Beneficial and negative effects of BCAA on the body. BCAA (BCA) - sports nutrition: reviews, photos

Speaking about BCAA amino acids (as well as about sports supplements with other amino acids), it is important to note that these amino acids are only the constituent “building blocks” of any protein product - starting from whey protein, ending with meat and even . Essentially, the body gets amino acids from most animal foods.

There are more than 200 different amino acids, but only two dozen of them are critical for metabolism. Although the human body synthesizes most of these important amino acids from each other, nine must be obtained from food. Sports nutrition with amino acids (including BCAA) contains these same nine essential amino acids in their pure form.

Amino acids: health benefits and harms

Daily requirement For a 70 kg man, the nine essential amino acids are 10-12 g (1) . Fortunately, these important amino acids are the most abundant in food and are replenished with 15-20 grams of any protein. At the same time, in fact, amino acids do not directly benefit health - it is more correct to talk about the dangers of their chronic deficiency. However, such a drawback is very, very rare.

The benefits of taking amino acids in the form of sports nutrition have an extremely controversial evidence base. Although it can improve strength performance in professional athletes or reduce hunger, it is completely wrong to consider BCAA amino acids as a supplement for weight loss or weight loss - this is especially true for girls.

Amino acidsBCAA - what is it?

BCAA amino acids ( English: Branched-Chain Amino Acids - branched-chain amino acids or BCAA) are a combination of the three most important essential amino acids for human metabolism. BCAA's include leucine, isoleucine and valine. The daily requirement for these BCAAs is 5-6 g (1) - that is, half the requirement for all essential amino acids.

Moreover, BCAA amino acids are contained in significant quantities in any protein product. For 25 g of protein contained in 100 g of beef or chicken, there are about 5 g of BCAA (2) - consumption of 100 g of meat per day completely covers the daily requirement for BCAA. Among other things, it consists of 20% BCAA amino acids.

The effect of BCAAs on muscle growth

On the one hand, BCAAs are three essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and must obtain from food. These amino acids stimulate the formation of new muscle tissue, accelerate muscle recovery and slow down the processes of destruction of existing ones, normalize fat metabolism processes, accelerate fat burning and normalize metabolism.

On the other hand, sports nutrition manufacturers “forget” to mention what to get daily norm BCAA amino acids from regular food not that difficult. It is also important that if an athlete trains for muscle growth and eats a high-protein diet, he will undoubtedly receive enough BCAA for normal metabolism.

How to take BCAA capsules?

Amino acids BCAA as a sports supplement it is recommended to take before and during strength training in a total dosage of 500 to 1500 mg - this will increase the duration of training and help slow down catabolic processes in the muscles. However, on non-training days, it is preferable to obtain BCAA amino acids from your regular diet.

While the form you take BCAA's (capsules or powder) doesn't matter, it's important to keep in mind that in their pure form they are insoluble in water—in other words, it's easier to take a capsule during a workout than to dilute a powder. At the same time, powdered sports supplements for use during training consist precisely of BCAA, flavorings and ingredients for easy mixing with water.

Amino acidsBCAA for weight loss

Speaking in simple language, BCAA amino acids seem to “deceive” the body into believing that there is high-calorie food in the stomach. This activates metabolic processes and starts burning calories - however, in the absence of real food, fat reserves are used. This is precisely the principle behind the influence of BCAA on getting rid of fat reserves.

However, BCAA amino acids are not a fat burner at all and can influence weight loss only in combination with and active. Their only advantage for weight loss is that taking BCAA capsules on an empty stomach helps reduce hunger - which is why, according to reviews, girls love them.

Benefits of BCAAs for beginners

Considering that high-quality sports protein consists of approximately 20% (3) BCAAs, the use of amino acids in the form of separate supplements is recommended only for professionals seeking to increase the duration of strength training to 90-120 minutes. Beginners do not need to take BCAA amino acids (as well as any other amino acids in liquid form).

At the same time, we note once again that most of the advantages attributed to BCAA (increasing strength performance, accelerating muscle recovery and growth, optimizing hormone production processes, and so on) are a description of the positive effect of any protein (including protein from food) containing these amino acids, and This is not at all a list of the benefits of pure BCAA.

Despite the fact that the three amino acids behind the abbreviation BCAA undoubtedly have benefits for the human body, their use in pure form (that is, in capsules or powder) will most likely benefit professional athletes. However, BCAA amino acids can actually reduce appetite, indirectly helping with weight loss.

