English language knowledge system. Intermediate level in English

When learning a language, you often come across such a concept as levels of English proficiency. Accordingly, questions arise: “What is this? By what parameters is it determined? The conclusion about language proficiency is made on the basis of special tests. Descriptions of levels will help you determine your level of English proficiency approximately.

0. Zero (Full Beginner)

This perfect description those who have never encountered the English language in their lives. And even at school I learned German or French. In this case, the person does not know even the most basic things, for example, the alphabet. If you studied English, even if it was a long time ago, something remains in your head.

1. Elementary level

C-grade high school graduates go out into life with approximately this knowledge. This also includes those who once studied something, but have already completely forgotten. There is a minimum lexicon, which sometimes forms simple sentences. Individual lexical units, phrases or parts thereof are understandable. But only the most basic and elementary. A person can introduce himself and tell a couple of standard phrases about himself, but in general the conversation turns out something like Danila Bagrov’s with a truck driver: separate words and active gestures. Such people have a very vague idea of ​​grammar and the rules for using lexical units, and even of pronunciation.

2. Highest elementary level (Upper-Elementary)

Diligent high school students emerge with such knowledge. A person can talk about a familiar topic, although the choice is very limited. Mostly these are conversations about oneself, family and simple everyday dialogues. Words are easily formed into simple sentences. Already have an idea of ​​grammar. So far, only the simplest and most basic rules can be used well, but an idea has been formed, for example, about complex tense forms that are little used in colloquial speech. Vocabulary expands, especially passive. A person can write a simple letter, business card or greeting card. However, it is still difficult for him to talk, his speech rate is slow.

3. Lower intermediate level (Pre-Intermediate)

A person speaks freely within the framework of familiar topics and within the limits of his active vocabulary. There are less and less grammatical errors in speech. You can already tell not only about yourself, but also describe an event, person, place. Language learner gives assessment various actions, formulates his attitude towards them, clearly expresses his emotions. Conversations not only of everyday nature are supported, but also on more abstract topics. When reading and listening, a person understands the main idea of ​​the text, the semantic message. At this level, you can and should communicate with native speakers. This will develop communication skills and also help overcome internal barriers and self-doubt.

You can also try to take a language test to check your level of English, but this will not be of practical use for now.

4. Intermediate level

This is where the practical benefits of knowing a language begin. And it lies not only in the fact that communication with foreigners reaches new level. You don’t have to be afraid to be alone in a foreign country, because finding your way, going to a restaurant and chatting with people and making new friends at this level is already quite possible. With such knowledge of the language they are already accepted for training courses to English and American universities. And even more so in Russian languages. Before this, it is better to determine the levels of knowledge in English online and don’t spend money on expensive certificates.

At this level, a person can communicate on everyday topics, express his ideas, attitude towards something, and argue his position. Written and oral speech contain few grammatical errors. When reading and listening, the student can understand the meaning from the context and guess the meaning of new words. It will not be difficult to write a personal or official letter, fill out a questionnaire, petition, etc. A person will be able to comment on this or that incident, talk about a series of sequential events, or even write a short story.

5 - 6. Upper-Intermediate level

The stock of vocabulary and grammar is sufficient not only to discuss specific incidents and household topics, but also for conversations on abstract, abstract topics. These levels of knowledge of English allow you to notice not only other people’s, but also your own speech errors. From now on, talking with a foreigner will not be difficult. A language learner can easily talk and write about his needs, thoughts and feelings, as well as criticize or support someone else’s point of view, argue his position and even speak out on a philosophical issue. Telephone conversations will also not cause any difficulties.

When reading and listening to non-adapted texts, a person understands the basic information the first time. It will not be difficult to write texts in various styles. The active vocabulary expands to 6000 words, and the passive vocabulary is 1.5-2 times larger. The scope of use of certain lexical units becomes clear; a person knows a large number of idioms, set expressions and cliche phrases. It will not be difficult to write texts in various styles.

