Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov are working together. Love stories

A long period of getting used to each other is behind us. However, the madness of love is also left behind. But there is respect, a certain amount of reverence, common holidays, dreams, goals. And yet they diverge. Why? This question has been raised more than once regarding the most beautiful couple Soviet Union. Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova.

She is the first woman with whom he legitimized his relationship before God and people. He is her passion, her pain. Let their marriage not last 20 years (the stars were married for 15 years). But fans and friends still wonder: why did Abdulov and Alferova divorce?


Alferova was born and raised in a family of lawyers. The girl inherited her beauty and luxurious hair from her mother, who in her youth dreamed of being an artist. But it didn’t work out.

Irina and her mother were very close. The mother supported her daughter in everything. She even accompanied Irina to Moscow to enter GITIS.

The girl’s creative path began at the Novosibirsk amateur theater. After graduating from school, Irina could not imagine her later life no stage. A small theater studio was not enough: more serious training was needed. Alferova understood this. She set off to conquer Moscow.

Irina entered GITIS on the first try. In her first year, the girl married the son of a Bulgarian diplomat. She gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia. Lived in Bulgaria calm and measured family life. She acted in films and played on the theater stage. What went wrong is unknown.

Evil tongues claim that Alferova vegetated in poverty. Most likely, the relationship has simply run its course. And the young artist managed to fall in love with Moscow. The couple separated, Irina left, and daughter Ksenia remained in Novosibirsk for a while.

At first, Alferova huddled in corners, took on roles in the crowd, did not live, but vegetated. Joy knew no bounds when Mark Zakharov invited her to the Lenkom troupe...


Abdulov was born in Tobolsk into a huge creative family. Father is the director of the Fergana Drama Theater (Abdulov Jr. spent his childhood in Fergana). Parents really wanted Sasha to play. He got his first role at the age of five.

But the boy was not passionate about the theater. He lived his own boyish life. He went in for sports, was fond of music... My father insisted on enrolling in the Shchepkinskoye Theater. But Sasha didn’t do it. Abdulov went to Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Physical Education. I studied for a year. And in the spring I entered GITIS.

Already from his second year, Alexander performed on stage. After the graduation performance young actor noted Mark Zakharov. And he didn’t just notice, but invited him to play the main role in the drama “Not on the List.” Now Abdulov worked at Lenkom...

They met...

Both are beautiful and talented. On the one hand, they simply could not be together. On the other hand, such a beautiful couple is initially doomed to divorce (there are too many envious people and “well-wishers” around).

Irina starred in the film “Walking Through Torment.” The role in the film promised fame to the young artist. Alexander played on the Lenkom stage. They met. A rake and a womanizer, Abdulov could not help but notice the beautiful Irina. If an actor likes someone, he will do everything to win the favor of the object of passion. All his women are talking about this today.

Abdulov knew how to look after. He knew how to turn everyday life into a holiday. The rapprochement of young beautiful artists was rapid.

Lenkom went on tour to Yerevan. Alexander and Irina walked in the dark evenings and dined together. Abdulov proposed to Alferova. The girl decided to joke: “If you carry me in your arms across the park, I’ll give you the answer.” Abdulov finally suffered. Alferova said: “Yes.”

In 1976, the actors got married. The wedding was very noisy and crowded: Irina and Sasha went to the registry office together, got married together in the church, and then celebrated this celebration in the hostel.

Abdulov quickly found mutual language with daughter Alferova Ksenia. They made the children's show “Alarm Clock” together. Can you imagine how many fans this program had? Not only children, but also adults watched it. Still would! Then there was something to talk about for a whole week! How did Alexander look at Irina? How did she answer him? What did you say? This was the first star couple, who showed her relationship to the whole country.

Outwardly everything was very good. Then why did the actors get divorced? Although others were more surprised why they had been together for so long?

It is difficult to call a couple a single whole. Irina craved more attention from her husband and his support. Alexander couldn't give it to her. Abdulov is a holiday man who contains many characters. It was very difficult for him to sit still. It is even more difficult to change... Over time, the difference in characters began to be felt more strongly.

Added fuel to the fire love adventures Alexandra, calls from his fans from frank confessions, revelations in the yellow press. Abdulov acted endlessly, went on tour, and shone on the theater stage. And Irina could only wait. And wait forever.

