When porcini mushrooms appear in the forest. How and when to pick mushrooms in the forest

Prepared mushroom picker all year round can search (and find:-)!) mushrooms in wildlife. The most fruitful season for mushrooms is, of course, autumn. The most boring time is not even winter, but the turning point from winter to early spring, but even at this time you can find something to profit from in the forest.

Mushrooms all year round - how to understand the mushroom calendar

The decisive factor for the appearance of mushrooms in the forest is not the numbers on the calendar, but weather, and not even those observed in this moment, and specifically those that were observed before. After a long winter with heavy snow or after a dry summer, mushrooms do not appear at the same time as after warm winter or wet summer. On the growth of mushrooms - both in terms of period and in terms of their quantity - the most great importance factors such as humidity and temperature. But generally speaking, those years when the amount of precipitation exceeds average norms turn out to be much more beneficial for mushrooms than dry ones.

The results of ten years of observations of mushroom seasons by experienced mushroom pickers indicate that the first morels can grow in our climate around March 13, but also around May 8. So the difference in mushroom growing season is about eight weeks!

That is, I want to say that mushroom calendar gives an approximate idea of ​​when and what to look for, but you still need to navigate to a greater extent by natural phenomena.

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Since ancient times, in Russia they collected mushrooms in the forest, prepared mushrooms for the winter, pickled them, dried them and froze them. Of course, we are scared that mushrooms accumulate harmful substances, etc. ... How much do they accumulate? They live for 10 days!

To this we can say that spiteful critics are unlikely to get to our forests, and in the city no one will pick mushrooms! So we still love mushrooms and collect them with pleasure, and we eat them no less than before. So... enjoy your FOREST mushroom hunting! Photos are yours. Below are photos of mushrooms and their description.

The very first safe (edible) mushrooms - lines and morels . These mushrooms require processing, just like pig mushrooms. They need to be soaked in cold water for 1 hour, then drain the water and boil thoroughly for 30 minutes . Then drain the water and fry or simmer with sour cream.

They appear almost immediately after the snow melts and can be collected already in April. Despite its not very presentable appearance, they have very tasty caps (the legs are a bit harsh). Strings and morels are pickled, fried, boiled in soup, and even dried.

One of the earliest mushrooms - fox. Appears in spring and early summer and grows until autumn. The chanterelle is not a very large mushroom, the size of the cap usually does not exceed 8 cm, and the consistency is dense and fleshy. A funnel-shaped cap, often convex or flat with thin edges. The lower part of the cap and stem have pronounced folds. The leg is wide at the top, narrows towards the base, 5-7 cm long, solid and dense. The flesh of the chanterelle is dense, elastic, light yellow or white, with a pleasant mushroom smell and taste.

Chanterelle is the cleanest mushroom in terms of worms. A fox is never wormy! If you see one, leave it, it's false. Real fox it will overgrow and dry out, but it will not become rotten.

Boil chanterelles for 10 minutes , then fried with sour cream and potatoes, the marinated ones are not crunchy, so I prefer to roll them into caviar. In winter, you can fry potatoes with caviar, or just for bread and tea.

Russulas appear in early June. They will go all the way late autumn, this is the most fertile mushroom. He feeds not only squirrels, hares and other animals, but also people. So we won’t be left completely without mushrooms all summer.

Russula- a fragile mushroom, but small, strong mushrooms are unique with fried potatoes! Boil the russula for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the water, chop the potatoes, onions and mushrooms and fry until beautifully crusted. Salt before stirring for the first time. First everything is fried on high fire unsalted. Then add some salt and mix. Fried potatoes In general, mix 3 times! Then it will not fall apart, and will be whole, crispy and very appetizing.

It is believed that the first layer of mushrooms occurs in the second half of June, when oiler. The first layer of mushrooms usually coincides with haymaking and heading of winter rye (third week of June). It is no coincidence that these mushrooms are called “haymakers” or “spikelets”. Grassweeds appear in small numbers and grow for a very long time. short period. Collecting “hayfields” is a real mushroom hunt.

The second layer of mushrooms appears in the first - second ten days of July. It contains most types of mushrooms, including those that are used for pickling. Svinushki, nigella, etc. (Marinade for pigs, honey mushrooms are very tasty!) The duration of mushroom growth is two to three weeks, but the yield is usually low.
Mushrooms of the second layer also grow mainly in open places, but are more often found in young coniferous-deciduous forests than mushrooms of the first layer.

