Andreev e in natural energy. Scientists of past times strove for the truth; then there were those thirsting for glory; Today's scientists are hungry for salaries

St. Petersburg inventor Evgeny Andreev makes an engine. The only thing that distinguishes Andreev’s engine from a conventional unit is that it runs not on gasoline, kerosene, uranium, electricity, or unsymmetrical dimethylhydrosine, but on air.
All inventors can be divided into two large groups: crazy inventors and just inventors. Crazy "patent holders" are constantly shouting with foam at the mouth about their brilliant brainchild, the implementation of which will make it possible to build the material and technical base of communism on Earth within a month. It’s just that inventors are working quietly at this time. Evgeny Andreev is modest, calm and pedantic. Talking about himself, he notes: “I am an ordinary doctor of technical sciences.” And he prefers not to talk about the unprecedented prospects of his project at all: “First, everything needs to be tested in practice.”

In the footsteps of Baba Yaga
Russians have long dreamed of traveling quickly and cheaply. For example, Baba Yaga, a witch who was not only enterprising, but also economical, probably used ordinary air in the engine of her mortar. After all, no one had ever seen her pour gasoline into the “mortar tank.” And she muttered spells to distract industrial spies. No one threw firewood into the stove that the cunning Emelya rode. In addition, one can recall walking boots, flying carpets and other creations of the fairy tale industry.
Evgeny Andreev decided to turn the fairy tale into reality. At the same time, he talks about his invention in quite everyday official language: “With the efforts of individual scientists, installations have been created and are operating natural energy, in which for one unit of power spent on exciting the process, 5-10 times more energy is obtained. This work has been carried out especially intensively in the last 5 years. We tried to summarize their results, develop a theory and propose specific technical solutions."

Perpetual motion machine
If a true inventor needs anything, it’s more air. Now Andreev is patenting new principle obtaining energy. That is, a car or plane will no longer need gasoline or other fuel.
“The new engine only needs air. It’s a kind of perpetual motion machine,” explains the inventor. “But personally, this term seems unfortunate to me. In fact, we use air or air oxygen as fuel, which is constantly replenished by nature.”
News of the invention began to quickly spread throughout the city. Oddly enough, rumors played a positive role. The Ecosoyuz company undertook to invest in the research.
“This is a unique business that can take our country forward,” says Roman Davydenko, chairman of the board of founders of the Eco Union. But at first, the company decided to start with utilitarian goals - to save fuel on its own fleet. “I have been tasked with finding technical solutions that will allow us to switch the engine to the nitrogen cycle. At the end of last year, we began a series of experiments in the laboratory of our center. But this is only the first step. Then we will work out how to completely get rid of fuel,” says Evgeniy Andreev .

Burn, burn, my oxygen
Evgeny Andreev has been working with engines all his life. Working in closed research institutes, Colonel Andreev developed power plants for the needs of the Russian army. But now in traditional energy, according to the inventor, the ceiling has been reached: saving 1-2% of fuel is a great achievement.
“Well, don’t sit idly by,” says Andreev. As a result, he became interested in creating natural energy installations.
Scientists believe that nature graciously allows us to use our gifts, but not more than one millionth of a percent. Only under these conditions is the loss of air and water energy replenished in natural conditions without any environmental consequences.
“One such example is an ordinary flame. Combustion is nothing more than a gentle atomic reaction. During combustion, no radioactive substances are released, only thermal photons leave, and all the atoms in the molecule turn into reaction products. This is that very natural energy , for which we stand. However, the formation of carbon dioxide is known to cause climate warming. In new power plants, a deeper process occurs with the formation of environmentally friendly water vapor instead of carbon dioxide. In particular, in internal combustion engines, oxygen is formed due to the breakdown and conversion of nitrogen , carbon and hydrogen. This oxygen, obtained in sufficient quantities, plays the role of an amplifier of the entire reaction,” explains Evgeniy Andreev.


  • Andreev A., Andreev M. The real history of Cossack Ukraine (Document)
  • Andreev E.B., Popadko V.E. Technical means of control systems for technological processes in the oil and gas industry (Document)
  • Mirnov S.V., Energy from water (Document)
  • Solar Energy (Document)
  • Andreev S.B., Golovchenko V.S. etc. Basics of welding of ship structures (Document)
  • Kosarev M.F. Ancient history of Western Siberia. Man and the Natural Environment (Document)
  • Vladykin V.E., Hristolyubova L.S. Ethnography of the Udmurts (Document)
  • Kayumov-Gorky A.A. Clean energy (Document)
  • n1.rtf

    E.I. Andreev




    Saint Petersburg

    Andreev E.I. Fundamentals of natural energy. - St. Petersburg: publishing house "Nevskaya Pearl", 2004. - 584 p.

    The basic physical mechanisms of energy processes are outlined, including a modern understanding of ordinary combustion as an atomic process. Examples of power plants operating on natural energy without the use of organic and nuclear fuel are given.

    For everyone interested in new physics and energy.

    ISBN 5-86161-076-2 © Evgeniy Ivanovich Andreev, 2004


    Nature manages without the use of organic and nuclear fuels consumed in traditional energy. Energizing the processes of forming a new substance and maintaining its functioning, including, for example, vibrations of atoms in a crystal lattice, occurs through energy exchange with the environment. In the environment there is an electrine gas (ether), consisting of small positively charged elementary particles - electrino. They are charge carriers, the flow of which ensures energy exchange. This kind of energy is called natural. Books on natural energy were written and published in 2000, 2002 and 2003, which were included in sections of this book in chronological order, which makes it possible to understand the direction of thought in the study and analysis of natural energy processes. It is possible to distinguish two forms of energy exchange in nature with the release of energy: the decay of matter and the production of energy accumulated in it; flow of electrino from the environment and production of free energy contained in the electrino gas.

    The establishment in 1982 of a new elementary particle - the electrino, which, together with the electron, replaces all the others, which turned out to be not elementary particles, but composite ones, makes significant changes to traditional physics. Accordingly, the main content of the first section is devoted to the basics of unconventional hyperfrequency physics and the production of energy accumulated in matter. The second section contains physical mechanisms for using free energy. The third section mainly outlines the results of the implementation of the ideas of using energy accumulated in the air to perform useful work in an automobile internal combustion engine. The fourth section presents the features of the processes of air combustion (without conventional organic fuel), water and ether combustion in technical power plants.

    Engines and power plants that do not use organic or nuclear fuel are called “perpetual” engines. In our civilization, for at least 5...7 thousand years, there were no such engines. But official science did not even allow the thought of “perpetual” motion machines. It would be correct to consider them engines that use natural energy, including that stored or accumulated in (any) substance, as well as in the surrounding space.

    The idea was simple: according to modern physical concepts, fuel during combustion supplies its free electrons to the plasma (flame). But free electrons can also be obtained from air (oxygen, nitrogen...). Then you don’t need fuel at all: here you have a “perpetual” engine. The experience turned out to be successful. In this case, the air, as with conventional combustion, acquires a mass defect of only a few millionths of a percent, which can be restored under natural conditions. The environmental cleanliness of the process is also due to the absence of fuel and, accordingly, oxides of carbon, nitrogen and similar chemical hazards. And this is just one example.

    Creation of reliable, environmentally friendly and economically effective systems This book is devoted to electricity and heat supply, engines and power plants based on natural energy.

    Basic provisions
    natural concept

    1. The processes of release of excess energy as a result of partial nuclear disintegration substances into elementary particles.

    2. During decay, atoms experience such a slight mass deficit that they retain their chemical properties and recombine to form new or the same (original) substances, which determines no radiation.

    3. Mass deficiency of reaction products is being restored in natural conditions due to the desire for an equilibrium state, which eliminates consumption starting materials.

    4. Any substance can be subject to partial decomposition, including natural renewable air and water, which are preferred.

    5. Nuclear reactions of partial decay of air and water practically implemented in heat generators and automobile internal combustion engines, as well as in some other energy devices and installations.

    6. Main advantages: absence of necessity in ordinary traditional fuel (organic and nuclear); universal availability of air and water; eliminating the disadvantages of traditional energy: climate warming, radiation, environmental pollution, fuel production costs, etc.; generally - environmental and economic efficiency.

    7. It is necessary to carry out work on industrial development of the specified processes and power plants instead of traditional ones and at the expense of funds allocated for their development.

    8. The concept of natural energy is considered as a strategic solution to the Earth's fuel problem.


    The possibility of increasing the efficiency of traditional energy is largely limited by the laws of physics, including thermodynamics. No matter how much you improve the thermodynamic cycle, the power plant circuit, its individual elements, fuel combustion processes, manufacturing technology, the gain from this is extremely low: 1...5%, since at present all technical and physical reserves have already been selected. Therefore, new opportunities should be sought in the latest achievements of physics, and there are such.

    In the second half of the 90s, on the eve of the 21st century, a new physics was approved, in which the circulation and transformations of energy and matter were examined in detail, a unified mechanism for obtaining energy was established - a phase transition of higher order (PHPT). FPVR consists of the destruction of matter into elementary particles, the kinetic energy of which is converted into thermal and other types of energy (mechanical, electrical...).

    These reactions are essentially atomic and can occur at different intensities until the complete disintegration of the substance. There is not a single substance that cannot be broken down. But the most common and renewable substances by nature are of interest - air and water. In this case, complete decay is not only unnecessary, but also harmful due to the radioactivity that accompanies it. The energy based on them is called natural, natural, natural.

    The basis of the PCPR mechanism for generating energy is the electrodynamic interaction of free electrons with atoms of a substance, in which a negatively charged electron pulls out much smaller positively charged particles from the atom, called, for example, electrinos. High-speed electrinos give off their kinetic energy remotely (electrodynamically) and contactally (in direct collisions) to surrounding atoms and particles, themselves transform into photons (“depleted” electrinos) and are removed from the reaction zone into space. As can be seen from this brief description of the PCPR mechanism, two conditions are necessary for its occurrence: first - plasma - the state of ionized fragmented matter, at least into atoms; the second is the presence of free electrons.

    Oddly enough, such a reaction occurs when organic fuel burns in the furnaces and combustion chambers of traditional power plants. In this case, a certain measure of intensity is the ratio of the number of free electrons to the donor atom of small particles, which is oxygen during combustion.

    So, for one oxygen atom (16 atomic mass units) in the combustion reaction there is one free electron. For the complete disintegration of an oxygen atom, 16 free electrons would be required at the same time, but where can I get them? That is, the intensity of combustion to complete disintegration according to the indicated attribute is a very small number: 1/16. However, the addition of each simultaneously participating electron is accompanied by an increase in the released energy by several orders of magnitude.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that there is no radioactivity during combustion. So, of interest are reactions with low intensity, energy output comparable to or greater than combustion, and based on the use of air and water as new fuel.

    To better understand the PDF, it is necessary to name other known energy processes that occur by this mechanism. This, for example, is the generation of light in an electric light bulb, in the filaments of which electrons interact in the described manner with tungsten atoms. This is the generation of electric current in batteries, for example, lead batteries, in which on the lead plate, when hydrogen peroxide is formed, it decomposes into hydrogen, oxygen ions and three electrons (for each molecule), which make up the plasma in the electrolyte. Free electrons immediately begin their work of partially splitting the mentioned ions and generating an electric current.

    In nuclear reactors of power plants, PVFR also occurs according to general laws. However, the complete disintegration of a substance, for example uranium-235, is accompanied by completely unnecessary radiation that is dangerous for all living things.

    Over the past five years, examples have emerged of the operation of power plants with PVFR, which is more intense than conventional combustion, but is far from complete decay, and is mainly based on the partial splitting of air and water. Thus, in internal combustion engines (ICE), an operating mode was obtained in which fuel consumption (gasoline) decreases up to 5...6 times, and power increases accordingly. An increased content of water vapor, carbon in the form of fine graphite, oxygen, and a reduced content of nitrogen and carbon dioxide were found in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.

    The results for different internal combustion engines are still unstable, but they are there.

    Another example is cavitation heat generators of various types, including those protected by Russian patents, in which, when cavitation is excited, plasma of high parameters is formed in microzones and PHRT occurs with the release of excess thermal energy. Energy conversion coefficients are still low: for one unit of electrical energy expended, two or three units of thermal energy are obtained. However, it is possible to increase the output of excess energy by several orders of magnitude.

