Timati's new passion. Anastasia Reshetova, biography, news, photos

Timati (real name Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) is a Russian rap artist who became famous after the fourth season of “Star Factory” as part of the group “Banda”. In 2006, the singer began solo career and founded the production center Black Star Inc. Timati’s activities extend far beyond music: this includes an author’s line of clothing, a fast food chain, and filming.

Childhood and family

Timur Yunusov was born into a wealthy family. His father, businessman-investor Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov, from whom Timati inherited a commercial streak, has Tatar roots. The artist’s mother, Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova, nee Chervomorskaya, is Jewish by nationality. Timati is not the only child in the family; he has a younger brother, 3.5 years old, Artem, known in the music world under the pseudonym DJ Temniy.

The future artist spent his childhood in his parents’ apartment on Mira Avenue. WITH early age he showed his Creative skills, and therefore his parents enrolled him in a music school, where for the next four years he studied the intricacies of playing the violin. But the boy did not have any particular love for the instrument, practicing only at the request of his mother, whose family included many musicians.

Timati began to become interested in rap and hip-hop at about 13 years old, having visited the States, the primary source of rap culture. Around this time, he got his first tattoo - a fire dragon.

In 1998, Timati founded the group VIP77, which included his friends: Pasha, Baby Lee, MC Dynamite, Master Spensor, Leo and Dominic Joker. In the wake of common interests, he met Decl, not even suspecting that the father of his new friend was the famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky. Timati helped Decl with writing a solo album - he can be heard on backing vocals in the album “Who are you”, and can also be seen in the video for “Party at Decl’s House”. The creative union never resulted in anything more, and therefore the paths of the young rappers diverged.

After graduating from school, Timati entered High school economics, but after six months he dropped out of school because he could not combine it with nightlife: together with his friends, he threw parties in the best clubs in the capital. He was one of the first to begin promoting the famous Moscow night hip-hop clubs Most and Marika.

Timati at the Star Factory

In 2004, VIP77 disbanded, reviving a year later with a new lineup: Timati, Pasha, Deema, Walter and Yulia Vashchekina. At the same time, Timati, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, passed the casting for the musical reality show “Star Factory-4”. Under the leadership of producer Igor Krutoy, the young people who formed the Banda group recorded songs, were trained by the best teachers in Russia, and became more and more popular with each reporting concert.

The guys did not make it to the finals - that season the winners were Irina Dubtsova, Anton Zatsepin and Stas Piekha. However, the producers paid attention to the guys and gave the young artists the opportunity to record their album and shoot a video. Long after the finale of “Factory,” their hit “Heaven is Crying” is heard from every second radio in the country. But the album “New People” was received by listeners without much excitement.

“Star Factory”: Timati – “Heaven is Crying” (2004)

After this, Timati, together with other members of the Factory, went on a tour of Russia, which lasted several months. Returning from tour, Timati opened the Black club (B-club) nightclub.

On March 23, 2007, Ratmir, his girlfriend, Deema from VIP77 and two other people got into an accident when their car ran a red light. The car crashed into an SUV, causing the gas tank to detonate. All passengers died in the fire, unable to get out of the mangled car. After Ratmir's death, the Banda group announced its dissolution.

Solo career. Black Star

Timati's debut solo album "Black Star" was released in 2006, even before the collapse of the "Gang". The disc featured 17 compositions, including duets with Irina Dubtsova, Ksenia Sobchak, Karina Koks, Alexa, Fyodor Bondarchuk and the group Uma2rman. The cover itself was a copy of the cover of Tupac's album Until the End of Time.

Because of this, as well as because of obvious borrowings from Western colleagues (for example, he took the entire beat for the composition “Zombie” from the group Clipse), professional music critics like Artemy Troitsky have repeatedly accused Timati of plagiarism.

The pioneers of the rap genre in Russia also disliked Timati. After Timati and Dominic Joker covered the Bad Balance track “Bitch Love” and the composition was included in the soundtrack documentary film, dedicated to the memory of Mikhei from Bad Balance, the leader of the group, Vlad Valov, accused Timati of mocking the deceased.