Such levels of English knowledge allow you to enter foreign colleges and universities. You can also get a job. The scope of activity will, of course, be limited. You can only work in places where you don’t need to have a lot of contact with people.

7 - 9. Advanced level (Advanced)

Here we can already talk about language proficiency at the level of a native speaker, but not a very educated one. Difficulties also arise with understanding individual idioms or complex specialized vocabulary. But you can experience exactly the same difficulties when speaking your native language. The internal division into levels of knowledge of the English language is understandable only to specialists.

Studying abroad will not cause any difficulties, even studying specialized literature and communicating with specific terminology. The use of jargon and other subtleties of language are also quite clear.

10-12. Upper advanced level

Language proficiency is not just at the level of an average resident, but an educated and highly cultured one. If any misunderstanding arises, it will only be due to small personal experience life in the chosen country. It is about this level that they say “perfect command of the language.” There is nowhere to strive higher. These are the maximum levels of English language proficiency. All that remains is to practice and practice so as not to lose the acquired skills.

English language levels are, in fact, a system that allows you to assess how well a person speaks the language, that is, the very result of learning. There are several classifications, they can be systematized according to:

The Russian simple version has only three levels of knowledge. This:

  • elementary
  • average
  • high

However, such a classification is rather amateurish, and it is not suitable for professionals, job seekers. An employer, reviewing all kinds of resumes, seeks to identify not only theoretical knowledge, but also a practical degree of training. Therefore, the applicant usually indicates the following levels:

  1. Using a dictionary
  2. Speaking skills
  3. Intermediate
  4. Fluent
  • Basic knowledge of Business English— basic knowledge of business English

International system for determining levels of knowledge

The international version is more complicated, in it large quantity steps, due to additional unit middle and highest degrees English proficiency. For convenience, each category is designated by a letter with a numerical index.
English proficiency scale So, below is the table Common European Framework of ReferenceCEFR(Common European Framework of Reference)

Language level Competencies
A 1 Beginner Elementary Knowledge of simple basics of the language:
  • alphabet
  • key rules and phrases
  • initial basic dictionary
A 2 Elementary Elementary
  1. Vocabulary and knowledge of basic grammar sufficient to construct simple phrases and sentences.
  2. Ability to write letters and talk on the telephone
B 1 Lower Intermediate Lower middle
  1. Ability to read and translate simple texts
  2. Clear and understandable speech
  3. Knowledge of basic grammar rules
B 2 Upper Intermediate Above average
  1. Understanding text on the fly and being able to discern its style
  2. Large vocabulary
  3. Ability to discuss with by different people with the fewest lexical errors
  4. Competent writing of formal and informal letters and reviews on various topics
C 1 Advanced 1 Great
  1. “Fluent”, almost error-free speech with correct intonation and use of any conversational style
  2. Ability to write texts expressing emotions, as well as complex narrative texts (research, essays, articles, essays, etc.)
C 2 Advanced 2
(Upper Advanced)
In excellence Everything is the same, but added:
  1. Your complete confidence and knowledge of absolutely all unknown “spots” of English grammar
  2. You are able to speak, read and write like a native speaker

Using this table, you can determine which category you will be trained in. For example, in order to get a job in some Call Center, you only need to reach level A 2 - elementary. But for you to teach someone English, A 2 is clearly not enough: for the right to teach, the minimum category is B 2 (above average).

Professional language classification scale

However, more often, when writing a resume according to international standards, the following professional classification is used, in which the elementary level serves as the initial level, and there are actually three “near-intermediate” levels. Other scales use a 7-level division (in this case, the initial level is without a category).