Naturally, this state of affairs could not pass without leaving a trace. The last point for the couple was the role of Alferova in the video of Alexander Serov. It is unlikely that Abdulov believed the evil gossip: Irina was always faithful to the artist. But the timing of the events coincided. Clip – serious conversation- divorce.

Irina and Alexander did not throw mud at each other, did not share anything and did not make trouble. They managed to maintain a warm relationship after the divorce. Each one began a different, new life.

They are called the gods of the seventies. Talented, beautiful, in love - who should be happy if not them? For seventeen years they tried to get used to each other, but only after parting did they realize how strong their feelings were.

The year was 1976. Irina Alferova accidentally got to a rehearsal at the Theater. Lenin Komsomol. The first person she noticed was an actor who was emotionally reading part of a monologue on stage. Tall, handsome. It was Alexander Abdulov.

Theatrical novel
Alexander also drew attention to the unusually beautiful girl, like an angel. Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov, director of Lenkom, was known for not loving beautiful actresses, but Alferova was accepted into the theater immediately. Irina did not immediately respond to the advances of Alexander, who was two years younger than her. She had a bad streak in her life: she spent a whole year looking for work, painfully broke up with common-law husband, Bulgarian businessman Boyko Norov, was left alone in a strange Moscow with her little daughter Ksyusha in her arms. It was a shame to return to my parents in Novosibirsk. She didn’t even think about a new novel - to survive, to make ends meet. Abdulov looked after him beautifully. He himself has two fatal novels behind him. As a student at GITIS, he fell deeply in love with a nurse from a local maternity hospital, who was much older than him. He lost his head in love and ran to her from class, risking being expelled for absenteeism. And when he found her with someone else, he returned to the dorm and opened his veins... Fortunately, his roommate returned in time and called an ambulance. Then Abdulov fell in love with a foreigner and after problems with the KGB, he decided that his heart would be closed to feelings. And he kept his word until he met Irina.

Together with the theater, Abdulov and Alferova went on tour to Yerevan. After the performance, they sat together, admiring the sunset. And then Alexander unexpectedly blurted out: “Will you marry me?” Irina coquettishly said: “And you carry me in your arms through the park, then I will answer!” Like a feather, Abdulov picked her up in his arms and ran along the alleys of the park. Rare passers-by looked at the incredibly beautiful couple with surprise, turning into admiration. Irina had no choice but to accept the offer. Immediately after the tour, they submitted an application and signed. They were called the most beautiful couple"Lenkom".

Irina’s theatrical career did not work out: she was assigned roles in the crowd. But after the role of Dasha in the film “Walking in Torment” and Constance in “The Three Musketeers”, real fame came to her. By the way, director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich wanted. Give the role of d'Artagnan's lover to another actress, Evgenia Simonova. The management of Goskino insisted on Alferova, and Irina had to endure the director’s endless nagging during filming. By the way, Alexander Abdulov also starred in “The Three Musketeers.” He auditioned for the role of d'Artagnan, but ended up playing in the episode the wounded cardinal's guardsman lying on the ground after a skirmish near the Deschaaux monastery.

His film career developed gradually, but in the theater he immediately became a star. Abdulov was the ideal man: stately, with a sensual face, romantic, with incredible charisma. Fans bombarded him with love letters and stood guard at the exit of the theater. People fell in love with him to the point of self-denial, but he... could not resist women.

Native people
At first, the young family lived in a small dorm room. Abdulov immediately accepted Irina’s daughter as his own. He quickly found a common language with her, although he had no experience in communicating with children. Soon everyone forgot that Ksyusha Alferova was not own daughter Abdulova. She looked like her mother, but features of Alexander Abdulov were often found in her. Today, Ksenia Alferova answers journalists’ questions unequivocally: “My father is Alexander Abdulov.” And this despite the fact that she for a long time bore the surname Gyurova and continues to support a good relationship with his biological father.

Along with recognition in the cinema to the young acting family a small amount of prosperity came. They were finally able to get a separate apartment, albeit a one-room one. Alexander showed himself in a completely unexpected way: he felt like the master of the house, was happy to do repairs, and even built a children’s corner for Ksyusha.

