Nose and character Determination of character by the shape of the nose. Roman and Greek nose in men and women: appearance, description of character



Judging by my experience, most often girls and women have complexes precisely because of the shape of their nose. Often this problem is far-fetched, and some of these girls have a very pretty nose. But since we live in a world where women with, as it seems to us, ideal appearance are constantly looking at us from TV screens and magazine covers, for the most part all these “invented” flaws come from. Of course, there are people whose nose shape really does not correspond to the standard of beauty, but this is not a reason to be upset or, especially, to go for rhinoplasty. By the way, rhinoplasty is the most common operation among celebrities. There are practically no people left in Hollywood who have not at least slightly corrected the shape of their nose, but their profession forces them to take such measures. Personally, all my life I thought my nose was quite wide, but it never even occurred to me to fix it. Moreover, having trained as a makeup artist, I learned several tricks that will help make any nose more graceful. Today I will tell you how to correct the shape of your nose using makeup.

There are several different classifications of nose varieties. I will tell you about the correction of the most common noses found in any classification.

Greek nose

The Greek nose is a classic straight nose, which is considered the ideal nose shape and does not require any correction. I can only be happy for women and girls with this nose shape!

Celebrities with a Greek nose

Natalie Portman

Angelina Jolie

Monica Bellucci

Kate Beckinsale

Salma Hayek

"Roman nose

Sometimes an aquiline nose is also called a hawk nose. It is characterized by a pronounced hump, which gives the appearance a slightly rough appearance. To visually reduce the hump area, you need to apply a foundation that is a tone or two lighter than the one you use on your entire face. Instead of foundation, you can use a light highlighter.

Celebrities with an aquiline nose

Sarah Jessica Parker

Gisele Bundchen

Meryl Streep

This is what Ashlee Simpson looked like before surgery.

Wide nose

There are two types of wide nose: Nubian and snub. The Nubian nose is distinguished by the fact that it is quite long and has a slightly pointed tip, but at the same time its base is quite wide. Snub nose in everyday life they also call the nose a “potato”. It is characterized by a wide base, a rounded tip and a medium or short length. Both of these noses require wide base correction. To do this, on the sides of the nose we apply foundation or powder a tone darker than our main shade, and on the back of the nose we use a foundation one tone lighter than our usual one, or two shades lighter than what we used on the sides of the nose. The boundaries between light and dark tone need to be shaded a little. You can also visually reduce the width of your nose by using a little trick when correcting your eyebrows. Many girls pluck their eyebrows in such a way that the width of the wings of the nose exceeds the place where the head of the eyebrow is located, which makes the nose much wider. To narrow it, on the contrary, you need to use a pencil to slightly extend the head of the eyebrows towards the nose.

Celebrities with wide noses


Selena Gomez

Amanda Bynes

This is what Scarlett Johansson's nose looked like before rhinoplasty

Tapered nose

Sometimes there are women who feel that their nose is too narrow. In this case, apply a foundation one tone darker than the main shade to the sides and carefully shade it.

Celebrities with narrowed noses

Camilla Belle

Erica Durance

A long nose

To make a long nose look visually shorter, you need to apply a foundation a tone or two darker than the main shade to the tip of the nose and shade it.

Celebrities with long noses

Penelope Cruz

Barbra Streisand

Glenn Close

Short nose

If it seems to you that your nose is shorter than you would like, then apply a foundation a shade lighter than your base color to the tip of your nose.

An example of a celebrity with a short nose is Kristin Kreuk. Besides the fact that Christine's nose is short, it is also upturned.

Upturned nose

If you have a slightly upturned and narrow nose, then it does not require any correction. Another question is, if your nose is very upturned or you have a wide upturned nose, then here you need to work a little on your makeup. If you just have an upturned nose, then it is enough to apply a dark foundation to the central part of the tip of the nose. If you are the owner of a wide upturned nose, then in addition to the action described above, add those makeup techniques that I described for a wide nose.

Victoria Beckham has a wide, upturned nose. Although after several operations he now looks a little different.

These little tricks will help you correct the shape of your nose. At the same time, the most important thing is not to have a complex about this and love yourself for who you are.

A nose like the Duchess of Cambridge is the most popular order among patients at facial surgery clinics, both men and women. But the Duchess's profile is not the only standard for those who are determined to change their face. We'll tell you whose noses are trending today and whose are not, and why.

The Duchess of Cambridge sets many fashion and beauty trends, for which the royal person is idolized by many photographers, designers and stylists. Now plastic surgeons have also fallen in love with Prince William’s wife: according to statistics, last year the number of people wishing to go under the knife increased by 15%. One of the most popular operations is rhinoplasty. The most popular nose shape is like that of your favorite duchess.