In the following table we will take a closer look at exactly Intermediate(average)

Language level Corresponding
A 1
Same as in Beginner CEFR
Same as in Elementary CEFR
Pre-intermediate Below average (pre-average) A 2 Same as in Lower Intermediate CEFR
Intermediate Average B 1
  1. The ability to holistically perceive a text by ear and identify context from non-standard text
  2. The ability to distinguish between native and non-native languages, official and unofficial speech
  3. Conducting free dialogues in which:
    • clear, clear pronunciation
    • emotions are expressed
    • expresses one's opinion and learns someone else's
  4. Ability to write sufficiently competently, namely:
    • be able to fill out various documents (forms, resumes, etc.)
    • write postcards, letters, comments
    • freely express your thoughts and attitudes
Upper-Intermediate Above average B 2 Same as in Upper Intermediate CEFR
Advanced Great C 1 Same as in Advanced 1 CEFR
Proficiency Ownership in practice C 2 The same as in Advanced 2 CEFR, with the difference that knowledge is improved not with the help of textbooks, but in practice, mainly among native speakers.

As you can see, the concept of “level” is quite subjective: for some, beginner or elementary is enough for training on an amateur scale, but for professionals Advanced may seem insufficient.
Level Proficiency is considered the highest, it is the most valuable and allows a highly qualified specialist to get a well-paid job abroad, and a student to get an education at a prestigious university or college.
In our native “penates” the average (Intermediate) is quite sufficient in order to:

  • understand language and communicate
  • watch films and read texts in English
  • conduct formal and informal correspondence

Testing your English level

How to determine what level of knowledge you are at? There are many tests, here is one of them
Testing your level of English How to climb a little higher on this ladder? Only through training!

This is a topic without borders. Visit our English Courses and Books and Textbooks sections and choose your favorite technique.

Levels of English proficiency according to the European scale

It is no secret that the American and British versions of the English language are somewhat different, and the international classification is more focused on the American version, since most foreigners study this easier version. However, American English is foreign to Europeans. Therefore, the European English Language Framework was created.
European Framework of Reference for English Languages

  1. A1 Level of survival (Breakthrough). Corresponds to the International Level Scale Beginner, Elementary. At this level you understand slow clear English speech and you can speak using familiar expressions and very simple phrases for everyday communication: in a hotel, cafe, store, on the street. You can read and translate simple texts, write simple letters and greetings, and fill out forms.
  2. A2 Pre-threshold level (Waystage). Compliant international level Pre-Intermediate. At this level you can talk about your family, your profession, personal hobbies and preferences in cuisine, music, and sports. Your knowledge allows you to understand announcements at the airport, advertising texts, stores, inscriptions on products, postcards, you know how to conduct business correspondence, and you can also freely read and retell simple texts.
  3. B1 Threshold level. On the international scale it corresponds to the Intermediate level. You can already understand what we mean we're talking about in radio and television programs. You know how to express your own opinion, you can justify your views, conduct business correspondence of average complexity, retell the content of what you read or saw, read adapted literature in English.
  4. B2 Threshold advanced level (Vantage). According to the international scale - Upper-Intermediate. Are you fluent spoken language in any situation, you can communicate with a native speaker without preparation. You know how to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of issues, convey your point of view, giving weighty arguments for and against. You can read unadapted literature in English, as well as retell the content of complex texts.
  5. C1 Level of professional proficiency (Effective Operational Proficiency). Corresponds to the international Advanced level. Now you understand various complex texts and can identify the subtext in them, you can express your thoughts fluently without preparation. Your speech is rich in linguistic means and the accuracy of their use in a variety of situations of everyday or professional communication. You can express yourself clearly, logically, and in detail on complex topics.
  6. C2 Level of mastery. According to the international scale - Proficiency. At this level, you are fluent in any spoken or written speech, you can summarize information received from different sources and present it in the form of a coherent and clearly reasoned message. You know how to fluently express your thoughts on complex issues, conveying the subtlest shades of meaning.

Strive for perfection!

Friends, you, of course, remember that learning English is divided into levels. We have already talked about initial, basic, pre-threshold, intermediate and advanced levels. Today I would like to discuss the level of professional English language proficiency, this is the Advanced level. The Advanced level is a level of fluency in English, which is assigned category C1.

