Horrible experiments on people. Monstrous experiments on people

Research ethics was updated after the end of World War II. In 1947, the Nuremberg Code was developed and adopted, which continues to protect the well-being of research participants. However, previously scientists did not hesitate to experiment on prisoners, slaves and even members own families, violating all human rights. This list contains the most shocking and unethical cases.

10. Stanford Prison Experiment

In 1971, a team of Stanford University scientists led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo conducted a study of human reactions to restrictions on freedom in prison conditions. As part of the experiment, volunteers had to play the roles of guards and prisoners in the basement of the Faculty of Psychology building, equipped as a prison. The volunteers quickly got used to their duties, however, contrary to the predictions of scientists, terrible and dangerous incidents began to occur during the experiment. A third of the “guards” showed pronounced sadistic tendencies, while many “prisoners” were psychologically traumatized. Two of them had to be excluded from the experiment ahead of time. Zimbardo, concerned about the antisocial behavior of the subjects, was forced to stop the study early.

9. Monstrous experiment

In 1939, a graduate student at the University of Iowa, Mary Tudor, under the guidance of psychologist Wendell Johnson, performed an equally shocking experiment on the orphans of the Davenport orphanage. The experiment was devoted to studying the influence of value judgments on children's speech fluency. The subjects were divided into two groups. During the training of one of them, Tudor gave positive assessments and praised her in every possible way. She subjected the speech of children from the second group to severe criticism and ridicule. The experiment ended disastrously, which is why it later got its name. Many healthy children did not recover from the injury and suffered from speech problems throughout their lives. A public apology for the Monstrous Experiment was made by the University of Iowa only in 2001.

8. Project 4.1

A medical study known as Project 4.1 was conducted by US scientists on Marshall Islanders who were victims of radioactive contamination after the explosion of the American thermonuclear device Castle Bravo in the spring of 1954. In the first 5 years after the disaster on Rongelap Atoll, the number of miscarriages and stillbirths doubled, and developmental disorders appeared in surviving children. Over the next decade, many of them developed cancer. thyroid gland. By 1974, a third had developed neoplasms. As experts later concluded, the purpose of the medical program to help the local residents of the Marshall Islands was to use them as guinea pigs in a “radioactive experiment.”

7. Project MK-ULTRA

The secret CIA program MK-ULTRA to research means of mind manipulation was launched in the 1950s. The essence of the project was to study the influence of various psychotropic substances on human consciousness. The participants in the experiment were doctors, military personnel, prisoners and other representatives of the US population. The subjects, as a rule, did not know that they were being injected with drugs. One of the CIA's secret operations was called "Midnight Climax". In several brothels in San Francisco, male test subjects were selected, injected with LSD into their bloodstreams, and then filmed for study. The project lasted at least until the 1960s. In 1973, the CIA destroyed most of the MK-ULTRA program documents, causing significant difficulties in the subsequent US Congressional investigation into the matter.

6. Project "Aversia"

From the 70s to the 80s of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted in the South African army aimed at changing the gender of soldiers with non-traditional sexual orientation. During the top-secret Operation Aversia, about 900 people were injured. Suspected homosexuals were identified by army doctors with the assistance of priests. In a military psychiatric ward, subjects were subjected to hormonal therapy and electric shock. If soldiers could not be “cured” in this way, they faced forced chemical castration or sex reassignment surgery. The "aversion" was led by psychiatrist Aubrey Levin. In the 90s, he immigrated to Canada, not wanting to stand trial for the atrocities he committed.

5. Experiments on people in North Korea

North Korea has repeatedly been accused of conducting research on prisoners that violates human rights, however, the country's government denies all accusations, saying that the state treats them humanely. However, one of the former prisoners told the shocking truth. Before the eyes of the prisoner, a terrible, if not terrifying, experience appeared: 50 women, under the threat of reprisals against their families, were forced to eat poisoned cabbage leaves and died, suffering from bloody vomiting and rectal bleeding to the accompaniment of the screams of other victims of the experiment. There are eyewitness accounts of special laboratories equipped for experiments. Entire families became their targets. After a standard medical examination, the rooms were sealed and filled with asphyxiating gas, and the “researchers” watched through the glass from above as parents tried to save their children, giving them artificial respiration as long as they had strength left.

4. Toxicological laboratory of the USSR special services

A top-secret scientific unit, also known as the "Camera", under the leadership of Colonel Mayranovsky, was engaged in experiments in the field toxic substances and poisons such as ricin, digitoxin and mustard gas. Experiments were carried out, as a rule, on prisoners sentenced to to the highest degree punishments. Poisons were served to subjects under the guise of medicine along with food. The main goal of scientists was to find an odorless and tasteless toxin that would not leave traces after the death of the victim. Ultimately, scientists were able to discover the poison they were looking for. According to eyewitness accounts, after taking C-2, the test subject weakened, became quiet, as if he was shrinking, and died within 15 minutes.

3. Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The infamous experiment began in 1932 in the Alabama town of Tuskegee. For 40 years, scientists literally refused to treat patients with syphilis in order to study all stages of the disease. The victims of the experiment were 600 poor African-American sharecroppers. The patients were not informed about their illness. Instead of a diagnosis, doctors told people they had “bad blood” and suggested free food and treatment in exchange for participation in the program. During the experiment, 28 men died from syphilis, 100 from subsequent complications, 40 infected their wives, and 19 children received a congenital disease.

