List of the healthiest fermented milk products. The healthiest dairy products for the body

Experts recommend starting your day with food made from cereals, cheeses, yoghurts, cottage cheese casseroles. It’s tasty, but not for everyone, or rather, not for everyone. There are those who cannot stand milk in its pure form, but they drink what is made from it with pleasure.

The list of which we will publish below is considered the most common products on earth since ancient times. I don't think it's worth telling that greatest number There are variations on the theme of milk use among pastoral peoples. Some dishes are simply unknown to us, ordinary residents of the metropolis. For example, few people suspect the existence of kurt (korota, kurut, ak-gurt (the name depends on the region)), but this does not prevent it from being popular among its people. By the way, kurt is nothing more than yogurt dried with salt and spices (the description is greatly exaggerated, but the meaning is correct).

The most popular drink in our country is kefir (a fermented milk product obtained by mixed fermentation of milk). Yogurt is no less popular, but it appeared here relatively recently (from a historical point of view), so it still lags behind the long-familiar kefir.

To be fair, it should be said that in Ancient Rus' Fermented milk products were not very common. The list is, in principle, small. Yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream. For the most part, these are products of natural fermentation, that is, their preparation did not require boiling milk and adding special bacteria. Everything happened naturally.

In the countries of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean they had to fight for the safety of food (it’s still not as cold as in Rus'!). As a result, people needed to process milk as quickly as possible to prevent spoilage. This is how various cheeses were born, essentially the same fermented milk products. The list includes both hard and soft cheeses, fermented milk and whey. The meaning of preparation is approximately the same for everyone: milk is fermented with special substances at a certain temperature.

To be fair, it should be said that this moment not only the known thousands of years have been preserved, but also new ones have been created, widely used in therapeutic and dietary nutrition. For example, bifilux, bifidok, acidolact, biota (some of them are actively used to prevent dysbacteriosis).

The most popular fermented milk products

The list is topped by everything (ricotta, cheddar, suluguni, mozzarella, etc.). Next are yoghurts (there are many names, the base is the same - Bulgarian stick and boiled milk). These are the most actively sold products. Then kefir and Varenets. They are preferred mainly by adult women (according to statistics). Next comes sour cream, a fermented milk product that is in high demand among men aged 18 to 29 years. The next place is taken by regional drinks such as ayran, kumis, tan, matsoni, etc.

Last on the list in terms of popularity are the real originals. For their production, several varieties of sheep, mare, etc.) and Swiss bacillus (Lactobacillus helveticus), capable of surviving exclusively in high mountain areas, are used. These fermented milk drinks include chegen, tarak, targ and others.

Fermented milk products are a gift from nature; the first of them were produced by themselves, without human intervention.

After all, their real producers are those who ferment ordinary milk. As a result of this process, it turns into lactic acid, and in parallel a lot of other reactions occur, thanks to which the product receives its specific taste and consistency.

Then people learned to make other fermented milk themselves, adding starter to the milk - usually from a previously prepared product, which was simply teeming with bacteria. But neither about them nor about their role is humanity for a long time I didn't even realize it. The role in the process of ripening (fermentation) was deciphered only in the second half of the 19th century, and they learned to prepare bacterial concentrates instead of traditional starter cultures just over a hundred years ago.

Why with the help of lactic acid bacteria are such different products- from kefir to fermented baked milk and yogurt? Because bacteria are different - acidophilus and Bulgarian bacilli, thermophilic streptococcus, lactococcus. These names indicate their shape: indeed, they often look like sticks or balls (cocci), which are often linked in a chain (strepto). Different bacteria help make different foods (see table).

What are they like?
type of product The product's name What is sourdough made from?
Only fermented milk products Curdled milk lactococci and/or thermophilic streptococci
Yogurt thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus in equal ratios
Mechnikovskaya sour milk thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus
Ryazhenka thermophilic streptococci with or without the addition of Bulgarian bacillus
Varenets thermophilic streptococci
Fermented milk products of double fermentation (alcoholic and lactic acid) Kefir kefir grains (yeast), without adding other microorganisms
Acidophilus acidophilus bacillus, lactococci and kefir grains
Ayran thermophilic streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus and yeast
Kumis Bulgarian and acidophilus bacilli and yeast

Dead, Alive or Super Alive?

We divide yoghurts and all other fermented milk products into living and dead. This is wrong, they are by definition alive. At the end of the shelf life, each gram of the product must contain at least 10 million live bacteria: the mandatory inscription on the label that they contain “at least 110⁷ CFU/g” says exactly this.

Important: if fermented milk products are alive, then why are they stored for so long, and not 3-4 days or a week? Today, sourdough starters with a stop effect are usually used. The bacteria in them are passive and do not multiply during storage. Traditional short-life products with classic sourdough are better.

Where does the “dead thing” come from?

If the lactic bacteria in fermented milk are killed or their activity and vitality are sharply weakened by heat treatment, the result will be a dead product. But for some reason it is officially called fermented.

