What did Marilyn Monroe die from? How did Marilyn Monroe die? Biography, interesting facts from life and the last role of Marilyn Monroe: The Dangerous Mistress of the Great.

Official information says that on June 1, 1926, a girl named Norma Jean Baker was born in Los Angeles (USA). For the sake of reference, it should be noted that in the same year the following were born: Queen Elizabeth II of England, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (President of France) and Cuban leader Fidel Castro. During that momentous year, many others were also born. outstanding people. Some of them have already left this mortal coil, while others continue to live.

Our heroine at that distant time had no idea what fate Providence had chosen for her. It singled her out from tens of millions of women and elevated her to a mind-blowing height, making her a sex symbol not only in America, but throughout the whole world. - this is the name humanity knows her by, and the actress’s popularity has not diminished at all over the past decades, although she passed away in 1962.

However, let's go back to a time when there was no famous actress yet, and a girl named Norma Jean Baker lived in Los Angeles. She did not know her father, and her mother was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in 1934. Therefore, our heroine spent her childhood in orphanages. In 1942, Norma tied the knot of Hymen with her first husband. His name was James Doherty.

The young people did not enjoy family happiness for long. There was a war going on, and the husband decided to contribute to the victory over Japan and Germany. James enlisted in the merchant navy, and his young wife got a job in an aircraft factory. But it was not just about patriotism. It was necessary to earn money to live, and the war gave work to everyone. Moreover, earnings in the military industry significantly exceeded earnings in other sectors of the economy.

The pretty girl soon attracted the attention of war correspondents who regularly visited such enterprises. Norma began to be photographed against the background industrial equipment, military equipment, and photographs of our heroine appeared in the newspapers. Moreover, for each photo the girl was paid, although small, but necessary for life.

In 1945, the future famous actress decided to quit the aviation industry and try herself in the field of modeling. A good physique and good appearance played a role. Norma was hired by a modeling agency, but she didn’t stay there long. Los Angeles is Hollywood, and the main financial flows were there.

In 1946, our heroine got a job at the well-known film studio Twentieth Century Fox. They took her there as an ordinary extra. But everyone starts small, and young actresses also come up with more attractive names for themselves. Norma was no exception. The girl took a creative pseudonym - Marilyn Monroe. She never parted with him again and immortalized this name.

Marilyn Monroe's first husband James Doherty
He worked all his life for the Los Angeles Police Department.

But when acquiring something new, people very often lose the old. The same thing happened with our young creation. Also in 1946 ex Norma Jean Doherty divorced her husband and became a free woman. We will not look for the reason for the divorce, and delve into someone else’s underwear, but will simply accept this fact as a given, and perhaps as a sacrifice to cinema.

In 1947, the aspiring actress starred in 2 films. Of course, there were not leading roles, but still these can be called the first steps towards wild success. Also 2 films in 1948, but in 1950 as many as 5 films were released with her participation.

Marilyn Monroe with her second husband Joe DiMaggio

At the very beginning of 1954, our heroine married a second time. Her chosen one was a professional athlete Joe DiMaggio(1914-1999). Even today he is considered one of the best players in baseball throughout its history. The celebrity couple's wedding took place in January, and in February they flew to Japan to spend their honeymoon there.

But, having arrived in Tokyo, the famous actress received an offer from the American embassy to visit American soldiers In Korea. There was a war going on there, and the appearance of a film star would have raised their morale. The young woman immediately agreed to the trip. IN military units she spent 4 days and gave 9 concerts.

It was winter, it was cold, but the actress performed on stage in a light dress. This once again emphasizes her professionalism and sense of high responsibility. In the end, she caught a cold and flew with her husband to the USA, completely ill.

Marilyn Monroe among American soldiers in Korea

The marriage to Joe DiMaggio lasted only 9 months. After that it fell apart. But it should be noted right away that Joe was the only person who truly loved our heroine. Marilyn Monroe's death occurred on August 5, 1962, and 5 days before that, the baseball player made a second proposal to the actress to become his wife. He organized the funeral and never remarried. For 20 years, Joe sent fresh flowers to his beloved’s grave 3 times a week.

After her divorce from her second husband, our heroine was not left alone for long. In 1955 she became close to Arthur Miller(1915-2005) - playwright and prose writer. At the end of June 1956, the couple officially tied the knot of Hymen. The couple lived together until January 1961 and divorced.

After this, the actress began to have a mental crisis. The woman went to great lengths, indulging in vice, alcohol and drugs. She's been in her bed a lot famous people. Rumor has it that the sex symbol of the second half of the 50s (before that actress Jane Russell was considered a sex symbol) had intimate contacts with US President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, the Minister of Justice.

Marilyn Monroe with her third husband Arthur Miller

At this time, the actress began using the services of a psychoanalyst. Ralph Greenson(1911-1979). It was he who advised Marilyn to buy a house in Los Angeles. Still, your permanent home organizes your life, brings a certain meaning into it, fills it with worries and distracts you from everything bad and harmful.

The actress took the advice and bought a house. But in order to furnish it, we decided to go to Mexico and look for furnishings for a new home there. IN southern country she stayed from late February to early March 1962. At the airport of the Mexican capital, the actress was met by journalists after her arrival. She was photographed from a variety of angles. In one of the photographs it was clearly visible that the sex symbol was not wearing panties.

Such a piquant detail may indicate inappropriate behavior of our heroine even 5 months before her death. However, in the future Monroe did not compromise herself in any way. True, in Mexico she had a number of meetings with Americans who, in the eyes of the FBI, did not inspire confidence. They held pro-communist views, which did not at all cast a shadow on the actress. You never know what kind of business she could have had with these people.

Sex symbol of the 50s of the XX century has breakfast

Returning to the States, Marilyn continued her dissolute life, generously flavored with drugs and alcohol. Her own home in Los Angeles really became a refuge for her, where she could indulge in depression, emotional distress and insomnia.

Most likely, the woman was experiencing a severe creative crisis at that time. She needed to be supported and encouraged. Such an attempt was made by Joe DiMaggio, who proposed marriage. But apparently he was too late, since on August 5 the death of Marilyn Monroe put an end to their relationship.

Timeline of Marilyn Monroe's death

Before describing the events that happened on the night of August 4–5, 1962, let us consider the situation that occurred in early June, that is, 2 months before death. June 1 was Marilyn's birthday. She turned 36 years old. Psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson was not in Los Angeles at the time. He was on a work cruise in Europe, and the actress only met on June 5th.

The next morning, he brought his ward to plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Gardin. He later recalled that Monroe looked terrible. Her hair was disheveled, and fresh bruises were clearly visible under both eyes. Greenson explained this by saying that the woman fell in the bathroom.

Such a statement looked rather doubtful. It was more reasonable to assume that the psychoanalyst beat the actress. The movie star herself, apparently, was under the influence of strong drugs, since she only occasionally uttered barely intelligible phrases. She was afraid that her nose was broken. But the doctor, after carefully feeling him, did not find any injuries. After this visit, the woman sat at home for a whole week, practically under house arrest, until her bruises went away.

Subsequently, Hardin always adhered to the point of view that the psychoanalyst Greenson was a rather sinister figure. He saw the movie star as a good source of profit. Therefore, it was not at all in his best interest to treat this woman for mental disorders. On the contrary, he provoked them so that the patient was constantly dependent on him.

Greenson's plans could have been disrupted by the unexpected appearance of baseball player Joe DiMaggio and his love. He proposed to the film star, and they scheduled a wedding ceremony for August 8th. Thus, the money bag floated out of the hands of the psychoanalyst.

On that fateful day of August 4, 1962, Ralph Greenson appeared at our heroine's at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the actress's press secretary, Pat Newcombe, was in the house. He then drove off, leaving Monroe with Greenson. Pat returned at 4 o'clock, but the session was still going on.

Housekeeper Eunice Murray soon arrived and the men left the house at 7 pm, leaving the women alone. That is, the psychoanalyst spent more than 5 hours with the actress. Moreover, they were alone almost all the time.