Irina, being naturally softer and kinder, has always been a calming pill for Alexander. She helped him get through a very difficult time for him: one year Sasha’s father Gabriel Danilovich Abdulov died, and two months later Alexander’s brother Vladimir was killed. Very impressionable, emotionally perceiving everything, Alexander was ready to break if not for Irina... She was his wife, nanny, and friend.

1979 The melodrama “Don’t part with your loved ones” was released on screens with Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova in the leading roles. Their couple was recognized as the most beautiful in the country. Their photographs together were printed on postcards, calendars, and magazines. They were called "the gods of the seventies." It was mass euphoria. Every girl, girl or woman wanted to be like Alferova and marry Abdulov. Men wore turtlenecks just like his and grew bobs. But fame also had a downside. One evening Alexander was returning home. He was opening the door to his apartment when he heard bated breathing behind him. Intuitively, he jumped to the side, which saved his life: an ax stuck into the door of his apartment. As it turned out later, it was a distraught fan of Alferova who decided to eliminate the “rival”. Excellent help for Alexander sports training. He performed many of his stunts in theater and cinema himself. At one of the film festivals he even received a prize as the best stuntman. In life, Abdulov also looked for drive: he drove a car, jumped with a parachute. And when the adrenaline still wasn’t enough, he became interested in alcohol and roulette. And where there is entertainment, there beautiful women. Abdulov was seen with one or another beauty in an embrace. Irina tried for a long time to open her eyes to her husband. Her friends told nasty things about him, but Ira refused to believe it, saying: “Sasha is good.” And then I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore.

In the early 1990s, their family was at the center of several scandals. A book by a certain journalist was published in which the shark of the pen confessed about her cupids with the stars. Several pages also talked about Abdulov. After such bed revelations, Irina Alferova could no longer deceive herself. Abdulov was a caring husband and an excellent father, but at the same time he could not do without betrayal. Irina is tired. She wanted simple family happiness. Having been married to Alexander for 17 years, she realized that he would never belong only to her. But she didn’t want to share Abdulov with all the women in the country. Of course, she continued to love him, and after breaking up they kept friendly relations. Alexander left gracefully: he left his wife and daughter an apartment, and he settled in the dressing room of his native Lenkom.

Farewell, beloved!
1993 Alexander Abdulov had a hard time with the breakup and went on a spree. And Irina finally got what she dreamed of: quiet family happiness. She married her stage partner Sergei Martynov and adopted his two children. Alferova received the honorary title “Honored Artist of Russia,” but her theatrical career suffered a final collapse: Irina was involved in performances less and less. And she decided to leave the stage. Extended a helping hand ex-husband: Abdulov knocked out small, but well-paid film roles for Irina. And she supported him every time he had another breakdown. “Don’t you understand, he’s big child! - she answered her husband’s jealous barbs. “Then let's adopt him!” - Sergei Martynov once snapped.

Abdulov’s personal life did not go well for a long time: his affair with ballerina Galina Lobanova gave way to a relationship with journalist Larisa Steinman. And at the beginning of 2006, Abdulov published his second great love, Yulia Meshin, who was 22 years younger than him. The yellow tabloids savored every detail of their romance, but Abdulov was not embarrassed. And even though his health was failing him more and more, he felt truly happy.
In 2007, when Alexander turned fifty, fate presented him with a royal gift: the birth of his daughter Zhenya. Without having time to spend time with the baby, Abdulov left for the filming of the film “With Love from Nowhere, or Merry Funeral.” According to the script, his hero dies of cancer.

On the set, Abdulov became ill and was urgently taken to the hospital. The stomach surgery was successful, but a terrible diagnosis was discovered: stage four lung cancer. No chance. No time.

Alexander found the courage not only not to panic, but also to reassure his loved ones. He acted as if he only had a runny nose. When Irina found out about his illness, she could not find a place for herself. I wanted to help, to save, but she was powerless...

He left on January 3, 2008. 9 days later, Irina came to his grave with a huge bouquet of white roses. She didn’t cry, sat silently for a long time, then put down the flowers and quietly said: “Farewell, beloved!”

Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova were called “the most beautiful couple of Soviet cinema.” He is prominent and handsome, she is feminine and charming. Why waste time, as they say?