Important: this is a very bad and confusing name, because it is the fermentation process itself that makes sour milk alive. It looks like the manufacturers lobbied for this definition. And you should remember: the term “fermented” on the label means that the product is non-living.

There are 2 types of fermented products:

1st type- this is simply a fermented milk product “killed” by high temperature.

2nd type- this is when a pseudo-fermented milk product is “killed” (in addition to milk, it contains vegetable oil and other non-dairy components, but they also make it with the help of bacteria).

Bioproduct - super living?

What are biokefir, bioyogurt and other BIOproducts?

This is when it is added to any fermented milk product. They do not participate in the fermentation process like lactic acid bacteria, but they bring some benefits to the product:

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that join and help our intestinal microflora.

prebiotics are inulin, lactulose and other substances that stimulate the growth and reproduction of our own bacteria in the intestines.

Ideal composition

The best fermented milk products are made only from milk and sourdough - there is nothing else in them. But much more often the composition is longer: milk is again constructed from dry powder (this is allowed), whey, cream, butter, water, etc.

Thermostatic is always better

What does the inscription “made by thermostatic method” mean?

Traditionally, sour milk was made at home in cups, jars, cups, saucepans, that is, in small volumes. In industry, ripening usually occurs in huge containers. And when packed into the final package, the product loses its texture - a dense jelly-like clot: this consistency plays a big role in the taste of yogurt, fermented baked milk and many other fermented milk products. Thermized products are fermented directly in the container in which they are sold. Most often it is glass, but there are also plastic packaging.


Real kefir is made only with a starter made from kefir grains (without adding lactic acid bacteria - they themselves are found in milk). This technology is more capricious, but the product is more natural. Such bacteria are added - and this is a different technology and, therefore, a different drink - not kefir.

Fermented milk products are an integral part of the human diet, starting from childhood. The technology for their preparation is based on the fermentation of milk, which is obtained from various animals - goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes and even camels. From the article you will learn what applies to fermented milk products. Their list is very long, but often it includes products that only “pretend” to be such, but in fact have a different origin.

Properties of fermented milk products

Features of fermented milk products

Products such as kefir, butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese and many others are familiar to us and are often eaten. All of them are the result of fermentation from different types of milk and its derivatives (cream, low-fat products, whey).

The basis of the technology for the production of fermented milk products is one - it is ripening with the help of yeast or bacteria. Sometimes milk that has been boiled or pasteurized is fermented. This is done in order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and protect people.

People have known about the properties of fermented milk products since ancient times. They were not only famous for their nutritional value and rich vitamin composition, but also medicinal properties. However, some nations are still unfamiliar or do not recognize such products. These are the Eskimos, Chinese, Australian aborigines and some others.

The benefits of fermented milk products

A special place among all micro- and macroelements in fermented milk products is occupied by lactic acid, which is able to fight the activity of putrefactive microorganisms in the body. In addition, fermentation products:

  1. well absorbed and easily digested;
  2. rich in vitamins that are well absorbed;
  3. allow lactose and milk sugar to be well absorbed;
  4. suitable for people who suffer from lactose intolerance;
  5. stimulate digestion processes;
  6. protect the intestines from infections and normalize its activity;
  7. prevent tuberculosis;
  8. increase calcium absorption;
  9. vitamins A, B, E, D.

Technology for the production of fermented milk products

All fermented milk products can be divided into three large groups:

  1. those produced by fermenting milk with bacteria are fermentation products. This includes yogurt, rennet cheese, yogurt, acidophilus, etc.;
  2. those that are the result of alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid. Milk sugar releases not only ordinary lactic acid, but also carbon dioxide, alcohol or volatile acids. These are kefir, kumis, shubat;
  3. those that are obtained without fermentation - cream, condensed milk, butter.
Fermented milk products (varenets, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cheese, butter, kefir, shubat, cream): necessary for adults and children to maintain body health and well-being

Types of fermented milk products


Varenets is a fermented milk product that has been known for many centuries. It began to be prepared in Siberia from baked milk. The technology for preparing it is not complicated - the milk must simmer in a Russian oven. During simmering, the milk evaporates, and the creamy foam should always sink to the bottom. When milk is evaporated by 1/3 of its original volume, it turns into a thick mass with a slightly reddish tint. Then sourdough is introduced into it, which could well be sour cream.

Curdled milk

Yogurt is also a product traditional for Russian cuisine. The basis of its preparation is boiled milk that has cooled. Leaven is placed in it, which can become the crust of black bread. By the way, it is not even necessary to use sourdough starter, because it will ferment due to the action of lactic acid lactococcus. Milk with or without starter must be placed in warm place, where it will remain from 10 to 12 hours.


Ryazhenka is special kind curdled milk, only its homeland is Ukraine and it is prepared from milk with cream and clay pots. It is cooked while simmering on the verge of boiling, but does not boil. When the milk becomes creamy, a starter is added to it - sour cream or streptococcal bacteria.