At about 8 pm, Joe DiMaggio's son from his first marriage to actress Dorothy Arnold called. At that time he was 21 years old. The young man talked with Marilyn for about 15 minutes. They discussed the upcoming marriage ceremony. At the same time, the actress’s voice was not just cheerful, but happy.

Monroe then made calls to her hairdresser Sydney Guilaroff and her last known lover, Jose Balaños. Peter Lawford called at the house around 9 p.m. This is a British actor who was married to President Kennedy's sister. According to him, the movie star’s voice sounded muffled and indistinct. She had difficulty pronouncing sentences. It seemed that the woman was under the influence of some strong pills.

Their conversation, if it can be called a conversation, lasted about 5 minutes. Then the woman said quite clearly: “Say goodbye to your wife, the president, and I say goodbye to you, because you are a sweet boy.” After that, short beeps were heard in Lawford's receiver. He tried to call back several times, but heard beeps again and again. Apparently the receiver at the other end of the line was not put back in place.

The following happened in the actress’s house. At about half past two in the morning, housekeeper Eunice Murray, who had spent the night in Monroe's house, woke up for some unknown reason. She went out into the corridor and saw a strip of light under the door of the actress’s bedroom. The woman pulled the handle, but it turned out that the film star had locked herself from the inside.

Then the housekeeper, despite the late night, called Dr. Greenson. He advised her to take something long, go out into the yard and open the bedroom curtains through the window. The woman used a poker for this purpose. When she pulled back the curtain, he saw the actress lying completely naked on the bed, face down.

The housekeeper called the psychoanalyst again. He lived nearby and was in the house 10 minutes later. He broke open the door with a poker and entered the bedroom. After making sure that Marilyn was not breathing, Greenson called the actress’s physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg. He arrived at the house around 4 a.m. and pronounced dead. At 4:30 a.m., the trio near the lifeless body called the police.

Riddles and questions

Police Sergeant Jack Clemmans arrived at the scene of the tragedy. He immediately asked those present why the law enforcement officers were called so late. To this, Greenson said that they needed to contact the management of the film studio and obtain permission to go public. After all, the death of Marilyn Monroe could cause unhealthy unrest among her fans. The explanation is more than absurd and devoid of any logic.

The sergeant asked if the doctors had any ideas about death. The psychoanalyst immediately confidently answered that this suicide. But for some reason the film star who passed on to another world did not leave a suicide note. That is, she made no attempt to explain her action 3 days before the wedding.

The neighbors were interviewed by the police, but they said they had not heard anything. There was absolute silence at night. However, all the houses were separated from each other by high fences, so no other answer could be expected.

There were no visible signs of violence on the body of the deceased, so the body was sent to the morgue. By 10 a.m., doctors Thomas Noguchi and John Miner had completed the autopsy. These were very experienced people. They have repeatedly determined in practice where is genuine suicide and where is its skillful imitation.

On August 10, 1962, Coroner Theodore Carfi signed a document indicating the cause of Marilyn Monroe's death. The official conclusion was that America's sex symbol died from an overdose of barbiturates (sedatives and hypnotics).

What was this conclusion based on? Toxicological analysis showed a high content of barbiturates in the liver of the deceased. At the same time, Noguchi and Miner did not agree with the alleged version of suicide. The point was that medications found in the liver of the deceased can be introduced into the body in 3 ways: through the mouth, by injection and by enema.

But if Marilyn had eaten a huge dose of pills on the night of August 4–5, the barbiturate would not have been absorbed by the liver. There simply wouldn't be enough time for this. If injected, a high concentration of the relevant chemical constituents would be found in the blood. But the analysis did not show this. In addition, there were no injection marks on the body. Doctors examined every centimeter of the skin with a magnifying glass, but did not find any punctures.

But when they examined the rectum, they discovered that it had a somewhat unusual shape. Doctors came to the conclusion that a critical dose of drugs entered the body through the anus. The enema turned out to be the deadly weapon. However, at that time all the actresses used this thing. It was believed to promote hygiene and improve digestion. Our heroine was no exception.

But what kind of drug was injected into Marilyn’s body through the rectum? Moreover, they introduced it before Peter Lawford’s call, that is, at approximately 8.40-8.50 pm.

The most likely course of events could be something like this: the psychoanalyst began using chloral hydrate as a sleeping pill, and before that he had used Nembutal. Chloral hydrate is not a barbiturate and, like them, is a sleeping pill. It is good because it does not cause dependence on the drug in patients. Nembutal is a direct derivative of barbituric acid, and with its frequent use, the body becomes steadily dependent on this drug.

Marilyn, who was seriously hooked on Nembutal, became highly dependent on it. On August 3, despite Greenson’s ban, she persuaded Engelberg’s attending physician to write her a prescription for a barbiturate. The next day, the psychoanalyst noticed that something was wrong with the actress. He quickly realized the reason for her inappropriate behavior and decided to correct the situation by administering chloral hydrate to his ward.

How is this known? All the information was provided by a toxicological examination. Chloral hydrate was found in the deceased's blood. Moreover, its concentration was 4 times higher than the concentration of Nembutal, which was present in large quantities in the liver. Therefore, the non-barbiturate was administered to the actress shortly before her death. Moreover, the one who did this did not take into account the reaction that occurs when these two drugs interact. And it can lead to the saddest result, which is what happened in the case of the sex symbol of the 50s.

But who gave the enema and thus actually killed the actress. Greenson could not do this, since he left with Pat Newcomb. But they did not leave together. The press secretary left the house earlier. The psychoanalyst, according to him, went a little later to his friends. But the whole point is that he never subsequently named the names of these people. There is a good chance that Greenson never left Monroe's house. He remained in it all the time until the death of the actress.

The psychoanalyst himself could not give an injection of chloral hydrate, since he simply did not know how to do it. He also didn’t know how to give enemas. Therefore, most likely, he used the help of housekeeper Eunice Murray. She owed everything to Greenson, because it was thanks to him that she got this job.

In front of these two people, the actress passed away into another world. Moreover, they could not save her. The arrogance of the psychotherapist and the diligence of the housekeeper led to a fatal outcome. Greenson and Murray were only smart enough to cover up the traces of an obvious crime. But they did it very ineptly.

When Sergeant Clemmans arrived at the house, he saw Eunice doing laundry. Everyone will agree that this seems rather strange at such a tragic moment. There can only be one explanation: the housekeeper was washing a sheet that had traces of an enema on it. The woman was destroying very important evidence.

The next detail mentioned by Eunice Murray is also alarming. She stated that late at night she saw a light under the door of the actress’s bedroom. But the whole point is that the gap between the floor and the door leaf was covered by a very thick carpet. It did not allow light to pass through, and therefore the housekeeper could not see anything like that even in the dark.

She also stated that the door to the bedroom was closed with inside. Marilyn never closed the door. All her close friends knew this, since they often came to her in the morning and, knocking, entered the bedroom while the actress was still sleeping.

Therefore, the poker that was allegedly used to break the door was not needed. It was also not needed in the yard in order to open the curtains through the window. The fact is that there were not curtains in the room, but one long curtain made of thick fabric. It could only be moved in one direction. But the hostess never did this. The curtain was attached with its edges to special hooks, so it was not possible to carry out any manipulations with it.

At the same time, Greenson categorically insisted on suicide. He told everyone he met that his ward suffered from a serious form of mental disorder. She had an obsession with constantly faking death in order to be saved and pitied. But last time turned out to be fatal. She did not calculate the dose and died due to her inappropriate behavior.

We will not draw any categorical conclusions from all of the above, although they involuntarily suggest themselves. But there was an official investigation. No one put any pressure on him, and the conclusion was clear - suicide.

Over the years, Marilyn Monroe's death has become the subject of an incredible amount of rumors and speculation. Thanks to these speculations, the main culprits of her death are the late brothers John and Robert Kennedy, who also left this mortal coil in the 60s of the last century.