    Sources of information, for example, one of the patents, provide data on instrumental measurements of radiation during the operation of cavitation installations, namely: ?, ?, ? and neutron radiation. So, for ordinary tap water, radioactive radiation is at background level, that is, it is not detectable. However, to prove that the reaction was still atomic, the author introduced various salts into the water, which became radioactive, and then the radiation was recorded by instruments.

    The unified mechanism for obtaining energy, energy from matter, established by physics, is still far from being studied and used. Judging by the theory and the given practical examples, in the 21st century it is possible to obtain energy through the partial breakdown of new types of fuel, which are natural substances - air and water, renewable by nature. And a low intensity of the reaction with sufficient release of energy will meet the needs of people, without disturbing the ecological situation.

    Since all theories do not fully reflect all aspects of phenomena and processes, the author hopes for a constructive understanding of the developments presented in the monograph, which, in our opinion, should contribute to the resolution of a specific energy problem, as well as to the awareness of knowledge in general based on a new approach to in-depth understanding the microworld and its patterns.

    Saint Petersburg

    Natural power
    We’d like to consider the basic question – the one about a nature of energy. The non conventional concept explaining the same details of transformation of energy and substance is stated. The ways and devices of energy generation with maximum ecological and economic efficiency are given on the basis of use of natural processes of both substances – air and water.

    1. The processes of superfluous energy generation as a result of partial nuclear disintegration of substances to elementary particles are established.

    2. At disintegration of the atoms experience so insignificant deficiency of mass, that keep the chemical properties, recombine with formation of new or same (initial) substances, that causes the absence of radioactive radiation.

    3. The deficiency of reaction products mass is restored naturally due to aspiration to an equilibrium condition, which excludes the consumption of initial substances.

    4. Any substance can be subject to partial disintegration, including naturally renewed air and water which are preferable.

    5. The nuclear reactions of partial disintegration of air and water are carried out practically in heat generators and automobile internal combustion engines, as well, as some other power devices and installations.

    6. Main advantages are: the absence of necessity in traditional fuel (organic and nuclear); universal availability of air and water, absence of traditional power problems: climate change, radiation, pollution, fuel production cost etc.; and generally – ecological and economic efficiency.

    7. It is necessary to develop technological processes and power installations in industry instead of financing traditional ones.

    8. The concept of natural power is considered to be the strategic way to solve a fuel problem on the Earth.

    The opportunity to increase the efficiency of traditional power engineering in many respects is limited to the laws of physics, including thermodynamics. One can try to improve a thermodynamic cycle, energy installation or it's elements, fuel combustion processes, production technology, but the outcome of it will be extremely low: 1...5%, because now we already have used all the technical and physical reserves. Therefore it is necessary to search for new opportunities in the latest achievements of physics, and there are such.

    In the second half of 90th, on the eve of the XXIst century the new physics is being developed, which considers circulation and transformation of energy and substance, the uniform mechanism energy generation – phase transition of super sort (PhTSS) is established. PhTSS is the destruction of substance to elementary particles, which kinetic energy turns in thermal energy and other kinds of energy (mechanical and electrical...).

    These reactions, being nuclear in fact – can proceed at different intensity up to complete disintegration of substance. There is no substance, which could not be split. But we are interested in the substances widespread and restored by nature – air and water, with the complete disintegration being not necessary because of radio-activity, accompanying it. This power, mentioned, is call natural.

    The basis of the mechanism of PhTSS for energy generation is established by electrodynamic interaction of free electrons with substance atoms, when the negatively charged electron pulls much finer positively charged particles out from atom, like electrino, for example. High speed electrino gives out the kinetic energy from a distance (electrodynamically) or directly (at direct collisions) to the surrounding atoms and particles, turning into photons ("powerless" electrino) through that and leaving to space from a zone of reaction. As we can see from such brief description of PhTSS mechanism, two conditions are necessary for its course: first one – plasma, as a condition of the ionized substance shattered, at least, at atoms; second one – the existence of free electrons.

    Strangely enough, such kind of reaction takes place on when burning organic fuel in ovens and chambers of combustion in traditional energy installations. Thus, some measure of intensity is the ratio of quantity of free electrons to donor atom of fine particles, which is the oxygen at burning.

    So, for one atom of oxygen (16 nuclear units of mass) in reaction of burning one free electron is necessary. The complete disintegration of oxygen atom would require 16 free electrons simultaneously, but the point is where to get them. Then, the intensity of burning to complete disintegration to the specified attribute makes very insignificant number – 1/16. However adding every electron participating simultaneously is accompanied by 10 n increase of energy generation.

    It is necessary to pay the special attention to the fact that at burning there is no radio-activity present. So we are interested in reactions with low intensity, with an output of energy comparable with burning or more than that, and also based on use of new fuel like air and water.

    To make it clear it is necessary to number the other known power processes occurring by this specific mechanism. For example, it is the generation of light in an electrical bulb, when the electrons in the strings cooperate with atoms of wolfram in the way we described. Also it's the generation of an electrical current in accumulators, for example, leaden ones, in which on a leaden plate at formation of oxide of hydrogen its decomposition to ions of hydrogen, oxygen and three electrons (on for each molecule) that is plasma in electrolyte occurs. Free electrons immediately begin the work on partial splitting of the ions mentioned and on the formation of an electrical current.

    In nuclear reactors of power plants PhTSS occurs under the same common laws. However complete disintegration of substance, uranium-235 for example, is accompanied by radiation completely unnecessary and dangerous to all alive.

    For the past five years the examples of energy installations work with PhTSS that are more intensive than usual burning have appeared, but – it is not the complete disintegration, and it is mainly based on partial splitting of air and water. So in internal combustion engines (ICE) the mode of operations was achieved, at which the charge of fuel (petrol) decreases up to 5...6 times, and capacity grows accordingly. In structure of exhaust gases in ICE the higher contents of water pair, carbon in a form of fine graphite, oxygen, and lowered contents of nitrogen and carbonic gas is revealed.

    The positive results for different ICE are achieved, but they are not stable yet.

    Another example is cavitation heat generators of different types, including those protected by the Russian patents. Where at excitation of cavitation the plasma of high parameters in microzones is formed and PhTSS occurs with the generation of superfluous thermal energy. Factors of transformation of energy are low so far: out of one unit of the electrical energy spent we receive two – three units of a thermal energy. However, there is an opportunity to increase an output of superfluous energy a few 10 n more.

    In the information sources, for example, in one of the patents, radiation tool measurements are given during the operation of cavitation installations, namely: ?, ?, ? and neutron radiation. So, for usual water the radioactive radiation is at a level of the background, that is, it cannot be found. However, to prove that the reaction was the nuclear one, the author entered into water various salts, which became radioactive, and then radiation was measured by devices.

    The universal mechanics, established by physics, of energy generation from substance still is not really investigated and used. Due to the theory and given practical examples in the XXI century energy generation is possible thanks to partial splitting of new kinds of fuel, which are the natural substances – air and water, the ones, renewed by the nature. And the insignificant intensity of reaction at sufficient liberation of energy will meet the needs of the people, and without infringement of ecological conditions.

    As all theories do not completely reflect all parties of the phenomena and processes, the authors hope to get the constructive understanding of the phenomenon, given in the monograph, which from our point of view should work to solve the problems of energy, and also to achieve the comprehension of knowledge on the basis of the new approach to the profound understanding of the microworld and its laws.

    Saint Petersburg

    March 22, 2000


    The circulation of substance in a nature occurs by a unique way: the composite substance is formed of elementary particles, and which in term are made by disintegration of substance. the energy changes from one form to another: kinetic energy of elementary particles, at formation of substance changes to potential energy of Thus their connection at disintegration of substance. Kinetic energy can turn to thermal and other forms – mechanical, electrical... As we can see, the first cause of energy is complete or partial disintegration of substance. All other possible cases of energy generation are secondary and in its basis have the disintegration of substance. For example, the exothermic reaction. Heat of reaction is traditionally considered as a natural property. But, as it was stated on an example of burning reaction, the source of energy are the fast elementary particles electrino, pulled out by electron from the atom of the substance. The reactions of synthesis of molecules from atoms gives energy too. But this energy belongs to those particles electrino, which could interact with free electrons, that becoming the connection electrons. That is at synthesis the energy is a consequence of partial disintegration of substance too. The energy of synthesis is 10 20 less than energy of complete disintegration to elementary

    Thus, the essence and first cause of energy is a disintegration of substance.

    Any substances can be split to elementary particles, and we can get energy from substances as from accumulators of energy. All substances by the amount of elementary particles – electrino and mass as a whole are in balance with external electromagnetic influence. On the Earth, first of all, it is the magnetic field of the Earth. At a deviation (surplus or deficiency – the defect) weight of substance in conditions of influence, including – partial disintegration with energy generation – is restored naturally. So, there is no need to take all at once from nature, – it is necessary to be content with those its mercies, which it gives without damage to ecology. Sparing partial disintegration of substance with preservation of its chemical properties of elements is that very legal necessary and sufficient limit, in particular, for energy generation, that the nature mercifully allows us to use. And, at last, for energy production we should apply the most widespread and accessible substances everywhere: air and water.

    That is why such kind power based on partial disintegration of natural substances, defect of mass of which is restored by a nature in natural conditions, is called the natural power.

    Nowadays there is no really other power, which to such extend satisfies all requirements of ecology and economy, except for the natural power. It also gives the basis to speak about natural power as a strategic (main) direction of solving the fuel problem on the Earth.

    Saint Petersburg, Russia.



    By the 90s of the twentieth century, a large number of facts had accumulated in physics and, in particular, in energy, which cannot be explained by traditional physics. This caused, on the one hand, a crisis in theoretical physics, and on the other, dozens, if not hundreds, of new theories. Some of them try to extract an explanation from mathematical operations, without optimizing the mathematical description of the form characteristic of real processes; the other part is based on new physical concepts. However, only one of them - physics Baziev /3/ - explains the mechanism of interaction of elementary particles, atoms and molecules with each other. In others, this interaction is simply postulated or ignored. It is the justification for the organization of order, not chaos, and the mechanism of interaction that causes preference for Baziev’s physics over dozens of theories of other authors.

    There are other differences that make Baziev’s physics preferable and accessible for use in explaining and calculating previously inexplicable phenomena. These differences include the following. When developing the theory of the structure of matter in /3/ it was done only one the assumption that, along with a negatively charged elementary particle (electron), there should be a positively charged particle (called an electrino). Its characteristics and parameters are determined by calculation based on existing experimental data. The remaining particles are their derivatives.

    The second significant fact is the size level of “indivisible” particles. If in ancient physics the atom was considered indivisible, then in Baziev’s physics the electron and electrino, of which these atoms are composed, are considered indivisible.

    It should be noted that there are theories that consider smaller particles (quarks, epsilons...), which, for example, make up an electron /14/. But such theories, although they seem to develop ideas about the structure of matter, are purely speculative and fictitious.

    The third difference is the establishment of a phase transition of the highest order (HPPT), which consists in the formation of a substance from (two) elementary particles and the possibility of the disintegration of any substance completely or partially into elementary particles with the release of energy. This is of practical interest, which previously had no idea, except for the nuclear reactions of radioactive substances.

    There are many other “highlights”, finds and colorful descriptions of phenomena and processes (light, electric current, combustion, laser radiation, etc.) that are original, revealing their essence at the level of interaction of atoms and elementary particles. Moreover, the mathematics is quite simple and limited to algebraic equations. But since it describes, as it were, each particle separately, and not the averaged parameters of the process as a whole, as is usually done, then this mathematics is quite sufficient, and the calculations are transparent for understanding the essence.

    All this makes it imperative to become familiar with Baziev’s physics. But due to the large volume of the book (640 pages) and the large number of unusual new concepts, their interconnection and, especially, use in calculations, an adapted text is required for preliminary acquaintance, suitable for perception in the form of a short summary - a reference book. If necessary, individual sections can always be viewed in more detail in the book itself /3/.

    I offer an edited, shortened and slightly supplemented by me Google translation, which can be found at the link above - L.A.

    Here in the text is a portrait of S. Sall.

    Russian physicist, professor Sergei Sall tells in this long article how it happened that new technologies - magnetic engine, CNF and other methods were severely limited for many decades... up to the physical elimination of the protagonists and the destruction of their laboratories... Now the situation has improved, which shows the "approval" of numerous patents, but the ban on supposedly "impossible Technologies" is still in place.

    Sergey Sall: “If you adapt these technologies, the demand for oil and gas is reduced to tenths”

    Energy-generating systems that do not require oil or gas, but produce energy themselves -

    this sounds fantastic!