2. "Unit 731"

Employees special squad Japanese armed forces under the leadership of Shiro Ishii, they were engaged in experiments in the field of chemical and biological weapons. In addition, they are responsible for the most horrific experiments on people that history knows. The detachment's military doctors dissected living subjects, amputated the limbs of prisoners and sewed them to other parts of the body, and deliberately infected men and women with sexually transmitted diseases through rape in order to subsequently study the consequences. The list of Unit 731 atrocities is enormous, but many of its employees were never punished for their actions.

1. Nazi experiments on people

Medical experiments carried out by the Nazis during World War II claimed a huge number of lives. In concentration camps, scientists carried out the most sophisticated and inhumane experiments. At Auschwitz, Dr. Josef Mengele conducted studies of more than 1,500 pairs of twins. A variety of chemical substances to see if their color would change, and in an attempt to create conjoined twins, subjects were stitched together. Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe tried to find a way to treat hypothermia by forcing prisoners to lie in icy water for several hours, and at the Ravensbrück camp, researchers deliberately wounded prisoners and infected them with infections in order to test sulfonamides and other drugs.

This can only happen in a nightmare.

The CIA-run Project MK-ULTRA paid Dr. Donald Even Cameron for Sub-Project 68, which was dedicated to experiments with mind-altering substances. The main goal of the project was to test methods of influence and mind control that would be able to extract information from resistant individuals.

To carry out his experiments, the doctor took patients admitted to his Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal and performed “therapy” on them. These patients were admitted mainly with a diagnosis of bipolar depression and increased irritability. The treatment they received was life-changing and simply terrible.

While receiving payment from the CIA (1957-1964), Cameron administered electroshock therapy at thirty to forty times normal power. He placed his patients in a pharmacological coma for many months and played them tapes of simple statements or repeated noises over and over again.
The victims of his experiments forgot how to speak, forgot their parents, and began to suffer from severe amnesia.
And all this was carried out on Canadian residents, because the CIA did not want to risk carrying out such operations on Americans.

To ensure the project continued to receive funding, Cameron, in one case, undertook a series of experiments on children, and in another, he forced a child to have sex with a high-ranking government official and filmed it.

He and other important persons of the MK-ULTRA project were ready to blackmail the authorities in order to obtain further funding.

2. Testing mustard gas on soldiers in training gas chambers

As research into bioweapons intensified throughout the 1940s, authorities also began testing their effects and how to protect against them on the military itself.

To test the effectiveness of various types of bioweapons, the authorities actually sprayed mustard gas and other irritating and lung-damaging chemicals, such as lewisite, on soldiers without their consent or notification of the experiment.

They also tested the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing, locking the soldiers in gas chambers ah and exposing them to mustard gas and lewisite, which immediately brings to mind images of the gas chambers of Nazi Germany.

Effects of Lewisite: Lewisite is a gas that can easily penetrate clothing and even rubber. Upon contact with skin, the gas immediately causes severe pain, irritation, tissue swelling and even a rash. Large, fluid-filled abscesses develop within twelve hours of exposure in the form of extremely severe chemical burns. And this is just when the gas comes into contact with the skin.

Inhaling the gas causes burning pain in the lungs, coughing, vomiting, and pulmonary edema.

Effects of Mustard Gas: Symptoms of mustard gas do not appear until twenty-four hours after exposure, and the gas itself has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties that have killed many exposed to it. Its main effects include severe burns, which after some time turn into boils oozing yellow liquid. And although it is possible to treat the effects of mustard gas, burns from it are treated very, very slowly and are extremely painful. The burns that the gas leaves on the skin are sometimes incurable.

There were also rumors that in addition to soldiers, patients in military hospitals who were subjected to medical experiments, including testing biological weapons, became guinea pigs, and all such experiments were presented as simple “observations” to avert suspicion.

3. The US grants immunity to the monster of forced surgery.

In his role as head of Japan's famed Unit 731 (a unit dedicated to covert biological and chemical weapons research within the Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishi (Chief of Medicine) conducted brutal experiments on tens of thousands of people during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Second Sino-Japanese War. world war.
Ishi was responsible for researching vivisection techniques without anesthesia on prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of experimental surgery on living beings (with a central nervous system) and examination of their insides for scientific purposes. In other words, he performed brutal surgical experiments on prisoners, cutting them open and keeping them conscious without the use of anesthesia.

During his experiments, he also subjected pregnant women to procedures that caused them to have abortions. Ishi also played God, subjecting prisoners to changes in their physiological state and causing strokes, heart attacks, frostbite and hypothermia. Ishi considered his subjects to be “logs.”

Following its defeat in 1945, Japan disbanded Unit 731 and Ishi ordered the execution of all remaining "logs". Shortly after this, Ishi himself was arrested. And then the respected General Douglas MacArthur entered into an agreement with Dr. Ishi. In exchange for immunity from the United States, he had to provide all the data he had on viral weapons obtained during experiments on living people.

Thus, Ishi escaped punishment for all his crimes because the United States was interested in the results of his experiments.

Although it was not directly responsible for these crimes, the actions of the American government clearly indicate that it was more than willing to conduct experiments on living people in order to advance biological weapons that could kill even more people.

Ishi lived until 1959, conducting research into bioweapons and possibly contemplating even more plans to exterminate people until his very last day.

