True baptism fortune telling for love, betrothed and the future. For the future groom

Christmastide ends with Epiphany holidays. On the night of January 18-19, Epiphany Eve begins, and thousands of girls begin to cast spells on their betrothed, on the fulfillment of desires and other girlish interests. It is believed that the most powerful Christmas fortune-telling is for Epiphany on January 19 and on the eve of the holiday. It is on these days that you can learn with the greatest certainty a lot of interesting things about your future husband, fate and what the coming day has in store for us.

Safe fortune telling for Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the most significant Christian holidays. A long time ago, on this day, Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan. Since then, on the night of January 19, the water in the river becomes holy. Water is also blessed in churches, and the holy water taken there on the 18th has incredible power for fortune telling.
The power of water is so great that you must know, when conducting fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what you cannot do if the ritual is done with its participation. We offer several safe fortune telling, the results of which are truthful and very interesting. You just need to do everything right.

Fortune telling for the betrothed on the night of Epiphany

Safe fortune telling for your betrothed using holy water. Required condition- be alone in the room. In order for fortune telling about your betrothed to be accurate, you must have with you holy water (possibly from last year), collected in the font on Epiphany Christmas Eve.
Around midnight, the girl should start sweeping a path across the room with a broom (or a brush), perpendicular to front door. The path is darted in single movements, once to the left, another to the right. Words from any prayer are spoken to the right side, in left side– evil spirits are mentioned in any words. You need to stand so that your left swing is towards the door.
After midnight strikes, you should say the words: “Betrothed, appear before me immediately!” At this moment an image or face may appear. The vision will be literally a few seconds, but this time is enough to examine the face and recognize (or not recognize) your chosen one in it.
You cannot look in the mirror at this time, be not alone, or use water taken on January 19th. This fortune-telling for Epiphany is one of the most reliable of those for the betrothed. Many girls say that they saw their fiancé's face clearly and clearly.

Fortune telling with chicken on the essence of the groom

For this Epiphany fortune-telling you need a live chicken. Buying chicken now is not very difficult even for residents big cities. There are a lot of them sold on the market, you can borrow them from friends. And for those who live in their own homes, chicken from the coop is suitable.
Any number of participants can participate in fortune telling. If one girl is telling fortunes, she needs to lay out a gold item, a copper ring or jewelry on the floor, pour plain water into a mug, pour holy water collected on Epiphany Eve into another container, and crumble some bread on a saucer. Release the chicken and observe which object it approaches first. If it is water, the husband will turn out to be a drunkard; if holy water, a good Christian who does not drink and does not party; if it is for bread, he will be a breadwinner and breadwinner; for gold, he will be rich; for jewelry or copper, you will barely make ends meet.
If a lot of people participate in fortune telling, then everyone lays out their own items brought from home. The meaning is the same, but plus one more thing - whose things the chicken goes to first, she will get married before everyone else.
This fortune-telling for a future marriage often comes true, so be careful with fortune-telling and don’t tempt fate. If your husband turns out to be a drunkard, it is better not to risk it and go through the whole year as a girl. And then tell fortunes for the new chosen one next Christmas Eve.

We have offered you two safe and most truthful fortune telling for Epiphany on the night of January 18-19, at home. Remember that Epiphany is a very big holiday; holy water collected on these days has the power to not only help, but also to punish.

So remember a few tips : You cannot drink holy water like ordinary water, much less drink alcohol with it. You can’t dilute holy water, you can’t abuse it, you can’t collect it from sources in large quantities. Holy water should be treated with respect and used only when necessary.
Happy Baptism to you! Happy Epiphany! God bless you.

The night before Epiphany closes the cycle of “fortune-telling” days, establishing a strict ban on divination until the Green Christmastide (the period between Trinity and Ivan Kupala). Experienced soothsayers recommend refraining from dangerous species fortune telling, working on the call evil spirits, because after the winter holidays there will be much less opportunity to qualitatively clean the living space of negativity.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Looking for tips from To higher powers, a person concentrates on priority tasks and subconsciously opens himself to solving them.