Cheese is also a fermented milk product, which has many different varieties that cannot be listed. Among them are soft and hard, with mold, young and many others.


Butter is a product that was prepared in Ancient Rus' and was one of the most expensive. It is prepared by churning milk and sour cream. Vologda butter has a special technology, and is prepared from cream, which is heated almost to a boil, but does not boil.


Kefir is a product that undergoes double fermentation. “Kefir grains”, which have a very complex structure, act as a starter. Kefir has the most beneficial effect on the body, helps fight diseases and strengthens the immune system.


Shubat is also a double fermentation product, only it is prepared from camel milk.


Cream is a product that is collected from the surface of fresh milk after it has stood for several hours after a goat, sheep or cow has been milked.

The list of fermented milk products is very long. Among them are ayran, cottage cheese, kurt, matsoni and many, many other products.

Fake dairy products

Among the products there are those that are considered to be fermented milk, although in fact they are not. Among them:

  1. tofu cheese made from soy milk, which has become very popular;
  2. margarine from fats in the composition. It may not even contain milk fat;
  3. spread is a type of soft margarine.

When purchasing fermented milk products, you should strive not only to try something new and choose something healthy, but also pay attention to expiration dates. A spoiled fermented milk product may not cause poisoning, but it will lead to not the most pleasant sensations and frustration digestive system.

If we consider daily diet nutrition of modern man, it should be noted that fermented milk products occupy a leading place and are almost an obligatory food product, along with bread, vegetables, meat products. There are no people on Earth who do not know, have not met, and have not eaten the products that the modern food industry offers around the world.

This feature is not some new trend or fashion, it has always been so, throughout the entire history of the existence of man and mankind, as evidenced by numerous historical documents, some of which date back thousands of years before the birth of Christ.

To understand why this happened, it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of products they are, what they are made from, and what their usefulness is for people.

What are fermented milk products

The simplest answer to this question is given by the etymology of the word fermented milk, one of the roots of which is the word lactic, from the word milk. This is a product somehow related to milk, which is oxidized, as evidenced by the second word.

Indeed, all products in this group are made from milk. To do this, take any large milk cattle- cow, sheep, horse milk and even buffalo and camel milk. Such products obtain specific, sour qualities due to the introduction of lactic acid bacteria or yeast (made from fungi useful for digestion) into milk to change its original properties. This process is called fermentation, and the bacteria used (regardless of their type) is called sourdough.

Technologically, there are two types of fermentation in the preparation of all fermented milk products:

  1. fermented milk (one or more types of lactic acid bacteria are used to ferment milk)
  2. mixed (yeast, sugar, sometimes beneficial non-lactic acid bacteria, enzymes are used).

Milk is suitable for such bacteria natural environment a habitat. First of all, because of the polysaccharide it contains - lactose, which bacteria feed on. After the breakdown of milk sugars, bacteria release by-products - lactic acid, which gives a specific sour taste, carbon dioxide, water. Modern manufacturers add other additives that become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Variety of fermented milk products and their main types

The types of fermented milk and other bacteria, additional ingredients, and the types of milk used in production determine their enormous diversity. Dairy production technologies regularly improve production and offer new types of dairy products. products.

The main types of k.-mol. products:

The list of types of fermented milk products is not limited to this; there are only thousands of types of cheeses and they are prepared from different types milk. About the diversity and ubiquity of types of k.-mol. There are many local drinks, widespread in a certain geographical area, with local specificity of production. Thus, kumys became widespread among the peoples of the Caucasus, ayran - in Central Asia, and local k.-mol. in Tatarstan. the drink is suzma and kort, in Bashkiria - orot and kaymak. Residents of Armenia prefer tan and machun, residents of Georgia produce matsoni, Ukrainians prepare Varenets. National k.-mol. The Egyptian drink is leben, and the people of Iceland drink skyr.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

Their benefits are directly dependent on the usefulness of the main raw material for their production - milk. Despite the processes of fermentation and fermentation, most of the beneficial substances in milk do not undergo any changes, and, one might say, are inherited by the mole. products.

Almost all proteins and amino acids, animal fat, vitamins A, B, D, PP, E, micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, selenium, iron, copper) of milk are “inherited”. Carbohydrates, mainly lactose (milk sugar), are broken down by bacteria into glucose and galactose. The vital activity of lactic bacteria also turns out to be useful for human nutrition.

The main usefulness is that they can be eaten by people who have problems with intolerance to the proteins and carbohydrates of milk in their pure form. Thus, people with hypolactasia (intolerance to milk sugar - lactose) can consume almost all types of milk. products, since they contain almost no lactose, even in fresh form they contain it in minimal quantities.

Patients with allergic reactions to pure milk proteins (for example, caseinogen) can use their fermented types in cheeses, cottage cheese, in which the protein structure changes to casein.