4. Spraying deadly chemicals over American cities

Again demonstrating that the US is always eager to test the worst possible scenarios first, with the invention of biochemical warfare in the mid-twentieth century, the Army, CIA and government conducted a series of combat simulations in American cities to see how events would unfold in the event of a real chemical attack. .

They carried out the following air and sea attacks:

  • The CIA sprayed whooping cough virus into Tampa Bay using boats and caused an epidemic of the disease. As a result, twelve people died.
  • The Navy sprayed bacterial pathogens into San Francisco, causing many of the city's residents to develop pneumonia.
  • In the cities of Savannah and Avon Park, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hope that they would spread yellow and tropical fever. The swarm of insects left Americans battling fevers, typhoid fever, respiratory problems, and worse, stillbirths.

What's even worse is that after the swarm, the Army showed up disguised as healthcare workers. Their secret goal throughout the time they were helping victims was to study and classify the long-term effects of the diseases caused.

5. The United States Infected Guatemalans with STDs

In the 1940s, the United States decided to test the effectiveness of penicillin as a cure for syphilis, and selected Guatemalan residents as test subjects.

To carry out this plan, they used infected prostitutes to infect unsuspecting prison inmates, mental hospital patients, and soldiers. And when the spread of the disease through prostitution was not as effective as they had hoped, they decided to resort to vaccinations.

After the disease was transmitted, the researchers treated most of the cases, but about one third of them were left without treatment, even though this was the original purpose of the study.
On October 1, 2010, Hillary Clinton issued a formal apology for these events, and a new study was launched to determine whether any of the victims of these experiments were still alive and whether they were still infected with syphilis. But since many test subjects never received penicillin, it is possible and even likely that some of them passed the disease on to subsequent generations.

6. Secret experiments on people to study the effects of the atomic bomb

While researching and trying to harness the power of the atomic bomb, American scientists also secretly tested the effects of the bomb on humans.

During the Manhattan Project, which paved the way atomic bombs, which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American scientists launched a series of secret experiments to inject plutonium into eighteen unsuspecting patients.

These experiments included the injection of several micrograms of plutonium into soldiers at Project Oak Ridge, as well as subsequent injections into three patients at a Chicago hospital. Just imagine - you are a hospital patient, lying on a hospital bed, assuming that nothing bad is happening, when suddenly government agents appear and inject weapons-grade plutonium into your blood.

Of the eighteen patients, who were known only by code names and numbers, only five lived more than twenty years after the injection.

In addition to plutonium, the researchers also used uranium in their experiments. At a Massachusetts hospital between 1946 and 1947, Dr. William Sweet injected uranium into eleven of his patients. He also received funding from the Manhattan Project.

And in exchange for the uranium received from the government, he pledged to preserve dead tissue from human bodies for scientific research into the effects of uranium exposure.

7. Injecting Agent Orange into Prisoners

While he received funding from the manufacturer of Agent Orange (a heavy mixture of chemical defoliants and herbicides used by the US during vietnam war; approx. website) of Dow Chemical, the US Army, and Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Albert Kligman used prisoners as test subjects in what was passed off as "dermatological research."

Dermatological studies have focused on the effects of Agent Orange on the skin.

It makes no sense to say that administration or exposure to dioxin is a heinous crime against any person. Kligman, however, administered dioxin ( main component Agent Orange) to prisoners to study its effects.

According to reports, he injected his victims with 468 times more of the substance than he was prescribed by the experimental regulations. The documentation of the results of this study, of course, was never declassified.

8. Operation Paper Clip

While the Nuremberg trials were underway and ethics and human rights were in focus, the United States was secretly removing Nazi scientists and giving them American citizenship.

In Operation Paperclip, so named because of the paper clips used to attach new dossiers of scientists to their American documents, Nazis who participated in the famous human experiments in Germany (which included surgically fusing twins, removing nerves from human body without anesthesia, and testing the effects of a bomb explosion on humans) were transported to participate in several top-secret projects in America.

Then, due to the anti-Nazi decrees of President Truman, the project was strictly classified, and the scientists received fake political biographies that allowed them not only to live on American soil, but also to be free people.

So, while it wasn't outright experimentation, the US took some of the worst people in the world and put them to work on unknown but certainly creepy projects.

9. Cancer in Puerto Rico

In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhodes received funding from the Rockefeller Institute to conduct experiments in Puerto Rico. He infected the townspeople of Puerto Rico with cancer cells, presumably to study their effects. Thirteen of them died.

What is most striking is the text of the note allegedly written by him:

“Puerto Ricans are the dirtiest, lazy, and most degenerate and thieving race of people that has ever inhabited this world... I did the best I could to further their destruction, killing eight and transplanting cancer to several more... All the doctors took pleasure in tormenting the victims failed experiments."

A man hell-bent on killing Puerto Ricans by infecting them with cancer does not seem like a suitable candidate for the post of director of chemical weapons projects and a seat on the American Commission on Chemical Weapons. nuclear energy, right?

But that's exactly what happened. He also became vice president of the American Cancer Society.

Any shocking documentation from his period of chemical weapons research has likely been destroyed by now.

10The Pentagon Treated Black Cancer Patients With Extreme Doses of Radiation

In the sixties, the Department of Defense undertook a series of experiments to irradiate unsuspecting, penniless African-American cancer patients. They were told that they would receive treatment, but they were not told that it would be a "Pentagon" type of treatment: that is, a study of the effects of high doses of radiation on the human body.

To avoid persecution, everyone medical forms were signed only with initials - so that patients would not have the opportunity to make claims to the government.