Scientific sources:

Branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplements are popular in bodybuilding and fitness. Sports nutrition includes several types and a huge number of manufacturers. Athletes who need the growth of strong muscle tissue cannot do without it. BCAAs cannot be synthesized in the body, therefore they enter the body with food containing protein and are classified as essential amino acids.

What are BCAA amino acids?

Muscle tissue is made of protein, and protein is made of amino acids, which are strung like pearls in a necklace. For muscles to grow, new beads (amino acids) are needed. Protein biosynthesis is impossible without important components in the strings of the necklace - BCAA amino acids.

The composition of bcaa amino acids is leucine, isoleucine and valine. That's three powerful weapons, with the help of which the body quickly reacts under stress and strain. When training takes place and the muscles are loaded, it is these three amino acids that first come to the rescue and restore muscle fibers.

The bcaa amino acid complex is essential for human body. The chemical structure of each BCAAs resembles a branch, hence their name. They are known for their powerful effects, reducing the feeling of fatigue during exercise and nourishing muscles during exercise, as they are located directly in them, and not in the liver.

During training, BCAA amino acids act as a source of fuel, when the training is completed they are involved in the growth muscle mass. The effect of taking it is to enhance protein synthesis, the production of insulin and glucagon. The amino acid leucine is the most powerful stimulator of insulin secretion, which plays important role for post-workout recovery. To get results, you need to take BCAA amino acids immediately after finishing your workout.


Branched chain amino acid, has industrial applications in the fermentation process alcoholic drinks and serves as a central building block of many important enzymes. Valine is necessary for creating energy reserves in the human body and increases physical strength muscle mass. Food products containing a large number of Valine is popular among athletes and bodybuilders who want to accelerate muscle growth.


Occupies a central place in the metabolism of muscle tissue, promotes growth and maintenance. An important building block for many proteins, supports tissue healing processes. Adults need to consume between 10 and 50 mg of leucine per kilogram of body weight. A deficiency in the body can be caused by a lack of vitamin B6.


Amino acids play a key role in energy supply to muscle tissue. This is important during periods of extensive exercise or acute hunger. If isoleucine is present in sufficient quantities in the blood, the body does not have access to storage reserves, which would inevitably lead to a decrease in leucine and a decrease in muscle mass.

This effect should be avoided by athletes trying to build muscle mass.

BCAA - benefits and harm, 10 functions

1. BCAAs increase synthesis muscle protein. There is an increase in muscle mass and its maintenance during the non-training period (recovery after injury). This occurs when consuming alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids.

2. The increased content of leucine in the BCAA mixture enhances the building of muscle mass in older athletes who strive for body relief. Its proportions will be 4:1 in relation to valine and isoleucine.

3. BCAAs increase fat burning (leucine) and glucose tolerance (isoleucine). During training periods for fat loss, the athlete reduces calorie intake and takes nutritional supplements high in BCAA.

Leucine increases energy expenditure, therefore, fat “disappears” faster and at the same time reduces the feeling of hunger. As a result, a person eats less, uses more energy and ultimately leads to loss of fat mass. Isoleucine, in turn, increases fat burning and prevents its accumulation.

4. BCAAs improve hormonal balance for strength and endurance by increasing testosterone and decreasing cortisol levels in addition to reducing inflammation.

5. BCAA develops strength when receiving more than 4 grams of leucine per day. Improves neuromuscular coordination.

6. Increases endurance and reduces fatigue. BCAAs are used as a source of energy in the human body, preventing premature fatigue and fatigue by inhibiting tryptophan in the brain.

During physical exercise Signals are sent to the brain that the body is tired. This leads to a decrease in muscle strength and endurance. The amino acid tryptophan is responsible for signal transmission, valine can reduce activity and its quantity, so the feeling of fatigue is “extinguished.”

7. BCAA maintains the integrity of muscle fibers. Reduces muscle soreness and allows you to train more often to effectively and maximize your athletic potential.

8. Reduces muscle catabolism (degradation), protects muscle tissue. Prevents a decrease in muscle mass if the BCAA content in the blood plasma drops sharply.

9. Normalizes insulin production and metabolic rate, reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

10. BCAAs protect the body from aging and are used in the treatment of oncology and liver. They increase the formation of new mitochondria, thereby reducing age-related muscle loss.

