How a fashion show is filmed. How much does it cost to participate in the Fashion Sentence program?

The week of preparation for the transfer begins.

The first day A film crew is coming to our house. And today is my husband’s birthday, and his anniversary. Festive breakfast, presentation of gifts. This was also filmed (they did three takes) for a one-minute video, which usually plays at the very beginning of the program, being a profile of the lifestyle of the heroine of the program. An accordion catches the editor's eye and I have to play it. The filming is going very smoothly. Next we go to the office of our company, on Prechistenka. I’m in my car, the film crew is behind me in theirs. I must say that the company has both a secret department and a gene. the director is not burdened with prejudices, and despite the super secrecy, permission to film in the office was signed. But accompanied by a security guard. Our male team is already waiting in the meeting room. Removed. The role of the secretary bringing tea had to be played by a girl from the film crew, since our secretaries did not look glamorous.

Second day Shopping. I will have to choose three sets of clothes to suit my taste. I drive up to fermato-scontato on Belorusskaya (Lesnaya St.). I tried to find at least some information about the process of filming the program Fashionable Verdict on the Internet - I couldn’t find it, so I come an hour in advance to at least look at the clothes from which I will have to choose in the spotlight. The film crew arrives. The process of choosing clothes is filmed, not yet a real choice, but simply walking past clothes, comments about things and shoes. Removed. The film crew leaves. The editor and I stay to select the clothes. This process is not reversible. Honestly, I don’t understand what interesting things can be found in this store, forgive me those who find something interesting there, I can only envy them. Editor Lera is upset. Really, there's nothing to choose from. She tried to bring me clothes to suit her taste, but I said that since the program would state that I chose it myself, then I would really choose it myself. In general, we decide to continue shopping the next day

day three Stylists dress me. The meeting is scheduled at the European. In the siniquanon department. On the second floor, to the right of the elevator. I arrived earlier and went into the department. I'm shocked. Teenage fashion. The stylist throws a bunch of mousy gray, nondescript brown, and beige into the fitting room. Very short pleated skirts a la “too cheap prostitute” and a lot of linen trousers. I think I wanted to cry out of disappointment. Maybe the heroines were mixed up? I’m trying to clarify: haven’t you misjudged, is this all for me? After all, my boss wants to see me as a vamp. The woman is a chameleon. which should kill male customers outright, but so that they have time to sign contracts first. The stylist says everything is correct. I can’t stand it, I say that I won’t even go to the garden in such clothes, let alone to the office. For the same money you can buy completely different things. You can buy very expensive nonsense. The stylist will insist that it will look beautiful. I fit into a red and gray checkered skirt that barely covers my buttocks. I stick out my belly as much as possible, slouch and stand - waiting for the stylist’s conclusion. She seems disappointed too, but she doesn't give up yet. Let's try on the dress. I put on a dress with a material that reminds me of Soviet-era children's T-shirts. Stylite suggests turning up and going to another department.
We go to BGN (In European it is also on the second floor left side from elevators). I see a bright summer dress ahead, apparently I’m not the only one who sees it. Oh, well, just right, the stylist exclaims - and I exhale with relief. Next came little white jackets, gray suits, in which I can’t move. Cool - the style assures. I'm sad again. I remember something philosophical: if you can’t change the situation, change your view of it. I think positively: well, well, I can still use the mouse at work, the car has an automatic machine - otherwise the suit wouldn’t be able to withstand changing gears. Another "stylist" is joining us - I hope she can save me. Having meticulously examined it, she replaces bright dress for a sundress, + blue jacket. Next, he chooses a gray dress, a white jacket, and finally trousers and a blouse, in which my waist is completely hidden - well, nothing, I can have lunch three times - the result will be different and the result will not be noticeable. The set is completed by a cloak. I really liked the raincoat! Original.