In parallel with musical career Timati was actively involved in business. In 2006, his label Black Star Inc was founded, which subsequently released music scene Russian rappers L’One, Mota, Yegor Creed, Misha Marvin, Scrooge, Christina C and other young performers.

At the beginning of 2007, the comedy “Heat” was released on television, in which Timati played one of the main roles along with Alexei Chadov, Nastya Kochetkova and Konstantin Kryukov.

In the same year, Timati voiced the main character in the cartoon “Catch the Wave.”

Timati did not serve in the army. In 2008 he was declared unfit for duty. military service as “mentally unbalanced”, since, according to the law of the Russian Federation, a conscript whose body is covered with tattoos on more than 50% receives a certificate from a psychiatrist.

In 2008, Timati, together with Dj Smash, released the hit “Moscow Never Sleeps”, which was awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards in the “Debut” category.

Timati ft. DJ Smash – Moscow Never Sleeps

In 2008, together with the company Sprandi, Timati released the first line sportswear TS Timati for Sprandi, the presentation of which took place at Russian Fashion Week in Moscow. And in 2010, under the Black Star Wear label, Timati began producing a personalized line of youth clothing.

The year 2009 was marked by the release of Timati's second album, laconicly titled The Boss. In the summer of the same year, another close friend and colleague of Timati, DJ Dlee, died in a car accident.

In 2012, Timati's third studio and first English-language album SWAGG, consisting of 21 tracks, was released. Work on the record took three years, and the invited guests were no longer Russian celebrities, and the stars international level: P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Craig David, Laurent Wolf.

The result exceeded all expectations - SWAGG became popular not only in Timati’s homeland. Statistics Black Star Inc. showed that in terms of the level of rotation of compositions from the album, Europe beat the indicators of Russia and the CIS countries. Moreover, the composition “Welcome to Saint-Tropez” managed to dislodge Lady Gaga from the first place on international iTunes.

Timati ft DJ Antonie – Welcome to St. Tropez

A year later, the presentation of the Russian-language album “13” took place. The record failed to break the records of the third album, but the album topped the iTunes charts in the CIS and Baltic countries. Pavel Murashov, Christina Sy, Mot, L’One and Fidel helped Timati with the recording.

In the same 2013, Timati, together with Snoop Dogg, starred in the Russian comedy “Odnoklassniki: Call for Luck,” which told about a young designer who received the magical opportunity to fulfill any desire by simply writing it in his status social network. Despite the presence of stars, the film failed at the box office.

In 2014, Timati, who is in close relations with the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

In September 2016, the Black Star Burger eatery opened in Moscow, on Novy Arbat. Timati invited customers to try completely black burgers while wearing black latex gloves, which have become a kind of “feature” of the restaurant. The singer planned to open a second burger shop in Grozny - Kadyrov personally asked him about this.

Timati's personal life

In an interview, Timati admitted that he had never experienced serious feelings to girls until he met 16-year-old singer Alexa at the Star Factory. The romance began right on the project, under the supervision of hundreds of cameras, fueling the audience’s interest in the young couple. The girl became the first to whom the artist sincerely confessed his love.

After the release of Alexa’s video “Where Are You,” where Timati appeared in the image of a romantic hero, the press began to say that in fact the romance of the young people was a PR move by the producers.

Alexa - “Where are you?”

In 2005, Alexa and Timati had a big quarrel after a long tour together and broke up for the first time. Alexa returned to her native Donetsk, where she began to communicate closely with a young man from the coal business. But soon everything returned to normal. The press said that Timati flew to Donetsk and took Alexa almost from under the aisle.

In 2006, Timati launched the reality show “Yuppies in a Pickup Truck,” in which Alexa took part. Then the lovers recorded a joint song, “When You’re Near.”

In 2007, Alexa and Timati put an end to their relationship once and for all. The young people kept silent about the reason, but Alexa’s close friends said that they simply did not get along in character - Timati loved nightlife, and the girl preferred an evening at home to any party. About Alexa's feelings for ex-boyfriend her song “My Vendetta” speaks eloquently.