In a similar case, Dr. Eugene Sanger, funded by the Defense Atomic Support Agency (a very fancy name), undertook the same procedure for the same type of patient. Poor black Americans received an ultra-high dose of radiation, which caused severe pain, vomiting and bleeding from the nose and ears. At least twenty of them died.

11. Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax involved specially prepared safe houses in New York and San Francisco, built for the sole purpose of studying the effects of LSD on non-consenting individuals.

But in order to lure people into them, the CIA disguised these houses as brothels.

Prostitutes on CIA pay (yes, such a thing actually existed) lured “clients” to return to these houses.
Instead of sex, however, they drugged them with various drugs, the most famous of which was LSD. Also used intensively.

The experiments were monitored from behind a two-way mirror—somewhat like a twisted reality show.

The most horrifying part of it all was the very idea of ​​drugging unsuspecting adults with drugs whose effects they may not have known at all.

12. Fallout of radioactive substances in the Pacific Ocean

After the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States decided to conduct a series of thermal tests nuclear bombs in the Pacific Ocean in response to increased activity Soviet Union regarding their own nuclear bombs. It was assumed that these tests would be secret. However, this secrecy failed.

Detonated in 1954 at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, Castle Bravo was the most powerful nuclear device tested by the United States. What they didn't expect was that radioactive fallout from the explosion would rise into the air and fall on other islands. The consequences of this were congenital deformities and radiation diseases among the inhabitants of the archipelago. The effects of radiation became more significant in subsequent years, when many children whose parents were exposed to radiation developed thyroid cancer and multiple neoplasms.

This gave rise to Project 4.1, a study on the effects of radiation fallout on human beings. As such, it was the latest in a long series of studies in which people were used as guinea pigs without their consent, and the project is remembered in the US as a way to collect data that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.

However, the moral standards of the United States are such that even if the fallout suffered by the Marshall Islanders was an accident, it may well have been planned.

13. Tuskegee

The recent revelation that the US was infecting Guatemalans with syphilis brings to mind this famous study. Between 1932 and 1972, scientists recruited four hundred black farm laborers to Tuskegee, Alabama, to study the natural history of syphilis.
But scientists never told their subjects that they had syphilis. Instead, their patients were convinced that they were being treated for a "bad blood" disease, while researchers used them to study the symptoms and effects of syphilis.

In 1947, penicillin became the standard treatment for syphilis. But in addition to hiding information about the disease, scientists also “forgot” to tell their patients that their disease has a cure. And thus the research continued for almost thirty more years.
When this became known, the backlash against the study was so strong that President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology, declaring his regret that the government had "conducted such a racist study." And the saddest thing is that one of the most inhumane experiments ever carried out on people was organized by the US government.

Incredible facts

Sometimes science can be merciless. What if, in order to save humanity, for example, from cancer, it will be necessary to leave several dozen frightened children in the forest?

What if this needs to be done just to satisfy scientific curiosity?

Do you think the answers to these questions are obvious? Unfortunately, not for everyone.

Some pundits see nothing wrong with…

6) Leave the children in the wild forest and set them against each other

In the summer of 1954, Turkish psychologist Muzafer Sherif came up with the idea interesting idea. He thought about what would happen if two groups of children were thrown into some very remote place where there are no people and set them against each other, forcing them to be at enmity.

The psychologist did not know any other way to find the answer to the question other than to conduct a real scientific experiment. He gathered two groups, each of which had eleven 11-year-old children.

At the same time, the children were assured that they were going to a summer camp, where for three weeks they would enjoy serene swimming, fishing and mountain climbing.

Scientific experiments that changed the world

None of the children knew that their parents, just before the “start of the race,” had already signed a contract and consented to their children’s participation in this experiment. Also, no one knew that there was also a second group of the same children, which would be set against the first.

The first week went very well because the two groups stayed apart. This time was intended for the children to build relationships within their group. As a result, a hierarchy was formed in both groups, leaders were secretly chosen and names were invented - "Eagles" and "Rattlesnakes".

After the groups had completely “shared power” and it became clear who was eating who, they were allowed to “accidentally” find out about the existence of “their kind.”

It's time for the second part of the experiment. This was a period of all sorts of attempts by scientists to set up conflicts, after which they carefully observed how far hostility could go.

It all started with ordinary games like basketball and tug of war. The winners received beautiful pocket knives as a gift, and the losers harbored resentment. Then the experts very skillfully deepened the conflict, by organizing a party, to which the Eagles arrived a little early.

As a result, the Eagles feasted on all the delicious things that were on the table, leaving only scraps for their opponents. The guys from the second team, of course, were terribly offended by this, and they began to express themselves very impartially towards the Eagles.

Later, throwing plates with leftover food began, which continued with a real massacre. As a result, children from different groups were overcome with terrible rage every time they had to see each other. Moreover, during meetings they constantly tried to somehow harm their opponents.

In a word, Sheriff and his team were able to turn ordinary children, who had no behavioral problems, into a herd of aggressive savages in the shortest possible time (less than three weeks). Bravo, science!

It is worth noting that the psychologist conducted this experiment three times with different children. The results were always the same.

Cruel experiments

In the early 1960s, at the initiative of psychologist Albert Bandura, a group of scientists decided to find out Are children capable of imitating the aggressive behavior of adults?