The third layer of mushrooms is the longest - from the second ten days of August to October, numerous in the number of species and their yield. At this time, everything described grows edible mushrooms, with the exception of spring.

The largest mushroom harvest is often observed in September. The well-known expression: “our Russian autumn is the real spring for mushrooms” refers specifically to this month.

For lovers of “quiet” hunting, mushroom season begins in early summer and lasts until late autumn. And rarely do they return home without a “catch.” The main thing is that the summer is not dry and hot, but periodically pleases them with drizzling rains.

Mushroom picker calendar

Everything in nature is interconnected. And even mushroom picking is no exception. The bird cherry blossoms - boletus mushrooms appear. The first thunderstorms will thunder, the rye will begin to sprout in the field, and boletuses will immediately jump out. When the fragrant linden blossoms and the aroma of honey spreads, a second, more diverse wave of mushrooms will appear. But the richest mushroom season is undoubtedly the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. But when are porcini mushrooms collected?

They grow from late June to October, but if the summer is humid and warm, they can be found earlier. Folk calendar says that the first boletus mushrooms are harvested when the rye begins to sprout. And when the linden blossomed, it was time for the second collection of boletus mushrooms.

Well done mushroom

Like most other mushrooms, it has many names: boletus, belovik, zhannik, white, pechura, cow's cow. The names do not reflect the beauty of this great mushroom. Dense and strong, with a dry, roundish cap in a variety of shades - from ocher-brown to brown-red - it seems to be intended only to be admired. It is not for nothing that many lovers of “quiet” hunting collect these mushrooms to count.

White mushrooms. Where to collect them

Based on their place of growth, boletus species are divided into birch, oak, spruce and pine. For every pore White mushroom chooses his favorite place.

The first to appear in well-warmed places in early June are white birch mushrooms, along with boletus mushrooms and some other mushrooms. At this time, the grain in the field is heading, which is why people call them grain ears. In July, in the first ten days, it is time for mushroom hunting in oak forests. White oak mushrooms are friendly: they are found in whole families. Later, but also in July, white birches appear again. They are called "stubbers" because the harvest begins in the field. You need to look for such white ones in a sparse birch forest. In late July and early August, white spruce trees emerge from the ground. They are found in young plantings of fir trees, and also in places where there are a lot of birch and spruce trees. The spruce trees are followed by white pine trees, dark-headed pine trees - they are already growing before the end of the season, preferring edges or clearings with sparse ferns, overgrown with bushes and sparse pines.

So when are porcini mushrooms harvested? Collection time various mushrooms approximate. First of all, they depend on climatic conditions. Of course, warm and moderately rainy weather will allow mushrooms to appear earlier than average, while cold or too dry weather will delay the time for collecting them.

Porcini. When to collect it

With the morning dawn. It is good to pick mushrooms early in the morning, before the dew has fallen, and before the sun heats them up. Then the mushrooms are stored longer for a long time. When heated by the sun, placed in a thick layer in a basket or bucket, they begin to quickly deteriorate - they become wet and slippery, and emit an unpleasant odor. They are not suitable for recycling.

A few more tips on when to pick porcini mushrooms. Boletuses grow best in warm, steamy weather; the most suitable temperature for this is not lower than 16 and not higher than 25 degrees, when the soil is well saturated with moisture. Warm, drizzling rain promotes mushroom growth. By the way, the first mushrooms that pop up a couple of days after such rain are most often wormy, and real mushroom shoots, strong and pleasing to the eye, will appear a little later. So you need to know when porcini mushrooms are collected in order to return from a “quiet” hunt with a basket full of handsome boletus mushrooms.

Fresh, collected from the clean forest and prepared for dinner delicious mushrooms- a pleasant and healthy alternative to the already boring chicken puree and pasta with sausages. You can learn how to cook delicious mushrooms in the articles on our website, and today we’ll talk about when to pick mushrooms.

The mushroom picking season lasts from early spring and continues until the end of autumn. To find more mushrooms specific type, you need to know when you can pick one or another mushroom. Let's look at everything in order.

