The relationship between Alexander Serov and Elena Stebeneva, which develops after the divorce. Elena Stebeneva, Serov’s wife: biography, personal life Test of family life

Elena Stebeneva gained fame as the wife of composer Serov, whose biography still keeps many secrets. She attracted the attention of viewers by regularly speaking in the press and telling how difficult her marriage to the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was for her. According to the ex-wife, Alexander Nikolaevich Serov not only beat her, but also took her daughter, buying her favor with a luxury car and opening a personal account.

Elena Stebeneva says that her career and biography have been destroyed, and she has turned into a shadow, which is called “Serov’s wife.” A woman devoted her life to her husband, who did not appreciate her sacrifices. Elena gave up her career and became a housewife raising her daughter in dear home, and seeing her spouse only on the television screen. At a certain point, she decided to leave " golden cage” and break free, where a real, bright and colorful life awaited her. But it was impossible to simply leave, because the husband refused to sign the divorce papers and did not want to participate in court.

Elena Stebeneva in the past was known as a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics, but now she is simply “Serov’s wife”, whose biography is of little interest to the public. The woman tries not to indicate her age, so only the year of birth is known - 1974. The place where she was born along with her twin sister is actively kept silent by journalists.

Having met many years ago on the set of a video, Elena Stebeneva and Alexander Serov almost immediately went to the registry office. And a year later in 1993, the young acrobat gave birth famous composer daughter Michelle. Despite the age difference, the artist and the athlete were married for almost ten years. Then the woman, tired of the life of a housewife for 19 years, decided to file for divorce. At this time, Alexander Nikolaevich was in the hospital and could not get to the court hearing, where the spouses were not only divorced, but also Stebeneva was allowed to take half of Serov’s property.

Having learned about the court's decision, the artist did not create scandals or file an appeal. He allowed ex-lover take away his favorite apartment and the millions earned over the years of his life through his creativity. But Serov did not want to leave his daughter to his unfaithful wife, who could not wait for his full recovery.

Daughter Michelle, who by that time was a first-year student at MGIMO, happily moved to her father’s house and stopped communicating with her mother. According to the girl, her mother acted extremely unethically by filing for divorce during such a difficult period for her father.

The real reasons for separation

Currently, Elena Stebeneva regularly appears in programs as Serov’s ex-wife, whose biography is not discussed. TV presenters are interested in something else. For example, why did the former acrobat allow herself to sell her husband’s personal belongings while being his wife? Or what the woman did that made her own daughter Michelle stop all ties with her mother.

Serov’s wife, who has come out of the shadows, answers all these questions in an extremely interesting way. According to the scandalous Stebeneva, all the things that were in the house were jointly acquired property. And even if an expensive watch was given to her husband, she had the right to dispose of it at her own discretion.

Moreover, a free attitude ex-wife Serov's approach to property extended even further. Elena believed that her twin sister also had the right not to deny herself anything in the Serov house. The contents of the husband's safe were also considered common property. Therefore, the Stebeneva twin calmly took from there any amount of money she wanted. True, after the divorce this resulted in lawsuit from Serov to a relative of his wife, whom the singer accused of theft.

Joint children

Elena also believes that she served as a mother for 18 years, and now it’s Serov’s turn to be a dad. Therefore, even when stopping at the car wash, which is managed by Michelle, Stebeneva does not consider it necessary to visit my own daughter. But the latest interviews in the program “The Fate of a Man” turned the girl away not only from her mother, but also from her father. Michelle simply couldn't stand the fact that her parents were constantly throwing mud at each other.

Elena Stebeneva, trying to continue to interest the public, said that Michelle is the second joint child former spouses. As the woman says, her first child was a disabled girl. From birth, the baby was missing one hand. It soon became known that the baby also had a heart defect.

The singer, who was on tour at the time, immediately returned to his wife. He himself went to the doctor, who did not allow the mother to see the newborn. The husband, not wanting to hide the details of the conversation with the doctors, turned on the speakerphone. This is how Elena Stebeneva found out that her baby died without living even a few days.

The mother never knew for sure whether this was true or where the girl was buried. In turn, Alexander Serov believed that the child was not his. The arguments given were controversial. The singer believes that he simply cannot have a disabled descendant. This means that his wife cheated on him already at the beginning life together.

Alexander Serov - famous Soviet and Russian pop singer, National artist Russian Federation. For for long years The hits “Do you love me”, “Madonna”, “I love you to tears” and “Starfall” remain among the most performed compositions at most vocal competitions.

