Biography. Breakthrough of Russian geniuses: Viktor Ivanovich Petrik Petrik and Academician Aleksandrov

President of LLC "Holding "Golden Formula""

President and owner of Golden Formula Holding LLC, Academician Russian Academy natural sciences. Known for patents in the field of water purification and obtaining a rare isotope of osmium. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and many observers called him a swindler and a pseudoscientist. Took part in the program organized by the United Russia party Pure water", and one of the patents, not directly related to this program, was received together with the former chairman of the party, Boris Gryzlov.

Viktor Ivanovich Petrik was born on June 22, 1946,,. His website indicated that he was born in Zhytomyr, however, some publications in the press indicated that one of the villages near this Ukrainian city was his place of birth. According to official biography, Petrik repeatedly won school olympiads in physics and chemistry and from the 6th grade was fond of hypnosis,. In the 1960s, he moved to Leningrad, where, according to his own statements, he began his studies at the shipbuilding department of the Dzerzhinsky Higher Naval Engineering School. According to Petrik, he was forced to leave because of the dissolution of the faculty (it was indeed dissolved and the department of "military shipbuilding" was created on its basis). After that, Petrik studied at a certain military academy, where he once hypnotized the foreman instead of himself to "clean the toilets" and allegedly because of this incident he was forced to go to study in another, civil university , .

Petrik studied at the Leningrad state university, moreover, according to his own statements, he studied at once at two faculties - psychology and physics, however, in 1975 he received only a diploma in psychology, the topic of his work was related to the methods of suggestion,,,,,,,,. At the same time, since 1972, he worked for 4 years as a senior engineer at the Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University, "heading a group for the implementation and assembly of physical equipment," and then became a senior researcher Psychoneurological Research Institute named after Bekhterev,,. As they wrote in the press, Petrik performed with hypnosis sessions, was familiar with Anatoly Kashpirovsky, however, one of his main occupations was the sale of antiques and art objects. In 1984 (according to other sources, back in 1979, 1981 or 1983) Petrik was sentenced to 11 years in prison under 13 articles (according to other sources - 14 articles) of the criminal code, including fraud, corruption, attempted robbery, extortion, illegal currency transactions and coercion to give false evidence, , , , . According to those who knew Petrik in those years, he was convicted of robbery of collectors. Petrik served his sentence in Irkutsk region, where, according to the official biography, in the prison factory he "made a robot that could replace the labor of twenty workers", .

In January 1989, Petrik was released from custody on parole and received the position of deputy manager for technology at a "plant of a complex automobile structure." Then Petrik headed a cooperative (according to other sources, an art and design workshop) for the production exact copies antique furniture with modern technologies and, according to some reports, was also engaged in the production of fake Stradivari violins. He was also engaged in the cultivation of artificial garnets, amethysts and other minerals,,,,,,. In 1992, Petrik was hired as an economic adviser to the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In the early 1990s, Petrik was called CEO JSC "Incorporation 4T": the company was officially engaged in the purchase of agricultural products and technological work,,,,,. Petrik first received press attention in 1993 due to the scandal of smuggling the isotope osmium-187, which was allegedly similar to the so-called "Red Mercury": according to rumors, this non-existent substance was the highest achievement of Soviet scientists and the military and was used either in a "detonator thermonuclear bomb", or in "gamma lasers". On charges of smuggling osmium-187 in 1997, Leningrad vice-mayor Lev Savenkov, who led a group created by Anatoly Sobchak to search for new technologies that could help the development of the city, was convicted in this case. As they wrote in the press, Petrik made an isotope in home laboratory according to one technology known to him (according to other sources, he acquired it somewhere) and sold it to Savenkov. He, in turn, was going to replenish the city budget by selling the substance abroad, but at first he wanted to smuggle money for osmium in order to establish its production on an industrial scale. It was not possible to transfer osmium abroad, Savenkov was arrested and removed from the post of vice-mayor by Sobchak , , , , , , , , . It is noteworthy that Vladimir Putin was Savenkov's deputy as head of the advanced technologies group, and Petrik was a member of this group, although he later denied his acquaintance with Putin,. Some sources indicated that the Putin-led Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office helped Petrik register his companies or even cooperated with them,.

Sobchak's involvement in smuggling was not confirmed: according to Savenkov, he did not want to invest in the production of the osmium isotope. However, in 2009, Petrik claimed that he had transferred the osmium isotope to Sobchak himself, and he allegedly, after losing the election for governor in 1997, was even going to become a lawyer in Petrik's company, but changed his mind and left for France.

Despite this, in 1995, Petrik was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy and subsequently proposed making micromarks from osmium-187 to protect against counterfeiting of banknotes and valuable papers, and also appealed to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin with a request to allocate money for the development of osmium-187 production technology for the production of gamma lasers. Whether he received the requested money (about two tens of millions of dollars), the press did not report.

In 1997, Petrik became a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and in 2002 he received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences there (the Higher Accreditation Commission does not recognize doctoral degrees of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences). Also, sometimes the press published information that Petrik has a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences, but the VAK has scientific degrees Petrik denied,,. In laudatory articles, he was called a "universal scientist" and an unrecognized genius, a "modern Leonardo da Vinci" who would have received Nobel Prize, if he lived in the West, , , , .