The amount of so-called “bad cholesterol” contained in pure milk is significantly reduced by bacteria. The structure of polyunsaturated animal fats changes, which makes milk fat less harmful.

Fermented milk proteins are easier and faster to digest and absorb by the body. Carbohydrates do not require additional body strength to break them down, since they are already broken down by bacteria into monosaccharides, which are the main construction means for body tissues and cells.

Bacteria and their metabolic products are very useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes, and destroy most putrefactive bacteria. Probiotics and lactobacilli, which are found in yogurts, are especially useful in this sense. They are almost the only remedy that restores intestinal microflora in the initial forms of dysbiosis of different nature. This property of yoghurts gives a clearly positive answer to the often discussed question: are yoghurts classified as or not?

Products with high fat content (sour cream, fermented baked milk, Varenets) and containing a large number of Doctors recommend protein (cottage cheese, cheeses) during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions, lack of body weight, dystrophy, and lack of muscle mass.

Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and yoghurts, due to their low calorie content, are a mandatory part of some diets and weight loss programs.

Why are fermented milk products harmful?

The harm of fermented milk products is also due to the characteristics of the harm from drinking milk.

Due to the increased content of organic lactic acid, it is not recommended to consume mol. drinks for those suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity.

Patients with a milk protein allergy are advised to refrain from consuming any dairy products until the allergen is accurately identified.

People with high cholesterol are advised to consume only low-fat mol. products.

Lactic acid products (fermented milk products) are products of lactic acid or mixed (lactic acid and alcohol) fermentation. Lactic acid products are prepared from pasteurized cow's milk or cream by fermenting them with a starter made from pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of lactic yeast. The main types of lactic acid products are curdled milk, acidophilus, acidophilus milk and kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese. The fat content of lactic acid products made from whole milk must be at least 3.2%. The fat content of amateur sour cream is 40%, dietary sour cream is 10%, premium and first grade is 30%. For yogurt, pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria are used. Acidophilus and acidophilus milk are produced using starter cultures from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria and milk yeast. Kefir is prepared using starter cultures made from kefir grains. According to the ripening period, kefir is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). Lactic acid products include kumiss, prepared from mare's or cow's milk using cultures of lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast for fermentation. Just like kefir, koumiss is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). These varieties differ from each other mainly in alcohol content and acidity. In all types of koumiss, the fat content should be at least 0.8%, and the alcohol content should not be higher than 2%. Lactic acid products can be produced low-fat, prepared from skim milk (skimmed milk). GOST does not provide for fat content in low-fat lactic acid products.

Nutritional value of lactic acid products - see table.

In terms of nutritional and nutritional value, lactic acid products (except kumiss) are equivalent to cow's milk. However, they are superior to milk in digestibility. If milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then lactic acid products are absorbed by 91% within the same period. Lactic acid products have a normalizing effect on the human intestinal microflora and inhibit the development of putrefactive microbes in the intestines.

Lactic acid products have healing and healing properties for many intestinal diseases, especially colitis; they improve gastric and intestinal secretion, normalize intestinal motility, and reduce gas formation. Lactic acid products have a general strengthening, tonic effect, promote better metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Lactic acid products are perishable products (see).

Lactic acid products also include cheeses that are obtained from milk as a result of the coagulation of casein (see) and its subsequent processing. Depending on the method of processing and ripening, cheeses are divided into hard (36-43% moisture), soft (moisture up to 55%), brine (feta cheese) and processed. In their composition they contain 15-25% protein, 20-30% fat, 700-1000 mg% calcium, 400-600 mg% phosphorus, about 0.2 mg% vitamin A, 0.1 mg% thiamine and 0.5 mg% riboflavin. The calorie content of 100 g of cheese is 300-400 kcal. The most favorable temperature for storing cheeses is 8-10°. Violation of the physical and chemical processes of cheese production and recommended storage conditions leads to the formation of various defects in them. The swelling and rancidity of cheeses is caused by bacteria from the Escherichia coli group or the development of butyric acid and putrefactive anaerobic microorganisms; sour and bitter taste is inherent in “young”, unripened cheeses. The color unusual for cheeses (blue, red) is caused by pigment-forming microorganisms. A very common defect of cheese is molding of the surface and subcrustal layer. Cheeses with such types of spoilage cannot be sold and must be sent to industrial processing(production processed cheeses after removal of affected parts) or technical disposal. Cheeses infected with cheese mites and cheese fly larvae are not suitable for food. Cheese can cause food poisoning of staphylococcal and salmonella origin. There are cheeses that are made from molds(Roquefort, Brie, Camembert).

To prevent hit pathogenic microflora cheeses must be made only from pasteurized milk in compliance with the ripening periods established for each type of cheese.

Cottage cheese is produced from milk by fermenting it with lactic acid bacteria and then removing the whey from the curd to obtain a concentrated protein product.

