The name Tatyana in Arabic. The meaning of the name Tatyana, character and fate

A huge number of people believe in various signs, horoscopes and astrological influences on fate and life. It is worth recognizing that quite often such beliefs coincide with reality, and in some cases they can help to accept correct solution, find the answer to some questions, understand the actions of others. So every person at least once in his life was interested in what his name meant and whether it somehow influenced his destiny. Today we will talk about the name “Tatyana”, recall the meaning of the name “Tatyana”, and also talk about the character and destiny of such girls.

What can you find out about a person named Tatyana (name meaning)?

There are several meanings for this name. So, translated from Greek, it means “set” or “appointed.” Some sources also mention the meaning of “organizer.”

The name “Tatyana” itself is considered quite emotional and firm. Even by the combination of vowels and consonants, one can judge a certain determination and self-confidence of its owner. It is worth recognizing that today such qualities may be more than in demand.

What will Tatyana be like with age: character and fate

IN early childhood Tanya often becomes leaders among her peers. Their character is usually compared to that of a boy. It is difficult for parents of such girls to keep track of their daughters, but they cannot be called particularly naughty. Most likely, such irrepressible energy is a property of a living character. With the right approach and adequacy, Tanya’s unrestrained behavior can be directed in a rather peaceful and even useful direction.

In terms of energy, the name “Tatyana” is quite earthly. Its owner is not inclined to chase dreams into the sky and live in an imaginary world. Such girls try to resolutely achieve what they want here and now. As practice shows, among the Tan there are indeed a lot of very practical people who do not wait at all for weather by the sea and live in accordance with the principle: “Our happiness is in our hands.” However, it is worth noting that this tendency often makes Tanya too impulsive, impetuous, and in some situations obsessive, which can greatly complicate her life. However, self-confidence gives her the necessary optimism. It is especially favorable if Tanya’s energy and mobility skillfully coexists with a sense of humor, which is also facilitated by the energy of this name. In this case, the girl manages to avoid many problems, misunderstandings and conflicts.

In most cases, Tanya is sociable and sociable. But at the same time, they are often too self-centered. Sometimes such girls, actively pursuing their happiness, simply do not take into account those around them and even their relatives.

Tatyana often has an exaggerated sense of ownership, and sometimes they even confuse it with love. In this case, the girl actively tries to subjugate her loved ones to her will. However, at the same time, she will not be happy at all if her husband suddenly becomes an obedient and resigned creature, because this way his value in Tanya’s eyes will sharply decrease. That is why the family life of girls with this name often represents an eternal war of characters, or becomes the reason for the steady growth of Tanya’s discontent. Both options can end quite sadly. But it is worth recognizing that a logical and calculating girl usually manages to find some kind of compromise.

In most cases, Tanya is an excellent housewife, but she rarely manages to be satisfied with just one such role. Significant self-esteem, as well as the activity of nature, require the achievement of some more significant successes or public recognition. Of course, a decisive character can help Tanya achieve significant career success, but it is not a fact that such achievements will make her truly happy. If a girl with that name becomes a boss, she often pulls her subordinates back and likes to put them in their place.

Impulsiveness of character also manifests itself in relationships with children. Tatyana can shout at them without any particular reason. She has few friends, or none at all.

Tanya loves to dress beautifully, but does not have much imagination, so she often pays for choosing an image and ready-made clothes. They know how and love to preserve food and are thrifty. It is Tanya who initiates moves, repairs, and rearrangement of furniture.

With age, girls with this name become more tolerant, which helps them improve family relationships. They do not like to complain about life to anyone, they are often jealous, but they do not want to show such feelings and hide them. Tanya absolutely cannot stand monotony; they are constantly drawn to travel and trips.

The character of a girl with the name “Tatyana” also largely depends on what time of year she was born. So winter Tanyas are quite mediocre - they have no pronounced talent in any area of ​​​​life. However, at the same time, they are making every effort possible efforts to appear more intelligent. If a girl with this name was born in the fall, she is most likely narcissistic and unreasonably self-confident. Summer Tanya is eccentric and unbalanced, suffering from frequent nervous disorders. And girls born in spring most often have a particularly unpredictable and even hysterical character.

It is believed that the name “Tatyana” is best combined with the patronymics Sergeevna, Leonovna, Valerievna, as well as Vsevolodovna and Timurovna.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

The article contains information about the meaning of the name Tatyana.

Martyr Tatiana is one of the beloved and revered among the Orthodox. The saint preached Christianity and was famous for her charity. What does this name mean and what fate awaits Tanya, read about it in the article.

What does the name Tatyana mean: according to the church calendar?

An outdated version of the name Tatyana was pronounced Tatiana. This name was the name of Saint Tatiana, revered in Russia.

  • This is the same Saint Tatiana whom students consider their patroness. Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the establishment of Moscow University on Tatiana's day: January 12 (old style) and January 25 (new style)
  • The Slavs began to name girls the name Tatyana after accepting Christianity. The name has become one of the most common
Tatyana’s name day is celebrated more than once a year

What nationality is the name Tatyana?

The name Tatyana has Greek roots. But according to one version, Tatiana was the name of a Roman maiden and deaconess from a noble family. The girl refused marriage and devoted herself to the church, serving God and the needy.