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Petrik was often mentioned in the press as the CEO of the New Processes research and production corporation, which developed a new method for eliminating emergency oil spills on water and on land using a special carbon sorbent, each gram of which , according to Petrik, could attract up to 80 grams of oil. Viktor Petrik often demonstrated to the press the process of obtaining a sorbent, when a certain "secret" liquid initiator was added to a small portion of pure carbon, after which, as a result of a "non-dangerous chain discontinuous reaction", the volume of the substance increased up to 500 times. Even then, Petrik stated that the water purified in this way is suitable for drinking, and he called the substance a by-product in the production of fullerenes, which he allegedly dealt with on behalf of the Russian Presidential Programs Fund,,,,,,,,,,. Subsequently, Petrik called this substance "Nanocarbon sorbent "hydrocarbon mixture of high reactivity" (HRCM)". In 2002, Petrik received a patent for this substance, however, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Kruglyakov stated that HRSG is an ordinary thermally expanded graphite, a patent for water purification with which was obtained in 1995 by a group of scientists that Petrik was not a member of (the exact name of the patent "Method of cleaning the water surface from oil and hydrophobic liquids", the essence of the invention is "treatment of the water surface with expanded graphite in an amount of 0.1-10% by weight of the sorbate"). It is noteworthy that in some countries, water treatment using thermally expanded graphite has been banned due to its toxicity,. However, Petrik himself stated that HRCM and thermally expanded graphite are different things,.

Petrik has repeatedly stated that his HRMS are already being used in Russia and abroad to clean up oil pollution: it was reported that the devices were installed at the Smolny oil garbage collector. However, for example, according to the results of tests, the Kuwait National Petroleum company refused to implement HRMS, citing the need to refine the technology. The media also wrote that at least one of the evidence posted on the Internet about the results of the examination of Petrik’s filters is falsified, and they did not rule out that others could turn out to be “fakes” positive reviews experts, .

Among Petrik's other projects was the manufacture of an artificial aluminum-magnesium spinel (he received a patent in 1995), which, according to him, could be used to armor military equipment, . Petrik also stated that he had invented a device that converts the thermal radiation of surrounding bodies into electricity (according to Kruglyakov, he contradicted the second law of thermodynamics), as well as technologies for producing ultra-pure silicon for solar energy and creating nano-batteries for cars.

Petrik took credit for discovering the win-win casino game algorithm, the secret of harmony based on the principle of the "golden section": according to him, Egyptian pyramids supposedly they are "generating resonators of life", allowing you to live up to 150 years,,.

In 2002 state accreditation received the "Research Institute for Physics of Fullerenes and New Materials of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", whose director and supervisor was Petrik,,,,,. He also became an academic International Academy Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature (MANEB), Honorary Professor of the St. Petersburg European University, Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, St. Petersburg Academy of the History of Science and Technology, Academician and Vice-President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture and was an academician, vice president and director of the strategic research department of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems (until it was liquidated at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in 2008),,,.

In the early 2000s, Petrik was called in the press the general director of CJSC Infpro,,, later - the scientific director of the Research Institute of Supramolecular Systems and Nanotechnologies in Dubna and the owner of Golden Formula Holding LLC, ",. In 2008, in Internet publications, including in the materials of the Golden Formula website, he appeared as the general director of LLC, and in 2010 - as the president of the holding,. He was also mentioned in the press as a member of the expert advisory council on problems national security State Duma RF.

In 2004, Petrik met with former president US George W. Bush after allegedly solving the problem of removing methyl tributyl ether from water. According to skeptics, Petrik simply paid for a photo with the former president to the party fund of the US Republican Party,,,

Petrik was most famous in connection with the Clean Water project, launched by the United Russia party at the suggestion of State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov in 2006. This project aimed at improving the quality drinking water and water supply systems price Russia, . In 2007, Golden Formula Holding LLC, which developed "water purification systems based on the discovery of Petrik", was announced the winner of the competition for best project"Pure water". In the same year, Gryzlov announced the need to create a similar federal program, and in September 2007, together with Petrik, he applied for a patent "Method of cleaning liquid radioactive waste"(this invention did not directly apply to drinking water), , , .

The press noted that United Russia lobbied for the installation of Petrik-Gryzlov filters in the regions at the expense of local budgets: for example, it is known that filters based on HRMS were installed as part of a pilot project in 2007 in the Novgorod region, in budget institutions including schools and kindergartens. Despite the installation of these filters, which supposedly guaranteed the complete absence of pathogens in the water, in 2009 an outbreak of serous meningitis was noted in children's institutions in the Novgorod region,,,. It was reported that from the additional budget revenues, the state could allocate from 150 billion to 15 trillion rubles for the program of equipping filters under the Clean Water program for all institutions and houses in Russia,,,,,. It is noteworthy that the activities of Petrik were also supported by the general director of the state corporation "Rosatom" Sergey Kiriyenko, and some USVR filters carried the emblem of "United Russia", as well as the names "Golden formula Shoigu" and "Hercules-Shoigu" in honor of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu (place The Federal Antimonopoly Service banned the politician's surname on filters only in October 2010, in December 2011, the Perovsky Court of Moscow also banned the placement of the name Shoigu and the abbreviation "Ministry of Emergency Situations" on filters). Svetlana Orlova, Vice Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, member of United Russia, said that the party asked Petrik to remove his logo from the filters, and the program itself involves the purchase of filters based on the results open competitions; the same was reported in Gryzlov's entourage,.