As I understand it, the program fashionable verdict negotiates with certain stores, taking items for transfer against a letter of guarantee. Next, the set for which viewers do not vote is returned back to the store. And it goes on sale again. So do shoes. For shoes we went to the Rendezvous department. After shopping with the stylists, I meet with the editor and we again go to select clothes for me, which I have to choose myself. And again no luck. We didn't choose anything. And I even tried on what she picked for me herself. We leave sadly. I suggest going to NEXT. Having arrived earlier, I noticed that you could pick up something in a sporty style there. Let's go and pick it up. Fashionable Sentence does not have an agreement with this store, but the manager agrees. All. shopping is over. I've never had anything like this before! 7 hours of shopping marathon. We choose shoes in 5 minutes - we no longer have the strength. I endured it - I didn’t tell anyone that I had bought it. Although Natasha really wanted to know what.

To participate in the “Fashionable Sentence”, you first need to give the editors of the program detailed personal information about yourself in the form of a questionnaire, which indicates the participant’s full name, city of residence, age, gender, contact numbers and Email. In addition, stylists need to provide additional information about the size of the participant’s clothes and shoes, his height and weight. To create a support team, you must indicate in the form the details of the “defendant’s” friends, relatives or colleagues.

The future participant of the “Fashionable Sentence” must give his consent to the collection and use personal information about him.

You can submit a questionnaire on the Channel One website - just go to the subsection called “Fashionable Sentence” - “Questionnaire” and fill in all the required fields in detail. You can also send an application to participate in the program using a paid SMS message. In the subsection you need to describe your story - after all, to get into the “Fashionable Verdict”, you need to interest the viewer. Can you tell me in detail about your life situation: how poor clothing style affected the participant’s life, worsened relationships with a loved one, or led to conflicts in the family and lower self-esteem. The story should be at least two to three pages long.

Participation in the program

If the story is suitable for the “Fashionable Sentence”, the editors call the participant back to clarify information about him and invite him to an interview in Ostankino. At this stage, it is important to demonstrate your sociability and communication skills in order to interest editors and win them over as much as possible. For the interview you need to take your clothes, videos, photographs - in general, everything that will allow you to film an interesting hour-long episode of the program.

The most time-consuming (and enjoyable) stage of filming “Fashion Sentence” is the stylist’s work on creating a new image and selecting stylish clothes.

After all the above manipulations, the film crew will film additional material, individual frames and mini-stories for the final completion of the program. When participating in the program, the participant should be aware that most stages of the filming process are carried out in different time, therefore, nonresident “defendants” need to stay in Moscow for quite a long time. To save time and money, some stages can be combined, but this must be agreed upon with the editors and program organizers.

The entertaining show “Fashionable Sentence” has been attracting attention for many years. a large number of viewers who are not indifferent to fashion. Hundreds of people have gained a new look, gaining the admiration of their family and friends and self-confidence. Read the article on how to become a participant in the show.

The participants and heroes of this program are not actors, but simple people. Conditions and requirements for show participants: You can take part in the program as a hero, a model, an accuser or spectators. In any case, you need to declare yourself by filling out a form on the Channel One website, following the link to the 1TV website, or on the website of the show “Fashionable Sentence”.

Carefully consider your answer to the important survey question: “Why should you be honored to be on the show?” If there is a story in your life that is interesting to discuss, a problem related to image and style, then be sure to focus on it. For example: “I can’t start a relationship,” “My neighbors laugh at me,” “They don’t hire me for a good job.”

Photos of the participant are an essential requirement. However, they are not able to convey all the subtleties of a person’s character and behavior. Therefore, those applicants who provide a video about his life have a better chance.

Application for participation via cellular communication:
  • Calling from mobile phone to the short number 0736 (voice portal of Channel One), you can leave a request to participate in the program, as well as receive advice regarding fashion.
  • To become the hero of the Fashionable Sentence program, send an SMS message to 4444 with the word FASHION. The system will offer to answer some questions via reply SMS messages.
  • The cost of calls and SMS messages depends on the mobile operator.

The website of the show “Fashionable Sentence” provides a large volume useful tips on improving style, diet and exercise.

