A g asmolov m enlightenment. From the book of Asmolov A.G.

Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich was born on February 22, 1949. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1972. Candidate psychological sciences, Doctor of Psychology. Professor. Works at Moscow State University since 1972, as a professor in the department of general psychology since 1992. Chief psychologist of the USSR State Education Department (1988-1992); deputy Minister of Education of Russia (since 1992); Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR at the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1989); member of the presidium of the Russian Society of Psychologists (since 1996), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education (since 1995); member of 5 editorial boards and 2 expert boards; awarded honorary badges of the State Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Education Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Personality Psychology.

Area of ​​scientific interests: general psychology, personality psychology, historical psychology and ethnopsychology. The doctoral dissertation was completed on the topic: “Historical-evolutionary approach to personality psychology.” At the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University A.G. Asmolov teaches a section of the fundamental course of general psychology “Psychology of Personality and Individuality”, as well as a special course “Historical Psychology of Personality”.

Alexander Grigorievich published over 140 scientific works, among them the main ones scientific works: “Personality as a subject of psychological research”, “Principles of organizing human memory: a system-activity approach to the study cognitive processes", "Psychology of individuality. Methodological basis personality development in the historical-evolutionary process”, “Personality psychology: principles of general psychological analysis. Textbook for universities”, “Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds”.

Books (4)

Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds

This book of selected works of the famous psychologist includes his works devoted to the development of the methodology modern psychology, as well as the use of the capabilities of psychology in the social reform of reality.

The book is intended for psychologists, teachers and students preparing for psychological and pedagogical activities.

On the way to tolerant consciousness

The book contains specific methodological developments and programs aimed at developing in students high school attitudes of tolerant consciousness - a tolerant attitude towards oneself and towards others, regardless of personal characteristics, beliefs, ethnicity.

The first part of the book contains programs special courses training sessions At school. The second part is a methodological guide to organizing and conducting tolerance training. It sets out thematic plan and a detailed lesson plan.

On the other side of consciousness

Beyond consciousness: methodological problems of non-classical psychology

A textbook summarizing 25 years scientific work the author, is devoted to the non-classical methodology of analyzing the reality of the unconscious, activity, mental processes, personality and non-verbal communication. Addressed to psychologists, philosophers, and all those who are interested in the methodology of knowledge of history, society and man.

Job title

Main publications

  1. Activity and setting. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1979;
  2. Principles of organizing human memory: a system-activity approach to the study of cognitive processes: educational and methodological manual. M.: Academy, 1985;
  3. Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds. M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996;
  4. Beyond consciousness: methodological problems of non-classical psychology. M.: Smysl, 2002;
  5. Personality psychology: cultural and historical understanding of human development. 3rd ed., rev. and additional M.: Meaning; IC "Academy", 2007;
  6. Optics of education: sociocultural perspectives. M.: Education, 2015;
  7. Asmolov A.G., Shekhter E.D., Chernorizov A.M. What is life from the point of view of psychology: a historical-evolutionary approach to the psychophysical problem // Questions of psychology. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 3–23;
  8. Asmolov A.G., Guseltseva M.S. Psychology as a craft of social change: technologies of humanization and dehumanization in society // World of Psychology. - 2016. - No. 4;
  9. Asmolov A. G. Psychology of modern times: challenges of uncertainty, complexity and diversity // Psychological research(electronic journal). - 2015. - T. 8, No. 40.