In 2009, the draft federal program "Clean Water" attracted the attention of the press, in which Gryzlov was clearly called a corrupt official, Petrik - a swindler and pseudoscientist, and the scandal itself - "Petrickgate" , , , , . Despite this, in the summer of 2009, a number of well-known Russian scientists, including Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Eremenko, Vladimir Novotortsev, Oleg Sinyashin and Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Aldoshin, visited Petrik's laboratory and left rave reviews about it, after which many other members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and The club of scientific journalists accused scientists of being uncritical and obsequiously praising Petrik,,,, however, according to Aldoshin, Petrik's praises were made in a playful manner. In November 2009, Kruglyakov published a keynote article in the Science of Siberia newspaper: in it he questioned the ability of filters to "purify water contaminated with radiation to the state of drinking water. the highest category"and stated that all Petrik's activities are "a mixture of unreasonable megalomania with depressing ignorance." According to the research data of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene, cited by Kruglyakov, water treated with HRMS is not drinking water, all daphnia placed in it died within 10-15 minutes Another study by Professor Nikolai Serpokrylov found no difference in the filters submitted to her, except that the Petrik-Gryzlov filters turned out to be two to three times more expensive. Vladimir Tartakovsky, Secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Tartakovsky, to make a conclusion about the technology created by Petrik (this commission began work in March 2010,) In response, Gryzlov sharply criticized the Russian Academy of Sciences,,, and the article "Kill Leonardo" was published on Petrik's website , which denied accusations of the pseudoscience of his research.Petrik also stated about intention to sue the Club of Science Journalists.

On April 21, 2010, a commission led by Tartakovsky published the results of its work, in the conclusion of which it was said that Petrik's activity "does not lie in the field of science, but in the field of business and invention", all patents are based on well-known scientific facts, but some give their erroneous explanation. The commission also warned against using Petrik filters to obtain drinking water without a qualitative examination of their impact on the human body. According to Tartakovsky, in Petrik's patents "there are a couple of provisions that do not fit with science. But there is no solid pseudoscience either." The press noted that there was nothing sharp and condemning in the conclusion of the commission,.

In May 2010, Golden Formula filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity in the amount of 21 million rubles against news agency"Rosbalt", " Novaya Gazeta"and Komsomolskaya Pravda, stating that publications in the press damaged the company's business and led to a decrease in filter sales. In December of the same year, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region satisfied the claim of the Golden Formula, demanded that the defendants publish refutations and pay Petrik's company 610 thousand rubles.

As a result of the government meeting on July 29, 2010, it was decided to allocate nine billion rubles for the Clean Water program over three years. According to the assurances of the Russian Water Society, which should be involved in the implementation of the program, Petrik had nothing to do with it, but he common grounds could take part in the competition for the selection of filters. At the same time, Pure Water claimed the status of a state target program (GTsP), however, it was not included in the list of state programs published in November 2010, becoming part of the GTsP "Providing high-quality housing and housing and communal services for the population of Russia".

In October 2010, after the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to natives of Russia Konstantin Novoselov and Andrey Geim for the discovery of graphene, the United Russia party published an interview with Petrik on its portal, in which he stated that the prize was awarded to them undeservedly, since the HRMS allegedly and there is graphene, and for 10 years he himself "was engaged in carbon technologies, in particular, graphite" until 2004.

In the same month, Petrik filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity against academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kruglyakov, Evgeny Alexandrov and Vladimir Zakharov, as well as against journalist Nikolai Akhayan and director of the Research and Technological Institute of Optical Materials Science Konstantin Dukelsky, whom he accused of slander. From each of the accused, Petrik demanded to recover an amount of more than one and a half billion rubles. The decision on the case was made only in March 2012: the Kirov Court of St. Petersburg refused to satisfy Petrik's claim,.

In April 2011, a counterclaim was filed against Petrik. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kruglyakov and Alexandrov accused him of public insults. According to the academics, after they called the filter he created charlatanism, he insulted them in the press. Kruglyakov and Aleksandrov estimated the moral damage caused to them at 2.5 million rubles. Petrik also lost this trial in June 2012, he was ordered to apologize to the scientists and pay them 20 thousand rubles each,.

On October 4, 2012, the Perovsky Court of Moscow considered the claim of the Consumer Rights Protection Society (OZPP) against the Golden Formula holding and the distributor of filters in Moscow - the Golden Formula Megapolis International Consumer Society. OZKK sought to ban the production and sale of "Petrik filters". The court decided to recover from the defendant 30 thousand rubles in favor of the OZPP, as well as 200 thousand rubles in favor of the state. At the same time, the court denied the OZPP's request to impose a ban on the sale of ZF-Ministry of Emergencies filters, since at the time of the trial they were no longer being produced. Earlier examination conducted by the Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment named after Sysin, found that the ZF-MChS filters do not meet the declared characteristics and pose a danger to human life and health.

In 1998 Russian Orthodox Church awarded Petrik with the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree, he was also awarded the honorary title of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Knight of Science and Arts",.

Petrik is married, his wife's name is Lyudmila. They have a son Timofey, he works as vice president of the American company BDnP Technologies LLC, engaged in nanotechnology, was awarded the Order "Young Talent of Russia" by the Russian Heraldic Chamber,. Timofey was also mentioned as the development director of Golden Formula Online LLC.

Viktor Petrik lives in the city of Vsevolzhsk, Leningrad Region, where his laboratories are located, which, according to Petrik, were allocated to him by the administration of St. Petersburg,. Among Petrik's hobbies, collecting expensive cars was mentioned.