Alexander was born in the Ukrainian village of Kovalevka, located in the Nikolaev region. Father Nikolai Serov was the head of a motor depot, and mother was the head of a workshop at a perfumery and glass factory. When Sasha was still very young, his father left the family. Mom had to move to the regional center of Nikolaev to earn money, so the burden of raising her son fell on the grandmother’s shoulders.

Already in adolescence Serov truly fell in love with music and realized that he wanted to connect his life with this type of art. It all started with the song “Delilah,” which the boy once heard on the radio. Since then, Jones and Alexander have also become examples of pop performance.

At school, the boy performed in the student orchestra, in which he played the viola. Known fact is that Serov independently mastered the piano and even made money playing it in restaurants and cafes. After school, Alexander entered a music school, where he graduated in clarinet.

Having served three years in navy, the young man began to build musical career. At first, Alexander performed in Krasnodar as part of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Iva”, then there were such groups as “Singing Cabins” and “Cheremosh”. And only in the early 80s did solo singing career, which brought success to the artist.


The first time the broad masses heard the voice of Alexander Serov was in 1981. It was the song “Cruise”, performed in a duet with and became a big hit. This was followed by another duet with “Long-Distance Conversation” and the first solo composition “Echo of First Love”.

Best songs Serov in the early 80s compiled their first album, “A World for Lovers.” The singer’s popularity was gaining momentum, and after the appearance of the video clips “Madonna” and “Do You Love Me,” Alexander’s demand turned out to be phenomenal. The video “Do you love me” became the first Russian video in which a celebrity starred. It was .

In the late 80s, Alexander Serov began touring abroad. The artist visited Germany, Hungary, Israel, and Canada. In the USA, the singer gathered a full house in Atlantic City. The artist performed solo and in duets with Cliff Richard.

The second disc, “I’m Crying,” which included the hits “Wedding Music,” “You’re in My Heart,” and “I’ve Been in Love with You for a Long Time,” was a huge success. It was a stellar period creative biography Alexandra Serova. Together with the composer, the author of the singer’s significant hits, he became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

At the same time, the detective film “Souvenir for the Prosecutor” was released with the participation of the artist, where Serov played a musician. The singer appeared on the same screen along with the stars of Soviet cinema -,.

The following albums, “Nostalgia for You” and “Suzanna,” gave listeners such famous compositions as “I Love You to Tears” and “Starfall.” Then there was a long pause in the sound recordings due to a misunderstanding between Alexander Serov and the regular songwriter, composer Igor Krutoy.

In the early 2000s, the long-awaited new album “My Goddess” was released, followed by “Endless Love” and “Confession”. In 2012, the disc “Fairytale Versailles” was presented, which included the tracks “I Don’t Believe”, “Rainy Evening”, “Bird”. The latest studio album of the famous singer to date is considered to be the disc “Love Will Return to You,” which was released in 2013.

Personal life

Singer Alexander Serov has always enjoyed great popularity among the opposite sex. And ardent fans attributed to the artist novels with a huge number of actresses and singers. The audience was sure that Alexander Serov and Irina Alferova were having an affair, since the artists believably played their feelings in the video for the song “Do you love me.” The Lenkom star did not immediately agree to filming, believing that such work did not correspond to the status of a dramatic actress, but Serov managed to persuade Irina.

The singer was married only once. Alexander's wife was the athlete Elena Stebeneva, master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics. The future spouses met during the filming of Serov’s video, for which a girl with acrobatic skills was needed. Before the wedding, the young people dated for a long time.

In this union the couple had a daughter, who was named after French actress and the Americans called her the name Michelle, which is unusual for Russians. Except only daughter, there were no more children in the family. Later, Serov’s daughter became a student at MGIMO and took academic vocal lessons from.

After 19 years of marriage, Serov and Stebeneva broke up. As Elena said, the couple simply outgrew this relationship. After the divorce, Alexander Serov never established his personal life, despite the fact that the singer’s name was associated with several young performers, for example, Elizaveta Semichastnaya. Alexander Serov himself admitted in an interview that in last years completely alone.

In 2011, journalist Nadezhda Tiler, who had been living in Germany for a long time, officially announced that in the early 90s she gave birth to a daughter, Christine, from a relationship with Alexander Serov. The woman demanded that the singer recognize her daughter and pay compensation of 100 million rubles. But the artist refused to recognize the girl. When ex-wife Elena Stebneva’s mother Kristin proposed to bring her daughter to Russia so she could talk to her father, the journalist refused.

Alexander Serov now

Alexander Serov is not a media personality. The singer does not participate in concerts that are broadcast on television, and does not film videos. But the audience loves the artist. Alexander Serov regularly goes on tour with concert programs and is pleased with the way the audience greets him.