To diversify my life, I decided to become a participant in the “Fashionable Sentence” show. Friends, acquaintances of acquaintances and relatives often ask me how it was. Many people are interested in how to get to the program and whether they really give things away. I will tell you absolutely EVERYTHING.

In general, if you think that you will star in any program and be able to be yourself on it, then you are very mistaken. Rather, you will be playing the role of yourself, and the outcome depends on how good an actor you are.

“How did you get there?”

Last fall, I was peacefully walking home between the houses of one of the residential areas of Moscow, they called me and said that they wanted to change my clothes. Basically, I snitched on myself by filling out a form on the program website on behalf of a friend. She wrote: “Natasha is stuck in the teens, and this is preventing her from finding a job.” I really didn’t have it then permanent job, I took a little photography and wrote occasionally for the newspaper. But honestly, I had nice pants, a white blouse and a jacket that I bought for interviews. It wasn't all that bad.

Don’t think that you will be filmed so easily in Modny. You have to make yourself. And you should be aware of this from the first second, as soon as the thought of starring in a project comes to your mind. You need to think carefully about what is so special about you and skillfully complain about yourself. I emphasize once again - you will not be yourself on air, you will be the concentrate of your problem. If at an interview a company consisting of your relatives and friends cannot prove that you are a real threat to humanity, then you will not see any new clothes.

Behind the scenes of "Fashion Sentence"

How to pass an interview?

The work begins when you get an interview. A team of your representatives will answer questions, and a strict producer will study you, as if under a microscope. He will need to understand whether you are truly an interesting person. Take with you the things that are most relevant to your story. If you are a rocker, then you will need 10 leather jackets, if you are a princess, then stock up on air jackets pink dresses. Be a hero. Be odious, be pathetic, be such that Vasiliev will look at you and want to work on you.

By the way, you can’t lie in the program. Shortly before filming, we watched one episode of “Fashionable Sentence.” The heroine said that she was in love with Kirkorov and that for his sake she did a dozen plastic surgery on breast changes. A funny episode in which the heroine was disgraced throughout the country and was not given things as a gift.

Filming in Modny is hard work

In general, they took us. Me and my things turned out to be just right ridiculous. Enough to work on us. It should be noted that they will not only work on you - you will also have to work hard.

The trip to shopping mall with stylists: they let me try on clothes, forbidding me to look in the mirror. To be honest, I went home upset: I didn’t like the clothes, although I still didn’t know how these things would fit on me. We decided not to despair and to work hard on our own choices.

Two weeks later we filmed the very process of buying things. I immediately realized that our choice would not win. Stylists select clothes from several stores. We were provided with one, and of a different price segment. I asked what this injustice was connected with, but the editors assured me that this was the only store where I could choose clothes to match my story as a rocker girl.

A friend testified against me. We managed to be late for the filming of the selection stage, reducing our time even more. In total, we had 10-15 minutes to choose three sets of clothes. People often ask me if you can choose whatever you want. Yes, whatever you want, but only within the framework of your story.

After the store, the film crew and I went to my home. By the way, it included a driver, cameraman and director - a young girl of about twenty-five. They came up with the idea of ​​a romantic meeting: I come on a date in the appropriate surroundings, and someone playing the role of a gentleman chokes on ice cream at the sight of me. I immediately realized that this “gentleman” should be my friend, who spent several days in “House-2”, where he desperately fought for his beloved.

In general, a month after the casting, the day of filming in the studio arrived - one of the brightest and most epic of our experiences. Suitcase of things to hang. A friend came from St. Petersburg to be a guest.

Believe me, when you decide to become the hero of the show, you will hardly find friends who can support you while sitting in the studio on the sofas. The directors really wanted my rocker friends to support me, but since at that time I had lived in Moscow for no more than three months, there was some tension with my friends. We had to “pull up” distant acquaintances; one of the girls found a leather jacket from her friends so that she would look like a rocker. Ideas went as far as looking for contacts for actors willing to play this role.