Among patients, both men and women can be observed equally often. Ideally straight, forming an angle between the forehead and lips of exactly 106 degrees - the shape of the nose, which has already received the name “Duchess” in professional circles, suits both sexes equally.

Kate Middleton's nose is the most frequently requested item in the surgeon's office - according to this indicator, Prince William's wife has overtaken such divas as Rihanna, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez.

According to Dr. Julian de Silva, a specialist at Harley Street Cosmetic Facial Surgery, perfect face The duchess inspires many women to change something about their appearance through surgery. "Kate is very beautiful woman, and this is probably main reason, why rhinoplasty is now at the peak of popularity,” comments the doctor.

Singer Rihanna

Angelina Jolie after rhinoplasty, 2014

Rhinoplasty is the most popular facial plastic procedure, but it is also one of the most difficult. It requires from the surgeon not only technical skills, but also a certain artistic vision final result, because each patient’s face is individual, and everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty.

A girl may desperately want a nose like her favorite star’s for a long time, but when she comes to the surgeon’s office, she may well hear the fateful words: “This shape will not suit you.”

It is important to understand that, when deciding on rhinoplasty, you can, of course, be inspired by photographs of stars, but the final decision must be made, focusing primarily on yourself. And to do this, you need to clearly understand your “initial data” and only then choose the appropriate option for you personally. We analyze the 10 most popular nose shapes and find out whether they need correction.


Perfectly straight, this shape is considered the standard beautiful nose. Equally suitable for both women and men, the "duchess" is the most popular request sent to the surgeon's office. It is traditionally believed that owners of such noses are spontaneous and creative people.

Expert comment: This is the Gold Standard. If you happened to be born with this nose shape, then accept it: there is no way to improve it.

Greek nose

Actress Svetlana Khodchenkova

Actress Natalie Portman

Like the Duchess, this nose shape is perfectly straight, but there is no pronounced button at the tip. This nose shape is quite common on models.

Surgeon's comment: Distinctive feature The Greek nose is a long and very graceful bridge. The second most popular form desired by patients.

Roman nose

Actor Tom Cruise

Actress Anne Hathaway

This shape is characterized by a distinct bridge of the nose, which can be either curved or slightly tilted forward, and the tip is slightly beveled towards the bottom. Looks great on a man's face.

Expert comment: A high, protruding bridge of the nose will add masculinity and a little severity to the face. On woman's face This nose shape does not look very organic, so many rightly want to correct it with rhinoplasty. the main problem after the operation - make sure that the new nose (which, obviously, will become much smaller) can breathe easily and freely. To do this, it is best to use a tissue graft, and then straighten the septum - and you will breathe better and look more beautiful.

Roman nose

Actress Uma Thurman

Socialite Paris Hilton

This is the classic nose shape, but with slightly enlarged nostrils. The straight profile, as well as the proportional tip - not too large and not too small - give the eagle shape nobility and aristocracy.

Expert comment: More often eagle shape It's the men who ask. The peculiarity of male rhinoplasty is that the surgeon must avoid anything that can give the future nose a feminine appearance - for example, a concave bridge or an upturned tip. In this case, an aquiline nose is ideal.

Bow-tipped nose

Actress Mila Kunis

The nose is the architectural center of the face; for this reason, quite a lot of attention is paid to its shape and size. There is a whole science - physiognomy, which studies the influence of the physical features of the structure of the human body on his character and destiny. What qualities does an aquiline nose endow its owners with?

Eagle nose: photo and description

Eagle, hawk or Roman is a slightly elongated nose with a curved tip. Sometimes this form has a pronounced hump, but do not rush to get upset - in Ancient Rome such a feature was considered a sign of noble origin. The classic Roman profile was proudly minted on coins and painted on ancient frescoes.

Today, many people do not like the aquiline nose. Most people consider themselves less beautiful than they really are. An aquiline nose looks quite harmonious on the face and is appropriate in most cases. And some people even like this shape; they consider it one of the signs of beauty of the opposite sex.

Character traits

Is the character also connected? Humanity has been searching for the answer to this question since ancient times. Those with an aquiline nose are credited with excellent business acumen, cunning and prudence. Such people know how to achieve their goals and can get rich by making a career on their own. You can often notice an aquiline nose on prominent politicians. It is also believed that the Roman profile is a sign of egoists. Men with aquiline noses are credited with a talent for charming members of the opposite sex.