Used materials

OZPP: Petrik lost the Moscow filter case. - Rosbalt, 05.10.2012

Viktor Petrik will apologize to the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and pay them 20 thousand rubles. - RBC, 22.06.2012

Yuri Medvedev. They switched roles. - Russian newspaper , 06/22/2012. - Federal issue No. 5814 (141)

The court dismissed Petrik's claim against the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Fontanka.Ru, 23.03.2012

The academics won the lawsuit against Petrik. -, 23.03.2012

The court forbade Petrik to use state symbols and the surname Shoigu. - , 12/13/2011

Sergey Mashkin, Andrey Ershov. Viktor Petrik received a scientific claim. - Kommersant, 14.04.2011. - № 65 (4606)

The court ordered a number of media outlets to refute criticism of Petrik's filters and pay him 610,000 rubles. - Interfax, 24.12.2010

Petr Netreba. The government has filtered "Clean Water". - Kommersant, 25.11.2010. - №218 (4518)

FAS declared illegal the use of the minister's surname Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu with two companies to promote their product. - Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, 15.10.2010

The Nobel Prize was stolen from Petrik. - United Russian portal (United Russia party), 06.10.2010

Maxim Tovkaylo. Clean up 9 billion - Vedomosti, 05.08.2010. - №144 (2662)

Anastasia Petrik is a young Ukrainian singer, winner of the international teenage contests "Junior Eurovision" in Amsterdam, "Children's New Wave" in Artek and many other famous musical events.

Nastya was born in Odessa and became the second daughter in the family: elder sister Victoria, too, from childhood amazed those around her with vocal abilities. From an early age, Nastya closely watched her sister's rehearsals and classes, and by the age of 5-6 she was able to repeat many songs. And the repertoire was not easy. Their daughters' passion for music was favored by their parents - professional musicians. Father Igor Vasilyevich plays the piano, and mother Tatyana Fedorovna plays the violin. Creative biography girls was predetermined by the profession of their parents.


When the qualifying competition for the popular TV show “Ukraine Got Talent” was held in Odessa, Anastasia also went there, but not as a participant, but in order to support her sister. The TV presenter of the program noticed that the baby knows the words to the difficult song The Best, which she previously performed. The presenter brought little Nastya to the stage, where the girl sang in a duet with Victoria Petrik. After listening, the jury decided to give the girls the opportunity to perform live, but only in pairs.

The career of a little singer went uphill. In 2010, Nastya, together with Vika, won the first prize at the Children's New Wave festival, which was held in Artek. The sisters Petrik were awarded a prize - a cabinet piano, which later came in handy for the girls in their daily activities. Current president Ukraine presented two stars with equipment for a home mini-studio, in which the sisters are still experimenting with recording songs. The talent of both singers was noted by the producer and advised not to stop in this direction.

Further in the career of a little vocalist, the first place in the competition "Young Galicia", the silver of the "Black Sea Games" followed. And all this by the age of 8! Due to the fact that Petrik had a powerful jazz vocal that was amazing for her age, the girl was already compared with a great singer at that time.

In 2011, Nastya Petrik arrived at the New Wave as an invited guest and this time performed with. The musicians performed the hit "Snow", while the vocals of the little star were not inferior to the singing of the King of Variety. Philip Kirkorov was delighted with the possibilities of Nastya Petrik's voice, calling her "an unreal girl." According to Philip Bedrosovich, in Las Vegas they should definitely make a grand show about the life and work of a little vocalist.

In 2012, Nastya Petrik passed the qualifying round and went to Holland for the Junior Eurovision final. In Amsterdam talented child won the hearts of music lovers again: Anastasia became the winner of this show with the song "Sky" - for the first time in the history of Ukraine's participation in this competition. The hit, with which the Ukrainian star performed at the international competition, was composed by Nastya herself.

According to the results of voting, the second place was taken by the Georgian participants from the quartet The Funkids with the song "Merry Lemonade", the third went to the group from Armenia Compass band, who performed the track "Sweet Baby", and the fourth position was taken by a participant from Russia Valeria Engalycheva (Lerika) with the hit " Sensation". At Eurovision, Anastasia Petrik was ahead of her own sister, because in 2008 Victoria also became the winner of the competition, but then she received only 2nd place.

The following year, Nastya Petrik was already a guest star of Eurovision and performed the song "Number One (Winner)", specially written for this occasion.

Today, Nastya Petrik cannot be called an aspiring singer. The artist's repertoire includes duets with stars,. Anastasia also performed the hit "Above the Clouds" in tandem with Tina Karol. The little singer visited the cities of Ukraine and Russia with tours, Nastya was also in Italy.

Among the stars with whom Nastya Petrik is personally acquainted are. During Anastasia's performance at the festival in Jurmala with the song "Oh! Darling” The prima donna was in the dressing room. Hearing Nastya's singing in the speakers, the singer hurried to the stage to see the performer with her own eyes, Alla Borisovna was so impressed by the girl's voice.

And in 2012, together with the Russian hip-hop artist T-killah, Nastya recorded the modern hit "Little Soldier", which was first released on the singer's debut album Boom. Interestingly, Petrik equally easily and confidently performs both the folk songs "Green Maple", "Veseli Toads", "Dock", "My Land", and the rock hits "I Love Rock" n "Roll" and "Oh, Darling" .

In 2015, the girl offered the public three new compositions at once, and in an unusual dance style for her. And if the song "Music" was met calmly, then "Mamma Knows Best" and "Pyatoelementnaya" became big hits. And in myself New Year Nastya Petrik pleased young fans with a new hit - the song "Russian Winter", which she performed in a duet with. In the same year, the girl received the award of the "Favorite of Success" contest in the "Young Talent of the Year" category.