In 2017, the artist appeared in the program “The Stars Aligned,” where he talked about his private life and the reasons for divorce.

In January 2018, Nadezhda Tiler made a second attempt to meet with Alexander Serov. The artist agreed, and ex-lovers appeared before the audience on the air of the program “Actually” from . The program featured the results of a DNA test, which showed that the singer is biological father Christine. On the TV show, the daughter managed to meet her father. The whole country watched the first minutes of communication between the relatives.

In February 2018, Alexander Serov again became a guest of Lera Kudryavtseva, this time in the “Secret for a Million” program. Viewers found out that the 90s star has another one illegitimate daughter Alisa, who was born from the singer’s fleeting relationship with her mother, poetess Valentina Arishina. The artist described in detail his acquaintance with the mother of the girl, who was only 19 years old at that time. Arishina did not claim to be Serov’s official lover and even showed her daughter only in a photo when the girl was already 10 years old. Alice became a photographer and now lives in the USA with her husband.

In February 2018, another frank confession– this time Serov’s ex-wife Elena in the studio of the TV presenter’s “The Fate of a Man” TV show. The woman admitted that she made the decision to divorce because of her husband’s infidelity and a big scandal with beatings. A week later, commenting on the statements of his ex-wife in the same program, the artist noted that Elena treated her daughter poorly and eventually began to drink.

Previously, the artist noted that before the birth of Michelle, the Serovs had already become parents, but the first child, also a girl, was born without hands, and on the third day she died of cardiac arrest.


  • 1984 - “A World for Lovers”
  • 1988 - “Madonna”
  • 1991 - “I’m crying”
  • 1993 - “Suzanne”
  • 1997 - “Nostalgia for You”
  • 2002 - “My Goddess”
  • 2007 - “Endless Love”
  • 2008 - “Confession”
  • 2011 - “Fabulous Versailles”
  • 2013 - “Love will return to you”

The ex-wife of Alexander Serov calls his mistress a blackmailer

Our article "Alexander Serov will answer for libel“about the artist’s mistress Nadezhda TILLER, who lives in Germany and is raising his daughter Christine, caused a mixed reaction from the participants in the scandal. The singer gave interviews to several media outlets in which he disowned the illegitimate child - although back in 2005, in the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow, his paternity was established. The girl’s mother, Nadya, is going to sue Serov for calling her a prostitute. Chris says that he dreams of meeting his sister, the legitimate daughter of the star, Michelle. Alexander’s ex-wife, Elena, also outlined her position for Express Gazeta.

Gymnast Elena Stebeneva was only wife Alexandra Serova. The couple were married for 19 years and divorced in 2011. Lena was the initiator of the breakup. She sued her husband for half of his fortune: the singer still cannot forgive her for this and calls his wife a selfish woman who betrayed and never loved him. Naturally, our conversation began with these words.

Elena, after the divorce, Serov repeatedly talked about you, although you didn’t say anything bad about him. Aren't you offended?

Sasha can sometimes express himself: he is a hot-tempered and emotional person. But kind. Many times he selflessly helped people. I made repairs for my neighbors in the dacha at my own expense. Therefore, it is wrong to be offended by him or accuse him of greed, as this Tiller does.

- Did you and your husband divorce because of a scandal with your illegitimate daughter?

No. His affair with Nadezhda took place before we met. We broke up because the feelings passed. But I treat Sasha well, my daughter Michelle idolizes him. I think oh the best father she couldn't even dream of it.

Scandalous letter

Does it bother you how rudely Alexander speaks about the women he was close to? He called Tiller a currency prostitute, although she gave birth to a daughter from him!

Sasha can be understood. Nadezhda was silent about the child for many years, and then began to demand money. I found out about it when the woman filed a lawsuit. Throughout our life together, so many fans came to the house, claiming that they gave birth to Serov, that at first I did not believe Tiller. Alexander could not really explain whether this was his daughter. I decided to get to the bottom of the matter and began going to court hearings. I realized that there really was a relationship and that 15-year-old Christine could be his child.

- However, Alexander considers the results of the genetic examination to be fake.

I said: “If you don’t believe it, do it yourself. Hire your experts." But it never came to that.

Serov paid Tiller only 5,000 euros in alimony for three years. He explained to the judges that he earned only 2,500 rubles a month. Nadya is sure that he hid the proceeds from the investigation...

The husband really didn’t work then: he was sick and had surgery for gallbladder. His income was minimal, which is why the amount of alimony was the same.

- Where did Alexander get such aggression towards Tiller?

