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In September 2016, representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign should not set themselves difficult tasks and high goals - strengthen your rear, put things in order, thoughts and feelings.

Work, career, business

September 2016 will bring a number of problems in financial matters for the Scorpio zodiac sign. Entrepreneurs and bosses will have a difficult situation with one of their partners or with persons occupying a high position in society. There may be financial claims, which will be very difficult to fulfill. The most conflicting issues may be raised in the first and second decades of September 2016, and then the situation will stabilize somewhat. Either you will have the required amount, or some acceptable compromise will be found. Many representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign will experience difficult situations with friends about general financial matters or some old debts. Relations with colleagues from other cities or countries are stable, it is possible to travel and discuss some issues that are important for both parties. Don't be upset if things go slowly this month, with delays and problems. Mercury is going backwards until September 22, and this is not best time for new cases and final decisions. This period is good for reviewing projects, relationships with individuals, and making adjustments to already approved plans.


The financial situation in September 2016 for the Scorpio zodiac sign is unstable, and the point is not that there will be no money, but that the expenses of this month will be excessive, much more than you initially expected. Those not connected with the business world can waste large sums for the needs of children, a loved one.

Love, family

The situation in personal life is turbulent for the zodiac sign Scorpio in September 2016. Lovers will especially suffer, in whose relationship there will be another and very noticeable cooling. Mutual claims, reproaches and material demands are possible. Remember that when love and money are closely related, it always ends in failure. And if your passion becomes demanding and unyielding, then you need to remind her of the old truth - “In love, the more you demand, the less you get.” Parents may have problems with their children, which will lead to large expenses. Perhaps these are not problems at all, it’s just that training and educating the younger generation can cost a lot of money.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Scorpios warns: everything is not as you think. Your view of the world, alas, is illusory.

They will tell you all month that everything is, in fact, terrible. But representatives of this zodiac sign will believe that everything will be fine. And very soon. The humor of the situation is that everything that happens will correspond precisely to the point of view of Scorpio himself. The stars strongly advise Scorpios to return their rose-colored glasses to Cancers as quickly as possible, because: firstly, they don’t suit you, and secondly, it’s not good for the cause.

Overall, September 2016 was a very successful month. Scorpio can make it even better. If only he wants to.

On September 12-18, Scorpios will easily spend large sums of money on something important. If representatives of this zodiac sign have been thinking about purchasing any real estate for a long time, then there will simply be no better time for this than September 12-18 for Scorpio. At least for a while.

Horoscope for Scorpio men for September 2016

The Scorpio man sees right through you. If you discuss everything honestly with him, your union can only be envied. Take care of the Scorpio man on September 7-9. These are days of danger, conflict and trauma. From September 7 to 17, he will take serious steps in his career.

Horoscope for Scorpio women for September 2016

Scorpio Women in September 2016 will do everything side by side with their partner. From September 9th, work will take up almost all of his time, but don’t worry: you’ll still have some work to do together. And with interest.

Finance horoscope for Scorpios for September 2016

“Be attentive with your colleagues,” says the financial horoscope for Scorpios for September 2016. You are greatly disturbing someone. Try to figure it out and neutralize the villain.

In September, Scorpios can expect a salary increase, a change in status in the team (they will promote you!) and, possibly, a business trip abroad.

September 2016 is not the best time for financial fraud so beloved by Scorpios. Don’t lend money: the money will come in handy at home. Or they will go to the needs of family and home. For example, for education.

Career horoscope for Scorpios for September 2016

The New Moon of September (1st) will push Scorpio to think about what’s next, what he needs from life, how much money he wants, and when.

In this regard, Scorpio's career aspirations fade into the background (especially September 1-28).

Mercury in retrograde (precisely these days) can lead members of the Scorpio team into a state of confusion. It's not clear where we're going. It's unclear why. It's unclear what will happen next.

On September 12-13, a crisis may even occur, and employees will begin to actively discuss where exactly the door with the sign “Exit” is located.

The unclear situation with career and work will end on September 28-29. All issues can be successfully resolved and agreed upon. At least with management, at least with employees, at least with colleagues. Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Scorpio: September 1-3, 28-30.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for September 2016

We can safely say that according to love horoscope for 2016, absolutely all zodiac signs will consider that Scorpio is the most ideal partner. Venus will spend part of September in the House of Secrets. This means that if you are going to have secret affairs, do it on September 11, 14 and 23.

On September 12, 16, 18, a major quarrel with a partner is possible. But from September 24, Scorpios will play first fiddle in their relationships.

Favorable days for love relationship in September 2016 for Scorpio: September 1-3, 25, 28 - 30.

Health horoscope for Scorpios for September 2016

According to the horoscope for September 2016, Scorpio would do well to take care of his own health. It is highly advisable (and even mandatory!) to do this on September 12, 13, 16 and 18.

