The most unprestigious professions to work in. The advantages of low-prestige professions

All Soviet boys dreamed of becoming pilots, cosmonauts, steelworkers, police officers... But there were professions that were not popular among the male part of the population, since they were either low-paid or unpromising. Although this is another way to look at it...


The wages of Soviet loaders were pitiful. But most often they worked in markets and stores, and had the opportunity to obtain scarce goods. Buyers gave them bribes in order to get this very shortage. Furniture store movers were especially chic, since imported sets were expensive, and the queue to receive them could last two or three years.


Plumbers in the Soviet Union were treated with disdain. It was believed that poor students who could not finish school and ended up in vocational schools entered this profession. And they paid the housing plumbers so-so. Among the Soviet plumbers there were indeed many hacks who were unable to do their job properly. In addition, they often arrived drunk when called. But it was difficult to do without them, so they were often given money from above just to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Janitors, watchmen, elevator operators and stokers

Janitors in the USSR probably received the lowest salary. Therefore, men rarely went to this work. As a rule, these were alcohol lovers or those who could not find themselves in any other profession. Often, dissidents who were not hired for any other job, or some kind of black marketeers, became janitors so that they would not be brought in for parasitism. The same thing happened with the profession of elevator operator, watchman, and stoker. Creative people often did this (as you know, Viktor Tsoi at one time worked in a boiler room). An unskilled profession provided a means of subsistence and an entry in the work book.

Garbage truck driver

In fact, drivers were respected in the Soviet Union. After all, few people had cars back then. But the attitude towards garbage truck drivers was different: well, what normal person wants this kind of work - digging through waste? However, sometimes very valuable things, even antiques, could be found in the trash. There are known cases when scavengers built dachas with income from their “craft”. If you look at it, this work was a goldmine.


Soviet engineers received small salaries, had virtually no benefits or privileges, and were often restricted from traveling abroad because they had access to secret documents. Therefore, the profession of an ordinary engineer was not considered prestigious in the Soviet Union. Although if an engineer made a career, for example, headed a department or institute, defended a dissertation, then the attitude towards him was completely different. But most representatives of this profession were considered, in modern parlance, “losers.”


It was believed that only losers become general practitioners, paramedics or orderlies in the USSR. Those who were luckier became specialists - surgeons, neurologists, dentists. There is still a profession for a woman medical worker“general practice” was considered so-and-so, but men who carried out bedspreads from patients, received appointments at the district clinic, or responded to calls in an ambulance were treated with skepticism. After all, their salaries were tiny, and their work was quite difficult. They rarely received money or gifts.


The profession of a school teacher in the USSR was traditionally considered female. Men who entered 4 pedagogical universities, they went there, as a rule, just to avoid being drafted into the army. And subsequently, few of them worked in their specialty. If a representative of the stronger sex actually became a teacher, then he was popular only among his unmarried friends. female colleagues. Teachers received little expensive gifts at that time they were rarely given gifts, and giving a bribe so that your child would get a good grade was somehow not accepted at all... Although in fairness it must be said that among the teachers there were very worthy personnel, whom their former students remembered later for the rest of their lives life. Yet in general, if a man worked as a teacher, his status was not valued too highly. Today the situation has changed somewhat. It is mainly migrants who work as loaders and janitors, plumbers have begun to drink less, engineers often receive good salaries in commercial firms, and medical workers and teachers, if desired, can have a lot of additional earnings, and many of them can no longer be called losers.

The list of the most undervalued professions in our country includes doctors, teachers, salesmen and hairdressers. In Russia, their work is valued at a minimum, and the work itself is considered unprestigious. Trud found out who these specialists are and how they are treated abroad.

The list did not include those whom everyone expected to see there: there are no janitors and watchmen in the ranking, but there are doctors, university teachers, accountants, and qualified technical specialists.

For example, the average salary of a general practitioner in a district clinic is about 16 thousand rubles. At the same time, the doctor studied for at least five years, received a diploma, passed qualification tests and tests, but this does not affect his salary at all. He is paid as much as the state considers necessary, as much as allocated in the budget. At the same time, the therapist has an alternative - to go to a private clinic and earn two to three times more there. But there are too few such clinics, and there are a lot of people wanting to go to them.