  • The deaconess was captured by the emperor's men and subjected to repeated torture. At the same time, the executioners believed in the power of the saint, after a sudden earthquake occurred and Tatyana expelled the demon from the destroyed idol standing in the temple
  • The wounds inflicted by the tormentors disappeared on the second day, revealing a miracle of complete healing. Even the hungry lion did not rush at Tatyana, but began to lick her feet. After terrible torture, the saint was executed

Martyr Tatiana

Tatiana: decoding the name from Greek

IN Greek language name Tatyana migrated from Latin under the guise "Tatius". This word meant the name of one of the Sabine kings (Italic tribes that partially settled on the Roman hills).

Name Tatyana in English, Latin, different languages

The name Tatyana has several spelling variations in English. The most commonly used are the following:
The shortened version of the name, that is, Tanya, looks like this - Tanya or Tania.

Tatyana - a woman emitting light

How is the name Tatyana written in the passport?

According to the rules of transliteration, the name Tatyana should be written like this:

Tatyana abbreviated short name, diminutive pet names

When calling a girl by the name Tatyana, parents do not skimp on diminutive pet names. The girl at home is called Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusey, Tanyura, Tanyusey, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatuya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.

In the same time short form there can be only one name - Tanya. But there are also derivatives from the name Tatyana: Tatiana, Tatiana, Mystery, Taya

Little Tanyusha can be whiny

Name Tatyana: origin and meaning

The name Tatyana, which is familiar to us, is of Russian Orthodox, Catholic, and Greek origin.

This is an ancient Greek word "tatto", meaning "organizer", "founder" or "set". Thus, the name already from early childhood influences the fate of the girl Tanya: she is appointed to observe and guide

Tatyana: the meaning of the name character and fate

  • From early childhood, Tatyana radiates light and positivity. The girl is distinguished by her liveliness of character. Already in kindergarten, Tanya can stand up for herself. Over time, Tatyana strives to win the position of leader in any team.
  • Tatiana is strong-willed, active and sexy. In the eyes of a woman named Tatyana, passion burns and the sun's rays burn
  • As a little girl, Tanya behaves like a real tomboy; her character traits show arrogance and impudence.
  • Growing up, she appears before those around her as a person who has managed to comprehend some secret knowledge, as if the book of life is always open before her
  • The Tatyana woman is stubborn and domineering. She confidently pursues her goal, possessing despotic character traits. For her, there is no other opinion, and she reacts categorically to objections
  • Tatyana is a very emotional person with great artistic talent. Her charm helps her remain self-centered. Sentimentality and vulnerability are not about Tatyana
  • Tatyana has enormous potential, which often remains in the embryonic stage. After all, the woman Tatyana, being objective in assessing the actions of others, is not able to discern her own mistakes and mistakes
  • Tatyana has more friends among the stronger sex. With men it is easier for Tatyana to feel soft and feminine
  • Tatyana is socially oriented. She does not avoid communicating with her peers, as she is very sociable. However, she prefers to be listened to and not objected to. This rule also applies to people close to her.

Tatyana can already stand up for herself in kindergarten

Name Tatyana: compatibility with male names

Tatyana, who will choose her life partner Anatoly, Valeria, Ivan, Oleg, Sergei or Igor, an ideal family life will develop. But with men named Vyacheslav, Gennady, Kirill, Nikolay, Timur the marriage will be unsuccessful

Tatyana's union will be successful with men Anatoly, Igor, Valery

When is Tatyana’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar?

By Orthodox calendar Tatyana celebrates her day:

Congratulations on Tatyana's Angel Day short

If in your circle of friends there is a girl, Tatyana, whom you would like to congratulate on Angel Day, then the following short poems will help you find the right words.

On Tatyana's Day, take it soon
From me a cheerful smile,
Let her warm you in the snow
Like a warm, gentle, shaky ray of sunshine!

Pleasant words fly from all sides:
Today is a holiday - Tatiana's Day!
Let the ringing music radiate chimes,
And emeralds shine in many ways for you!

Congratulate your beloved Tatyana on Angel Day

Tatyana's Day I am not silent,
I want to wish you happiness!
May you be lucky in everything
Every day and all year round!

Tatyana's Day comes at the end of January,
Happy holiday to Tatiana and students!
May everything always be wonderful with you,
I wish you only happy moments!

Tanya, dear friend, I send you my greetings!
I congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day and wish you to live without troubles,
Laugh, play, have fun and receive lots of love,
Let your eyes always radiate only joy and happiness!

Let the snowflake round dance invite you for a walk!
May you be lucky in love and may your dear one give you a jewelry box!
On Tatiana's day, may everyone be happy to see you,
And let your fans serenade you!

There is love and happiness in you,
It’s impossible to count everything,
We congratulate you on Tatyana's Day,
AND your name glorify!

Spend time
I won't -
Everything on the topic:
Happy Tatyana's Day!

For you, Tanyush, today there are all flowers,
All congratulations and songs are all in the world.
After all, the holiday will always be there, where you are -
And you are a reminder of summer for us in winter!

Tanya, happy name day!
Let life be long
Full of pure joy,
And love sweetness!

Frosty January covered us with snow,
May Tatiana’s smile warm everyone.
Be happy, Tanya, on your Angel Day,
May he protect and help you.

How wonderful it is that there is Tatiana’s Day!
An extra reason for the year
Change my plans for you,
Congratulate and remove a star from the sky!