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    Love fortune telling for the betrothed and marriage

    Fortune telling from January 18 to 19 woman's happiness- love, marriage and family well-being- are among the most popular during the Christmastide period. The safest of them are rituals with playing cards and Tarot and group games of an entertaining nature.

    Rituals with challenges expressed in formulas-appeals to the “betrothed-mummer” can already be classified as dark or neutral magic close to it, requiring the installation of a protective field on the performer and his workspace. Such manipulations must be carried out alone.

    Truthful and easy fortune telling for Christmas - for the betrothed, love, future and desires

    For four kings

    In order to find out who her future husband would be, a loved one or a hateful one, the girl opened a new one before going to bed. deck of cards and took only kings from it. The fortuneteller hid the four selected cards under the pillow, saying: “My long-awaited one, appear, look at me, handsome, look at me.”

    At night, if the Higher powers favor the fortuneteller, they send her prophetic dream, where a card appears, symbolizing the betrothed.

    Interesting and true fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide - for the future, betrothed, children

    On the ridge

    To comply with the traditions of fortune telling on a comb, you need to buy a wooden comb with frequent long teeth. In the evening, before going to bed, the girl combs her hair well, then puts the comb under the pillow and says: “Betrothed-mummer, in a dream I dream, comb your comb with my comb.”

    In the morning, the comb is taken out and examined:

    • if there is only maiden hair between the teeth, then marriage is not expected;
    • if you come across hairs lighter than the fortune teller’s, a blonde will woo;
    • there are dark hairs - the husband will be brunette.

    They guess this way if the eve of Epiphany falls on men's day: Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

    To get married in the next year

    Below are the fortune telling woman's destiny"next year, intended for group divination. Rituals of this type can be taken lightly, but practice shows that at the end of the year, most prophecies come true.

    True fortune telling for marriage:

    1. 1. "Thread". The girls cut a skein of red yarn into identical pieces, according to the number of participants, and at the same time each of them sets fire to their thread. Whose thread burns out first, that girl will be the first to walk down the aisle. The fire went out before reaching the end of the thread - no matchmakers to be expected this year.
    2. 2. "Gold ring". The fortune tellers take a simple gold ring and unfold a long narrow piece of black velvet on the floor. Each girl in turn stands at the edge of the black stripe and says: “I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go after that ring and reach my dear one.” Then the ring is placed on its edge and rolls along the material. Where the ring stops, they put a mark there, and then they look to see whose mark is farthest from the others, that girl will be the first to get married.
    3. 3. "Bread and Ribbon". Bread crusts are poured into a ceramic pot and many pieces of satin ribbon are placed. Closing her eyes, the girl puts her hand into the pot and grabs the first thing she comes across. I took the ribbon - it was going to be a wedding, grabbed the bread - you don’t have to wait for the groom.

    There was also such a sign regarding group rituals - if the guys who spied on the girls’ fortune-telling managed to “disrupt” the evening and scare the girls, all the fortune-tellers were destined to walk down the aisle in the coming year.

    At what age will a girl get married?

    It will help to find out at what age a girl will be able to get married Golden ring. It was hung on a red thread over a glass of water so that it hung below the level of the edge of the container, but did not touch the water. One had to wait patiently until the pendulum began to move.

    After a minute or two the ring should start to swing. How many times does it hit the walls of the vessel - at that age a girl gets married. If there were few blows (from one to ten), it means that there are so many years left to wait for the groom.

    In the name of the betrothed by a needle

    The performer lights two on the table church candles. On a blank sheet of paper she draws a large circle, divided into several sectors. Each of them signs male name, taken from the head. The more names there are, the more accurate the prediction will be.

    Then the fortuneteller threads a red thread into a new needle with a large eye and hangs this pendulum over the central part of the drawn circle. The tip of the needle should barely touch the paper. Which sector the needle points to, wait for your spouse with that name.

    Prophetic dream

    Before going to bed, the fortuneteller sat on the bed and quietly read the spell three times: “Saint Samson, let me see my prophetic holiday dream.” After this, you could immediately go to bed, or you could take a little time to give your thoughts the right direction and get an answer to your tormenting questions in a dream.

    The first thing the next morning, the fortuneteller had to remember and write down in detail everything she saw in the dream. What she saw at night necessarily contained the answer to her question.