Mushroom picking: which ones, where and when?

  1. April and May are the time when morels appear. It is best to look for them in deciduous forests and fertile soils. If morels with a bell-shaped cap can be found in deciduous forests, then coniferous forests rich in conical morels with an elongated cap. Morels are also found in mixed forests, the caps of such mushrooms are gray or brown. Many people consider these mushrooms to be poisonous, but when cooking, the poison leaves the mushrooms (the liquid must be drained completely), and this also happens when the mushrooms are dried.
  2. Raincoats appear at the end of May. They are easy to find along roads, in gardens, meadows and pastures. It is best to take young mushrooms. In parallel with raincoats, oyster mushrooms appear (can be found on dead tree trunks, on stumps, in brushwood and on dead wood) and meadow honey fungus.
  3. At the beginning of summer, boletus (in birch groves) and boletus (in pine forests). By this moment there are also quite a lot of russula and fly mushrooms.
  4. Many people consider the porcini mushroom to be the most important mushroom. When to collect porcini mushrooms? At the end of June, you can already go looking for them in pine and oak forests and spruce forests. During this same period, it is time to collect chanterelles and boletuses near aspen and birch trees. They prefer to grow in shady forests. You can look for champignons in the clearings, and pigs in the forests.
  5. July is the month of the appearance of new milk mushrooms. You can find this mushroom in almost any forest.
  6. August is the time to collect black, yellow and aspen milk mushrooms, as well as pink and white milk mushrooms. Bright saffron milk caps can be found in spruce forests, and russula can be found in any forest.

August is the time of the most massive mushroom picking. All the mushrooms have already appeared, and therefore there are a lot of them in the forests. The closer to autumn, the fewer mushrooms there are. So, September will delight you with late russula, milkweeds, autumn honey mushrooms, and swamp birch trees. October allows you to find autumn oyster mushrooms and pine porcini mushrooms. After the first frost it's time to stop mushroom season.

Is it possible to collect spring mushrooms or should we wait for the autumn mushroom season, how to properly collect mushrooms in the forest? You can always pick mushrooms in the forest, the main thing is to understand mushrooms and know which mushroom appears at what time, so as not to confuse it with a poisonous one. Those who don’t know when to pick mushrooms should learn a simple rule: mushrooms can be picked from May to late autumn. And also remember which mushrooms grow in the forest at a certain period of time. The spring and summer months are a great time to go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

When to pick mushrooms in spring

The beginning of the mushroom pore begins in early spring when the very first spring mushrooms appear in the forest. They are eagerly awaited by those hungry for quiet hunt mushroom pickers What mushrooms appear in the forest in spring and when to collect them?

  • When to pick morel mushrooms

Morels are harvested in late April or early May. Morels grow mainly in deciduous forests, because they love fertile soil. Mushrooms are category 3, so before stewing, frying or freezing, morels must be soaked in three times the volume of water for at least 20 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.

  • When to pick mushrooms Raincoats

After morels comes the time for raincoats. You can find raincoats in clearings, meadows and even on roads. Raincoats appear immediately after rain. Fried young puffballs are very tasty. They must be used on the day of collection. In Italy they are considered the best mushrooms. In our country they are little known and are undeservedly classified in the fourth category.

  • When to pick champignon mushrooms

Champignons begin to appear in May and their mushroom season lasts until autumn. So the question of when to pick champignon mushrooms is rhetorical. For your information, champignons are good both fried and in soup, because they have a pronounced mushroom aroma. Champignons also contain special substances that destroy cholesterol plaques.

When to pick mushrooms in summer

Summer mushrooms are considered the most valuable. When the summer is rainy, even in hot weather The variety of mushrooms turns out to be so rich that they simply cannot be listed. All types of mushrooms that can be found in the forest in summer form their fruiting bodies until autumn. Many of them grow until autumn, but mushroom pickers like to collect them in the summer.

What mushrooms to pick in June

In June, it is most likely to find boletus and boletus in the forest. In addition, June is rich in russula and summer honey mushrooms. In the shady forests at the end of June there are a lot of chanterelles and boletuses. In the clearings and forest edges you can find a lot of champignons. At this time, you can also see pigweed and bitterweed in the forest. And after wandering around you can meet the king of mushrooms - the porcini mushroom.