Allegedly, the actress, being at one time the president’s mistress, wanted to marry him and blackmailed the poor man, threatening to tell the press everything about their intimate relationship. In between, she also slept with Robert, and was also a link between the mafia and the Minister of Justice. For all these sins, the mentally ill woman was destroyed by insidious men endowed with enormous power.

A person with a normal psyche, of course, will not believe this nonsense. Our heroine met the president only 4 times in her life. Only once were they alone at night. At the same time, it is unknown whether there was something between them or not. Still, this is probably not a reason to demand that John Kennedy divorce his wife, and even blackmail him with publicity in the press.

Marilyn Monroe with Frank Sinatra

As for the sinister American mafia, Monroe knew well Frank Sinatra- famous singer and actor. This is not at all surprising, since almost all Hollywood stars were on friendly terms with him.

Frank Sinatra is Italian by birth. As a boy, he grew up in the same city neighborhoods as the famous American mafiosi. But his father was an ordinary hard worker and was not a member of any Cosa Nostra. The son also did not become a criminal, but chose a career as an artist and singer.

There's no doubt that Italian mafia I was very proud of my compatriot who conquered the creative Olympus. After all, criminals are people too, and everything human is not alien to them. Sinatra was admired by Charlie Luciano, Frank Costello, Vito Genovese, Sam Giancana, but this does not mean that the singer and actor was involved in any criminal matters. He made money honest work, although he met with the mafia at the festive table. But that was all there was to it.

This is how all of America remembers her

To believe that Sinatra dragged Marilyn into some kind of mafia machinations, and even made her a link with Robert Kennedy, is simply stupid. We must also not forget that Robert lived with J. Edgar Hoover (chief of the FBI) ​​like a cat and a dog. If there had been something like that, the FBI would have responded instantly. However, until 1968, when Kennedy was assassinated, everything was quiet.

Thus, the death of Marilyn Monroe can be attributed to her unstable psyche. The woman needed support and support. But the men treated her purely consumeristly. The only person who could save the sex symbol of the second half of the 50s was Joe DiMaggio. But he was just a little late. The baseball player probably felt this and blamed himself for the rest of his life.

Marilyn Monroe. The life and death of America's sex symbol Elena Vladimirovna Prokofieva



Why did Marilyn Monroe die? Why is she, beautiful, desirable, the most famous blonde in Hollywood, and even in the whole world! - died suddenly at the age of thirty-six, without suffering from any fatal diseases?

The cause of death - an overdose of sedatives - became known immediately.

But was it accidental?

If not, what was it - suicide or murder?

And if suicide, then why?

And if murder, then by whom?

All these questions still haunt millions of Marilyn fans and dozens of writers.

Initially, the most popular version was suicide. In the end, Marilyn's career faltered, and everyone knew it. She suffered from depression and drug addiction, and many people knew about it. An accidental overdose is not as interesting and dramatic as suicide... Therefore, the suicide version was popular.

Until it was replaced by a more popular one: the version of murder.

As the main suspects in different time featured: communists, mafiosi, John Kennedy (of course, not himself, but agents acting on his orders), Robert Kennedy (perhaps even himself, with his own hand!), Dr. Ralph Greenson (both accidentally and deliberately), au pair Eunice Murray (both accidentally and deliberately).

On August 5, 1962, at 4:25 a.m., the phone rang at the West Los Angeles police station. Sergeant Jack Clemmons accepted the call.

"Marilyn Monroe is dead. She committed suicide."

Ralph Greenson called the police.

Ten minutes after the call, Jack Clemmons arrived at 12305 Fifth Helen Drive. In the bedroom he saw a blonde young woman: naked, only slightly covered by a sheet, she was lying face down, and indeed she was dead, and indeed it was Marilyn Monroe. The sergeant, who at first assumed it was a prank, was shocked: in fact, by accepting the challenge, he stepped into history.

There were two doctors in the bedroom: Greenson and Dr. Hyman Engelberg. Also present in the house was Eunice Murray. Eunice was fiddling with washing machine, when it was her turn to give testimony... And, in fact, it was necessary to rely on her testimony, because she discovered Marilyn’s body.

Eunice said she found the body at midnight. And she immediately called the doctors. When the sergeant asked why it took so long to call the police, Greenson said: “We doctors should have had permission from the film studio’s press bureau before notifying anyone.” This was not true, but it explained why, before the police, they notified Arthur Jacobs as the studio's representative and Milton Radin as the actress's lawyer: both of them were also in the house.

Later, Eunice changed her testimony so that it became more coherent, and explained the difference from the original version by the stress she was under during the interrogation.

Allegedly, in fact, she woke up at three o'clock in the morning, went to check how Marilyn was feeling, was alarmed when she saw a light under the door, but the door was locked, the actress did not answer the knock and call... Eunice called Dr. Greenson (or Greenson called her, in The testimony also differs on this point), and the doctor, concerned about what was happening, told her to look into the bedroom through the window. To do this, Eunice had to take a poker, break the glass, part the thick curtains... And she saw Marilyn - frighteningly motionless. She reported this to Greenson. He arrived, broke the window, climbed into the bedroom, then unlocked the door and let Eunice in, saying: “She’s dead. We lost her.” Then, at 3:50 a.m., Greenson called Engelberg. He arrived, the doctors declared death together and called the police.

As possible reason death, they pointed to an empty bottle of sedative: Nembutal. The medicine was prescribed by Dr. Engelberg shortly before Marilyn's death. And if she took all the pills at once, she would inevitably die. The first version of the cause of death was an overdose of Nembutal for the purpose of suicide.

More and more police officers arrived at Marilyn's house. They searched the bedroom for farewell letter, which is usually left by suicides. We didn't find anything similar.

At eight in the morning the actress’s body was sent to the city morgue.

There she ended up in the hands of Los Angeles County Medical Examiner and Coroner Theodore Carfi and Deputy Medical Examiner Dr. Thomas Noguchi.

Noguchi, who moved to the United States from Japan, will eventually become the most famous pathologist in the country; it will be he who will autopsy the tortured bodies of the victims of the “family” of the maniac Charles Manson and Robert Kennedy, who was shot during his own election campaign. But it was Marilyn Monroe who was his first famous “patient”. He understood that the whole world was waiting for the results of the autopsy.

Removing Marilyn Monroe's body from the house where she died

Removing Marilyn Monroe's body from the house where she died

John Miner, a Los Angeles County deputy district attorney, was present at the autopsy.

Marilyn's body was first examined under a magnifying glass - literally every millimeter! - then they washed it and studied it a second time. No signs of violence were found. Only a bruise on her thigh, received a few days ago, but Marilyn, when she overused sedatives, was awkward and hit the furniture. Before starting the autopsy, Noguchi looked for signs of injections. There were none - contrary to the speculations of sensation hunters that appeared later. Only after making sure of this, the pathologist took a scalpel and made the first cut.

Marilyn did not eat dinner, trying to maintain her figure, so her stomach was practically empty. And the version with big amount Nembutal, taken once, was immediately refuted: the tablets would not have had time to completely dissolve. Meanwhile, chief toxicologist R. J. Abernethy, having examined the stomach contents and tissue internal organs actress, stated that the largest amount of barbiturates was found in the liver. The concentration was lethal. But if taken orally, the tablets would not have time to begin to be absorbed in the liver!

The answer to how the lethal dose of the sedative entered Marilyn’s body was obtained by examining the actress’s intestines. The larger surface of the colon showed, according to the report, "significant hyperemia and bluish discoloration." This indicated that a sedative was administered rectally. Most likely it was chloral hydrate: a fast-acting sleeping pill.

“It was necessary to find out the reasons for this unusual, unnatural coloration of the colon,” Miner wrote. “Noguchi and I were convinced that this strong dose of medicine was introduced into Marilyn’s body by infusion through an enema.”

