Sample testimonial for a former employee. Characteristics from the place of work (samples and examples of preparation)

Today, when applying for a job, you have to participate in a competition. The fight for a prestigious position is an indicator of the quality of the chosen position.

Places with a huge turnover, where they accept without any questions, should in themselves arouse suspicion. Why does half the workforce leave there at once?

What could serve as a strong argument in favor of your candidacy? Education, work experience and personal sympathy are the three pillars on which the success of the event rests.

To withstand competition, these qualities are sometimes not enough. Many employers look at an employee from a different angle: education today does not guarantee skills and knowledge.

Corruption has reached this area as well. Each enterprise has its own experience.

All that remains is to evoke personal sympathy. But professional employee The person making decisions about the appointment of personnel will not be guided by personal sympathy.

Many bosses are of the opinion: “Let him at least be a maniac, as long as he knows how to sell our product.”

There remains one small but significant document: a letter of reference from a previous place of work.

A small document, which is not required everywhere today, will become a powerful argument in favor of your candidacy.

An employee cannot falsify a document, because all they have to do is dial a number and call their previous place of work.

A couple of minutes of personal conversation with your boss will help determine whether the document is genuine. Fake - instant failure.

It would be great to have unified system registration of all organizations and able-bodied people, by type social network, where each employee would have a characteristic in accordance with his abilities.

But bosses would not rush to write about the slightest miscalculation, since employees could write a response review, which would affect the number of people willing to work in the organization.

An honest and open characteristics site for workers and managers.

For now we can limit ourselves to writing. Remember one thing Golden Rule: When leaving your job, ask your boss to write a reference for you.

Just don’t do this if you have had conflicts, you don’t need negative reviews about your ability to work and communicate.

Sample document:

This profile is suitable for any organization; it contains complete data about the employee.

You may notice the repetition of the phrase: “He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink.” It's too much. Service information is also optional.

A few words about drawing up characteristics - criteria:

  • The document does not have a uniform form; it is drawn up on the basis of the data that the employer wishes to disclose.
  • It is important to indicate in the document what is not reflected in official documents. These are the personal qualities of the employee, his labor exploits.
  • You can enter information about your merits and ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • There is no need to over-praise; the “brilliant characteristics” seem dubious.
  • There is no need to include negative traits in the description, since each person has his own shortcomings, and the goal is to show the employee’s strengths and help the person.
  • If for the sake of honesty I would like to mention negative aspects, do it in a friendly manner: call the bore a pedant, the bully an energetic and enterprising person.
  • Provide basic information: name, length of service at your company, date. A seal is a must; without it, your document is Filka’s letter.

Here is another sample characteristic:

How to write for an internship student

Interns are another niche. Young people taking their first steps towards their life’s work.

For them, the first characteristic is an important leaf that will open doors to the future or make them doubt the correctness of their choice.

Important! Dear employers, if you have accumulated many complaints about the quality of work and behavior of an intern, express this to him personally.

Students come to internships precisely to hear criticism.

Don’t be afraid to express all your complaints, but in a gentle form, so that overly sensitive individuals do not change their minds about going in the chosen direction.

Observe how a person reacts to criticism, how he follows instructions, and corrects mistakes. Try to make the description rosy, do not forget to describe all the advantages.

Write down little things, this information will be useful to you when writing characteristics.

Keep a notebook where each employee has their own sheet. Write there everything you notice about the person. This way you will create the most accurate document.

Example characteristics for an intern:

Examples of good characteristics

Let's try to write good characterization for an employee.

Step-by-step instructions for managers:

  1. Name of organization, full data.
  2. Document name: characteristics.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Start with how long the employee has worked.
  5. Describe how you handled your job.
  6. Please note that there were no complaints.
  7. Describe how you interacted with others.
  8. Add a personal opinion about character: after all, the document was created to give a description of a person’s character, on which other qualities depend.
  9. Write about your achievements.
  10. Complete the document with a signature and seal.

What words of praise to use to more accurately express your approval of the employee’s performance:

  • Skillful hands.
  • Without bad habbits.
  • Conscientious.
  • Honest.
  • Communicative.
  • Trouble-free.
  • Enterprising.
  • With a creative streak.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Hardy.
  • With a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured.
  • Polite.
  • Hardworking.

Example of a good characteristic:

This characteristic will help the employee in the future, when applying for a job, and will be an excellent help in the resume.

This is also proof that the boss approves and appreciates his qualities, which is important to the person and pleasant on a personal level. We all need approval.

Even behind the wall of professional relationships, everyone is first and foremost a person, and then a salesperson, lawyer or manager.

