class.
    • You can also practice Muay Thai and other martial arts.
  • If you are facing more than one opponent, attack the closest opponent first. If you manage to knock down one or more opponents, then try to run away from them. So, sometimes it is enough to defeat one aggressor to scare away the rest.
  • Count and remember the number of opponents so that they do not take you by surprise if they decide to split up.
  • If there is a person nearby who is better prepared for the situation, then let him solve the problem. Don't try to intervene to avoid causing more trouble. Follow reasonable commands.
  • Martial arts techniques will help you emerge victorious from a fight if you are backed into a corner. Choose a martial art through which you will learn the correct strikes, hand-to-hand combat and the struggle on earth to be able to stand up for yourself. We should not forget that even long training does not guarantee safety on the streets.


  • Do not attempt to fight while under the influence of alcohol or drugs unless your life is in danger or you are unarmed.
  • Be careful when hitting the face. It is easy to break fingers or get cuts if hit on the forehead, teeth or nose.
  • This article contains only general instructions on what to do in difficult situations and is not a substitute for actual self-defense training. If you want to learn self-defense methods, it is better to sign up for special courses. Contact the police department for a recommendation.
  • "Allowable force" is the most important aspect in self-defense. In general, the law allows actions that allow you to protect yourself in the event of an attack by an aggressor, but nothing more. Knock down your opponent and run away to contact the police as soon as possible. In a number of countries, hitting a prone opponent is considered beating, even in the context of self-defense.
  • A street fight can result in injury, death or jail time.

Not all of us can boast free time to attend training outside the home. Therefore, an article about how to understand martial arts and master them at home should benefit many, since no one is safe from ill-wishers who may suddenly attack you in a dark alley or in the entrance of your high-rise building.

Hand-to-hand combat techniques

The most popular and simplest, in terms of technique, is hand-to-hand combat. In order to master self-defense techniques, you do not need a 180-degree split or any other superpowers.

For beginners, it is enough to have fists that are ready at any moment to repel the attacks of an attacker. Traditional in everyday life is a direct blow.

Punching your opponent in the nose, jaw or eye will help you gain an advantage in a surprise fight and will give you enough time to escape from the enemy's sight.

If you have never fought before, these types of blows can seriously injure your hand. Therefore, it is more correct to hit with an open palm. This way, you have a greater chance of causing serious injury to your ill-wisher rather than to yourself.

Another popular technique is the uppercut - an upward punch to the opponent's jaw. Its advantage is that it is much more powerful than a direct blow and is capable of knocking out an enemy.

Kickboxing techniques

For those who already have sufficient fists, but believe that this is not enough to knock out an enemy when left alone with him, kickboxing comes to the rescue - boxing in which kicks are used.

His technique is quite diverse, and in order to master the desired techniques, it is better to turn to video tutorials, which are sufficiently available on

This type of martial arts is also suitable for girls. If you don't even plan on learning how to fight, kickboxing can be easy. good remedy in loss excess weight. As they say, two birds with one stone.

Karate techniques

The most complex and professional style is karate. It will take more than one day or even a week to learn its techniques.

If you decide to become Bruce Lee at home, mentally prepare for daily and intensive training.

This type of martial arts is similar to kickboxing and emphasizes life-threatening kicks.

The stages of learning occur from the bottom up in the truest sense. First, hone your skills while sitting on the floor, striking back and forth with the ball of your toes and the edge of your foot. Below is an illustration of the fundamental techniques.

  • kick to the side - eko-geri;
  • back kick - ushiro-geri;
  • hitting with the forearm from the inside out - uchi-uke.

What techniques should girls use?

All of the above styles that can be used in a street fight are not always suitable for girls.

Therefore, let us turn to what is considered prohibited in professional practice, but so necessary to protect yourself in the alley.

Knee strike to the groin

There is perhaps no more effective and simple way deprive the attacker of an advantage.

You can also hit with your knee if you are standing too close to each other and with your feet if there is a distance between you.

This method of mutilation is suitable when a situation arises in which the enemy grabs the neck and presses it against the wall. If your hands are locked with your opponent’s, then with a sharp movement you can pull him towards you, while simultaneously striking him in the groin.