Personal life

Anastasia Petrik is still a young girl, so talking about serious romantic relationship do not have to. Nastya still lives with her parents near Odessa, in the suburban village of Nerubayskoye, where they built private house.

Nastya loves the profession of a singer, which helps a girl to realize herself, allows her to travel a lot and communicate with new people. interesting people. It should also be noted that Anastasia Petrik has already tried herself as an actress and played main character in the social drama "Little Bird" ("Bird").

Nastya Petrik now

Girl don't stop singing career. In 2016, Nastya released the hit "Do Not Trust". The video for this song appeared later than the release of the song. In 2017, the artist released a video for the song "Closed Doors" with the English version of "Open Door".

Now Nastya Petrik continues to study at school. In 2017, the girl had a graduation ball, schoolchildren said goodbye to high school. Ahead - senior classes and admission to the university.


  • 2010 - Oh! Darling"
  • 2010 – "I Love Rock 'n' Roll"
  • 2011 - "When You Believe"
  • 2012 - "Sky"
  • 2012 - "Little Soldier"
  • 2013 - "Victory"
  • 2013 - "Number One (Winner)"
  • 2015 - "Pyatoelementnaya"
  • 2015 - "Music"
  • 2015 - "Mamma Knows Best"
  • 2016 - "Do not trust"
  • 2017 - "Closed Doors"

At the scientific session of the General Meeting of the Academy, which was held on December 15-16 in the new building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Sparrow Hills, a question unexpectedly arose, which was not originally included in the program. First, the question was asked by science journalists in an open letter, signed, among other things, by three employees of Vokrug Sveta and several of its permanent authors, and then it was orally addressed to the entire meeting in a statement from the Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The question concerned Viktor Ivanovich Petrik, an inventor and businessman - and now, we can probably say that he is also a politician. Problems that forced academician Vladimir Zakharov to violate the regulations and read out an appeal that is not directly related to scientific program, two. Firstly, it is in itself the activity of this “impostor who assigns academic degrees and titles to himself”, which “has long been causing negative responses in the professional community.” And secondly, the strange reaction of some members of the academy, even one of its vice presidents, who starred in documentary TV companies NTV. “In this film, the academicians give Petrik exorbitant praise, far beyond the standards accepted in the academy. They call him a genius, “the new Edison”, they offer to erect a monument to him during his lifetime. Well, each of the problems deserves separate consideration. One of the results of yesterday's meeting was the disappearance of videos from Petrik's website. “At the request of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.S. Osipov, access to interviews with some academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences is temporarily limited. This is due to the requirements of the Russian Academy of Sciences to conduct regular scientific examinations of the results of V.I. Petrik, ”explains there. But you can watch them on YouTube: 1) general visit of academicians , 2) episode with Sergei Aldoshin ,3) episode with Oleg Sinyashin , 4) episode with Vladimir Novotvortsev.

Whose mill will be poured "clean water"?

Petrik himself explains the essence of the discovery on his website Back in 1997, he learned how to obtain "nanostructured carbon complexes" consisting of nanotubes, fullerenes, as well as previously unknown nanorings, branching nanotubes and "nanofractals". These complexes have simply miraculous qualities, derived from their ability to absorb almost everything in the world. Including: neutralize poisonous substances used on the battlefield; eliminate oil spills on land and on the surface of water bodies; remove toxins from tobacco smoke; convert almost any liquid into clean drinking water, including liquid radioactive waste.

On top of that, getting these wonderful complexes is very simple. Judging by the photographs and videos that, at least for now, any reasonably curious person can watch, they occur when coal is burned on a steel sheet or even just in a bucket.

A year ago, Petrik told how his filters were tested at the world's largest burial ground near the Techa River, where a nuclear reactor to produce weapons-grade uranium. The reactor was built without any protection and right in the stream to use running water for cooling. This water then flowed into Lake Karachay, which is now considered the most radioactive place on earth - the level radioactive contamination there is two orders of magnitude higher than the level in the Chernobyl "zone". According to Petrik, filters made according to his technology and containing such complexes as a filler turned liquid radioactive waste into drinking water: “Thanks to the personal participation of Boris Gryzlov and Sergey Kiriyenko, with whose help we were able to test our developments at the Chelyabinsk burial ground. We brought the installation there and at the end we got drinking water instead of liquid radioactive waste.”

Some time later, in August of this, Boris Gryzlov met with Dmitry Medvedev in Sochi. During it, “the leader of United Russia, Boris Gryzlov, suggested discussing the problem of increasing budget revenues and increasing the efficiency of spending. To replenish the budget, in his opinion, the organization of the export of water from Russia to Arab countries using Russian developments for cleaning oil tankers”. The name of the person who knows how to clean up the "oil tanker" is not named, but, as they say, sapienti sat.

The project is being developed in the bowels of one political party. Its members hold forums, discuss troubles, think through solutions. In mid-November, another eminent party member, Yuri Luzhkov, presented to the public new book with a non-original title: "Clean Water, Life and Wealth of the World". The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yury Osipov also spoke about the merits of the book. He said that the problems, which are professionally and talentedly written in the book, must be dealt with seriously, otherwise it will be too late. Now he himself is asked questions both about these problems and about scientific ethics.