Behind next years Timati's passions included many beauties. This includes Miss Russia 2009 Sofya Rudyeva, to whom the rapper quickly lost interest, and Mila Volchek, who, according to Timati, had an indelible influence on his way of thinking. He was seen in company with model Victoria Lopyreva, singer Fergie, actress Mila Jovovich, but it is unlikely that communication with them went beyond friendship.

For quite a long time Timati lived in a civil marriage with a model

A new contender for the rapper's heart was quickly found. She turned out to be Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Reshetova. They dated for three years before they delighted fans with the news - in 2019 Timati will become a father again. This is Nastya's first child.

On October 16, 2019, the long-awaited son Ratmir was born to Timati and Anastasia Reshetova. The baby was named in honor dead friend rapper, Ratmir Shishkov, who died in an accident in 2007.

Scandals involving Timati

It is difficult to apply the epithet “scandalous” to Timati, but still his name often appears in the yellow press. One of the major scandals involving him was the conflict with Philip Kirkorov.

The reason was Timati’s indignation at the results of the 2012 Muz-TV Prize, which he shared on his Twitter. A few days later, Kirkorov answered him as follows:

After this, Timati, without mincing words, recalled Kirkorov’s past, in particular, the scandal of beating a woman and insulting a journalist, summing up his speech with the phrase “Who are you going to teach wisdom to, you scarecrow?”

Timati now

The artist continues his musical career and helps talented young performers in this matter. Perhaps more will soon join his own label, burger chain and fashion apparel football club- in March 2017, Timati announced his intention to create his own team in order to “return interesting football to Russia.” It was reported that players born in 2000-2001 would play for the club.

Experts, having learned the amount of the initial investment - 10 million rubles - laughed at the artist. “Timati’s investments are only enough for a table football team,” said football manager Yuri Belous.

Here's what Instagram users wrote under the video shared by Simone:

“They live as a big Swedish family.”

“Everyone seems to live together. The same piano with the same sofa"

Simone immediately deleted many offensive comments regarding Anastasia Reshetova. In the next post on Instagram, the woman stated that she did not understand why people react positively to nude photos and staged shots from the lives of stars. But truly smart posts go unnoticed or receive a large charge of negativity. To appease Internet users, the woman spoke out for the first time about her son’s girlfriend.


“Why do people care so much about who sleeps with whom, who got their breasts or nose done? Same strangers! It is important what heart beats behind this chest, and what prefers to inhale a new nose... Both Alena and Nastya are girls worthy of respect. They are completely different, but it’s definitely not for you and me to decide their fate...”– Simone concluded.

In addition, the woman finally revealed that Alisa does not live with her, but with her mother, Alena Shishkova. But dad - Timati - is also always next to his daughter. All of them big family tries to be civilized and do everything for the interests of the child.


Finally, the rapper’s mother reminded that her Instagram is not Alena’s or Timati’s blog. This is her personal page, and from now on she will delete all negativity. Simone’s post was also “liked” by Reshetova herself, making it clear that she agreed with the words of her beloved’s mother.

The famous musician and businessman Timati has been in a romantic relationship with model Anastasia Reshetova for about two years. The 22-year-old beauty became the first vice-miss of Russia in 2014. After meeting Timati, her career is developing rapidly.

“I put my soul into creating every detail...”

Three months ago, the girl opened her own beauty salon called “Inhype beauty”. Judging by her posts on Instagram, Reshetova is now busy not with fashion shows, but entrepreneurial activity. The girl doesn't even regard it as work.

“For me, a salon is more of a favorite hobby that requires a lot of expense and a responsible approach.”

Anastasia personally thought through every detail of the interior, chose furniture, hired staff: “I put my soul into this business.”

“I am only looking for professionals”

Reshetova noted that she enjoys doing what she loves. Famous model tries to make her salon homely, cozy and sophisticated.