Eye gouging with fingers

Suitable if you are being strangled and your hands are free to strike back at your enemy. Use your strongest fingers on both hands - thumbs. Place your palms around the enemy's head and begin to press in the eyes with all your might.

A sharp blow to the solar plexus

You can hit with either a fist or an open palm. Using this technique, you can steal extra time for yourself to get away from the attacker, since the consequence is strong pain and the difficulty of the respiratory process.

All of the above methods of struggle are permissible only when you are in real danger. They should not be used in school or for outdoor display.

Also, there is no need to behave like a special forces soldier and try to finish off your opponent. At the first opportunity, leave the scene of the accident as quickly as possible and go to safer and more crowded areas.

In this blog article, we will talk about how to learn to fight. This is a good thing, so go ahead.

Physical training

Before learning to fight, you need to gain physical fitness. There are many shells that will help you do this. If you think that physical exercise muscles become stiff and you won’t be able to move quickly, then you’re wrong. Whatever one may say, but without physical strength you won't succeed. For example, the same Bruce Lee, he seemed to be small, thin, but he was stupid - God forbid everyone. And what is it all about? Yes, because I didn’t feel sorry for myself and trained regularly. And what a speed it was! So, don’t even think about any enslavement - everything will be fine.

We need strength, and, of course, if you are small, then you also need mass. What can give us strength and mass?

  1. Powerlifting

How to learn to fight without exercise? Yes, in principle, it is possible, but only if there is no strength, then most likely you will be knocked out.

Well, let's look at these sports a little.

Powerlifting is a sport that develops strength very well, and by doing triathlon, you can gain weight without any problems. Eventing is squats with a barbell, bench press and deadlift.

Of course, powerlifting is cool, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, and not everywhere there are gyms, and in this case, kettlebells, parallel bars and a horizontal bar come to our aid.

Kettlebells are a fairly affordable piece of equipment, and if you already have one, that's a very good thing. You can practice with weights both in your apartment and on the street, but if you don’t have them, then there are two purchasing options. You can buy new weights, or you can go around the garages and ask around - maybe someone has one lying around and can buy it inexpensively. Kettlebells are great for developing strength, but gaining weight with them is problematic.

It’s the same on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, it’s quite difficult to gain weight, but nevertheless, it’s possible. Working out on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, the mass will increase slowly, but, nevertheless, there will be endurance, and strength will gradually increase. If you use weights in the form, then this is generally wonderful - guaranteed strength, and weight growth will be faster.

When playing sports, do not forget about nutrition, because without good, enhanced nutrition nothing will happen. Although no, the strength will grow, but don’t expect masses.

How to learn to fight

If you want to learn how to fight, but don't know what to do, then you have several options. You can start training at home, find a teacher, or sign up for a section. I think that finding a teacher who will teach only you is difficult and expensive, so we’ll leave the section and home training.

You can learn to fight in boxing or Thai boxing, but the rest is unlikely to suit you. Why is it unlikely to work? So you ask the question - “How to learn to fight?” Why do you need this? Most likely, so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones, in order to feel more confident. In general, roughly speaking, you are preparing for a fight on the street, and boxing is best suited for this. Even Muay Thai is not suitable like regular boxing as Muay Thai has kicks and one wrong kick and you are on the ground. It’s not for me to tell you what will happen if you fall to the ground in a street fight. Although, you can study Thai boxing, but work with your hands on the street. As for me, Muay Thai has some advantages over regular boxing, namely elbow strikes, which can cause enormous harm. Street fights often start from a short distance, and this is where elbows will come in very handy.

That is, if you don’t know how to learn to fight well, then you need to either sign up for a class or learn on your own.

How to learn to fight at home

“How to learn to fight at home” is a fairly common question, since not everyone can attend the same section, for one reason or another. Perhaps a person does not have time, perhaps money, or perhaps there are no such sections in the city or village at all.

So, how to learn to fight at home on your own? I have already spoken about physical training, and this is something that you cannot do without. If you don’t have the most basic things - parallel bars and a horizontal bar, then you can do pull-ups on the same tree, work with a bag filled with sand, and so on. I will say this - if there is a desire, then there will be no problems.

If the section has equipment and sparring partners, then difficulties may arise during training at home. First, you need to find a like-minded person who will become your sparring partner.