At the end of November, finally, a new financial component appeared in the case. The United Russia party held the Pure Water forum, which was attended by the entire Russian political beau monde. Petrik was also present, and his treatment technologies were mentioned, for some of which he holds a patent together with Boris Gryzlov. And after the forum, we talked about the eponymous national program. Petrik-Gryzlov filters are expected to receive from 100 billion to 13 trillion. rub.

And here is the time to intervene and the Academy: we are talking not just about questionable engineering quality. We are talking about the introduction of scientifically unfounded and untested technology throughout the country, for which absolutely unprecedented amounts are allocated. And this is the amount that should be spent on a truly vital program!

Viktor Ivanovich Petrik(June 22, 1946, the village of Karpovtsy, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian entrepreneur, author of a number of pseudoscientific studies (including in the field of water purification), full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He became widely known during the Petrickgate.

In 1984 he was convicted of fraud and a number of other crimes, in 1989 he was released on parole.


Viktor Ivanovich Petrik was born in 1946 in the village of Karpovtsy, Zhytomyr region.

In 1975 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Psychology of the Leningrad University. According to his own words, he also tried to get a diploma at the physics department of the same university, but to no avail.

Even before studying at the university, Petrik conducted massive hypnosis sessions.

He worked as a researcher at the Research Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva.

At the end of 1982, Petrik was arrested for an attempted robbery on the Rzhevsky apartment, committed, as evidenced by operational materials, “V. I. Petrik together with Sutyrin, Erofeev and Shepsnev. In December 1984, V. I. Petrik was sentenced to 11 years in prison with confiscation of property under 13 articles of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR: fraud, attempted robbery, extortion, compulsion to give false testimony, etc. In January 1989, he was released on probation ahead of schedule, after which he worked as an artist in the design workshops of Leningrad.

Since the early 1990s, he was the general director and sole founder of Incorporation 4T LLC, which was engaged in the cultivation of artificial garnets, amethysts and other minerals for the jewelry industry using technology developed at the State Optical Institute. It was also reported that Petrik was engaged in the isolation of the osmium-187 isotope from rhenium minerals (dzhezkazganite). In the early 1990s, Petrik became involved in a story involving the export of smuggled osmium abroad. Petersburg vice-mayor Lev Savenkov was arrested in this criminal case.

In 1997, Petrik became a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) (however, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.B. Aleksandrov also reported that the RANS reference book of 2000 was silent about him).

On May 22, 2001, by the decision of the so-called "Higher Interacademic Attestation Commission" of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, he was awarded a fictitious " academic degree doctor of technical sciences” (October 17, 2001, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation made a decision on the incompetence of the attestation activities of the Higher Interacademic Attestation Commission). The GZT.RU correspondent was informed in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences that Petrik does not pay membership fees, and his fullerene institute has not been re-registered.

Petrik is the general director and scientific director of the CJSC Research Institute of Physics of Fullerenes and New Materials, established in Moscow by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Foundation for Presidential Programs and V. I. Petrik himself.

In the 1990s, V. I. Petrik was an economic adviser to the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In the early 2000s, he was General Director of CJSC Infpro of the Presidential Programs Fund, Director of the Strategic Research Department of the National Security Academy of Russia.

At the same time, he is the owner and scientific director of Golden Formula Holding LLC.

Academician of a number of public academies: the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, the St. Petersburg Academy of the History of Science and Technology, the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture, the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature. In the past (before its liquidation) he was a member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems.

In 2000-2006, he received 4 diplomas from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for discoveries, 3 of which were “in the field of information theory”: “The phenomenon of the formation of nanostructured carbon complexes”, “The regularity of the formation of a geometric spatial multidimensional structure using the mathematical algorithm of the golden section”, “The phenomenon of magnetically ordered states of the osmium isotope - 187 in a ferromagnetic matrix", "The phenomenon of nuclear-spin selectivity in reversible chemical reactions with graphenes. It should be noted that diplomas issued by these public organizations do not have any legal force.

Viktor Ivanovich Petrik was born on June 22, 1946. His website stated that he was born in Zhytomyr, but some press publications indicated that his birthplace was one of the villages near this Ukrainian city. According to the official biography, Petrik repeatedly won school competitions in physics and chemistry, and from the 6th grade he was fond of hypnosis. In the 1960s, he moved to Leningrad, where, according to his own statements, he began his studies at the shipbuilding department of the Dzerzhinsky Higher Naval Engineering School. According to Petrik, he was forced to leave because of the dissolution of the faculty (it was indeed dissolved and the department of "military shipbuilding" was created on its basis). After that, Petrik studied at a certain military academy, where he once hypnotized the foreman instead of himself to "clean the toilets" and, allegedly, because of this incident, he was forced to go to study at another, civilian university.

Petrik studied at Leningrad State University, and, according to his own statements, he studied at once at two faculties - psychology and physics, but in 1975 he received only a diploma in psychology, the topic of his work was connected with the methods of suggestion. At the same time, since 1972, he worked for 4 years as a senior engineer at the Physics Research Institute of the Leningrad State University, "heading the group for the implementation and assembly of physical equipment," and then became a senior researcher at the Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute. As they wrote in the press, Petrik performed with hypnosis sessions, was familiar with Anatoly Kashpirovsky, but one of his main occupations was the sale of antiques and art objects. In 1984 (according to other sources, back in 1979, 1981 or 1983), Petrik was sentenced to 11 years in prison under 13 articles (according to other sources - 14 articles) of the Criminal Code, including fraud, corruption, attempted robbery, extortion, illegal currency transactions and coercion to give false testimony. According to some of those who knew Petrik in those years, he was convicted of robbing collectors. Petrik spent his conclusion in the Irkutsk region, where, according to his official biography, he "made a robot in a prison factory that could replace the work of twenty workers."