Tatyana has several name days a year

Happy Tatyana's Day to the best of all Tatyanas
I hasten to congratulate you on this day!
Let your unfulfilled desires caravan
It will definitely come true in life!

You are like a picture, dear Tatyana,
You are sunny, there is no flaw in you,
Pushkin himself glorified your name,
I congratulate you on Tatyana's Day!

Ah, true bliss -
To know our Tatyana personally.
Not in vain, perhaps, perfection,
That's what I want to call her.
I want to tell you, Tatyana,
That you alone are the most beautiful of all.
There is a lot of success ahead,
And in life - true success!

On Tatiana's day I want to congratulate you
And wish you health and love.
May the angel always be by your side,
Bless all your days!

My dear, Tanya,
Happy angel day I want you
Congratulations, dear friend
And I wish from myself:
May you be lucky in everything in the world,
May the angels protect you
In all matters there is a fair wind,
And a charge of bright vivacity!

Tanya, today is your holiday,
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
And this is a mini-congratulation in verse
I'm sending you an SMS today.
I wish you to live and not worry,
So that everything is OK and cool,
Good friends to treasure
And enjoy every minute!

Happy holiday, Tanechka, I congratulate you,
I wish you much, much happiness in life,
So that your house is a mile away from trouble,
May you smile more often today and always!

May the angel send good luck to Tatyana!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Be healthy, beautiful,
Always the same sweet
In love and beloved,
Smiling, happy.
You are the best friend!
Happy Angel Day, Tanya!

My beloved Tanya!
You are my bright star!
Today you listen to me
I will congratulate you!
I wish you a ray of happiness
Always shined on you.
And troubles, sorrows and misfortunes
You will never know!

Song with the name Tatyana

And here are the songs about Tatyana.

The name Tatyana has a lot of positive energy

A song about Tanya from the New Year's comedy "Carnival Night"
Music by A. Lepin. Words by V. Korostylev

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
Our Tanya served
In the factory canteen.
food worker,
Attached to borscht.
Pay attention to Tanya
Nobody paid any attention.

Was in our factory club
Merry carnival.
Hawthorn alone all night
The whole hall applauded.
For the right to dance with her
Had a fierce argument
Fanfan-Tulip with Onegin,
With Romeo - a musketeer.

The next morning, remembering that cheerful masquerade,
They talk about that dashing beauty with delight.
She was under the mask, and there was no trace of her...
- Hey, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Bring lunch quickly!
They look - and they see hawthorn
She carries lunch herself!

Many songs are dedicated to Tatyana

Tanya plus Volodya

Osin Evgeniy

Why am I so sad?
You're going sideways again
I lower my eyes again,
I can't put two words together.

How can I explain to her, her,
Why am I living a dream about her?
I must decide:
To be or not to be?

“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.
My neighbor is mad at me
He turned off the light at the entrance.
I don't hold it against him
In the dark, sighing, I write,

So that you know, yeah
About my unhappy love!
Write an answer -
Do you love it or not?
“Tanya plus Volodya” - draws out the chalk,
A heart with an arrow is better than any words.
“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.
“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.

Tanyusha and the Titanic
K. Andreev

On a boat along the Ob, downstream...
You stood at the railing - unfortunately...
Our simple romance was planned:
You stood there, I smoked and fooled around.
I'm like a fascinated botanist -
TO beautiful flower he reaches out his hands.
I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am an icy Titanic...

And you said that your name is Tanya,
And I looked into your eyes with secret hope.
And your hair and lips drove me crazy.
Such is your gait, such karma...
Tanyusha! You are a honey sweet gingerbread

I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am a fiery Titanic...

And ships passed by you and me,
I watched the same film, and tears fell.
And I told you: I’m not DiCaprio, -
I passed the GTO standards in swimming!
And our steamer was carried and rocked by the current.
Well, why didn’t he suffer a shipwreck?!
From such frustration the blood boils in the chest, -
We sailed with you, and love began!

Tanyusha! You are a honey sweet gingerbread
To which the child reaches his hands.
I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am a living Titanic...

Words by B. Slutsky
Music by A. Tarataev

You each of these phrases
Reprinted it many times
Reprinted and quail
In easy portable language
Cars, and now we are far away.
You are moving further and further gradually.

Reprinted, bound
Sometimes with approval, sometimes with disdain.
Crossed them out in one motion,
With one movement she swept it off the table.
All that was solid in me,
Steel, - from you and from the machine -
You corrected all my mistakes
And now you are in a distant place,
Where I won't ask you in the morning
Print the night essay.

Gone. And I still have to get up and fall,
And get up again.
It’s not time for me yet...

Tattoo with the name Tatyana

If you want to get a tattoo with the name Tatyana, then look at these photos. You might like these inscriptions

You can get a tattoo like this if you adapt it to the name Tatyana

Pendant with the name Tatyana made of gold: photo

The designers worked in this direction and created wonderful pendants for Tatyana’s most beloved ones.

Name Tatyana: intuition, intelligence, morality


Tatyana may have the gift of clairvoyance. The woman's charm is so strong that men are unable to resist her charms. She can foresee and predict thanks to her insight.


Tatyanas are smart women with high level intelligence and analytical thinking. However, they use their abilities only in cases where the need arises to solve a practical problem.