A post shared by USSR/USSR (@cccp_soviet_union) on Sep 28, 2017 at 12:05am PDT

Ira and Sasha met in 1976 at the Lenkom Theater. The actor immediately liked Irina, he followed her for a long time, admired her, nodded to his friends: they say, look at her! He proposed marriage to her spontaneously. She and Alferova were just on tour in Yerevan.
“Will you take me as your husband?
“If you carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will answer!”

And he carried it through. Abdulov was generally a very easy-going and cheerful person, often giving surprises to his friends, so no one was surprised by this turn of events. After the wedding, the newlyweds were given an apartment away from the theater, but character inconsistencies and problematic issues were immediately discovered. According to the recollections of friends, Alexander Gavrilovich was a holiday person, but Irina Ivanovna gravitated toward a closed life and did not like parties and noisy guests.

Everyone says that Alexander Abdulov allegedly cheated on Alferova, but by nature he was such that he did not play around when he truly loved. And with Irina everything was exactly like that. Perhaps some sympathies arose on the set, but no romances, no infidelity. Crowds of envious and jealous fans, who kept giving “revelations” about their relationship with Sasha, also added fuel to the fire. Then the couple’s friends recalled that their relationship in the film “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones” was in some way based on themselves. In 1993, the final break occurred. As Alferova said, her husband simply got up and left, closing the door. And she remained, as if abandoned on the edge of an abyss...

A post shared by russ.ahmetov (@russ.ahmetov) on Oct 9, 2017 at 12:18pm PDT

Abdulov’s friend, director Vladimir Fatyanov, recalled that it was scary to look at the actor after breaking up with his wife:

“Sasha didn’t want to live then, he wandered around the city at night and looked for death - he deliberately walked through a red light so that he would be hit by a car, or turned into a dark alley so that someone would attack him there.”

A post shared by Ksenia Alferova (@ksenialferova) on May 29, 2016 at 2:50am PDT

The wound stung and bled for a long time. There were relationships, there were some novels, but only his last wife, Yulia, was able to mend his broken heart. Obviously, he only loved two women in his entire life: Ira and Yulia.

When many years later, director Vladimir Krasnopolsky approached Abdulov with an offer to play in the film “Trap” and carefully hinted that Irina Alferova would become his partner, the actor did not hesitate for a second and was even delighted. Irina reacted in exactly the same way, with some kind of apparent hope: “Does he agree?” And when they played bed scene, at some point it seemed to the entire film crew that if they evaporated now, ex-spouses would not stop in their passion.

She still flirted with him, laughed at his jokes, and he always said that Irina and daughter Ksyusha were his closest people and part of his family. Why this couple was not destined to be together - God knows, but the way they communicated, argued, rejoiced at each other, suggested even to people who did not know them that real love exists…

“It was some kind of holiday person,” says Natalya Koshcheeva. “The filming started early, at seven or eight in the morning, and we were extremely sleepy. The only hope was for Abdulov. He always entered the set very loudly: he opened the door wide, greeted everyone vigorously... I remember shouting to cameraman Timur Zelma, his bosom friend: “Where is my favorite photographer? Well, photographer, when will we start taking pictures of me?” And if Timur asked to do a double, he teased him: “Get this photographer off the site! There are so many young talents around, and this one would have to take all the duplicates!” He joked a lot and kept glancing at Irina. And she laughed carefreely, infectiously at his jokes! It was so touching to watch how Irina Ivanovna flirted with him, and he fell for her flirtation! She will pass in front of him, playfully shake her hair, look with a smile... But he can’t even take his eyes off. A woman to the core: before going on stage, she asked everyone: “What do I look like?” And it comes out, and Abdulov tells her: “Irka, and you’re like that today - wow! Come on, come on, turn around!” - “Oh, Sash, come on, come on!” And with her eyes she shines at him...