If you believe physiognomy, then in intimate relationships real "Romans" demonstrate themselves from the very the best side. Women with aquiline noses are often considered fatal seductresses. If you believe the legends, Queen Cleopatra herself could boast of a Roman profile. Large eagle nose resembling a beak bird of prey, is a sign of emotionality and aggressiveness. This form is most often found in men; it often indicates jealousy and a heightened sense of ownership in its owner.

Beauty or ugliness?

Psychologists say that the perception of one's own appearance largely depends on self-esteem in general. If a person loves himself, he easily accepts any imperfections own body. Significant dissatisfaction with your face is a sign of complexes and other psychological problems. And yet, an aquiline nose is truly a specific feature of the face. It all depends on the shape and size.

Women can be advised to take pictures from different angles, try several makeup options, and only then proceed to assessing their own appearance. In combination with large and beautiful eyes an aquiline nose can only make a face more expressive and interesting. In some situations, this feature may look inappropriate. If the nose is large and downturned, it can stand out strongly on the face. In this case, it makes sense to think about correction.

Secrets of professional makeup artists, or how to change the shape of your nose at home

Don't rush to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon if you don't like your own nose. Try to adjust its size and shape visually using proper makeup. To shorten an aquiline nose, you can apply a foundation several shades darker than the base product under its tip. You can hide your hump by applying a light highlighter to it. Try to focus on your eye makeup, use bright shadows and don’t forget to highlight your eyelashes and eyebrows. This simple technique will help divert attention from what you think is an imperfect nose. But if safe correction with cosmetics seems unimportant to you, it makes sense to think about plastic surgery.

How much does it cost and what features does this operation have?

A radical solution to the problem of complexes regarding the shape of your own nose - Plastic surgery. This type of surgery is called rhinoplasty. Today, this operation is incredibly popular, which means that if you want, finding an experienced surgeon will not be difficult at all. The main advantage of rhinoplasty is the visible result that will last a lifetime.

But we should not forget about the disadvantages of the operation. You won’t be able to appreciate the beauty right away, since the recovery period will take from one to three months. Like any other surgical intervention, rhinoplasty may come with some complications. If you do not like the result of the operation, it can be corrected only by performing a second correction. There are also good news- in a private clinic, the operation can be performed at the client’s request, that is, without medical prescriptions.

How much is it worth today? The average cost of surgery in Moscow is 100-400 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the complexity of the problem, the level of the clinic and the reputation of the chosen plastic surgeon. Whether or not to have rhinoplasty is up to you to decide. An aquiline nose is a cosmetic defect. Its owners can only get used to this feature or decide and change their own appearance.

Celebrities with aquiline noses

Among historical figures, the most famous owners of aquiline noses are: Julius Caesar, Charles V and Henry IV. If you look at the portraits of these famous rulers, it is impossible to call them ugly. A man's aquiline nose is considered a symbol of masculinity, courage and nobility.

Many modern celebrities can boast of a similar appearance feature. Among them Hollywood stars Stars: Sarah Jessica Parker, Meryl Streep, Gisele Bundchen. These women are famous and rich today, so much so that they could get plastic surgery from the best surgeons in the world. However, beautiful actresses prefer to live with their natural aquiline noses and don’t worry a bit about on this occasion. Perhaps we, mere mortals, have something to learn from them.

Are people really what they seem at first glance? This question has worried more than one generation. Physiognomy originated in Ancient China, with its help they tried to prove the connection between appearance

Are people really what they seem at first glance? This question has worried more than one generation. Physiognomy originated in Ancient China, with its help they tried to prove the connection between a person’s appearance and his character. Does it exist?

Long-term observations and studies clearly confirm: yes! Some of our abilities and character traits are, of course, innate. But over the course of life they change, new ones are acquired, changing facial features. Thus, constant dissatisfaction pulls the corners of the lips down, stubbornness forces the jaw to clench and forms a square chin, and an easy disposition lifts the corners of the mouth. What can you learn about a person by carefully studying his face?

“Mirror of the soul” - it’s not for nothing that this term is used when talking about the eyes! They are able to tell much more about the interlocutor than sometimes he himself.
Big eyes. It is generally accepted that people with large, wide eyes are sensual, artistic, straightforward, act decisively and openly. However, they tend to wishful thinking and are a little lazy.
Small eyes belong to individuals who are self-sufficient, but rather closed and unyielding, not ready to entrust their thoughts to others. They are often overly jealous.
Wide-set eyes indicate a person’s foresight and a highly developed imagination. Such natures, as a rule, are creative and versatile people.
Close-set eyes indicate perseverance and attention to detail. But at the same time about stinginess and too dry character.
An upward tilt of the eyes indicates an optimistic character, easy-going disposition and a cheerful outlook on life.
Tilt of the eyes downward - on the ability to sympathize and prevent problems before they arise.
If the inner and outer corners of the eyes are approximately on the same mental line, you are looking at a pragmatic and persistent person who knows what he wants from life and achieves his goals.
Protruding eyes are a sign of enthusiasm and a desire to participate in the lives of others.