    On the bulb

    With the help of this fortune-telling at Epiphany, village beauties spoiled by male attention found out which of their admirers to give preference to.

    The girl takes as many onions as there are suitors looking for her attention, and signs each one in red paint with the name of the potential groom. Then all the bulbs are placed in separate containers with water. After a week they will begin to sprout. Whoever throws out the green feather first will own the beauty's heart.

    On the phone

    One of modern fortune telling, tied to the end of Christmas time, implies the use of a telephone. It is similar to an ancient ritual that instructs a girl to run out into the street early in the morning of Epiphany and ask the name of the first man she meets.

    Currently, upon waking up on the morning of January 19, the fortune teller simply dials a random number on the phone and asks the person who answered what his name is. If she hears rudeness in response, then there will be no wedding. If there is a gentle male voice on the phone and if a young man starts asking about something, the girl will fall in love in the coming year. If the respondent names a name, then imminent wedding with a man whose name is that.

    Near the window

    If a girl is concerned about the welfare of her future husband, then she should go to the window late at night on January 18 and sit there for exactly an hour.

    If during this time loudly talking or laughing people pass under her windows, the groom will be a rich man. If someone passes silently, the guy will be poor. If no one appears within an hour, then you can’t expect marriage for now.

    Fortune telling for the future

    The Slavs guessed for the future mostly alone, and rituals of this type were serious and almost never of an entertaining nature.

    People of all ages applied for predictions, regardless of marital status. The exceptions were sick family members and pregnant women; they were strictly forbidden to tell fortunes at Epiphany.

    On the egg

    Fortune telling on an egg is one of the simplest and least labor-intensive, but not everyone is able to see their future in the spread of egg white. Therefore, only girls with good imagination should begin this ritual. You can tell fortunes on an egg both on the eve of Epiphany and from January 17 to 18.

    3 hours before going to bed, the fortune teller breaks fresh water into a glass of water. egg and places the container on the window without looking into it. Before going to bed, the girl takes the glass in her hands and, based on the shape that the protein mass has taken in the water, tries to guess what awaits her soon.

    For wax and milk

    Fortune telling for Baptism on wax can give the most complete answer about the prospects for the near future, especially since there are many interpretations of the result and it is easy to interpret.

    For the ceremony, which takes place at midnight, you need to fill a small bowl with milk and place it on the threshold of your home. Then you should melt lump beeswax in a deep spoon and, standing over the bowl, quickly say the spell: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

    WITH the last word Pour the wax text into the liquid. After a minute, the bowl can be transferred to the table, and the wax casting can be removed from the milk and examined in the light of a church candle.

    The decoding of the images is presented in the table:


    The meaning of the figure

    Empty squabbles, gossip behind your back, misunderstanding of loved ones

    The need to stand up for someone

    baby, child

    Start of a new enterprise, new challenges in the future

    Love relationship

    Someone from your inner circle is up to no good

    Unexpected startling news

    Your career will go up, but you will have to face someone's resistance

    If it’s open, temporary difficulties lie ahead; if it’s closed, there will be long-term problems.

    Sharp social rise

    A person is capable of overcoming all difficulties on his own

    Illness, disappointment, death of a loved one


    Everything will go uphill quickly

    Short trip

    A person does not see what is happening in front of his eyes

    Lack of mutual understanding is the result of holding onto an unnecessary past

    You should learn to express your thoughts clearly

    Deterioration of relations in the work team

    Difficult choices to be made

    Soon to get married

    Someone is watching the life of the fortune teller and is preparing to strike

    Soon the main problem will be resolved safely

    Happy Changes


    Improved health

    Updating your life goals

    Conclusion of a successful contract

    One flower

    The emergence of a new love

    Improving living conditions

    An event that will change the fortuneteller’s worldview


    Soon a person will have to regret some of his actions

    Receiving long-awaited news

    IN difficult situation a true friend will help

    Empty vanity, meaningless tossing

    There will be disappointment and heartache.