  • Asmolov A.G. Activity and Setting (1979)
  • Asmolov A.G. Personality as a subject of psychological research (1984)
  • Asmolov A.G. Principles of human memory organization: a system-activity approach to the study of cognitive processes (1985)
  • Asmolov A.G. Psychology of individuality. Methodological foundations of personality development in the historical-evolutionary process (1986)
  • Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds (1996).
  • Asmolov A.G. Personality psychology: principles of general psychological analysis. - M.: “Sense”, IC “Academy”, 2002.
  • Asmolov A.G. On the other side of consciousness. Methodological problems of non-classical psychology. M.: Meaning. 2002 - 480 p.
  • Asmolov A.G. Personality psychology: cultural and historical understanding of human development. M.: Meaning. 2007 - 528 p.
  • Asmolov A.G. Social competence of the class teacher: directing joint actions. M.: Enlightenment. 2007
  • Asmolov A.G. Strategy for sociocultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the identity crisis and building civil society// Issues of education No. 1, 2008 P.65-86
  • Asmolov A.G. Vygotsky today: on the verge of non-classical psychology. New York. 1998


  1. Asmolov A.G. Classification of unconscious phenomena and category of activity // Questions of psychology. 1980. No. 3
  2. Asmolov A.G. Dispositional structure of regulation of social behavior of an individual: from hypothesis to concept // Questions of psychology. 1980. No. 3
  3. Asmolov A.G. Basic principles of psychological analysis in activity theory // Questions of psychology. 1982. No. 2
  4. Asmolov A.G. On the subject of personality psychology // Questions of psychology. 1983 No. 3
  5. Asmolov A.G., Velichkovsky B. M. Problems of teaching psychology for non-psychologists // Questions of psychology. 1984.№3
  6. Asmolov A.G. Historical-evolutionary approach to understanding personality: problems and prospects for research // Questions of psychology. 1986. No. 1
  7. Asmolov A.G. The path not taken; from a culture of usefulness to a culture of dignity // Questions of psychology. 1990. No. 5
  8. Ivanchenko V.N., Asmolov A.G., Enikolopov S.N. Personal attitudes and unlawful command // Questions of psychology. 1991. No. 2
  9. Asmolov A.G., Yagodin G.A. Education as an expansion of opportunities for personal development (from diagnostics of selection to diagnostics of development) // Questions of psychology. 1992. No. 1
  10. Feigenberg E.I., Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical concept and possibilities of using non-verbal communication in the restorative education of the individual // Questions of psychology. 1994. No. 6
  11. Asmolov A.G. XXI century: psychology in the century of psychology // Questions of psychology. 1999. No. 1
  12. Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and ethnosociology of education: a second birth // Questions of psychology. 1999. No. 4
  13. Asmolov A.G. Polyphony of personality A.R. Luria and the Hamburg account in psychology // Questions of psychology. 2002. No. 4
  14. Asmolov A.G. Practical psychology and design of variable education in Russia: from the conflict paradigm to the tolerance paradigm // Questions of psychology. 2003. No. 4
  15. Asmolov A.G. Forward to D. B. Elkonin: non-classical psychology of the future // Questions of psychology. 2004. No. 1
  16. Asmolov A.G. Back to the methodology of psychology // Questions of psychology. 2004. No. 3
  17. Asmolov A.G., Tsvetkov A.V. On the role of the symbol in the formation of the emotional sphere in primary schoolchildren with mental development difficulties // Questions of psychology. 2005. No. 1
  18. Asmolov A.G., Pasternak N.A. Cognitive egocentrism as a mechanism of social behavior of the individual // Questions of psychology. 2006. No. 2
  19. Asmolov A.G., Volodarskaya I.A., Salmina N.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Karabanova O.A. Cultural-historical system-activity paradigm for designing school education standards // Questions of psychology. 2007. No. 4
  20. Asmolov A.G. Historical-evolutionary paradigm for constructing the diversity of worlds: activity as existence // Questions of psychology. 2008. No. 5
  21. Asmolov A.G. , Asmolov G.A. From We-media to I-media: transformations of identity in the virtual world // Questions of psychology. 2009. No. 3

Also searched with this author:

