Phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, choleric are types of temperament. Types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

From birth, all people differ from each other in their type of temperament, which remains unchanged throughout their lives; only their traits change under the influence of circumstances. So what is the temperament of a phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric person, what characteristic in the description will allow you to accurately distinguish one from the other?

Temperament and appearance

Based on the fact that temperament is a biologically determined feature, many researchers have tried to link it with appearance person. It was not possible to obtain rigorous evidence for this theory, but in practice it often confirms its validity. A description of the appearance of a typical sanguine person, choleric person, melancholic person and phlegmatic person can be found in the table below.

But for precise definition Who is in front of you: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric, appearance alone is not enough, you need to look at the behavior characteristic of the person.

Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic - characteristics

It is very difficult to find a pure temperament; most often a person exhibits the traits of two, or even three types. But, as a rule, the characteristics of one species prevail over others. So, what are the distinctive features of each temperament?

  1. Choleric. People of this type tend to be in constant search of something new; they cannot sit in one place; peace and stability are too boring for them. Practical sociability, determination and exactingness help choleric people achieve a lot, but uncompromisingness and perseverance do not allow them to remain with all their friends. Therefore, they have many enemies and envious people. When communicating with a choleric person, you need to remember his extreme temper. If he raised his voice or stomped his foot, it's just an outburst and not genuine anger at you.
  2. Sanguine. True diplomats who can flexibly adapt to any situation. Such people do not like to quarrel, preferring to get their way in a roundabout way. Therefore, they have almost no enemies, everyone has a positive attitude towards them. But sanguine people are characterized by a certain superficiality; they will achieve difficult goals, preferring to choose something that does not require titanic efforts. Communication with a sanguine person does not present any special problems, just remember about his subconscious desire to please everyone, so he will avoid situations that could compromise him.
  3. Phlegmatic person. People of this temperament are as persistent as choleric people, but are much more restrained and patient. Phlegmatic people avoid conflicts with all their might, but they will not allow anyone to sit on their necks. These people will not argue, they will simply continue to follow the chosen course, without paying any attention to others. It is extremely difficult to anger such a person, and there is no need to do this, their rage is destructive. When communicating with a phlegmatic person, you should not expect quick reactions, this is not available to him. And never try to crush it under you, this will only cause irritation.
  4. Melancholic. They are very vulnerable people; anything can offend them. They usually have poor health, but poor health is not always caused by real illnesses. They often feel deeply unhappy, and it is extremely difficult to shake this belief. But melancholic people know how to empathize like no one else; you won’t find a better comforter. When communicating with such a person, it is necessary to take into account his vulnerability, so he needs praise and encouragement more than others. But you can’t scold him for constant complaints, otherwise you will damage his condition even more.

The ability to determine the type of temperament is needed not only by psychologists, it can also be useful in Everyday life. Knowing the innate weaknesses and strengths person, you can choose the most favorable tactics for conversation.

Have you ever analyzed your character? Have you ever thought about the nature of your temper or goodwill, aloofness or sociability? After all, you probably noticed some prevailing character traits in yourself. If yes, then this interesting and informative article was written especially for you. Today we will raise the question of the types of human temperament and their characteristics.

The term “temperament” originates from the Mediterranean civilization. Even then, such famous doctors and philosophers of antiquity as Hippocrates and Galen noticed a certain pattern in people’s behavior and began to study it. A little later, they came to the conclusion that the type of character is influenced by the prevailing “life juice” that is inside the body. Philosophers have identified four main fluids and called these character types temperament.

The hypothesis about the “vital juices” and their influence on character remained just an assumption, because no one, fortunately, checked a person for the presence of this or that liquid. At least we can hope so, because... history is silent about this. But, nevertheless, their discovery so shocked the world of philosophy at that time that psychology still finds this method relevant and actively uses it in practice. The truth explains it in its own way, from a scientific point of view.

How do psychologists determine the type of temperament?