Daily requirement for BCAA in women and men

A persistent stereotype has emerged that sports nutrition intended for men only. If a girl is interested in starting training, she is concerned about how much and in what dosage to take sports nutrition drugs. The dose is calculated based on body weight, not gender.

Instructions for use of BCAA for women and men

Every person who is seriously involved in sports knows that after training, protein intake is mandatory for muscle growth, increased strength and faster recovery.

The metabolic window occurs immediately after exercise and has a huge impact on the success of the workout. Regardless of whether the load is for endurance or building muscle volume. It is unacceptable to miss the “golden hour” and deprive yourself of results by not correctly using changes in the metabolic process.

From the 15th minute to the 45th minute after training comes best time to increase protein synthesis and restore glycogen. Within an hour, this potential completely disappears, and after 2 hours, insulin receptors become resistant to insulin and from that moment on, a 100% negative protein balance occurs.

For this reason, without food additives In the post-workout period, you lose muscle mass. All the hard work in the gym is completely lost because post-workout nutrition is not received, glycogen and protein synthesis are not restored.

After training, you need to quickly stop the process of tissue breakdown, so take BCAAs. Before starting classes, they will “take care” of muscle nutrition, this is especially important for those who:

  • has solid muscle mass and needs high doses of protein;
  • starts training;
  • classes were interrupted.

The goal is to gain muscle mass

BCAAs are taken immediately at the beginning of training, during and after physical activity. The liquid form is convenient to take. Amino acids and a little sugar are dissolved in water.

Drink little by little throughout the workout to ensure a constant supply of amino acids, carbohydrates and fluids. Amino acid capsules are taken in the morning to prevent muscle catabolism. The more intense and longer the workout, the more BCAAs will be used as fuel. This will allow, after taking a dose of amino acids, to retain energy during exercise and train with greater intensity from start to finish.

The goal is weight loss

In addition to the rules described above, amino acids are added throughout the day in between meals. This will prevent the destruction of protein fibers during the period of “hunger”.

How to take BCAA amino acids?

Each time you take it you need 5-10 grams. When building muscle mass, make sure to get amino acids in the morning, immediately after waking up, to stop the muscle breakdown that occurs while you sleep. An additional dose at any time during the day (5-10 g) will provide increased mental energy, reduce hunger and promote muscle growth. Be sure to take a dose of BCAAs before and after exercise.

The same principle is used to calculate the bcaa amino acid intake for girls or bodybuilders who are cutting or want to reduce body fat. It is important to consider that the calorie content of the diet is reduced, the muscles maintain their size and condition due to the supply of important BCAAs.

The benefit from smaller doses is unlikely to be noticeable; it will not be enough for the body’s needs. Please note that not all manufacturers act honestly; they often deliberately underestimate the dosage of amino acids per serving, but the cost remains high. Before purchasing, compare several medications to estimate the number of servings and dosage.

BCAA contraindications

You can often hear the question: can I take BCAA amino acids, what is the harm to the body and is it safe? Often we lack basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body. Bcaa amino acids are not dangerous, beneficial and necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of the body.

Only for ordinary person who does not regularly and seriously engage in any kind of sport, additional amino acid intake is unlikely to be necessary, provided a complete diet, rich in protein foods. In the case when sports activities take place on a regular basis, rapid recovery after exercise, increased endurance and progress in muscle building are necessary; it is impossible to do without BCAAs. Otherwise, energy losses and the rate of destruction of protein fibers will negate all efforts during training.

It depends on you how the amino acids will manifest themselves. Choose high-quality drugs, take into account the dosage, then you can get a lot of benefits from the use of BCAA amino acids.

Which is better, regular amino acids or BCAA?

What is better to take regular amino acids or bcaa? The answer to this question depends on your aspirations. To achieve results, build muscle, maintain volume and not feel exhausted after exercise, choose bcaa. They act purposefully and quickly reach where they are needed.

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are important for the human body. Critical for muscle hypertrophy (growth) and maintenance during periods of non-training. Render positive influence on tissue regeneration, healing and metabolic processes through protein synthesis in the liver.

Plant sources of protein, meat, milk and eggs are most suitable to cover the recommended daily value proteins. Professional athletes should compensate for protein deficiency by consuming dietary supplements, which are useful for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases (diabetes).

In order to achieve noticeable and sustainable results when playing sports, an athlete must adjust his diet and also include effective sports supplements. Among people who are familiar with sports activities first-hand, the BCAA complex of essential amino acids is becoming increasingly popular. What it is, how much to take and why the supplement has earned credibility among athletes - answers to these and other questions can be found in the article.