Pathologist Dr. Abrams confirmed this version: “I have never seen anything like this during an autopsy. There was something strange going on with this woman’s colon. And in terms of suicide, I honestly find it very difficult to imagine that a patient who wants to take a fatal dose of barbiturates or even sedatives, will fool himself by preparing the solution, and then will give himself an enema with this solution!Apart from everything else, it is unknown how much liquid will be needed, and there is no guarantee that the body will not expel the solution before it is absorbed. Listen, if a person wants to poison himself with barbiturates, he simply swallows the powders or tablets and washes them down with water! As for the Nembutal suppositories (which are sometimes mistakenly believed to be the cause of the actress's death), they would only go into the anus to a depth of ten centimeters; however, in Marilyn's case, the sigmoid colon, which runs much higher, was completely stained, so the drug that caused death was actually introduced into the body through an enema. At this point it should be recalled that Marilyn for many years gave herself enemas “for hygienic reasons or in order to lose weight.” These are the words of Dr. Miner, but fashion designers like William Travilla and Jean Louis who worked for the actress had long known about this method. Further, Dr. continued: “To a large extent, it was on her part that she followed the fleeting fashion that reigned among actresses at that time...”

However, all these conclusions were made not in 1962, but in 1982, during the review of the case of the death of Marilyn Monroe, when all the documents were raised and witnesses were re-interviewed!

Eunice Murray left Marilyn's house on August 6, after drying the bed linen washed on the night of the actress's death and instructing her nephew to replace the broken glass.

On the same day, Joe DiMaggio requested a final death certificate. It was not yet a conclusion on the cause of death, but the autopsy was completed and Marilyn could be buried.

Joe was going to handle the funeral. He got on it official permission by Marilyn's half-sister, Bernice Miracle. Joe considered himself Marilyn's husband: he had been one once and wanted to be one again. Marilyn also seemed to be planning to marry him again. They even set a wedding date: August 8th. However, Marilyn was not too sure of her intentions regarding Joe: she either looked forward to his arrival and planned a reception on the occasion of their second wedding, or fell into gloom and believed that they should remain friends. But during a more thorough search of her bedroom, the actress found a folded piece of paper in the phone book on which she apparently began a letter to DiMaggio, but for some reason did not finish and did not send: “Dear Joe! If only I could make you happy ", I would do the most important and most difficult thing - that is, make one person infinitely happy. Your happiness is my happiness." She didn't send because she wasn't sure of her words? Or because she was distracted by something and then decided to tell Joe everything in person?

It didn't matter to Marilyn now. And for Joe, in fact, too. He could do only one thing for her now: give her a decent burial.

Joe knew that Marilyn was afraid to lie in the ground, so he bought a niche for her in the crypt. He chose the coffin, ordering the inside to be lined with champagne-colored velvet: a color that the deceased especially loved. DiMaggio directed all preparations from Malibu. On August 7, he called makeup artist Alan Snyder, who had worked with Marilyn during the filming of Some Like It Hot. And he said that the time had come to fulfill his promise...

Donald Spoto wrote:

"Ten years earlier, on the verge of her great career, Marilyn asked her friend Alan Snyder to come to her in the hospital before she was discharged from there: she wanted to look as beautiful as possible in front of people and in front of the cameras. For fifteen years, no one has been better than this man did not understand the fears and peculiarities of the actress’s nature, no one demonstrated greater patience and loyalty in using their own talents for her benefit.

Whitey,” Marilyn said, addressing him by his pet nickname as the make-up artist combed and styled her hair, lightening it here and there and slightly changing the shade in others, “you have to promise me one thing.”

Anything, Marilyn.

Promise me that if anything happens to me... I beg you, don't let anyone else touch my face. Promise to do my makeup so I look good before I leave forever.

Of course,” he said, teasing the actress. “Bring me only your body while you are still warm, and I will turn you into a deity.”

Marilyn gave it to Alan Snyder gold medal with the words "While I'm still warm! Marilyn" engraved on it.

Going to the morgue, Alan Snyder put this medal in his pocket. Margaret Pletcher, assistant costume designer and his future wife, went with him. She chose a closed-back dress as the actress's last outfit. a green dress from Pucci, which Marilyn's Lately I especially loved the chiffon scarf.

The make-up artist had a difficult job. Firstly, after death she lay prone, so that the blood, which the stopped heart had stopped pumping, sank to the lower sections under the influence of gravity, forming dark spots under the skin, the so-called post-mortem hypostasis: a natural and irreversible process. In addition, during a brain autopsy, soft tissues are separated from the bones of the skull to the eye sockets, and although they are returned afterwards, the face looks as if “bruised.” Photographs of Marilyn lying in the morgue after the autopsy were sold to the tabloids, published, and they became one of the reasons for the persistence of the legend of a violent death: dark spots were mistaken for lifetime bruises, and her face seemed to bear traces of beatings.

Alan Snyder worked for hours to make Marilyn beautiful again.

The actress's hair, already exhausted by styling and coloring, was now so tangled that it was impossible to comb and style it. Margaret Pletcher went to buy the wig that Marilyn wore in The Misfits. When the actress was buried, it turned out that death (as well as a thorough autopsy) had made changes to the lines of her body: it looked completely flat. Margaret Pletcher later recalled that at that moment she thought: “Oh God, Marilyn without breasts! She would have died.” And then she burst into tears, realizing that - yes, Marilyn died... To return her body to an attractive shape, Alan and Margaret tore the pillow and stuffed two plastic bags artificial down. Then they spent a long time attaching this improvised breast under the fabric of the dress, draping it with folds of a scarf.

DiMaggio was already heading to Los Angeles at this time.

Only when Marilyn, dressed and carefully made up, was laid in the coffin, Joe DiMaggio came to say goodbye to his beloved. He spent the whole night near the coffin. Alan Snyder, who came in early that morning to touch up his makeup, claimed that Joe was holding Marilyn's hand and talking to her.

DiMaggio didn't want Marilyn's funeral to turn into mass event. He did not want to see representatives of film companies, reporters and photographers. None of those who made Marilyn suffer. 30 closest friends were present. None of the Kennedy family attended the funeral. Jim Dougherty remarried and refused to come, saying he was busy at work. Arthur Miller and his second wife were expecting a child soon, and the writer also refused to say goodbye to Marilyn, saying: “I can’t stand this funeral circus.” For obvious reasons, Marilyn's mother was not at the funeral.

At the farewell ceremony in the chapel at Funeral Home fragments of Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony and Marilyn's favorite song, “The Other Side of the Rainbow” from the film “The Wizard of Oz,” were played.

The pastor's speech was very touching and full of respect for the deceased actress, and began with paraphrased biblical words: “Oh, how fearfully and wonderfully she was created by the Almighty!”

Lee Strasberg said: "We knew her as a warm-hearted person, impulsive, timid and lonely, impressionable and afraid of rejection, but always full of curiosity about life and striving to fulfill her desires. Her dream of great talent was not a mirage."

Joe cried throughout the ceremony. By the end, the tears turned into sobs. He was the last to say goodbye to Marilyn. He put a bouquet of twelve red roses in her hands, kissed her on the lips and said: “I love you, my dearest, I love you.”

The coffin lid was then lowered, hiding Marilyn from the world forever.

Joe led the funeral procession from the chapel to the crypt, where a niche had already been prepared for the coffin and a marble plaque on which was attached a tablet with the inscription:



Marilyn Monroe's burial place

Marilyn Monroe's burial place

Joe watched as the coffin was pushed into the niche and the marble slab was secured with mortar. Only then did he leave the cemetery, followed by everyone else. A few hours later, reporters, newsreel cameramen, and fans of the actress were allowed into Westwood Village. But first, bouquets and wreaths were delivered to the crypt from friends, acquaintances and, possibly, from the actress’s lifetime enemies. There was a separate bouquet from each of the Miller family members. Each bouquet and wreath was signed, with the exception of one, anonymous, which, however, was accompanied by a card with a sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

I love you so much? I love you beyond measure.

To the depths of the soul, to all its heights,

To transcendental sensual beauties,

To the depths of existence, to the ideal sphere.

To the needs of everyday life, to the very first,

Like the sun and a candle, simple worries,

I love as truth is the root of all freedoms,

And, like a prayer, a heart of pure faith.