In a similar situation, hairdressers, tailors, mechanics found themselves, that is, representatives of those professions in which in Europe and the USA most often work for themselves - they run their own small business. In our country, all these specialists work for someone and receive crumbs for it. Why everything is exactly like this and what may change in 10 years.

In the USA, specialists entry level, such as sellers, can afford to buy houses and cars. With our salesperson's salary this is impossible.


17 thousand* rubles - average salary in Russia
32 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA
* hereinafter the amount after taxes

In Russia there are still a huge number of post-Soviet format stores - grocery stores, department stores, supermarkets. The staff is often not polite and courteous. This is partly because their salary does not depend on sales volume, but is a fixed salary. Trade workers are not liked for their rudeness and theft.

A seller in the West cannot afford such behavior, because he will miss the buyer and will be left without part of his salary - it directly depends on sales.

Forecast. The profession is not prestigious enough because people do not like to serve. Attitudes towards salespeople will change if they are trained correctly.


31 thousand rubles - average salary in Russia
160 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

In Russian companies, it is customary to divide responsibilities between employees of the accounting department: one deals only with payroll calculations, the other only counts the company’s expenses, and so on.

Companies in the West value versatile employees who, if necessary, can replace a colleague. That’s why their accountants are multidisciplinary.

Accounting is the backbone of any economy, so after working as an accountant on a low salary, you can move into the finance department or move up in accounting to earn more.

Forecast. If the company is large, then the attitude towards the accountant will be appropriate. And if it’s small, then they may treat him with disdain. Experts believe that in 10 years nothing will change. Accounting is immortal.


20 thousand rubles - the average salary in Russia
72 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

Secretary in Russian company can a person work without special education. The main thing is to know how to handle office equipment, smile at your bosses and clients, and make coffee. In some cases, they require knowledge of English, then the salary will be higher. The career ceiling of a secretary is an assistant manager: there are more responsibilities, but this does not affect the salary much, at least if you are not the right hand of the general director of a large oil corporation.

In the minds of Russians, secretaries and assistants are somewhere between technical staff and an ordinary specialist employee.

The career of a secretary in a company in the West is a slightly different story. Firstly, you are unlikely to be hired there without higher education. Most likely, they won’t even look. Secondly, if you get into a company as a secretary, good opportunities will open up for you career growth: The system is well thought out and debugged. And thirdly, even working as a receptionist in a small company in the USA, you can earn good money.


21 thousand rubles - the average salary in Russia
65 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

The majority of cooks in Russia do not work in the kitchens of fashionable restaurants, but in factory and school canteens or, at best, catering companies. There is little pleasure in such work: food has to be prepared in huge quantities and quickly, so there is absolutely no time left for creativity. At the same time, criticism continues to pour in against the cooks: from visitors - for the taste of the food, from management - for slowness, from sanitary and epidemiological stations - for non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Forecast. The profession of a cook is still alive solely because people always need food. If it weren’t for this circumstance, there probably wouldn’t be anyone left. Employers don’t pamper their employees too much anyway: cooks have to spend a huge amount of time on their feet, in a hot, not always spacious room. At the same time, they are required High Quality work, creativity, and, with rare exceptions, little pay.


15 thousand rubles - average salary in Russia
87 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

A teacher earns less than a businessman or lawyer in most countries of the world. But even so, a teacher’s salary in the States or Europe is many times higher than ours.

Our current problem is not just material undervaluation. The profession has ceased to be prestigious, teachers have ceased to be respected, and this is much worse than low wages.

Forecast. Everything is already starting to change. In 10 years, teachers in Russia will have more possibilities than now, and high salaries. Already today, teachers of private schools and business schools are in a completely different status. Our universities will become more competitive in the West, and this will change attitudes towards the teaching profession.

Sales Representative

40 thousand rubles - average salary in Russia
116 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

Often the sales representative is treated like an annoying pester. His task is to promote the product of the company he represents. His salary depends on sales figures. The question is what percentage of sales goes into the sales rep's pocket.

Russian employers are not used to organizing generosity attractions, so representatives of this profession often work for small percentages, they have to rush around the city with their tongues hanging out to earn 35-40 thousand rubles a month.

Forecast. Many companies are developing their representative offices in the regions. Therefore, the profession is becoming more in demand every day, and it will be the same in 10 years. The requirements for applicants will also increase, since they will have to use modern technologies in their work.