“Alexander Gavrilovich’s joy over Zhenechka’s birth was off the charts. After all, this was his first child! While filming, he took a break every half hour and called home.” Yulia Abdulova with her daughter ZhenyaPhoto: Elena Sukhova

“The complex character of Sasha, about whom legends were made at Mosfilm, is more a myth than the truth. He was a holiday man"Photo: RIA Novosti

Watching Alexander Gavrilovich and Irina Ivanovna, I kept repeating in my mind a phrase from famous film: « High relationship! I remember we filmed an episode where Volobuev and his wife dropped his medal into the pool and then dived for it. Everything that happened in the water was actually filmed not in the pool, but in the Black Sea, in Gelendzhik. But since it was November, it was no longer hot in the sea. On the day of filming, as luck would have it, an icy wind blew. It was cold for us even to watch Alexander Gavrilovich and Irina Ivanovna take off their jackets. I remember he looked at her fervently and said: “Irka, don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” She smiled at him - and they both jumped into the icy water with cheerful despair. And when they got out, Abdulov, himself all wet and chilled from head to toe, shouted to the whole beach: “Warm Ira!” They brought down jackets and towels, and he started throwing it all on Alferova. Finally they were brought some cognac. They drank a glass and stood huddled close to each other, warming each other with their warmth...

It was clear that the two of them were comfortable and comfortable together. They liked to do everything together: drink tea, communicate, argue. Especially, perhaps, to argue. If you didn’t know that they were ex-spouses, you would think that these people have been living in a cramped communal apartment for many, many years and love to pick fights with each other on any occasion: “Ira, we need to play like this here!” - “But I don’t want to do that and I won’t!” - “Well, that’s better!” - “No, I myself know what’s best!” And we understood that at such moments it was better not to disturb them. They took pleasure in proving something to each other. AND the last word always, of course, remained with Alexander Gavrilovich. He ended any argument with the words: “Ira, that’s why you and I separated 13 years ago!” But there was a feeling that after the divorce they seemed to have put not an end to their relationship, but an ellipsis...”

Alexander Abdulov is a talented actor with an attractive appearance, who lived short life, but bright and eventful. The legend of theatrical Moscow, Alexander Gavrilovich was adored by women, so his personal life was always discussed throughout the country. For seventeen years he lived with Irina Alferova. Although before and after marriage, many novels were attributed to Abdulov. But only six months before his death he experienced a wonderful feeling of fatherhood. Yulia Abdulova, last wife actor, became the only woman who gave birth to his daughter Evgenia. The actor himself considers her his second daughter, the first he calls Ksenia Alferova (daughter of Irina Alferova), whom he accepted as his own.

To be remembered

Alexander was born in 1953 in the Tyumen region. Parents of the future people's artist had a direct connection to the theater. His father worked as a director, and his mother was a make-up artist at a local drama theater. When Sasha was three years old, the family moved to Fergana. It was there that he first earned his first fee, playing the role of a five-year-old village boy. He was paid 3 rubles for his work.

Abdulov did not like to study. He was attracted to the football field and fencing. By the way, physical training, acquired in his youth, then helped the actor play roles in films without the involvement of stuntmen. The young man's father dreamed that his son's profession would be related to the theater. Therefore, Alexander went to the school named after Shchepkin to enroll. However, in the second examination round, the jury made the following conclusion: “Inconsistency between appearance and inner character.” The guy was forced to return home. But a year later Abdulov entered GITIS and after successful completion final exams, Mark Zakharov immediately invited him to the Lenkom troupe.

Don't be separated from your loved ones...

Alexander Abdulov was not indifferent to women, just as they were to him. The first feeling hit the guy in student years. He fell in love with the maternity hospital nurse Tatyana. But he was not faithful in relationships. An improvident step on Sasha’s part, marked by his betrayal, turned out tragically for him. The girl, having learned about the act of her chosen one, reciprocated: she cheated on Sasha with his friend. As a result, Abdulov opened his veins. Then everything worked out, the actor even managed to avoid closure in psychiatric hospital. By the way, Alexander performed such ambitious actions during his student years. This concerned not only his personal life, but also his studies. They tried to expel him from the institute more than once - the guy’s discipline always suffered.

If Yulia Meshina, who became Abdulov’s second wife, was little known to the Russian audience, then everyone knew the actor’s first wife. in 1976 she joined the Lenkom troupe, where Alexander Gavrilovich played. This meeting marked a seventeen-year marriage. They were called the most beautiful couple in the Soviet Union. And what a disappointment the fans were when they broke up. According to Abdulov’s wife, Irina, Alexander was a romantic hero for all women, and the calm one did not correspond to his inner worldview.