I love with all my tart passion

Unfulfilled hopes, with all the childish thirst;

I love with the love of all my saints,

Those who left me, and with every sigh.

And death will come, I believe, and from there

I will love you even more.

(Translation by Valery Savin)

It is still unknown who showed such exquisite sentimentality.

Joe DiMaggio never married. He did not give interviews about his relationship with Marilyn, but every two weeks he sent two red roses to her grave. He died of lung cancer on March 8, 1999. They claim that he last words were: "Finally I'll see Marilyn." Most likely, this is a beautiful legend. People dying of lung cancer are rarely able to speak before they die. However, roses still appear on Marilyn’s grave: the organization “Fund for Fans of the Divine Marilyn Monroe” paid for regular delivery for a hundred years.

Gladys never learned about her daughter's death. She died in a private hospital in Florida on March 11, 1984. She may not have even realized how big a star Norma Jeane was.

Robert Francis Kennedy was fatally shot in Los Angeles while campaigning for re-election on June 5, 1968. A day later he died.

People who knew Marilyn left this world. People who were rumored to be connected with the mystery of her death could no longer protest the accusations. And the more time passed since the death of the star, the easier it became to compose versions...

Marilyn died, but more legends were formed around her death than her lifetime actions ever generated.

The version with the actress’s suicide was in the lead until it became clear: it is possible, but unlikely. At that moment, Marilyn was not unhappy, having lost hope. She said: “The future stretches out before me, and I can’t wait for it.” Perhaps it was bravado, but even taking into account all the internal and external problems that tormented her, she had no reason to despair so much as to commit suicide...

An accidental overdose seemed more plausible (especially before data was published regarding the rectal method of introducing a lethal dose of barbiturates into the actress’s body), it looked very instructive, if not piquant enough.

Therefore, journalists and fans seized on the rumors about the murder with excitement... And they still cannot part with them.

In order to consider all the versions in all their many variations, a separate book would be needed. And not small. We have a different format, and the purpose of the book is different. Therefore, we will consider only the main versions and their refutation.

Version one: Marilyn Monroe was killed by communists, Kremlin agents. This version appeared due to the fact that Marilyn was the wife of Arthur Miller, who was suspected of sympathizing with the communists, and the actress herself once said: “But the communists are for the people, right?..” - and this was not forgotten to her.

So, Marilyn got involved with the communists, was privy to some of their secrets, became dangerous, and Kremlin agents came to the house on Helen Drive and killed the actress: either by forcing her to drink a huge number of pills, or by injecting her with barbiturates.

Pathologist Thomas Noguchi actively protested against the lethal injection option, not only in the “communist” version, but also in principle: to administer such a dose of barbiturates, a very large syringe would be needed, and the injection would leave a thorough hematoma on the body, which is simply impossible not to notice.

But maybe the insidious communists injected the actress with barbiturates, or some unknown poison?

However, this version quickly became obsolete.

There was a version according to which Marilyn Monroe was killed by mafia agents. Allegedly, she was the mistress of one of the prominent mafiosi: the names were named Johnny Roselli, Bugsy Seagal and Sam Giancana. And in the end, the “dangerous liaisons” ended in the death of the actress. But actor Alex D'Arcy, who had known Marilyn since they starred together in How to Marry a Millionaire and was close friends with Los Angeles mob boss Roselli, said: "Marilyn probably has There was never an affair with any of these men. In principle, there were no connections between Marilyn and the gang!"

And then, the version of the connection between the “golden goddess of Hollywood” and vulgar mafiosi seemed unattractive to the public.

It's different - the Kennedy brothers! One is the youngest and most charming president in US history, the other is a charismatic personality, a talented politician...

The versions according to which John and (or) Robert Kennedy were responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe turned out to be the most successful among all others. They are still very tenacious to this day, are still being discussed, and are acquiring more and more new details and variations. Moreover, in various variations, the killers could be either John or Robert, or both of them.

According to the version according to which Marilyn was only John’s mistress, but her mistress for many years, from the time when he was a congressman, she was repeatedly pregnant by him, had abortions, and finally rebelled: she decided to keep her last child...For which she was killed.

A variation of this version: Marilyn was forced to have an abortion, after which she decided to give a press conference and talk about her relationship with the president. Kennedy was forced to send assassins to her, who either forced the actress to take a lethal dose of pills or gave her a lethal injection. And Nogushi was forced to “ignore” the traces, because the order to recognize Marilyn Monroe’s death as the result of an overdose was “came down from above.”

According to another variation, Marilyn was so eager to get John to divorce Jacqueline and marry her that the president was again forced to send assassins to her.

There is a political variation: Marilyn was the confidant of many of the president’s political secrets, and everything he told was written down in a mysterious diary with a red cover, which disappeared from her house after her death; during the search, a locked secretary was broken into...

And a ufological variation: among the secrets that the president generously shared with his beloved was “Secret Area 51,” that is, a military base in Nevada where an alien ship that crashed in 1947 was allegedly hidden. Marilyn found out about aliens - and had to be eliminated. Either to the military, or to the aliens themselves.

Some fans of this variation went even further: Marilyn did not die, but was abducted by aliens, the authorities were forced to plant the body of another woman... After all, in the photographs from the morgue the actress does not look like herself, so why not?

It’s even strange that none of the fans have yet suggested that Marilyn was kidnapped by fairies. After all, it is known that they steal beautiful women, and instead of them they plant doubles, created from swamp driftwood and completely unviable. The body usually turns back into driftwood a few days after the funeral...

However, Americans believe in aliens more than in fairies.

And even more so, they believe more in Robert Kennedy’s guilt.

Allegedly, Marilyn demanded that he divorce his wife, Ethel, threatened him with exposure, scandal, and promised to tell journalists about everything... As a result, Robert killed her with his own hands: he strangled her with a pillow. Less radical variations of the same version: Robert's bodyguards gave Marilyn a lethal injection. Pathologist Noguchi did not find an injection mark? I didn’t look well... But what about the traces? rectal administration drugs found at autopsy? Well, quite recently, journalists Jay Margolis and Richard Baskin announced that they had figured out exactly how Marilyn was killed: in the presence of Robert Kennedy, two of his bodyguards first injected the actress with a sleeping pill in the armpit (allegedly that’s why no trace was found on the body), and then - they gave her an enema with an already lethal dose of barbiturates. This would be funny if it weren't entirely about death. real person, a beautiful young and talented woman... And about slander against another person, who, by the way, also died very young, a loving family man and a fighter for civil rights.

If Marilyn spent at least one night with John Kennedy, then she was connected with Robert only by rumor. And yet Robert is accused most often of all. The reason is that at the time of the first accusations, his name was not yet surrounded by the aura of political martyrdom, like the name of John, and he was not a president, but presidents in the United States in the old days were still treated with respect.

The first time the version that Marilyn Monroe was killed and Robert Kennedy was involved was expressed by Frank A. Capell, who hated communists and blacks. And also - all the Kennedys because they fought poorly against the communists and allowed blacks into educational institutions. He published the anti-communist newspaper Herald of Freedom. And in 1964 he published the book " Strange death Marilyn Monroe." In the book, he described his version of the romance between Robert and Marilyn. And the ending, when Robert, dreaming of bringing the communists to power, kills his mistress, who could destroy him political career with your confessions. It is interesting that the source of information about how the investigation into the actress’s death took place was police Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who was the first to arrive on call at her house.

FBI Director John Edgar Hoover, who disliked Kennedy and was collecting a detailed dossier on Robert, learned about the upcoming publication of the book from his agents and sent him a letter warning: “In the book you will find information about your alleged friendship with Miss Monroe. Mr. Capell stated his intention to show in his book that you had a confidential relationship with Miss Monroe and were in Monroe's house at the time of her death." Robert Kennedy did not respond to the letter. It is unknown how he actually felt about this gossip...

A year later, Kopell and Clemmons were put on trial for libel against Senator Thomas X. Kachel, a Republican who had supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They were found guilty and Clemmons was fired from the police force.

However, the legend that Marilyn Monroe was killed by Robert Kennedy turned out to be tenacious.