Treat yourself with love and avoid intense stress (either emotional or physical). Never forget about fitness classes.

The horoscope for September 2016 gives Scorpios important advice– try to slightly slow down the pace of your life. Yes, you have a lot to bring to fruition, and you still keep many projects in the future. However, you should understand that your body’s resources are not endless, especially since the eternal race for leadership in each of life spheres may lead you not to a long-awaited victory, but to a hospital bed!

In September, Scorpios will have to quickly restore order in the area of ​​their personal affections. It will be very difficult for you to understand what exactly you want to get from the people you allowed to become part of your close circle. You will begin to worry that you do not have enough time and energy to spend the right amount of time with each of them. And at this very moment you will have such a decision - you will gather your many friends together and throw a grand party for them. A little later, looking at the photo with a smile, you will note that the event was a 100% success. Moreover, right now, while you are having fun with your friends, a very attractive object of the opposite sex will appear next to you. There's a good chance that after just a couple of weeks, you and this person will announce that you've decided to start serious relationship. For everyone who is married, September will seem like a severe test of strength. Fate will send you very attractive people every now and then, but you will be able to overcome the temptation of passion. You will remain faithful to your marriage partner, and this moment will give you the right to be proud of yourself.

September will not bring drastic changes in business sphere life of Scorpios. If you are an employee of some company, at the beginning of autumn you will continue to diligently fulfill your official duty, secretly dreaming of being in the manager’s chair. If you are creative, we can only be happy for you! Autumn is the best time to create new masterpieces, and you will prove it again. Scorpios involved in the field of free enterprise will be able to eliminate a major competitor in early autumn. This struggle will greatly tire you out, and therefore, as soon as the “enemy” is defeated, you will put him at the helm of your company reliable people, and you yourself will go to enjoy idle idleness.

The beginning of autumn 2016 will not make Scorpios worry about their well-being. Your energy potential will be quite high, which will once again make you completely forget about rest and relaxation. However, by overloading yourself without the possibility of full recovery, you risk again remembering what chronic fatigue syndrome is.

In September 2016 you can get ready to travel. Hiking and tenting, a student type of recreation, will give you a taste of carefreeness and freedom. Those who are not ready to say goodbye to the comforts of civilization can go to a friend’s dacha or rent a house at a camp site. Collective events, sport games, choral singing will help you open up and relax. Communication with like-minded people will bring new ideas.

  • Favorable days for Scorpios: September 6, 9, 18, 21, 26, 28.
  • Difficult days: September 7, 14, 20.

Horoscope for September 2016 Scorpio woman

Love horoscope

From 1 to 10 September. It will be difficult to resist temptations and participation in adventurous activities. From September 4 to 8, alcohol abuse and extravagant entertainment with unknown people can have Negative consequences. IN partnerships Incidents and ambiguous situations are likely. All this is due to the influence of the planet of secrets and illusions Neptune. These days there may be a tendency towards self-deception, subjectivity in assessing people and facts, and absent-mindedness. From September 6, your determination and charm will help you find useful connections.

From 11 to 20 September. You will feel genuine sympathy for those who need support. The period from September 15 to 17 is favorable for meetings and introducing your boyfriend to friends. During this period, it will be easier for shy ladies to overcome their inhibitions. From 18 to 20 September no better days for dates. But if a meeting is inevitable, then you will have the tools for this: feminine insight and passionate initiative.

From September 21 to 30. You know what it takes to make the right impression. In addition, you will want to please those around you. You can become a “vest” who can be trusted with spiritual secrets. On September 24 and from September 28 to 30, excessive extravagance and emotional hypersensitivity can change you beyond recognition. Your loved one will be amazed.

Family horoscope

Joint activities will be important for parents in September. They are ready to take part in your renovation projects and help care for your pets. Possible relocation. It will be easy for the spouse to solve household issues, communicate with children, organize family holiday. After September 9, work will take up more of his time. The boys are going to have their period. increased attention to your appearance. The school year will begin with an interest in creativity.

Health horoscope

This month it is especially important to take care of your body, carry out planned treatment, and consult a doctor. In September, old illnesses may make themselves known. Pay more attention to your joints and spine. do preventive health-improving exercises, walk for an hour briskly in the park or on the streets. Also, the area of ​​attention may be the shins and vascular system. Self-massage of problem areas will help.

Horoscope of work and money

From September 8th, you can direct your energy, enterprise and creativity towards achieving success at work and getting a promotion in position and salary. Can be arranged own business associated with beauty and art. The main thing is to have a clear plan for implementing your plans and courage to overcome obstacles. From September 18 to 21, due to misunderstandings with colleagues, you may find yourself in trouble with your superiors. From September 26 to 30, misinformation is possible in order to discredit you.