    Walking in a vicious circle, the same problems

    A scattering of dots

    Getting big money

    Finding meaning in what previously seemed meaningless

    On frozen water

    A good way to find out the future is to look in the morning at the frozen water that the fortune teller took outside the threshold of the house before going to bed. Take any container for water: a bowl, basin or bucket. The result is assessed by the relief state of the frozen ice:

    • the ice has frozen into lumps - the year will bring happiness;
    • the ice lies flat - no serious incidents are expected;
    • the surface is covered with waves - events, both positive and negative, will quickly follow each other;
    • a hole has formed in the middle of an icy lake - the year will be full of negative moments.

    If the fortune teller, before placing the container outside the threshold, wished for a boy or a girl, then the frozen water will indicate the gender and health of the unborn child:

    1. 1. A surface covered with pits - a daughter will be born. The pits are even, smooth - the child will be healthy, excised, different depths– problems are possible.
    2. 2. There are mounds on the surface - a son will be born. Smooth tubercles mean the birth of a strong baby, sharp peaks or growths mean a painful and weak one.

    If the ice freezes evenly, there will be no children in the coming year or the woman’s future is not yet determined.

    On the coffee grounds

    Fortune telling for Epiphany using coffee grounds is carried out once and is highly reliable. Even drinking freshly brewed coffee before fortune-telling manipulations is a real ritual: The cup is held in the right hand so that the handle also faces to the right. They take small sips.

    Leaving a little coffee liquid at the bottom, the fortune teller places the cup on a saucer and turns it clockwise three times, after which she turns it upside down. You should let the mixture drip down and spread over the sides of the cup before looking at the result.

    First they look at those pictures that appeared at the edge of the cup, then at those at the bottom, and then on the walls along the entire inner surface. Signs left by the grounds near the handle of the cup predict events in the near future.


    The meaning of the figures

    Long straight stripe

    Smooth path without worries

    Broken strip

    Money problems

    Financial luck

    Solid circle

    Birth of a child

    Illness, mental grief

    Oval, egg

    To get married soon

    The machinations of ill-wishers

    Happy future, problem solution

    Family happiness

    Good luck with your new job

    Way out of a difficult situation

    Happy, long-awaited event

    To the dead man in the house

    Scandals with loved ones

    Having a brilliant idea

    Career advancement

    Waiting for love soon

    Happy news

    You have to find an enemy among loved ones

    Someone's serious deception

    Children will be healthy all year

    The fortune teller's cowardice will prevent her from implementing her ideas

    Long-term illnesses

    The need to help relatives

    Monotonous and hard work ahead

    Decent financing, stability

    To the destruction of hopes and plans in the love sphere

    Events that bring pleasure

    Very expected good news

    To matchmaking and marriage

    Separation from a loved one

    Marriage based on financial considerations

    To the shedding of tears

    Changes in life that came with another person

    Fateful acquaintance

    For prosperity in the house

    If a fortuneteller is interested in her financial situation in the coming year, then she can resort to fortune telling with the help of third parties:

    1. 1. The one who is being told fortunes leaves the room.
    2. 2. Assistants place a coin of any denomination on the table and cover it with one of two identical plates.
    3. 3. The fortuneteller who enters the room needs to guess which of them has the money hidden under it. If this succeeds, no financial difficulties are expected, but if not, the year will be difficult.

    According to the book for making a wish come true

    Fortune telling for Epiphany using a book is not ancient, but is considered one of the most truthful. Before starting the ritual, the fortuneteller takes the first book he comes across from the shelf and mentally utters the question three times to the Higher Powers, whether his wish will come true cherished wish(it should be said out loud). Then, without thinking, the performer says the first numbers that come to mind.

    The number spoken first will indicate the page number, and the second will indicate the line number. Having found the appropriate place in the book, a person reads the prediction and interprets it in relation to the question asked.

    On snow

    At night on Epiphany Eve, a girl must jump out of the gate of her yard without warm clothes (and if no one can see, then it’s better in an undershirt) and lie down in the first snowdrift she comes across on her back. Without looking back at the trail she left, the fortune teller immediately returns to the house and goes to bed.

    On the afternoon of January 19, the girl must go out and see how the print is preserved. A mark with smooth, even edges will indicate that the fortune teller will get a betrothed who is loving, affectionate, and attentive. An uneven pattern, cut as if by a knife, will indicate a person with complex character.

