Declining fresh water supplies. Fresh water shortage as one of humanity’s global problems

Sometimes we invent prejudices for ourselves, which we stubbornly and gladly believe in. When I first heard the expression “blue planet,” I (honestly!) thought for a very long time that the Earth was called that because of the color of its sky. I was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the term owes its origin to the view of the Earth from space. What kind of sky is this?! After quite a while long time I realized my mistake, and today I plan to tell you about most important natural resource of our planet - water.

What is water

It would seem like a stupid question. Even a schoolboy will answer: “ ash two o", and even twirl his finger at his temple. However, if we recall the theories origin of life, then the question takes on a completely different color. Sometimes it even seems to me that we know very little about this most common and, in fact, very simple substance. Why, for example, does water sometimes freeze at positive temperatures, but refuse to do so at negative temperatures? Why does water continue to flow at absolute zero under certain conditions? Why with such its immense reserves(about seventy percent of the surface globe) alarming symptoms become more and more pronounced shortage fresh water ? I want to dwell on the last question in more detail.

Causes of fresh water shortage on Earth

Despite the fact that each earthling potentially has a personal cubic kilometer of water, its fresh stocks inexorably are coming to an end. The reasons, in my opinion, are the following:

  • continuous population growth(and above all in water-poor countries), leading to increase in water consumption;
  • increase in the level of hydrosphere pollution: toxic waste from enterprises, agricultural fertilizers, accidents;
  • exhaustion non-renewable (or renewable extremely slowly) sources, in particular underground;
  • drying up of surface waters due to the greenhouse effect ( polar ice melt slower than lakes dry out);
  • irrational water consumption and use due to the availability and cheapness of water.

Finally, a small clarification - do not confuse fresh water with drinking water. Not all yoghurts are equally healthy; not every spring can be drunk from without harm to your health.

The presence of water in our lives is undeniable and commonplace. We drink it, prepare food, go to the shower, wash and clean. And we don’t even think about how much we can use in one day. Ukrainians are lucky - our country is geographically located in an area with a large number of rivers and lakes. And they are one of the main sources of fresh water.

Of course, everyone knows the quality of the substance that flows from our taps. You should not drink it without purification, but it is quite suitable for other needs. Also, bottled, purified, is widely distributed in our country, very affordable price, and companies for its delivery. Therefore, we are unlikely to encounter a critical situation of its shortage in the near future. But in the world the situation is completely different. At least 80 countries are in deficit drinking water. So let's look at this situation deeper.

World water problem

Water is life, but not only its lack can kill. According to researchers, 85% infectious diseases is transferred through this source and more than 2 million people on the planet die every year because of it. Therefore, already at the very beginning we can conclude that not only the fact of the availability of drinking water is important, but also that it must be safe, that is, disinfected.

Water shortage is a worldwide problem

Only 9 countries on Earth consume water resources that can be renewed naturally. According to the UN, within a decade, 2 out of 3 people in the world will be affected by water shortages. And by the middle of the 21st century, ¾ of the population will find themselves in the same deplorable situation. According to forecasts, the first will be countries in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East.

Africa and Europe

There are already states on Earth with particularly severe deficits. clean water, and people die trying to get it. For example, in African countries There are tribes where, in addition to the problem of cleanliness, there is also periodic drought. Residents of these territories have to dig for hours in the hope of finding life-giving moisture. The amount of liquid obtained in this way is not comforting - about 2 liters per day for the entire tribe. And this after such difficult physical activity. In addition, this “prey” most often contains a large number of bacteria that cause deadly infections.

In civilized countries the issue of shortages water resources no less relevant. Water is brought to Holland and Japan from Norway and then sold. These countries can at least afford to buy it, which cannot be said about the people of Africa.

Humanity has not learned to use natural resources

Causes of the water crisis

The problem of water scarcity is not a natural process, but a result human activity. There are quite a few reasons for this situation, but let’s look at the most significant ones.

  • The main sources of fresh water are rivers, lakes and swamps. But the natural distribution of resources, unfortunately, is uneven throughout the globe. For example, Europe is 20% of the inhabitants of the entire planet, which accounts for only 7% of its reserves.
  • The number of people on Earth is growing every day, and with them. That is, if the annual increase in people is 84 million people, then the necessary increase in water resources should be at least 60 million cubic meters.
  • Improper use of natural resources leads to their rapid consumption (groundwater is restored very slowly - 1% per year). Also, pollution plays an important role in this issue. water sources(industrial effluents, emissions, washing of fertilizers from fields). For example, in America, 37% of rivers and lakes are so polluted that it is not even possible to swim in them.
  • It would seem that, positive factor development Agriculture around the world also contributes negatively to this problem. The water needs of this branch account for 85% of the total volume. Therefore, the price of products that are artificially irrigated is much more expensive.
  • One of global causes is the greenhouse effect, because more and more gases are released into the atmosphere. The Earth's climate is changing every year. Snowfall in countries with hot climates, unnatural frosts in countries such as Italy and Spain. These are all consequences of the redistribution of precipitation.
  • The total amount of water on our planet is 1.5 billion m3, and only 2.5% of it is fresh. Despite the fact that most of it is hidden in the glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica and underground. This is why there are difficulties in extracting it.