“The atmosphere for maintaining beauty must be pleasant in every sense!”

In her microblog, Reshetova asks subscribers to write opinions about her new business: “I would be grateful if you point out the shortcomings, advantages, and leave your wishes. What else needs to be done, do you think?” Subscribers called the girl a “monster of business” and wished her success.

Photo: Instagram @volkonskaya.reshetova

Inhype beauty provides a variety of cosmetic services: hair cutting and coloring, manicure and pedicure, makeup, eyebrow correction and more. Prices are for middle and upper class.

“If you get into @inhype.beauty once, then it’s for a long time”

He spoke interestingly about the work of his beloved Timati, although in a peculiar manner. The musician made a video in which Anastasia Reshetova can be seen.

In the story, Timati enters a beauty salon and wants to get a foot massage. Having learned that such a service is not provided here, he asks to call the hostess. At the end of the short clip, Timati says that he has agreed, and Reshetova appears in the frame, massaging the rapper’s legs.

Anastasia Reshetova: Timati's friend

Many followers noted that this “musical masterpiece” humiliates the dignity of the young model: “It’s clear who real owner salon But why advertise it so rudely?”

Today Timati is one of the most famous and successful Russian performers who perform not only in our country, but also abroad. In addition, Timati (born Timur Yunusov) by the age of 29 managed to launch his own clothing line BlackStar, assemble an impressive fleet of vehicles, and become a co-owner of a restaurant and club. He is also currently producing many Russian singers and bands trying to break into the scene.

What about your personal life? Surely, each of you at least once in your life wondered how many girls Timati had and whether this loving man would ever be able to settle down. Looking ahead, we will inform you that once in Timati’s life there was already an attempt to create a marriage, but alas, it failed miserably. Today we will tell you, if not about all, then about most of Timati’s girls with whom he has ever appeared in public.

Timati and Alexa (Alexandra Chvikova)

The sensational romance between Timati and Alexa, which began at the Star Factory, made this couple one of the most popular among young people. Perhaps only the lazy did not know how beautifully and romantically the relationship between the two artists developed. They say that they separated several times, but then, unable to bear the separation, they continued to meet again. Their romance was so passionate that Timati even agreed to star in Alexa’s very first video, “Where are you?”, which, like the song, quickly gained popularity. But this couple, alas, did not last as long as their fans dreamed, and soon Timati and Alexa separated.

Now, according to Alexandra herself, she and Timur are friends and communicate quite often, and also meet at social events. In 2010, a joint photograph of Timati and Alexa was published, in which they are flying together on an airplane. After this, rumors appeared in the press that the couple had gotten together again, but they turned out to be untrue. Ex-girlfriend Timati has been living his personal life for a long time and trying to build a career in show business.

Timati and Alexa

Timati and Nastya Kochetkova

The “Gang” group also appeared at the “Star Factory,” which included Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov, Timati and Nastya Kochetkova. And although the team was not destined to last long Russian stage(its soloists very quickly began their solo careers, and Ratmir died during a car accident), rumors about the romance between Timati and Nastya Kochetkova did not subside for a long time. The singer really treated her colleague very warmly and touchingly, but for a long time he did not dare to reciprocate her feelings. Moreover, at this time Timati and Alexa were still together. So Nastya Kochetkova never officially became Timati’s girlfriend.

Timati and the group "Banda"

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak

Many of Timati’s novels with girls were the result of, so to speak, business cooperation. Repeatedly, the singer fell in love with beautiful ladies after they starred in his videos or posed for fashion shows. Socialite Ksenia Sobchak was no exception: the couple met on the set of Timati’s “Dance” video.

This relationship was unlikely to develop into anything more than just friendly sex, but it was damn good. At least, Timati and his scandalous girlfriend informed the whole world about this by posting their candid video online. Home love scenes star couple quickly gained popularity and “glorified” their main characters for many years to come.