After breaking up with Alferova, a ballerina appeared in the actor’s life. There is an opinion that she insisted on official registration relationship, but Abdulov was against it. Moreover, he dissolved his marriage with Alferova only when he met his last love, which became Yulia Abdulova. But before this moment, Alexander managed to live with Larisa Steinman for two years. She worked as a journalist and they met when Larisa came to interview the People's Artist. It is surprising that they developed a relationship, since Abdulov did not like representatives of the media.

One more a bright event in the actor’s biography, before Abdulov’s wife, Irina Alferova, there was a meeting with dancer Tatyana Leibel. She fell in love with him when he was not yet famous, and Tatyana was already bathed in love from the public. The beautiful relationship ended when Leibel realized that Alexander had passionately fallen in love with another woman. She became the young actress I. Alferova. Before last Tatyana maintained friendly relations with Sasha even after emigrating to Canada. Every time she flew to Moscow, she always called him and met.

Meeting of a lifetime

In 2005, an avid fisherman and hunter Alexander Gavrilovich went with friends to Kamchatka. On the same flight, the spectacular brunette Yulia flew from Domodedovo on a business trip. While traveling together, the couple meets with the help of mutual friends. Arriving on the peninsula, Abdulov and Yulia find themselves in the same company in the coming days.

“When we were sitting at the same table, I looked at Sasha and the thought flashed through my mind that he would become my husband and we would have a son. And then, delving deeper into this vision, I realized that this could not be,” recalls Yulia.

Alexander's friends immediately noticed changes in his behavior. He began to resemble a teenager in love. Later, when Yulia was asked in an interview: “What signs of attention did Abdulov show her?”, she recalled the incident. Meeting her on the stairs, he took her hand and began kissing her from wrist to elbow. A wonderful feeling inspired their hearts, but they returned to Moscow separately.


Arriving from Far East, Julia finally decided to divorce her former husband. They were notorious in high circles Alexey Ignatenko is a wealthy, intelligent young man. By the New Year, she completed the divorce proceedings and returned to her native Odessa.

Meanwhile, Abdulov realizes that he wants to meet with an attractive brunette, whose thoughts have not left the artist since the moment they met. He instructs his director Elena Chuprakova to contact the girl and invite her to St. Petersburg. For what future wife Abdulova, Yulia, refuses. Like, if you want a meeting, then come to me yourself. Women's man Alexander Gavrilovich flew to Odessa this coming weekend. And here's the old one New Year the couple celebrated together, after which they never parted until the illness of the national artist stood in the way of their happiness.

Yulia Abdulova: biography

There is little information about Yulia’s childhood; she never talked about herself or her parents in interviews. Even the date of birth of Yulia Abdulova (Meshina) is shrouded in mystery. The girl was born in Nikolaev in 1974 or 1975; the media sometimes call the month of birth July, less often November. She qualified as a lawyer in Ukhta, where she moved with her mother when she divorced her father. Uncle girls, Vitaly, is an influential person in Nikolaev, he led an alumina refinery for a long time. Yulia's father, Nikolai, helped his brother manage the plant.

In 1998, information appeared in the press about the initiation of a criminal case against Vitaly Meshin under several articles. But due to a lack of evidence and the deteriorating health of the suspect, he was released. Either in order to avoid such punishment, or for some other reasons, Nikolai Meshin at that moment divorced Yulia’s mother and left Nikolaev.

Wedding and the opinions of others about their marriage

In 2006, the couple got married. Yulia Abdulova became the second and last wife of the People's Artist. Only close friends were invited to the wedding. We celebrated the occasion at our favorite Central restaurant. No veils and wedding dress did not have. Family celebration passed without a single paparazzi photograph. When the couple first appeared in society, the age difference became a reason for gossip. The pretty brunette began to be accused of commercialism. Yulia Nikolaevna Abdulova herself never sought to get into the artistic circle.

Moreover, at the time they met, the girl financial condition was much more stable than Alexander's. When the woman moved to Moscow after Ukhta, she worked for a Russian-Israeli entrepreneur and knew a producer. In addition, she was married to the son of the director of ITAR-TASS. That is, an apartment, a car and other benefits were available to her. The relationship between Julia and Alexander was tempered from the very beginning. In addition to unpleasant rumors from the public, the girl was not supported by her parents. They were not happy with their relationship, the age difference and acting profession chosen one.


