Moonstone for Pisces woman according to the horoscope. Which stone is suitable for Virgo men?

Women born under the sign of Pisces are often a mystery not only to others, but also to themselves. The horoscope states that they are very sociable, friendly and cheerful people that others like. Pisces are able to sympathize with others, but they are not able to understand themselves. They just "go with the flow."

The Pisces woman is charming, and no man can resist her charm. She wants a man to protect her and show care. She will happily snuggle up to him broad shoulder, and the man will understand how dear he is to her. He will express all his problems to her, and the Pisces woman will listen to him and take pity on him. When choosing jewelry, the question arises - which stone is suitable for Pisces women?

Which gemstones are suitable for a Pisces woman?

According to the horoscope, this zodiac sign represents the water element. The palette of stones that are suitable for this sign can be of a wide variety of shades - green, blue, white and transparent.

Ideal stones for the zodiac sign Pisces talismans are:

Characteristics of Pisces gemstones

Aquamarine makes the shortcomings of this sign less noticeable and helps a woman overcome her inhibitions. She becomes bold and at the same time charming, showing all her charisma. Aquamarine warns her against unnecessary waste of energy aimed at helping other people, those who do not deserve it. As a decoration, this stone is worn in the form of beads, only in this case its owner will always be in a good mood.

Nephritis wonderfully helps a woman cope with her insecurities. In addition, this talisman becomes a companion for people who want to dramatically change their lives. It gives strength and support when making the most important decisions. If the mineral darkens, then it is very bad sign. This change in color indicates that some kind of danger is approaching or it symbolizes the sin that lies on the woman’s soul. If you wear a jade pendant in the shape of a butterfly, you can be sure that your family life will be happy, and complete harmony awaits you in your relationship with your loved one.

Chrysolite Helps a lot in solving various problems, developing logic. In addition, any trip will bring profit and help save money. For women who like to waste money, this stone will help them spend it more rationally.

Rhinestone helps a woman get rid of unnecessary worries and helps her get out of a state of uncertainty. To evoke sympathy and love from others, women should carry a small piece of the mineral in their pocket on the left side. If there is enough room in the house big piece mineral, then there will always be abundance in it. A Pisces woman can use this stone to get rid of many ailments. It is an ideal mineral to use for medicinal purposes.

Opal Gives a woman energy and vitality. Mostly Pisces women are dreamy and trusting. It is difficult for them to be on guard all the time and promptly recognize the threat that may come from others. An opal amulet helps protect oneself from negativity, preventing negative energy from affecting the owner of this stone. If a woman begins to feel that her strength, both physical and moral, is leaving her, then she should immediately purchase an opal amulet. It will help strengthen your fortitude and mental abilities.

Emerald is a very effective and effective amulet. This stone has a calming effect and is used by many during meditation. In addition, it protects against illegal actions and rash actions. There is an opinion that emerald has a very strong influence on a woman, correcting the mistakes of the past and making thoughts clearer. If a woman is overly sentimental and trusting, the talisman helps to gain fortitude and the ability to listen to oneself. Green color stone has a calming effect on nervous system and relieves eye strain.

Astrologers warn that amethyst is perfect For women born under the sign of Pisces, however, it needs to be removed periodically. This stone has a healing effect, relieving a person of his anxieties, various fears, nightmares and bad thoughts. It is advisable to give this mineral to women who are starting to new career, because it is able to give its owner a powerful charge of vivacity and confidence. Amethyst is great for young people, helping them set their life priorities correctly.

Alexandrite has the powerful property of strengthening a person’s emotional system. It is recommended to wear it by women who have a strong and powerful character, only in this case the stone is able to show all its strength. It has a beneficial effect on circulatory system, treats sore joints, cleanses the blood and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, alexandrite cures digestive diseases.

Diamond shows a person with his the best side. A woman who wears diamond jewelry is less likely to show negative feelings and learn to improve relationships with people around her. It is considered the stone of diplomats and managers, giving confidence in communicating with people, making its owner successful in her endeavors. This mineral is capable of forming very strong connection between lovers, ensuring harmony and fidelity in the relationship. Diamond is considered a symbol of prosperous motherhood.