    If these discoveries promise such great benefits for a world that is truly experiencing an oil crisis, why are they being ignored?

    Mr. Sall, please tell us more about energy systems that have no emissions and can solve the problem of dependence on oil.

    One solution to this problem was invented by Nikola Tesla more than a century ago. His invention does not require an energy source, but rather extracts energy from the facuum. :-), from the forces that unite subnuclear particles, many orders of magnitude smaller than the nucleons we are used to.

    Today we can say that a whole range of problems have been technically completely resolved.

    Now there are three directions in this.-L.A.

    Firstly, magnetic motors and generators based on the ideas of Tesla, his famous coil (that is, on a high-voltage resonant transformer - L.A.) and other similar devices. These devices do not require any energy, but they can produce energy themselves. This energy, as Tesla wrote, is obtained from the environment = vacuum = ether, which consists, in addition to those familiar to us electromagnetic waves, from very small subnuclear quasiparticles.

    The second direction is CYAS=LENR. Both physically and technically this problem has also been solved.

    Back in the last century, methods for operating internal combustion engines using chemical fuels in water were proposed.

    Anyone in their garage can modify their car using these results.

    Energy production using CNF is much simpler than using devices such as a Tesla generator. In addition, ColdFusion opens up the possibility of obtaining new substances and materials.

    In Russia, as in other countries, inventors have developed such devices to perfection. For example, this was done by Evgeny Ivanovich Andreev in St. Petersburg. The history of this invention in the Soviet Union is truly amazing... and in the form of apocrypha it looks like this: Evgeniy Ivanovich was driving his old 407m. The gas station was closed.. but we had to go to another city!

    And he poured water into the tank, diluted gasoline with water... The engine sneezed a little at first, but then it drove hundreds of kilometers, using only one liter of gasoline. Later, Andreev completely solved all the problems that arose.

    Gasoline is only needed to start the engine, and at idle and on the road, gasoline consumption drops to zero.

    So what's the big deal?

    The case is a chemical nuclear reactor involving deuterium present in water vapor, nitrogen and oxygen. The result is the synthesis of new isotopes and the emergence of energy that is hundreds of times greater than that from burning gasoline.

    CNF with all these air components is accompanied by soft X-ray radiation, but it is completely absorbed by the engine and does not harm a person.

    Such a car (by the way - with an ignition retardation instead of an advance) was even shown at the EXPO 2004 world exhibition in Paris. The audience applauded.

    But after this, the Deputy Minister of Energy came to our inventors and said: “Guys, the hunt is already on for you! Get out of Paris as quickly as possible!

    When they came out, the car was already on fire. They worked for several years in St. Petersburg, hundreds of cars are equipped with these engines.

    But a few years later, Evgeny Andreev died under strange circumstances, and his small company was destroyed.

    The third direction is a new theory and new technique proposed by V.S. Leonov (see both Leonov’s theoretical works and test reports).

    This direction is based on gravitational interaction with vacuum, but Leonov’s “gravitational cap” takes energy from a conventional :-) chemical nuclear power generator.

    Leonov, on the basis of his CMEA theory, proposed and tested a design that converts the electromagnetic field into a gravitational field acting on subnuclear, many orders of magnitude smaller than nuclear, vacuum particles.

    Leonov calls them quantons. - L.A.

    If the world adopts these technologies, the need for oil and gas decreases by an order of magnitude. It's not just a financial issue, it's a power issue, because if you hold the oil and gas cycle in your hands, you own the states. It turns out that it is not enough to look at these things only from the physical and technical point vision,

    All these things are political and social.

    But it was kept secret that many entrepreneurs and inventors were physically eliminated.

    The world is divided into scum who have lost their conscience,

    And for people who still have it.

    AM Gorodnitsky

    Such technologies can feed the entire world population.

    - If Andrea Rossi with his E-Cat manages to contribute to these technologies?

    - Yes, but.. The problem called today E-Cat was solved earlier.

    In 1958, Ivan Stepanych Filimonenko built such a generator.

    The program was implemented in the energy sector of the Soviet Union, as well as in the aerospace industry. Academicians Kurchatov, Korolev and Keldysh (KKK) were probably the curators of the program.

    As you already guessed, these three... died under strange circumstances.

    I'm not even talking about the strange circumstances of the death of dozens of less than famous people as YudginMallove, for example, Andrei Basteev, who, in fact, created New Energy - L.A.

    But the catastrophic collapse of the Soviet Union could have been prevented...

    Where else have such technologies been tested?

    They have been tested in many countries. The worst story happened in Japan.

    More than thirty years ago, the magnetic motor “Minato Wheel” was developed in Japan. Minato is the first name of the inventor.

    The production of the Sumo motorcycle began, which rode without consuming fuel.

    - It is not clear from Google translation, is this an implementation of Tesla’s ideas, the first of the options proposed above, or the “Minato Wheel” is based on a CNC generator - L.A.

    Toyota has developed electric cars based on this principle.

    But what was the result?

    Japan was blackmailed to follow the principles of the International Monetary Fund - “The World Bank is concerned about the economic consequences of replacing carbon fuels with other types of energy”

    Does this mean that a small number of people can prevent humanity from developing these technologies?

    The book "The Committee of 300" by John Coleman describes the main reasons for the ban on these technologies. Modern capitalism is something like a global slave society..

    But if Russia begins to develop New Energy in the north, build greenhouses, and so on, this is actually a refusal to be slaves. The current world order is not compatible with these technologies; only the development of information technologies is allowed, only to create a global concentration camp.

    That is, science is prohibited not only in the field of physical discoveries?

    Yes, this applies to all branches of science, because all branches are under international control.

    In Russia, science is not free, as in the Soviet Union, since it depends on international assistance. Who sets the standard?

    International monopolies that do not allow you to work on taboo topics.

    This applies not only to physics, but also to chemistry, biology and social sciences.

    In the social sciences the situation is even worse. The reason is simple - the corresponding clans continue History in their favor.

    This has always been the case and is the case now.

    A little later I will state here what I threw out... about helicopters at the CNF - L.A.

    The first stage of the laboratory is the library, sources. First we place the monographs of our modern authors and compatriots: E. I. Andreev “Fundamentals of Natural Energy”, “Natural Energy” and E. I. Andreev and A. P. Smirnov “Ten new sources of natural energy.”

    TO The book “Natural Energy” is a continuation of the book “Fundamentals of Natural Energy”, its second volume. It outlines the basic physical mechanisms of energy processes, including a modern understanding of ordinary combustion as an atomic process. Examples of power plants operating on natural energy without the use of organic and nuclear fuel are given. Here's a summary of this book:


    Accumulated energy

    Basic provisions of the concept of natural energy

    Physics of natural energy processes

    Natural energy processes and installations

    Free energy

    Physical mechanisms of energy processes

    Power plants running on free energy

    Energy safety and ecology

    Implementation of ideas

    The evolution of new views in physics and energy

    Implementation of new ideas in the energy sector


    Burning ether

    Air combustion

    Burning water

    Burning soul

    The book expands the range of phenomena considered. The physical mechanisms of energy processes and energy-informational influences in the social sphere are clarified. A wide range of technical solutions for fuel-free energy is proposed - without the use of organic or nuclear fuel. It is useful for those interested in physics, energy and the nature of social phenomena.

    A special feature of the book is the arrangement of the material in chronological order. This included articles, reviews, recommendations developed in 2005-2007, after the publication of “Fundamentals of Natural Energy”. This arrangement of the material allows you to more clearly trace the development of the topic and better understand subsequent developments, based on knowledge of previous ones. Illustrations for natural energy are included. The shock-wave principle of flows (liquid, gas, ether), which is their natural basis and allows one to explain and clearly understand previously incomprehensible aerodynamic processes and phenomena, including the appearance of excess power contrary to the laws of conservation of energy, has been developed in detail and for the first time outlined. The fruitfulness of using the analysis of natural phenomena in solving various problems, including physical, technical and social, is emphasized. For the first time, a complete picture of the self-development of matter is given - from primary matter through vortices and elementary particles to matter. The structure of matter, chemical elements and elementary particles is presented, of which there are only two: electron and electrino. In social terms, the natural cause of wars and revolutions was identified and a humanistic ideology and constitution was proposed.

    It is also useful to read the book “Ten New Sources of Natural Energy» E. I. Andreeva and A. P. Smirnova And a new look at chemistry .

    Due to the large volume of monographs, it is difficult to post them for reading online. Therefore, we invite you to download the files and enjoy reading them on your device.

    -- [ Page 1 ] --

    E.I. Andreev



    Saint Petersburg

    Andreev E.I. Basics of natural

    energy. - St. Petersburg: publisher-

    school "Nevskaya Pearl", 2004. - 584 p.

    The basic physical mechanisms of energy

    processes, including a modern understanding of the usual

    nomic combustion as an atomic process. Examples of energy efficiency are given.

    plants operating on natural energy without the use of organic and nuclear fuel.

    For everyone interested in new physics and energy.

    © Evgeniy Ivanovich Andreev, 2004 ISBN 5-86161-076-2 Preface Nature gets by without the use of organic and nuclear fuels consumed in traditional energy. Energizing the processes of formation of a new substance and maintaining its functioning, including, for example, vibrations of atoms in a crystal lattice, occurs through energy exchange with the environment. In the environment there is an electrine gas (ether), consisting of small positively charged elementary particles – electrino. They are charge carriers, the flow of which ensures energy exchange. This kind of energy is called natural. Books on natural energy were written and published in 2000, 2002 and 2003, which were included in sections in this book in chronological order, making it possible to understand the direction of thought in the study and analysis of natural energy processes. It is possible to distinguish two forms of energy exchange in nature with the release of energy: the decay of matter and the production of energy accumulated in it;

    flow of electrino from the environment and production of free energy contained in the electrino gas.

    The establishment in 1982 of a new elementary particle - the electrino, which, together with the electron, replaces all the others, which turned out to be not elementary particles, but composite ones, makes significant changes to traditional physics. Accordingly, the main content of the first section is devoted to the fundamentals of non-traditional hyperfrequency physics and the production of energy accumulated in matter. The second section contains physical mechanisms for using free energy. The third section mainly presents the results of the implementation of the ideas of using energy accumulated in the air to perform useful work in an internal combustion automobile engine. The fourth section presents the features of the processes of air combustion (without conventional organic fuel), water and ether combustion in technical power plants.

    Engines and power plants that do not use organic or nuclear fuel are called “perpetual” engines. In our civilization, for at least 5...7 thousand years, there were no such engines. But official science did not even allow the thought of “perpetual” motion machines.

    The idea was simple: according to modern physical concepts, during combustion, fuel supplies its free electrons to the plasma (flame). But free electrons can also be obtained from air (oxygen, nitrogen...). Then you don’t need fuel at all: here you have a “perpetual” engine.

    The experience turned out to be successful. In this case, the air, as with conventional combustion, acquires a mass defect of only a few millionths of a percent, which can be restored under natural conditions. The environmental cleanliness of the process is also due to the absence of fuel and, accordingly, oxides of carbon, nitrogen and similar chemical hazards. And this is just one example.

    This book is dedicated to the creation of reliable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective electrical and heat supply systems, engines and power plants based on natural energy.

    SECTION ONE ACCUMULATED ENERGY Basic provisions of the concept of natural energy 1. The processes of release of excess energy as a result of partial nuclear decay of substances into elementary particles have been established.

    2. During decay, atoms experience such an insignificant mass deficit that they retain their chemical properties and recombine to form new or the same (original) substances, which results in the absence of radiation.

    3. The mass deficit of reaction products is restored under natural conditions due to the tendency to an equilibrium state, which eliminates the consumption of starting substances.

    4. Any substance can be subject to partial decomposition, including natural renewable air and water, which are preferred.

    5. Nuclear reactions of partial disintegration of air and water are carried out practically in heat generators and automobile internal combustion engines, as well as in some other energy devices and installations.

    6. Main advantages: no need for conventional traditional fuel (organic and nuclear);

    universal availability of air and water;

    elimination of the disadvantages of traditional energy: climate warming, radiation, environmental pollution, costs of fuel production, etc.;

    in general – environmental and economic efficiency.

    7. It is necessary to carry out work on the industrial development of these processes and power plants to replace traditional ones and at the expense of funds allocated for their development.

    8. The concept of natural energy is considered as a strategic solution to the Earth's fuel problem.

    “Dear friend, everyone knows that light is a source of heat in matter. A small force of light propagating at high speed can produce in a substance with a low reaction rate a force sufficient to destroy the substance and even atoms.”