A.G. Asmolov - Psychology of individuality


Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1972. Senior laboratory assistant, assistant of the Department of General Psychology (1972-1981), Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (1981-1988). Candidate of Psychological Sciences (1976), Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1996), Professor (since 1996). He has been working at Moscow State University since 1972, as a professor in the Department of General Psychology since 1992. Head of the Department of Personality Psychology. Chief Psychologist of State Education of the USSR (1988-1992); deputy and first deputy minister of education of Russia (1992-1998); Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR at the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1989); Vice-President of the Russian Society of Psychologists (since 2000), corresponding member. Russian Academy Education (since 1995) Academician of the Russian Academy of Education (since 2008), Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council on Psychology and Pedagogy of the Higher Attestation Commission; Chief Editor magazine "Pedology" (1999-2004), editor-in-chief of the magazine "Century of Tolerance", member of 5 editorial boards and 2 expert councils, member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the International Society of Cultural- ISCAR activity research. Honored Worker high school Russian Federation (2005). Awarded honorary badges of the State Education of the USSR, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the K. D. Ushinsky medal, the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education, laureate of the National Psychological Competition " Golden Psyche". A. G. Asmolov published over 330 scientific papers.

Interesting Facts:

    participated in the development of the program "What, where, when"

Scientific activity

Area of ​​scientific interests: general psychology, personality psychology, psychology methodology, cultural anthropology, historical psychology, ethnopsychology, practical educational psychology.

The doctoral dissertation was completed on the topic: “Historical-evolutionary approach to personality psychology” (1996). The work implements a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to personality psychology, combining biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenetic orientation on the basis of intercultural interaction.

An original concept of personality is presented, implementing system-wide principles of human analysis, emphasizing the role of culture, the historical and evolutionary meaning of personality activity, its pre-adaptive, non-adaptive and adaptive activity.

Universal patterns of personality development in biogenesis, sociogenesis and personogenesis are identified, which serve as the basis for understanding the evolutionary meaning of the emergence of various individual human properties and manifestations of individuality in the evolution of nature and society (the principle of increasing variability of system elements as a criterion for progressive evolution; the principle of interaction of tendencies to conservation and change as a condition for the development of evolving systems, ensuring their adaptation and variability, the principle of the emergence of redundant pre-adaptive elements of evolving systems that can provide a reserve of their variability in uncertain critical situations, etc.).

These principles made it possible to reveal the specifics of evolution in the social history of mankind and the heuristic nature of using ideas about a special “dispersive selection” in personality psychology.

A.G. Asmolov predicts the emergence of scientific disciplines that consider psychology as a constructive science that acts as a factor in the evolution of society.

A concept of the level nature of personality attitudes as mechanisms for stabilizing behavior has been developed, a classification of unconscious mental phenomena and a semantic concept of individuality have been given. “The people want to know”

A. Asmolov spoke about how to combat the infringement of children’s rights in Russia during a round table at RIA Novosti.

“Is Russian education in danger?”

Academician A.G. Asmolov about additional education

Information and educational programs for children

Childhood as a strategic resource for the development of society

"Psychology in the psychozoic era..."

"Strategy for sociocultural modernization of education in Russia"

Speech by A.G. Asmolov at the opening of the V Congress of the RPO

Original taken from ss69100.l

ABOUT Children is our future. “This saying sounds quite natural to everyone normal person. What does it mean? Depends on the context. But in reality general case children are the future of our Fatherland.

Then it turns out that if someone denies the formulation “ our future,” then such a person separates himself from the people of Russia. The last assumption is confirmed if, moreover, it is said directly: “ I don't like the wording"children is our future". Children have their future, I have mine ”.

Moreover, for the person who does not like children - our future, this formulation is something like a life credo, for this phrase is publicly quoted with approval by him and indicated by him, better known among the people as Zinovy ​​​​Gerdt.

But that's not all. Member of the public council of the Russian Jewish congress, director Federal State institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development" (FIRO), deputy. and the first deputy minister of education of Russia, etc. Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov throughout the entire post-Soviet era, carries out the credo formulated above into reality Russian life. He's setting up future our children. By dividing them into categories: elite, hard workers and servants. There are plans to do something similar starting from nursery. And today this is already being vigorously pushed in schools. He started in Transbaikalia and now works with hundreds of schools in Moscow.