To do this, they used a large inflatable clown, named Bobo, and made a film in which the "grown-up aunt" scolded, hit and kicked him with a hammer. The video was then shown to a group of 24 preschool children.

The second group of children saw a normal video, without violence, and the third group was not shown anything.

After that all the children they were allowed into the room one by one, which contained a clown, hammers and toy guns, despite the fact that none of the videos contained any firearms.

As a result, the children from the first group, who saw Bobo’s “torment,” immediately “got to work”:

One kid even picked up a gun, pointed it at the clown and started telling the inflatable victim about how he blows his brains out:

Children from the other two groups did not even show any hint of violence.

After conducting this experiment, Bandura spoke about his findings to the scientific community, but he practically failed to get approval, because a huge number of skeptics expressed that nothing could be proven with such an experiment, because A rubber toy is designed to be kicked.

7 of the cruelest medical experiments in history

In response to this criticism, a psychologist made a film in which the living Bobo was abused. Then everything happened according to the previously known scenario. As you might have guessed, the children behaved in a similar way, even They beat the living clown even harder.

But this time no one dared to challenge Bandura’s conclusions that children imitate adults and imitate their behavior.

Experiments by psychologists

4) Experiment with a broken toy

Psychologists at the University of Iowa wondered how children develop feelings of guilt. To do this, they developed an experiment "Broken Doll"

The point was this: an adult showed a child some kind of toy and told a very heartwarming story about how dear this doll was to him, how much he loved it, and how he played with it as a child. Then the toy was given to the child with instructions to treat it with care.

But as soon as the doll was in the hands of a child, she immediately “broke”, and hopelessly. For this purpose, a special mechanism was built into the toy. Next, “according to the program,” the adult takes a deep breath, and then sits and silently looks at the child for some time.

10 unusual thought experiments

Just imagine a child sitting in dead silence under the heavy gaze of an adult. The child closes his eyes, shrinks and hides his head under his hands. And all this drags on for a long minute.

It is interesting to note that the children who were most traumatized by the experiment with the doll, in the next five years behaved more than approximately compared to those whom he practically did not touch.

It is likely that some children understood what a feeling of guilt is, or maybe they simply realized that everything can be expected from adults.

The most cruel experiments in psychology

3) Cruelly deceive a baby

From the moment babies begin to crawl, they immediately realize that Under no circumstances should you climb down steep surfaces, because you may fall and hit yourself.

But how do children know that they will be hurt after a fall if they have never fallen in their lives?

According to experts from Cornell University Richard D. Walk and Eleanor J. Gibson, in order to study this phenomenon it is necessary to push the baby to the “abyss” and convince him to move on.

Scientists have created a “visual cliff,” a special structure made of thick glass and shields. Then they disguised the resulting structure using textiles with a corresponding pattern.

10 Controversial Genetic Experiments

The result was a complete illusion that in place of the glass there was emptiness, right down to the floor. There is no danger for the baby, it would seem that there is nothing terrible. Undoubtedly, This idea - the experiment could not bring physical harm to the child. But…

The children were alternately encouraged to move toward the “cliff,” while their mothers were at the other “end of the chasm,” urging them to crawl forward. In other words, scientists were able to find mothers who were ready to push their child to do what he considered (and correctly did) to die.

Thus, the kids had a choice: follow a sense of self-preservation or be obedient. This test was carried out on 36 infants from six months to 14 months. At the same time, only three kids obeyed and crawled along the glass.

Most of the children turned around and crawled back from their mothers, disobeying them. The rest simply burst into tears.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that almost none of the kids fell for the scientists’ bait, they nevertheless found themselves on the edge of a “cliff”, so if the situation were actually happening, they could easily fall.

Based on the results of this experiment, scientists made a “sensational” statement: children should never be left at the edge of the “abyss”, no matter how developed their sense of self-preservation is and how well they are oriented in determining depth.

Experiments on people

2) Using orphans as guinea pigs to train expectant mothers

These experiments were carried out in those distant times, when girls in special institutions learned to run a household, cook food and please their husbands.

One of the scientists of those times came up with a “brilliant” idea: to use children left without parents as living aid in order to teach girls how to be a mother. That is orphans acted as guinea pigs.

Chilling science: the most terrifying experiments

Since about the 1920s, such educational institutions began to “loan” hundreds of children - orphans from orphanages where young girls practiced. The orphans were in special rooms, where several “mothers” visited during the lesson.

The real names of the children were not given, so the girls gave them their own names, often these were offensive and mocking nicknames. After several years of work, the orphan “visual aids” were placed in foster families.

The parents, naturally, were heartbroken and turned for help to psychologist John Money, who studied sexual identification. His recommendation was extremely radical - sex-change operation.

The main thing that interested parents was the happiness of their children, so they were ready to do anything just to see their children happy. However, as it turned out many years later, the doctor himself was least interested in the boy’s happiness.

Mani just decided that such unique opportunity cannot be missed and turned this situation into an experiment, the results of which were supposed to prove that exactly education plays a leading role in gender self-identification and sexual orientation, not nature.

Moreover, the psychologist believed that David’s twin brother was a unique chance to confirm this hypothesis.

However, the problems began when David never agreed to be Brenda.“The girl” constantly refused to wear skirts and dresses, “she” did not want to play with the dolls that filled her room, “she” was always drawn to her brother’s cars and pistols.

The most unethical scientific experiments

Even in kindergarten, and subsequently at school, David-Brenda was regularly teased for acting like a boy.