Nadezhda herself turned him against herself. Why didn’t she call me first and try to resolve the issue peacefully? It looks like she only wants money. When her German husband stopped paying her, having learned that he was raising someone else’s child, Tiller decided to undergo an urgent examination. I'm also a mother and I don't mind Michelle having a sister. I said at the trial: let the girl live with us and get to know Sasha better. But her mother didn't need it. Only money: for Christine’s studies, for her trips abroad. The fact that we failed to establish human relations is her fault, not Serov’s. Sasha is a wonderful father, but accepting a 15-year-old daughter right away is not so easy. Why is Nadezhda not answerable to the law for depriving him of the joy of fatherhood? Maybe if he saw the girl growing up, his attitude would be different?

-Have you tried to talk to Nadezhda?

She was not at the hearing, only her representative. Michelle visited Christine's page on social network, and if the girl wanted to meet her sister, she would answer.

By the way, I have an old letter from Nadezhda to Serov, which radically changed my attitude towards this woman. At first, tears welled up - I truly felt sorry for Christine. But the message ended in different tones: “You are a popular person, and I think you don’t need any scandals in the press and on television,” Tiller threatened my husband. “If you ignore my words, then the whole country will know about your composure.” After this letter, a war began, which continues to this day. And if there is a trial, I will provide the paper as evidence of blackmail.

By the way

Nadezhda Tiller is going to sue Serov, who continues to call her a prostitute in an interview. Having learned about this, the singer turned to a lawyer with a request to prepare a counterclaim. Alexander intends to prove the fact " foreign exchange activities» women: he will have to find witnesses who can prove that the woman in her youth went to bars and “met” foreigners for money.

Today, gymnast Elena Stebeneva is, albeit a former, but the only legal wife of the singer Alexander Serov, popular in the 90s. They lived together for almost 20 years and raised their common daughter, Michelle. However, after the high-profile divorce of the spouses, it turned out that one of the stumbling blocks in their relationship was the deceased firstborn.

Not a fan, but a lover

Serov and Stebeneva met in 1990. Then Elena had already left big sports and, together with her twin sister Olga, got a job in the same dance group. One day, the singer Alexander Serov, popular in those years, invited them both to his place. The girls were supposed to star in one of the star’s videos. However, Olga’s plans changed, and Elena had to work alone on camera. In the evening after filming, Stebeneva realized that she had fallen in love.
According to Elena Stebeneva, she was never a fan of Serov. I heard a couple of songs, but no more. But she had barely turned 20, and Alexander was already approaching 40, so it was no more difficult for the performer to captivate the young beauty. Besides, Serov was handsome. Stebeneva still remembers him like this: “Voice, long Thick hair, dimple on the chin, eyes...”

Tragedy with the firstborn

A year later, Stebeneva and Serov became legal spouses. According to Elena, Alexander dreamed of children. Therefore, when his wife told him good news, he literally carried her in his arms. Despite the busy touring schedule, the vocalist tried to surround the pregnant Stebeneva with care and attention. Elena answered her husband in the same way. Even when it was time to go to the maternity hospital, expectant mother I didn’t call Serov. She didn't want to bother him until her daughter arrived.
During childbirth, Elena realized that something had gone wrong. The doctors did not show her the child, but immediately took her away. When Stebeneva came to her senses a little, one of the doctors admitted that the baby was missing a hand and had a serious heart defect. A few days later, Serov’s first-born son died. But the worst thing is that Alexander stated that he could not have sick children, thereby essentially accusing Stebeneva of treason.

After divorce

Be that as it may, the wound from the loss of the child and the groundless accusations of her husband in the heart of Elena Stebeneva soon healed. In 1993, she gave birth to a second daughter, whom Serov named after his favorite actress Michelle Pfeiffer. The three of them lived until the end of the 2000s. After the divorce, the couple began to actively exchange mutual reproaches and unpleasant memories. One of the most difficult episodes for Elena Stebunova in her life with the singer was the tragedy that happened to eldest daughter. And, apparently, she still cannot forget Serov’s words.
Nevertheless, after the breakup, Stebeneva behaved with dignity. She even tried to make peace with her ex-husband on the eve of Michelle's wedding. Moreover, in her microblog Elena admitted that she sincerely loved Serov and asked the vocalist for forgiveness.

Of course, many people know and love the pop singer Alexander Serov. The velvety, sensual baritone, who appeared on the country's stage in the late 80s, performed lyrical songs by Igor Krutoy and other composers (“Madonna”, “Do you love me”, “I love you to tears”, etc.). He quickly gained popularity thanks to his singing talent and outstanding appearance.

In the image of a strong and passionate man Hundreds of fans immediately fell in love, but he remained single for a long time until he met her. Then Serov boldly said goodbye to his bachelor’s free life and married Elena Stebeneva. Her biography and personal life will be discussed in this article.