    (From a letter from Isaac Newton to Bishop Bentley, rector of Cambridge Trinity College, 1700) Introduction The possibility of increasing the efficiency of traditional energy is largely limited by the laws of physics, including thermodynamics. No matter how much you improve the thermodynamic cycle, the power plant design, its individual elements, fuel combustion processes, manufacturing technology, the gain from this is extremely low: 1...5%, since at present all technical and physical reserves have already been selected. Therefore, new opportunities should be sought in the latest achievements of physics, and there are such.

    In the second half of the 90s, on the eve of the 21st century, a new physics was established, in which the circulation and transformations of energy and matter were examined in detail, and a unified mechanism for obtaining energy was established - a phase transition of higher order (PHPT). FPVR consists of the destruction of matter into elementary particles, the kinetic energy of which is converted into thermal and other types of energy (mechanical, electrical...).

    These reactions are essentially atomic and can occur at different intensities until the complete disintegration of the substance.

    There is not a single substance that cannot be broken down. But the most common and naturally renewable substances – air and water – are of interest.

    In this case, complete decay is not only unnecessary, but also harmful due to the radioactivity that accompanies it. The energy based on them is called natural, natural, natural.

    The basis of the PCPR mechanism for generating energy is the electrodynamic interaction of free electrons with atoms of a substance, in which a negatively charged electron pulls out much smaller positively charged particles from the atom, called, for example, electrinos. High-speed electrinos give off their kinetic energy remotely (electrodynamically) and contactally (in direct collisions) to surrounding atoms and particles, themselves transform into photons (“depleted” electrinos) and are removed from the reaction zone into space. As can be seen from this brief description of the PCPR mechanism, two conditions are necessary for its occurrence: first, plasma—the state of ionized fragmented matter, at least into atoms;

    the second is the presence of free electrons.

    Oddly enough, such a reaction occurs during the combustion of organic fuel in the furnaces and combustion chambers of traditional power plants. In this case, a certain measure of intensity is the ratio of the number of free electrons to the donor atom of small particles, which is oxygen during combustion.

    So, for one oxygen atom (16 atomic mass units) in the combustion reaction there is one free electron. For the complete disintegration of an oxygen atom, 16 free electrons would be required at the same time, but where can I get them? That is, the intensity of combustion to complete decay according to the indicated attribute is a very small number: 1/16. However, the addition of each simultaneously participating electron is accompanied by an increase in the released energy by several orders of magnitude.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that there is no radioactivity during combustion. So, of interest are reactions with low intensity, energy output comparable to or greater than combustion, and based on the use of air and water as new fuel.

    To better understand the PDF, it is necessary to name other known energy processes that occur by this mechanism. This, for example, is the generation of light in an electric light bulb, in the filaments of which electrons interact in the described manner with tungsten atoms.

    This is the generation of electric current in batteries, for example, lead batteries, in which on the lead plate, when hydrogen peroxide is formed, it decomposes into hydrogen, oxygen ions and three electrons (for each molecule), which make up the plasma in the electrolyte. Free electrons immediately begin their work on the partial splitting of the mentioned ions and the formation of an electric current.

    In nuclear reactors of power plants, FPR also occurs according to general laws. However, the complete disintegration of a substance, for example uranium-235, is accompanied by completely unnecessary radiation that is dangerous for all living things.

    Over the past five years, examples have appeared of the operation of power plants with FFCR, which is more intense than conventional combustion, but is far from complete decay, and is mainly based on the partial splitting of air and water. Thus, in internal combustion engines (ICE), an operating mode was obtained in which fuel consumption (gasoline) decreases up to 5...6 times, and power increases accordingly. An increased content of water vapor, carbon in the form of fine graphite, oxygen, and a reduced content of nitrogen and carbon dioxide were found in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.

    The results for different internal combustion engines are still unstable, but they are there.

    Another example is cavitation heat generators of various types, including those protected by Russian patents, in which, when cavitation is excited, plasma of high parameters is formed in microzones and PDHR occurs with the release of excess thermal energy. Energy conversion coefficients are still low: for one unit of electrical energy expended, two or three units of thermal energy are obtained. However, it is possible to increase the output of excess energy by several orders of magnitude.

    Sources of information, for example, one of the patents, provide data on instrumental measurements of radiation during the operation of cavitation installations, namely:

    And neutron radiation. So, for ordinary tap water, radioactive radiation is at background level, that is, it is not detectable. However, to prove that the reaction was still atomic, the author introduced various salts into the water, which became radioactive, and then the radiation was recorded by instruments.

    The unified mechanism for obtaining energy, energy from matter, established by physics, is still far from being studied and used. Judging by the theory and the given practical examples, in the 21st century it is possible to obtain energy through the partial breakdown of new types of fuel, which are natural substances - air and water, renewable by nature. And a low intensity of the reaction with sufficient release of energy will meet the needs of people, without disturbing the ecological situation.

    Since all theories do not fully reflect all aspects of phenomena and processes, the author hopes for a constructive understanding of the developments presented in the monograph, which, in our opinion, should contribute to the resolution of a specific energy problem, as well as to the understanding of knowledge in general based on a new approach to an in-depth understanding of the microworld and its patterns.

    St. Petersburg March 22, 2000 THE SUMMARY Natural power We’d like to consider the basic question – the one about a nature of energy. The non conventional concept explaining the same details of transformation of energy and substance is stated. The ways and devices of energy generation with maximum ecological and economic efficiency are given on the basis of use of natural processes of both substances – air and water.

    THE BASIC RULES of the CONCEPT of NATURAL POWER 1. The processes of superfluous energy generation as a result of partial nuclear disintegration of substances to elementa ry particles are established.

    2. At disintegration of the atoms experience so insignificant deficiency of mass, that keep the chemical properties, recombine with formation of new or same (initial) substances, that causes the absence of radioactive radiation.

    3. The deficiency of reaction products mass is restored naturally due to aspiration to an equilibrium condition, which excludes the consumption of initial substances.

    4. Any substance can be subject to partial disintegration, including naturally renewed air and water which are pre ferable.

    5. The nuclear reactions of partial disintegration of air and water are carried out practically in heat generators and au tomobile internal combustion engines, as well, as some other power devices and installations.

    6. Main advantages are: the absence of necessity in traditional fuel (organic and nuclear);

    universal availability of air and water, absence of traditional power problems: climate change, radiation, pollution, fuel production cost etc.;

    and generally – ecological and economic efficiency.

    7. It is necessary to develop technological processes and power installations in industry instead of financing traditional ones.

    8. The concept of natural power is considered to be the strategic way to solve a fuel problem on the Earth.

    THE FOREWORD The opportunity to increase the efficiency of traditional power engineering in many respects is limited to the laws of physics, including thermodynamics. One can try to improve a thermodynamic cycle, energy installation or it's elements, fuel combustion processes, production technology, but the outcome of it will be extremely low: 1...5%, because now we already have used all the technical and physical reserves. Therefore it is necessary to search for new opportunities in the latest achievements of physics, and there are such.

    In the second half of 90th, on the eve of the XXIst century the new physics is being developed, which considers circulation and transformation of energy and substance, the uniform mechanism energy generation – phase transition of super sort (PhTSS) is established. PhTSS is the destruction of substance to elementary particles, which kinetic energy turns in thermal energy and other kinds of energy (mechanical and electrical...).

    These reactions, being nuclear in fact – can proceed at dif ferent intensity up to complete disintegration of substance.

    There is no substance, which could not be split. But we are in terested in the substances widespread and restored by nature – air and water, with the complete disintegration being not neces sary because of radio-activity, accompanying it. This power, mentioned, is call natural.

    The basis of the mechanism of PhTSS for energy generation is established by electrodynamic interaction of free elec trons with substance atoms, when the negatively charged elec tron ​​pulls much finer positively charged particles out from atom, like electrino, for example. High speed electrino gives out the kinetic energy from a distance (electrodynamically) or directly (at direct collisions) to the surrounding atoms and particles, turning into photons ("powerless" electrino) through that and leaving to space from a zone of reaction. As we can see from such brief description of PhTSS mechanism, two conditions are necessary for its course: first one – plasma, as a condition of the ionized substance shattered, at least, at atoms;

    second one – the existence of free electrons.

    Strangely enough, such kind of reaction takes place on when burning organic fuel in ovens and chambers of combustion in traditional energy installations. Thus, some measure of intensity is the ratio of quantity of free electrons to donor atom of fine particles, which is the oxygen at burning.

    So, for one atom of oxygen (16 nuclear units of mass) in reaction of burning one free electron is necessary. The complete disintegration of oxygen atom would require 16 free electrons simultaneously, but the point is where to get them. Then, the in intensity of burning to complete disintegration to the specified attribute makes very insignificant number – 1/16. However add ing every electron participating simultaneously is accompanied by 10n increase of energy generation.

    It is necessary to pay the special attention to the fact that at burning there is no radio-activity present. So we are interested in reactions with low intensity, with an output of energy compa rable with burning or more than that, and also based on use of new fuel like air and water.

    To make it clear it is necessary to number the other known power processes occurring by this specific mechanism. For ex ample, it is the generation of light in an electrical bulb, when the electrons in the strings cooperate with atoms of wolfram in the way we described. Also it's the generation of an electrical cur rent in accumulators, for example, leaden ones, in which on a leaden plate at formation oxide of hydrogen its decomposition to ions of hydrogen, oxygen and three electrons (on for each mole cule) that is plasma in electrolyte occurs. Free electrons imme diately begin the work on partial splitting of the ions mentioned and on the formation of an electrical current.

    In nuclear reactors of power plants PhTSS occurs under the same common laws. However complete disintegration of substance, uranium-235 for example, is accompanied by radiation completely unnecessary and dangerous to all alive.

    For the past five years the examples of energy installations work with PhTSS that are more intensive than usual burning have appeared, but – it is not the complete disintegration, and it is mainly based on partial splitting of air and water. So in inter nal combustion engines (ICE) the mode of operations was achieved, at which the charge of fuel (petrol) decreases up to 5...6 times, and capacity grows accordingly. In structure of ex haust gases in ICE the higher contents of water pair, carbon in a form of fine graphite, oxygen, and lowered contents of nitrogen and carbonic gas is revealed.

    The positive results for different ICE are achieved, but they are not stable yet.

    Another example is cavitation heat generators of different types, including those protected by the Russian patents. Where at excitation of cavitation the plasma of high parameters in micro zones is formed and PhTSS occurs with the generation of super fluous thermal energy. Factors of transformation of energy are low so far: out of one unit of the electrical energy spent we re ceive two – three units of a thermal energy. However, there is an opportunity to increase an output of superfluous energy a few 10n more.

    In the information sources, for example, in one of the pa tents, radiation tool measurements are given during the operation of cavitation installations, namely:, and neutron radiation. So, for usual water the radioactive radiation is at a level of the background, that is, it cannot be found. However, to prove that the reaction was the nuclear one, the author entered into water various salts, which became radioactive, and then radiation was measured by devices.

    The universal mechanics, established by physics, of energy generation from substance still is not really investigated and used. Due to the theory and given practical examples in the XXI century energy generation is possible thanks to partial splitting of new kinds of fuel, which are the natural substances – air and water, the ones, renewed by the nature. And the insignificant intensity of reaction at sufficient liberation of energy will meet the needs of the people, and without infringement of ecological conditions.

    As all theories do not completely reflect all parties of the phenomena and processes, the authors hope to get the constructive understanding of the phenomenon, given in the monograph, which from our point of view should work to solve the problems of energy, and also to achieve the comprehension of knowledge on the basis of the new approach to the profound understanding of the microworld and its laws.

    Saint Petersburg March 22, EPILOGUE The circulation of substance in a nature occurs by a unique way: the composite substance is formed of elementary particles, and which in term are made by disintegration of substance. the energy changes from one form to another: kinetic energy of elementary particles, at formation of substance changes to potential Thus energy of their connection at disintegration of substance.

    Kinetic energy can turn to thermal and other forms – mechanical, electrical... As we can see, the first cause of energy is com plete or partial disintegration of substance. All other possible cases of energy generation are secondary and in its basis have the disintegration of substance. For example, the exothermic reaction. Heat of reaction is traditionally considered as a natural property. But, as it was stated on an example of burning reaction, the source of energy are the fast elementary particles elec trino, pulled out by electron from the atom of the substance. The reactions of synthesis of molecules from atoms gives energy too.