The grief-stricken parents again went to a psychologist, but Mani assured them that this was just a difficult age and everything would get better very soon. At the same time as the child grew up, the cruel psychologist wrote and published science articles about this "experiment". Mani considered this his victory and a complete scientific triumph.

Later, when David grew up and found out the whole truth, the “doctor” curtailed his activities and stopped publishing. For several decades nothing was heard about him. Only in 1997 did documents surface that made it clear what incredible damage Mani’s experiment caused to the poor boy.

David has undergone numerous operations to “return” to his gender. But the new way of life did not bring him the desired peace. At the age of 38, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

Attention. This list contains descriptions and images of human experimentation that may be distressing to some readers.

Experiments on humans have been practiced since time immemorial. Usually, the objects of experiments were prisoners, prisoners of war, slaves, and entire families, but history knows many cases when researchers did not want to risk the lives of others and experimented on themselves. Here is a list of the ten most inhumane and unethical experiments performed on people.

10. Stanford Prison Experiment

The experiment at Stanford Prison was intended to study the psychological reaction of a person when captured, as well as the behavioral factors of prisoners and guards in prisons. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a group of researchers led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University (California). The roles of guards and prisoners were played by volunteers from the university's undergraduate students, who were placed in a mock-up prison located in the basement of the psychology building.

The prisoners and guards quickly adapted to their roles and the experiment immediately spiraled out of control. Dangerous psychological situations arose one after another. A third of the “guards” showed sadistic tendencies, many “prisoners” were emotionally traumatized, and two were forced to interrupt participation already at early stage due to injuries received. Under the influence of an alarmed public, the experiment, designed to last two weeks, was stopped after six days.

9. The Monster Study

Experiment on 22 orphans with normal speech and stuttering in Davenport, Iowa, 1939. Professor Wendell Johnson from the University of Iowa and five of his graduate students divided the children into two control groups. The first group (who stuttered) was taught and praised that they had good fluent speech, while the children from the second group with normal spoken speech were constantly reproached for every mistake. No one from the first group got rid of stuttering, while many of the second group of children with good speech, but who received “negative therapy”, received severe psychological trauma, the consequences of which in the form of isolation persisted throughout their lives. The University of Iowa publicly apologized for the study in 2001.

8. Project 4.1

Project 4.1 is the name of a medical study of Marshallese residents exposed to radioactive fallout following the hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll on March 1, 1954. The Castle Bravo thermonuclear explosion exceeded the calculated power by two and a half times, as a result of which the islanders, who did not bother to warn, received a huge dose of radiation. The first decade of observation of women of childbearing age did not reveal any special deviations. The consequences were too ambiguous and statistically difficult to correlate with the effects of radiation: in the first five years, there were twice as many miscarriages and stillbirths, but in the next five years the number returned to its original state. Developmental difficulties and growth disorders in children were noted, but did not provide a clear picture. However, in subsequent decades the consequences were catastrophic. A third of the children developed thyroid cancer (the result of exposure to radioactive iodine).

The US Department of Energy report states that there was a medical program to study the effects of radiation exposure, and the Marshall Islanders were used as "guinea pigs." Officially, 1,865 people were recognized as victims of the tests, of whom 840 died.

Project MKULTRA or MK-ULTRA - code name research program CIA mind control. The project started in the early 50s of the last century and continued at least until the end of the 60s. There is much published evidence that research involved the illicit use of a variety of drugs, as well as the manipulation mental state experimental and other techniques for changing brain functions.

Experiments using LSD were carried out on people of all kinds. social status- from the CIA employees themselves, doctors, other government agents to prostitutes, criminals, mentally ill and other sociopaths. LSD and other drugs were typically administered without the subject's knowledge and therefore consent, in direct violation of the Nuremberg Principles (such as Crimes Against Humanity) which the US agreed to uphold.

Illegal research methods within the MKULTRA Project sometimes outweighed the actual use of drugs (LSD in the USA, by the way, was banned until October 6, 1966). For example, during Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA created several brothels in order to have at its disposal men who would not dare to later talk about what happened to them. The men were injected with LSD, and the brothels themselves were equipped with one-way mirrors through which video footage was shot for later study.

In 1973, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all data on MKULTRA, making further investigation impossible.

6. Project "Disgust". The Aversion Project.

Experiments on lesbians and gays carried out in the South African army during apartheid (mostly 70-80s). Identified members of sexual minorities were subjected to chemical castration, electric shock therapy, and other unethical medical experiments. The exact number of victims is unknown, but former army surgeons are inclined to figure at 900 people forced to undergo “sexual reassignment”. The operations were carried out between 1971 and 1989 in military hospitals as part of a top-secret program to eradicate homosexuality from the army.

Army psychiatrists, supported by officers, forcibly referred suspected homosexuals to a military psychiatric ward near Pretoria. Those who could not be “cured” with the help of drugs, shock and hormonal therapy, and other radical methods were chemically castrated or subjected to sex reassignment surgery. Most of the victims were between 16 and 24 years old - average age conscripts in the South African Army.

Dr. Aubrey Levine (project leader) is currently a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University Medical school Calgary, is in private practice and has a good reputation among North American doctors and surgeons.

The few available reports of human experimentation in North Korea have drawn comparisons with experiments similar to those of the Nazis and the Japanese during World War II. The North Korean government denies the evidence, arguing that all prisoners are held in humane conditions.