During Robert's lifetime nothing more was published on this topic. But some time after his death, the topic of the affair with Marilyn was returned to. The recipients of the actress's phone calls were made public, and it turned out that shortly before her death she repeatedly called Robert... But the conversations did not last long. And, as people close to Robert testified, the topic of conversation was problems in the relationship between Marilyn and the film studio.

“Throughout my entire acquaintance with Robert Kennedy,” said Edwin Gutman, “it never occurred to me that the prosecutor was having an affair with Marilyn, much less with some other woman. The woman of his life was Ethel, and he did not show interest in no one else, apart from normal social and public contacts in in public places. Marilyn actually called Kennedy several times that summer at his office in Washington. Bobby was a good listener, and he was interested in the actress's questions, her life, and even her troubles and problems. But to be honest, me, Bobby and Angie (Novello, Kennedy's secretary) perceived these calls as something funny, a kind of humor - and certainly not as something that is whispered about in corners or kept secret. We said to each other something like: “Oh, there she is again with those questions.” But their conversations were always short-lived. Robert did not belong to the category of people who talk for a long time about unimportant topics. But for him to have an affair? Honestly, it didn't suit his character at all."

Of course, friends and party comrades could defend Robert and lie for his sake, for the sake of his blessed memory, for the sake of his wife and children... And yet Robert could not physically be present at Marilyn’s death and physically participate in it.

On August 3, along with his wife and four children, Robert went to stay at the ranch of his friend John Bates, located one hundred and thirty kilometers south of San Francisco and five hundred and sixty kilometers north of Los Angeles, high in the Santa Cruz Mountains. FBI agents were watching the president's brother, so there are records of every episode that happened during the Kennedy family's stay with the Bates family: about joint horseback rides, dinners, playing American football, attending mass... Robert simply did not have the opportunity to find time for that , to go to Los Angeles, meet Marilyn and supervise her elimination. He could not fly out and return on a private plane: the ranch was located in such a way that it was impossible to land a plane there.

The version according to which Marilyn's killer was her psychotherapist, Ralph Greenson, was very innovative and daring and gained enormous popularity. This version also has two variations. First: Dr. Greenson did not know that Marilyn was taking barbiturates, which Dr. Engelberg prescribed to her without coordinating his actions with him, and when the famous patient once again became hysterical due to insomnia, he gave her an enema with chloral hydrate and a combination of drugs turned out to be fatal. Second: Dr. Greenson was in love with Marilyn or simply felt some kind of spiritual dependence on his patient, he knew that she wanted to get rid of his obsessive guardianship and marry Joe DiMaggio, and he deliberately killed her by giving a sedative enema with an excessive amount of chloral hydrate.

This version is complemented by another: Eunice Murray was the killer. Dr. Greenson could have instructed her to carry out intimate procedure and give the actress an enema. And she may have used more chloral hydrate than necessary. Either by accident or on purpose. Intentionally - because Marilyn fired her shortly before her death. And although Eunice returned to her home, she knew that she would not have long to share her life with the movie star. However, some of the supporters of this version believe that Eunice Murray acted strictly on Greenson’s orders, and was only a performer, although she was well aware that a murder was being committed.

Mrs. Murray, by the way, is perfect for the role of a murderer: she lied too much and changed her testimony too often. Almost everything she said immediately after Marilyn's death turned out to be a lie. She couldn't see the light under Marilyn's door: the thick white carpet on the floor that made the door for a long time did not close at all, did not allow even a ray of light to leak in... And the door could not be locked: Marilyn never locked the door. And Eunice could not, having broken the window, open the curtains with a poker! In Marilyn's room, which hated the bright morning light, there was only one giant curtain that could not be moved.

Also, Eunice was washing the sheets. Who would do laundry soon after discovering a dead body? Unless it's someone who has something to hide.

Dead Marilyn lay on clean, dry sheets. But dying after a chloral hydrate enema, she would inevitably become relaxed and the sheets would be stained.

Dr. Greenson was very careful to point out the empty bottle of Nimbutal. Eunice Murray washed and dried the sheets.

Perhaps they both considered themselves guilty. And, panicking, they tried to hide their guilt.

Perhaps Marilyn's death was a tragic accident, indeed just an overdose, but it was not the actress herself who overdid it with sedatives, but her therapist or her companion, or both...

There is something else strange about Marilyn's death.

Her last two phone conversations.

On August 4 at approximately 7:15 p.m., Joe DiMaggio Jr. called her. They chatted merrily, in particular, the young man informed the actress that he had broken off his engagement to a girl who Marilyn did not like. Monroe was lively and reacted cheerfully: DiMaggio Jr. couldn’t believe it when he learned about her death, and even more so, he couldn’t believe that she had committed suicide...

At 19.45. Marilyn received a call from Peter Lawford. And a completely different woman spoke to him. She muttered something hoarsely, could not concentrate enough to respond to the purpose of his call - an invitation to a party. At the end of the conversation, Marilyn said, "Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the President and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a good guy." And then, after a couple more minutes of inarticulate mumbling, she hung up. Lawford called back. It was busy. He called again and again. Finally, he called the telephone exchange: “When I asked the telephone operator to interrupt the conversation going on there, she told me that either the handset had been removed from the plug, or the telephone was damaged.”

Peter became even more alarmed, called several friends, tried to go to Marilyn to figure out what was happening to her, but he was dissuaded: after all, he is the president’s son-in-law, what if the actress had an overdose and would have to call the doctors, he would be involved in an ugly story... Ultimately, Lawford insisted that Marilyn's lawyer, Milton Radin, be called, who called Mrs. Murray. Radin later said: “...for about four minutes, until she came back and said: “She feels fine.” But I got the impression that this woman did not leave the room at all.” And Eunice wailed in her book, titled If Only: “If only Radin had told me that he had received a call from someone concerned about Marilyn...” But what would she have done if Radin had told her?

What exactly happened that night at Marilyn Monroe's house?

It's time to accept that we will never know for sure.

In one of her last interviews, Marilyn stated that the money she receives for her roles is not important to her. She just wants to shine like a true star.

Shining was what she did best.

She still manages to shine.

Just watch any of her films, look at photographs of Marilyn: she still shines. Decades have not dimmed her light, nor devalued her beauty and talent. Marilyn is still the most famous blonde - not only in Hollywood, but throughout the world. Marilyn is still a star whose distant light attracts all eyes.

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For many years, the cause of death of one of Hollywood's most brilliant stars, Marilyn Monroe, wasNorma Jean Mortenson, remained a mystery. Much of the evidence and testimony obtained during the investigation was destroyed or lost. But now, almost half a century later, new details of the actress’s death have come to light.

Marilyn Monroe: symbol of eternal beauty

Upon death itself, on August 5, 1962, the body of Marilyn Monroe was found in the bedroom of her home in Brentwood and, according to the results of the autopsy, the investigation concluded that death was the result of acute barbiturate poisoning. It is known that listening devices were installed in Monroe’s house, and surveillance was carried out on the day of her death. Witnesses claim that the day before John and Bobby Kennedy came to her, screams and the sound of breaking glass were heard, a woman shouted: “Murderers! You are murderers! Are you happy now that she is dead?”, then everything became quiet. Arguments are made that it was Bobby Kennedy who silenced Monroe forever by suffocating him with a pillow.

Conflicting reports of death

In fact, while more than a hundred books have been written about the life and death of the woman who was perhaps the most notorious sex symbol of the 20th century, none of them have managed to penetrate the mystery or even fill the gap regarding last minutes Monroe's life.

According to eyewitnesses, August 4, 1962 was a fairly ordinary day in Marilyn's life. Pat Newcomb, her press agent, recalled that Marilyn appeared to be having trouble sleeping and was irritated about something. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, spent most of the day with Monroe, who noted a clear change in the actress’s condition, which he attributed to taking Nembutal (a barbiturate). In the evening, Joe DiMaggio came to her to discuss with Marilyn the dissolution of his engagement and their possible reunion.