Babkina showed me her boots, and Vasiliev blew kisses

We were real stars; we were given a huge dressing room with sofas, a wardrobe and mirrors. All this was there - in the holy of holies - Ostankino on Koroleva Street, building 12. We lounged there, drinking coffee. Auntie steamed my clothes from the suitcase. A little later they brought us the script and I was taken to rehearsal. I tried painfully to remember the story about my own life, compiled from my own story. All future questions from the presenters were known to me in advance. I had to remember how to answer.

That day they filmed 4 programs. At the beginning, the first part of the program - before the transformation, then after, for each participant in turn.

My friend tremblingly, but without mistakes, told her “accuser’s monologue” at the pulpit. Then I went “to execution”. It is very difficult. Every second you think about how the whole country will see you, you need to keep your back, follow your speech and listen carefully to the questions of the presenters.

I sat down at the table with my defender, Nadezhda Babkina, completely exhausted. It's hard work acting on camera. I even complained to her and, apparently, I stepped on a sore spot. Babkina perked up, babbling: “Just imagine, I’m filming like this for four days in a row!”

At the moment of transformation, all mirrors are closed

And they sent me to the stylists... In general, these are people in the hairdressing salon format, they watch TV there and discuss the characters. When they finished with the first heroine, a goth girl, and she went to film the second part of the program, one of the hair stylists went to see the girl’s reaction, and when she returned, she made remarks like: “Well, just imagine, she’s disheveled there.” all her hair, the work was in vain, she cried, and her husband and children sat silently, not recognizing their mother.”

As a result, my hair was dyed four times, they whispered, all the mirrors were covered with film. Even when I needed to go to the toilet, the editor girls accompanied me, wrapping a towel around my head so that I wouldn’t see my new hairstyle in the reflection of the door glass. Then they did my makeup for an hour and a half, and when they finished, the stylists praised it very much, and another heroine said that it would suit her. They looked at me intently, praised me profusely, but I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but it seemed like there was something transcendental there. For some reason I thought that I probably looked like the heroine of a movie named Nicky from that series where Pamella Anderson starred. This Nicky was a chemical bomber. I don’t remember what kind of series it was, but it was popular when I was a kid.

I think we started filming the second part of the program around ten o'clock in the evening. I was exhausted and terribly hungry. Then we got to the studio, and they began to change my clothes backstage. Actually, in the studio everything is not the same as on TV. Massive, impressive decorations are just some kind of cardboard-like material. While you're standing there underwear, or you pull on tights, editors, technicians, sound engineers are scurrying around, in general, a lot of people, a lot different men, who saw thousands of half-naked heroines there. I’m about to leave, but I started having a nervous attack, I’m going crazy, I’m pounding, I don’t know why, but only then, before the first exit after the transformation, I thought: “Where am I? What am I doing?" And this music, I go out onto the podium, and everything is flooded with bright light, the audience is screaming, whistling, chanting. I don't see myself yet, due to low vision, from afar it seems like nothing, but when I go there - to the mirror at the end of the podium, I don’t understand who is coming to meet me there, who she is, and I start to get hysterical - I laugh, but by the way I need more there speak! Vasiliev is trying to find out how my transformation is going, and he clearly wants to hear a positive answer. This young lady in the mirror is 10 years older than me, and the fashion historian is waiting for an answer.

Filming of the program “Fashionable Verdict” takes place in Ostankino

What saved me was that I thought in advance what I would say about each outfit. And she gave all the answers automatically. I return backstage, and everyone attacks me with questions: “Well, how, how?”

There was catastrophically little time to change clothes. As soon as the presenters expressed their opinion on the previous set, they had to go out in the next one. That's why the stylists immediately shoved me into new clothes. Someone was pulling on a blouse, others were putting on jeans at the same time, and others were putting on shoes. This is a game of dolls. The door is already opening, the audience is waiting, and I’m still without decorations, I need to run out.

The next two exits took place in the same vein. Alexander Vasiliev asked questions, constantly hinting that I should positively evaluate the look, but I could not do this. After the program, I could take a photo with Vasiliev, but I didn’t, I was embarrassed.