The fact is that 4 types of temperament exist. Leading psychologists still agree with this, but they explain this not by the prevailing “life juice”, but by the dynamics nervous system. For example, sanguine and choleric people have lightning-fast reactions, they are sociable, and are able to quickly solve problems rather than accumulate them. While the phlegmatic and melancholic would rather wait for everything to resolve itself rather than take the situation into their own hands, they are less sociable and feel comfortable alone. The second type is inferior to the first in the dynamics of the nervous system, that is, it is a little “inhibited”. These are creative people who are immersed in inner world.

Herluf Bidstrup is a famous Danish cartoonist. His funny pictures of types of temperament still serve a clear example in many textbooks and manuals in different countries peace. The first one on top is a choleric person, then a phlegmatic person, a melancholic person and a sanguine person. It's very funny to watch how they behave different types temperament in the same situation.

It is interesting to know that there is no pure type of temperament. Each of the four types is present in any person, but each has dominant character traits, from which it can be concluded which type of temperament predominates most.

Mental personality disorders with a pure type of temperament

As mentioned above, all people are characterized by several types of temperament and, as a rule, one of them is dominant. The pure appearance of temperament in psychology may indicate that a person suffers from a psychiatric disorder, because this is considered pathological.

  • Choleric – impulsive personality disorder
  • Phlegmatic – schizophrenic personality disorder
  • Melancholic – anxious personality disorder
  • Sanguine - hypomania

Eric Berne wrote a great book called Games People Play. It explains the difference in our behavior in a given situation. Tells how common it is for people to use masks from “diligent schoolgirl” to “tyrant”. Try to independently analyze your behavior in different life situations, and you will understand that the type of temperament is a conditional indicator of the prevailing character traits.

Choleric is a type of temperament

If we briefly talk about the type of this temperament, then this is definitely a born leader. The main traits of his character are short temper, irritability and impulsiveness. Cholerics have the fastest dynamics of the nervous system, so they are able to set goals and achieve their goals.

  • These people have analytical thinking, which is why choleric people can often be found in leadership positions.
  • The type of activity of the owner of this temperament is often associated with exact technical sciences.
  • They are very demanding and executive bosses. They make decisions easily, direct and categorical in their choices.

Cholerics have an ideal union with phlegmatic people. They, like scales, balance ardor and complement each other.

Features of the behavior of a choleric child

This type of temperament in a child causes the greatest problems in education. These are very energetic children who are interested in everything. They try to cover literally everything. A choleric child will happily attend classes at the same time. ballroom dancing and karate, drawing and football.

  • Choleric children have serious problems with organization, which should absolutely not be allowed.
  • Most likely, he will leave all sections after a couple of classes. Their excessive energy does not allow them to sit for a long time in one activity.
  • This is very bad, because a choleric child has innate potential. These are successful and determined people in the future.
  • If parents direct their energy in the right direction, they will certainly get a very smart and purposeful child.
  • Another huge disadvantage of choleric children is that they are very emotional. If they are raised incorrectly, then very soon they will begin to pour out their excess energy on the children around them, which cannot be pleasant. Almost all hooligans have this type of temperament.
  • If your child shows aggression towards other children, do not rush to spank him on the bottom; they require a special approach to education.

How to raise a choleric child?

The concept of this type of temperament already implies his temper and instability. Don’t even try to shout at him or, God forbid, hit him. Don't expect him to remain silent in response; it is quite possible that he will respond in kind. With this example you only show that such behavior is normal.

They are like sponges, absorbing everything from you as an example. All attempts to suppress a choleric child will cause serious resistance on his part. Such children are very vindictive and, if they come across a wall of misunderstanding and aggression from their parents, they will repay in kind.

  • You need to learn to negotiate with a child. Be demanding of him, but not so much as to limit his expression of energy.
  • Set clear rules of behavior in the house and on the street.
  • Any disobedience must be punished. If you threaten your child that you will take away his device, then do not waste your words.
  • Choleric children are very cunning and will take advantage of your mercy.
  • This is the child who needs discipline the most.

Phlegmatic - a type of temperament

These are very friendly and nice people. This type of temperament has a slow dynamics of the nervous system, so they often seem sluggish and lacking initiative.