There are ways to solve water shortages

So what to do?

The situation, although serious, is completely solvable. The main thing is not to let everything take its course, but to take action necessary measures. Here are some of them.

  • The first, and most important thing, is preserving what is. It is necessary to protect fresh reserves in reservoirs.
  • It is necessary to universally introduce technologies for the purification and processing of industrial and domestic wastewater.
  • One of the most current solutions is the desalination of salty sources. Moreover, these technologies are becoming more technically advanced and accessible in material terms.
  • In the economic sector effective method Cultivation of crops tolerant to salty soils may become an option.
  • Innovative methods include the creation of artificial forests in arid areas, melting glaciers and drilling deep wells. And very exotic, but quite feasible in the future - impact on clouds and the release of moisture from fog.

In the end, we can say that everything is in the hands of man. Nature gives us practically inexhaustible sources of life; from all of us, and from each individual, only one thing is required - to preserve.

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Water is the most valuable natural resource. Its role is to participate in the metabolic process of all substances that are the basis of any life form. It is impossible to imagine the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises without the use of water; it is indispensable in everyday life person. Water is necessary for everyone: people, animals, plants. For some it is a habitat.

The rapid development of human life and inefficient use of resources has led to the fact that Environmental problems (including water pollution) have become too acute. Their solution comes first for humanity. Scientists and environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm and trying to find a solution to the global problem.

Sources of water pollution

There are many reasons for pollution, and it’s not always to blame human factor. Natural disasters They also harm clean water bodies and disrupt the ecological balance.

The most common sources of water pollution are:

    Industrial, domestic wastewater. Having not undergone a system of purification from chemical harmful substances, when they enter a body of water, they provoke an environmental disaster.

    Tertiary treatment. The water is treated with powders, special compounds, and multi-stage filtered, killing pests and destroying other substances. It is used for household needs of citizens, as well as in the food industry and agriculture.

    - radioactive contamination of water

    The main sources that pollute the World Ocean include the following radioactive factors:

    • nuclear weapons testing;

      radioactive waste discharges;

      major accidents (ships with nuclear reactors, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant);

      disposal of radioactive waste at the bottom of oceans and seas.

    Environmental problems and water pollution are directly related to contamination radioactive waste. For example, French and English nuclear plants contaminated almost the entire North Atlantic. Our country has become the culprit of pollution of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Three underground nuclear reactors, as well as the production of Krasnoyarsk-26, were clogged largest river Yenisei. It is obvious that radioactive products entered the ocean.

    Pollution of world waters with radionuclides

    The problem of pollution of the waters of the World Ocean is acute. Let us briefly list the most dangerous radionuclides that enter it: cesium-137; cerium-144; strontium-90; niobium-95; yttrium-91. All of them have high bioaccumulating capacity, pass through food chains and concentrate in marine organisms. This creates a danger for both humans and aquatic organisms.

    Water areas arctic seas are exposed to severe contamination from various sources of radionuclides. People carelessly dump hazardous waste into the ocean, thereby turning it dead. Man has probably forgotten that the ocean is the main wealth of the earth. It has powerful biological and mineral resources. And if we want to survive, we urgently need to take measures to save it.


    Rational consumption of water and protection from pollution are the main tasks of humanity. Ways to solve environmental problems of water pollution lead to the fact that, first of all, great attention should be paid to discharges hazardous substances into the rivers. On an industrial scale, it is necessary to improve cleaning technologies Wastewater. In Russia, it is necessary to introduce a law that would increase the collection of fees for discharges. The proceeds should be used for the development and construction of new environmental technologies. For the smallest emissions, the fee should be reduced, this will serve as motivation to maintain a healthy environmental situation.

    The education of the younger generation plays a major role in solving environmental problems. WITH early years It is necessary to teach children to respect and love nature. Instill in them that the Earth is our big home, for the order of which every person is responsible. Water must be conserved, not poured out thoughtlessly, and efforts must be made to prevent foreign objects and harmful substances from getting into the sewer system.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that environmental problems of Russia and water pollution probably worries everyone. The thoughtless waste of water resources and the littering of rivers with various garbage has led to the fact that there are very few clean, safe corners left in nature.Environmentalists have become much more vigilant, multiple measures are being taken to restore order in environment. If each of us thinks about the consequences of our barbaric, consumerist attitude, the situation can be improved. Only together will humanity be able to save water bodies, the World Ocean and, possibly, the lives of future generations.