However, former female prisoners tell how in one of the prisons an experiment was carried out on 50 women who were forced to eat poisoned cabbage leaves in the presence of those already dying. All 50 women died in agony, since refusal was tantamount to reprisals against relatives.

Kwon Hyuk, former prison security chief at Camp 22, describes laboratories equipped with equipment to pump out poisonous gases. 3 or 4 people, usually a whole family, were placed in a cramped chamber into which gas was supplied. Kwon Hyuk claims to have observed a family of two parents, a son and a daughter, dying of suffocation. Parents tried in vain to save their children, breathing their air into their mouths while they had the strength.

Secret laboratories of the Soviet intelligence services were testing a number of deadly poisons on prisoners from the Gulag (“enemies of the people”). Mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin, etc. were used. The purpose of the experiments was to find an odorless and tasteless toxic chemical, traces of which could not be detected upon autopsy. Victims were often given poison in food, drink, or as medicine.

Finally, a drug with the required properties was developed and named C-2. According to witness testimony, the victims of the experiments quickly lost strength and died quietly within fifteen minutes. The head of the toxicology department, Doctor of Medical Sciences G. M. Mayranovsky experimented on people with different physiological indicators and personally took part in the elimination of persons objectionable to the regime.

Clinical studies of all stages of syphilis conducted from 1932 to 1972 on the black population of Tuskegee, Alabama. The group included 399 people, and 201 of them were not sick with syphilis before the experiment.

Patients were not asked to consent to possible consequences and were not informed about the diagnosis. Instead, they were simply told they had "bad blood" and the US government provided free medical care, food, and insurance in exchange for participation. In 1932, when the study began, drugs against syphilis were highly toxic or had questionable effects. The initial goal was to detect the progression of the disease through all stages, with the result that some patients were deliberately withheld from treatment and others were given placebos so that they could observe the fatal consequences of the disease.

By the end of the study, when information was leaked to the press, out of 399 people, only 74 remained alive. The rest died either from syphilis or from complications caused by it. 40 wives of patients were infected, and 19 children were born with congenital syphilis.

Block 731 was a unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that conducted human experiments during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II. Responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes.

Commander Shiro Ishii and his subordinates from Unit 731 practiced surgical experiments on humans, during which limbs were cut off from people (including pregnant women) and sewn to other parts of the body. Some prisoners, prisoners of war, or simply kidnapped by entire families had their limbs frozen and then warmed up in order to cause gangrene. People were used as living targets for testing grenades and flamethrowers. They were injected with disease strains disguised as vaccinations, including syphilis and gonorrhea. According to various sources, the number of victims is estimated from 3,000 to 10,000 people.

After the war, Shiro Ishii was arrested, but the American military granted him freedom in exchange for research data. As a result, he was never punished.

Experiments on humans were an integral part of the Nazi regime. Inhumane experiments were widely practiced in concentration camps to help German soldiers in combat situations, to treat wounds, and to promote the racial ideology of the Third Reich.

Experiments on twins in concentration camps were carried out to study the similarities and differences in the genetics and eugenics of twins, as well as to verify the possibility of artificial modification of the human body. The experiments were supervised by Dr. Josef Mengele, who experimented on more than 1,500 pairs of twins, of which less than 200 survived. Atrocities ranged from injections into the eyes to change their color to literally sewing twins together into one.

In 1942, on behalf of the Luftwaffe, hypothermia research was carried out. Prisoners were immersed in ice water or kept naked in the cold. Critical moments of frostbite and methods of bringing survivors out of hypothermia were studied.

Also in 1942-1943, a series of experiments took place to study the effectiveness of sulfonamide, a synthetic antimicrobial agent. The wounds of the experimental subjects were infected with bacteria (streptococci, gas gangrene, tetanus), their limbs were pinched in order to interrupt blood circulation, and sawdust and crushed glass were rubbed in to make them resemble battle wounds. The areas of the body thus infected were treated with sulfonamide and other drugs to determine their effectiveness.

We can all agree that the Nazis did terrible things during World War II. The Holocaust was perhaps their most famous crime. But terrible and inhuman things happened in the concentration camps that most people did not know about. Prisoners of the camps were used as test subjects in a variety of experiments, which were very painful and usually resulted in death.

Experiments with blood clotting

Dr. Sigmund Rascher conducted blood clotting experiments on prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp. He created a drug, Polygal, which included beets and apple pectin. He believed that these tablets could help stop bleeding from battle wounds or during surgery.

Each test subject was given a tablet of this drug and shot in the neck or chest to test its effectiveness. Then the prisoners' limbs were amputated without anesthesia. Dr. Rusher created a company to produce these pills, which also employed prisoners.

Experiments with sulfa drugs

In the Ravensbrück concentration camp, the effectiveness of sulfonamides (or sulfonamide drugs) was tested on prisoners. Subjects were given incisions on the outside of their calves. Doctors then rubbed a mixture of bacteria into the open wounds and stitched them up. To simulate combat situations, glass shards were also inserted into the wounds.

However, this method turned out to be too soft compared to the conditions at the fronts. To simulate gunshot wounds, blood vessels were ligated on both sides to stop blood circulation. The prisoners were then given sulfa drugs. Despite the advances made in the scientific and pharmaceutical fields due to these experiments, prisoners suffered terrible pain, which led to severe injury or even death.