Characteristics of phlegmatic people:

  • This is a rare group of people whose representatives feel comfortable in routine.
  • They often work in the same type of work, which most people find boring.
  • Phlegmatic people hate change.
  • They hate regularity and strive to live in an organized way.
  • Also, phlegmatic people hate conflicts; they do not know how to confront anyone and defend their interests. In order not to run into a quarrel, they are able to give everything you ask them.
  • These are very loyal friends who will always listen and help.

Features of the behavior of a phlegmatic child

These are very diligent and friendly children. They are born perfectionists. Phlegmatic people work very hard, and when they find something they like, they will most likely make it their life’s work. These are the most obedient and “comfortable” children who almost never create difficulties for their parents.

  • They have a not very practical trait; they are very introverted children.
  • Phlegmatic people value loneliness and comfort above all else. They cannot be called social in any way.
  • Parents must help their child adapt to society. Otherwise, they risk remaining as hermits, not contacting anyone unless absolutely necessary.
  • Another unpleasant feature of phlegmatic people is their slowness. They are unhurried and always debug everything for later, this can create many problems in the future.
  • From childhood they need to be taught to be organized and punctual.

How to raise a phlegmatic child?

Phlegmatic children, as mentioned above, are the most “convenient” children to raise. They are very obedient and will never contradict their parents.

But they also require a special approach:

  • A phlegmatic child has a hard time accepting what is said. There is a good chance that he will not remember your words or simply will not consider them important.
  • They are often immersed in their inner world, which prevents them from being attentive.
  • They often act distant during parenting. Therefore, it is best to educate them by good example.
  • Don't demand more from your child than you can do yourself.
  • At first, study lessons with him together, sitting next to him.
  • The problem of a phlegmatic child with adaptation in society is also very easy to solve. To do this, the main thing is to organize family “outings” to an amusement park or, when eating in a restaurant, take it to the game room.
  • They slowly adapt to the new way of life. Almost all changes are taken to heart. You should not do this too abruptly so that the child does not experience stress.

Sanguine - a type of temperament

Sanguine can be seen from afar. They are always very loud, fast and cheerful people, with an unsurpassed sense of humor. Such people are often called the “life of the party.” They have a lot of friends, which is not surprising given their behavior pattern.

  • Sanguine people hate loneliness. They try to surround themselves with communication and people as much as possible. This is the only way they feel comfortable.
  • Sanguine people are capable of achieving high goals, but their main problem is that they are very changeable.
  • It often seems to them that they have found their life’s work, but quickly “burning out”, they begin to want something new.
  • Sanguine people want everything at once, but boredom is their main enemy.
  • Such people often find themselves in the humanities.
  • If we put aside their inconstancy, these are very purposeful people who are able to move mountains on the path to their dreams.

Peculiarities of behavior of a sanguine child

Such children are often called hyperactive. But, to tell the truth, many of the sanguine children suffer from this behavior disorder. This is a physiological feature of this type of temperament.

  • A sanguine child has a lightning-fast reaction to everything that happens
  • These kids can't sit still for a minute.
  • An angina child is very friendly and will never offend anyone. But his energy is sometimes destructive
  • Parents should make a lot of effort to come to an agreement with their child or keep him busy with something useful.

How to raise a sanguine child?

A sanguine child is not to blame for his excessive activity and parents should understand and respect this. The best solution would be to enroll your child in several sections at once. They must be active. You can't imagine what could happen to a piano teacher if your child decides to take his class. Give preference to the fight modern dance or children's tourism.

  • Sanguine people often associate themselves with vigorous activity, so your choice can play a role decisive role in the fate of your child.
  • Their activity often makes it difficult for them to concentrate.
  • Your task is to convey to the child that he has certain obligations (for example: walk the dog, do his homework) and until he does this, he will not be able to do what he would like.
  • Introduce clear boundaries of discipline, but do not limit the child completely. If he is not allowed to scream in the house, then allow him to do it outside.

Melancholic - a type of temperament

Melancholic people are very creative people. They love to analyze their behavior and feelings. They never let go of grudges, and for a long time accumulate them.