Characteristics of base stones Pisces

Among not precious stones, which are ideal for women born under the zodiac sign Pisces, are the following:

  • Moonstone;
  • corals;
  • jet.

Moonstone helps you meet your soulmate. This crystal pacifies all negative feelings, endowing a woman with charm and sophistication. For women in love, the stone helps maintain fidelity, harmony and agreement. You should know that moonstone senses betrayal very subtly, dimming or changing its color.

The horoscope calls the disadvantage of Pisces such character traits as suspiciousness and indecisiveness in the most critical situations. To cope with internal contradictions, you need to wear coral jewelry. It will help give you confidence in your abilities and encourage you to accept the right decision. A coral necklace should be worn by young girls who are starting to take their first steps in business.

Wonderful a talisman against the evil eye considered to be jet. It protects against external irritants, stress and provocations. It is also believed that if you wear an amulet with such a stone, the immune system becomes stronger, as a result of which no infectious or seasonal diseases are scary. Since this stone has very powerful energy, it should have a small shape when used in decoration.

Stones that Pisces should not wear

The horoscope states that life for Pisces is the most difficult among all the zodiac signs. They move through life by touch, so active and influential stones are contraindicated for them. Pisces need constant rest, calm and tranquility. They often lack luck.

This zodiac sign should also not wear jewelry with bright and red stones, because they can make Pisces aggressive, and this is alien to them.

Each talisman stone for Pisces has its own specific properties, which, one way or another, can have an impact on their life. With their help, people born under this sign can get rid of the bad qualities of their character and replenish their supply of vitality. To do this, you just need to choose the right stone and try to make friends with it.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Men and women born at the end of February-March are distinguished by strong intuition, reaching psychic abilities. Regardless of the extent to which this trait is developed, amulets will help you maintain energy, not waste time on trifles, and avoid loneliness.

Pisces are endowed with great patience - they steadfastly endure the vicissitudes of fate. Sometimes they just go with the flow of life. A stream of failures can take them to the deserted shore of loneliness, which is contraindicated for representatives of this zodiac sign. To become successful person If you always get your way, you need to have a stone for good luck.

Selecting stones by date of birth

This is the easiest way to choose a talisman. You can choose jewelry for another person if you know their date of birth. At the moment of the birth of a new creature, the planets converge in a special way, predicting his fate. This is what astrologers start from when they recommend choosing this or that stone for a specific person. Works the same for women and men.

All stones that suit this zodiac sign carry strength and energy. These are bright, memorable jewelry that not only looks interesting, but also brings good luck. If you choose a stone for yourself, see how it lies in your hand, whether it is pleasant to hold and wear. You must have a mental connection with your amulet, otherwise it will not work.

Jade is strictly prohibited for Pisces. This stone enhances the tendency to work hard, sometimes turning a person into a fanatic of his work. It contributes to the loneliness of Pisces, depresses their best traits, and does not contribute to perseverance of character.

You should not wear hematite. It absorbs more energy than it can give out, therefore increasing fatigue, causing apathy and can lead to health problems.


The zodiac sign Pisces is characterized by daydreaming, isolation from life and submissive resignation to the vicissitudes of fate. Talismans should help align your character, relieve loneliness and give vitality.

Astrologers do not recommend choosing large stones. 7 grams is the maximum allowable weight for a single piece of jewelry. Don’t forget that a person should like the gem, attract the attention of others and fit organically into the style.

Talismans are of great importance to many people. This is quite justified, because stones have great power, which acts to improve the life of its owner.

You can choose from several options, the main thing is that it suits her and matches her life goals.

Choosing a stone for a woman according to her zodiac sign is Pisces.

Pisces are most often very vulnerable and sensitive individuals; they take everything to heart and are not very picky about people. It is very easy to offend such a person, so the amulet will be incredibly useful. A correctly chosen stone will allow you to avoid those who have selfish motives, are unkind or envious. The stone can also attract life the right person, with whom a Pisces woman will find real family happiness.