    The most dangerous fortune telling

    Not a single type of Epiphany fortune-telling has received the approval of the church, therefore, looking into the future, a person, from the point of view of Orthodoxy, in any case commits a sin, for which in past times they could be temporarily excommunicated from Holy Communion. However, there is a category of rituals that can cause serious harm to the fortuneteller, even if no one knows about them. It's about about black rituals with calls otherworldly forces, walking freely around the world on all Christmastide days.

    The most dangerous of these fortune-telling at Epiphany is the ritual with mirrors, which lures the fortune-teller into an enfilade of a non-existent world, from where her soul may not return. The purpose of the ritual is to see the future betrothed, so that later you can recognize him in life and not give your destiny into the hands of another person.

    Many girls do not realize that the role of the betrothed in the ceremony is played by an otherworldly entity. The longer the performer admires the desired image or wanders through mirror galleries, the higher the danger of this entity penetrating into the real world.

    Practicing magicians do not advise nervous, impressionable people to use this type of fortune-telling, and more courageous girls are advised not to plunge into the looking glass for a long time, so as not to become a victim of an evil spirit.

    Other “terrible” fortune telling at Epiphany includes “eavesdropping” on a church porch or at a crossroads.

    According to tradition, a girl after midnight should come alone to one of these places and freeze, listening to all the sounds coming. The danger of fortune telling is that such areas are also natural environment dwelling place of demonic power. By going there, the girl actually puts herself under the power of unclean spirits, and their tricks can affect her mental state.

    How to protect yourself?

    Before evening came, the room where they were going to tell fortunes was cleaned and amulets were installed to protect against dark forces. They did this in any case: if fortune telling took place in the form of games and when a complex ritual was ahead.

    The main step to protect yourself from the interference of dark forces at home was choosing the “right” room. In living rooms they never guessed. For these purposes, steam baths, barns, sheds, and threshing floors were prepared. A large cross was drawn on the doors of the selected building with white chalk. In this way, they protected themselves from being fooled by insidious werewolves who stole the souls of unmarried fortune tellers.

    Having protected the entrance from the penetration of the spirit from the outside, it was necessary to “close the underground” so that evil would not come from there. To do this, you had to find a knot on the floor boards and circle it ring finger right hand. Then you had to stamp on the branch with your left foot and say: “Christ has risen, not you, demon. Amen".

For a long time, people believed that on the night of January 19, one could find out the whole truth, and fortune telling for Epiphany was the most common at that time.

1. Fortune telling using a gold chain

Gold has always been given great importance. What mystical properties have not been attributed to this metal! It is believed that its shine can excite love feeling. In addition, gold can tell about the future.

It's best to guess late at night. Wait until everyone goes to bed. Sit at the table, rub the chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain in right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply on the table. The result will be figures that can be interpreted in different ways.

If the chain formed a circle, this means that in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be difficult for you to find a way out.

Flat strip means that luck and fortune await you.

Tangled Knot can indicate various life difficulties.

If it forms triangle(which happens quite rarely), this promises great success in any business, and especially in love.

Bow- for a quick wedding.

Snake warns that you should be careful in communicating with people. Don't trust anyone in the near future, they might betray you.

Heart- you are loved. Love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

2. Fortune telling with needles

Take thirteen needles or pins - ten should be left straight, and three should be slightly bent. Choose one needle for yourself. You can “assign” needles to other people, although this is not necessary. Take all the needles in your hand and pour them onto Blank sheet paper, approximately to the middle of the sheet.

Mentally divide the sheet into five parts: top, bottom, right, left and middle. Needles caught in top part sheet, control circumstances, at the bottom - obey them. The left side means the past, the right side means the future. The middle means stability, harmony, lack of change. Find your needle. If your needle lies in the middle, intersecting with other needles, the year will be troublesome, but interesting - you will not be bored. Most likely, no changes are expected. Here, however, the position of other “registered” needles, if you have assigned them, and the direction indicated by your needle are also important:

if the eye of the needle is directed towards the upper right corner of the sheet, changes will come, and the kind you want, but not in the next year, but in the next;

if the eye of the needle is directed towards the lower right corner, there will be changes, but not the ones you want;

if the ear is directed towards the upper or lower left corner, this means that changes have either already occurred or are possible in the coming year, but their implementation will require a lot of effort from you;

if your needle does not overlap with other needles, you will experience loneliness, you will have to rely only on your own strength, connections with other people will be short and fragile.