Water is the most abundant substance on Earth. water shell, hydrosphere, contains 1.4 billion km 3 of water, of which land waters account for only 90 million km 3.

Seas and oceans occupy 71% of the surface of the globe, so there is an idea that water reserves are inexhaustible. However, the salty waters of the seas and oceans are used very little by people, and obtaining fresh water through atmospheric precipitation and glaciers are local and limited.

IN Lately There was an acute shortage of fresh water, although its total quantity was enormous. Most fresh water is spent on irrigation. At the same time, high sustainable yields are obtained, so water consumption for irrigation will increase. According to forecasts, water use for irrigation by 2000 will reach 37% of all freshwater resources, or about 7000 km 3 per year (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Increase in annual water consumption

Water consumption increases with population growth and its increasing concentration in cities and industrial centers. Already, about a third of the world's population lacks clean fresh water. This applies to almost all major cities.

The shortage of water has become especially noticeable due to the increase in its consumption for industrial needs. So, to smelt 1 ton of cast iron and convert it into steel and rolled products, 300 m 3 of water is required, 1 ton of nickel - 4000 m 3, 1 ton of synthetic rubber - 3600 m 3, 1 ton of nylon - 5600 m 3.

All in large quantities water is used to dilute waste. By 2000, more than 34% of humanity's total annual need for fresh water will be spent on these purposes.

The increased shortage of fresh water is associated with pollution reservoirs with industrial and domestic wastewater. Particularly polluting surface water waste from pulp and paper, chemical, metallurgical, oil refineries, textile factories and agriculture.

The most common pollutants include oil And petroleum products. They cover the surface of the water with a thin film 10–4 cm2 thick and prevent normal gas and moisture exchange between water and air. This causes the death of aquatic and semi-aquatic organisms. If the stain is small (up to ten square meters), then it disappears from the surface of the water within 24 hours, forming emulsions. Heavy oil fractions settle to the bottom (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Scheme of the processes of distribution and destruction of oil spilled into the sea

Heavily pollutes water bodies surfactants (Surfactant), including synthetic detergents (SMS), widely used in everyday life and industry. The presence of SMS in water gives it an unpleasant taste and smell. In polluted rivers with fast current foam forms. A SMC concentration in water of 1 mg/l causes the death of microscopic planktonic organisms, 3 mg/l causes the death of daphnia and cyclops, 5 mg/l causes fish kills. SMS slows down natural self-cleaning reservoirs, acting depressingly on many biochemical processes.

Important role plays a role in the deterioration of fresh water quality eutrophication bodies of water (from the Greek “eutrophis” - good food). The removal of nutrients into water bodies in natural conditions happens very slowly - over thousands of years. People apply fertilizers to the fields, and during rains and floods they are carried into water bodies. Rapid accumulation organic matter , nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in water bodies leads to abundant proliferation of floating blue-green algae. The water becomes cloudy, organic matter begins to decompose, the oxygen supply to the water deteriorates, crustaceans and fish die, and the water acquires an unpleasant taste.

Dangerous pollutants of water bodies are salts of heavy metals - lead, iron, copper, mercury. Their arrival is associated with industrial enterprises located on the banks of reservoirs. Sometimes the concentration of ions of these metals in the body of fish is tens and hundreds of times higher than their initial concentration in the reservoir (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Accumulation of heavy metals along food chains in freshwater biocenosis:
1 – osprey; 2, 10 – pike; 3 – osprey nest; 4, 5 – muskrat; 6, 11 – perch; 7, 16 – bacteria and phytoplankton; 8, 12 – roach; 9 – crayfish; 14 – bloodworm; 15 – zooplankton

One of the most important reasons The decrease in fresh water reserves is associated with a reduction in the water content of rivers. It is caused by deforestation, plowing of floodplains and drainage of swamps. Due to this, surface runoff sharply increases and the level decreases. groundwater. The rapid melting of snow in the spring and heavy rainfall under these conditions cause catastrophic floods, and in the summer the rivers become shallow and sometimes dry out completely.

Abstract “The problem of shortage of drinking water”

Water... She is omnipresent, and we have long been accustomed to seeing her every day, without being surprised by her at all. But it would be worth...

For thousands of years, people have had the idea of ​​drinking water as a substance vital, but never exhausted, eternal. However, with the growth of the population of our planet, with the development of industry and agriculture, the need for fresh water has increased sharply, and now water scarcity(full quality) is felt in many areas.

Fresh water today makes up about 3% of the total water on earth. Approximately 75% of the world's fresh water water is located in icebergs and glaciers, Almost all other fresh water is located underground. Only 1% of water reserves are easily accessible to humans.