Useful video

This document can be considered quite official. The characteristics can be compiled either at the request of the employee himself, or at the request of external sources. It is worth noting that character references can also be compiled within the company for promotion. An example of a job description is always drawn up directly by the head of the company or department. The main purpose of this document is to describe the employee's abilities and achievements in his former job.

How to write a job description correctly

  • The document must be drawn up only on A4 sheet. All text must be written in third person only. You can write in the present or past tense.
  • Initially, the title of the document and for whom it was compiled are indicated.
  • After this, you need to indicate your personal data in the first section.
  • Afterwards, the entire career path of the employee in the company is described. Most often, the boss simply describes the employee’s activities (from what year and what position he held).
  • Provide additional information about obtaining education or advanced training.
  • Then the professional qualities of the employee are assessed. How experienced is he in his field (how can he carry out analytical work, is he familiar with regulations, what was the relationship with employees).
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • At the very end, you will need to write where this characteristic will be directed.

Sample characteristics from the place of work certified by a seal and signed. Finally, we would like to note that there are several types of characteristics: from the place of work, for the court, for the traffic police, for the driver, production characteristics, to the military registration and enlistment office.

Contents of characteristics from the place of work

The presented sample job description contains the following information:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • Year of birth;
  • Education (secondary, secondary specialized, higher, etc.), specialty, name of educational institution;
  • Place of work, position, period of work;
  • List of job responsibilities;
  • Merits and achievements, including incentives and penalties, if any;
  • Description of the employee’s qualities;
  • Information about the person who signed the document.

The characteristics can be written both on the organization’s letterhead and on simple sheet paper.

The document must be signed and certified with the seal of the organization.

In personal characteristics, it is worth noting organizational qualities (for managers), initiative, relationships with the workforce, the presence or absence of responsibility.

It is worth writing truthful information. So, when writing a reference from a place of work to the court, the person who signed the document is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

An employee’s working time in an organization or department can be any time; there are no restrictions in law. So the document can be drawn up for a person who has worked for a month (for example, on a probationary period).

The character reference for the manager is drawn up on behalf of the superior manager.

An example of writing a job description.

Let's consider an example of compiling a description from a place of work (drawn up on the organization's letterhead). Also, the options below work well as sample characteristics with previous place work.

Option No. 1: Sample characteristics from the place of work

Characteristics (sample)

This characterization was issued by Valery Anatolyevich Petrichenko, born November 1, 1978, working at the Center for Social Protection of Children. Address: st. Kulagina 25 (organization details) from May 16, 2013 to the present day in the position of “Social Worker”.

Marital status: Married. Wife Petrichenko Inna Petrovna, born 11/12/1979 Children: Vitaly Petrichenko, born in 2000 and Anna Petrichenko, born in 2002.

Petrichenko V.A. graduated from Volgograd Pedagogical University majoring in Psychology, has a diploma with honors. This employee is distinguished by high professionalism, punctuality and responsibility. She has no disciplinary sanctions; she has certificates of encouragement for participating in the conference “Protection of Children – the Responsibility of the State.” He has friendly relations with colleagues and subordinates and always shows restraint, patience and delicacy. In complex conflict situations with clients of the institution is always self-possessed, correct, has the ability to smooth out the problem and translate it into a peaceful, constructive solution. Bad habits does not have. Her life guidelines are correct, she strives to help children from disadvantaged families, taking into account their needs and desires. Happy to take part in public life team, attends personal growth training and advanced training courses.

This characteristic was issued for submission to the Social Protection Authorities of disadvantaged families.

Head of Center Department Social protection children Bergs Natalya Mikhailovna.

Option No. 2: Example of characteristics for an employee

Characteristics (sample)

Issued to Nadezhda Petrovna Abakumkina, born on April 10, 1977, position – economist.

Abakumkina N.P. has been working at Finance and Credit Bank since April 16, 2010. During her work, she was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which she successfully completed according to the following programs: “ Financial statements 2016", "Analysis of the financial condition of the company", "Financial forecast in the current economic conditions."

Abakumkina N.P. has excellent business negotiation skills, has comprehensive knowledge in her specialty, attends seminars and trainings, and always has the latest innovations and information in the field of economics.

Head of the economic department of the Bank "Finance and Credit" Romanenko Vasily Petrovich.

Characteristics of an employee from the place of work, how to write, download examples.

IN Soviet times a reference from a place of work or study was a very important document that determined the professional fate of an employee. Today career depends more on the ability to prove yourself during an interview and show your skills in action. But sometimes it is necessary to provide just such a formal document as an employee characteristics.