If your needle is at the top of the sheet, It means that you will control your own destiny in the new year. You know how to influence events. As you want, so it will be. But please note:

if the eye of your needle is directed to the lower right corner - your influence on events will gradually decrease;

if the eye of your needle is directed towards the left corners, you should be careful. The situation will require either significant efforts from you or unseemly actions.

Your needle is at the bottom of the sheet: Rely on fate. You yourself are unlikely to be able to change anything in the current situation, so try to use it as much as possible. Pay attention to the connections of your needle to other needles (dependency), the direction of the eye (tendency), and the placement of crooked needles.

It is best if all the needles, both curved and straight, are turned with their heads towards yours: this means that none of the people around you will harm you.

If the upper part (eye) of neighboring needles touches your needle, Pleasant surprises, help from friends and success in business await you. However, any needle, especially a crooked one, the point of which intersects your needle or is simply directed in your direction, means trouble, failure or loss. Therefore, the further such a needle is from yours, the better.

Crooked needle means a premeditated intention. If all three crooked needles are turned with their points away from yours, then your ill-wishers will not achieve their goal. Crooked needles on the left side of the sheet (past) are troubles that are already behind us. But, if the point of your needle is directed towards these needles, this means that you yourself do not allow your opponents to calm down.

Crooked needle on the right and, especially at the top, it can mean major trouble awaiting you in the new year. Here again the tendency is important: it is better to have the ear or tip facing the danger than the entire surface. Straight needles with their ears pointing in your direction mean help, support, and good luck.

3. Fortune telling with wax

This fortune telling requires several wax candles, a deep bowl of cold water and some kind of container like a spoon or ladle in which you will melt the wax. Before starting fortune telling, take a candle and break it into small pieces, place in a spoon, which you then heat over one of the lit candles to melt the wax. When the pieces of wax are completely melted, quickly pour the contents into cold water and examine the resulting figures. Sometimes they do it differently. They take a thick candle, light it and wait for a while so that it melts more strongly. Then tilt the candle over the water so that the melted wax flows into it. Here is an interpretation of the most common figures.

Wax figures:

Car, plane, cart, shoe– symbols of path, road, movement. You will soon be traveling on some kind of trip. You should pay attention to appearance your his " vehicle": A tattered shoe or a broken carriage indicates an unsuccessful journey.

tubercles- difficulties that you will have to overcome.

Fan– difficulties and losses at work and in personal life.

Wreath- marriage, portends a cheerful wedding and a happy marriage.

Grape– a bunch of grapes symbolizes love, friendship, luck and prosperity.

Mushroom– a sign of vitality, perseverance and longevity.

The Dragon- Very good sign, a symbol of good luck and fulfillment of desires. The dragon is also a symbol of wisdom.

Star- receiving long-awaited news. Several stars predict great luck.

Beast- be careful, you will have an ill-wisher.

Snake- portends illness.

Bell- important news. A straight, symmetrical bell is good news; a bell that is crooked or tilted to one side is bad news. Several bells can warn of some danger.

Basket- speaks of the end of a certain period of life, when all the troubles have already been left behind, and something new and exciting awaits ahead.

Swanauspicious sign, receiving the long-awaited news.

Tree leaf- portends good luck, but can also report intrigues that are weaving behind your back. Mill - empty talk, gossip.

Hammer- a sign of strength and power; you will be able to handle any difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.

Bridge- indicates a way out of a difficult situation life situation. A destroyed bridge is an unfavorable sign, sometimes indicating illness.

Anvil– a symbol of stability and stable financial situation.

Monkey- indicates some kind of falsehood, pretense in relationships with people, either on your part or on the part of others.

Glasses– a symbol of myopia: you either don’t see something or don’t want to see it.

Horseshoe– a symbol of happiness, predicts great luck and luck.

Stripes– you have a road ahead, a move, or just a long trip.