Features of the BCAA complex

All proteins in the human body are biopolymers and are built from amino acids. But the functions of amino acids are not limited only to the construction of protein molecules, but also include other, no less important biological effects.

All amino acids are divided into replaceable and essential. Nonessential amino acids are formed in the human body, and essential amino acids are consumed with food or with any medications. Among the essential amino acids, three amino acids can be distinguished, the peculiarity of which can be called the branched structure of the molecule. These include isoleucine, leucine and valine. They are combined into the BCAA complex (the abbreviation stands for “branched chain amino acids”).

Characteristics of BCAA action

So, what do athletes need BCAA for? The complex is used to achieve a variety of goals, including:

Increasing muscle volume

The benefit of bcaa in this case is determined by the fact that the amino acids in the supplement are involved in the construction of muscle fibers. For those people who do not need to increase muscle volume, the amount of essential branched-chain amino acids that comes with food is sufficient, but athletes need an additional supply of these substances. BCAA reserves are noticeably reduced during training, and that is why athletes take the complex to achieve the goal of increasing muscle mass and building muscle structure.

Energy source

The need for additional energy sources. When playing sports, oxidation reactions are activated, during which glucose is released - one of the main sources of energy required for effective training. When catabolism processes are started, muscle fibers are also partially destroyed, which is undesirable for athletes. As a result of the intake of BCAA, catabolic reactions in muscle tissue are inhibited. Amino acids in the complex preparation are used by the body as an energy substrate.

Glutamine synthesis

Glutamine is an important amino acid that the body requires to support recovery from effective training. Due to an insufficient amount of this substance, overtraining is possible, as well as a weakening of the body’s defense against infections, a decrease in the synthesis of somatotropic hormone, and activation of catabolic processes. With additional intake of leucine, valine and isoleucine, the formation of glutamine in the required volume is possible.

Stimulation of lipolysis

The amino acids in the supplement affect the synthesis and secretion of substances such as leptin and insulin. Insulin is needed by the body to regulate blood glucose concentrations, control appetite, and participate in many metabolic reactions. Leptin content is determined by the activity and number of adipocytes, which form the basis of adipose tissue. When adjusting the diet, reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, reducing daily caloric intake and active physical activity, the concentration of leptin decreases.

As a result, metabolic reactions slow down and appetite increases. The biochemistry of the body in such a situation is aimed at preserving and increasing the reserves of fat molecules. Leucine in BCAA helps restore leptin levels. The effectiveness of the complex is confirmed by a large number of clinical studies. That is why taking BCAA for weight and cutting is so popular among people who are actively involved in sports. A simple composition, but excellent effectiveness - these are the main characteristics of this supplement, confirming its safety.

Features of taking the supplement

Having understood the effect of BCAA, how to take this supplement is the question that needs to be answered. As a result of intense training, the supply of amino acids is wasted, which is why muscle fibers are destroyed, strength and endurance levels decrease, and fatigue occurs. This indicates the need for additional intake of essential amino acids.

Reception on days of active training

How to take BCAA for intensive training? The complex must be taken before the start of training, regardless of what the training is aimed at - muscle growth or burning fat deposits. Taking amino acids covers the needs of quality training and support of muscle tissue. In order to stimulate recovery processes in the muscles, the next BCAA intake is taken immediately after training.

Soluble forms of the supplement can also be taken directly during exercise. This way, the supply of essential amino acids will be more uniform, which will increase the effectiveness of taking this supplement.
During a night's rest, regeneration processes intensify, so it is important not to forget about taking the complex before bed. This minimizes soreness after strength training, which is an additional benefit of the supplement.

To gain muscle mass, you need to consult with a specialist about how to take bcaa with creatine, protein or gainer. After all, sports nutrition can be combined, and a trainer or doctor will help you choose the most effective ratio.

The BCAA complex is also suitable for those who want to lose weight. Taking the supplement reduces appetite and activates lipolysis processes. Therefore, during the day outside of training, you can do several additional techniques of the complex.

Taking BCAA on rest days

How to take BCAA correctly on days when you are not training? To prevent the phenomenon of morning catabolism and charge the muscles with useful energy, you need to take a portion of the complex immediately after waking up. The supplement should then be taken at night.