Production characterization is usually needed in the following situations:

General requirements for document preparation

The requirements for drawing up production characteristics are not enshrined in legislative acts, but meet the general traditions of business turnover. It is drawn up on a sheet of A-4 format in printed form. It is advisable to draw up the document on the organization’s letterhead, and if there are no forms, then you should definitely indicate the company details. After the details, the date of compilation is indicated (it can also be placed at the end). Then the title is put - “Characteristics”, followed by the text. The document is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. It is most often drawn up by the employee’s immediate supervisor or the HR department, and signed by the director of the organization or the HR director.

Contents of employee performance characteristics

When compiling this paper, you must adhere to formal business style: third person narration(worked, proved himself, etc.), lack of an emotional component (even if indicated negative qualities). All information provided must be accurate.

The first paragraph contains personal information about the employee: Full name (full name), date of birth, Family status and information about the education received, indicating the specialization. Then you need to reflect the main stages career path person in the company. Here it is important to indicate the date of hire, sequential positions held, main professional responsibilities. If an employee has improved their qualifications or received additional education, this should be noted. It would be appropriate to talk about the projects in which he took part and the most difficult tasks completed.

It is also important to highlight the qualities that the employee showed in the service. These can be like business character traits (initiative, stress-resistant, executive), and personal (sociable, friendly, hot-tempered, stubborn).

Examples of characteristics from the place of work:

Download forms and examples of characteristics:

  1. Production characteristics form for ITU .doc
  2. Production characteristics from the place of work, head of the section.rtf
  3. Production characteristics from the place of work of the chief engineer.rtf
  4. Production characteristics from the teacher’s place of work.rtf

1. Characteristics from the place of work sample


Shepherd Galina Sergeevna has been holding the position of VDS foreman at the Zhilishchnik-1 municipal enterprise since November 1, 2016.

During her work, she proved herself to be a competent specialist who skillfully uses her existing experience and strives for further self-improvement. She handled her official duties with great responsibility and performed them conscientiously. Effectively resolved all issues related to the activities of the enterprise. He approaches non-standard problems competently and always achieves an effective solution.

Follows management instructions clearly and in a timely manner. Hardworking, proactive, principled in her work.

Galina Sergeevna is able to organize and direct the activities of her subordinates. Treats subordinates with respect, is demanding, and fair. Able to clearly set tasks and interest employees. He is respected in the team and among his subordinates. She is non-confrontational and always helps other employees in resolving official issues.

During the period of her work, Chaban G.S. was noted by management in better side.

2. Characteristics from the place of work of the executive director


for Stoyanov Dmitry Nikolaevich 1976 R.

Executive Director of CJSC "Children's medical Center"The Seagull" from May 2007 to ***

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC DMC "Chaika" from ***** to *****

Chairman of the Board of JSC DMC "Chaika" since October 2008.

During the leadership of CJSC "Children's Medical Center "Chaika" Dmitry Nikolaevich Stoyanov proved himself to be an experienced leader who has knowledge of high level methods of enterprise management and effectively applying them in practice. Rationally uses all the resources of the enterprise, directing its activities to the maximum effective work and making a profit. Takes a strategic approach to solving the current affairs of the enterprise, directing work towards future further development and improvement. Always anticipates the possibility of crisis situations and develops actions to prevent and eliminate them. Competently and accurately conducts financial and economic activity enterprises.

During the period of operation of the Center under the leadership of D. N. Stoyanov, the financial indicators. Conditions were created for the further development of the enterprise.

DMC "Chaika" was awarded diplomas from the Crimean Resort Association as the best ***** health resort in 2016 and 2017.

In the team (the company has 120-430 employees), he enjoys authority and respect. He is demanding of himself and his subordinates, effectively organizes the work of the team as a whole, for the benefit of the enterprise. Pays due attention to employee problems. He was not brought to administrative responsibility.

3. Characteristics for an employee from the place of work - tourism manager


to Greshnova Natalya Vyacheslavovna 19****. R.

Greshnova Natalya Vyacheslavovna held the position of tourism manager at the Children's Medical Center "Chaika" CJSC from May 2015 to December 2017. During her work, she proved herself to be a competent specialist who skillfully uses her existing experience and strives for further self-improvement. She handled her official duties with great responsibility and performed them conscientiously. Effectively resolved all issues related to the enterprise's activities in the field of tourism. He approaches non-standard problems creatively and always achieves an effective solution.

Greshnova N.V. carries out instructions from management clearly and in a timely manner. Hardworking, proactive, principled in her work.

Natalya Vyacheslavovna is a competent leader (there are 5 people subordinate to her) capable of organizing and directing the activities of her subordinates. He is respected in the team and among his subordinates. She is non-confrontational and always helps other employees in resolving official issues.

During the period of her work, N.V. Greshnova managed to significantly increase the level of efficiency of the service subordinate to her and the area of ​​activity entrusted to her. She was repeatedly thanked by management and given cash bonuses. She was not brought to administrative responsibility.