In January 1989, Petrik was released from custody on parole and received the position of deputy manager for technology at a "plant of a complex automobile structure." Then Petrik headed a cooperative (according to other sources, an art and design workshop) for the production of antique furniture and, according to some information, was also engaged in the production of fake Stradivari violins. He also cultivated artificial garnets, amethysts and other minerals. In 1992, Petrik was hired as an economic adviser to the St. Petersburg mayor's office.

In the early 1990s, Petrik was called the general director of Incorporation 4T JSC: the company was officially engaged in the purchase of agricultural products and technological work. Petrik first received press attention in 1993 due to a scandal about the smuggling of the isotope osmium-187, which allegedly was similar to the so-called "Red Mercury": according to rumors, this non-existent substance was the highest achievement of Soviet scientists and the military and was used either in "thermonuclear bomb detonator", or in "gamma lasers". On charges of smuggling osmium-187 in 1997, Leningrad vice-mayor Lev Savenkov, who led a group created by Anatoly Sobchak to search for new technologies that could help the development of the city, was convicted in this case. As they wrote in the press, Petrik made the isotope in his home laboratory according to a technology known to him alone (according to other sources, he acquired it somewhere) and sold it to Savenkov. He, in turn, was going to replenish the city budget by selling the substance abroad, but at first he wanted to smuggle money for osmium in order to establish its production on an industrial scale. It was not possible to transfer osmium abroad, Savenkov was arrested and removed from the post of vice-mayor by Sobchak. It is noteworthy that Vladimir Putin was Savenkov's deputy as head of the advanced technologies group, and Petrik was a member of this group, although he later denied knowing Putin. Some sources indicated that the Putin-led Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg mayor's office helped Petrik register his companies or even cooperated with them.

Sobchak's involvement in smuggling was not confirmed: according to Savenkov, he did not want to invest in the production of the osmium isotope. However, in 2009, Petrik claimed that he had transferred the osmium isotope to Sobchak himself, and he, allegedly, after losing the election for governor in 1997, was even going to become a lawyer in Petrik's company, but changed his mind and left for France.

Despite this, in 1995, Petrik was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Engineering and subsequently offered to make micromarks from osmium-187 to protect against counterfeiting of banknotes and securities, and also turned to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin with a request to allocate money for the development of technology for the production of osmium-187 for the production of gamma lasers. Whether he received the requested money (about two tens of millions of dollars), the press did not report.

In 1997, Petrik became a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and in 2002 he received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences there (the Higher Accreditation Commission does not recognize doctoral degrees of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences). Also, sometimes the press published information that Petrik had a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences, but the VAK denied that Petrik had scientific degrees. Laudatory articles called him a "universal scientist" and an unrecognized genius, a "modern Leonardo da Vinci" who would have won a Nobel Prize had he lived in the West.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Petrik was often mentioned in the press as the CEO of the New Processes research and production corporation, which developed a new method for eliminating emergency oil spills on water and on land using a special carbon sorbent, each gram of which , according to Petik, could attract up to 80 grams of oil. Viktor Petrik often demonstrated to the press the process of obtaining a sorbent, when a certain "secret" liquid initiator was added to a small portion of pure carbon, after which, as a result of a "non-dangerous chain discontinuous reaction", the volume of the substance increased up to 500 times. Even then, Petrik declared that the water purified in this way was fit for drinking, and called the substance a by-product in the production of fullerenes, which he allegedly dealt with on behalf of the Russian Presidential Programs Fund. Subsequently, Petrik called this substance "Nanocarbon sorbent "hydrocarbon mixture of high reactivity" (HRCM)". In 2002, Petrik received a patent for this substance, however, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Kruglyakov stated that HRSG is an ordinary thermally expanded graphite, a patent for water purification with which was obtained in 1995 by a group of scientists that Petrik was not a member of (the exact name of the patent "Method of cleaning the water surface from oil and hydrophobic liquids", the essence of the invention is "treatment of the water surface with expanded graphite in an amount of 0.1-10% by weight of the sorbate"). It is noteworthy that in some countries, water treatment using thermally expanded graphite has been banned due to its toxicity. However, Petrik himself stated that HRCM and thermally expanded graphite are different things.

Best of the day

Petrik has repeatedly stated that his HRMS is already being used in Russia and abroad to clean up oil pollution: it was reported that the devices were installed at the Smolny oil and garbage collector. However, for example, according to the test results, Kuwait National Petroleum refused to implement HRMS, citing the need to refine the technology. The Golden Formula website also posted other testimonies about the filters, however, according to some observers, at least one of them was fake.

Among Petrik's other projects was the manufacture of an artificial aluminum-magnesium spinel (he received a patent in 1995), which, according to him, could be used to armor military equipment. Petrik also stated that he had invented a device that converts the thermal radiation of surrounding bodies into electricity (according to Kruglyakov, he contradicted the second law of thermodynamics), as well as technologies for producing ultra-pure silicon for solar energy and creating nano-batteries for cars.

Petrik took credit for discovering the algorithm for a win-win game in a casino, the secret of harmony based on the principle of the "golden section": according to him, the Egyptian pyramids are allegedly "generating resonators of life" that allow you to live up to 150 years.