About what knowledge in various areas English language gives this course training, what opportunities it provides and what is needed in order to pass this level, we will talk today.

Before you start learning English at the Advanced stage, you must be aware that this is a serious stage. This is the same level of knowledge of the English language that graduates of philological faculties of higher education should have. educational institutions. This means that the teachers teaching you English speak it at a professional Advanced level. Advanced level - professional knowledge of English

Someone may ask: but I passed Upper level Intermediate, isn't this enough for fluency in English? No, friends, Upper Intermediate is fluent, but not professional, knowledge of English. At this stage, you can speak on almost any topic, read books in the original, watch films and TV series in English. However, if at this stage you speak about the most common topics, then at Advanced level you are able to talk about anything, even if you don’t understand the topic of conversation. You will have lively spontaneous fluent and literate speech.

So, friends, you have already realized that your knowledge of the English language acquired at this level is much more extensive than at previous levels. To begin with, to test your English language skills, you can take an English proficiency test at the Beginner and Elementary levels, then a test at the Pre Intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate levels. Make sure that your knowledge of English corresponds to these levels and that you do not have any omissions or gaps, then you can proceed to the Advanced level.

You can safely start learning English at the Advanced level if you:

  • Speak almost fluently and competently different topics, but make minor mistakes and encounter minor difficulties when it comes to rephrasing your speech.
  • You have a good understanding of English grammar, but want to learn more complex structures so that your speech sounds like a native speaker.
  • You understand original speech well, watch films, listen to English-language music, but from time to time you resort to the help of subtitles or a dictionary.
  • We had previously taken an English language course at this stage, but we had already forgotten some things.
  • Previously studied at a language university, achieved a good level of proficiency in English, but want to improve your abilities and skills.
  • Are you going to take a test or exam at the Advanced level?
  • Recently completed English language training at the Upper Intermediate level.

Now let’s look at what material and what English language skills this stage of learning offers us.

In grammar:

  • Knowledge of all verb tenses and their aspects
  • Understanding and use in speech modal verbs with perfect infinitive
  • Knowledge of inversion and its use in speech
  • Knowledge and understanding of the three types of conditionals
  • The use of complex linking words in speech, such as in fear of, with a view to, supposing, admittedly, henceforth
  • Knowledge introductory structures and their use in speech
  • Understanding the difference between the constructions he was to do smth, he was about to do smth, he happened to do smth, he was set to do smth

In vocabulary:

  • Possession of a vocabulary of 4000 to 6000 words
  • Knowledge and use of idioms, set expressions, abbreviations and phrasal verbs of the English language
  • The concept of compatibility of words and their selection to each other
  • Ability to communicate freely with business partners
  • Ability to hold a conversation in English on any topic
  • Possession of competent speech and clear pronunciation
  • Ability to speak coherently, use long complex sentences with introductory words and complex conjunctions
  • The ability to express the same thought in different ways; ability to paraphrase what has been said
  • Using complex grammatical structures in speech
  • Ability to operate with all tenses of verbs, passive voice, conditional sentences
  • Ability to answer diverse questions and maintain a conversation on any topic

In reading:

  • Ability to read any literature in the original
  • Ability to read and understand academic and technical texts of average difficulty level
  • Ability to read and understand articles from BBC, The Times, The Guardian and others

In listening:

  • The ability to understand the speech of the interlocutor, regardless of his pace, rhythm, accent and pronunciation
  • Ability to watch films and programs in English without subtitles
  • Ability to listen to audiobooks and songs in English

In the letter:

  • Ability to correctly construct sentences and use different times and constructions, serious vocabulary and complex phrases
  • Ability to perform various types of written work
  • Ability to write an argumentative essay on any topic

If you are not sure that you have knowledge of this course, we advise you to take the English language test at an advanced level. Perhaps you should raise the previous level a little.