  • Tatyana decides for herself what her moral principles are and what is not. She tends to change these principles depending on her goals.
  • Tatyana often wants to have a heart-to-heart talk, be frank with someone, and talk about problems.
  • She is ready to listen and sympathize with her interlocutor, but in order to encourage her to help, you need to focus on logic and cold calculation

Name Tatyana: hobbies, activities, business

  • Tatyana is a supporter active image life. She devotes a lot of time to travel. Tatyana's hobbies include the ability to cook well and keep the house perfectly clean.
  • Tatyana is ready to often change the decor in the apartment by rearranging furniture and carrying out minor repairs
  • Tatyana makes excellent businesswomen. Tatyana has business acumen and is able to maintain clarity of thought all 24 hours. Because the financial well-being Tatyana puts her happiness at the forefront, and is ready to work without weekends or vacations

Name Tatyana: health and psyche

  • Tatyana has a restless nature. As a baby, she may cry for a long time and is difficult to put to sleep. The baby usually has a good appetite, so even premature babies do not have problems with weight gain
  • The physical development of the girl Tatyana deviates somewhat from the norm. This is manifested by the fact that she begins to hold her head up late, the first teeth also begin to erupt later than usual.
  • The girl's parents are faced with the problem of infectious diseases. There is a risk of minor injuries and even fractures
  • Tatyanas born in March often suffer from bronchitis
  • People born in April are obese
  • Tatyana often has a sore throat, she may have problems with her lungs, and there may be hormonal imbalances. Childbirth can cause a woman to gain excess weight
  • Metabolism may be disrupted. We have to deal with excess hair on the arms and legs
  • Tatyana, who suffers from ovarian dysfunction, also has related problems. The main one is infertility
  • Tatyana's family life may not be very successful. The woman is susceptible nervous disorders, stress, depression. Tatyana may start drinking and taking drugs.
  • an introvert by nature. She has an incredible memory. She is impulsive and impetuous, which greatly complicates life for both herself and those around her. If Tatyana is not able to muffle her self-confidence with humor, then she cannot avoid conflicts
  • Tatyana is harsh and does not worry at all that her words or actions are unpleasant to anyone

Tatyana dominates in marriage

Name Tatyana: sexuality, marriage

  • Tatyana becomes sexy when she feels loved. Without love, sex means nothing to her. To win Tatyana over, you need to go on a tour with her and show her that you can’t imagine your life without traveling.
  • Dominance in relationships leaves its mark on sex. A woman can become aggressive and demand submission. The main thing for her is to please herself
  • In marriage, Tatyana shows herself as a possessive person. She tries to dominate her family, which also leads to conflicts and a war of characters. Scandals with Tatyana arise with or without reason
  • Mother Tatyana is strict and children are often afraid of her. With her man she can be both strict and caring. Having surrounded her husband with warmth and care, Tatyana becomes his wonderful partner. Prefers strong men

Zodiac named after Tatyana

It doesn’t matter under what zodiac sign a girl with the name Tatyana was born. Zodiacally, this name belongs to the constellation Capricorn, and the patron planet is Mars.

Patron named Tatyana

Patron saint name Tatiana Rimskaya

Name Tatyana stone talisman

  • Eye of the Tiger will help Tatyana cope with insomnia and depression. The stone will relieve rheumatism and bronchial asthma. For weather-dependent Tatyana, a tiger's eye is simply necessary for wellness
  • will save Tatiana from heartache

Ruby is a stone for Tatiana

Flower for the name Tatyana

  • Clover

Totem animal named Tatyana

  • Gopher

Numerology of the name Tatyana

Name number Tatiana – 3. A person-three is characterized by developed intuition and rich imagination. They are unusually emotional. Achieve success in many professions

Girl-three is a creative person

Nickname for the name Tatyana

  • Tatius
  • Tatiana
  • Todda
  • Titus

Famous people, celebrities named Tatyana

  • Tatyana Grigorievna Vasilyeva - actress
  • Tatyana Filippovna Sarycheva-athlete and volleyball coach
  • Bulanova - singer
  • Ovsienko - singer
  • Tatyana Borisovna Dmitrievna – medical scientist
  • Dogileva Tatyana Anatolyevna – actress
  • Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina – actress
  • Tatyana Yurievna Lazareva – actress and TV presenter

Video: the meaning of the name Tatyana

Career, business and money

Tatyana is a real businesswoman. She should choose a profession where she can win the attention of people around her. Since Tatyana is a power-hungry person and has a feeling self-esteem, she is unlikely to be able to join the team at a garment factory or any plant. She needs to borrow leadership position, which is also expressed in family relationships Tatiana. She is a true entrepreneur who, if desired, will create her own company, where she will manage a staff of employees.

By career ladder Tatyana walks purposefully. If she gets a job somewhere large corporation, then it is quite possible that she will be able to achieve certain heights. This person is a real careerist, but this does not mean that going over heads is her strong point. He removes enemies quickly and mercilessly. Tatyana handles money carefully and knows how to save in order to realize her intended goal. He mainly spends it on jewelry, expensive clothes, accessories, household and interior items.

Marriage and family

Tatyana seems to be made for a family. She loves her children very much, constantly worries about them, supports them in difficult situations. In family relationships, she is a real leader; she tries to subjugate a man, but she does not always succeed. As a person, she is not prone to divorce because she values ​​stability, material well-being and so-called sustainability.