23 thousand rubles - average salary in Russia
121 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

Always drunk, careless and swearing - this is the stereotype that Russians have about public utility workers.

In the West, everything is different, because there, as a rule, a mechanic is a person who works for himself. Often has small company to provide household services or alone carries out orders from private individuals. The number of orders depends on your reputation, and therefore you can’t afford too much.

Forecast. In the future, the profession will develop, as it is relevant. We are already noticing that low-quality workers are being replaced by new ones, professional people with good skills, appropriate education and normal tools. In 10 years they will completely displace low-quality workers.

Nanny, governess

30 thousand rubles - the average salary in Russia
73 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

The salary of a private nanny in Russia has been hit hard by the crisis. A year ago in Moscow, a nanny could earn up to 60–70 thousand rubles a month. Now parents are willing to pay no more than 30–35 thousand rubles for services in the capital and 15–20 thousand rubles in other cities of the country. At the same time, the requirements for personnel naturally remained at the same level.

Forecast. Experts hope that as soon as the country emerges from the crisis, the economy will improve and wages will improve. domestic staff will return to the previous level. In the meantime, not only their salaries are declining, but also the demand for this type of service in general. As for social status: in each family the nanny or governess is treated differently. Some people perceive him as a family member, while others keep him at a certain distance.

In some families, nannies are treated like servants.


13 thousand rubles - the average salary in Russia
41 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

A hairdresser must be equally good at cutting hair and establishing contact with a client. Earnings directly depend on how large the artist’s client base is. True, more than half of what you earn, as a rule, has to be given to the owner of the salon - for renting the premises, electricity, light, advertising. Working conditions are far from ideal: you have to work with constant noise from hair dryers, smells of paint and hair dust.


28 thousand, rubles - average salary in Russia
420 thousand rubles - average salary in the USA

Clients are always dissatisfied with either the diagnosis, or the prescribed medications, or the doctor’s handwriting. The boss demands that the plan be fulfilled and endless paperwork filled out.

The only possible option for those who want to improve their situation and build good career, - go to work in a private clinic or retrain and get a job in a pharmaceutical company.

Underrated professions of the past


Oilman. Before the oil boom and rising prices, the profession did not offer high salaries and solid benefits packages. Oil workers were treated the same as miners; wages in this sector did not increase until the second half of the 90s.


Lawyer. In the USSR, the profession was not as prestigious as it is today. She envisioned a rather dull career either in law enforcement agencies or in the legal profession. And high incomes awaited those who were willing to spend on climbing the career ladder from 7 to 10 years.


Programmer. At that time, there were almost no computers in the country, and those who knew how to handle giant computers were kept on the salaries of average engineers. Career prospects and social benefits were also not provided. This is what led to the fact that after 10 years the best programmers of the USSR left en masse for the USA, Israel or Europe.

Salary ceiling

60 thousand rubles - the average salary of a general practitioner in a private clinic
Requirements:availability of a valid certificate, computer knowledge, Fluency foreign language

45 thousand rubles - earnings of a sales manager in a large company
Requirements:having your own client base, as well as a dozen or two regular customers. Work experience in the specialty - from 3 years

86 thousand rubles - the average salary of a chef in a large restaurant
Requirements:vocational education, certificates additional education. 5 years of experience. Recommendations

A mechanic in a company providing household services earns 30 thousand rubles.
Requirements:neatness, technical education. Own tool. Personal car is welcome

40 thousand rubles - the average salary of a private school teacher
Requirements:higher Teacher Education, availability of certificates of additional education, knowledge of languages

60 thousand rubles - the average salary of an auditor
Requirements:Experience in finance for at least three years and as a chief accountant for at least one year

We bring to your attention the top most disgusting professions in the world.

10. Cleaner in a pornographic cinema

Perhaps this work will appeal only to teenagers who will be able to watch adult films for free. But for adults this work will seem too disgusting and disgusting, because after each viewing the cleaner must manually wipe the upholstery of the chairs from sticky stains and pick up used condoms from the floor. This job is clearly not for white hands. In addition, lovers of perversions often come to such sessions, so there is a great chance of “running into” one of them.