    But this energy belongs to those particles electrino, which could interact with free electrons, that becoming the connection elec trons. That is at synthesis the energy is a consequence of partial disintegration of substance too. The energy of synthesis is less than energy of complete disintegration to elementary particles.

    Thus, the essence and first cause of energy is a disintegration of substance.

    Any substances can be split to elementary particles, and we can get energy from substances as from accumulators of energy. All substances by the amount of elementary particles – electrino and mass as a whole are in balance with external elec tromagnetic influence. On the Earth, first of all, it is the magnetic field of the Earth. At a deviation (surplus or deficiency – the defect) weight of substance in conditions of influence, including – partial disintegration with energy generation – is restored natu rally. So, there is no need to take all at once from nature, – it is necessary to be content with those its mercies, which it gives without damage to ecology. Sparing partial disintegration of substance with preservation of its chemical properties of elements is that very legal necessary and sufficient limit, in particu lar, for energy generation, that the nature mercifully allows us to use. And, at last, for energy production we should apply the most widespread and accessible substances everywhere: air and water.

    That is why such kind power based on partial disintegration of natural substances, defect of mass of which is restored by a nature in natural conditions, is called the natural power.

    Nowadays there is no really other power, which to such extend satisfies all requirements of ecology and economy, ex cept for the natural power. It also gives the basis to speak about natural power as a strategic (main) direction of solving the fuel problem on the Earth.

    Saint Petersburg, Russia.

    1996- PART ONE PHYSICS OF NATURAL ENERGY PROCESSES Introduction By the 90s of the twentieth century, a large number of facts had accumulated in physics and, in particular, in energy, which cannot be explained by traditional physics. This caused, on the one hand, a crisis in theoretical physics, and on the other, dozens, if not hundreds, of new theories. Some of them try to extract an explanation from mathematical operations, without optimizing the mathematical description of the form characteristic of real processes; the other part is based on new physical concepts. However, only one of them – Baziev’s physics /3/ – explains the mechanism of interaction of elementary particles, atoms and molecules with each other. In others, this interaction is simply postulated or ignored. It is the justification of the organization of order, not chaos, and the mechanism of interaction that causes preference for Baziev’s physics over dozens of theories of other authors.

    There are other differences that make Baziev’s physics preferable and accessible for use in explaining and calculating previously inexplicable phenomena. Such differences include the following. When developing the theory of the structure of matter in /3/, only one assumption was made: that along with a negatively charged elementary particle (electron), there should be a positively charged particle (called an electrino). Its characteristics and parameters were determined by calculation based on existing experimental data. The remaining particles are their derivatives.

    The second significant fact is the size level of “indivisible” particles. If in ancient physics the atom was considered indivisible, then in Baziev’s physics the electron and electrino, of which these atoms consist, are considered indivisible.

    It should be noted that there are theories that consider smaller particles (quarks, epsilons...), which, for example, make up an electron /14/. But such theories, although they seem to develop ideas about the structure of matter, are purely speculative and fictitious.

    The third difference is the establishment of a higher order phase transition (HPPT), which consists in the formation of a substance from (two) elementary particles and the possibility of the disintegration of any substance completely or partially into elementary particles with the release of energy. This is of practical interest, which previously had no idea, except for the nuclear reactions of radioactive substances.

    There are many other “highlights”, finds and colorful descriptions of phenomena and processes (light, electric current, combustion, laser radiation, etc.) that are original, revealing their essence at the level of interaction of atoms and elementary particles. Moreover, the mathematics is quite simple and limited to algebraic equations. But since it describes, as it were, each particle separately, and not the averaged parameters of the process as a whole, as is usually done, then this mathematics is quite sufficient, and the calculations are transparent for understanding the essence.

    All this makes it imperative to become familiar with Baziev’s physics. But due to the large volume of the book (640 pages) and the large number of unusual new concepts, their interconnection and, especially, use in calculations, an adapted text is required for preliminary acquaintance, suitable for perception in the form of a short summary - a reference book. If necessary, individual sections can always be viewed in more detail in the book itself /3/.

    1. Gas oscillators Since atoms (molecules) are in frequency electrodynamic interaction with each other, they are called the general concept of “oscillator”.

    The individual space of the oscillator within which it oscillates is called a “globule”.

    The volume occupied by one oscillator (using air as an example) at atmospheric pressure P 0 1.01325 10 5 Pa and temperature t 0 0 0 C (T 0 273.15 K):

    4.8106712 10 kg mV V go 3, 7208378 m.

    OB 1, 2929 kg m Number of air oscillators per unit volume:

    N 0 1 / V go 2, 6875667 10.

    Total kinetic energy of oscillators per unit volume:

    E unit V unit P 0 1 m 1, 01325 10 J / m 1, 01325 10 J.

    3 5 3 Kinetic energy of the air oscillator:

    E 0 P 0V go 3, 7701389 10 J.

    The same, through the Boltzmann constant:

    23 E 0 k V T 0 1, 3802449 10 273.15 3, 7701389 10 J.

    The same, through Planck’s constant:

    E 0 hf 0, whence the frequency of oscillations of air oscillators inside the globule:

    kg m m 3, 7701389 E0 s f0 5, 6875667 s.

    kg m 6, 626268 h m s The motion of the oscillator in its globule is not chaotic, as is believed, but ordered, due to electrodynamic interaction with its neighbors, with amplitude A 0 d g o.

    To a first approximation, the amplitude can be taken equal to the diameter of the globule:

    6V go A 0 d go 4.1420376 10 m.

    There is also an exact solution for A 0.

    The average linear speed of the oscillator for one period of its reciprocating motion along the path 2 A 0:

    0 2 A 0 f 0 4, 713379 10 m/s (47 km/s).

    Mechanical equation of oscillator 4 (m 0 u 0) m 0u 0 a;

    E0 is the coefficient o a 1, 611992 rad 92, the sphericity of the globule is the average angle of reflection of the oscillator from the oscillator.

    u 0 – globule wandering speed:

    Р 0 V go Е0 kT 0 hf 0 h u0 1, 0315148 m/s m 0а m 0а m 0a m 0 а 2 A0 m a (for air). In addition, the oscillators rotate at high speed.

    The interaction of oscillators begins with their mutual approach to a certain critical distance r, upon reaching which they stop and their counter impulses are completely inhibited. The counteracting pulses are quenched due to the electrino pulse when the first particle is emitted from one of the two approaching oscillators. Then, after a short moment, the second electrino is emitted and self-absorbed, the impulse of which is transferred to both oscillators and they fly apart with the nominal speed and momentum. At the same time, the acceleration of the oscillators is instantaneous, since they move in absolute vacuum. The size or diameter of the oscillator itself—the atom—is approximately 103 times smaller than the diameter of its globule, which is now accepted in traditional physics as the size of an atom (molecule).

    The angular momentum of the electrino, as can be seen from the description of the interaction of the oscillators, must be exactly twice the angular momentum of the oscillator in order to be enough to stop both:

    mu h Since there is a ratio of the energy of the oscillator a f torus to the frequency, which represents the angular momentum of a single interaction between a pair of oscillators, that is, the energy quantum of one interaction, then kg m (constant i h / a 4.1106086 10 m const.

    At the same time, the angular momentum of the particle i e m e is equal to the product of its mass and its sectorial velocity.

    The sectoral velocity (or Millikan’s constant) is determined from the relations with 2 for the speed of propagation of natural light with 2.9979246 10 8 m/s, which, as it turns out, characterizes only its violet part, which represents the highest frequency component in the visible light beam:

    s 2.9979246 10 4 10 119.91698 m/s;

    8 7, 4948113 10 (4 10) 119, 2 14 2 m/s.

    Let's expand the equation i e 2 i or m e 2 - and determine the mass of the electrino 2 4.1106086 2 me 6.8557572 10 kg const.

    119, mе Planck's constant h a apparently must maintain its stoic constancy, since it is the product of three constant quantities. Moreover, in its physical essence, Planck’s constant is a quantum of the energy of a single interaction between a pair of gas oscillators, which is carried out through intermediaries - electrino. That is why it is constant, that these intermediaries are the same for any size and mass of molecules of interacting substances - from hydrogen me to radon;

    the equation h includes the angular momentum of the particle – the mediator (electrino) i e m e const., which is a constant value for all substances.

    The path to determining the mass of the electrino and the particle itself was especially realistic until 1905, before the publication of Einstein’s article “On the electrodynamics of moving media,” in which the SRT was substantiated and the photon mass was accepted as a variable. But it was possible, taking hc E mc to be correct, taking mc into account, to determine the mass of the particle h 6, 626268 h h m 5.5257128 10 kg, c 119, which is very close to the true value of m e.

    The orbital speed of an electrino is defined as u / r (r d go А 0).

    Its values ​​for hydrogen and oxygen are:

    119.91698 m s u(H 2) 4, 6054661 m/s;

    2, 6037968 10 m rH u (O 2) 7, 2996047 m/s 1, 6427873 rO At the same time, the theory of relativity has been asserting for almost a century that in nature there is not and cannot be a speed exceeding C 2.9979246 10 m/s.

    In all types of radiation, including the optical range, the same elementary particle, the electrino, acts as a photon. This particle has a constant final mass, a constant positive charge, a constant sectorial velocity, a constant angular momentum and two velocity components - orbital (u) and stepwise (c).

    2. The neutron is a complex structure. It has been experimentally proven that during beta decay, a neutron transforms into a proton n p e with the release of 1.3 MeV of energy. The discovery of electrino makes it possible to solve the problem of the structure of the neutron and proton, which apparently are not elementary particles, and the place of elementary particles - electron and electrino - in the structure of the neutron (and proton).

    The atomic mass unit and the mass of the average nucleon are determined by the relation:

    6n 6(p e) n (p e) nn 1 a.u. m. m and n.

    C 12 12 2 That is, the mass of the average nucleon is equal to the mass of the average neutron and is numerically equal to:

    C m u m n 1 a.u. m. 1, 66057 10 kg.

    The neutron is taken to be the average nucleon from which the atoms of all elements (substances) are formed.

    Each individual nucleon and the atom formed by them is an electrostatic system of negative electrons and positive electrinos.

    The introduction of electrino presupposes a certain design of the neutron as a composite (not elementary) particle. The number of electrons in a neutron must be integer and small. If the neutron had one electron n e 1 in its composition, then after its emission, the resulting proton, which is an electrino bunch, would instantly decay. But he is very stable. At n e 2, after the emission of one electron there will be a strong charge imbalance of 2: 1 - the stability of such a proton is questionable. Only when n е 3 in the neutron after the emission of one electron can the proton be stable, which is also confirmed by Baziev’s further analysis.

    Based on the analysis of isotope-free substances, the masses of the neutron, proton, and electron were refined. In this case, the atomic mass of the elements became integer and was determined by the sum of neutrons N and protons Z:

    The masses of a neutron, proton, and electron were determined by the formulas:

    Am u Z (m p m e) mn ;

    N Am u Nm n Zm e mp ;

    Z Am u Nm n Zm p me.

    Z As a result, the variation in the masses of the proton, neutron and electron disappeared depending on the type chemical element, the negative sign in front of the electron mass has disappeared;

    the data has acquired harmony:

    m e 9, 038487 10 kg const.

    m p 1, 6596662 10 kg const.

    m n 1, 66057 10 kg const.

    m p / m e 1836, 2213 const.

    (number of electrons in a neutron).

    n e 3 const m n ne m e (number of electrinos in ne 2, 4181989 me neutron).

    ne e (charge of one e 1.9876643 10 C const ne electrino).

    Interesting relative values:

    – the ratio of specific charges, electrino and electron densities and their total mass in a neutron:

    e e / me nem e k 611, e e / me ne m e (the density of matter in an electron is the maximum concentration of matter in nature e 5.9056608 10 15 kg / m 3);

    – ratio of diameters of neutron, electron, electrino:

    d n: d e: d e 633.50992: 5.996575: 1;

    d n 7, 0112108 10 m;

    – masses of electrons and electrinos in the neutron and matter as a whole:

    kg 0.16329% of m n;

    n e m e 2, 7115461 kg 99.83671% of m n ;

    n e m e 1, 6578584 – charges of electrons and electrino in a neutron:

    Cl 50% of Zn;

    n e e 4.8065676 from Z n.

    n e e 4.8065676 10 C 50% Thus, in the composition of the neutron and any atom, the mass of the electrino is 99.83% of the total mass. A reasonable question arises: can existing theoretical physics claim to be complete and objectively correct if it did not have the slightest idea about 99.83% of matter?