Depending on the source raw material, they distinguish between full-fat, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese, and according to the production method - acid and acid-rennet. Cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk is intended for direct consumption as food and for the production of curd products from it; Cottage cheese made from unpasteurized milk is used only for the production of semi-finished products that are subject to heat treatment.

Cottage cheese is sold within 12 hours. from the moment of manufacture, and under cooling conditions (t° not higher than 8°) - 36 hours. Diet cottage cheese implemented within 24 hours. (after 12 hours, cooling occurs). Frozen cottage cheese should be stored in refrigerators at temperatures from -8 to -12° for no more than 7 months.

In lactic acid products, intensive activity of lactic acid bacteria occurs, preventing the development of pathogenic microbes in them. However, if lactic acid products are prepared incorrectly, hygienic rules are not observed, or storage conditions and temperatures are violated, bacteria of typhoid fever, dysentery, etc., as well as food poisoning agents, can persist in lactic acid products. Particularly dangerous in this regard are lactic acid products obtained as a result of spontaneous souring of milk (“samokvas”). IN catering such lactic acid products are not allowed for sale. At home cooking lactic acid products, it is necessary to maintain the strictest cleanliness of the dishes, pre-boil the milk and, after cooling, add a special starter or starter from previously prepared lactic acid products. The ripening process should take place at a temperature of 25-30° and should not be extended for long term. The resulting lactic acid products should be consumed on the same or the next day. Lactic acid products cannot be stored outside the refrigerator.

Fermented milk products are absorbed better and faster. If ordinary milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then kefir, yogurt, etc. are absorbed by 91%.

The most important integral part fermented milk products is lactic acid, which has biological activity, creating optimal conditions for the manifestation of the action of antibiotic substances and the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria. At the same time, lactic acid inhibits the development of putrefactive and other non-lactic acid (including pathogenic) bacteria.

With the help of fermented milk drinks, it seems possible to limit and even completely stop the formation of harmful substances in the intestines by putrefactive microbes. The famous Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov experimentally proved that when these harmful waste products of putrefactive microbes are introduced into the intestines of animals, aortic sclerosis develops in the animals after a few months. Apparently, the intensive activity of putrefactive intestinal microflora plays a significant role in the development of atherosclerosis in humans.
Certain types of lactic acid bacteria - acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus, etc., are capable of forming antibiotic substances in fermented milk drinks that have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The study of the antibiotic properties of acidophilic bacteria revealed their ability to produce a number of thermostable antibiotic substances: nisin, lactolin, lactomin, streptocin, etc., which manifest their effect mainly in an acidic environment.
In all cases of disruption of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, the use of fermented milk and acidophilic products can significantly normalize the intestinal microflora, especially with regard to reducing the intensity of putrefactive processes. Lactic acid bacteria are producers of B vitamins. By selecting cultures of lactic acid bacteria, it is possible to obtain fermented milk products with high content vitamins

Thus, fermented milk products have versatile biological and medicinal properties. The therapeutic effect of fermented milk products (drinks) is known for many diseases of the digestive system. They improve gastric secretion, normalize intestinal motility, and reduce gas formation. The biological properties of fermented milk products have a healing effect on beneficial intestinal microflora.

Curdled milk is a fermented milk drink made from pasteurized milk by fermenting it with starter prepared from pure cultures of lactic acid plants. Depending on the cultures of lactic acid bacteria, they distinguish between ordinary milk, Mechnikovsky, southern, Ukrainian (ryazhenka), acidophilic and Varenets. Ordinary curdled milk is prepared using pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci; it has a delicate curd with a refreshing, pleasant, slightly acidic taste. Mechnikovskaya curdled milk differs from ordinary milk in that it has a denser curd and a sour taste. This is explained by the fact that it is prepared from pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococci. Southern curdled milk has the consistency of sour cream, slightly viscous, the taste is sour, pinching, and refreshing. When preparing, in addition to lactic acid streptococci and rods, yeast is used. Varenets is prepared from sterilized milk kept at high temperature for 2-3 hours (simmered). Varenets has a dense, slightly viscous consistency, a sour taste with a sweetish aftertaste of stewed milk, and a creamy color. Varenets is prepared using the same crops as Mechnikov sour milk.

Ryazhenka- cream color, taste and consistency resembles sour cream, but has a unique taste. The sweetish taste is reminiscent of stewed milk. The fat content of fermented baked milk is 6%. To prepare it, pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus are used. The calorie content of fermented baked milk is significantly higher than the calorie content of yogurt of other varieties.

Matsoni, matsun, katyk- in fact, these are different names for approximately the same type of southern sour milk, produced from cow, buffalo, sheep, camel or goat milk. The main microflora of these drinks is Bulgarian bacillus and heat-loving lactic acid streptococci. Milk is fermented at elevated temperatures(48-55 °C) and fermented in a device that retains heat.