At 4:25 a.m. on Sunday, August 5, the Los Angeles Police Department received a call. The caller introduced himself as Dr. Hyman Engelberg, Marilyn's personal physician, and said that actress Marilyn Monroe had committed suicide. When the police arrived at the movie star's house, they found Marilyn's naked body, next to which were bottles of sedatives. According to the description of the scene, she was lying face down, what is called the “soldier’s” position, with her face buried in a pillow, her arms along her body, right hand slightly bent, legs extended straight.

The investigation immediately assumed that she was placed in this way, since, contrary to the general concept, an overdose of sleeping pills usually causes leg cramps and vomiting in the victim, the very position of the body is distorted and does not remain smooth. The statements taken from third parties were very strange: they claimed that Marilyn's body was found earlier than four hours, but they could not contact the police until the advertising department of the 20th Century Fox Film Corporation gave them permission to do so.

A preliminary autopsy determined that Marilyn died from a barbiturate overdose. Residues of the drug pentobarbital (a sleeping pill) were found in her liver, and chloral hydrate was found in her blood. Marilyn's cause of death was identified as "probable suicide."

Autopsy results and causes of death of Marilyn Monroe

The coroner based his determination of the cause of death as "suicide" on: the presence of sedative drug residues in her blood, her previous suicide attempts, and the absence of signs of violent death. This opinion, however, was not shared by some forensic experts, who argued that no traces of Nembutal were found in the stomach or intestines, only in the liver, suggesting that in fact, Marilyn died from rectally administered barbiturates through an enema.

Some experts make very convincing arguments in favor of the accidental death of the star. It is possible that her doctors, in an attempt to wean Marilyn off Nembutal, had recently given her chloral hydrate. Chloral hydrate significantly slows down the metabolism and absorption of Nembutal. The doctors might not know when and what she took, especially since the drugs interact very poorly with each other. Almost every doctor, not wanting to admit to himself or others, allows serious and sometimes fatal errors in relation to her patients, especially since it is worth considering the fact that Marilyn often took drugs during the day. And of course, a much more exciting version of a movie star's death would be accidental death or murder.

Celebrity status is more susceptible to crime romance. Of course, it is important to distinguish between hiding information by powerful individuals from committing a crime and eliminating people who could potentially cause serious problems. There are a number of credible people who claim that Marilyn Monroe had affairs with one or both of the Kennedy brothers. According to Marilyn's confidant, the latter had real aspirations for the post of First Lady. Her letters and phone calls to Kennedy became tiresome and very risky. It's one thing to have fun with unknown girls, but it's quite another to be involved with a sex symbol and a celebrity. The actress herself could easily deprive both of them of the presidency, since she was privy to many private issues, and even issues related to the security of the country. The influential brothers had every reason to break off relations with Marilyn forever. Therefore, it is quite possible that Robert became the person who tried to end the star’s relationship with the Kennedy clan.

Marilyn and the Kennedy brothers

According to Marilyn's friends, the relationship between her and the two brothers is previously unknown. general public, were the talk of Hollywood. Marilyn was often seen dancing or having intimate conversations at private parties with Bobby or John. According to her close friends, Bobby fell in love with Marilyn, but she did not reciprocate his feelings; Monroe's heart still belonged to her older brother, John. Sometimes, Marilyn and John met secretly during the latter's official trips and often talked on the phone. Kennedy even gave her a personal number so she could contact him through the Justice Department. Marilyn's hopes for a future together with the president grew, she believed that John Kennedy would someday be able to divorce Jackie and marry her.

In 1962, she performed at Madison Square Garden on John F. Kennedy's birthday, performing the well-known, " Happy Birthday Mr. President." It was a performance that created ripples of gossip among the crowd as their relationship was publicly displayed. Rumors about Marilyn and Kennedy began to circulate actively in American society. There was a danger that if the President's relationship with Marilyn continued, then John in particular , may be drawn into a whirlpool of scandal.

In the summer of 1962, Marilyn was asked to cease all contact with her brothers. Their relationship came to an abrupt end, Marilyn was broken and fell into severe depression. She even shared with friends that she would not mind telling the truth about her relationship with Kennedy in revenge for the pain they caused her.

But in the weeks before her death, Marilyn's career and personal life were, in a sense, on the rise. A number of new film projects have come to the fore. She spent the weekend with Joe DiMaggio, and it was rumored that they were planning to get married again. Sadly, the following weekend, Marilyn was found dead in her Brentwood home. Her death was ruled a suicide due to an overdose of sleeping pills. However, there were many who still believe that she was killed because she knew too much. The day before tragic events Frank Sinatra visited her, mainly to make sure that she was not going to publicize the details of her relationship with JFK. It was rumored that in connection with the same, the gangsters of Sam Giancana were putting pressure on her, and unflattering photographs of the actress were brought to light as a means of blackmail. But now, everyone probably already understands that real events The stories that surrounded Marilyn's death will never be made public. For sure, all that is known is this: the living legend mysteriously died in the prime of his life, in the fog of confusion, scandals and uncertainty.

Exactly 55 years ago, on August 5, 1962, the most famous sex symbol of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe, died. To this day, her sudden death at the age of 36, at the peak of her career, is one of the biggest mysteries of the last century. Long years the whole world was sure that the sexy blonde had committed suicide, but 2 years ago the revelations of Norman Hodges, the ex-CIA agent who killed Monroe, hit the Internet. So where is the truth?

Marilyn's body was discovered on August 5, 1962, without clothes, with a telephone receiver in her hand. Psychoanalyst Greenson and therapist Engelberg arrived and determined barbiturate poisoning. Suicide - everyone decided, attributing it to an accidental overdose of drugs due to depression. But 53 years later, CIA special agent Norman Hodges admitted that he killed the actress on orders from management. The reason for this was Marilyn’s friendship with the communists - she could convey important information.

Despite her frivolous image, Monroe stood up for world peace, friendship of peoples - this is where the actress’s love for the ideals of communism began. In 2006, the Associated Press news agency published an FBI archive in which a denunciation of the TV personality was discovered. From the document it follows that Monroe is a communist, her husband Arthur Miller is the leader of Monroe's communist party, which provides finances for the subversive activities of bohemian communists. Monroe's commitment to communism is also evidenced by her patronage of Ella Fitzgerald.

And at the end of 2015, a terminally ill retired special agent made a sensational confession - on the orders of the CIA, he killed Monroe. Norman Hodges admitted that he entered the diva's bedroom on August 5 and injected her with a lethal injection of a barbiturate and a sedative. He did it for America, his boss, Jimmy Hayworth, told him she had to die. Hodges has 37 more stars of various sizes, among which Monroe was the only woman.

After Hodges' confession, the FBI became involved, but no evidence could be found. Soon the applicant himself died, and the case was “hushed up.”

Meanwhile, there are many more versions of Monroe's death. One of them is the fatal passion of the blonde and President John Kennedy. In 1961, a whirlwind romance began between them, but it turned into a painful passion for the beauty. She began to threaten the president with exposure, and he assigned his brother Robert to distract her. It was he who last saw Monroe on the night of August 4, and (possibly) their quarrel escalated into a scandal and subsequent murder.

Another possible culprit is her psychoanalyst, Ralph Greeson. He worked with many stars, but his therapy was questioned. Instead of helping, he pumped Monroe with drugs that made her hysterical. He took care of the diva in every possible way, and in the end she realized that they needed to stop communicating. Before her death, they talked for six hours, and many are sure that he drove her to suicide.

Another guess is that Monroe could have been removed by the American “mafia”. One of Marilyn's lovers was Frank Sinatra, associated with underworld USA. The CIA recorded that the day before her death she met with a former lover.

One way or another, this is all just speculation. It is still unknown why Monroe was naked, why there were many pill bottles next to her but no water, and who she was trying to call that fateful night.