    3. The nature of Avogadro’s constant and the unit of mass in the SI system Avogadro’s number N A 1 / m n 6.0220285 10 26 neutrons / kg const is the number of neutrons in 1 kg of substance.

    The mass unit m unit 1 kg N A m n is 1 kg of a substance containing N A neutrons, regardless of the aggregate and chemical state of the substance.

    It should be noted that the specific molar volume V m.o 22.4141 l / mol const is not a constant value.

    Each gas has its own molar volume V m.o N A V go m / mol.

    4. Temperature and vacuum The temperature of absolute vacuum is considered to be T = 0 K.

    Currently, temperatures of 2.65·10-3… …2.5·10-4 K have been reached and the possibilities have not been exhausted. But absolute zero can hardly be achieved, since matter is not expected to move at it.

    Since (see earlier) E 0 kT 0 hf 0, then temperature is a way of indirectly measuring frequency.

    h T The value as a coefficient of proportionality k fo nality between temperature and frequency was obtained by M. Planck in 1900 when analyzing the Wien equation for the distribution of black body radiation energy. Since then it has not been used: now it is reborn. For helium at T 1 1 K:

    He h / k He 4.8011734 10 K c ;

    1 He k He / h 1 / He 2, 0828241 10 K c ;

    f1 T1 2, 0828241.

    c He As can be seen, He 1 / He is the frequency price of one degree;

    and in the immediate vicinity of 0 K, the oscillators still have a colossal oscillation frequency. When T a 0 K is reached, f a T a 0 will be, but if we accept some, we get T min f min (for helium f min 1c K) - this is a temperature close to the minimum T min (He) 4.8011734 at which there is a frequency form of movement in the microcosm (only 1 Hz).

    Since the maximum recorded temperature (in plasma) T max 6 10 K, the maximum frequency of the oscillator will be f max T max 1.2496944.

    c He At absolute zero T a 0 K absolute rest reigns. At other temperatures there may be relative peace. So in a neutron the pressure is atm, at which the mobility of P n 7.2 10 Pa 7.1 18 particles of electron and electrino is impossible.

    Determination of temperature. From the formula f 1 T1 it follows that f 1, that is, the frequency of the oscillators of the substance at temperature T1 1 K. Substitute f 1 into the general equation f T f 1T, from which it follows: T f / f 1. This is the definition of temperature: “temperature is the ratio of the real frequency of the oscillators of a substance to the normalized frequency (at T1 1 K).”

    By multiplying the numerator and denominator by h, we obtain another, but similar, definition of temperature hf E: “temperature is the ratio of the real T h1 f 1 E energy of the substance oscillator to the normalized energy (at T1 1 K).” Although separately the frequencies f and f 1 are different for f different substances, their ratio is the same for T f different substances at the same temperature, since the temperature scale is the same for any substance.

    Let us mentally imagine a single globule with a single helium oscillator, isolated under normal conditions. Then the linear speed of the oscillator is 0 4.7165271 10 m/s, and its amplitude is equal to the diameter of the globule d a. We obtain a number of the most important thermodynamic characteristics of an absolute globule:

    da 2.3582635 10 m 2 f min d a 12 Va 6.867135 10 m;

    hf min Pa 9, 6492467 Pa, J/m;

    Va a m He / V a 9, 6788506 kg / m;

    T min He f min 4.8011734 10 K.

    These data should be a guideline, including for understanding the value of the absolute vacuum, which is achieved by (mentally) excluding the last oscillator, when the above values ​​​​turn to zero. By the way, the cosmic vacuum is of the order of 10 12 Pa, that is, it is far from absolute.

    5. Thermodynamics There are no closed thermodynamic systems in nature. Thermodynamic processes are certainly accompanied by phase transitions of the substance, since even helium - the most inert of gases - under normal conditions has 0.08196% of molecules that are in dynamic equilibrium with atoms of 2 He He 2. That is, the condensation-dissociation coefficient / 0 1 is not equal to one. It is precisely because of phase transitions that it does not matter which way the system passes from one state to another.

    The disequilibrium of the system is determined by the frequency gradient of its oscillators;

    the system strives for equilibrium - equality of frequencies. Energy spreads only from higher frequency to lower frequency. The reverse process is possible through a third body experiencing a phase transition.

    Thermal conductivity is energy conduction when oscillators with a higher frequency transfer it to oscillators with a lower frequency through convective mixing.

    Energy transfer in the wall–wall layer system is carried out only by a frequency mechanism.

    The calculation shows that during the period of contact of the globule of the wall layer oscillator with the wall of the order of ~10-7 s, the path traversed by the globule is l g 10 3 m, and the path of the oscillator itself is l 0 10 8 m. Despite the fact that this path is equal in length half the distance to the Moon, it is absolutely cost-free, since in the volume of the globule the oscillator is the only body moving in a true vacuum. At the same time, the movement of a globule relative to its neighbors occurs with friction and is therefore an energy-consuming process.

    The heat transfer (energy transfer) coefficient during natural, for example, convection near a wall is proportional to the frequency of oscillators in the wall layer, the roughness of the wall, the critical distance of interaction of the oscillators and is inversely proportional to the volume of gas globules far from the wall:

    3 d 3 m K g The mechanism of occurrence of a convective gas current can be logically presented as follows. Let (mentally) one globule at the bottom receive an increase in frequency and energy. The volume of the globule increases, the density becomes less than those around it, and it floats up, pushing away its neighbors. Another globule takes its place and then heads upward exactly after the first. This is how an elementary ascending convection current arises. The rising globule is slowed down by the interaction with its neighbors along the entire perimeter of the globule d g.

    This braking is proportional to the frequency f of the oscillator, that is, the number of interactions with neighbors per unit time, its mass m and the coefficient:

    mf – d g such a set of inhibitory factors is the viscosity of the gas.

    Diffusion occurs in a continuous medium and without a concentration gradient, as is currently accepted. Diffusion is caused by wandering of the globule. In an equilibrium system, where there are no field gradients, the wandering speed causes diffusion—the continuous mixing of oscillators. In this case, all six (x, y, z) directions are equally probable and the average diffusion speed of the molecule is one sixth of the wandering speed ud u.

    Heat capacity, in particular isobaric, is the sum of the following energy consumption items: for condensation - dissociation, for changing the frequency of oscillators, for filling space, for moving globules. These articles, for example, for oxygen, are in the ratio (1.14 10 6: 28, 43: 28.53: 43, 04)%. Despite the small percentage of energy consumption for condensation–dissociation, the very presence of a small fraction of a smaller phase contributes to the onset of various reactions, including chemical ones, since reactions in small phases more easily overcome the activation energy barrier.

    6. Mechanism of electrodynamic interaction of oscillators The energy of a single (unit 1 s 1) interaction of an oscillator has the following expressions:

    ed m r ed m e ed / 2 units e.

    Elementary electric potential units 4.1106068 10 J 2.0680598 10 V const.

    1.9876643 e C (Chadwick constant).

    For an elementary neutron oscillator, m n m n is a constant (59.2 m/s ne e ne e Thomson).

    Since the sign of e, and e -, then - changes sign when the oscillators interact - that is, there is a double interaction of the electrino with the oscillator in one act.

    From the formula (Perrin constant) mn mn 9 p 3, 4547938 10 kg Kl const neee it follows that any atom, any molecule, any composite body in nature certainly has both positive and negative electric fields. In addition, as you can see, there is no mass without charge and no charge without mass.

    The oscillator potential i Ai is related to the elementary potential through the atomic number, since it is proportional to the number of neutrons.

    The physical essence of Thomson's constant is R ci i2 const, where R ci is the radius of rotation of the oscillator, dividing its mass in half;

    i – angular speed of rotation. It follows that the linear speed of rotation of the center of mass of all bodies is constant:

    c R c i i 7.2 m/s.

    This law has been tested on the rotation of microbodies (atoms, molecules) and macrobodies (planets).

    The calculation shows that the electrons in the neutron are recessed in the electrino mass by 97.546% and only have narrow eyes facing outward. Radius of rotation and angular velocity of the oscillator - neutron:

    R cn R n / 2 2, 7824007 10 m;

    n c / R cn 2, 7806786 10 rad s.

    The positive electric field extends spherically into space - this is the background field, since it occupies 99.99934% of the neutron's surface. Against the background of a positive field isotropic over the surface, the negative field of the three electron eyes continuously rotates, changing the direction of rotation with each act of interaction. A positive field ensures constant repulsion of oscillators, while polar fields develop mutual attraction.

    The algorithm for interaction of two oscillators is as follows. After approaching a critical distance, the electron beam of oscillator - 1 separates the electrino from oscillator - 2. This outer layer electrino instantly picks up a speed of 119.91698 m s (for He).

    u e / rHe 9.1452645 10 m / s 1.3112467 10 m Electrino develops impulse i e. Until the electrino leaves the electron field, both oscillators continue to approach each other, rotating. As a result of rotation, the electrino leaves the field of the electron beam and interacts with the positive field of the oscillator - 1: that is, after attraction it is repelled. In this case, the oscillator receives half the electrino pulse and stops:

    i1 (i e / 2) 0.

    As a result of a change in the direction of movement to the opposite, the electrin is driven back into its own locus (a local nest formed by six surrounding electrins in the outer layer). The transfer of the second half of the impulse i e / 2 to its own oscillator – 2 leads to a stop in its forward motion. At the same time, both oscillators continue their rotation; there is no forward movement.

    Next, the oscillators change roles and the act of interaction is repeated symmetrically. As a result, oscillator - 2 receives a nominal impulse, undergoes rotation by a rad and leaves the standing point. When transmitting an impulse to oscillator - 2, the electrino changes direction and is driven into its locus in oscillator - 1. Oscillator - 1 receives a nominal impulse, undergoes rotation by a rad and leaves the point of interaction with oscillator - 2. This is where the act of interaction ends.

    It should be noted that an electron beam (as well as an electric beam) is a charge beam of an electric field, which does not diverge and propagates in space at an infinite speed. Due to the balance of forces, the electrino, torn from the neutron, hangs above its locus at a distance of h e 1.9 d e for helium, h e 0.34 d e for xenon. In this case, the electrostatic force 2 q1 q is equal to F, where q1 e is the electrino charge;

    q 2 e he – charge supplied by electrons;

    – electrostatic constant 3, 6473973 10 J m Class interaction of charges. This force counteracts the removal of the electrino by the electron beam;

    The electrino is located above locus 2 10 19 s (for He).

    The same formula F explains gravity as a cross closure of the fields of composite bodies.

    7. Higher order phase transition (HPPT) The neutron energy can be expressed in terms of the electrostatic potentials of the electrino and electron:

    K e e n e e e n e const. (Kurchatov constant).

    From this equation it follows that when a neutron splits into three free electrons and n e electrino, the released kinetic energy is obtained from electrostatic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion during the electrodynamic interaction of elementary particles (electrino and electron), and potential energy is the energy of their electrostatic interaction, their electrical rest. As you can see, energy is released only during the destruction (decay, splitting) of a substance into elementary particles. And vice versa: the synthesis of matter from elementary particles requires an appropriate expenditure of energy.

    The destruction of matter into elementary particles and the reverse processes are called a phase transition of the highest order.

    What are the numerical values ​​of the quantities related to the PDF?:

    Neutron surface tension:

    n 8, 4425015 10 N/m.

    For comparison, water has H O 0.072 N/m. However, it is known that a drop of water is spherical. Can there be any doubt about the sphericity of a neutron if its surface tension is 6 orders of magnitude higher than that of water?

    Neutron Strength:

    P n 7, 2248587 10 Pa 7.1305078 18 atm.

    Strength (retention) of the electrino outer layer:

    P n (e) 1.6 10 Pa.

    Strength of an atom consisting of neutrons:

    R a 5, 4842704 10 Pa.

    The energy of a neutron during its complete decay into elementary particles:

    E n K 5.4608428 10 J.

    The energy of one electrino (Rutherford constant) leaving a neutron during its decay or joining a neutron:

    e P= 1.3037881 10 J.

    Volumetric energy concentration in a neutron:

    E n (V) E n / V n 3.0260912 10 J / m – 27 the limit value in nature.

    Specific potential energy of a substance (with complete decay into elementary particles):

    C m E n N A 3.2885351 10 J / kg.

    Electrostatic potentials:

    neutron n E n / Z n E n /(n e e n e e) 568 kV;

    electrino e P/e 656 kV;

    electron e 480 kV.

    Energy of the atom Ea A En.