Birds- birds bring good news, predict a meeting with old friends, and sometimes the birth of new love.

Bee- a symbol of hard work, thanks to which you will achieve the fulfillment of your desires.

Flower - marriage or a reliable partner.

Human figure- you will have it soon new friend or meet your love.

Turtle- a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as well as a happy family life.

Ball, ball(something round) – a symbol of perfection. There is harmony in your life.

Apple– symbolizes health, love and material wealth. If the apple is wrinkled or bitten, this may indicate some kind of temptation that it is better not to give in to.

Egg- a symbol of the birth of something new (sometimes speaks of the birth of a child), impending changes. It also symbolizes something hidden, secret, and may indicate some of your fears and doubts.

Even more fortune-telling in Natalya Sudina’s book “365 best fortune telling"(AST publishing houses, Moscow and "Sova", St. Petersburg).

Fortune telling before the Baptism of the Lord will definitely come true - that’s what people say. That’s why fortune telling is so popular among girls after Christmas before Epiphany. And if you are not afraid to find out about your fate, choose the method you like best fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19 from Sterva Info.


  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on January 18 on pieces of paper

On the evening of January 18, write 12 of your wishes on 12 small pieces of paper. And before going to bed, place it under your pillow, rolling each leaf into a tube or square. On the morning of January 19, pull out three “wishes” from under your pillow - they will soon come true.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19 using nuts

Take a handful of nuts (seeds, peas, beans) and whisper your deepest wish. Then pour the nuts onto the table and count. An even number means your wish will come true, an odd number means try your luck again!

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on an onion

Take some onions. On each of them, write the names of possible suitors and place the bulbs in water. Whichever one of them sprouts first is from that “betrothed” and expect matchmakers soon.

  1. Fortune telling at Epiphany for the betrothed overnight

You will need a deck of cards. Before going to bed, place four kings under your pillow and say: “ My betrothed, my mummer, come on a date with me". In the morning, shuffle the cards between each other by touch and pull out one of them. If it is the king of spades, your groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means a young and rich groom, the king of the cross - the betrothed will be a businessman or military man, and the king of diamonds will be the beloved. It is possible that it is the one who has already settled in your heart for a long time.

  1. Fortune telling at Epiphany for marriage

Do you want to know whether you will get married in the near future or not? For fortune telling you will need a ribbon and a piece of bread. Place them in an empty and clean pot, drawer or basin. Blindfold your eyes and grab the first thing you come across. If you pulled out the ribbon, expect matchmakers soon; if there is bread, there will be a wedding, but not this year.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany using a wish with a cat

If you have pet from the cat breed, you can safely involve him in festive fortune-telling. Make a wish and call the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true, if she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, it will not be fate.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany for a year

Fortune telling for the year. Take six glasses and pour some water into them. Place one of the “fortune-telling” objects in each one in turn - a coin, salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a ring, a match and say: “Salt - for tears, sugar - for a sweet life, bread - for satiety, coin - for wealth, a ring - for the wedding, and the match - for the child.” Then blindfold yourself, mix the glasses well and choose yours. Whatever you can manage will be the forecast for the whole year.

Please note: the most truthful fortune telling- in the first glass, so choose your prediction once. If you are telling fortunes with friends, ask one of them to mix the glasses before starting the fortune telling.

Although Orthodox Church considers fortune telling a great sin; this has never stopped girls from telling fortunes about their betrothed. One of the most terrible rites of fortune-telling was carried out not on Epiphany Evening, but in the early morning of January 19th.

A girl who wanted to see her future groom was left alone in the house at a time when all the pious Christians were going to church to bless water. After making sure that there was no one in the house (during the period of fortune-telling, even all pets should be driven outside), she took a broom and swept a path from the door to the stove. After which she took out a coal from the blower, drew a circle around herself (remember Viya?), stood in it and said: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me!”

Those who tried to tell fortunes in this way say that after these words the door to the house began to open slightly by itself. The bravest girls could see their groom through the crack. The main thing is not to let him cross the threshold, saying “mind me, mind me!” After these words, the betrothed, or the unclean one who appeared in his guise, must slam the door and disappear.