As for the English language teaching program, the grammar section includes the following topics:

  • All verb tenses (including active/passive voice)
  • All groups of modal verbs
  • Impersonal designs
  • Mixed conditionals
  • Inversion
  • Split sentences

Speech section:

  • Feelings and emotions
  • Work and workplace
  • Sport and health
  • Law and politics
  • Environment
  • Technology and progress
  • Education and upbringing
  • Trips, free time and rest

At the end of this English language course, you can take a test, the CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) exam, to test your knowledge.

How will your knowledge improve at this level?

A professional level of English is a huge advantage. All doors are open for you. You are able to freely express your opinion in English, you can answer any questions, find out the information you need, talk on absolutely any topic.

You have a complex vocabulary, not just complex, but also active. Your speech is replete with phraseological units, stable idioms, etc. You speak freely and fluently.

You understand English well by ear and understand your interlocutor. Also, you can write any written work on any topic. At the Advanced level you are an English specialist!

The duration of training at this level is from 6 to 9 months. The Advanced level is what everyone who studies English should strive for. This is important and necessary not only for admission to foreign universities and when applying for a job, but will serve as the basis for self-realization and professional placement.

So, what are the levels, what level of language proficiency do you personally need (depending on your goals), and how much time will you have to spend to achieve this level? For convenience, we will focus on English, as the most popular language, and in which there is the most developed system of various tests and international exams. Conventionally, we will evaluate the level of English language proficiency on a twelve-point scale. In many English language courses abroad, and in decent courses in our country, the formation study groups occurs precisely in accordance with these levels.

0 - "zero level" of English

Full Beginner. Many people immediately begin to say: “yes, yes, this is just about me!” I learned something at school, but I don’t remember anything at all! Complete zero!" No! If you learned something at school, then it no longer has anything to do with you. Those who have never learned English and don’t even know the alphabet have a zero level. Well, if, for example, you taught at school German or French, but I’ve never encountered English.

1 Elementary. Elementary English level

I have no experience using English. Separate simple words and the expressions are clear, something can be guessed with great difficulty. I have the vaguest idea about grammar. In general, this is a typical level for a graduate of a post-Soviet school, who twice a week pretended to study some “topics”, but in fact copied mathematics under his desk. In case of urgent need, some words still pop up in your head - “passport, taxi, how-to”, but a coherent conversation does not work out. To reach this level from scratch, it is enough to take a decent English course abroad for 3-4 weeks, approximately 80-100 hours of study. By the way, about all the calculations (weeks, hours, etc.) - these are average figures for the bulk of students with normal abilities (which is approximately 80%), ten percent of linguistically gifted students will learn everything much faster, and ten percent will need more time and efforts to achieve the same result. There are no people who are generally incapable of learning languages ​​- I declare this categorically. If you speak Russian, you can speak any other language, you just need to put in some effort and spend some time. So, I wrote, and I myself felt sad: whatever one may say, a month or a month and a half at language courses abroad successfully replaces five years of language study in our usual high school... well, this is, of course, if it's a three. If you diligently complete your homework for five years, you can achieve much greater success and rise to a higher level.

2 – Upper-Elementary. Highest elementary level

Have knowledge of simple grammatical structures of the English language. It is possible to maintain a conversation on a familiar topic - but, unfortunately, the number of familiar topics is very limited. There is an understanding simple sentences and speech structures - especially if they speak slowly and explain what is said with gestures.

We can call this level a “living wage” for a tourist who is relatively independent of guides and translators. Add 80-100 training hours to the previous level. By the way, in most decent language courses in Russia, one level is approximately 80 hours, that is, if you study twice a week for 4 academic hours, then this is about 10 weeks, two to three months. Abroad, you can complete three weeks of intensive training.

3 – Pre-Intermediate. Lower intermediate level

You can carry on a conversation on a familiar topic. Knowledge of English grammar is quite good, although vocabulary is limited. You can pronounce fairly coherent sentences with virtually no errors if you covered this topic in class. This sometimes leads to a paradoxical situation if you have to communicate with foreigners - it seems to them that you speak English quite well, and they happily begin to explain something to you at a normal pace, excitedly waving their hands. But you, having laid out everything you knew, realize that you no longer understand a damn thing, and you feel out of place.