In general, you need a lot of equipment, but you can get by with the bare minimum. The minimum is boxing gloves and a punching bag.

How to learn to fight at home - where to start? Well, physical training - of course, and in parallel with physical training, we will learn to fight.

We need to develop and increase:

  1. Impact speed
  2. Hit accuracy
  3. Impact force
  4. Hitting technique
  5. Reaction

For impact speed, we will be helped by working with dumbbells, namely shadow boxing. We take kilogram dumbbells and do one ten-minute round in the morning and in the evening.

For accuracy of the strike we will need. You can also train your striking technique on boxing paws. If you do not plan to work on the paws with your feet, then you can take bent paws, which are ideal for practicing accuracy and speed of impact.

We develop punching force using a punching bag. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy it, then you can make it yourself.

For striking techniques we use shadowboxing, claws and makiwara. On the makiwara, as well as on the paws, you cannot work in full force, - for strength we must have a bag. When you work with a makiwara, you just have to feel the blow, and the force of the blow itself will depend on the rigidity of the makiwara. When working on the feet, you need to focus on speed and accuracy.

To develop a good reaction, it is better to use table tennis. You can also use one simple device. Take the baseball cap and turn it backwards. Then we take a tennis ball and attach an elastic band to it. The length of the elastic from the ball to the cap should be no more than the length of your arm. We tie a rubber band to the cap and hit the ball. Well, for starters, we’re trying to hit it...

In general, now you know how to learn how to fight at home, but we forgot about sparring.

During sparring, we check all of the above qualities, analyze and refine what is still “raw”. It is advisable to conduct the sparrings themselves more often, since the more often the sparrings, the less fear that only gets in the way, and the better the technique.

I would like to talk about one point, namely about closing your eyes while taking a blow. This reflex greatly interferes during a fight, since when we close our eyes, we lose control of the situation, and at that moment anything can happen. Therefore, we need to get rid of this reflex, although, most likely, this will not be useful to you on the street, since you should strike first as soon as you feel that the matter “smells like frying.”

In order to get rid of this, your partner should deliver light blows to your face, and at this time you should try to restrain the reflex. You can also use one more method. We put on glasses that fit tightly to the skin and run through the forest or through the planting, so that the branches whip in the face (not too much, of course).

How to learn to fight at home with a minimum of equipment?

Everyone has their own minimum, and therefore, you will have to work with what you have. For example, on this moment I have everything I need, but unfortunately there is no bag where I am, and so I need to look for a hall where I can sweep the pear. There really is a shortage of pears - it would be better if there were no paws. Although, I don’t want to sacrifice this shell either...

If there are no gloves, then you can sparring without gloves, but such a partner is difficult to find. Sparring without gloves is even better than sparring with gloves, but you need to do it no more than once a week, and watch your condition.

What strokes to study

If you are interested in the question - “How to learn to fight at home?”, then, of course, you want to know what blows you need to learn, because waving your arms chaotically is not an option.

First of all, you need to work on your stance. I really like the stance that is used in Muay Thai. In this stance, the fists are at the temples and the elbows protect the sides. After learning the stance, you need to work on moving.

Then you can start studying strikes, and the most important strikes are straight punches. After straight kicks, you need to study side kicks. Next you can pay attention to elbow strikes.

First, you can learn straight punches one at a time, and develop good technique, and for this use shadow boxing. Next, for example, we are working on the combination “left straight – right straight”. Then we practice these blows on the paws and the bag in parallel. Same with all blows.

After working with your sparring partner, sit down and discuss the fight. Your partner will tell you about your mistakes, and you will tell you about his, and accordingly, these mistakes need to be corrected.

Straight, side and elbow strikes are, in my opinion, the most serious strikes that can be used on the street, but there are many more strikes that should not be overlooked.

Slopes and dives

Without a good reaction, dodging and diving will be of no use, so do not forget about developing a good reaction. You can work directly on dodges and dives in pairs, or you can simply arrange fights, and sooner or later, it will all come on its own.

On the street, slopes and dives can also be very useful to you, although I repeat - as soon as it smells fried, hit. If you start an attack, then you need to finish it, and often you can’t do it with one blow, but, nevertheless, the end of the attack should indicate the end of the battle.