The press wrote that one of the main activities of Petrik was to receive precious stones of any size and beauty and the production of portraits on them - gems with images of various celebrities. Information was published that Petrik was able to somehow obtain the technology for producing artificial diamonds at the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2002, the state accreditation was received by the "Research Institute for Physics of Fullerenes and New Materials of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", whose director and supervisor was Petrik. He also became an academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB), an honorary professor of St. Petersburg European University, an academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, St. Petersburg Academy of the History of Science and Technology, an academician and vice-president of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences , education, arts and culture, as well as an academician, vice president and director of the strategic research department of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems (until it was liquidated at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in 2008).

In the early 2000s, Petrik was called in the press the general director of CJSC Infpro, later - the scientific director of the Research Institute of Supramolecular Systems and Nanotechnologies in Dubna and the owner of Golden Formula Holding LLC. He was also a member of the expert advisory council on national security issues of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Petrik met with former US President George W. Bush after allegedly solving the problem of removing methyl tributyl ether from water. According to skeptics, Petrik simply paid for the photo with the former president to the party fund of the US Republican Party.

Petrik was most famous in connection with the Clean Water project, launched by the United Russia party at the suggestion of State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov in 2006. This project was aimed at improving the quality of drinking water and the water supply system in Russia. In 2007, Golden Formula Holding LLC, which developed "water purification systems based on the discovery of Petrik", was announced the winner of the competition for the best Pure Water project. In the same year, Gryzlov announced the need to create a similar federal program, and in September 2007, together with Petrik, he applied for a patent "Method of cleaning liquid radioactive waste" (this invention did not directly apply to drinking water). The press noted that United Russia lobbied for the installation of Petrik-Gryzlov filters in the regions at the expense of local budgets; kindergartens. Despite the installation of these filters, supposedly guaranteeing the complete absence of pathogens in the water, in 2009 an outbreak of serous meningitis was noted in children's institutions in the Novgorod region. It was reported that from the additional budget revenues, the state could allocate from 150 billion to 15 trillion rubles for the program of equipping filters under the Clean Water program for all institutions and houses in Russia. It is noteworthy that the activities of Petrik were also supported by the general director of the Rosatom state corporation, Sergei Kiriyenko, and some USVR filters were named "Shoigu's Golden Formula" and "Hercules-Shoigu" in honor of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, as well as the United Russia emblem. Svetlana Orlova, vice-speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, member of United Russia, stated that the party asked Petrik to remove his logo from the filters, and the program itself involves the purchase of filters based on the results of open competitions; the same was reported in Gryzlov's entourage.

In 2009, the draft federal program "Clean Water" attracted the attention of the press, in which Gryzlov was clearly called a corrupt official, Petrik a swindler and pseudoscientist, and the scandal itself was called "Petrickgate". Despite this, in the summer of 2009, a number of well-known Russian scientists, including Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Eremenko, Vladimir Novotortsev, Oleg Sinyashin and Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Aldoshin, visited Petrik's laboratory and left rave reviews about it, after which many other members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and The Club of Science Journalists accused scientists of being uncritical and obsequiously praising Petrik, however, according to Aldoshin, Petrik's praises were made in a joking manner. In November 2009, Kruglyakov published a program article in the Nauka Sibiri newspaper: in it he questioned the ability of the filters to "cleanse radiation-contaminated water to the state of drinking water of the highest category" and stated that Petrik's entire activity is a "mixture of unreasonable megalomania with depressing ignorance." According to Kruglyakov's research data from the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene, water treated with HRMS is not drinking water, all daphnia placed in it died within 10-15 minutes. Another study by Professor Nikolai Serpokrylov found no difference in the filters submitted to her, except that the Petrik-Gryzlov filters were two to three times more expensive. At the end of 2009, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov instructed a commission led by Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Tartakovsky to make a conclusion about the technology created by Petrik (this commission began work in March 2010). In response, Gryzlov sharply criticized the Russian Academy of Sciences, and an article entitled "Kill Leonardo" was published on Petrik's website, which denied allegations that his research was pseudoscientific. Petrik also announced his intention to sue the Club of Science Journalists.

On April 21, 2010, a commission led by Tartakovsky published the results of its work, in the conclusion of which it was said that Petrik's activity "lies not in the field of science, but in the field of business and invention", all patents are based on known scientific facts, but some give them wrong explanation. The commission also warned against using Petrik filters to obtain drinking water without a qualitative examination of their impact on the human body. According to Tartakovsky, in Petrik's patents "there are a couple of provisions that do not fit with science. But there is no solid pseudoscience either." The press noted that there was nothing harsh and condemning in the conclusion of the commission.

In 1998, the Russian Orthodox Church awarded Petrik with the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree, he was also awarded the honorary title of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Knight of Science and Arts".

Petrik is married, his wife's name is Lyudmila. They have a son, Timofey, who works as the vice-president of the American company BDnP Technologies LLC, engaged in nanotechnology, and was awarded the Order "Young Talent of Russia" by the Russian Heraldic Chamber. Viktor Petrik lives in the city of Vsevolzhsk, Leningrad Region, where his laboratories are located, which, according to Petrik, were allocated to him by the administration of St. Petersburg. Among Petrik's hobbies, collecting expensive cars was mentioned.

Valery 01.07.2010 11:39:55

V. Petrik is the reincarnation of the notorious Ambrose Ambroisovich Vybegallo. (Strugatsky. "Monday begins on Saturday")
