Bad horoscope for Libra for April. Horoscope for Libra for the month of April – relationships

Tourmaline is formed deep in the bowels of the Earth along with minerals such as quartz, mica, and feldspar. Long, thin, triangular crystals with parallel vertical lines along their entire length are formed. The black variety of tourmaline (sherl) is the most common. A special feature of tourmaline is that when heated, one end of the crystal receives a positive charge, and the opposite end receives a negative charge. This makes it useful for use in switching devices in various types of mechanisms.


It is known that the ancient Greeks and Romans associated the variety of shades of tourmaline with its magical properties. During the Middle Ages, tourmaline was not considered as a separate mineral, since it was very similar to color scheme for other precious stones. Later, Dutch traders visiting Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), discovered a mineral later named tourmaline (meaning “many shades”), and presented it as a gemstone to eighteenth-century Europe.


Main chakra: Base (root), base of the back (perineum).

Sherl is one of best stones to protect against negativity of any kind. The stone refracts rather than absorbs energy that causes imbalance, creating a safe, neutral aura around the person

This crystal also very quickly returns consciousness to the physical body. It acts very deeply and thoroughly, so it can be used to restore normal consciousness after healing or spiritual practices.

Schorl's main properties are regulation and will help the body heal if bones and muscles are damaged or strained. It also connects human body with the energy of the Earth. All this makes sherl useful for traveling around the world, when traveling to unfamiliar places, it helps to combine personal energy with the energy of the planet, and normalizes biorhythms.

The magical properties of tourmaline

Tourmalines are believed to have a beneficial effect on the body and mind, eliminating fears and anxieties. Tourmalines help with meditation, concentration, and clarity of mind. A pendant with blue tourmaline will help you fall asleep peacefully. The stone creates a feeling of peace and security, helps to believe in one’s own strength. Green tourmaline is especially valued in this regard, as it can awaken creative forces and evoke a cheerful mood.

According to ancient beliefs, tourmaline is a spiritual stone, developing Creative skills. Red tourmaline has always been considered a talisman of artists, green - a protector of creative people, and black - a stone of witches.

Stone connoisseurs recommend wearing tourmaline set in gold or silver in a pendant on a chain or in a ring on index finger right hand or middle finger of the left hand. Tourmalines are recommended to be worn by people born under zodiac signs Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

The healing properties of tourmaline

Tourmaline is believed to be a powerful healer and purifier. Various color varieties of tourmalines were used in Indian lithotherapy. It was believed that red and pink tourmalines have projective Yang energy, and green, blue and black tourmalines have receptive Yin energy. Green stones help with liver diseases, nervous system, organ systems, circulatory and skin. They support oxygen exchange in the blood and strengthen the immune system. Of all the green gemstones, tourmaline has the most powerful anti-aging properties. It is useful for everyone to wear (especially with strong nervous and physical activity) to restore the aura after negative external influence. Blue tourmalines have a beneficial effect on lymphatic, hormonal and immune system person.

Black tourmaline schorl forms a protective aura around itself that reflects everything harmful influences. In American lithotherapy, to remove negative energy from a person’s physical body, scherls are rotated counterclockwise over the sore spot. Indigolite is considered a peace stone and good sleep. Colorless tourmalines create a balance of spiritual and physical strength, clear the mind.


  1. Belov N.V. "Encyclopedia of precious stones and crystals"
  2. Jasper Stone "All About" precious stones"

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Women are like a magnet for the energy of stars and planets. Ladies are very sensitive to changes in the energy flows of the Universe, so the Women's horoscope for April 2018 will help you find the right balance in life. It's no secret that women more emotional than men. Emotions are born from thoughts and environment, but sometimes they come out of nowhere. At least that’s what the girls and women themselves think. The fair sex is very dependent on stellar energy and changes in the movement of planets. In the article you will find the complete female horoscope for April 2018 for Libra. The main changes in April are the weakening of the Sun from the 20th, the return of “normal” Mercury and the fateful transition of Saturn into retrograde on the 18th. So, look further.

Horoscope for women for April 2018 for Libra

Get ready for a real spring flare-up. An elevated, romantic mood, sparkling eyes and confidence in the future - all this will be your companions throughout April. However, do not forget that sooner or later you will still have to return to earth. Your spiritual and airy person will require an appropriate environment. All primitive things and everyday conversations can irritate and even infuriate at times. This can lead to arguments and disagreements with friends and family. And how quickly the relationship will stabilize again depends only on your line of behavior. And to avoid misunderstandings, you can express your emotional outbursts through art. Perhaps it's time for you to take up painting or master decoupage techniques. Despite the desire to dwell in rosy dreams, you should not completely lose your head and lose your sanity. Otherwise, those who are unable to sleep peacefully with your success will rush to take advantage of this. And there are plenty of such ill-wishers. Therefore, you should not weaken your iron grip, even if the mood is too playful and too light. Don't forget about your nutrition. In April it should be more balanced and complete than ever. All your snacks on the go and forced fasting, due to the inability to organize a normal meal, will lead to problems throughout the digestive system.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 Libra

Venus will completely lose its relevance on April 24, so Libra women will need to reconsider their strategy at the end of the month and beyond. April as a whole will be a fairly positive month, but at the very end you risk losing everything. Do not plan to spend money or make major purchases for the last week of April. This is fraught with consequences. The sun will also become weaker, but already on the 20th. His transition to Taurus will make you more free in terms of thoughts and self-realization. The negativity will go away, but you will have to pay for it somehow. In April, representatives of the sign will face health problems. The illness will not be dangerous - most likely a cold - but it will take all your strength out of you for a long time. Against this background, depression may develop, which can be overcome by regular communication with loved ones and their support.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 for Libra