Which Should she choose to be pursued by good luck and avoid all misfortunes? You can consider options that are great for people of this zodiac sign, help them achieve success and fulfill their cherished desires:

Labrador allows its owner to gain confidence in himself and his abilities. This stone According to the zodiac sign, Pisces helps a woman find her direction in terms of profession and achieve success in it. Labrador is a good talisman against envious people and ill-wishers, which is very important for fish.

is the strongest amulet of peace and harmony in family life. He attracts fish into a woman’s destiny the right man who will become reliable support and a faithful life partner. Pearls help to reveal to a woman all her inner beauty and the richness of the spiritual world.

Sapphire is an incredibly strong talisman against all failures; it allows you to bypass obstacles on the way to your goal. This stone protects you from unkind people and allows you to meet the right people. Thanks to pleasant accidents, more and more happy moments appear in life.

Aquamarine has incredible power, allowing you to use it for the benefit of your health and mental state. According to the zodiac sign of Pisces, this stone brings happiness to a woman, adding vital energy for new achievements.

Amethyst- incredible strong amulet, which affects all areas of the life of its owner. It helps to find a life partner with whom a woman will be truly happy, find a favorite profession and achieve success in any of her endeavors.

Protects the bonds of marriage, helps to establish relationships with all the people around you and find true friends. Coral natural origin white or Pink colour will ensure happiness in your personal life and protect your family from envious people and slander. This stone is most suitable for those who find it difficult to meet people and are also not entirely confident in their abilities.

The choice of a talisman or amulet for fish is very important, since a person gains protection and a symbol of good luck in the form of one stone. The chosen talisman must remain close to its owner throughout his life, then his powers will always be aimed at creating happiness.

People with the zodiac sign Pisces are characterized by duality of character. Periods of optimism and creative inspiration are replaced by despondency and depression. Representatives of this sign strive to come to the rescue in any situation, but forget about themselves. Enhance positive features, to reduce the influence of undesirable manifestations of character, to protect from external influences, talisman stones are called upon.

Talisman stones for the zodiac sign Pisces

Selection rules

There are several factors that are taken into account when choosing a talisman. Having studied them, it will be easier to make a worthy purchase. The stone is called upon to help its owner in every possible way, so the issue requires careful consideration. For men and women, different tasks come first; this is also worth taking into account.

By date of birth

First of all, it is worth considering the date of birth. This will allow you to choose the most suitable stone amulet The entire period (from 21.02 to 20.03) is divided into three decades. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, born in the first 10 days, are incorrigible romantics and dreamers. They are somewhat disconnected from real life. Stones with strong energy can spur them on. For example: aventurine, blood-colored jasper, amethyst, tiger's eye or moonstone.

People who came into this world in the second decade are honest and open to communication. They value recognition and fame, but are not inclined by nature to persistently pursue their goals. Support will be provided by talismans made of pearls, coral, opal, heliotrope and hair.

Those born in the last decade of the sign are cheerful and sociable. Sometimes they can be moody and irritable. These people want to achieve the benefits of life and make every effort. Mascot stones will help make the task easier: diamond, tourmaline, aquamarine, blue corundum, alexandrite, peridot and emerald.

Talisman stone Chrysolite

Gender of a person

The talisman must be chosen taking into account the gender of the future owner. They say that stones recommended for women do not help men and vice versa. This principle originated in ancient China and is based on the doctrine of feminine and masculine. Astrologers recommend the following amulets for each gender:

  • Men's stones have a bright shine and shades inherent in fire and air. For example: peridot, spinel and opals of all shades of flame.
  • For women, minerals from the colors of the elements of earth and water are suitable. These are amethyst, emerald, moonstone, opal, jet, pearl and precious blue corundum.

The zodiac sign Pisces has a universal mineral - yellow sapphire. Its action contributes to the development and prosperity of business.

Properties of amulets

Every the talisman stone has its own properties. Decide on your priorities and choose the appropriate mineral.