Those. prepares the future for children in full accordance with the idea of ​​​​Zalman Khrapinovich: to each his own. By the way, this very slogan was posted on the gates of Buchenwald.

The question arises: when yours will a disgusting man named Asmolov get it? Together with another disgusting person, V. Posner, who provides him with all possible support?

“OPTICS OF ENLIGHTENMENT: sociocultural perspectives» (Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2012)

Dear Colleagues. Reading with a pencil in hand, I made these extracts, which, perhaps, will be interesting to you too. (A. Churgel)

From the theory of A.N. Severtsov’s idea of ​​changing lifestyles as the basis for the progress of evolving systems implies that it is in the system that an element acquires a resource for the growth of diversity - the opportunity for variability.

V.A. Wagner discovered the following evolutionary pattern: the more developed a particular community is, the greater the variability of the individuals included in it.

It is necessary to take into account... works in which imagination is considered as an evolutionary mechanism for the individual to create new worlds and test new paths of development.

Because individuality, with its existence bringing variability, diversity, creativity, free-thinking and other “chaos” into culture, is the main destroyer of totalitarianism and the sworn enemy of the centralized system.

As a rule, the needle of the barometer of xenophobia begins...to shift when the increase in socio-economic instability in society awakens national and religious prejudices, inherited by the historical memory of the people and waiting in the collective unconscious for their time... During periods of social cataclysms and economic crises, political and intellectual competition, fanatical prejudices can either spontaneously influence people’s behavior or be deliberately used by various leaders and groups to achieve their goals.

Today we find ourselves in a unique cauldron of simmering worldviews - they can germinate, or they can disappear without a trace.

Today we have a shortage of change providers.

Having analyzed the models of success that we practice today, first of all it is necessary to realize that we are a country in love with crisis, in love with failure; such a country is always blind... Social politics Russia today is a direct escape from the value of success...

You cannot work with young people like a dog that salivates... If young people do not perceive socialist competition or any other type of competition as main model success, then we will move to a solidaristic culture... where the play has no ending, and this is wonderful, where there is no logic of survival, where the main logic is Life...

Not only is today, in its state-building, the country following the model of falling in love with failure - we are also pushing young people towards this model, equipping our culture with bureaucratic bodies for working in an unsuccessful situation. For example, the Ministry social protection– we are only defending ourselves, not developing... We need a crisis! We are making all power structures into crises.

In this sense, we now have absolutely local manipulation projects: the “Nashi” movement. "Local" and so on. Their scale is small..., but the idea certainly presupposes “not ours” and “not local”, i.e. enemies. Such motivational absurdity and the behavior of these groups lead to the fact that the authorities themselves multiply their opposition.

It's time to realize once and for all that abstaining from discussing the problems of patriotism and the Russian language in public policy leads to at least three errors - political, psychological and historical.

IN modern world The competitiveness of countries with a post-industrial level of development is determined by the accessibility and quality of education... Even a cursory analysis of the place and functions of the education sector in Russian society shows how much the thesis about the priority of education diverges from social reality.

As a result, society questions education not only and not so much for its contribution to the education of children, but for those negative effects that are a consequence of the defects of all institutions of socialization... If the state and society, in relation to education, explicitly or implicitly occupy the social positions of consumer and client, then the interaction between them and education is established according to the principle of pragmatic exchange (“you to me, I to you”). As a result, an opposition “us - them” develops, complicating the relations of social partnership between business, family, society and the state. In this socio-historical situation, the risks of forming a society of negative identity, represented by a generation that “knows no kinship,” are growing.