Dzhugurt produced in the North Caucasus (mainly in Kabardino-Balkaria). This is pressed sour milk, similar in appearance to sour cream or paste. It contains 12-13% fat, and no more than 70% water. Various dishes are prepared from this pressed sour milk. It can be stored long time for consumption in winter months in the form of a creamy product “brnatsmatsun”.

Kurunga is a fermented milk drink, widespread in Northeast Asia among the Buryats, Mongols, Tuvans and other peoples. The method of preparing kurunga has been known since ancient times. For the Mongols and Tuvans, who led a semi-nomadic lifestyle, kurunga was one of the most important products in the summer. Starting from the 18th century, other peoples (Buryats, Khakassians) also learned the secret of preparing kurunga. Kurunga is prepared through double fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol. The alcohol content usually does not exceed 1%.

Ayran- a very common drink among the peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Tatarstan, and Bashkiria. Prepared from cow, goat, sheep milk. Somewhat similar to koumiss (prepared using lactic acid and alcohol fermentation). Among some peoples of our country, the word “ayran” means a soft drink, which is a mixture of sour milk and water. Uzbek recipe, for example, involves diluting yogurt with cold digested water in a 1:1 ratio, after which the drink is poured into glasses with ice.

Fermented milk products are also produced in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan chakka (fuss)- with the removal of a certain part of the water. On the Balkan Peninsula, yogurt has been made from sheep and buffalo milk since ancient times. Since this milk contains more protein, fat and carbohydrates than cow's milk, yogurt is thicker than many other fermented milk drinks. With the transition to industrial production, yogurt began to be prepared from cow's milk, to which powdered milk was added or the moisture was partially evaporated from cow's milk using vacuum devices. The starter used for the production of yogurt consists of lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. Developing together, they produce a higher content of lactic acid. Yogurt quickly reduces thirst and quenches hunger. It is useful for people of all ages, especially the elderly, pregnant and nursing mothers. Daily consumption of yogurt promotes rapid restoration of strength, covers our body's needs for amino acids, calcium salts, etc.

"Sour milk"- Bulgarian sour milk, prepared using the “Bulgarian stick”, discovered at the beginning of this century by Stamen Grigorov. In the secret archive of Louis XIV, evidence was found that the French king very successfully used this thick white drink, which was brought to him from Bulgaria in special sheepskin bags, to heal from a serious stomach ailment. “The food of real men until old age” - this is how Bulgarians proudly call this elixir of youth and longevity. A mug of “kiselo milk” is a must on the Bulgarian menu.

Chal (shubat)- fermented milk, highly foaming drink with a pure fermented milk taste and yeasty smell, prepared from camel milk. In Turkmenistan it is called chal, in Kazakhstan - shubat. I. I. Mechnikov wrote that nomads are Arabs who have excellent health and possessing great physical strength, feed almost exclusively on fresh or sour milk from camels. The initial starter for preparing this drink is the sour milk of camels - “katyk”. Powerful powers are attributed to the drink chal healing properties. There are even areas in Turkmenistan where people go to take a course of chall treatment.

Among the youngest fermented milk drinks are acidophilic drinks. Acidophilus bacillus, which is used to prepare acidophilus and other acidophilus drinks, is a type of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by digestive juices; it takes root in the human colon better than other lactic acid bacteria. To prepare acidophilus, equal amounts of acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus and kefir grains are used. The result is a viscous drink with a slightly spicy taste. Acidophilus is made sweet by adding sugar. This same group of drinks includes acidophilus milk and acidophilus-yeast milk. Like other fermented milk drinks, this group - acidophilus, acidophilus and acidophilus-yeast milk - valuable product for feeding children, adults and the elderly. It contains the basic nutrients necessary for our body, and in an easily digestible form.

National fermented milk drinks

Deservedly popular among millions of people various countries the world's fermented milk drinks, i.e.

milk, fermented various types lactic acid bacteria.

Fermented milk products, and drinks in particular, have a long history. The peoples of Greece and Rome, India and the Middle East, Transcaucasia already in ancient times consumed fermented milk drinks, which were prepared from cow, sheep or donkey milk. The Scythians were known for kumiss - a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk.

Even the great Homer in his immortal Odyssey describes how the hero and his companions found in the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, buckets and mugs full of thick sour milk...

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While raising livestock, people noticed that sour milk lasts longer and has a pleasant, refreshing taste. They began to consume this milk and became convinced that it had a beneficial effect on the human body. Through the centuries, an Indian proverb has reached our days: “...drink sour milk and you will live a long time.”

Thus, national fermented milk drinks began to appear among different peoples: yogurt and Varenets in Russia, ryazhenka in Ukraine, matsun in Armenia, matsoni in Georgia, chal in Turkmenistan, kurunga in Northeast Asia, ayran and kefir in the North Caucasus, kumis in Bashkiria , Tartary, leben in Egypt, yoghurt in Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania, funeral milk in Norway, etc.