Opal will give the owner energy for new achievements, increase the ability for creativity and self-development. It will help you achieve happiness in love affairs and find harmony in your family. He is also able to protect this zodiac sign from unkind, envious people.

Jet will make the owner wiser and more careful. Envious people and ill-wishers will not be able to interfere with achieving your goal.

It will calm you down, remove excessive nervousness, and provide you with a good mood. moonstone. It will even give you pleasant dreams. It is considered most suitable for women.

Moonstone is most suitable for women

Aquamarine will help weaken the qualities that cause discomfort to this sign. He will teach you to take care not only of others, but also of yourself. The amulet will give confidence, give a feeling self-esteem and courage.

A product made from jasper will return the sign’s representative to the real world and allow him to receive necessary knowledge and experience.

Peridot will add confidence in your attractiveness, which will help you find personal happiness. For women, these are the main qualities.

The zodiac sign Pisces is suspicious and has difficulty making decisions. Coral can help cope with shortcomings. He will give you the strength to collect your thoughts, turn on logical thinking and intuition. The mineral will also protect against the evil eye and damage, attract wealth and love.

Prohibited minerals

The zodiac sign Pisces has a subtle nervous organization. Some stones can break it. For example: obsidian, jasper, lapis lazuli, onyx, yellow topaz, sardonyx. Wearing jewelry with these minerals can lead to depression. Jade suppresses weak sign, which is Pisces. An amulet made from it will turn a person into a workaholic, make it difficult to communicate with people and ultimately lead to loneliness.

The stone will perform its functions only if it is chosen correctly. When buying an amulet, it is important to listen to your own feelings. This applies to both men and women. If, despite all the recommendations, a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt appears upon contact, then this is not a suitable choice. It will not show the expected properties and can cause harm to its owner.

Which stone is best for Pisces? Let's try to answer this question. Even in ancient times, people noticed that stones have powerful energy. And each zodiac sign has its own patrons and ill-wishers in the kingdom of minerals. A correctly selected stone will become both a reliable friend and magical amulet. What gems should Pisces wear?

The Pisces sign completes the circle of the Zodiac. Their period begins on February 20, and on March 20, Pisces leaves the stage. They are ruled by the planet Neptune, and their natural element is Water.

Representatives of this sign are sociable and friendly people with a good sense of humor. They are dreamy, romantic and sensitive, have a highly developed intuition, which often determines their actions. As a rule, Pisces are very selfless and devoted to their loved ones and friends.

Pisces is a very contradictory sign. It is not for nothing that he is represented by two fish swimming in different directions. One half strives for self-development and perfection, while the other suffers from base impulses and its own helplessness.

These talented and creatively gifted people often cannot find a specific direction for their development. It is difficult for them to find their life purpose and understand themselves. It is difficult for Pisces to constantly maintain good mood And positive attitude: periods of inspiration and optimism are replaced by melancholy and loss of strength.

The cause of these problems is a lack of self-energy. Properly selected minerals will help replenish the lack of vitality, overcome lethargy and apathy. Pisces are recommended to constantly wear jewelry with gems that correspond to their horoscope.

Which stone is suitable for Pisces by date of birth?

When choosing a stone for Pisces, you must take into account the date of birth.

  • February 20 – March 1. This is the time of romantics, dreamers and poets. They are patronized by Saturn, which makes them see the world through rose-colored glasses and takes them into the realm of dreams. Such individuals are recommended to wear talismans with aventurine, blue,.
  • March 2 – March 11. During this period, people are born who are protected by Jupiter. They are honest and open to others, but are too sensitive to criticism and demanding of themselves. Charms with pearls and opal will help them achieve recognition of their merits.
  • March 12 – March 20. These people are ruled by Mars. Thanks to this, they are sociable and optimistic, but at the same time they have a capricious and hot-tempered disposition. To balance these qualities, they are shown the following gems: alexandrite, chrysoprase, emerald.

