Safety - presentations on the topic of safety at school, life safety rules and safe behavior of children during the holidays, in the forest, with electrical appliances, in transport, on the road, download free safety lessons for class and life lessons. Pre

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If a friend suddenly turns out...

01 Guys, don’t play with fire, and when you see fire and smoke, dial just two numbers on the phone 01. If there is a big fire, everything is engulfed in smoke, all the guys need to run out of the house. And quickly call for help, call people.

The match is not big in stature, Don’t look at how small it is, This little match can do a lot of evil. Remember firmly, friends, that you can’t fool around with fire.

You cannot be near fire, Where there are paints, gas, gasoline; After all, it’s not in vain that they tell us about them: “Flammable!” »

Don’t turn on the gas in the apartment - You need an eye and an eye for gas. Feeling the smell in the apartment, call “04”. Stay away from the stove, my friend, you might get burned! 04

If you turned on the iron, there is no need to suddenly run away. When closing the door in the house, did you turn everything off? Check it out!

You can’t put a knitting needle, a finger or a nail into a socket. Electricity is dangerous - Everyone should know this. Don't put your finger in the socket. Neither girl nor boy!

If the socket suddenly sparks, or a strange crackling noise is heard, you tell the adults about it - Please don’t interfere! Electricity is DANGEROUS! Games are inappropriate here!

If the house has a balcony, remember - it is dangerous! AND open window Shouldn't attract you!

There is nothing more dangerous than a sharpened object! Razors, scissors, knives Don't grab it, kids!

Open the tap carefully, because you can get burned with boiling water! Yes and cold water Alas, it is not always useful.

All little children must learn: Pills and tablets cannot be swallowed secretly! When you are sick, Then they call the doctor, And the adults will bring pills to bed!

Gas in the kitchen, a vacuum cleaner, a TV, an iron, Let only an adult turn it on, Our reliable good friend. And also... Riddles!

“Items that require careful handling” I don’t want to be silent, Let me knock as much as I can. And he knocks every day with his iron head.

Look at me - I’m all full of holes, But I’m deftly rubbing carrots for you.

They filled her mouth with meat, And she chews it, Chews, chews and does not swallow - She puts it on a plate.

I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do: Either I’ll let you go for a walk, or I’ll put you to bed.

The head burns with fire, the body melts and burns. I want to be useful: There is no lamp - I’ll shine it...

It’s hot in my belly, And there’s a hole in my nose, When everything in me is boiling, Steam is pouring out of it.

I am very fragile, take care of me. If you only break it, you will only collect the fragments.

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A long-term plan for working with children of senior preschool age on the basics of life safety.

Plan of work with children on life safety for the year. Senior kindergarten group....

I bring to your attention a presentation for children. Where wise owl will introduce children to the dangers that may lie in wait for them at home. Children will develop the concept safety, children will remember that one of the conditions for preventing injuries is compliance with safety rules



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Your safety at home

Hello, my friend! My name is wise Owl. I want to tell you about your safety in the house.

You certainly think that home is the safest place in the world? But it is not so. In your home Many dangers may await you. Let's walk through your house and take a look.

Attention! Dangerous! If the house has a balcony, remember, it is dangerous! And an open window should not attract you.

Stay away from the stove, my friend. You may get burned! If you pick up matches, you immediately become dangerous - After all, the fire that lives in them will bring a lot of trouble to everyone!

Open the tap carefully, because you can get burned with boiling water. Attention!

Dangerous! If the socket suddenly “sparks” or a terrible crack is heard, you tell the adults about it - Please don’t interfere yourself!

There is one more piece of advice: If you pick up an electrical object, you are responsible! Everyone must always remember that devices are not a game!

There is nothing more dangerous than a sharpened object! Razors, scissors, knives Don't grab kids! Carefully!

The rules are simple, you will remember them, children! If you see a sign like this, beware, don’t step foot there! You already understand, baby, that the same objects can be dangerous and safe

Riddles about dangerous objects

This is a cramped, cramped house. A hundred sisters huddle in it, and any of the sisters can flare up like a fire.

Mushroom pickers really need it. You can’t cook dinner without it, You can’t go hunting, What is it?

They are usually found in the hedgehog; And I saw them on the hedgehog; They are on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree, and they are called....

I am entirely made of iron, I have neither legs nor arms. I can fit up to my hat into the board, and for me everything is knocking and knocking.

They love to trim, cut and incise.

I am very fragile, take care of me. If you only break it, you will only collect the fragments.

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GOAL: to promote children’s assimilation of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, safety and life in Everyday life. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: to formulate basic rules of personal safety; ensure the psychological well-being and health of children; develop cognitive abilities, Creative skills, imagination, thinking, communication skills; teach children to help themselves and the victims; develop personal skills for safe behavior in society and at home.