    The energy of connection of (external) nucleons in an atom is 1.6108376 10 J.

    The ratio of the total binding energy of elementary particles in a nucleon E n to the binding energy a of the nucleons themselves in an atom k E n / a 3.39 10 14.

    As can be seen, the binding energy of nucleons is negligible (by 14 orders of magnitude) compared to the binding (and liberation) energy of elementary particles.

    However, there is no chemical element, including inert gases, that is incapable of PCPR. This requires two conditions: the presence of plasma and free electrons in an amount of 1:1 to the number of neutrons. This ensures a multiplication coefficient greater than 3, as, for example, in a nuclear reaction, which is necessary for the maintenance and development of the reaction. In this case, the electron, like a giant compared to the pygmy - the electrino, snatches the electrino from the surface of the outer nucleon of the atom - the oscillator. The electric, as can be seen in paragraph 6, flies out at a speed of the order of 10 14... 10 16 m/s in the form of radiation and gives off energy upon collision to its neighbors, ultimately reducing the speed to the order of 10 8. Such “powerless” The electrino, also called a photon (classical physics accepts not a particle as a photon, but a quantum (portion) of electromagnetic radiation E mc 2 h) in the form of radiation (optical or thermal) is removed outside the reaction zone. In what follows, electrons as generators of radiation during phase transfer will be called electrons – generators.

    For example, consider the PDF of uranium. Why is uranium 238 not suitable as a nuclear fuel? The traditional answer: because the multiplication factor is less than one does not give rise to a fission reaction—it does not explain the physical reason for this.

    The transformation of uranium-238 into uranium-235 occurs as a result of partial PDF:

    238 u It follows that three nucleons of the uranium atom have undergone complete splitting by an electron—a generator, which is played by a free electron. The electron generator operates in the crystal structure of uranium, interacting immediately with 4 atoms of the immediate environment, while being in the interatomic space. 3 n e electrinos leave the scene of the event in the form of radiation, simultaneously producing partial destruction of atoms. The wavelength of the radiation is determined by the interatomic distance from the ratio i a i 2 / 2 m, and the frequency from ai. Such a PDF, covering four fi / i 2 / ai c 2 atoms, split 4 3 12 neutrons with the release of 12 n e 36 free electrons.

    12 n e Such an act takes a short moment i.

    fi Numerical values ​​of quantities for metal ura at-238:

    3.9521566 10 kg mu au 2, 7482468 10 m;

    u 1.904 10 kg m 10 i 1.9433038 10 m;

    f i 3.1754057 c ;

    13 i 9.1384814 10 s ;

    () f i unit 1.1928321 10 J – recorded energy of radiation.

    Part of the released electrons goes into space along with -radiation, the rest (most) part is captured by the positive electric fields of the atoms of the substance. Now uranium-235 differs from uranium in the content of several excess free non-structural electrons, which have a relatively weak mechanical attachment to the atom due to charge imbalance. Such an atom, figuratively speaking, is on edge: it is enough for a thermal neutron to penetrate into it and enter into a hyperfrequency interaction with it for one of its nonstructural electrons to break into the interatomic space and pass into the state of an ultrahyperfrequency generator, that is, to begin a new act FPVR.

    Now uranium-235 needs to be arranged in the form of a sphere with a critical diameter determined by the intensity (coefficient) of energy exchange, which is proportional to the surface area and inversely proportional to the volume (mass at constant density):

    d / V d R At the moment of connection of the uranium charge R c 3 / c 3 / 35 8.5714 10 m;

    V 4 R c / 3 2, 6378 3 m;

    m c V c u 50, 22 kg.

    As a result of the PDF, a cavity of “burnt out” fuel is formed in the reaction zone – the geometric center of the sphere. As the reaction develops, the generated radiation freely leaves not only the limits of the cavity behind the row, but also the limits of the volume of the bomb due to the transparency of the walls of the bomb body for it. The released electrons, the number of which increases exponentially, since during this period the multiplication factor is 3, are not able to all leave the charge cavity.

    The forces of mutual repulsion of electrons are so high that a colossal pressure arises (4.07 10 11 atm), which breaks the charge and the bomb, and the electrons burst out, splitting the oscillators of atmospheric air or the contents of a hydrogen bomb, if there is a nuclear charge in it.

    It should be noted that, according to experience, only 23.3468% of the nuclear fuel (cavity volume) burns out, and the rest (76.6532%) of the charge is torn into pieces and pressed into the bomb body. This happens because only those electrons that are in contact with the wall of the charge cavity participate in the PDF, and all the rest are separated from their intended purpose, since they have nothing left to split. The crystal structure prevents the reaction from spreading radially from the center of charge at a sufficient speed so that all free electrons are continuously added. To continue the PCPR process, the substance outside the “burnt out” cavity must be in a liquid or gaseous state.

    This condition is met, in particular, by H-bomb, where 100% of the mixture of deuterium and tritium “burns out”. But in it, as in all energy processes, their splitting occurs, and not the synthesis of helium. That is why there is still no progress in the development of thermonuclear fusion to produce electricity, because energy devices are designed according to an erroneous theory.

    For example, in the Tokamak, gas oscillators are forced into the axial region of the torus by a colossal magnetic field and are compressed into an axial cord. The PDF begins with the destruction of molecules and the release of electrons - generators, which quickly go out within 20... 30 ms. This occurs under the influence of an intense flow of electrino longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields (about 5... 7 Tesla). Under such conditions, free electron generators, finding themselves in a dense flow of their antipodes - electrinos, interact with them according to the scheme nе е n, е where n is a mononeutron, consisting of one electron and an electrino. Next, another ne / electron with an electrino is added to the mononeutron - a dimononeutron is formed;

    then again - a neutron is formed, and everything remains as it was. We wanted the best, but we got it – as always.

    By the way, the described scheme is the formation of matter in the Universe during the cycle of matter and energy. These processes, as well as the formation, development and movement of macrocosmic objects (planets, stars, Sun, Earth...), gravitation, are described in /3/, since they (the processes) proceed according to the same laws as processes in the microcosm (elementary particles, atoms, molecules).

    For the practical use of FPR, the partial fission of natural nuclear fuel: atmospheric air and water, the reserves of which are not limited and are renewed by nature, is of interest. And partial - because, firstly, there is already enough energy, and it is easier to renew fuel in natural conditions, and, secondly, there is practically no radiation (more precisely, it is at the background level), since with an insignificant mass defect ( 10 6 %) the chemical properties of the atoms are preserved and their recombination occurs into reaction products without a residue.

    This is, for example, reported in the technical information on cold fusion (although, of course, this is not synthesis, but decay).

    8. Combustion of organic fuel - partial PDF In classical thermodynamics and thermochemistry, the question of the source of combustion is not even raised; it is taken for granted as a property of a combustible substance.

    An analysis of the calorific value of various fuels with the required amount of oxygen for their complete combustion shows that oxygen is the source of energy.

    The energy released in the process by one oxygen atom in the reaction, for example, CH 4 2 O 2 CO 2 2 (H 2 O), is:

    4.061 10 J/m 7 Q CH 4 E0 3.7313644 10 J/atom 4 2.6907084 m 4 N CH oxygen.

    Specific energy release of oxygen based on higher heat of combustion:

    J Q O 2 E 0 2 N O 2 E 0 2 2, 6892861 10 2, 0069412 25 m.

    m The same - for lower heat:

    3.576 q CH 4 E O2 3.3225496 J/m.

    1.0762819 4 N CH q O 2 2 E 0 N O 2 1.7870572 10 J/m.

    7 Now, based on the chemical oxidation reaction, we can determine the heat of combustion of any fuel:

    Qi niQO, 2 where n i is the number of oxygen molecules required for the complete oxidation of one molecule of gaseous fuel.

    For liquid and solid fuels, heat must be referred to a unit of mass.

    A flame is a plasma - a heated mixture of substances in a gaseous and finely dispersed state, in which electron-generator electrons carry out phase transfer. The electron donors are flammable substances and the oxygen molecule, and the electrino donor is the oxygen atom. In a combustion plasma, the PDF never reaches the release of structural electrons of the oxygen atom undergoing splitting. And molecules of combustible substances supply only bond electrons or non-structural excess electrons to the plasma (for example, in the case of coal combustion). Gas and oxygen molecules upon entering the plasma undergo dissociation into atoms.

    The oxygen atom is deprived of one structural electron and K e electrino:

    m n (A a A0) m e Ke 9.8581014 me – atomic mass of oxygen;

    A a 15, 999415 a.u. m.

    A 0 16 – atomic number, the number of nucleons (neutrons) in an oxygen atom.

    Excess charge of the oxygen atom Z 0 (K e e e) 1, 6019943254 04 10 Cl.

    Diatomic oxygen molecules O 2, each consisting of two positive atoms, exist only thanks to bond electrons:

    These electrons in the plasma become generators.

    The valence criterion is the electron half-charge e/2, taken as unity by Baziev. That is, the valency of oxygen:

    4 Z0 1, W0 1.9997553.

    8.010946 e/ The hydrogen atom has a certain excess of electrons, which gives it a positive charge Z H 3.8226563 10 C.

    Two positive atoms join to form a hydrogen molecule using two bonding electrons:

    e H+ e H+ In the combustion plasma, molecular hydrogen undergoes complete dissociation, breaking up into two positive ions and two free electrons, which turn into hyperfrequency generators.

    In carbon C12, the deficiency in the mass of one electron is compensated by an excess of electrino K with m e / m e 1.318379 10 5.

    – excess Z c1 (K c1 e e) 1.6048096 10 C charge of the atom.

    m n (A A0) m e In carbon C13 K with 9.5537028 me (A 13.0034 amu;

    19 C – charge C.

    Z c 2 (K c 2 e e) 1.5831997 Charge of average carbon 98.9 Z c 1 1.1 Z c 2 Zc 1.6045717 10 Cl.

    Carbon valence Zc Wc 2.002974.

    e/ The complete combustion reaction of methane CH 4 2 O 2 CO 2 2 (H 2 0) in expanded form has the form:

    H N H eC e 2 (O eO)O eC e O 2(e O) H H H As you can see, for each oxygen atom there is one electron - a generator. At the same time, for example, for a complete PDF of an oxygen atom, 16 electrons – generators, corresponding to the number of neutrons in an oxygen atom, would be required. Thus, the intensity of this PDF compared to the complete decay can be estimated at 1/16. At this intensity of PDF, there is, as is known, no radioactivity, which is very important for partial PDF.

    When an electron, which has the largest electrodynamic potential among oscillators, enters the plasma, it instantly becomes the first active principle in the system. An electron globule is formed around it, in the space of which the electron does not rush around like an ordinary oscillator, but constantly occupies its geometric center. The diameter of the electron globule is equal to the photon pitch of the emitted light. Light is emitted not by an electron, but by a globule, which is a sphere with oscillators surrounding the electron. With each interaction with an electron, the O atom irrevocably emits one electrino, which becomes a hyperfrequency plasma oscillator for a brief moment, during which it transfers its binding energy within the neutron, equal to the Rutherford constant, to the surrounding oscillators. After transferring all its energy to the plasma, the weakened electrino-photon is integrated into one of the rays of light emanating from the surface of the electron globule - an elementary generator, and goes into space.

    For the considered plasma, the limiting number of oscillators in an electron globule will be 595. The frequency of the oscillators of the electron globule is equal to the frequency of photons of emitted light. The electron frequency f e 4.1141227 10 17 s 1 exceeds the frequency of the average oscillator by 4 orders of magnitude - this is the most important phenomenon in the processes of release of excess energy - the binding energy of elementary particles in neutrons, atoms and molecules. The pressure in the electron globule is P e 7201 Pa (~ 1/13 atm), which contributes to the supply of donors to the globule and the disintegration of the atoms of the substance itself.

    The generator frequency and globule diameter are related to:

    u But it was previously known that ur (u is the orbital speed of the photon along the axis of the light beam).

    Equating the right-hand sides, we obtain the relation f e d g 2 u 4, which reveals the inextricable connection 2 between the parameters of the light beam and the parameters of the plasma, affirming the unity of the light beam and its generator.

    The same electron acts as a generator approximately 5900 times, and each oxygen atom loses electrino and the same number (286 times) enters the globule.