Dosage Features

How to take BCAA amino acids - the answer to this question depends on the form of release of this complex. Regardless of this factor, a serving of bcaa is 5-10 grams when taken three or four times a day. On rest days, the number of doses is reduced to two. This dosage regimen covers the need for amino acids.

Forms of release of the complex

When choosing your preferred release form, it is important to carefully select the manufacturer. You should study the packaging, dosage and cost - a high-quality complex cannot be too cheap.

There are the following forms of additive production:

  1. BCAA capsules. How to take in capsules - the answer to this question can be found in the instructions for the supplement, but it is important to follow the recommendations indicated above.
  2. BCAA powder. How to drink BCAA powder? This is the most effective form— first you need to dissolve the powder, and then drink it before, during and after training.
  3. Pills. They have a bitter taste and require some time to dissolve.
  4. Liquid. The concentrate is diluted with water, after which it can be consumed.

When choosing BCAA release forms, which ones are best? This depends on the preferences of the athlete - one or another form of administration may be more convenient for each person. The effectiveness of each form of release is approximately the same. Essential BCAA amino acids are excellent helpers for increasing the performance of sports activities.

It is important to note that this complex has no contraindications, since all its components are part of the natural habitual diet. The supplement can be combined with other sports nutrition products. A coach or sports doctor will help you choose the optimal combination.

Keep in mind that essential branched chain amino acids are also found in foods such as: turkey, chicken breast, beef, salmon, tuna, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds. Inclusion of the listed foods in daily diet significantly increases the effectiveness of sports activities. An integrated approach to organizing sports activities can improve their performance.

Watch the video on how to properly take BCAA amino acids:

Bcaa harm

Before we start looking Main Side Effects of BCAA Amino Acids , let's look at why BCAA amino acids considered the most popular supplements in the sports world!
BCAA amino acids recommended for use during the recovery period, but it has also been proven that they are no less effective during the Intraworkout period.

It is known Leucine (an amino acid that is part of BCAA), gives a signal to human cells to launch the mTOR system, or a stimulus for muscle protein synthesis. Leucine, one of the amino acids that supports muscle hypertrophy. Deficiency of this amino acid leads to gradual malnutrition and hypertrophy gradually decreases.
Isoleucine , is also an important amino acid that takes part in the processes of controlling glucose levels in the blood.
Finally, Valin supports muscle glycogen synthesis, which is ideal for the training process and sports progress.

Any, even the most trivial product or ingredient can cause great damage if the dosage is exceeded, for example, excess water intake can cause pathologies such as water poisoning or overhydration.
This situation is also observed with reception BCAA amino acids , but if you take the recommended dosage of 5-10 grams per dose, there will be no side effects. Even if you increase the dosage almost 10 times (50 grams per dose), which is not recommended, then a healthy person should not have any side effects.
Conclusion: BCAA amino acids are a recommended supplement for athletes seeking to increase their athletic progress!

So, let's look at the most common side effects and the most incredible side effects from taking BCAAs:

1. Allergic reaction. Amino acids can cause various allergic reactions. Allergy - individual feature body. Allergies can be caused by any amino acid. Main manifestations allergic reaction: rash all over the body, itching...
To prevent this reaction, it is recommended to start taking small portions of the drug, BCAA 2-3 grams, protein 10-15 grams.

2. BCAAs and CNS. BCAA amino acids or Branched Chain Amino Acids, compete with other amino acids such as Tryptophan and Tyrosine for transport to the Central Nervous system. Therefore, a high concentration of BCAA amino acids in the blood almost completely blocks the flow of competitive amino acids, which in turn lowers the level of neurotransmitters, including Serotonin and Dopamine. As you know, Serotonin is responsible for the biological rhythms of the body, sleep and mood. Dopamine or the precursor of Norepinephrine and Adrenaline.

3. It is not recommended to take BCAA amino acids for people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Gericks' disease. A connection has been proven between taking BCAA amino acids and an increased risk of mortality in patients suffering from ALS (Lateral Amniotrophic Syndrome).

4.BCAAs and Depression. BCAAs are competitors of Tryptophan, which also crosses the blood-brain barrier. Tryptophan deficiency can lead to depression, as it is responsible for the synthesis of “Mood Hormones”.

5.Chronic alcoholism and amino acids . Complex use of amino acids BCAA and simultaneous consumption of Alcohol can cause liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy.