  • When to pick boletus mushrooms

In June, you can collect boletus mushrooms in the forest, which grow mainly in birch groves. All boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms and differ slightly in nutritional quality. Boletus mushrooms are good in every way in soup, in gravy, fried, in pies. They are also tasty in marinade. It appears in the first half of summer in June, but most boletus mushrooms are collected from the second half of August until late autumn. The boletus is the closest relative of the porcini mushroom.

  • When to pick boletus mushrooms

Boletus takes second place among tubular mushrooms after white mushrooms; in terms of nutritional quality it belongs to the 2nd category; it is eaten boiled, fried, dried and pickled. It is also the fastest growing mushroom. It is one of the most common and famous edible mushrooms. This elegant mushroom cannot be confused with others; it also has no resemblance to any poisonous mushroom. Therefore, to the question of what mushrooms to pick in June, the answer is obvious - boletuses.

  • When to pick boletus mushrooms

Butterflies are collected in coniferous forests. It got its name because of the oily cap that is slippery to the touch. It is used in soups, fried, salted, pickled, in sauces and side dishes; it is rarely used for drying, but is also suitable. Butterflies are relatively early mushrooms, and they can be collected in cleared pine forests from the first days of June. This period lasts no more than two weeks. Then the boletus disappears and appears again somewhere in the second half of July, and grows en masse from mid-August and the first half of September.

  • When to pick mushrooms White mushroom

Beginning at the end of June, the porcini mushroom appears. The porcini mushroom grows in both deciduous forests and coniferous forests; it prefers to be friends with spruce, pine, oak and birch. It is fried and boiled fresh in soups, stewed in roasts; dried, and then prepared soups, borscht, baked pies, made mushroom caviar. Porcini mushrooms are pickled and made into various snacks. White mushroom is considered the most delicious and useful mushroom. The porcini mushroom is collected from mid-June to the end of September, the most widespread collection is in the second half of August.

What mushrooms to pick in July

In July, as a rule, do you collect mushrooms for pickling and pickling? July is the month of the milk mushroom harvest. Milk mushrooms are an excellent option for pickling, especially yellow ones. Volzhanka and whitefish appear in July, which are only slightly inferior to milk mushrooms. You can please yourself with the taste of saffron milk caps, of which you can collect a lot in July. Saffron milk caps are excellent in cooking.
  • When to pick mushrooms

Milk mushrooms are found in families. Real milk mushrooms grow mostly on sandy soil, in oak, birch, pine and birch forests. They are most productive in July-August. Yellow milk mushrooms collected until October in spruce forests. Milk mushrooms are mushrooms of the first category. Only salted ones are used. Before salting, they are soaked for at least three days in cold water, which is changed at least twice.

  • When to pick saffron milk mushrooms
Many mushroom pickers put pine or pine saffron milk cap in first place. It can be found in young pine trees that grow along the grassy edges of older ones pine forests. Rizhik is a mushroom of the first category, one of the most delicious mushrooms. It is consumed salted, canned and pickled, retaining its bright orange color when pickled. Saffron milk caps can be collected from the end of July to the end of October.
  • When to pick chanterelle mushrooms
Edible mushrooms with good taste, but small nutritional value. The chanterelle is distributed throughout all forests temperate zone Old World. The chanterelle's cap is convex or flat, funnel-shaped at maturity, with a thin, often fibrous edge, and smooth. Chanterelles are eaten pickled, salted, and can be fried without prior boiling. Fruits from July to October, often in large groups.