Conditions for the implementation of the program: Personnel conditions - advanced training of teachers through fiction and popular science literature, - involvement of specialists from preschool educational institutions (educator, music director) Development logistics bases - visual aids (life safety posters, pictures and paintings, fiction) - development environment: Board games; conversations on the topics: “What objects should not be used?”; information for parents “What should not be brought to kindergarten"; creation of posters: “Beware, evil animals!”, design of the herbarium “ Medicinal plants"; exhibitions: drawings and crafts on topics, conducting trainings with children on the topic “Man and his way of life.” Introducing children to objects social sphere- Fire Department, - Ambulance, - Medical part.

Studying theoretical foundations O.V. Chermashentseva “Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschool children”; G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko “School of a Healthy Person”; N. Nikitina “Rules of a small pedestrian”. - Implementation of program activities. - joint activities with children; - -work with parents; - interaction between the teacher and pre-school specialists (music and medical workers, educators). Generalization and results. - - questioning of children; - survey of parents; - - generalization of work experience; - - participation in RMO; - - participation in a regional seminar. Implementation stages:

: PROGRAM RESULTS: Children gain knowledge about generally accepted norms of behavior, both in nature and in society. Children acquire knowledge about generally accepted norms of behavior, both in nature and in society. Children learn not only the basic rules of personal safety, but also formulate them and explain the need for their application in extreme situations. Children learn not only the basic rules of personal safety, but also formulate them and explain the need for their application in extreme situations. The program is in demand by children, parents and teachers. The program is in demand by children, parents and teachers.

Literature used: “Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschool children”, O.V. Chermashentseva, Volgograd, 2008; “Basics of safe behavior of preschool children”, O.V. Chermashentseva, Volgograd, 2008; “School of a healthy person” Program for preschool educational institutions, G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko, M., 2006; “School of a healthy person” Program for preschool educational institutions, G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko, M., 2006; “Rules of a little pedestrian”, N. Nikitina, Rostov-on-Don, 2006;. “Rules of a little pedestrian”, N. Nikitina, Rostov-on-Don, 2006;. “Our friend the traffic light” Rules for cycling, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules for cycling, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules of conduct on the street, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules of conduct on the street, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007;

Marina Martynyak
Presentation on fire safety for preschoolers

Conversation on topic:

« Fire in the apartment»

Target: Introduce children to the rules fire safety and how to behave during fire.

Hello guys!

Tell me why it might occur in the apartment fire?

That's right, they forgot to turn off electrical appliances, faulty electrical wiring, an unextinguished cigarette, children's pranks with matches and a lighter.

Guys, what should you do if this happens? fire?

If there are adults at home, you should quickly run to them for help! What if there is no one at home?

That's right, we need to call the brigade firefighters. To do this, dial 01. Remember this number. You need to speak clearly on the phone and clearly indicate your address: street, house and apartment number, floor. Do you know your address?

Most importantly, do not panic, do not run around the apartment in vain and do not try to put out the fire yourself. Calling firefighters, slam the door to the apartment tightly and run outside. Try to report fire to neighbors.

You need to remember the rules of conduct when fire:

Never open wide the windows and doors into the apartment where the fire, this will increase the draft and the fire will become stronger.

Do not extinguish electrical appliances that are plugged in with water, you may get an electric shock! The plugs of electrical appliances must first be removed from the network.

During fires Not only fire, but also smoke is very dangerous. In modern apartments, most of the furniture is made of chemical substances which emit toxic gases when burned. It is enough to inhale this two or three times poisonous smoke, and you may lose consciousness. Therefore, immediately wrap your face with a wet towel or scarf and move around the apartment crouching down, since there is less poisonous gas below. But the main thing is to quickly leave the burning apartment!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD on the basics of fire safety in the preparatory group “Violation of fire safety rules” Goal: Continue to familiarize children with fire safety rules at home; consolidate knowledge about the work of a firefighter, expand ideas about.

Summary of a lesson on fire safety for children of senior preschool age “Fire safety rules for children” Municipal government preschool educational institution- combined kindergarten No. 3 of the Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region.

Consultations for parents on fire safety “Tell your children about fire safety” Consultations for parents on fire safety “Tell your children about fire safety” Prepared by: teacher Kumylina S.V. Ne.

Our smart, inquisitive children are still middle group We learned that matches are not toys for children, that we can’t leave the iron on, we remembered.

Lapbook “Fire Department Telephone 01” Didactic manual on fire safety Introduce children to the profession of firefighter and fire equipment.

Presentation “Fire Safety Reminder on New Year’s Day”. It can be so different - Blue and red-red, Bright yellow and, also, it can be Olympic. (Randzhelovich Svetlana) Every year.

Fire safety presentation “So as not to quarrel with fire” The purpose of this presentation is to develop in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards compliance with fire safety rules. Arm.

Presentation of the role-playing game on fire safety “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” for the preparatory group Presentation role-playing game on fire safety "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" for preparatory group Puzikova O. Yu. Goal: continue.