Marilyn Monroe is the legendary sex-appeal of America in the 50s of the last century, who equally drove ordinary workers and presidents crazy. Her film roles, unrecognized by the Film Academy (the Hollywood film star has never been nominated for an Oscar), are known to the whole world: “The Seven Year Itch” (directed by Billy Wilder), “Bus Stop” (Joshua Logan), “The Prince and the Showgirl/Extra.” (Laurence Olivier), “Some like it hot/Only girls in jazz” (Billy Wilder)… The life, work and mysterious death of the most unsurpassed blonde of the era still interests her many fans.

Norm: childhood and adolescence

If at least one Hollywood star and there was a childhood that I don’t want to remember, it was Marilyn Monroe. Born on June 1, 1926 in an orphanage at a Los Angeles hospital, throughout her life she never found out for certain who her natural father was. The new mother, Gladys Pearl Monroe, named her daughter Norma Jeane, and listed her father as her second husband, Martin Mortenson, who left her before the birth of the child.

In some sources, Gladys’s first husband, John Nathan Baker, is listed as the parent, but by this time the newborn’s mother had long been divorced. Subsequently, another version of paternity arose, repeatedly voiced by Norma’s mother. She claimed that she gave birth to her from Charles Stanley Gifford, with whom she had a short affair while working as an editor at the Consolidated Film company.

But no one took such statements seriously, as Gladys’s hereditary disease began to progress, for which she was increasingly treated in a Norwalk psychiatric hospital. Poverty and loneliness, which accompanied the girl from birth, left an imprint on her entire future fate.

Not from Great love, and from the melancholy that settled in her soul, sixteen-year-old Norma accepted the offer of James (Jim) Dougherty (according to various sources - either an aircraft factory worker or an undertaker), hoping in family life to find the stability and care that was so desperately missing. The new husband gave her neither one nor the other and soon went to sea with the merchant fleet. America was at war, and the young woman got a job at an aircraft factory, where war photographer David Conover arrived in 1944, radically changing gray life orphans.

Struck by the sexual magnetism of the charming “simple girl,” the photographer paid her $5 for an hour of posing. He sent the photographs to modeling agencies, and soon Norma graced the covers of numerous magazines. 1946 brought her her first contract with the film studio 20th Century Fox, a divorce from Dougherty, and a complete change of appearance and name: Norma became Marilyn. From past life all that's left is maiden name mother - Monroe.

Marilyn: film career

The luxurious platinum blonde with an inimitable smile and alluring gaze starred in her first episodic roles. The films were frankly weak and passable, but the aspiring actress rejoiced at every opportunity to learn acting. Monroe dreamed of playing real, dramatic roles and took private lessons from emigrant Mikhail Chekhov, a Russian actor who had previously served at the Moscow Art Theater. Along the way, she studied at Lee Strasberg's acting studio in New York, and read Russian classics on Chekhov's advice.

Alas, directors mercilessly exploited the image of a dim-witted but attractive sex bomb, and Marilyn starred in “Love Nest” (1951), “Clash in the Night” (1952), “Niagara” (1953). Her role in the films “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “How to Marry a Millionaire” (both filmed in 1953) brought her universal admiration and overwhelming popularity. Against the backdrop of unprecedented success, crowds of fans and daily declarations of love, Marilyn remained internally lonely, fearing disappointment from young Norma.

In 1956, Monroe starred opposite John Murray in the melodramatic comedy Bus Stop and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for the first time in her acting career. Then the actress worked in the joint British-American project “The Prince and the Showgirl” (1957). Her partner and at the same time the director of the film was Laurence Olivier.

Marilyn Monroe - I Wanna Be Loved By You (from the movie Some Like It Hot)

And again Monroe was among the nominees (now at the British Film Academy) as best foreign actress, but... the prize went to Simone Signora. And only after the film “Some Like It Hot/Some Like It Hot”, American film critics finally recognized her as the best comedic actress and in 1960 Marilyn received her first ever cinematic prize – the Golden Globe for her role as Darling.

Monroe still received the very dramatic role that she had dreamed of for so long. The actress played practically herself: a desperate divorced woman, disillusioned with men, traveling with two cowboy friends in the hope of finding work. She starred in the film “The Misfits” (1961) together with the spectacular Montgomery Clift and the still charismatic Clark Gable, for whom this work, like for Marilyn, turned out to be the last in the cinema.

Marilyn Monroe on the set of Something's Gotta Give (which was never completed)

Personal life of Marilyn Monroe

Having avoided serious dates for a long time, in 1954 the actress finally decided to get married a second time. Her chosen one was a Sicilian emigrant, major league baseball player Joe DiMaggio. Narcissistic and himself accustomed to the worship of fans, DiMaggio could not come to terms with the incredible popularity of his wife. The marriage did not last even a year. Joe's destructive jealousy, especially after Monroe's filming in The Seven Year Itch (1955), which everyone remembers from the flowing dress episode, led to an assault scandal and subsequent divorce.

Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch

In 1956, the actress married the playwright and intellectual recognized in America, Arthur Miller, for the third time. Their mutual interest arose much earlier, however, serious relationship began only when Marilyn divorced DiMaggio, and Miller’s marriage was on its way out. The wedding ceremony was modest, with only relatives and close friends among those invited.

Despite professional success, some evil rock hung over the most luxurious blonde in America, as for family life, which failed for the third time. All the men with whom Marilyn Monroe officially decided to connect her fate practically idolized their chosen one before the wedding. As soon as they became husbands, they seemed to forget what kind of woman they were living with and tried with all their might to remake her “for themselves,” to make Marilyn an ordinary earthly woman.

A third divorce in 1961 plunged Marilyn into desperate depression. She failed to create a strong and happy family, which she dreamed of since childhood. What remains is the cinema, the love of the public, fleeting novels and... alcohol, which she used to wash down her sleeping pills.

Death of Marilyn Monroe

On May 29, 1962, America celebrated the 45th birthday of its youngest president, John F. Kennedy. The gala at Madison Square Garden was announced with a stirring “Happy Birthday, Mr. President, Happy Birthday to you.” A beautiful woman congratulated her beloved from the stage and, as she thinks, loving man. Soon her most cherished dream will come true, she will have the most wonderful family, she will become the most unique First Lady of the United States!

Marilyn Monroe - Happy Birthday Mr. President

...Such thoughts and even statements were attributed to Marilyn Monroe, whose charm, sexuality and sincerity even the president of the country could not resist. What actually happened, the direct participants in the drama unfolding in those days will no longer tell. One can only guess what storms raged in the soul of Jacqueline Kennedy, official wife the president, what role the president’s brother Robert played in the quick outcome and what John Kennedy himself was silent about. Cherished dream it was not destined to come true anyway.

Two months have passed since my birthday. On August 5, Marilyn's maid called the police because she was unusual in seeing light in her mistress's windows after hours. The police found the actress in the bedroom with a telephone receiver in her hands and recorded her death. In the doctor’s report, which later gave rise to many versions of Marilyn Monroe’s death, it was written: “Probably suicide.” But the personality of the alleged suicide is such that neither journalists nor her fans could believe the official version.

Rumors arose about the involvement of the Kennedy clan in the death of everyone's favorite, as well as the mafia and intelligence services, driving her to suicide by Monroe's personal psychologist. The mysterious death of the actress haunted researchers of all stripes; books were written about her and films were made. At the age of only 36, the talented and beautiful Marilyn Monroe passed away with her last words from an interview with Richard Maryman: “I beg you, don’t make me funny.”

P.S. An Unforgettable Legacy

The image of Marilyn Monroe began to be exploited almost immediately after her death. Thousands of women around the world to this day try to be like her, at least externally, since few people manage to understand the inner world of the actress, even Hollywood imitators, starting with Jayne Mansfield and ending with Scarlett Johansson.

"Marilyn Monroe. Last session"

In 2008, documentarian Patrick Jedi created the film “Marilyn Monroe. Last session." The investigation is also carried out in the journalistic documentary film “Evidence from the Past. Marilyn Monroe" (2017). Many artistic films have been created, in one of which, “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn” (2011), the fatal blonde is played by Michelle Williams. For this role, the actress received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination.

Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe in 7 Days and Nights with Marilyn (trailer)