  • Melancholic people love loneliness, but at the same time they quickly establish relationships with a new team.
  • They are punctual and organized, which is what they demand from others.
  • They can fully reveal themselves in creativity.
  • This is very deep people, with a big heart and a huge inner world, which undoubtedly helps them in their creativity. But by choosing another profession, they can easily achieve success.
  • Melancholic people are very consistent and conscientious in everything they do.

Features of the behavior of a melancholic child

Melancholic people are very reasonable and correct children. But, unfortunately, their excessive sensitivity often spoils their mood. A melancholic child often cries, but not only because you yelled at him or offended him in some way. Tears are a real tool in his hands. He is a born manipulator and often resorts to forbidden techniques.

  • Don't forget that these are creative children.
  • They get along quite well in society, but often require solitude. Parents need to respect such a decision and give the child the opportunity to be alone.
  • It is unlikely that he will surf the Internet or watch cartoons; this time will be devoted to global thoughts and plans.

How to raise a melancholic child?

Under no circumstances should you shout at a child. He is very sensitive and receptive. Your words can hurt him so much that it can develop into mental trauma. You need to negotiate with such a child; these are very smart children who understand words perfectly.

  • If a child cries, be sure to take pity on him, but stand your ground, explaining your categorical attitude. This way you will avoid manipulation by your child.
  • Be sure to take your child to creative classes so that he can reveal his innate potential.
  • Encourage all his achievements and unsuccessful attempts. It is very important to encourage a melancholic child.
  • Avoid the carrot and stick method. You have enough smart child to negotiate with him like an adult.

Let this article serve as a useful guide for you on the types of temperament and their properties. After all, it is very important to find an approach to a person in order to make your relationship strong and comfortable for both. Raise your child according to his temperament type, he will become obedient and collected. Your patience and consistency will lead him to success.

Video: “Test for the type of temperament using the DISK method”

In everyday life, getting into the same situations, different people behave differently. The reason for this is not upbringing or the social environment, as it would seem, but the individual characteristics of the central nervous system. Scientists have long noticed that even in the diverse behavior of people there is something in common, certain patterns, types of response to the situation. In this regard, four types of temperament are distinguished: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. What was the basis for this division? I addressed this question to a senior lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines of Tomsk State University. pedagogical university Chufistova Oksana Nikolaevna.

Temperament types

From the history of the issue

Oksana Nikolaevna, why are there four types of temperament?

– Back in the fifth century BC, Hippocrates noted the presence in humans of four main substances or “body juices”: blood, bile, black bile and mucus (lymph). Greco-Arab-Persian medicine was based on the recognition of the four elements of nature: water, fire, earth and air, to which the above “body juices” corresponded. Combination (temperamentum, i.e. mixture) of these substances and determines the characteristics of human behavior. Hippocrates outlined this idea in his works on the classification of temperaments, distinguishing four main types of temperament in accordance with the substance predominant in the body:

  • sanguine is associated with a predominance of blood (sanguis);
  • choleric with bile (chole);
  • melancholic with black bile (melaina chole);
  • phlegmatic with mucus (phlegma).

The ancient Greek scientist believed that hot blood – “sangvis” – makes a person decisive, energetic, able to respond to changes in living conditions, while maintaining balance in his actions. Caustic bile – “chole” – contributes to the appearance of short temper, irritability, and nervousness. Phlegm (mucus) determines the traits of composure, slowness, and balance. Black bile “melancholy” makes a person fearful, indecisive, weak-hearted.

The relationship between temperament and physique

Is it true that there is some connection between a person’s temperament and physique?

– There are several concepts that are based on the connection between a person’s mental characteristics and his constitution. First of all, this is the concept of psychiatrist E. Kretschmer, who long years observed mental patients and discovered a certain relationship between behavior and physique. Yes, people picnic (large) build with a broad chest, protruding belly and big head characterized by openness, responsibility, smooth movements and dramatically changing mood.

People of asthenic physique: long and narrow rib cage, long limbs, elongated face, weak muscles - are characterized by isolation and inappropriate reactions. Athletic built people with well-developed muscles, strong physique, tall, broad-shouldered and narrow-hipped have a calm, reserved character. Displastic– a disproportionate person has traits of all of the above types.