Alexander Gavrilovich did not have his own children until he was 54 years old. He raised Ksenia Alferova - stepdaughter from his first marriage, but never considered her to be someone else’s child. He always introduced Ksenia to everyone as his own girl.

After Abdulov’s death, the girl and her husband E. Beroev made the film “The Inventor,” dedicated to the memory of Ksenia’s beloved father. The actor’s closest friends starred in this family film, and the main role was played by Ksenia Alexandrovna. She thanked fate and God for the fact that Alexander Abdulov was her dad. Ksenia Alferova even now feels his support in all her creative projects and in my personal life.

The title of the film “The Inventor” was given for a reason. Friends and relatives remembered Alexander Gavrilovich as a man with a huge imagination. All his stories were based on some fictitious events, and he narrated them with such confidence that those around him inevitably began to believe in it. Therefore, in Ksenia’s heart he was remembered as an inventor, storyteller and wizard.

The documentary begins with Ksenia's attempt to tell Duna and Evgenia about her grandfather and father. Interestingly, the babies were born within the same year, one month apart. In 2007, fate gave Alexander Gavrilovich both a granddaughter and a daughter. Last wife Abdulova - Yulia - the only woman, who gave birth to the actor’s child.

Alexander seemed to feel that he would not live to see his baby’s first birthday, so he insisted on Evgenia’s early christening. He wanted to have time to protect his girl. On family video from christening appearance The actor was already unwell, and Alexander’s mother, recalling that day, said that she felt her son’s imminent death.

The fight for a happy life

“He always hid his illnesses; the only thing Gavrilovich could complain about was a cold. Condensed milk was his medicine. One day, when he got sick, I went to the base that supplied food to the canteens and bought 4.5 liters of condensed milk. Sasha ate it within a day and the next morning he already felt like a healthy person,” he said about him good friend

In the fateful year of 2007, Yulia Abdulova discovered an empty box of pills in her husband’s possession. This time he didn’t tell anyone about his well-being. This happened in Balaklava, on the set of the film “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid”. When she asked why he took such a dose of painkillers, it turned out that Alexander had stomach problems. Once in the Simferopol hospital, he heard the doctors’ diagnosis - an ulcer. Surgery was required. The disease was so advanced that Yulia thought: he would not survive. Fortunately, the operation was successful, but the doctors were not pleased with the people’s artist’s condition. By that time he had started coughing with chest pain. He was advised to get examined.

This time ordinary miracle did not happen, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Julia, talking in an interview about this terrible period in their life, said: “I didn’t sleep, but listened to Sasha’s breathing all the time. I was so hurt for him that I mentally asked higher power transfer his illness to me. If it was possible to take the illness and subsequent death upon myself, then I would do so.”

They fought to the last, turning for help not only to traditional medicine, but also to the Kyrgyz shaman. By the way, a healer in Kyrgyzstan promised Alexander that he would cure him. Indeed, after the shamanic sessions, Abdulov even went hunting with his friends. This was his last foray into nature, then a sharp deterioration in his health began and the actor was constantly in a hospital bed. The New Year 2008 celebration took place in family circle Abdulov's house. Alexander Gavrilovich felt unwell again. He went up to the nursery, took his Zhenya in his arms, kissed him, took a photo with his daughter and asked his wife to call " ambulance". Three days later he died. Julia was with him until his last breath.

Yulia Abdulova now

Julia faced difficult rehabilitation after the death of her husband. She did not study for some time, cried and found solace in alcohol. Until her mother said that it was time to come to her senses and continue living. Four years later, giving her confession to the entire Russian audience, the woman, even after time had passed, could not hold back her tears. It was true love.

Now Yulia Nikolaevna is raising her daughter on her own and is interested in astrology. She even studied predictive practice from P.P. Globa. Evgenia is very similar to her father, she is a leader. The girl is energetic and is learning choreography.

Fate gave Alexander Gavrilovich nine months to play the main role in his life - the father of his own child. He left, leaving in the memory of the Russian audience more than 150 roles, and in the hearts of loved ones - the pain of loss and warm memories of his beloved inventor and dreamer!