Fortune telling on a mirror and candles

It is impossible not to mention another terrible fortune-telling at Epiphany. You can see about this method in Epiphany night Everyone probably knows their future husband, and perhaps many have tried to look into the other world with the help of mirrors.

A girl who wants to see her fiancé must remain alone in the house (or apartment). As soon as midnight begins to approach, you need to take two mirrors of approximately the same size and place them one opposite the other, so that when you look into one of them you see an endless corridor of mirrors. Candles are placed around the edges. You need to put a glass of water near one of the mirrors and cover it with a pie or a piece of bread that the girl baked herself before.

After all the preparations are completed, the girl must carefully peer into the mirrored corridor, uttering the words: “Mummer, come to me for dinner!” Peering carefully into the mirrored corridor illuminated by burning candles, you will soon see an approaching shadow. Try to see your betrothed's face before he gets too close to you. After this, immediately extinguish the candles and unfold the mirrors, thus destroying the connection with the other world.

If you missed the moment to extinguish the candles and the guest from the mirror came too close to you (some say that they felt his breath and even touch), sharply flick a glass of water to the floor, saying “Where you came from, go there! !"

Fortune telling by shadow

This ancient fortune telling usually carried out on the night of Epiphany in a series of other fortune-telling for the betrothed. It has survived to this day almost unchanged. The mystical atmosphere of the ritual and the flickering glare of candles can bewitch even the most pragmatic person.

You will need: a sheet of paper, matches (lighter), saucer, lamp (flashlight, candle).

How to tell fortunes: This is a very atmospheric fortune-telling that requires preliminary preparation. Take a piece of paper or newspaper, crumple it and place it on a saucer. Then set it on fire from several sides. We recommend opening the window before setting fire! When the paper is completely burnt, carefully, without stirring the ashes, bring the saucer to the wall, and on the other side point a flashlight at it. A mysterious shadow forms on the wall! The outline of the shadow will give a hint about the future. Rotate the saucer around its axis to see all the shadows.

Here are some symbolic meanings of shadows:

  • If the shadow resembles a mountain or a triangle, you have been entrusted with an important secret. This sign is also associated with travel and any trips in general.
  • The outlines of the tree indicate changes for the better.
  • A shadow in the form of a hare or hare's ears promises a meeting with a good person.
  • A ship or sail promises the speedy fulfillment of your desire or dream.
  • The outlines of a cat or cat speak of ill-wishers who may soon harm you.
  • Wings or a bird - soon good news will arrive on wings. Or a bird will bring it on its tail.
  • Domes of the church, pay close attention to your spiritual state, trials await you that will require the mobilization of all spiritual forces.
  • The outline of the dog, if you can see it, speaks of necessary assistance from a friend or like-minded person.
  • Tiger or other predator - soon you will have the opportunity to express yourself with the best side, be realized.
  • A shadow in the shape of a devil or its distinct horns indicate impending troubles. Be on the lookout!
  • Flower - it looks like a love adventure awaits you.
  • The turtle, oddly enough, calls for haste. It’s high time for you to stop doubting and finally make a decision.

Before this Epiphany fortune-telling, you can also put a note with a wish inside a ball of paper. After the fortune telling is completed, stir up the ashes and see if the note has burned. If it is almost untouched by fire, or is slightly scorched around the edges, then you will have to make an effort to make your dream come true. If the note burns, then your wish will soon come true by itself.

Fortune telling by book

This fortune telling will tell you what will happen in the next few days

This famous fortune telling is very popular today. On Epiphany evening you can tell fortunes alone, or you can arrange fun game For the company. The predictions are, of course, comic, but we remember that in every joke...

You will need: Any book ( the best option- a book with aphorisms or quotes).

How to tell fortunes: Pick up a book. Let the person who wants to know his future ask his question, for example: “What will happen tomorrow?”, “What awaits me in the evening?” Then he must name the page and line number (it should be agreed in advance how many pages there are in the book). Open the workbook on this page and find the selected line. If there is no beginning of the sentence, but only its middle, then go up the text and find the beginning. Read the entire sentence out loud. This will answer the question! If you are guessing alone, try opening a book at random and pointing at a line with your eyes closed.