Contrary to popular belief, long-nosed does not mean "curious." Rather, it is a sign of conservatism. But if the nose is too long and large, you have a pronounced individuality or even... a capricious genius.
A short nose indicates that its owner has an open soul, is hardworking and sociable. Such people love to discover everything new and unknown; they are attracted by secrets and riddles.
A large nose belongs to leaders, charismatic individuals who strive to control the people around them.
Snub-nosed people very easily manage to create a festive atmosphere around themselves; they are emotional and energetic by nature.
A bony nose with a hump is an indicator of pride, stubbornness and arrogance. The more pronounced the hump, the more quarrelsome the person.
A nose that is wide at the base can indicate a desire to care and support others.
Narrow, as if squeezed at the beginning - independence and reluctance to accept help. The tip of the nose, turned up, speaks of impetuosity and impulsiveness of a person. If the nose is also pointed, it means curiosity and extravagance. Curved down - a person is not inclined to trust others, skeptical, curved and pointed - selfish and arrogant. Nostrils that are too small will tell of hard work, a gentle character and frugality, while nostrils that are too large will indicate selectivity and generosity. If a person has wide enough wings of the nose, then we can say that he often has high self-esteem, there is malice and skepticism.

The shape, size and position of the ears can also tell you something about a person.

Big ears are a sign of presence musical abilities and wonderful memory. People with such ears are often intractable, but good-natured.

Small ears. People with small ears do not like gossip and tend to trust their own eyes; they are independent and active; in order to achieve success, they usually have to work hard for a long time.

Highly placed ears are a sign of high intelligence.

Low - slowness and ability to listen to new information. Lop-eared people are usually stubborn, endowed with excellent intuition and prone to introspection.

Ears that are slightly pointed indicate that a person is able to grasp everything on the fly.

Like the eyes, the mouth is considered one of the most attractive parts of the face. Imitating full-lipped television beauties, many girls use various methods to achieve the desired shape. And all because voluminous lips are associated with self-confidence and sexuality. You really won’t get bored with such people: they are open, cheerful, and they know how to enjoy life. But you won’t get any responsibility or discipline from them.

People with thin lips, even if they are friendly and sociable, they may not “please you” with their best traits: cunning, secrecy, cunning. Does your counterpart have a small mouth? This means that he is an introvert, cautious, liberates himself only after getting to know his interlocutor better, but is always a little self-absorbed.

Protruding lips, as if hanging over the chin, are characteristic of impulsive, active and intelligent individuals.

The upper lip protrudes above the lower - the owner of such lips is quite vain, loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, but at the same time he can be indecisive, afraid of taking the wrong step.

Lower lip protruding forward - a person is energetic, cannot sit still without doing anything, likes to create a whirlpool of events around himself, is at the same time responsive and will not ignore other people's problems.

Lip expression
By the facial expressions of your lips you can read the subtlest emotions of your interlocutor and determine how he treats you and what mood he is in.
Pursed lips - anger, sadness, rage, hatred, discontent, grief. Compressed lips clenched into a thin rope - impotent anger.
Protruding lips are an expression of hostility.
Distortion of the mouth when talking with an interlocutor - a person is unfriendly, even if he does not show it verbally.
The mouth is slanted in one direction - a sign of contempt.

If the mouth twitches and trembles, then this warns of nervousness and overexcitation of the interlocutor.
The corners of the mouth look down - a state of melancholy, sadness, sadness.
The corners of the mouth are relaxed and directed downwards - the person is in a joyless mood.
The corners of the mouth are very tense and look down - the person is in an unfriendly mood, in a state of disgust, mockery, irony, sullenness.

One of the Chinese treatises on face reading says that the nose is the “emperor” of the face, this is related to the theory of the elements that make up our being. Being practical by nature, the Chinese tried to express five essential elements in terms familiar to them. Those who have ever read books on Feng Shui will understand that we're talking about about earth, water, fire, wood and metal. So, the nose is called the “emperor” because it belongs to the element of earth, the symbol of which is the Yellow Emperor.

The analysis shows that the size, shape of the nose and the condition of the skin in this place are directly related to a person’s status in society and the ability to achieve material well-being.