6.BCAA and Blood . Low level Blood glucose or hypoglycemia is directly related to Leucine. Scientists believe that Leucine helps release Insulin from the pancreas, thereby lowering the level of Glucose in the blood.
It is recommended to stop one month before surgery. taking BCAAs , since the blood glucose level may be unreliable.

Graph of the concentration of Leucine and Insulin

7. BCAA and Hair . There was a theory that the reception BCAA amino acids can prevent hair loss. But this theory was not substantiated, since women and men suffering from this problem had another reason, a deficiency of Sodium in the follicles, namely, in ion channels. BCAA also plays a role in Sodium metabolism and channel functioning. It has been proven BCAA amino acids increase efficiency medicines for strengthening hair. In conclusion, hair is largely a protein and also contains a large percentage of essential amino acids or BCAA .

8. BCAAs and Acne. Acne is a skin disease that occurs in more than 9% of the population. Scientists have found some connection between BCAA amino acids and the occurrence of acne. Also, reception BCAA may accelerate the development of psoriasis. This problem not fully studied, but it is recommended to limit intake BCAA amino acids to prevent the development of Acne. We remind you that Amino acids may already aggravate existing problems, and not be the cause of a new pathology.

9. BCAAs and gastrointestinal tract . BCAA influence Gastrointestinal tract, may cause gas formation (flatulence), colic.
Although, one cannot be 100% sure what exactly BCAA led to these symptoms.

10. BCAA and Kidneys, Liver. A lot of debate about kidney damage is directly related to drugs. BCAA amino acids . This statement applies only to those people who already have kidney problems and vice versa, healthy kidneys remain healthy even when consuming BCAA amino acids in dosages of 2.8 grams per kg of body weight. This situation is also observed with the liver.

11. BCAA and Children. Application BCAA amino acids is relatively safe for children over 6 months of age, provided that short courses are used, no more than a month.

12. Ketoaciduria. Branched-chain amino acids may cause mental and physical retardation in children.

13. BCAA and Breastfeeding, Pregnancy. There is no information on the use of BCAA amino acids for pregnant women or breastfeeding women. It is recommended to avoid BCAA supplements during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Conclusion: It is not recommended to take BCAA amino acids for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as amino acids can have completely undesirable effects on the fetus and child.
Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any health problems. Consultation with a doctor is mandatory for patients:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Parkinson's;
- Disease of the thyroid gland;
- Diseases of the Central nervous system;
- Diseases of the Cardiovascular system...

1. Blomstrand et al., Influence of Ingesting a Solution of Branched Chain Amino Acids on Perceived Exertion During Exercise, Clin. Sci.:87, 52, 1994.
2. McLean et al., Branched-Chain Amino Acids Augment Ammonia Metabolism While Attenuating Protein Breakdown During Exercise, Am. J. Physiol.: 267, E1010, 1994.
3. Shimomura Y, Murakami T, Nakai N, Masaru N, Harris R “Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise.” J. Nutr. 134(6):1583S-1587S. 2004
4. Sowers, S.. N.p.. “A Primer On Branched Chain Amino Acids.” Web. 1 May 2013.
5. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Ch. 8. “Human Nutrition in the Developing World” 1997.

Proteins are very important for humans, scientists realized this a very long time ago. The term " protein", from Greek word « first" And this is true - for any athlete, and even more so for a bodybuilder, protein is a fundamental factor in all recovery processes.

Typically, protein is synthesized from 20 standard amino acids. And if the body can synthesize most of these amino acids on its own, then there are essential amino acids, which must enter the body from the outside. The three most important branched chain amino acids for building muscle mass are: leucine, isoleucine and valine. It was these three amino acids that were combined into one drug, which was called BCAA branched amino acids

Role in the body

  • Valin— One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If an athlete trains intensively and with a high load, then fiber tears occur in the muscles. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs. Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, taking valine significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein destruction.
  • Leucine– Reduces blood sugar levels, promoting increased growth hormone production. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and restoring muscle fibers after heavy training probably shouldn’t be said. Leucine is also actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, skin and bones.
  • Isoleucine— An essential amino acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

Taking the BCAA amino acid complex provides a powerful acceleration in the recovery of muscle fibers, stimulates an increase in the body's production of growth hormone and restores energy balance.

The most important amino acid in this trio for a bodybuilder is leucine. During scientific research, it was found that taking leucine together with isoleucine and valine greatly enhances the effect of the former. It is generally accepted that the optimal ratio of these amino acids is: 2:1:1. That is, for every mg of valine and isoleucine there are 2 mg of leucine. But such proportions are not dogma.