9. Buckingham Palace Guard

This profession is considered by the military to be the most difficult and unlucky in the UK. And this is not just an accident. And even high-ranking military personnel are convinced that this profession is “burdensome, exhausting, monotonous, unprestigious, and fraught with severe painful sensations.” But this is not even the most unpleasant thing. The thing is, she's also incredibly boring. It all starts with the fact that within a few hours the soldiers put their uniforms in order. Before going on guard duty, they check their weapons for “combat readiness.” And this is not just a tribute to tradition - for the faulty appearance An additional outfit awaits the soldier. According to statistics, soldiers serve such punishments for an average of two to three years of their service life.

“This service does not require any investment of intelligence, it is boring. After the first week, all attractiveness disappears from her. This is not an occupation for which men join the army, British security officials say unanimously. “It presupposes a very high level of personal discipline, but does not require any intelligence, zeal, or physical strength, no initiative.”

8. Animal pathogens

This is a special job among scientists. They sympathize with them and laugh at them. If scientists need sperm samples, they use a special worker who personally brings the animals to orgasm. In their work, pathogens use an electric probe to stimulate the prostate gland through the rectum, an artificial vagina, or the old-fashioned way of working with their hands. Every professional pathogen has been in danger at least once in their life, many ended up in the hospital.

7. Monkey driver.

There is a shameful position in the safari park: The driver, armed with a large stick, is obliged to drive away monkeys from the roofs of cars. The chaser must chase the monkeys and engage in battles with them, since many monkeys are in no hurry to immediately leave the chosen place. Often they even bite the mahouts or attack them in a group.

6. Malaria fighter

This terrible work also has something to do with science. The carrier of the virus, the mosquito Anopheles darlingi, does not fly into the light and does not get caught in net traps. Unfortunately, it can only be done with your own blood. This is what anti-malaria fighters do. In the evenings, when malaria mosquitoes are especially active, the fighter sits in a mosquito cloud and suffers multiple bites. When a mosquito lands on a person, he sucks the insect through a tube, the other end of which is in his mouth, and then blows the mosquito into a container.

5. Portable toilet cleaner.

Although the majority still use latrines at home, some, for certain reasons, are forced to periodically resort to the services of dry closets. Using a tank and special suction, cleaners must empty the filled tank under the toilet, collect scattered pieces of used toilet paper and wash all soiled surfaces, including walls, using a hose from which under high pressure served hot water. It usually takes a few minutes to clean one toilet stall. So one professional can process from 10 to 60 cabins per day.

4. Intestinal gas taster.

This nasty profession was mastered by US gastroenterologist Michael Levitt. It is not clear why the Americans needed gas samples, but science is science: sixteen volunteers released gases through a tube into special containers. One hundred samples were collected. Then the samples found to be the most smelly were subjected to chemical analysis and it was found that the reason for this was hydrogen sulfide.

3. Cat food taster

Before going on sale, cat food undergoes consumer control. But the role of the consumer is not a cat, but a person. The taster's responsibilities include three consecutive tests. First, he must bring his face close to the bowl and inhale the smell to understand how fresh it is. The second test is to determine the number of bone fragments in the feed. To do this, you need to feel the slimy mass with your hands. And finally, the third test involves a taste test. To do this, a small amount of food needs to be chewed thoroughly for some time, determining the shades of taste.

2. Killer of downed animals

Everything is simple with these workers - they walk along the highway with containers and tear off the carcasses of downed animals from the asphalt. The work is, to put it mildly, not pleasant.

1. Drain Cleaner in Kolkata

Workers like 27-year-old Rakesh Sahu wallow in human excrement all the time. Instead of a uniform, Rakesh wears long purple briefs. To work he uses a hoe and a bucket. Rakesh's responsibilities include cleaning the blockages that occur in the sewer. Rakesh has been in this constant stench and unsanitary environment for ten years, earning $100 a month.

“The month of frozen pendulums” - only a poet can so accurately capture the tenacity of time in Augustan Rome. “In August, only a fly in the throat of a dry decanter is quick,” he continues, but current realities would surprise even the great Brodsky. Forty-degree heat is the last line of defense of the Eternal City against the avalanche of tourists ready to polish its cobbled streets around the clock to a shine. The life-giving elixir with the magical prefix dolce intoxicates everyone who comes to the capital of Italy.