Long nose (first type)

According to Chinese research, the longer a person's nose, the more serious a person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

Long nose (second type)

The second type includes people with long, large and high noses. This nose shape in men is a sign of stubbornness, sharp mind, the tendency to do everything in life in one’s own way, without taking into account anyone’s advice, without focusing on any authorities. If the nose is too large and inharmonious with the rest of the facial features, then a person with such an appearance is likely to push others away from him, only if he does not have any positive features character. As a rule, men with non-standard appearance have a great sense of humor and artistry, compensating for their shortcomings with gifted talents.

Short nose (first type)

A short nose, like a long one, comes in two types: the first is simply a short nose, the second (we’ll talk about it later) is short and flat. The first type - just a short nose - is also conventionally divided into two categories, but they are from the category of mental and intellectual abilities: those with high or average intelligence, and those with below average intelligence. Naturally, men of the first category are successful both in business and in love. Men of the second category, on the contrary, are boring, impractical and irresponsible. Women with short noses are hardworking, able to quickly advance in career ladder, but due to their changeable nature they are unhappy in marriage.

Short nose (second type)

The second type includes people with a short and flat nose. Despite the fact that these traits are unfavorable, because along with an unattractive appearance, people with the second type of nose also have other disadvantages (both physical and mental), they - faithful friends, attentive and hardworking colleagues, loyal to everyone who is kind to them.

Asymmetrical nose

Even if a person is talented and has excellent character traits, a crooked nose brings such dissonance to the appearance that it alienates others, since they are judged primarily by their appearance, especially by something that catches the eye. The only consolation can be a sense of humor and a smart response to problems.

Ideal nose shape

Both men and women with ideal forms noses are distinguished by refined taste, they are mainly great lovers of art and music, they dress beautifully, following fashion. It is possible that some of the fairer sex are overly narcissistic creatures, but this is not surprising for people with beautiful appearance.

Little snub nose

Mostly women have noses like this. They look more like children's noses that never grew up. People with such traits are not always intellectuals and give the impression of general immaturity.

It cannot be said that owners of such a nose are very lucky in love and marriage: they are very defenseless against strong-willed and aggressive men. You should be careful when choosing a partner and not wait for a mythical prince on a white horse, who may ultimately turn out to be “Bluebeard.”

Facial physiognomy - nose with a hump

Most often, a nose with a hump is found in men (we will not take into account the inhabitants of the Caucasus). This trait is inherent in men who are strong in all aspects: courageous, strong-willed, uncompromising, impatient. Women with such a nose, if they occur, have similar masculine qualities. Unable to give in and lose, they often conflict when deciding family problems.

Nose color

Unless a person is an alcoholic, a red nose indicates financial difficulties, inability to express oneself and make a career, as well as poor health. Considering that we are still assessed by appearance, it is difficult for such people, even those with good character, to create a favorable first impression.

If your nose has a forked tip

Without a doubt, once you meet a person with such a nose, you will never forget him. This trait is mainly characteristic of men. They differ from other representatives of the “stronger sex” in the originality of their judgments and character: they are excellent speakers, skeptics, accustomed to questioning and analyzing everything, having a quarrelsome nature, great debaters, completely unable to communicate with others. As a rule, all of the above-mentioned features are characteristic of people involved in science, which may be why you often see such noses among scientists.

Correctly shaped female nose

This one is typical female version The nose indicates the femininity of its owner. They are great mothers, neat people who love comfort and cleanliness in their home, good designers because they know how to appreciate beauty and harmony. If we talk about shortcomings, then the fragility of these women (both emotional and physical) makes them defenseless against more strong men.

Straight nose with pointed tip

A person with such a nose, from childhood, develops the ability to understand everything in the world around him. Their main goal is to make the world and the people living in it a better place. Their Creative skills Both men and women with this trait tend to direct for the good of people.

Facial physiognomy - nose with pronounced nostrils

For many centuries, Chinese physiognomists have been observing people who are considered geniuses. Their analysis showed that most of these people have small noses with pronounced widened nostrils.

Nose shaped like a “bag”

If you look closely at the profile of a person with this type of nose, he really looks like a bag. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in China such a nose is associated with a person’s having money. As a rule, people with this trait measure everything and everyone with money. Possessing an extraordinary mind, they are more like Jewish moneylenders, ready to use every chance to enrich themselves.

Straight nose with a slight hump at the top

Perhaps we can say that people with such a nose are ideal in all respects. They are honest, open, reliable, live in harmony with themselves, sincerely love and respect people, that is, they have all the qualities of a leader. Not experiencing a lack of attention from representatives of the “weaker sex” (and women find such men the most attractive), they are happy in their marriage, as they choose the most beautiful, smart and talented.