Teenagers, answering the question about what attitude modern Russia extended to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, aggressive nationalism (18.6%) was ranked first, followed by racism (17.1%), discrimination (16.4%), violence (14.7%), intolerance (14.4%), terrorism (13.4%). Only about 2% of adolescents believe that none of the listed phenomena is common in relation to these minorities. The percentage of schoolchildren who are indifferent to this problem is also strikingly high (28.2%). It is also alarming that more than a third of the teenagers surveyed are indifferent to any informal youth groups, including skinheads.

The culture of dignity is much more ready than the culture of utility to overcome social cataclysms, to overcome crises in the dramatic process of human history... The culture of utility does not need individuals and sciences focused on what lies behind each individual - variability, variability, unpredictability. ...One of the injuries inflicted by the culture of utility on our consciousness is precisely that the values ​​of the individual are not assessed as a guiding thread that can lead society out of the crisis...

P.181. A utility-oriented culture, as always, strives for balance, for self-preservation, and is always concerned with surviving rather than living. The culture of utility somehow adapts talent to itself, “training” it to fulfill an externally given life role. That is why the main, defining attribute of the culture of utility is the cult of the all-seeing and all-directing center...

The world is developing primarily insofar as there are systems that support individuality, support variability... Any talk about education as selection for averaging is not just a mistake... Education has become, paradoxically, a unique sociogenetic mechanism (and I’m saying this sharply for the first time) , either supporting variations or extinguishing them... Education today is Russia’s security system... Before us is a conscious process of “brainwashing”...

As a result, this is what happens, according to the apt remark of the classic of cultural and activity psychology A.N. Lontev, the impoverishment of the soul when enriched with information... schooling is the provision of answers without questions posed by the student...

The sad consequences of reducing the essence of a person to her individual knowledge and experiences cannot be overestimated. One of the consequences of this understanding is the replacement of education with training in school, the illusion that to educate means to explain... Faith, conscience, honor, dishonesty - all these are semantic attitudes of the individual that are formed in activity, in deeds and actions, and are not acquired inherited from parents and are not transmitted through the most the right words... And this means that ... no instructions or explanations can rebuild the deep semantic attitudes of a person.

One of the ways to solve the “Japanese miracle” is those sudden changes in the education system that took place in post-war Japan…. United States of America early 1960s. Among Americans, shocked by the first flights of Russian satellites, a joke is gaining popularity: “Either we urgently need to take up physics and mathematics, or we will all have to... learn Russian”... According to American experts, the United States has made a qualitative leap in the field of precision and natural sciences The Merit program for finding gifted children played a significant role.

In the old Austrian army The Order of Maria Theresa was specifically introduced to reward those who achieved success against orders.

Our trouble is that we created and implemented pre-established concepts of upbringing the “final person”, ignoring the fact that a person’s moral qualities are generated by the development processes of a person’s lineage in the context of a joint flow of activities... choosing one’s own “I”... Upbringing is just a make-up personality, not “moulding”. In our case, upbringing was more of a formative process.

Most often, the Russian government works like a “headless horseman,” because it cultivates management without motivation, management without ideology... We are completely deaf not just to education, but in general to the motivation of human life.

Leading psychologists and educators in Russia have repeatedly emphasized that the main task schools - TEACH TO LEARN. But their voices fell on deaf ears... The development of the student's learning ability begins with the development of the teacher's learning ability.

You and I can come up with any systems, but pedagogy must move from systems to destinies... The development of a free personality is ensuring the spiritual evolution of the individual. A free person is a person who is difficult to control. A free person is one who has his own morally whole position. A free person is above adaptation. He lives “above the barriers” (to use Pasternak’s poetic trope). The pedagogy of cooperation is the pedagogy of growing the individual over barriers... this is the pedagogy of civil society, since civil society consists of individuals, and not of robots, not of conformists or adapters. .. Today, management relations, relations between society, state and education are built in the dangerous logic of exchange, not cooperation.