You are ready to completely immerse yourself in your personal life, pushing all other areas into the background. Your head will be filled with romantic meetings under the moon, the adoration and admiration of fans, as well as your own importance in relation to existing rivals. But is it worth it to spread yourself so thin and immerse yourself in personal relationships and ups and downs, when there are still many extraneous matters and problems looming on the horizon. If you can’t cope with your own romance on your own and you can’t set your priorities correctly, you can use the help of auxiliary tools. This could be reading special, motivating books or attending specialized courses that will take free time and distract from frivolity. At work, you should also show moderation and stop placing all responsibility on your fragile, women's shoulders. You are not a draft horse to pull your own and at the same time someone else’s load. This is where you can show your true guts and be weak and helpless for a little while, thereby stimulating the initiative of your male colleagues.

Libras sometimes hide in the bushes rather than do anything. But in this way, your problems will not be solved in April. The Yellow Dog advises you to become bolder and more confident in yourself in order to achieve the desired result, both in work and in the financial sphere. The horoscope for April 2018 does not promise “easy” paths for Libra, but it will definitely help in all endeavors.

In their personal life, Libra also needs to wake up and become more proactive. Otherwise, not only the prince on a white horse will gallop past you, but also a cavalcade of fans. By the way, worthy and faithful. In April 2018, Libras need to do everything possible to ensure that a loved one appears on the horizon of their destiny. Don't be modest, but transform into the character wild cat, or noble knight. The horoscope for April 2018 advises Libra not to whine and complain about the lack of love, but to transform in appearance and change some qualities. The main thing is, don’t overdo it and don’t impose yourself on someone who doesn’t really see you as a life partner. If you feel depression approaching, then find a “vest” who will listen to you and tell you good advice. Although, in April 2018, Libra themselves will be able, with the help of intuition, to choose one and only one from hundreds of suitors. Just look around carefully so as not to lose sight of it.

In April, Libras need to be cheerful and cheerful so as not to sow the blues around them. This way you can not only attract interesting personalities, but also find your “soul mate”. Don’t push time, because love chooses those who know how to wait and endure.

The April 2018 horoscope for Libra has prepared some unpleasant surprises in terms of health. Frequent colds, malaise and a debilitating cough are possible. Please note that if you follow preventive measures or get vaccinated, you will protect yourself from viral infection. In mid-April, Libra will suffer from back pain, and then he will remind himself chronic gastritis. In general, you urgently need treatment in order to work hard and strengthen your financial situation. And no stress, universal melancholy and a sad mask on the face, because diseases adore pessimistic individuals. Moreover, Libra is constantly surrounded by caring and dear people.

The horoscope for April 2018 for Libra predicts a pleasant trip at the end of the month that will help lift your spirits. It is possible that this will not be just a trip, but a sanatorium-resort vacation. Life will change radically if you look at it from a different angle. In spring, Libra needs to breathe full breasts and be true optimists, and not withdraw into yourself.

Health horoscope for April 2018 Libra

Horoscope for the month of April for other zodiac signs:

April promises to be one of the most memorable months of 2016. In the house of Libra's partner there is a concentration of planetary energies - here are Venus, the Sun and Uranus, so expect changes. Any little thing can become a reason for much more significant events. Love, relationships, family will take a more prominent place for Libra, you will pay more attention to this area. Moreover, there is a new moon in your partner’s house on April 7, 2016, which will stimulate the process of transformation in your personal life.

Planetary aspects are contradictory, so both joys and sorrows are possible in love. One thing is for sure - you won't be bored. The development of situations in April 2016 largely depends on your own behavior. If you act wisely, there is an excellent chance of changing your life and finding the path to happiness. To minimize the risks of the period, be prudent and diplomatic in your interactions with your lover.

The influence of Venus and Uranus requires Libra to renew their love and relationships. To make everything happen for the better, approach love creatively, find a way to refresh the relationship. It would be a good idea to go on a trip with your loved one. Another option is to work on a joint project or learn something new. All this will strengthen the connection and bring you and your partner even closer, and the energy will be used constructively.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for April 2016

The influence of the stars is such that everything is in your hands. There are excellent opportunities to change circumstances at work and in business in your favor, and try to start something new.

For Libra's career and professional development this month great importance have business connections, cooperation, negotiations, timely receipt and accuracy of information. The period promises to be especially active for those who are engaged in intellectual activities and work with information.

In the first two decades of the month, you will be visited by new, fresh ideas regarding further career development. Perhaps you will abandon previous goals or projects and reorient yourself to new directions. You are capable of achieving noticeable success, but you should be prudent. Develop a backup plan in case things don't go as planned.

Financial circumstances will be quite contradictory. You can expect higher than normal income, but unexpected expenses are also likely. The Full Moon on April 22, 2016 affects the financial houses of Libra, so it is not recommended large purchases in the days close to this date. On April 16, 2016, the period of retrograde (reverse) movement of Mars, which rules the house of money Libra, begins. There may be obstacles and delays in receiving money, and tricks on the part of those from whom you least expect it.


There may be health problems caused by excess diet, unhealthy habits and an unbalanced lifestyle. In the first two decades of the month, health is slightly better than in the third decade. At the end of the month you may feel low energy, restless and irritable. It is better to spend this time in a calm environment and take care of your health.

Find time to work with your children and develop their talents!