Chairman of the Board of JSC DMC "Chaika" _______ D. N. Stoyanov

4. Positive characteristic from place of work to director


for Neradko Yuri Dmitrievich

working as director of KP "Zhilishchnik-3"

Neradko Yuri Dmitrievich has been working as director from May 2011 to the present. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist, capable of solving production issues of any complexity. Their job responsibilities performs accurately, timely and at a high level.

Yuri Dmitrievich is a competent leader; 60 people work under him directly. Treats subordinates with respect, is demanding, and fair. Able to clearly set tasks and interest employees.

In the team, Yuri Dmitrievich enjoys the respect of other employees. He is non-conflict, responsive, and always provides assistance in any matters within his competence.

Director of the Communal Enterprise "Zhilishchnik-3" _______ Yu. D. Neradko

Human Resources Department ________ T. Sivaeva

5. Ready reference from the place of work for the head of the HR department


for Todorova Ulyana Milcheva 1985 R.

Todorova Ulyana Milcheva held the position of head of the human resources department of CJSC Children's Medical Center "Chaika" from May 2016 to December 2017. During the period of work, she proved herself to be a competent specialist. She performed her official duties conscientiously. Constantly improves his knowledge in the field of legislation. Effectively copes with assigned tasks of any level of complexity. Towards a solution problematic issues approaches creatively, finding a way out of non-standard situations.

He is respected by the team. Maintains a favorable atmosphere within the team in every possible way. Able to persuade by clearly and clearly presenting his arguments. During my work, I created an effective personnel service with the work delivered at a high level. She was awarded a certificate and cash prizes.

Characteristics from the place of work - samples - 4.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

An employee profile is an officially issued document that evaluates the professional and personal qualities of an employee, describes the career path and social activity employee. The characteristics can be compiled at the request of the employee himself or at the request of external sources. So, how to correctly write a reference for an employee?

Types of production characteristics

Despite the fact that the employee reference is a document drawn up on a form, has its own serial number and must be certified by a seal, there are no strict requirements for its preparation in the regulatory legal acts.

The only guideline when writing characteristics is GOST R 6.30-2003, where are they registered? general rules registration and completion of working documentation.

Employee characteristics form.

3. Data on the employee’s work activity and career:

  • start date of work at the enterprise; terms of work in other organizations may also be indicated;
  • brief information about your career - when, where and to what positions you were transferred;
  • receiving additional education, advanced training, independently completed work, key projects;
  • characteristics of the results of labor activity are the most significant results.

What is primary documentation in accounting, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read

4. Are there penalties and rewards?- in the paragraph you should write all the employee’s achievements (receiving diplomas, achieving titles, the employee’s own developments, and so on).

5. Assessment of personal and professional qualities employee.

This paragraph lists psychological and communication skills, the level of his knowledge, and professionalism in a certain field.

7. The characteristics are certified by signatures management team (the signature of one director or head of a division or department is sufficient) and the head of the personnel service.

8. Document issue date is placed at the bottom left, signatures are certified by a seal.

9. One copy of the characteristics is transferred to the employee or third parties(if authorized in writing by the employee), and the second (copy) remains in the organization.

A citizen may need a reference from his place of work when applying to various authorities and organizations.

Exist certain rules preparation of this document.

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the content of the document may vary. Let's look at how to write a job description.

Depending on the purpose of obtaining characteristics, they are divided into two types:

  1. Internal. This type is applied only within the organization, when a transfer is made to another position, a move to another department, a disciplinary sanction is assigned, etc.
  2. External. Written on the initiative of a citizen, third party organizations. Such documents are intended to be presented upon request outside the employee’s place of work. For example, when applying for a loan, when hiring a new employer, or guardianship authorities, for the military registration and enlistment office, for municipal organizations, etc.

How to correctly write a reference for an employee - sample and procedure for drawing up

From the point of view of the law, there is no single generally accepted form of the document, that is, each employer can draw up a reference at its own discretion.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for applying for parental leave.

Example of compilation of characteristics

Let's look at an example of a correctly composed document.

The possible text of the document can be considered using the example of a description of an enterprise accountant compiled for presentation at a new place of work.

After indicating the date of the document and the title, the following text may appear:

“Issued to Margarita Petrovna Kharitonova, born on July 15, 1981.

She received her education at Moscow state university majoring in economics. Married. Has two children (7 and 5 years old).

She worked at the LLC “Vash Dom” company from 04/04/2010 to 15/02. 2016 as an accountant.

While working, I was sent to trainings on the “Chief Accountant” and “Consultant Plus” programs, and took courses on the “Accounting Reports 2016” program. Every year she received a year-end bonus for efficient and qualified professional activity. She was not subject to disciplinary action.