With Ksenia Sobchak

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

At Masha Malinovskaya's Russian show business not exactly a good reputation, but this does not stop her from building her personal life and earning a tidy sum with the help of a sharp tongue and attractive appearance. A few years ago, she also belonged to the same Timati girls with whom the singer loved to have a good time. Both temperamental and cheerful, these people were often seen in public together, and photographers were not always able to capture them from a good angle.

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

Timati and Victoria Bonya

In 2008, TV presenter and heroine of the reality show "Dom-2" Victoria Bonya took part in the filming of the rapper's video "Don't Go Crazy." She was quickly dubbed Timati's next girlfriend, especially considering bed scene, in which she had to star. But the singer himself was in no hurry to comment on his relationship with Bonya and in public preferred to “keep a distance” between them. Now this couple has quite warm and friendly relations, although Victoria never officially became Timati’s girlfriend. And the clip, by the way, turned out quite good.

Victoria Bonya and Timati

Timati and Sofia Rudyeva

Naturally, in Timati’s list of girls there was a place for such well-deserved beauties as “Miss Russia 2009” Sofya Rudyeva. The lovers did not hesitate to demonstrate their passion in front of other people, and the singer’s friends even claimed that he was going to get married. However, this time too, Timati’s next girlfriend was left out of work: very quickly the rapper lost interest in his beloved and decided to break up with her, despite the honestly won crown of beauty.

Sofya Rudyeva and Timati

Timati and Mila Volchek

Mila Volchek is the only girl Timati who still managed to become official wife singer Although there are still many rumors about this on the Internet: some claim that the wedding did not actually take place and the couple lived civil marriage. It was with Mila that Timati was able to finally settle down, albeit not for long.

With Mila

Timati and Mila Volchek vacationed together, went to social events, planned to have children, but alas... This romance was not destined to last long, and despite numerous breakups and subsequent reconciliations, Timati and his girlfriend still separated.

Alas, nothing worked out for this couple.

Timati and other celebrities

When you constantly move around in the world of show business, new acquaintances and meetings are inevitable. And if they happen to such beautiful and talented girls as Zhanna Friske, Victoria Lopyreva, lead singer of the group “Slivki” Karina Koks and even Fergie, it’s doubly pleasant. IN different periods his musical career Timati tried to build relationships not only with popular singers, but also TV presenters, journalists, models and actresses. Most recently, the singer posted on his Twitter a photograph with Mila Jovovich, whom many fans immediately mistook for Timati’s new girlfriend.

With Zhanna Friske

With Victoria Lopyreva

With singer Fergie

With actress Milla Jovovich

Timati and unknown girls

Often the singer was noticed in the company of unknown persons of the fair sex, whose names remained a secret. All of them are beautiful, slim, well-groomed and have an attractive figure. As for specific preferences in the appearance of girls, Timati does not have them. He likes blondes, brunettes, and redheads; The main thing is that it is not boring with them and that you can talk about various topics.

With beautiful strangers

With a charming blonde

Hot Kiss

Timati recently went on a date with popular fashion model and designer Olesya Malinskaya. The couple went to the ballet in Grand Theatre, and during the intermission she happily ate pies and took pictures for fans. Olesya posted these pictures on her microblog.

Timati took Olesya Malinskaya to ballet

During intermission

Timati and Angelina Bashkina

This summer, while on vacation in St. Tropez, Timati was spotted with a new girl. As it turned out later, this is Angelina Bashkina, a 19-year-old MGIMO student. She accepted the singer's offer to go to Cote d'Azur and have fun there. Timati and him new girl They not only swam in the sea, sunbathed and enjoyed each other’s company, but also tried to “cultivate” their vacation. Photos posted online by eyewitnesses show Timati and Angelina Bashkina heading to the golf course to hone their athletic abilities.

Angelina Bashkina and Timati on vacation

Timati turned 29 in August, but he is still young, full of strength and positive. Constant employment and a tight work schedule do not allow him to find the one and only one with whom he could get married and start a family. Or maybe just life path Has Timati still met the wrong girls?

Anastasia Reshetova – successful model, who won the title of first vice-miss of Russia in 2014. The “millionaire” of Instagram and “Russian Kim Kardashian,” as fans often call her, is the girlfriend of rapper Timati.