Transformation is a shock

And when we went into the dressing room, I saw myself in the mirror up close and started crying. Editors are no strangers to this. Everyone actively consoled me, only one friend thought that I was acting out and blamed me. I looked ten years older and recognized my teachers.

The program came out a month after filming. I watched it at work with the team. At the same time, they began to write in contact different people. I remember how one girl wrote: “Don’t worry about clothes, you’re already beautiful.” In general, fans appeared.

I am also often asked what has changed in my life after participating in “Fashionable Verdict”. Yes, in general, nothing, except that now I can tell how Nadezhda Babkina showed off her boots to me, and Alexander Vasiliev blew kisses.

P.S. They will actually give you the clothes, you just have to pay income tax. By the way, if you don’t like something from the kits, you can simply refuse.

Elizaveta  For participation in the crowd “Fashionable Verdict” Yana - 350 rubles for 9 hours.

More details in the article:

Find out how to become a participant or hero of the “Fashionable Sentence” program

"Clothing sets, consultations, results of the work of stylists, makeup artists, etc. - everything goes to the hero for free." -

How to get to the “Fashionable Verdict”. Answer from fashion maestro Alexander Vasiliev:

Comments and advice from NameWoman:

Roman  help me and my daughter find ourselves. I can’t help her, I can’t help her


Tags: How, to get, to, fashionable, verdict, and, how much, it costs

Life YouTube: My Instagram: ...

15 Nov 2014 - The whole truth about filming the program Fashionable verdict - Telling my... story, how good girls Don't mess with bad boys.) .... I write: Natasha, what time does Vitalik leave in the morning? ..... Tags: how to get to a fashionable sentence, how to get to a possible sentence, how to get...

Fashionable Verdict. How it really happened.

lipa_tequila Yesterday I published a link to the program “Fashionable Verdict” with the participation of me as the plaintiff, my friend as the heroine and our friends as the support group. And today I will tell you how it was all filmed, where the truth is in the program, what happened and answer the most popular questions.

1. How did you get there?
My friend Tanyushka filled out a form on the TV show’s website and created a heart-warming story of her life. A month later they called her and asked her to tell her life from birth to the present moment. Then they called me for an interview. She and I went to Moscow for one day to talk with project managers and editors. Then, a few weeks later, we left for Moscow to film the show. And exactly a month later we went on air on Channel One :)
2. Did they really give you all this?
Yes. We proudly took everything that the stylists selected for my friend home in a huge, inconspicuous red bag with the inscription “Fashion Verdict”
[view photo]

3. Did you pay for it?
No, participation in the TV show is free. We spent the money on travel and on maintaining ourselves in Moscow time. And thanks great topic, who gave us shelter for a whole week =)
4. Tell us how it all happened!
Straight from the train we went on a self-shopping trip (this is the part when we choose our own outfits). We changed into the clothes we would wear for the show. We were told what we needed to choose. They hung microphones and hid them in their underwear. To begin with, we filmed how we choose things on hangers (those that we did not try on are chosen randomly, pointing a finger at the first hanger that comes across). Then 2 sets of outfits are selected. The first one is for the studio, the one in which Tanya will walk the catwalk. The second one is for shooting a video - how we argue about the choice of outfits. By the way, about the choice. I was given two dresses - a spotted one and a blue one. Of these, I chose blue. Tanya was told to pick out jeans and a shirt. And the third way out is absolutely terrible, we didn’t choose almost anything there - we took the first one that came to us. And as for shoes, there was no choice at all in the store. There was NOTHING of Tanya's size. Therefore, the choice of shoes is only those that can be tied so as not to fall out. We chose everything from New Look