Later, this concept was developed in the works of psychologist W. Sheldon, who identified three main types of constitution: endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Each type has a specific temperament. Endomorphs (fat with underdeveloped muscles) are prone to comfort, enjoying food, and emotional communication with other people. Mesomorphs (athletes) are characterized by energy, need for movement, activity, courage, risk-taking, lust for power, and aggressiveness. Ectomorphs - people with a fragile physique and lack of pronounced muscles - are characterized by restraint, lethargy, isolation, timidity, and a tendency to loneliness.

The conclusions of E. Kretschmer and W. Sheldon were subjected to doubts and tests more than once and in many ways turned out to be contradictory, but in general, the researchers recognized that there is a shaky but reliable connection between physique and temperament.

A modern approach to the study of temperament

What is the classification of temperaments based on today?

– The modern approach to the study of human temperament is associated with the properties of the central nervous system. The doctrine was developed in I. Pavlov’s theory about the types of higher nervous activity. The Russian scientist-physiologist linked the four types of temperament according to Hippocrates with the three main qualities of the nervous system: strength, balance and mobility of the processes of inhibition and excitation. I. Pavlov described four types of combinations of these aspects as four types of higher nervous activity. “The strength of neural processes” refers to the ability of cortical nerve cells to respond adequately to extremely strong stimuli, either by excitation or inhibition. “Balance” is the equality between excitation and inhibition; “motility” means the ability of nerve cells to change their state in response to changes in the environment. All these nervous processes can be mobile or inert. The relationship between these qualities is a prerequisite for dividing people into four categories.

Subsequently, the teachings of I. Pavlov and his followers developed and were supplemented. IN modern research types of higher nervous activity are determined by more than 30 physiological indicators. The properties of the nervous system of humans and higher animals began to be further divided into conditioned reflex and unconditioned reflex activity. In this regard, Pavlov’s concept of “strength” is divided into the force of unconditional excitation and inhibition and the force of conditioned excitation and inhibition. In the light of recent discoveries, attempts have been made to create new classifications of higher nervous activity and three types of people have been identified: thinking, artistic and average.

What is temperament, after all?

– Temperament is a type of human behavior, in no case a character. Temperament does not reflect the content side of a personality, its beliefs, views, interests. Temperament is a set of dynamic processes of behavior, reactions to events: intensity, speed, pace, emotionality, impulsiveness, anxiety, plasticity. The type of nervous system is the physiological basis for the formation of temperament.

Characteristics of temperament types - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic

So, a strong type with balanced inhibitory and excitatory processes, flexible nervous reactions. Such a person is able to overcome difficulties (strength), is well versed in the environment (mobility), has high self-control (balance), and easily experiences failures and troubles.

Calm type or strong, balanced, but sedentary from the point of view of nervous processes. Efficient, calm, cold-blooded, he has difficulty changing his habits, slowly switches from one type of activity to another, is inert, inactive.

The unrestrained type or has a greater strength of excitation processes, which prevails over inhibition processes. A person knows no limits in anything, neither in work nor in hobbies, is quick-tempered, active, impetuous, which often leads to neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

Weak type or melancholic characterized by weakness of nervous processes, low level neuropsychic and physical activity, but high emotional reactivity. Indecisive, fearful, withdrawn, sad, melancholic quickly succumbs to the influence of others. The tendency to causeless internal experiences also leads to frequent neuroses.

Influence on a person's character

Can temperament change over time?

– The nervous system is part of the whole organism; its processes cannot change dramatically. In the first six years of life, morphofunctional maturation occurs, so a child with any type of temperament is characterized by an imbalance of nervous processes with a predominance of excitation over inhibition and low lability. At an older age, gradual stabilization occurs, when the processes of excitation and inhibition become stronger and more balanced. The basic properties of the nervous system reach their normal development by 20-22 years.

Many researchers consider temperament as the result of the interaction of two factors: hereditary and environmental. But such characteristics as emotionality and activity are only genetically determined. One of distinctive features temperament is its stability, so a person cannot detect either the traits of a choleric person or a melancholic person. There is also little likelihood of temperament changing during life under the influence of the social environment, which can only change habits and skills. But proper upbringing shapes certain styles behaviors that often smooth out hereditary temperamental deficiencies.