Gradually she gets used to her husband, finds common interests, mutual understanding and harmony with him. Tatyana is an excellent housewife, in her house there is always full order, and in the refrigerator there are plenty delicious dishes. She is strict in marriage, but she loves her family very much and values ​​it. She’s touchy, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of every little thing, you can get along with her.

Sex and love

For this representative of the fairer sex it is very important that sexual relations with my partner were perfect. In the presence of a stranger young man, which she likes, she perks up and uses all her charm to conquer a new peak. Without any problems, Tatyana can woo a man if there is a certain logic and common sense in this.

Sex is very important to her, but only with the partner she loves. To win her heart, you should go on a tourist trip with Tatyana. In bed, she likes to dominate, can be aggressive, and gets excited quickly. She has a very sensitive body, but she thinks only about herself, so she often sees her partner only as an object of her own pleasure.


In infancy, this is a very restless child who often cries and has difficulty falling asleep, but eats mother's milk without any problems. Premature Tatyana is gaining her weight well and quickly. In early childhood, Tanya is prone to infectious diseases, minor injuries and fractures. She must be protected from hypothermia, as she has weak bronchi and lungs.

Diseases of the tonsils and larynx are possible. IN mature age Tatyana suffers from hormonal disorders and inflammation of the ovaries. Because of her waywardness, she is not always happy in life. family life, therefore prone to depression, nervous breakdown or alcoholism. If Tatyana does not monitor her nervous system, then mental disorders will await her.

Interests and hobbies

Tatyana’s main hobby is tourist trips and traveling – it’s as if she’s trying to conquer the whole world. He is indifferent to drawing and sculpture, but loves music. But Tatyana keeps her home in perfect order, prefers to rearrange the furniture in the house, loves to cook, and has a special approach to holidays.

She is a supporter of an active lifestyle, devotes herself to sports, has an excellent figure, and in rare cases is overweight. She categorically does not like boredom and monotony - you should not invite her to go fishing. Tanya’s characteristic energy will help the girl achieve success in any field. She is persistent, able to insist on her own and pull down presumptuous subordinates. As a rule, he works as an orthopedist, personnel officer or researcher. Can achieve success in creative professions.

MEANING, ORIGIN. The name Tatiana (old Tatiana) comes from the Latin<Татиус>- named after the Sabine king. The Sabines were an Italic tribe, some of whom lived on the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatyana is of ancient Greek origin, from the word<татто>- establish, determine.
The name means organizer, founder, ruler, installer, installed, appointed.
The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very brilliant and outstanding. It presupposes in its bearer a large and courageous personality. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness are combined in this sound.
The name is emotional and firm. There is a certain determination and self-confidence in him - as if the sound of (TA-) soft, but (-THYA-) distinct (-NA) steps is heard.
In the 18th century Three percent of peasant women were Tatyans and only one percent were noblewomen. In 1961-1970 12-14% of girls received this name (in 1981 in Moscow - 5%, in rural areas - 8%).

Tatiana of Rome, virgin, deaconess, martyr, January 25 (12).
Born into a noble Roman family. Her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter devoted to God and... churches. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not get married, but gave all her strength to the church. She was installed as a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need through fasting and prayer. Under Emperor Severus, Tatiana was captured. She was brought to the temple of Apollo to offer sacrifice to the idol.
She prayed - and suddenly an earthquake occurred. The idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and pagans. The demon that lived in the idol ran screaming - everyone saw a shadow flying through the air. After cruel torture, the executioners gouged out Tatyana’s eyes, but she endured and prayed for her tormentors.
The Lord heeded her prayer - and a Voice from heaven addressed to the martyr was heard. Then the eight executioners believed in Christ and fell at Tatiana’s feet, asking to forgive their sins. They were executed, and the saint was again given over to torture. They stripped her naked, beat her, and then began to cut her body with blades. But instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance filled the air. She came to court the next morning completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before.
The amazed tormentors led Tatiana to the temple of the goddess Diana so that she would make a sacrifice to this goddess. But Tatyana crossed herself and began to pray. And suddenly there was a deafening clap of thunder - and lightning incinerated the idol and the priests. The martyr was again subjected to cruel torture. And again the angels of God appeared to her in prison and healed her wounds.
The next day, Tatiana was brought to the circus and a hungry lion was released on her. But the lion did not touch the saint and began to meekly lick her feet. Tatiana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr. When all the torture was exhausted, she was executed.

ZODIAC NAME. Capricorn.


NAME COLOR. Crimson, blue, intense red, a combination of gray-lilac with pink-red, brown, red. Warm shades of yellow are most favorable.


VIBRATION. 100,000 fps.

TALISMAN STONE. Ruby, heliodor, tiger's eye.

PLANT. Elm, clover, blueberry.

ANIMAL. Gopher, lynx.

MAIN FEATURES. Activity, sexuality, will, intuition.

TYPE. It’s enough to look into Tatyana’s eyes to understand what the look of our foremother Eva was like: there is passion in them sun rays. Very sassy - a real tomboy. It stalks the victim like its totem animal, the lynx. Growing up, he gives the impression of a person who has some kind of secret knowledge reading the book of life.