It may be that the opponent will attack first - anything can happen in life, and in this case dives and dodging will help us. Streets cannot have more than one slope, for obvious reasons.

For example, the enemy hits, you dodge and go on a counterattack.

Well, that’s all, now you know how to learn how to fight at home on your own. If you have questions or comments, write in the comments.

How to punch your fists

Well, now we can talk about how to fill your fists. First of all, answer yourself why you need this. In general, there is nothing wrong with this, and stuffing your fists not only strengthens your bones, but also makes them “iron.”

You can hit your fists on any hard surface. This could be a stack of newspapers on the wall, a makiwara, or a tree.

Before you start punching your fists, you need to strengthen your bones, and push-ups on your fists will help us with this. You don’t need to hit the surface with full force right away, but the force of the blow should gradually increase.

How to protect yourself in an unexpected fight on the street? Thanks to our unique techniques, even a fragile girl can defeat a pumped up muscular athlete!

How to learn to fight - the psychology of a street fight

The main thing when a conflict arises is tactics and your behavior. Let's consider a typical example - you are walking down the street at night and hear a shout: “Hey, come here!” At this stage, having chosen the wrong course of action, 90% of people come out of this situation as losers. The fact is that the injured party is divided into 2 types:

  • Optimists - when given such a proposal to approach dubious individuals, they prepare themselves that there will be no fight, people just want to talk to someone, peace be in the world, etc. They calmly approach the enemy with a smile on their face and immediately come under psychological pressure. Firstly, you carried out their command, showing their advantage over you, and secondly, seeing your pliability and not in the mood for a fight, the extortionists, if you refuse to give up money or jewelry, will move on to physical actions to give seriousness to their demands. As a result, you will be left without money and with injuries.
  • Speakers are people who believe that they can morally “crush” the enemy with a conversation and he will run away. Of course, such people exist, but firstly, they have good physical training, secondly, they participate in sparring at least once a week, and thirdly, they have trained reflexes for retaliatory strikes or have weapons. In the absence of all the above conditions, the oratorical method ends in your defeat with one blow.

What to do, you ask? When such a command is addressed to you, assess whether the object of the request is a threat to you; if so, then perceive it as a challenge and get ready for battle in 2-3 seconds. And always have a clear plan for retaliatory strikes and lines of conduct. Believe me, having clear, planned actions increases your readiness for physical confrontation. Usually, when the enemy sees your fighting spirit and confidence, he immediately retreats.

How to learn to fight and not miss the first blow

Keep a close eye on your enemy's torso and legs. As we know, a fighting stance is left leg pushed forward, and the striking hand is pulled back. If a person decides to hit you, he gets into a preparatory position, it can be different:

  • The enemy pretends that he doesn’t hear well - he stands with his left side towards you, tilts his head and puts his ear out, forcing you to answer him something. The striking hand is at this time behind, after which he calmly swings and strikes.
  • Man at conflict situation strongly gesturing with his hands in front of your face - indicates his intentions to attack you. In this case, it is recommended to strike first.
  • In the process of disagreement, they begin to push you in the chest - this is a kind of signal for a fight, either you are him, or he is you. Having pushed the enemy back, he recoils a little, chooses a good position and strikes. In this situation, do not push the enemy back, but immediately strike. As is known, best protection- this is an attack.
  • At the moment of a heated conversation, the enemy begins to walk towards you - stopping mid-step, quickly takes a preparatory stance and strikes. To protect yourself, you can use psychological technique, thereby ruining the attacker’s plan - jerk forward and stamp your foot.

How to learn to fight - basic techniques

  • If the opponent makes a direct blow to the head, press your hand to the head, protecting yourself from a side blow, use your elbow to bring the opponent’s arm towards your armpit, make a direct grab. By extending your arm, you can strike the enemy’s jaw with your elbow, or you can strike with your forearm, bending the enemy back. Next, serve to the back with your foot and hit the artery or collarbone with the other hand.
  • If the enemy grabs you by the “chest”, raise one arm up and lower your center of gravity with your elbow, hit the enemy in the middle of his arm, doing a squat. From this position, with a sideways movement of your elbow, hit the opponent in the face, grab the neck with your other hand and hit the stomach with your knee, then push away.