What mushrooms to pick in August

The end of August is the richest season for mushrooms. In August, you certainly won’t have to think about when to pick mushrooms. You can do this throughout August and early September. What mushrooms are there in August? All of the above mushrooms remain relevant for collecting in August, but do not collect overgrown ones. Young mushrooms that are fresh and not bitten by insects are suitable for food. If the mushroom is wormy, safely throw it away.
  • When to collect autumn mushrooms
Autumn honey fungus (true) - a popular and very productive mushroom grows in large groups from late August to late autumn on stumps, roots, dead and living deciduous trunks, mainly birch, less often coniferous trees, sometimes in thickets of nettles. Honey fungus is good for preparing hot dishes, drying, salting, and pickling. For hot dishes, these mushrooms must be boiled for at least 30 minutes.
  • When to pick Volnushka mushrooms
Grows in deciduous and mixed forests under birch trees. A widespread mushroom and very productive. The first layer of heathers and violins appears at the end of July, simultaneously with the flowering of heather, the second layer - from the end of August. You need to know how to cook volnushki. They are eaten only salted. Before salting, mushrooms need to be soaked for three to four days, changing the water each time. Afterwards, rinse well and salt with spices.
  • When to pick Russula mushrooms
Russula grows in almost all forests, in clearings, forest edges, but prefers roadsides and rare young birch forests without undergrowth. The first russula are harvested in June, but August is the most productive time for these mushrooms. Russulas with green and yellow caps are considered the most delicious. Russulas are boiled, stewed in sour cream sauce, fried, pickled, dried and salted. It is advisable to boil the mushrooms for 5-7 minutes.

Safety rules when picking mushrooms

Rules for collecting mushrooms and preserving the reproduction of mycelium when collecting mushrooms:
  • If you want to see a rich harvest of mushrooms the next time you come to a famous place, follow the rules for collecting mushrooms. Now that you know when to pick mushrooms, respect the gifts of nature. When collecting mushrooms, spare the mycelium: carefully cut the mushroom with a knife at the base and under no circumstances pull it out of the ground.
Safety rules for mushroom pickers:
  • If you do not identify a mushroom, it is better not to cut it - treat mushrooms with caution, because a mushroom is a very insidious product. You should only collect mushrooms that you know - those that you are confident in.
  • If the summer turns out to be rainy, then the mushrooms become saturated with water and become unsuitable for consumption. You should not dry such mushrooms, they still lose their taste qualities and begin to release toxins.
  • Upon returning home, you should sort out the mushrooms, and immediately, without delay. After sorting out the mushrooms, put them in cool salted water for an hour, this will drive out the extra guests.
  • Mushrooms must be carefully processed and subjected to reliable heat treatment!

How to pick mushrooms correctly

  • Mushrooms are collected early in the morning before the sun heats them. In this case, they can be stored for a longer time.
  • Do not collect old, overgrown mushrooms. They accumulate products harmful to humans and absorb from environment foreign substances.
  • Collected mushrooms Immediately clean the soil from adhering to them, leaves, pine needles, grass and other debris. It is better to put mushrooms in the basket with their caps down - this way they are better preserved.

Mushroom picker equipment

So, when should we open the mushroom season and what equipment will we need? When you go picking mushrooms, you will definitely need a good sharp knife, because it is better to cut mushrooms without disturbing the mycelium itself, as well as a comfortable long stick (indispensable when searching for mushrooms) to lift or rake leaves, as well as a basket or basket

Experienced mushroom pickers know what you need to take with you into the forest:

  • mushroom basket;
  • mushroom knife;
  • a stick for searching for mushrooms;
  • first aid kit with bandages and disinfectants;
  • water and sandwiches;
  • electronic GPS navigator;
  • telephone with a charged battery (Rescue Service telephone 112)

Now we know when to pick mushrooms, we figured out how to pick mushrooms correctly, we learned the safety rules when picking mushrooms, we know what mushrooms to pick in the summer, we stocked up on mushroom picking equipment. We looked at the mushroom picker's calendar and are ready to go into the forest to pick mushrooms. It remains to refresh the information on how to distinguish mushrooms. It's no secret that many poisonous mushrooms disguised as edible. So, let's figure out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms

  • How to collect porcini mushrooms
Description: The porcini mushroom is distinguished by a thick and dense stem, a brown cap, white flesh, a pleasant taste and smell. Porcini mushrooms are quite easy to distinguish from poisonous ones.
Danger: discoloration at the break, bitter taste. Do not confuse the white mushroom with the poisonous yellow one - its flesh turns pink when cut.
  • How to collect boletus mushroom
Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, brown-red cap, the flesh turns blue at the break. This is how you can distinguish the edible boletus mushroom from other mushrooms.
Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
  • How to collect boletus mushrooms
Description: The boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, the cap is brownish on top, the cap is white below, and the flesh at the break is white. These are the main differences between an edible mushroom and how edible boletus mushrooms are distinguished from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
  • How to collect boletus mushrooms
Description: The butterdish (butterfly) has a yellow stem and the same cap with white marks on the edges and a sticky skin on top, as if greased with oil, which can be easily removed with a knife. Learn to identify poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: discoloration at the break, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
  • How to collect Moss mushrooms
Description: Moss fly mushrooms have a dark green or reddish velvety cap, a yellow stem and a spongy layer. These are the main signs by which you can distinguish the edible flywheel mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
  • How to collect chanterelle mushrooms
Description: Chanterelle is dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly turn into a dense and durable stem. A way to distinguish the edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: red-orange color, empty leg.
  • How to collect saffron milk mushrooms
Description: Camelina is a lamellar mushroom of the appropriate color, secreting a milky juice - orange and not bitter in taste. This is how to distinguish the edible saffron mushroom from its look-alike mushrooms.
Danger: white, bitter, acrid milky juice.
  • How to collect honey mushrooms
Description: Honey mushrooms are pecked by families on stumps, roots, and trunks of dead trees. The cap of the honey fungus is ocher-colored and covered with small black scales directed from the middle, underneath there are whitish plates, and on the stem there is a white ring or film.
Danger: grows on the ground, yellow or reddish cap, without scales, black, green or brown plates, no film or ring on the stem, earthy smell.
  • How to collect mushrooms
Description: Milk mushroom is a lamellar mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and caustic milky juice, grows in flocks next to birch trees. This way you can distinguish milk mushrooms from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: sparse blades, sharp blueness and stone hardness at the fracture, lack of birch trees nearby.
  • How to collect Volnushka mushrooms
Description: Volnushka is a lamellar mushroom with a shaggy pink cap, curved at the edges, white and caustic milky juice. This distinctive features waves.
Danger: the “wrong” hat - not pink, unfurled, without hairiness.
  • How to collect Russula mushrooms
Description: Russula - lamellar mushrooms, easily break, caps different color- pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. This way you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones.
Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, coarse and tough flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

Mushroom picker calendar

The mushroom picker's phenological calendar will come to the aid of beginning mushroom pickers. The mushroom picker's calendar marks the most popular mushrooms and the period when to collect these mushrooms in the forest. Of course, everything depends on the region and the weather in each season, but the mushroom picker’s calendar fully provides some of the useful knowledge of when to pick mushrooms. You will also find it useful
What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
April May June July August September October
Morels + + + - - - -
Stitches + + + - - - -
May mushroom - + + - - - -
Oyster mushroom - + + + + + +
Meadow honey fungus - - + + + + -
boletus - - + + + + -
Oiler grainy - - - + + + -
Summer honey fungus - - + + + + +
The fox is real - - - + + + -
Porcini - - + + + + +
Boletus - - + + + + +
Pluteus deer - - + + + + +
Spiky raincoat - + + + + + +
Common champignon - - + + + + -
Field champignon - - - - + + -
Valuy - - - + + + -
Funnel talker - - - + + + -
White umbrella mushroom - - - + + + -
Variegated umbrella mushroom - - - + + + +
Real milk mushroom - - - - + + -
Poddubovik - - - + + + -
Ivyshen - - - - + + +
Loader white - - - - + + -
Loader black - - - - + + -
Fat pig - - - - + + -
Russula yellow,
food, etc.
- + + + + + -
Green moss - - + + + + +
Yellow hedgehog - - - - + + -
Ringed cap - - - + + + -
Larch oiler - - - + + + -
Volnushka pink - - - - + + +
Black breast - - - + + + +
Spruce green camelina - - - - + + +
Pine mushroom - - - - + + +
Gray talker - - - - + + -
Late oiler - - - - + + -
Winter mushroom - - - - - + +
Loader black and white - - - - - + +
Polish mushroom - - - - + - -
Autumn oyster mushroom - - - - - + -
Gray row - - - - - + -
Autumn stitch - - - - - + +
Autumn honey fungus - - - - - + +
Row purple - - - - + + -
Greenfinch - - - - + + +
Hygrophor brown - - - - - + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms. Well, don't hesitate. The end of June is a great time to collect young mushrooms suitable for delicious dishes. While you can still treat yourself to delicious mushroom food, let's wait for the other two summer months Feel free to pick mushrooms for pickles and pickling! Happy quiet hunting!