NAME AND CHARACTER. Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, and is sometimes despotic. He is a very emotional, artistic person with great charm. Egocentric, not sentimental. Very subjective. The potential of the individual is colossal, but due to the properties of his character, he is not always used. She prefers to make friends with men, next to whom she usually becomes softer and more feminine. Most often, Tatyana is quite sociable and sociable, although she does not really take into account even her loved ones. Loyalty in it is combined with self-esteem. Soft romanticism and sensitivity to the order of life, striving for a harmonious arrangement, took on a bright and emphasized form in Tatyana. She knows exactly what she needs in life and cannot stand any objections. In company he behaves relaxed. He knows how to get his way. In male society she transforms - she becomes lively, charming, flirtatious. Tatyana is not a primitive person and accepts life as it “is”, without any illusions. Tatyana Nikolaevna is especially stubborn. Tatyana Vladimirovna is a calmer and more gifted person. Tatyana Borisovna is a caring mother, her marriage is prosperous, and Tatyana Mikhailovna is the calmest of all Tatyanas.

FATE. Tatiana is a woman emitting light... Tanya - emotional child, practical and principled, knows how to stand up for herself. But her principles largely depend on her mood. Strives for leadership among peers. It is difficult to tolerate monotony, so he attends sports clubs, a choreography club, and handicraft courses. There are many boyish traits in her character. It is difficult for parents to keep track of this active girl, although she cannot be called naughty. These are simply costs of a living nature. Sometimes a difficult fate awaits Tatyana.

PSYCHE. Introverted, uninfluenced, has an incredible memory. Sometimes her activity develops into excessive impulsiveness and impetuosity, which can complicate her life. Self-confidence gives her optimism. It is most favorable when Tatyana’s mobility is combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, is greatly facilitated by the general energy of the name. This allows her to avoid a good half of conflicts and misunderstandings. Her actions, as a rule, are harsh, but Tatyana does not worry about the impression they make - the result is important. Strong will, determination combined with high receptivity, even gullibility, do not always contribute to good relationships with friends or family. But Tatyana rarely regrets anything and is not inclined to correct the consequences. Does not accept deceit and evil.

INTUITION. Tatyana is guided by clairvoyance. He anticipates, guesses, envelops you with his charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly. Considers herself insightful.

INTELLIGENCE. Tatyana has a sharp mind. Her sociability and activity are significantly above average. Intelligence is quite high, but is always aimed at solving practical problems. Tatyana is too analytical. Her lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to his good looks and charm, he can win over not only his loved ones.

HEALTH. Tatyana has fragile bones and very<впечатлительный>stomach. You need to follow a diet and have dinner early. Accidents on motor vehicles are possible. You need to watch your eyes.

SEXUALITY. Sex for Tatyana is all or nothing. Everything - when he loves. Nothing - when he doesn't love you. Right way win her heart - go on tours with her and let her know that this is your passion too. Tatyana loves to dominate in sex. In bed she can be aggressive, easily excited, and takes initiative. In the caresses of a man, he expects humility, some submissive admiration. Sometimes it can hurt your partner. She has a very sensitive body, especially her chest and lower back. During intimacy, Tatyana strives to please only herself. Therefore, he often sees in a partner only a tool to satisfy his passion. She is close to Sergei, Igor, Artem, Vladimir, Nikolai, Eduard and Ivan. Tatyana Dmitrievna is the sexiest.

MARRIAGE. Tatyana has a somewhat exaggerated sense of ownership, which she sometimes perceives as love. She tries to subjugate her family to her will. Therefore, there is an eternal war of characters in the family. She is usually a good housewife, although she is rarely satisfied with this role alone. She should live more in the interests of her loved ones, and not create scandals without any particular reason. Children are wary of her; for them she is a strict mother. Tatyana has few friends; pragmatism prevails in relations with others. Values ​​material wealth more than paradise in a hut.
Having arranged her life, Tatyana tries not to change it; she values ​​\u200b\u200bsteadiness and stability. If necessary, she becomes expansive, not very shy about her means. Tatyana captivates men with her caring nature, surrounds them with warmth and tenderness - she can be an excellent partner for those who are interested in her not only for sex. She loves to win over strong men: Anatoly, Valery, Ivan, Oleg and Sergey. A successful marriage with Vyacheslav, Gennady, Kirill, Stanislav or Philip is unlikely.

HOBBIES. Loves to travel. She perceives music and works of art very superficially, although sometimes something affects her deeply. He knows how to cook well and keeps his apartment in exemplary order. I like to rearrange furniture and update the decor in the apartment. Likes to meet new people.

FIELD OF WORK. Tatyana is often talented and artistic. Best use she finds her rich feelings and passions on stage. He knows how to talk and make people listen to himself. She is interested in medicine, especially paramedicine. Can become an experienced engineer.

BUSINESS. Tatyana lives by the principle:<Счастье человека - в его руках>. Her active nature and great pride crave success and public recognition. Her decisive character helps her make a career. A strict executor of her own, self-given aspiration. Meeting her is always encouraging. The business acumen is amazing. Capable of doing any job. The attention of her boss is especially stimulating for her.