    During the act of interaction, the electrino hovers motionlessly above its oxygen atom at a distance of 3.1d e, as in the interaction of oscillators. The oxygen atom also freezes and is replaced by a new one after interaction. So the amplitude of vibration of an electron is only A e 4.96 d e, that is, it is almost motionless. The local pressure in the volume of space in the center of the globule, where the electron moves, reaches the maximum energy concentration P e 1.459079 10 28 J / m 3 known, and the temperature T e f e 8.563135 10 7 K.

    Interestingly, the oxygen atom mass defect m 286 m e 1.9620771 10 kg;

    potential number of atom participations in (7.36 10%) combustion 2.8161578 10 5;

    After this, oxygen can turn into an inert gas.

    As can be seen, the mass defect of the oxygen atom has a very definite meaning - a deficiency of 286 electrinos, which is only ~ 10 6% of the total mass of the atom. With such a slight mass defect, oxygen, like other substances, retains its chemical properties and enters into appropriate chemical reactions. Since all chemical reactions are accompanied by the release or absorption of heat or, what is the same, the release or absorption of small particles - electrino, then - all chemical reactions are simultaneously nuclear reactions. It would be more correct to give the following definition of a chemical reaction: a chemical reaction is called nuclear reaction with the release or absorption of electrino with a slight defect in the mass of the atoms of the reacting substances, which retain their chemical properties.

    Let's consider one of the paradoxes of the traditional combustion theory. Oxygen is known to explode in the presence of traces of lubricating oil (or any hydrocarbons). If we follow the theory of explosion as the rapid combustion of fuel in oxygen, then it is clear that the heat of reaction of traces of oil never corresponds to the energy of the explosion of oxygen. This is the paradox: a tiny amount of fuel, and at the same time – a huge energy of the oxygen explosion. It turns out that oxygen explodes as if with itself.

    Only now, after becoming familiar with the combustion process described above, does its mechanism become clear.

    Free electrons, which are always present in hydrocarbons, begin to interact as electrons - energy generators with oxygen atoms, which are also always present, although in small quantities, in pure oxygen.

    Electrinos torn from atoms increase the energy of the explosion zone in a short moment. This causes the destruction of oxygen molecules into atoms with the simultaneous release of their bond electrons, which immediately become new energy generators. The process, thus, proceeds at an accelerated pace and ends with an explosion, although there was practically no fuel - only traces of it. But, as can be seen, they were the primary cause of the onset of the reaction. This is the oxygen explosion mechanism in a nutshell. In the traditional theory, the explosion was declared as a fact and was contradicted as an explosion without an explosive substance - fuel.

    The same is the mechanism of heating and explosion of hydrogen peroxide during its decomposition and the absence of heat removal, or more precisely, in the absence of energetic electrino removal.

    The mechanism of local microexplosions during liquid cavitation is the same. It is believed that the observed high pressure and temperatures in local zones of collapse of vapor bubbles in a liquid are caused by its impact action.

    However, the impact action only causes the destruction of molecules and the onset of PTSD. And the indicated high parameters (P e 1, 459079 10 28 J / m 3 or Pa;

    T e 8.563135 10 7 K) is given by the PDF process itself;

    and now we know these parameters.

    They are many orders of magnitude higher than the most optimistic values ​​ever reported by various information sources.

    9. Natural light The axis of a monobeam, for example, of violet light, is the negative electron beam of the electron - the generator.

    Its pulsating electronic field coincides with the axis of the light beam. The light beam consists of monobeams of different colors. Photons move along the parallel axes of the monobeams. The source of the field and photons is an elementary hyperfrequency generator (electron globule with an electron generator and oscillators forming it), including for sunlight, operating in solar plasma. The photon moves along the axis of the beam, having two types of motion:

    orbital with speed u and stepwise with speed c.

    Photons are emitted in pairs: the left photon corresponds to the right one, the bottom one corresponds to the top one, etc. In a pair, each photon balances the other, so their orbits are exactly circular and lie in the same plane, and the movement of these photons is symmetrical relative to the axis of the beam and the center of the orbit. The orbital axis is perpendicular to the beam axis, that is, photons move in steps (each step is half an orbit) along the beam.

    This step is the wavelength, although, as you can see, it is not a wave: the photon does not carry any wave - it is just a photon step, conventionally called the wavelength. The circular orbit is caused by the attraction of a positively charged photon to a negatively charged beam, as well as pulsations of the electron field of the beam with frequency.

    If we consider a single area (l unit 1 m) of a violet ray, for example, sunlight, we will see on it:

    n f l unit / 2 f 1 m / 8 10 m 1.25 pairs of photons, the orbital planes of which are uniformly located around the beam axis: the orbital plane of each next pair of photons is rotated relative to the orbital plane of the previous (in a circle) pair of photons by a certain angle.

    If you look at the plane of the photon’s orbit, then it takes one step (half the orbit) above the axis of the beam, the next step (the second half of the orbit) - under the axis also along the beam, etc. In the pulsation of beam elements, two extreme positions can be distinguished: the first is when all photons are on the beam axis. In this position, the beam along its entire length from the Sun to the Earth is a thin straight line with a final cross section equal to the electrino cross section:

    S e re 9, 6198672 2 m.

    The second position is when all the photons have reached the middle of the semi-orbits, that is, at the maximum distance from the beam axis / 2, for example, for violet light f / 2 4 10 / 2 m. If you mentally connect the midpoints of the semi-orbits of all 2 n f photons with an envelope surface, then a segment of the beam will turn into a circular cylinder, the diameter of which, accordingly, is equal to the pitch of a photon of violet light f 4 10 m. In other words, an elementary monobeam of light has a volume-symmetric structure, with all elements of the beam pulsating simultaneously with the same frequency, for example, f ( for violet ray).

    The step speed of photons of the violet beam is the very “speed of light” C f 2.9979246 10 8 m / s, which is considered constant. Orbital speed u f 2 c f. There is no second phenomenon in nature that could even remotely approach a ray of light in its aesthetic grace, harmony, in the degree of synchronization of the complex movement of a huge number of elements and in the degree of organization of the process. This most subtle phenomenon in nature turned out to be possible due to the electrodynamic interaction of photons – electrinos, which have a positive charge, with the negative axial field of the beam. To the question: at what speed does the pulse of the negative axis field, for example, a violet monobeam, propagate, if all N f 3, 6168645 10 17 photons running along it in the Sun-Earth section simultaneously begin to move in circular orbits and simultaneously cross the axis of the beam , at the same time, by inertia, the axis slips along a straight path at the moment of “turning off”

    electron field, simultaneously perform rotation of movement and return to the axis of the beam at the moment of “switching on” the beam, and simultaneously begin to move along the second half-orbit - there is only one answer: the electric field pulse propagates instantly and inertia-free with infinite speed and regardless of its sign.

    Since the orbits of photons, regardless of their pitch and frequency, are devoid of ellipticity and are exactly circular, we can write uii u i ri const.

    Thus, the constant value in the characteristic of light is not its step speed, as was previously thought, but the sectorial speed of the photon – Millikan’s constant u. From the equation with we obtain u 2 c.

    The speed of light is a well experimentally measured (and still considered constant) quantity. However, the speed of visible light does not apply to the entire beam, but only to the highest frequency component, which has the highest step speed, namely, to the violet part of the beam, the step of which is precisely measured f 4 10 7 m.

    The remaining parameters are easy to calculate and are:

    / f 7, 4948112 10 c ;

    u f 2 / f 5.9958492 10 m / s;

    14 f сf 2.9979246 10 m/s.

    f The charge of the axial field of the beam is equal in magnitude to the charge of the electrino due to the fact that the field pulse is formed by the oscillator as the release of a portion of the electronic charge released at the moment the electrino is separated from it, that is, this is the portion of the negative charge that compensated for the electrino charge in composition of the neutron and which is released at the moment the electrino leaves the neutron composition.

    The time it takes a photon to move along a half-orbit is r f f 1, 047224 10 s.

    f uf 2u f Average duration of the entire period f 1 / f 1.3342564 10 s.

    It should be noted that due to the constancy of the charge of the axial field of the beam and the electrodynamic interaction of the photon with the axis of the beam over the shortest distance, which changes all the time as the photon moves along the semi-orbit, the speed of the photon is also variable: it is maximum at the beginning and end of the arc and minimum in the middle semi-orbits.

    So the above values ​​are averages.

    Let us consider the relationship between the circular trajectories of photons of yellow (w 6 10 m) and ultraviolet m) monorays. The photon paths S x and (y 3 10 / x y / 2 at step x turned out to be equally Su 2 narrow, despite the fact that their steps differ by a factor of two.

    This means that the length of the photon path along the axis of the beam does not depend on its pitch or frequency. The total length of the photo path is approximately 4 times greater than the beam length. From the above formulas, you can calculate the characteristics of the “w” and “y” rays: the speeds of ultraviolet are 2 times higher than the speeds of yellow, the frequency is 4 times. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is one astronomical unit A 0 1.4467458 10 m. Departing from the Sun simultaneously along two parallel rays, yellow and ultraviolet, photons reach the Earth in the time:

    z A0 / s z 1, 4467458 10 / 1.9986163 11 7, 2387371 10 s 12, 06456 min y A 0 / s y A 0 / 3.9972324 10 3, 6193687 10 s 6, 0322811 min 8 These results themselves themselves are eloquent and do not need commentary.

    When interacting with matter, many photons of the beam give off impulses in all directions with equal probability, so light cannot exert any pressure on a solid wall or molecules of gases and liquids.

    The photon energy in the beam is maintained constantly due to electrodynamic interaction with the axial field of the beam. Thus, to the infinite speed of propagation of the beam field pulse is added the infinity of the number of photon steps along its axis.

    Polarization of light is the selective cutting off of photon pairs from it either by a slit in an impenetrable wall or a slit in a crystal lattice.

    Interstellar space is permeated with rays of light, neutrinos (electrinos with speeds of the order of up to 10 30 m/s), electrinos, devoid of oriented (electronic gas) motion. Sooner or later, all photons emitted by the Sun and other stars interact with electrons emitted by them and condense into mononeutrons, baryons (neutrons and protons), atoms, etc.

    The visibly observed process of condensation of light into a composite substance begins at the surface of the convective zone of the Sun and ends in the depths of intergalactic space. The main component of interstellar space is electron gas, which, on the one hand, is continuously replenished, and on the other, is spent on the synthesis of mononeutrons, nucleons, atoms, etc.

    There is a dynamic balance between both processes. If the axial field of a beam propagates instantly and inertia-free, then the range of propagation of the beam itself (not the axial field) is limited by the absorption capacity of the medium, including space, which is far from a vacuum.

    Diffraction of light is explained by the structure of the beam, the interaction of the ensemble of monobeams, and the deflection of photons with different pitches.

    Dispersion - the refraction of light, is explained by the deflection of rays with different differences in the crystal lattice, for example, a prism, the face of which, no matter how polished it is, represents a stepped “ladder” made up of cells of the crystal lattice, which has atomic channels for the passage of rays, electrodynamically interacting with its structural elements.

    10. Structure of a solid body The fundamental difference from the traditional point representation of a crystal lattice node, which is occupied by an atom, is the volumetric representation, which consists in the fact that the node contains an oscillator globule, occupying approximately 21% of the volume of the cell. Unlike a gaseous substance, the oscillator globule in a solid body occupies a fixed position. The oscillator is deprived of rotation due to the long-range order of electrostatic interaction with other oscillators. In a solid body there is no electrodynamic interaction with the participation of an electrino-mediator, that is, the frequency interaction of oscillators of solids occurs without the participation of Planck’s constant, the angular momentum of the electrino. Taking these features into account, the structure of a solid body is described by the laws of hyperfrequency mechanics developed for gases.

    These and other provisions are flawlessly confirmed by analysis of electron micrographs of gold with a magnification of 3.6 10 7 times. Thanks to this photograph, it was possible to obtain the true parameters of the crystal structure of gold, which confirm the provisions of the developed theory and, on the contrary, refute traditional ideas, since they differ sharply from them. The authors of the photograph in the commentary take the globules of atoms to be the gold atoms themselves, which are 457 times smaller than the diameter of the globule.

    From the basic equation of hyperfrequency mechanics for a fixed oscillator (without the multiplier a 3 4 / 3).

    mu and E mcT kT we obtain an expression for the specific heat capacity u k c.

    T m In a real crystal lattice, the amplitude of atomic vibrations is 38% of the lattice period, which allows each of them to interact with approximately 3000 oscillators in the distant environment in the hyperfrequency regime. The strength of gold (Young's modulus) of gold P Au 7.9 10 Pa, as well as other characteristics calculated theoretically, completely coincide with those obtained experimentally using photography.