Horoscope for September 2016 for Scorpio men

Love. His idea of ​​happiness may change, and, accordingly, the scale of priorities will change. Spiritual kinship and mutual understanding are important for your man. He is able to predict your desires. Discussing plans for a joint future suggests that your relationship is developing in the right direction.

Tone. Recovery peace of mind Your sweetheart will need to spend more time in solitude, be in nature, listen to music. From September 7 to 9, you should take care, as these are days of increased trauma and conflict.

Finance. His impartiality will help in achieving financial heights. On September 4-6 and 10, you should not listen to outside advice and ideas. Collective projects and cooperation with organizations will be more successful and profitable. After September 15, problems with foreign partners are possible.

Job. After September 8, he will show himself as a wise leader. From September 7 to 17 is the period when he will be able to show his character and ingenuity, overcoming difficulties and obstacles in his career. It is necessary to avoid conflicts and criticism of management. We can start new career, reorganize the business.

Friends. He may be invited to a meeting former employees. Your chosen one will want to spend more time communicating with like-minded people in order to feel a spiritual kinship.

Leisure. It is equally important for him to be in a team and to have time for solitude. Parties, trips to traditional national holidays, gatherings around the fire with a guitar will warm his soul.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for September 2016:

In September 2016, many people born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio will find themselves in the place of an inexperienced programmer who came to the customer on the 31st and, trying to eliminate computer virus, completely demolished all programs and databases. As a result, the company cannot release the goods to the buyer, the warehouse cannot take inventory of its balances, and the chief accountant is trying to strangle the unlucky genius of virology with his own hands, because the tax authorities will now have to draw reports on a calculator and from paper copies of documents. The unfortunate man himself is crying in the server room, having tightly locked the iron door, and is afraid to show his nose outside. If you don’t want to mourn your relationships and connections at the beginning of autumn, thoughtlessly destroyed by a careless word or an ugly deed, then do not take any action until you consider possible consequences from all sides. Remember that human interests tend to intersect, collide and conflict, so if you are called to eliminate a virus that has entered the system, then this must be done with minimal damage to others. In September, many people will decide to part with their significant other in order to find more worthy life partners. The horoscope advises Scorpios not to act rashly and to think a hundred times before lifting the anchor and sailing away from the cozy harbor. You may be annoyed by your partner’s habit of singing in the bathroom or talking on the phone with a friend for hours, but where is the guarantee that a person without these shortcomings will not have even greater ones? Even if this picky zodiac sign meets his ideal at the beginning of autumn, what are the chances of winning his heart? It may well happen that Scorpio, with his temper, jealousy and adherence to principles, will receive a turn away from the object of his desire, thus being left with nothing.

In September 2016, the horoscope advises the children of Water, instead of paving new love paths, to patch up the old ones. The most luxurious car cannot race at high speed if there are deep potholes and ruts under the wheels. This month, stop hoping that all the holes and cracks will disappear on their own, and finally start repairing the roadway. Scorpio needs to find out what is preventing his car from rushing at the speed of the wind and fix the detected problem. Maybe your partner feels depressed or unwanted and therefore attracts attention with nightly scandals? Or does the lack of warmth and care make him look around in search of a lover? Do not wait until a small scratch becomes inflamed and begins to tear, but immediately wipe it with a high-quality antiseptic and bandage it tightly. Remember that positive changes do not come, but require deep internal work.

A short-term lull awaits Scorpios in their work. Things will go calmly and leisurely, nevertheless revealing tempting prospects for this zodiac sign. The horoscope warns that in the coming period we need to act prudently and carefully so as not to scare away the bird of luck that has perched on our tree. September is absolutely not suitable for sharp turns and fateful changes, so it is better for Scorpios to postpone riots, uprisings and coups until more favorable times. Representatives of this zodiac sign are recommended to sit in a familiar place, do familiar work and receive their due salary. To be fair, it is worth noting that a rare person this month will want to change their habitat, because right now our previous efforts and labor deeds will begin to be rewarded. At the beginning of autumn, lucrative contracts and cash bonuses will rain down on you, so even if the work seems boring and monotonous to you, it makes sense to be patient and skim off the well-deserved cream.

In the coming period, the horoscope advises Scorpios not to take on additional responsibilities. Now you are not in the shape to spray energy left and right, because its reserves are strictly limited. Don't be surprised that at the end of the working day you feel as tired as if you just ran a marathon with a printer on your shoulders - many employees of your zodiac sign will face a similar problem. In September 2016, come to work at 9, leave at 6, and under no circumstances invent unnecessary chores and problems for yourself!

Attention, the Scorpio horoscope for the month of September 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.