CELEBRITIES. Tanka Rostokinskaya - a robber maiden, a brave owner of an entire region - was born and raised in Rostokin, a key point in Elizabethan times. high road, among rich estates and impenetrable forest. And this chieftain was so famous that her fame spilled out onto the pages of Lyubetsky’s popular adventurous novel in the past.<Танька, разбойница Ростокинская, или Царские терема>, published in 1834. Folk songs were composed about her, the famous robber. Tanka the Ataman walked for a long time around the outskirts of Moscow. It brought a lot of fear to the merchants. But the girl’s passion for green wine ruined her. Tanka, who brought fear to the forests, has disappeared<Лосинки>, in the dungeons of the secret order. They picked her up for drunkenness in a tavern. However, the memory of her lived among the people for a long time. Even the village of Taininskoye for a long time was called Taninsky. And the newly built water pipelines were known as robber caves and lairs.
Bek, Bulanova, Dmitrieva (gypsy Tanya), Dogileva, Doronina, Drubich, Dyachenko, Zhitkova, Kuzminskaya, Lavrova, Lazareva, Lioznova, Markova, Meshcherkina, Morozova, Ovsienko, Ostryagina, Peltzer, Samoilova, Snezhina, Skorokhodova, Shmyga.


The name Tatiana comes from a Roman family name, which appeared after the Sabine king attacked the Roman Empire. The so-called “Sabine War” was ended by the conclusion of the “eternal peace”, and in Rome itself it was then that the family name Tatianus appeared. Women from the same family were given the prefix Tatiana to their names.

The female name Tatyana today is no longer as popular as it was in Soviet years, but still occurs, and quite often. But this is not surprising, because the bearers of this name are always bright personalities, and the name itself has very strong energy.

Conversational options: Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusya

Modern English analogues: Tatiana, Tatiana

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Tatyana is such that it has a strong impact on the character of the bearer. Moreover, Tanya’s character can change throughout her life. In childhood, he is an active leader, active, unable to sit still, and later, in adolescence, stubbornness, imperiousness and despotism are added to her features. And the adult Tanya becomes calmer, more reasonable, but narcissistic and emotional. In general, most of these women are unpredictable and very unusual.

It is not easy for the stronger sex with the Tanyushas - despotism and authority deprive men of freedom, and jealousy and love of freedom completely confuse their understanding of its essence. And in general, it’s always very difficult to communicate with Tanya. Whether you are her friend, brother or sister, boyfriend or husband, it doesn't matter, sooner or later you are bound to stumble over her enormous ego and unpredictable nature.

Advantages and positive features: sociability, eloquence, determination and assertiveness, persistence and arrogance. Tanya is always a respected person in society, whose opinion is respected and valued. Tatyana is also very sociable and easily makes friends even in places where it is simply impossible to do so.

Tanya has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those prone to deception and self-interest, traitors and overly annoying people. And Tatyana may also avoid communicating with people from lower social strata. She will never allow herself to communicate with a person who is not worthy of her...

An interesting fact is that despite the well-known version of the origin of the name Tatyana, experts have not been able to figure out exactly what the root that underlies it means.

Character of the name Tatyana

The character of the name Tatyana is a separate, but no less complex parameter; it is on this that the entire theory of significance is based. By the way, there is practically nothing new to say here, except perhaps everything that has already been said earlier - the character is complex, promises many conflicting characteristics, endows him with an exorbitant ego and narcissism. In other words, the character of this little name affects the entire essence of the girl named Tatyana, and all this in turn affects almost all other factors, including relationships with men, chances for career and much more…

Although, in many ways the character may be different. There is an incredibly high chance that the character of the girl named Tatiana will be formed on the basis of a whole bunch of factors, among which is the season of birth.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl with the name Tatyana has a lot of troubles, and this is solely due to the meaning of the name itself, which promises many conflicting characteristics, and traits that turn the girl named so into a conflict-ridden, unrestrained, tough and sometimes too persistent little girl.

Tanya is promised such traits as emotionality, assertiveness, persistence, importunity, talkativeness, straightforwardness, pride and selfishness. The main problem lies in the latter - she is selfish, and will remain so until the end of her days, she does everything only in the name of her own good, rarely thinks about others, tries not to notice other people's troubles and ignores other people's grievances, even if they are related directly to herself .

But she is courageous, which allows her to achieve much of what she wants - she will not hesitate to ask a person about the incomprehensible, she will not be afraid to express her opinion, and with the correct development of this quality in the future she will be able to achieve a lot. She is also emotional and sentimental, which adds softness to her - just what is clearly missing.

She always has excellent relationships with her parents, throughout her life - Tatyana values ​​her loved ones and will never offend a loved one.


Tatyana, a teenager who is patronized by the meaning and energy of this name, is an introvert, emotional, hot-tempered, harsh, tough, but fair and straightforward, honest and principled girl. It is quite difficult to get along with someone like that in one company; conflicts arise with her literally at every step, but despite this, she is a welcome guest in any company. And all thanks to her sense of justice and readiness to come to the aid of any comrade, even if not a close one - however, you need to ask her for help, moreover, specifically, so that Tatyana feels really needed, otherwise she will not help.

And the energy of the name Tanya is capable of imparting such a trait as moderation in views. She will never go against the crowd in her opinion, but she will not support it either, she always tries to stay away from the general opinion - even at school, because of this, she will have conflicts with classmates, and many will even consider her a traitor.

Adult woman

Adult Tatyana is already a completely different person - the meaning will give her such qualities as stubbornness, perseverance, aggressiveness, hot temper, arrogance, perseverance, selfishness, straightforwardness. However, astrological symbolism - the patronizing element, zodiac sign, etc. - will have an equally strong impact. At its core, the essence of a girl named Tatyana is such that it makes an already matured woman too conflicting.