It can be assumed that fermented milk drinks were the first products made from milk.

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The production of fermented milk products is based on targeted and regulated activities certain types lactic acid bacteria. As a result of the vital activity of lactic acid microorganisms, milk changes and acquires new taste, dietary, biological and medicinal properties.

Fermented milk products are absorbed better and faster. If ordinary milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then kefir and yogurt are absorbed by 91%.

When milk is fermented, small, easily digestible flakes are formed. Milk protein undergoes partial breakdown (peptonization) and acquires a finely dispersed structure, and therefore its absorption does not require the same processing in the stomach that regular milk undergoes.

The most important component of fermented milk products is lactic acid, which has biological activity, creating optimal conditions for the manifestation of the action of antibiotic substances and the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria.

At the same time, lactic acid inhibits the development of putrefactive and other non-lactic acid (including pathogenic) bacteria.

Fermented milk products contain a huge number of living bacteria of a homogeneous composition (lactic acid bacteria), which can suppress the development of other types of microorganisms. If in good-quality bottled milk the number of microorganisms is in the tens of thousands per 1 ml, then in curdled milk the number of microbes is at least 100 million per 1 ml. Essentially, fermented milk products can be considered as a kind of bacterial cultures.

With the help of fermented milk drinks, it seems possible to limit and even completely stop the formation of harmful substances in the intestines by putrefactive microbes. The famous Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov experimentally proved that when these harmful waste products of putrefactive microbes are introduced into the intestines of animals, aortic sclerosis develops in the animals after a few months. Apparently, the intensive activity of putrefactive intestinal microflora plays a significant role in the development of atherosclerosis in humans.

Certain types of lactic acid bacteria—bacillus acidophilus and lactic acid streptococcus—are capable of forming antibiotic substances in fermented milk drinks that have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The study of the antibiotic properties of acidophilic bacteria revealed their ability to produce a number of thermostable antibiotic substances: nisin, lactolin, lactomin, streptocin, which manifest their effect mainly in an acidic environment.

In all cases of disruption of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, the use of fermented milk and acidophilic products can significantly normalize the intestinal microflora, especially with regard to reducing the intensity of putrefactive processes.

Lactic acid bacteria are producers of B vitamins. By selecting cultures of lactic acid bacteria, it is possible to obtain fermented milk products with a high content of vitamins.

Thus, fermented milk products have versatile biological and medicinal properties. The therapeutic effect of fermented milk products (drinks) is known for many diseases of the digestive system. They improve gastric secretion, normalize intestinal motility, and reduce gas formation.

The biological properties of fermented milk products have a healing effect on beneficial intestinal microflora.

The industrial production of fermented milk products is organized on the basis of the widespread use of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and milk yeast. A network of special laboratories has been created for the selection of crops and the production of starter cultures, which are supplied to dairy industry enterprises. In the production of fermented milk drinks, modern installations are used to ensure the production of high quality products.

Fermented milk products are divided into lactic acid and mixed fermentation products.

Lactic acid fermentation products

Curdled milk:

1) ordinary, prepared using pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci;

2) Mechnikovskaya, prepared using lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus;

3) ryazhenka (Ukrainian curdled milk) - a mixture of milk and cream (8%), heated at a temperature of 95° for about 3 hours and fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus;

4) Varenets - prepared from baked milk fermented with lactic acid streptococcus with or without the addition of lactic acid bacillus.

A special group of curdled milks consists of southern curdled milks - matsoni, yogurt, made from pasteurized milk fermented with a combined starter, including pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus, lactic acid bacillus with or without the addition of yeast. A transitional type to acidophilus products is acidophilus curdled milk, which is milk fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus. In terms of quality indicators, curdled milk is characterized by: fat content 3.2% (in fermented baked milk 6% and 8%), acidity no more than 110° (for southern milk no more than 140°). The titer of E. coli is not lower than 0.3.

Acidophilus products

Their preparation is based on the use of pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. Such medicinal products include acidophilus milk, acidophilus paste and acidophilus-yeast milk. In addition to these acidophilic products, special “symbiotic” starters have been developed and are being developed using cultures that can form an antibiotic substance and exhibit resistance to antibiotics. These starter cultures are used to prepare medicinal curdled milk, which is used to treat intestinal and some other diseases.

Acidophilus milk

Acidophilus milk has pronounced antibiotic properties. It is prepared using pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. Two types of acidophilus bacillus cultures are used: a mucoid culture, which causes the product to have a mucous consistency and low acidity (140°T), and a non-mucous culture, which causes high acidity (300°T). A creamy consistency is achieved by using 80% non-mucus culture and 20% mucous culture. Acidophilus milk is indicated for the treatment of childhood diarrhea, colitis in adults, and dysentery.