I can’t take the agility of a fly and, moving around the city at a jog, I think about only one thing - how not to suffocate from greed. Ahead are the Quirinale Palace, the Pantheon, and the Villa Borghese. I wish I could make it before dark...

“Money has no smell” - this famous phrase was preserved for posterity by the writer and historian Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, quoting the Roman emperor Vespasian. Unfortunately, nineteen centuries later it has not lost its poignancy. But today, traveling the roads of Italy, you understand something else: time smells! And his place of residence is here, in Rome.

Walking past boutique windows, gastronomic shops and souvenir kiosks, you run the risk of accidentally tripping over the railings of the ancient Forum and crashing in a head-on collision with a time machine. And the square, which was the center of public life for the townspeople centuries BC, will only modestly confirm: “You were not mistaken. Yes, this is the house of Cicero, the same one. And these are the chambers of the Vestals, the servants pagan temple, about whose virginity the philosopher Plutarch wrote... Umbilicus Urbis (ruins of a pagan temple, literally “navel of the city”) - is buried here.” And then the understanding - and forgiveness - of the Romans descends upon you for their stubborn reluctance to communicate with visitors to English language. Thus, a metro employee, delicately “not hearing” questions regarding underground logistics, puzzled me with his comment: “You came to Rome, how can you not speak its language?” Truly, those in whose genealogies the Julii, Augusti and Trajans are intertwined have the right to be perplexed.

In Rome, you involuntarily become infected with the desire for power, you dare to stop a restorer by the elbow or accidentally spill paint on a painter who is about to renovate another monument. Delay the touch of time in order to have time to grab the camera and capture the gray hair of the city in the picture, touch the precious wrinkles and inhale the aroma of antiquity. Bring home a bottle with the smell of dust from roads, catacombs and museums, which will revive both admiration and envy. After all, even the cobblestones will be envious. The stones will remain sunbathing under blue sky Rome, and sooner or later the guest will have to say goodbye “arividerci” at Leonardo da Vinci airport and fly home.

In the meantime, we can only rejoice at overflowing garbage cans, pedestrians crossing the road at red lights, emotional gestures and raised tones of peaceful dialogue. To everything that is a “quiet” echo of us in Italians or vice versa. Watching how elderly Germans and Englishmen carefully lace up their snow-white sneakers in the morning and go for a run, you feel slightly bewildered. Celebration healthy image life looks somehow unexpected against the backdrop of the idle luxury of the ancient landscape.

Goethe was sure: whoever saw Rome “will never again be completely unhappy.” The German scientist Winckelmann was categorical: “Besides Rome, there is almost nothing beautiful in the world.” And Gogol felt like a happy repatriate on these streets: “I saw the homeland of my soul, where my soul lived before me, before I was born.” However, the roads lead not only geniuses, but also mere mortals to the foot of the hills of the Eternal City, where everyone can hear and receive their personal story or lesson as a gift. In my case, it was a short lecture with visual accompanying material.

A small traffic jam has formed in the narrow alley running from Piazza Navona to the Church of St. Eustace. A garbage truck was desperately squeezing its back to the porch of a small tavern to rid it of excess garbage. The narrowness of the street made this stunt almost fatal to the car body. (Brodsky turned out to be absolutely right here when he wrote that “in these narrow streets... even the thought of oneself is cumbersome”). Gradually a group of curious tourists and a dozen carabinieri formed. In Valentino uniforms, smiling and greased, the police exchanged glances with the crowd of onlookers, not at all hiding healthy irony.

It turned out that the attention of law enforcement officers was not attracted by the dimensions of the car, but by its driver. Young beautiful girl, right hand confidently turning the steering wheel, occasionally casting glances at the rearview mirror. In her other hand, adorned with a dozen bright plastic bracelets, she held mobile phone and enthusiastically told something to her interlocutor. The cascade of tar-colored hair shook spectacularly as she laughed. Massive earrings, swaying from side to side, gave the whole image an emphasized carelessness.

The audience's tension grew. The girl did not notice the amazed glances; she beamed with the joy of a person satisfied with life. It was as if there was no huge, stinking baggage behind her at all. Finally, the car's maneuvers were crowned with success, and signal lights notified the spectators that the car had come to a complete stop.