Freezing and hypothermia experiments

German armies were ill-prepared for the cold they faced on the Eastern Front and from which thousands of soldiers died. As a result, Dr. Sigmund Rascher conducted experiments in Birkenau, Auschwitz and Dachau to find out two things: the time required for body temperature to drop and death, and methods for reviving frozen people.

Naked prisoners were either placed in a barrel of ice water or forced outside in sub-zero temperatures. Most of the victims died. Those who had just lost consciousness were subjected to painful revival procedures. To revive the test subjects, they were placed under lamps. sunlight, which burned their skin, forced them to copulate with women, injected them with boiling water or placed them in baths with warm water (which turned out to be the most effective method).

Experiments with incendiary bombs

During three months In 1943 and 1944, the effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs against phosphorus burns caused by incendiary bombs was tested on Buchenwald prisoners. The test subjects were specially burned with the phosphorus composition from these bombs, which was a very painful procedure. Prisoners suffered serious injuries during these experiments.

Experiments with sea ​​water

Experiments were carried out on prisoners at Dachau to find ways to turn sea water into drinking water. The subjects were divided into four groups, the members of which went without water, drank sea water, drank sea water treated according to the Burke method, and drank sea water without salt.

Subjects were given food and drink assigned to their group. Prisoners who received seawater of one kind or another eventually began to suffer from severe diarrhea, convulsions, hallucinations, went crazy and eventually died.

In addition, subjects underwent liver needle biopsies or lumbar punctures to collect data. These procedures were painful and in most cases resulted in death.

Experiments with poisons

At Buchenwald, experiments were conducted on the effects of poisons on people. In 1943, prisoners were secretly injected with poisons.

Some died themselves from poisoned food. Others were killed for the sake of dissection. A year later, prisoners were shot with bullets filled with poison to speed up the collection of data. These test subjects experienced terrible torture.

Experiments with sterilization

As part of the extermination of all non-Aryans, Nazi doctors conducted mass sterilization experiments on prisoners of various concentration camps in search of the least labor-intensive and cheapest method of sterilization.

In one series of experiments, a chemical irritant was injected into women's reproductive organs to block the fallopian tubes. Some women have died after this procedure. Other women were killed for autopsies.

In a number of other experiments, prisoners were exposed to strong X-rays, which resulted in severe burns on the abdomen, groin and buttocks. They were also left with incurable ulcers. Some test subjects died.

Experiments on bone, muscle and nerve regeneration and bone transplantation

For about a year, experiments were carried out on prisoners in Ravensbrück to regenerate bones, muscles and nerves. Nerve surgeries involved removing segments of nerves from the lower extremities.

Experiments with bones involved breaking and setting bones in several places on the lower limbs. The fractures were not allowed to heal properly because doctors needed to study the healing process as well as test different healing methods.

Doctors also removed many fragments of the tibia from test subjects to study bone tissue regeneration. Bone transplants included transplanting fragments of the left tibia onto the right and vice versa. These experiments caused unbearable pain and severe injuries to the prisoners.

Experiments with typhus

From the end of 1941 to the beginning of 1945, doctors carried out experiments on prisoners of Buchenwald and Natzweiler in the interests of the German armed forces. They tested vaccines against typhus and other diseases.

Approximately 75% of test subjects were injected with trial typhus vaccines or other chemicals. They were injected with the virus. As a result, more than 90% of them died.

The remaining 25% of experimental subjects were injected with the virus without any prior protection. Most of them did not survive. Doctors also conducted experiments related to yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid, and other diseases. Hundreds of prisoners died and many more suffered as a result. unbearable pain.

Twin experiments and genetic experiments

The goal of the Holocaust was the elimination of all people of non-Aryan origin. Jews, blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and other people who did not meet certain requirements were to be exterminated so that only the "superior" Aryan race remained. Genetic experiments were carried out to provide the Nazi Party scientific evidence superiority of the Aryans.

Dr. Josef Mengele (also known as the "Angel of Death") was greatly interested in twins. He separated them from the rest of the prisoners upon their arrival at Auschwitz. Every day the twins had to donate blood. The actual purpose of this procedure is unknown.

Experiments with twins were extensive. They had to be carefully examined and every inch of their body measured. Comparisons were then made to determine hereditary traits. Sometimes doctors performed massive blood transfusions from one twin to the other.

Since people of Aryan origin mostly had blue eyes, experiments were done with chemical drops or injections into the iris to create them. These procedures were very painful and led to infections and even blindness.

Injections and lumbar punctures were done without anesthesia. One twin was specifically infected with the disease, and the other was not. If one twin died, the other twin was killed and studied for comparison.

Amputations and organ removals were also performed without anesthesia. Most twins who ended up in concentration camps died in one way or another, and their autopsies were the last experiments.

Experiments with high altitudes

From March to August 1942, prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp were used as test subjects in experiments to test human endurance at high altitudes. The results of these experiments were supposed to help the Germans air force.

The test subjects were placed in a low-pressure chamber in which atmospheric conditions were created at altitudes of up to 21,000 meters. Most of the test subjects died, and the survivors suffered from various injuries from being at high altitudes.

Experiments with malaria

For more than three years, more than 1,000 Dachau prisoners were used in a series of experiments related to the search for a cure for malaria. Healthy prisoners became infected with mosquitoes or extracts from these mosquitoes.

Prisoners who fell ill with malaria were then treated with various drugs to test their effectiveness. Many prisoners died. The surviving prisoners suffered greatly and basically became disabled for the rest of their lives.

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