She conflicts with many, and this is a fact, but most of all with men, in whom she sees mostly only bad things. But she has responsibility, diligence, and commitment - she brings any task to the “final whistle”, does not give up, does not give up, and achieves the goal in ninety percent of cases. And also independent and self-confident, too much, so much so that sometimes it simply surprises, but this is not so much to blame for the meaning of the name as for Tatyana herself, such is her inner essence.

Interaction of Tatyana’s character with the seasons

Winter - meaning winter months brings more callousness and rigidity to the character of the bearer of the name Tatyana. She is responsible, honest, strong, tough, demanding, decisive and reasonable. She carefully considers her steps, is incapable of admitting her own mistakes - she considers herself the smartest. She is uncompromising, principled, has intuition and an analytical mind.

Spring - this blooming period gives a newborn girl tenderness, caring, understanding, the ability to communicate and have fun, a good disposition and an optimistic attitude. She is fun to be around, sociable and eloquent, but also cunning. Artistic and thoughtful, a little selfish, looking for benefits in her behavior. She will make an excellent lawyer or lawyer - she knows how to lie, but gracefully, beautifully, without offending anyone.

Summer - in the hot summer, good-natured, flexible, generous, but overly emotional ladies are born. Such people have been creatively developed since childhood, have a vivid imagination and imagination, and love to have fun. Frivolity and inability to complete things will not allow you to climb the career ladder. The person patronized in the summer will not defend her own opinion - her mood and behavior depend on her environment. Has exposure to people - easily accepts other people's opinions.

Autumn is the best time for Tanyusha's birth (with the exception of the end of November). Reasonableness, the ability to listen, communicate and analyze, integrity and straightforwardness (in moderation), devotion and practicality, reliability and responsibility, kindness and wisdom - these traits are combined in autumn babies. With age they improve - harmony of the soul with the surrounding world is achieved.

The fate of the name Tatyana

The fate of the name Tatyana in marriage, love, relationships with guys and men is an equally important parameter, and it’s hard to disagree with this. Well, it’s worth saying right away that such a parameter as the fate of the name Tatyana promises a difficult personal life for the bearer of this name. As mentioned earlier, Tanya is the kind of selfish person you can look for, persistent, stubborn, narcissistic, jealous and overly self-sufficient, and it just so happens that it is very, very difficult for a modern normal man to get along with all this.

Already in adolescence, she may begin to have problems in her personal life - guys, potential gentlemen, of which she has many, will quickly diverge from her, such is her fate. All this can only lead to the fact that the demands that Tatyana puts on men will only intensify, which will lead to even worse consequences.

But there is one good point- fate suggests happiness with a compliant and flexible man, and this is already worth something. In other words, Tatyana’s fate is such that it implies happiness only with a representative of the stronger sex, who is a “rag” by nature. In such a union, Tanya will be happy, but as for her other half, she will do everything possible for her happiness. However, such a fate, like all of the above, is only a theory, nothing more...

Love and marriage

For the most part, Tatyanas are very sensitive and sensual women who adore flattery, affection, gentleness, care and tenderness. But nevertheless, even a very gentle and attentive man will have a very difficult time in a relationship with her. She is demanding and will probably require proof of love before she agrees to the proposal and gets married.

Caring for such a lady is not so easy. She will simultaneously find something good and something bad in everything. Even take flowers - she will show that she is pleased, but at the same time she will definitely criticize the bouquet for appearance, For example. Naturally, not every man can withstand this. That is why women named Tanya do not get married in early age. Usually it comes to marriage only in early adulthood.

But, having become a wife, Tatyana can change. Yes, her ardor will not go away, and she will certainly be the leader in the family, but at the same time she will also be an excellent housewife. She will always have delicious food prepared, her husband will always be dressed in washed clothes, and there is no room for disorder at all in the house. True, the husband will have to repay for this with material wealth and devotion - otherwise none of the above will happen.

Tatiana as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother a woman who received the name Tatyana at birth will become. But one thing is for sure - she will not turn out to be a bad mother. The only problem is that the majority of Tanyas are very freedom-loving and independent, and they will never give up their freedom. If her personal space suffers, no one will be happy - the husband needs to take this fact into account and share all responsibilities with her.

The appearance of children will probably be planned in Tatyana’s case. Even if she doesn’t tell her husband about it, it will still be that way. They will appear only when she is prepared for this by everyone possible ways. She must be sure that she is ready materially, morally and physically. It cannot be otherwise.

He will most likely agree to take on the responsibility of raising children and their development entirely, but will quickly become deflated, exhausted, and require help from his spouse. And God forbid her husband refuses her - the consequences will be unimaginable, it may even lead to divorce. True, she definitely will not abandon her children, and will be devoted to them until the very end. She will always support them, advise them on what to do, and will always be there.

Compatible with male names

The name Tatyana has the best compatibility in terms of feelings and love with such male names as Gleb, Varlaam, Dmitry, Makar, Egor, Trofim. With guys named this way, Tanya will feel at ease, confident, and generally good.

In marriage, good luck and happiness await Tanya with Askold, Vladlen, Valentin, Khariton, Daniil, Vasily, Gerasim, Artem and Illarion.

But with such male names as Arthur, Veniamin, George, Luke, and Plato, Tatyana has no compatibility at all.