Additionally to this list you can add blue, pale green beryl, and. Stones that have very strong energy and are bright red or dark in color are contraindicated for Pisces. They can cause depression and mental disorders.

Lucky stones for Pisces

Gems that will bring Pisces happiness and success include:

  • – helps to overcome the shortcomings that are characteristic of Pisces, will give them courage and determination, and make them more confident in their abilities. In addition, the stone protects against unnecessary waste of energy and will return dreaming Pisces to the realities of this world.
  • – will bring Pisces good luck and happiness, health and longevity. The stone is a talisman against the evil eye and envy, and develops intuition. A ring with this stone protects against robbers and scammers. Depending on the owner’s mood and well-being, the stone can change appearance, becomes brighter or dimmer. If the owner suffers death, the pearl fades and becomes cloudy.
  • Amethyst is one of the luckiest stones for Pisces. The gem evokes love for the person who gave it. Therefore, you need to beware of such gifts from strangers. It is also worn by widowed people who remain faithful to their departed spouse and do not want to enter into a relationship anymore. The stone symbolizes the faithful and devoted love. For Pisces, the stone will bring success in all endeavors, resolve conflicts and quarrels, heal depression and lift your spirits. Helps to find peace and harmony.

Which stone is suitable for a woman born under the sign of Pisces?

The Pisces woman is a mystery to others. She is charming and mystically attractive to men. Strive to find a strong and reliable life partner who you can rely on in any situation. Representatives of this sign are very sociable and friendly, but sometimes they lack strong-willed qualities. Often they prefer to simply “go with the flow”, not understanding what they really want.

The following minerals will help highlight the advantages and overcome the disadvantages inherent in this sign:

  • Aquamarine will make Pisces more courageous and decisive, and at the same time, protect it from unnecessary waste of energy. Will help representatives of this sign reveal their natural charm and charisma. It is best to choose beads as an amulet.
  • will help you feel more confident and will help you make difficult decisions. If the gem suddenly darkens, you may be in danger. Be careful and vigilant. If you want harmony and love to reign in your family, wear a jade pendant in the shape of a butterfly.
  • Chrysolite develops logical thinking and teaches you how to spend money rationally without wasting it in vain.
  • Rock crystal is an ideal mineral for Pisces to improve health and heal chronic ailments. It will also help you get rid of uncertainty and give you self-confidence. Always carry the mineral on your left side if you want to achieve recognition and love. So that you never have financial difficulties, store a large ingot of rock crystal in your home.
  • Opal will fill the Pisces woman with new strength and replenish vital energy. A talisman with this stone protects the owner from negativity from others and various dangers, strengthens spiritual strength and intellect.
  • Emerald has a calming effect, is used for meditation, purifies thoughts and protects against rash actions.
  • relieves anxiety, phobias, depression and nightmares. Gives vigor and energy, makes you more confident in your abilities. Remove amethyst jewelry periodically; you should not wear it all the time.

What stones are suitable for men born under the sign of Pisces

Often Pisces men have a rather complex and conflicting character, and their spiritual world quite limited. For this reason, it is difficult for them to communicate with people and find agreement with them.

The following minerals will help Pisces overcome these difficulties:

  • will promote spiritual development, strengthen intuitive abilities and awaken the desire to learn the world. In addition, the stone will teach empathy and mercy.
  • Amethyst will make Pisces more confident, fill them with vital energy and improve their health. Helps in self-knowledge and spiritual development.
  • strengthens the emotional sphere, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory and digestive system, heals joint diseases.
  • Pearls will give success in business sphere and improve material well-being.
  • Opal will help you find happiness in family life and protect you from envious people. It will fill you with vital energy and increase physical endurance.

Stones that are contraindicated for Pisces

According to the horoscope, of all the zodiac signs, Pisces have the most difficult fate. Often luck and luck pass them by. They need a lot of time to take a break from life's troubles and regain strength.

Pisces are prohibited from wearing items with the following minerals: diamond yellow color, rubies, serpentine.

To conclude the topic, watch a video about which stones are best suited for representatives of the Pisces sign:

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