What effect does temperament have on a person's character?

– The formation of a person’s character depends to the least extent on temperament, and to a greater extent on training and upbringing. On the basis of any of the temperaments, all socially significant qualities of character can be formed, but their manifestations will be unique for each type of higher nervous activity. Temperament affects the formation of such qualities as balance, adaptability to new things, hard work, mobility, inertia. Individual characteristics A person is determined by his greater or lesser adaptive abilities. The most preferable in this regard are the temperaments of sanguine and phlegmatic people, less adapted to life are choleric people, who lack balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation. But most researchers are inclined to believe that the manifestation of the advantages of a particular temperament depends on character, and not vice versa.

Each person is individual, has his own character, habits, worldview, temperament, etc. However, psychologists still divided people into four types of temperament - choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, and each of these categories has its own characteristics. Let us take a closer look at the main character traits of people in each of these groups.

Peculiarities of temperament and character of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic

So, let’s figure out what is the difference in the psychology of choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, what is their personality type, and what unites people in each of these categories:

  1. Phlegmatic person. Such a person is distinguished by enviable calm and equanimity. It is very difficult to anger people of this type, but if you have already succeeded, then it will not be easy to stop the phlegmatic person’s anger. People belonging to this category are very reasonable, love order in everything, are very consistent, attentive, and love stability. It is very difficult for them to “switch” from one thing to another, it is difficult for them to adapt to something new. The character of phlegmatic people is soft, they are almost conflict-free people, so they can get along with representatives of any category.
  2. Sanguine. Distinctive feature These people are active and energetic. Sanguine people easily “light up” with any idea and “burn out” just as easily; they have a light and playful disposition. Sanguine people are the life of any company, they practically do not succumb to stress, they love communication, but often cannot contain themselves. this promise. Sanguine people are emotional people, however, if necessary, they can restrain and not show their feelings. These are kind, sensitive and friendly people, they cope with failures quite easily. The character of these people is quite flexible, they are balanced and have the ability to adapt to the proposed circumstances, these people are hardworking and love discipline. Sanguine people are optimistic and honest people, and the main character trait invariably remains friendliness.
  3. Melancholic. Quiet, shy people may seem completely uninteresting from the outside, but only a melancholic person has such a rich and varied inner world. These people are very sensual natures, dependent on mood swings and completely insecure. Melancholic people can be great and true friends who keep their word and are ready to come to the rescue always and everywhere. A balanced character and restraint help such people to think sensibly in an emergency situation, but excessive self-doubt can let them down at a crucial moment. Melancholic people are timid and withdrawn individuals; they prefer to obey rather than control.
  4. Choleric. Very temperamental individuals, characterized by hot temper, aggressiveness and emotionality. When communicating with people, choleric people always try to take a dominant position; by the way, they have innate leadership qualities. Having a high personality, they try never to show weakness in anything, they are always ready to defend their opinion, and are ready to compete. However, despite such a violent disposition, choleric people quite easily find mutual language with others. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to argue with such people; they will never back down, moreover, they will not lag behind until they force you to give up. Despite his bad character, perhaps no one can love like a choleric person. If a choleric person really fell in love, he will be the most faithful, gentle and caring partner.

It's no secret that everyone has their own type of temperament, which leaves an imprint on their type of activity, communication, existence in society, and life in general. Today we will look at four main types of temperament, in each of which someone recognizes themselves.

1. Choleric. People with this temperament are characterized by strength, mobility, and imbalance. It is easy to excite such a person, but difficult to calm him down, and this is unlikely to happen right away. However, it goes away as quickly as it “lights up”, but this leaves an imprint on other character traits. For example, he grabs onto a task, but rarely completes it, because he simply lacks diligence, endurance, and patience. If he is forced to do something he does not like, the work will be done poorly. Long and painstaking work not at all for choleric people, they are characterized by the qualities of a leader and manager, and not an obedient performer. His emotionality is so pronounced that it is noticeable to everyone around him, and his main passion is ambition, praise, and pathos. He loves to be in the spotlight, strives for universal recognition, but gladly stands up for the defense of the offended and helpless in order to again win the glory of a hero and truth-teller. It is quite difficult to have a conversation with such a person, since he does not like to listen to the interlocutor, tries to interrupt him or even insult him if the conversation begins to flow in the wrong direction. But after 10 minutes he will forget all the grievances and makes attempts to resume the discussion, which again could end in a scandal. Not everyone can get used to the change in mood of a choleric person, because it happens in the blink of an eye. The complexity of the situation is that a person with this type of temperament categorically does not tolerate criticism and shows an extreme degree of dissatisfaction with any comments. He loves quarrels and with the help of scandals he can satisfy his excessive emotionality, since he emerges victorious from most situations.