Attitudes towards education should be determined by the fact that it plays a unique role in society - the role of a solution of culture. In this context, cooperation pedagogy is ... a project for building civil society in our country. ..and the sphere of education is the key intellectual, value-spiritual sphere of society’s life, which leads the development of society and determines the value horizons of our culture.

We play almost all over the country in United State exam(Unified State Examination), replacing, as justified by D.B. Elkonin, a rough selection based on the assessment of the reproductive reproduction of standard knowledge, a much-needed diagnosis of personality development for our school and ensuring control over the progress of the student’s development. .. the strategy for educating a teenager depends on the solution of such a “simple” question as the question of designing the ideology of society, that is, the political modeling of the image of the required future of Russia.

The formula “teach to learn” becomes the main strategy in the life of the school. Designing universal learning activities... means... not turning into reproductive hamsters who carry knowledge in their cheeks.

Primary school is a school in which a child is born with the main new formation - self-confidence. If we do not achieve this, then... we will continue to produce neurotics, those who did not finish playing in childhood.

My dream, for the sake of which I participated in the development together with my colleagues educational standards of the new generation, is to create a generation of people who do not know fear, including fear of power... So that people of perspective, not retrospect, are born.

P. 325. We have the following situation today: the state is chaotically searching for where to go, towards what ideals. It rushes between various models totalitarianism, a religious state and the embryos of liberal scenarios for the development of society... The first and serious risk that should be avoided is the monopolization of spirituality by one or another confession... But spirituality and religiosity are “two big differences.”

The shock of the present is the drama of teachers lagging behind students in the field of mastering information technology... but... Any “catch-up modernization” of education is dangerous because the very attitude of “catching up and overtaking” other countries narrows the possibilities of predicting the future due to such a socio-psychological syndrome, as “back hypnosis” syndrome. The essence of this syndrome is that a person who sees the back of an opponent running in front of him inevitably repeats his moves and mistakes. As a result, a person turns out to be “blind” in relation to other scenarios for the development of future events in a situation of “present shock”... Therefore, we are faced with the task of designing an education option in which a person would perceive changes as the norm and would not experience “present shock”.

The school’s attitude towards gifted children, as well as towards children with developmental difficulties, is a kind of litmus test of the readiness of any national education system for changes, for the challenges that society poses to education systems... In the conditions of information socialization, the likelihood of the emergence of a whole generation of intellectual accelerators...Only by overcoming the disunity of representatives of various professional communities - teachers, university professors, scientists, entrepreneurs, managers and politicians, will we be able to fully solve the problem of creating national program"headhunters"

Children began to develop special social norms - “norms of denunciation” of their parents. And it turns out that instead of “love your neighbor...” we are building in the minds of a whole generation of children and teenagers a completely different commandment: “tell on your neighbor”...

In totalitarian cultures, education is unified, “structural pedagogy” is generated, and in cultures aimed at freedom, the diversity of education grows, and then education acts as a mechanism for maintaining the evolutionary diversity of society....Variability and standardization in education should not contradict each other, these are two sides one process.

…you should never give cats tasks like dogs. But we act precisely in this logic when we pray to ratings, transferring tests from one culture to another.

We must look for variations, going beyond the usual patterns and ideas. Only in this way will we have a vision of prospects, the basis for moving towards the future - towards a society of “unity in diversity”.

...variability of education is a litmus test for fluctuations in regression and progress in education, a measure of whether we are dealing with the modernization of education or a game of modernization, behind which there is a return to the wholesale standardization of educational programs and the depersonalization of younger generations.

All these lines of development practical psychology how the methodology of variable education is not only history, but today’s and, I still hope, tomorrow’s day of education in Russia...

How to explain to managers mortal danger school profile, limiting the professional and social mobility of the individual?

In textbooks and educational programs the presentation of the history of human development prevails, different countries and civilizations as a history of conflicts and wars, which involuntarily contributes to the formation of an assessment of forceful methods of resolving conflicts as a social norm.