Structure of water resources:

If the consumption of fresh water continues at the same rate, then two-thirds of the world's population will experience enormous problems with water. Scientists say that in the next 25-30 years, global fresh water reserves will be halved.

And these are just the most obvious consequences. Imagine what will happen from rivers drying up, it’s simply impossible, since it’s akin to the real thing end of the world.

What can we say about desert Africa, when the trouble lies in the most developed and, it seemed, prosperous regions. Prosperous Europe has on its territory 41 million people lack drinking water. If this is the case in Europe, then what can we say about the rest of the world? For example, on average a resident USA consumes fresh water in four times more than a European.

Today Northern Asia Middle East, most of Africa, northeastern Mexico, most of the western states of America, Argentina and Chile, and virtually all Australian continent have an unstable fresh water supply.

It is especially difficult for states such as Egypt, Kuwait and UAE.

Regions where people live who lack clean drinking water (million people):

    Sub-Saharan Africa (330)

    South Asia (222)

    East Asia (151)

    Southeast Asia (83)

    Latin America and the Caribbean (38)

    Western Asia (21)

    Others (39)

It is not surprising that water has become perhaps the most profitable business. And this profit will grow so rapidly that in another twenty years will exceed profits even from oil. Even the pharmaceutical business was left behind. In monetary terms, the annual net profit from the water business is $1 trillion a year. Every year about 100 billion bottled water alone is sold. The situation is so radical that in just 10 years water companies will most profitable, and what will happen in another 10-20 years is even difficult to imagine.

It’s sad, but we create the problem of water shortage for ourselves. Blame it all irrational use and ever-increasing demand for water. It's funny, but some of the small fresh rivers are completely clogged plastic bottles from that water, which was once taken from these same rivers. This indicates a complete misunderstanding of the essence of the problem. And since the planet’s population is billions of people, we end up with a catastrophic situation.

What is the reason for the shortage of fresh water? In some areas this is explained natural and climatic conditions(heat, drought, rare precipitation, lack of large water sources), in others - intense, and often irrational use of water for industrial purposes and, what is especially important to emphasize, the progressive pollution of water resources by waste from industrial and agricultural production.

Scientists beg increase the efficiency of irrigation water use by at least 10%, which consumes 90% of all fresh water. The fact is that even such an insignificant factor will almost double the world's drinking resources, which will save a significant part of civilization from terrible problems.

How do we use fresh water? Over the past forty years, the amount of clean fresh water per person has decreased by almost 60%. The main consumer of water is Agriculture. Today, this sector of the economy consumes more than 85% of all available fresh water. So, if person About 300-400 liters of water per day are required for drinking and household needs, then for production 1 t sugar 100 thousand liters are consumed to grow 1 kg plant food an average of 2000 liters of water is required.

To date, more 80 countries (2 billion people 60% of the total land area) experience a shortage of fresh water. 884 million people suffer from a lack of drinking water in the world. About The fresh water problem is becoming more acute every day. Approximately 95% of water is unfit for human consumption. developing countries. Often, due to water shortages between states, there is political tension.

Demands increase, but the amount of water decreases . Only in nine countries does freshwater use exceed its natural renewal rate. By 2025, almost 50 countries with a total population of 3 billion people will face water shortages. Only in China more than 300 cities experience a shortage of fresh water. Even despite the abundance of rain that falls in China, half of the country's population is not adequately provided for drinking water on a regular basis.

Of particular concern are the facts deterioration of hygienic indicators of drinking water, which negatively affects state of health significant population groups in a number of developing and capitalist countries and therefore requires urgent and decisive measures to correct the current situation.

Near 80% of all cases of disease in developing countries is associated with the use of water that does not meet sanitary standards. The world community has long been talking about "water famine" planets, about the impending " water crisis."

Percentage of population provided with drinking water of adequate quality:

Good water has become item of export. For example, Hong Kong receives water through special pipelines from China, and in dry years the water is delivered here by tankers. Fresh water procurement projects are being considered in some European countries.

Experts warn that the water will become the dominant global problem in the coming century, and difficulties with water supply may even become a threat to social stability in the world.

IN In developing countries, only five percent of industrial and household waste generated in cities is treated and treated. The rest, including most of the two million tons of human excrement produced daily and all the toxic and dangerous byproducts of industrial production, are dumped into rivers and pollute aquifers.

It should be emphasized that governments, specialists and the public of many highly developed countries understand the danger of depletion and pollution of water resources and take the necessary measures to protect them. Significant work in this direction is being carried out in USA, Germany, England, France, Australia, Scandinavian countries. An effective method for processing and wastewater reuse implemented in Stockholm.