Acidophilus paste

Acidophilus paste is used as effective means for constipation and flatulence: the antibiotic effect of the paste allows you to reduce the intensity of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Acidophilus paste is indicated for the treatment of Achilles gastritis, ulcerative colitis, rectosigmoiditis. Acidophilus paste is prepared from acidophilus milk by pressing and removing the whey. The acidity of acidophilus paste is in the range of 180-220°T.

The antibiotic properties of acidophilus paste were successfully used during the Great Patriotic War in the treatment of purulent wounds as an external remedy. The treatment results were always effective.

acidophilus-yeast products

Acidophilus-yeast products have high antibiotic properties. The combination of acidophilus bacilli and yeast that ferment lactose can significantly increase the activity of acidophilus bacilli, as well as the concentration of antibiotic substances in the product due to their formation not only by acidophilus bacilli, but also by yeast, which are also producers of antibiotic substances. The medicinal acidophilus-yeast milk proposed by A. M. Skorodumova is an indicated remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal diseases and furunculosis.

Sour cream

Sour cream - prepared from pasteurized cream by fermenting it with a special sour cream starter with mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria. The fat content in premium sour cream is 36%, acidity is 65-90°T, 1st grade is 30% fat and acidity is 65-110°T, 2nd grade sour cream contains 25% fat, its acidity is 65-125°T.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is prepared from pasteurized milk by fermenting it with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus, followed by processing the curd to remove whey. Cottage cheese is available in 20% and 9% fat content, as well as low-fat. The acidity of cottage cheese with 20% fat content is 200-225°T, 9% fat content is 210-240°T and low-fat 220-270°T.

Cottage cheese has high biological value. The main components of milk - protein and calcium - are represented in it in significantly large quantities than in milk, and therefore cottage cheese can be considered as a natural milk concentrate.

200-300 g of cottage cheese is able to meet the body’s need for essential amino acids and cover daily requirement in calcium. Especially important has curd methionine, rich in mobile (labile) methyl groups, easily used in the body for the synthesis of choline, which prevents fatty infiltration of the liver.

Cottage cheese helps remove cholesterol from the body, and therefore can be considered as a remedy for atherosclerosis. It has a diuretic effect and is indicated in diets for impaired nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys, decompensated heart disease, and hypertension.

Mixed fermentation products >>>>

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Dairy products

Fermented milk products have long and firmly taken their place in the daily diet of modern people. Their success is explained not only by the specific natural sourness in taste, but also by the beneficial effect that has a multifaceted effect on the body. Nutrition experts note that in terms of their properties and composition, fermented milk products have no analogues, which is why it is so important to include them in your diet. Moreover, the list of such products is quite diverse, and each person will be able to find in it what they like. IN different countries Some fermented milk products may be called differently, but, in essence, they are the same thing. So, fermented milk products include:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • acidophilus;
  • tan and ayran;
  • kumiss and other drinks.

The benefits of fermented milk products

Our great-grandmothers knew about the benefits of kefir, the first product obtained from the fermentation of milk. It was used not only internally, but also externally, making brightening and rejuvenating masks for the face and hands, or using it as a hair balm. Nowadays, for these purposes you have to buy three different jars produced at the factory, but the beneficial properties of kefir do not change from year to year.

Due to the content of beneficial microbes, fermented milk products normalize intestinal microflora, improve gastric motility, metabolism and pancreas function. It has been noted that people who often consume fermented milk products have clearer skin and an improved complexion. Microelements and vitamins are present in large quantities in fermented milk products. So, for example, a serving of cottage cheese contains daily norm calcium and phosphorus, large amounts of vitamins A, B, C and PP, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Probiotic fermented milk products are considered especially useful, i.e. enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They contain active substances, helping to eliminate dysbiosis, constipation and diarrhea. Products such as “bifidok”, “biokefir”, “adidobiofilin” and others with the prefix “bio” reduce the consequences of consuming antibiotics, alcohol and other substances that disrupt the body’s ecosystem. Such fermented milk products are indispensable for food poisoning, as they destroy pathogenic microbes and putrefactive formations in the stomach.

Diet on fermented milk products

From a nutritional point of view, kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are excellent low-calorie foods for weight loss.

They quickly saturate the body, while leaving a feeling of lightness in the stomach. Dietary fermented milk products are those in which the fat content does not exceed 9% per 100 g. Cottage cheese is an ideal source of protein, which is why athletes love it so much. It helps keep muscles toned and promotes their growth. And muscles, as you know, are the main consumer of calories. Experts say that to maintain slim figure It is enough to have a fasting day on fermented milk products once a week. During this day, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and metabolism will accelerate. This will be the impetus for losing excess weight.

Harm of fermented milk products

The consumption of fermented milk products is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and high acidity. In the presence of gastritis and pancreatitis, only fresh kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream and other fermented milk products are suitable for food, no more than one day has passed since their preparation. People allergic to lactose should exclude almost all dairy products, including fermented milk, from their diet. True, science has made a profound breakthrough in this matter, and dairy producers are already offering consumers lactose-free dairy products.