Childhood and adolescence

Nastya Reshetova is a native Muscovite. When her parents separated, raising their daughters, Nastya and her younger sister Vali, my father, a former military man who retired with the rank of colonel, took over.

The girls were brought up in strictness, strictly observing the regime and unquestioningly following the rules established in the house. Nastya was forced to wake up at six in the morning in order to have time to prepare breakfast before school, and after school she did everything homework. Her father was much more demanding of her, the eldest. He even checked the friends who came to his daughter for trustworthiness and level of intelligence. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of growing up quickly and freeing herself from excessive parental control.

At school, too, not everything was smooth. The model recalled how her classmates called her “horse” and “big-ass,” and once her peers beat her after class. Nastya did not complain to her father or teachers; she simply covered the bruises with foundation, and on the street she pulled the hood tighter over her head.

By the age of 17, the girl was tired of enduring her father’s dictatorship and rebelled. She left home and began living with a young man who supported her at first.

Modeling career

After graduating from school, Nastya decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but did not pass the marks. At the same time, she starred in her first photo shoot for a modeling agency. The result was impressive, and she was invited to take part in the casting for the Miss Russia 2014 beauty contest.

"Miss Russia 2014": Anastasia Reshetova and other finalists

The girl easily passed all the qualifying stages and was honored to represent Moscow at the competition. The first runner-up prize opened up new life horizons for the young beauty. It is noteworthy that the place of second runner-up was awarded to Rostovite Anastasia Kostenko, a girl who became a bone of contention in the relationship between football player Dmitry Tarasov and TV presenter Olga Buzova. She got busy modeling career and began to earn money herself by signing several large advertising contracts. But the fashion business soon bored the ambitious Nastya, and she decided to continue her education at the same time. The girl entered the management faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics. At the same time, she completed courses for TV presenters, and then began to master acting at the Moscow Film School.

Nastya’s immediate plans include trying her hand at cinema. Previously, she starred in the video clips of her boyfriend, rapper Timati, for the songs “Zero” and “Keys to Paradise” and, as she herself admitted, received great pleasure from filming.

Timati - “Keys to Heaven”

Despite her success as a model, Anastasia Reshetova is also passionate about several serious business projects. She is a co-founder of the Anatomy beauty and health clinic and intends to open her own beauty salon.

The girl also proved herself as a designer, presenting to the public in 2017 a pilot collection of hand-painted vintage jackets from Anastasia Reshetova.

In the spring of 2017, Reshetova’s book “Today I Woke Up Different” appeared on the shelves of bookstores, in which the model shared the secrets of beauty and slimness, and also gave valuable advice on healthy eating and proper physical activity. By the way, Reshetova herself loves to read and is well acquainted with the works of Russian classics.

Personal life of Anastasia Reshetova

It goes without saying that a girl with such outstanding external data is not deprived of male attention. Reshetova has repeatedly stated that she has long been ready to start a family and dreams of two sons born in a legal marriage.

Since 2015, she has been dating rapper Timati, whom she met by chance among friends. The musician went to Anastasia immediately after breaking up with ex-wife and the mother of his daughter Alena Shishkova. Timati and Nastya do not hide their relationship, often appearing together in public, although they periodically intrigue fans with rumors of separation.

Interview with Anastasia Reshetova

Fans of Anastasia suggest that the Instagram star resorted to plastic surgery: I had rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, cheekbone correction and lip augmentation, which I later returned to their natural size.

Anastasia Reshetova now

At the beginning of the summer of 2019, Anastasia Reshetova and Timati showed a photo shoot, after which rumors about Nastya’s pregnancy, which had long been circulating among the couple’s subscribers, were finally confirmed. If insider reports that the girl is five months pregnant are true, then a new addition to the star family is expected sometime in October.

Timati's ex-wife Alena Shishkova joyfully accepted this news, noting that her daughter Alisa would certainly make friends with her half-brother (or sister).