The fans burst into generous applause. The heroine appeared in full height and, blinding the audience with a pearly smile, disappeared through the doors of the tavern. Then I found out that young people in Italy (and maybe in other European countries) are attracted to “non-prestigious” professions good salary. But at that second the square looked at the second Monica Bellucci, gliding along the red carpet in the echoes of a raging sea of ​​ovations.

They say, chance meeting- the most non-random thing in the world. And indeed, my internal value gyroscope, if not overturned by this event, then noticeably shook and miraculously maintained its balance. The fleeting episode silently asked the audience a question about something important and at the same time uncomfortable. How to solve the problem of calculating the formula for human happiness? The sum of the terms will obviously be different for everyone.

Our eldest daughter was about the same age as the aforementioned Roman woman. Talking frankly with yourself is not an easy thing, but I dared to ask: would I like to see her so beautiful, and most importantly, satisfied? Yes. Would I like to see her driving a garbage truck? No.

Is this why, from the first year of her birth, my dad and I ordered expensive birthday cakes in the shape of a crown and the obligatory inscription “to our beloved princess”? Have you really spent it? school years in vain, cultivating in her the right ambitions and focus exclusively on a diploma with honors? It seemed to us that by visiting couples at the best university in the country, she would definitely become happy. Aren’t the words “elite”, “status”, “reputation”, “prestige”, “influence” obligatory attributes of a carefree life?

It’s scary to be late for the holiday of existence, where “success” leads an elegant feast. To share a delicious meal, you need to look “on the level”, to be “full”. However, the black-browed beauty did not ask my parental conscience whether success was the same as happiness. The axiom does not require proof. Paying so much attention to the color of a diploma, have I ever thought about what the real “worthiness” of a person is?

I don’t think that urban machos, as persistent stereotypes portray the carabinieri, applauded the driver’s skill or high salary, covering side effects driving “that” truck. The price of a person is not determined by the thickness of a wallet or the ambiguity of a bank account. Rather, the pungent smell, the annoying insects, and the spectator’s disgust were eclipsed and disarmed by the beauty human dignity. And one of its manifestations is the ability to keep your face, clothes, and thoughts beautiful under any circumstances.

The Italian may not have read Chekhov, but she fulfilled her literary wish. She did not allow herself to put on a dirty robe, tie her unwashed hair in a knot, or go out to the damn cleaning without makeup and with an expression of fierce anger on her face. The girl decorated hers with dignity workplace the beauty that saves the world. It is especially easy to absorb it with mother’s milk, from the first step, being immersed in the aesthetically perfect environment of Rome since childhood. And what difference does it make “what the crafts smell like” if the majestic Palazzo Poli with the Trevi fountain spread out under the windows transforms souls?

Having conquered all living things on the other side of the shutters with drowsiness, the midday heat lazily enveloped passers-by. Cafe Greco, despite the siesta, was crowded with visitors. A gallant waiter in a tailcoat brought me a cup of coffee and dictated the Wi-Fi password. At the next table, a young couple was having lunch, whose child uttered a deafening squeal every minute, as soon as the dad made a new terrifying grimace. I tried to concentrate on searching necessary information on the tablet, but the sounds of children’s laughter were so contagious that soon I and all the other visitors to the cafe were staring at dad in anticipation of the next portion of hilarious mines.

Finally, the omniscient Google answered my last question: why is Rome called the Eternal City? Sources agreed on one thing: the city is almost three thousand years old. He's old. But before the dry numbers lit up on the screen, it seemed to me that I had found my personal answer. The eternal will always remain young; the old, not the eternal, moves towards death. And youth, with its inherent curiosity, asks too many questions. About the Eternal...

The baby chuckled approvingly.

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Irina Davydova - editor of the “Career” section, mother of two children, successful HR specialist on maternity leave


We have all heard the phrase “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” And, despite this, modern youth divides work into prestigious and non-prestigious. Therefore, today we decided to tell you about a “dead-end” job that provides many useful skills.

A hopeless and unprestigious job for a young girl who teaches very useful skills:

  1. Waitress

    – it’s quite easy to get a job in a local eatery. This job is very hard and you will be on your feet all day. In addition, every day you will have to endure dissatisfaction, nagging and disrespect from clients, sticky looks and slaps are not excluded... In return for this, you receive a meager salary and tips. But besides this, being a waitress gives you some useful skills. For example, the ability to listen, find a compromise and guess the client’s desire. After all, the better you serve the visitor, the higher the tip.