At this level, you can already try to pass some kind of language test, although there will be no practical benefit from this. This level approximately corresponds to the result of 3-4 when passing the IELTS exam, 39-56 points when passing the TOEFL iBT, you can try to pass the Cambridge PET exam (Preliminary English Test).

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There are several approaches to determining the level of foreign language proficiency. The ability to correctly determine your level allows you to set reasonable goals, select the right teaching aids, and objectively assess your capabilities when looking for a job or entering an educational institution.

When talking about the English language, the following classification is most often used:

0.Basic. This is not yet a level, it is still the absence of even an elementary level. The definition applies to those who have begun to learn a language, but practical use It’s too early to talk about language for any purpose.

1.Elementary. If the remnants of school knowledge allow you to understand simple inscriptions and exchange some information with a foreigner with a sin, it means that you speak English at this level. Sometimes they also allocate the Upper-Elementary level - the minimum for simple communication on a limited set of topics.

2. Pre-Intemediate. The average Russian school provides approximately this level of language proficiency, provided that you at least sometimes learn the rules and do your homework. It means the ability to explain simple topics, knowledge of basic grammar and vocabulary for everyday communication.

3.Intermediate. The level implies the ability to speak competently in a foreign language, read books and watch films with an understanding of the meaning, and write texts on various topics almost without errors. This is about the same vocabulary plus good grammar and speaking practice.

4. Upper-Intermediate. Good knowledge of the language: large vocabulary, thorough knowledge of grammar (except for nuances), and the ability to communicate fluently, although not perfectly.

5. Advanced. Language proficiency is almost native-like. To achieve this level, it is necessary not only to study the language persistently, but also to use it for a long time.

This scale, although it is the most common in Russia, has a significant drawback - everyone understands it differently. The level of English that is considered Advanced by one teacher may be perceived as Upper Intermediate by another. Even the number of levels in this classification varies from three to eight in different sources (in the most detailed version, Native Speaker is added to the six levels considered - a native speaker, and Elementary level, as previously said, is divided into two more).

More specific and clear is the modern European classification, which is used to determine the level of proficiency in English (and not only English). It was developed in 1991 at an international symposium in Switzerland with the aim of achieving mutual understanding and facilitating collaboration between teachers foreign languages. Now this scale is widely used in Europe when conducting exams and tests, compiling dictionaries and teaching aids. It includes three levels, each of which contains two sublevels.

A: Basic Speaker
A1: Breakthrough
A2: Waystage

B: Independent Speaker
B1: Threshold
B2: Vantage

C: Proficient Speaker
C1: Effective Operational Proficiency
C2: Mastery

A1. Can understand and use everyday expressions and general phrases to meet specific needs. Can introduce himself and others, ask and answer questions simple questions about his place of residence, people he knows, things that belong to him. Can communicate a little provided the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

A2. Can understand and use common expressions to communicate about commonly encountered topics such as personal information, family, shopping, local geography, work. Communication is simply a direct exchange of information on these topics.

IN 1. Understands the meaning of messages related to regularly occurring situations at work, school, leisure, and so on. Can be explained in most situations that may arise when traveling in the area where the language is spoken. Can compose simple, coherent text on a familiar topic. Can describe events, dreams, hopes, etc., justify his opinions and plans.

AT 2. Understands the meaning of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including in his own professional field. Communicates quite fluently and naturally with native speakers without significant effort on either side. Can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics, express his point of view, indicating the disadvantages and advantages of other opinions.

C1. Understands a variety of complex texts, recognizing implicit information. He speaks so fluently that the search and selection of words is invisible to the interlocutor. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, scientific and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, and detailed text on complex topics using organizational patterns and cohesive language.

C2. Understands almost everything he hears and reads. Speaks fluently, conveying various shades of meaning even in the most difficult cases.