BCAA - When to use and in what dosages.

The bodybuilder’s body on training days and on rest days, when the body is recovering, experiences a different need for fast amino acids; the regimen for taking BCAA on these days is somewhat different.

On training days

When an athlete actively trains, not only anabolic processes (muscle growth) are launched in his body, but also catabolic destructive processes. The task is to stimulate anabolic processes and inhibit catabolic ones.

If anabolic processes are activated on rest days, then catabolic processes, on the contrary, are most dangerous during training. During intense exercise the body needs additional nutrition. And if this recharge is not given from the outside, then it will begin to look for additional reserves inside the body.

The first step is to use up the glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles. If there are not enough of them, the body begins to actively break down the amino acids that make up the muscles.

In this case, BCAA acts as an assistant. In order for the body not to even have the desire to start devouring itself, it needs to be given something else to “eat”. BCAA amino acids are perfect for this role! Due to the fact that branched chain amino acids are instantly absorbed, they are actively involved in the process and more prevents catabolism from developing during exercise, but also actively participate in building muscle mass and burning fat mass.

BCAAs should be taken immediately before and immediately after exercise. It would be useful to take a small amount of amino acids during training if its duration exceeds 1 hour.

After training, when glucose levels are at a minimum and there are practically no amino acids left, you should immediately replenish their supply. In this case, metabolic processes, which will continue for some time at a frantic pace, will receive material for processing.

On rest days

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to take BCAAs on non-training days. This is justified by the fact that since there is no effect on the body, then there is no catabolism. And for the anabolic process, there is enough protein from your regular diet. This is wrong.

Catabolic processes are strongest immediately after sleep. If at this moment you get protein from regular food or take protein, then the body will need some time to break down the protein into amino acids. Taking BCAAs in the morning solves this problem - amino acids immediately reach the muscles. It is recommended to take 0.5-1 of a standard serving immediately after sleep.

Release forms

  • Capsules— The most popular form of release of BCAAs. For the first time, branched chain amino acids were produced in capsules. The main advantage of this form of release is ease of use. The capsules are easy to take with you and can be taken anywhere as long as you have a glass of water handy.
    Another advantage is the neutral taste.. Due to the fact that the powder is packaged in capsules, you do not feel the bitter aftertaste characteristic of pure powdered form of branched chain amino acids.
    Capsules containing from 250 to 1250 mg of BCAA are available in 60 to 1000 capsules per package. The main disadvantage of this form of administration is its high cost. At recommended dosages, one package will last a maximum of a couple of weeks.
  • Pills— As a rule, they are pressed powder. The benefits are the same as the capsules. In addition to the above mentioned disadvantages we can add relatively long digestibility, because tablets dissolve more slowly in the stomach.
  • Powder— The most economical form of BCAA release. Until recently, powdered BCAAs were consumed mainly by those who wanted to save money. For the same price, you could get 1.5 times more BCAA by purchasing them in powder form.
    Cons: pure powder is very poorly soluble in water and has a rather specific taste. Therefore, it is recommended to take it this way: put a portion of BCAA in your mouth and immediately wash it down with water so that the bitter taste is not felt for so long.
    In the last few years, quite a lot of powdered BCAAs have appeared on the sports nutrition market, which quickly dissolve in water and have pleasant fruity flavors.

Optimal portion

Each sports nutrition manufacturer indicates completely different dosages on their products, regardless of own weight athlete. How to calculate the right dosage of branched chain amino acids for you? And how to measure it in capsules, tablets and powder?

Most professional trainers agree that for every kilogram of body weight the athlete must receive about 33 mg leucine per workout. This way, it is easy to calculate the dosage that is right for you.

For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then for training it is necessary to take at least 2475 mg leucine. With a standard 2:1:1 ratio this would be approximately 5 grams of BCAA. If your weight 90 kg, then take according 6 grams branched chain amino acids during training.

Side effects

Despite the above, many people starting bodybuilding have a question: “ Are BCAA's harmful?" To dispel all doubts, we will answer it. Since branched chain amino acids are essential for the functioning of our body, during intense exercise additional taking BCAA will not cause any disturbances or negative reactions in the human body, but will only benefit. You should not be afraid of an overdose: everything that does not have time to be absorbed will leave the body without disturbing the internal balance in the body.