  2. Salesman

    – This profession is not particularly popular among young people. Although the profit of many companies depends on the quality of the seller’s work. In addition, this position requires constant communication, so there is an opportunity to make good and useful acquaintances. And a properly constructed social circle makes it possible to sell and buy whatever your heart desires. Also, do not forget that a salesperson is the highest paid profession.

  3. Secretary or assistant

    - This is a person who fully corresponds to his leader. That is why, after the 90s. Many began to believe that only beautiful, but at the same time girls who don’t know and can’t do anything, can work in this position. However, the modern secretary is educated young people who know 3-4 foreign languages, can easily win over any person, and handle any office equipment perfectly. Do not forget that behind the secretary there is a man who moves millions. Quite often, an assistant knows much more about the company’s activities and the life of his manager than he does. And free access to documents and excellent knowledge of all internal issues give him enormous power, the main thing is to use it correctly. Separate conversation.

  4. Nanny

    The profession of a nanny in our country is not considered the most popular, however, many young girls have tried to do this work, since it does not require special skills. The most important thing is to love children, understand the medical aspects of caring for them and understand a little child psychology. , you get a working day filled with noise, screaming and pranks, whims and surprises. And at the end working day– a long and detailed report to parents. But this job also teaches you very useful skills. You will learn to properly plan your workday and strictly adhere to your child’s routine - so to speak, a universal course in time management. In addition, you will have excellent skills in working with unpredictable and capricious clients, and the ability to write a competent report on the work done.

  5. Promoter

    We have all met these unfortunate girls at store counters who offer to tell us about a new trademark. If they start to make you feel sorry for them, then they are the wrong promoters. A professional in his field endears himself to a person, evoking sympathy, trust and respect. After all, this work requires knowing not only your products, but also understanding the products of your competitors. For anyone young specialist This is an excellent experience in conducting comparative analysis, training in public speaking skills, and presentation skills.

  6. Fast food restaurant employee

    – this work is very difficult and tiring, but with it you can acquire a wide range of useful qualities, which will be useful in any field of activity. The most important of which are the ability to work in a team and always smile at the client. But these are precisely the qualities that many employers require from their employees.

  7. Courier

    – You don’t need any special skills for this job. All you need to do is be in the right place at the appointed time, deliver the parcel or package to the recipient. However, not everyone can cope with such seemingly simple responsibilities. In fact, everything is very simple, when the boss is not sitting over your head, but the person becomes less organized. In this profession, punctuality and the ability to self-organize play an important role. If you want to become an independent worker who can work using the internal reserves that managers love so much large companies, then you need to work as a courier for some time. Another plus: you will have time for self-development; you can read a lot of books while on transport.

  8. Janitor, cleaning lady or maid in a hotel

    – professions of keepers of cleanliness. We all remember how in childhood our parents told us that if you don’t study, you will become a janitor or a cleaner. But in fact, this work is somewhat reminiscent of the work of spies. It is people of this profession who have free access to information located in trash can, know all the nooks and crannies of production and office premises. A little imagination and an unnoticeable presence in any office or room allow the cleaning lady to find out quite a lot of secret and useful information About company. In addition, people who have held a similar position for at least several months automatically begin to restore order where it has been disrupted for some reason. Some may think that this is not that big of a deal. In fact, order on the desktop is one of the main principles proper organization time management.

  9. Call center operator

    - at first glance, not very promising profession. However, this position is the most short term will help you master a whole bunch of useful skills. This includes negotiations, the ability to achieve the desired result, the correct delivery of speech, the development high level resistance to stress, ability to work correctly with objections. It is these skills that are of great importance for both personal and career growth.

  10. Counselor at a children's camp

    – in ordinary (non-specialized) camps, the only requirement for a candidate for this position is an active life position. This position is not very popular among students because it requires a lot of responsibility. However, this is where you can get your first management experience. Working as a camp counselor, you will learn how to properly create motivational programs for staff, reprimand or reward so that discipline is established. You will also learn to find an approach to difficult to manage and unpredictable people, such as teenagers. After such experience, you will easily cope with any management position.

We have presented you with a list of professions that are considered low-prestige and unpromising among young girls. However, it is they who provide those important skills that are then very help you get to the top of the career ladder .