2. Melancholic. The complete opposite of the type described above. This is a person with a weak, unbalanced character who is unable to withstand prolonged physical and emotional stress. He views any situation as danger, threat, trick or deception. His tendency to constantly fear makes him afraid of even his own shadow. Melancholic people are shy and very impressionable; they do not need communication with other people or universal recognition. They are most comfortable in a situation where no one touches them, demands or controls anything. If you offend such a beech, he will worry for a long time and remember the insults inflicted. The constant feeling of danger and threat that he sees in others makes him always suspect someone of wanting to harm him. But he himself never conflict situation will not get involved and, moreover, will not take an active part in it. Any stressful situation acts magically on him, literally shackling him from head to toe. In this state, a person loses the ability to think sensibly and express his own thoughts cogently. But fear or disappointment can provoke him to rash actions, devoid of any logic. These people are very good workers, as they are always afraid of falling out of favor with their superiors or colleagues. It is easier for them to complete a task “excellently” than to listen to comments or reproaches. This desire fosters a sense of responsibility and a desire to work, so melancholic people make excellent performers who achieve in their work good results.
3. Sanguine. This type of temperament characterizes strong, active and easily excited people. However, they know how to be balanced and reasonable, even despite their emotionality and temper. The activity of nervous processes determined the ability to think quickly, react quickly and quickly accept complex solutions. Sanguine people are distinguished by cheerfulness and ease in relation to circumstances, life situations, problems. His excitement is easily replaced by calm, calm by activity, activity by the desire to run away from everyone. He does not linger in any of the states characteristic of sanguine people, since he loves change and cannot stay in the same environment for a long time. However, there is still a minus in this, because it is impossible to predict what can be expected from such a person tomorrow, who he will hate and who he will feel sympathy for. He is not at all afraid of difficulties, since his character makes it easy to adapt to any situation. Moreover, he not only does not react to irritants and stress, he is ready to solve the problem by dismantling it “to its bones.” You won’t scare him with work, provided that he likes it. He performs an interesting and exciting task with great accuracy and efficiency. He is a born optimist who never sits idle for a day and is always busy with something. He prefers not to notice failures or to do everything in the future to prevent their reoccurrence. His ease in everything often unnerves colleagues, loved ones and loved ones, but sanguine people are little concerned about this fact, because they simply cannot constantly be under the burden of others.
4. Phlegmatic. This type has fortitude, he is balanced and inert. Despite the activity of nervous processes, the excitation is not strong, since the process of inhibition smooths out the situation. Such a person never commits rash acts, he is devoid of excessive emotionality, and all his actions are verified to the smallest detail. His calmness may partly resemble slowness, which only has a positive effect on his work, since any task is performed with precision and perseverance, albeit with a certain amount of pedantry. It is difficult to say what is in such a person’s soul, since he is rather stingy with emotions and when expressing feelings. Even if he is overcome by a strong feeling of anger, not everyone those around you will understand what boils in the soul of such a person. The main disadvantage of a phlegmatic person can be considered the lack of communication experience and desire, but he is not at all prone to conflicts, and this is one of his advantages. He gets used to the existing foundations and conditions, prefers conservatism in everything. He is very easy-going in the family, but his loved one may be irritated by the lack of emotions, which sooner or later can lead to complaints and quarrels. This, in fact, periodically happens in his family if the other half has a different type of temperament. He loves and does not experience any internal discomfort because of this. On the contrary, in such an environment it is convenient for him to think, reason, and analyze.