Who is Elena Stebeneva

There is very little information on the Internet about this mysterious beloved of the great pop singer. The biography and personal life of Elena Stebeneva is still shrouded in mystery. It is only known that she younger than Alexander Serov for eighteen years. Everyone also knows that she is an athlete, a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Famous singer Alexander Serov

Many fans have always gone crazy for Alexander Serov, but his heart for a long time remained free. Of course, he had women, but their names remained unknown. At one time there were rumors about his affair with actress Irina Alferova. The beauty had just divorced her husband, actor Alexander Abdulov. Version o romantic relationships The singer and actress was born after she starred in his video for the song “Do you love me.” But later it turned out that these were just rumors.

The baritone loved his free bachelor life and got so used to it that everyone thought he would remain like this forever. However, fate decreed otherwise. One day at a concert, fortune destined for him to meet a beautiful young blonde.

Alexander decided that just such a girl should star in his new video about love. Then he came up and invited the athlete to filming, she agreed. If she knew how it would end...

Elena Stebeneva with Alexander Serov

After the video was filmed, the singer unexpectedly told the girl that he was madly in love with her and would not let her go anywhere. The beautiful stranger turned out to be Elena Stebeneva, an athlete, Komsomol member and simply a beauty (as they say in the comedy). Then a revolution took place in their biographies; the young bride at that time had just crossed the threshold of adulthood. In her personal life, this may have been the first serious feeling. And the popular performer was then already thirty-six years old. At that time, the established heartthrob had a large baggage of novels behind him, both successful and not so successful.

Of course, such a prominent and talented man can drive any representative of the fair sex crazy. Elena could not resist either, despite big difference aged.

In 1992, they formalized the relationship, and on next year The couple had a daughter. It was decided to call her rare name– Michelle, she received this name from the actresses: Michelle Pfeiffer and Michelle Mercier.


Serene family happiness lasted almost twenty years, and suddenly in 2011 the country was struck by an unexpected rumor - Alexander Serov and Elena Stebeneva were getting a divorce! It was so sudden, considering that the couple lived in perfect harmony, according to many sources. According to Alexander himself, Elena herself initiated the divorce. As stated ex-spouse, he is very upset that Elena betrayed him so much. Alexander, as he himself claims, was an ideal husband, never gave his wife any reason to be jealous, and after concerts and rehearsals he hurried home to his family.

Elena Stebeneva with her husband and daughter

The home safe was always open for my wife, she took as much money as she wanted. Her husband always made any concessions to her. In addition, the singer says that he always tolerated Elena’s antics and oddities. And it was not easy, because she was increasingly Lately started drinking alcoholic beverages.

But if you listen to Elena herself, then everything appears in a completely different light. It turns out that Alexander cheated on his wife quite often, he even has an illegitimate daughter. This news surfaced quite recently when he ex-lover started a considerable scandal, demanding money for her daughter. She is ready to confirm paternity using a DNA test. Alexander was very angry and spoke obscenely about his former passion. Elena, oddly enough, was calm and said that he did not hold a grudge against her ex-husband. According to the ex-wife herself, she ran out of patience: ex-husband turned out to be a rare womanizer, she heard rumors about his frequent affairs on the side. These words were confirmed by Serov himself, and the lie detector confirmed the truthful answer.

As for their common daughter, Michelle, she herself decided to stay with her father. She still lives with Alexander Serov in the same apartment. The girl has a beautiful appearance, she is already 24 years old. Most likely, she will become a professional model.

Elena Stebeneva: photo

Some time after the divorce, Alexander Serov stated publicly that she had disappeared from the family safe. large sum. The singer blames Elena’s twin sister for this, about whom he speaks extremely negatively. He says that she constantly interfered in their family life. In addition, she led a dissolute lifestyle and had a bad influence on his ex-wife. Alexander always had a negative attitude towards her, he was afraid that she would interfere with their family happiness. And now his fears were confirmed, and the couple divorced. Finally, the bad woman got into their family safe and stole a considerable amount. But since there was no evidence, the case was closed.

Now Elena is 45 years old and she is dating another man. Her choice was not approved by her ex-husband, his heart is broken, he cannot forgive his wife for not appreciating his love and efforts.

Alexander Serov with his daughter

About whether he will ever marry again famous singer, he answers negatively. He was only officially married once, and he had enough sad experiences to last him a lifetime. Serov doesn’t want to trust his heart to anyone anymore. It’s a pity that the personal life of the talented singer turned out so poorly. Although he does not consider himself unhappy, he has a hobby - the singer collects new car brands.