The next part of our adventures is the selection of clothes by stylists. There’s not much I can talk about here; all questions need to be asked to Tanya. Because I couldn’t be present next to her, so as not to tell later what she looked like. Tanya tried on everything in a room with hanging mirrors. That is, she saw things when she put them on herself, but did not see how she looked in them. Items were selected in a boutique Russian designers RED, in Zara.. they were in several points of the city. And all this time I was walking around the Patriarch’s, looked into Bulgakov’s museums, Volkonsky, Sergei Dolya’s bar and again at the Patriarch’s. It took about 3.5 hours. As a result, we returned home well after midnight, on one of the last metro trains, and then by taxi.
The next part is taking a profile photo. This is the video they play before the prosecution, short story about Tanya's life. It was allegedly filmed with Tanya in Kronstadt (they tried to pass off the ponds as the Gulf of Finland, but it didn’t work). There was something here... It took almost a whole day to film. A manager girl who worked with us and an operator came to us. We also had two male acquaintances with us, who were needed for realism :) It was very funny, perky and fun. And yes, backstage filming was much more interesting than filming! =)
Tanya was dressed up as a witch, a writer of legends and fairy tales.

I couldn’t help but use it.. Remember my Yup’ik about the fairy..? ;)

Then Tanya was allegedly filmed at her desk. In fact - at lunch. Then - supposedly going to business meetings. In fact, Tanya basically doesn’t have sneakers, she put on the shoes of one of the inhabitants of the house - size 43 (and Tanya’s is 36:) The shoes that she kicked in the frame are my shoes, the ones I wore in the studio. My heart was bleeding because they were flying all over the hallway during those 15 takes...
After that we went to the streets of supposedly St. Petersburg :)
Meeting with "business partners"

Immediately after - meeting with the "suitors"

The evening before the shooting, the studio sent our text. We were strictly forbidden to show each other :) And all evening we taught that we should speak on camera. There was no gag.
And the next stage was filming in the studio. We arrived at 15:00 in the afternoon, we left Ostankino at 1:00 in the morning. We ran to VDNKh - managed to jump over the turnstiles, then ran down - and caught the last train to Turgenevskaya (or Lermontovskaya..?) And then hitch a ride..
Tanya was immediately taken from us. And the support group and I got down to business. We took turns doing makeup, we hung all of Tanya’s clothes on hangers, and changed clothes.

Then Tanyusha returned to us. She was very nervous, angry with us and gave valuable instructions))
We rehearsed the text with the editors

And the first part of the shooting in the studio. We were told how to sit, where to look, how to speak, where to stand, how to walk, how to smile, and at the same time it was necessary to behave very naturally. Well, that's how it happened)
We watched all the videos, answered all the questions, and showed our selection, selected in the store. And then we went to the dressing room, and Tanya was taken to the alteration. And we just waited for her for 4 hours. We didn't even know what room she was in. She was without mirrors and without at least some information about the outside world)) And, excuse me, she was taken to the toilet under escort and with a towel on her head so that she would not see herself in the mirrors. Meanwhile, the support group was figuring out what to say about the changed Tanya and waited, waited, waited...

After 4 hours, we returned to the studio again, and in 25 minutes we filmed Tanya’s fashion show in new clothes and our warm words. Then Tanya went to sign the papers, and we went to collect her things and change into our human clothes :)
And photo bows awaiting our heroine.

So, Tanyushka's hairstyle

And once again the hairstyle. We got home and haven't washed off the kilograms of makeup yet.

And now the images

P.S.: Of course, Tanya was not presented at all as she is. Not so immersed in the dragon world. Yes, Tanya writes fantasy. But this does not interfere much with her life. This is her creativity, which Tanya immerses herself in and knows how to get out of it. Of course, on the show she doesn’t have makeup on, with a bun on her head, wearing the most nondescript clothes. In life, everything is not as bad as it was presented.
What we filmed in the studio was not our choice, but certain conditions of the project.
These were fun adventures. It was interesting. And it’s not easy))
To those who will come now and tell you how boring and tedious it all is; how stupid it was to go there; what we look like; the way we dress is not appropriate to the situation; How awkwardly we speak; and everything else is immediately banned, loudly and with obscenities. Fed up, none of your business.

How to get into the show "Fashionable Sentence" -

9 Dec. 2013 - I will tell you how to get into a fashion show, how to pass the casting and how difficult it is to act in the program.
