What happens if you spill salt? The most famous signs about salt

Each belief has its own secret, deeply hidden meaning. For people who know what the sign of spilling salt means , They usually get upset when this trouble happens, because it is fraught with conflicts with loved ones and relatives. In this article we will look at where the origins of this sign come from and how to neutralize its negative effect.

Why is salt scattered according to signs?

There are a number of superstitions emanating from the distant past that coincide in many nationalities. Scattered salt is one of these signs. If you ask a Russian, a Ukrainian, or even a Frenchman what scattered salt means, the answer will be the same.

To understand the reasons for the appearance of certain superstitions, one should turn to our history.

Most superstitions are based on basic human fear of the powerful forces of nature. In ancient times, people did not have sufficient knowledge regarding the causes of various phenomena nature and did not know how to properly protect themselves from them. It was for this reason that they sought to protect themselves with the help of various signs.

One can also explain the persistent confidence in the fulfillment of the sign. A person, by his nature, succumbs to self-hypnosis very quickly, so if he constantly thinks something like: “ If I spilled salt, it means that I will soon quarrel with someone b”, then the conflict will invariably be drawn into his life. Positive point– if you set yourself up for the positive, then trouble may well bypass you.

If we look specifically at the sign of spilled salt, it also has its own explanation. In ancient times, salt was very expensive. Getting it was extremely problematic, and delivering the product to “consumers” seemed even more difficult. Salt was treasured like the apple of one's eye; wealthy people always tried to have a sufficient supply of this product on hand, because salt did not spoil and did not change its taste qualities. Salt was also an excellent preservative: well-salted vegetables had a very long shelf life, thanks to which people could make various pickles for the winter.

Salted meat was also prepared - corned beef, as well as herring, lard and other food products. This food made it possible to eat tasty food in the winter, plus it was useful for military campaigns and fishing.

Slavic customs involve welcoming dear guests with bread and salt. This tradition helped to check the intentions of the visitor. So, if a guest came with good intentions, he had to dip the bread in the salt shaker and eat it, and if he demonstratively scattered grains, this meant a quarrel.

The Slavs have always revered salt as an important strategic product, on a par with bread. TO " white gold“They were very respectful and did not allow any disdain for the product.

The person who spilled the salt was sure to be scolded and could even be beaten. And deliberately spilled salt was equated to open hostility, it was tantamount to a gauntlet thrown by the duelists.

But what did they do? if the salt spilled accidentally? Of course, they expressed their dissatisfaction with this fact, reproaching the person who committed this for wastefulness or “crookedness”; a big conflict inevitably arose between people. This is how the prediction came true.

She was even less optimistic salt sprinkled over fire. It is probably no secret to anyone that in ancient times people worshiped various elements, which included the element of fire. And grains of salt scattered over the flame indicated impending troubles. In such a situation, it was necessary to eliminate the destructive effects of the sign with the help of a special conspiracy.

Our ancestors were very wise and for every bad omen they found a means by which they could, if not remove, then at least minimize the negative impact.

Eliminating bad consequences from omens

For this, certain techniques were proposed. Next we will give all the most popular folk recommendations with which you can eliminate the bad consequences of the belief. And you can decide for yourself which one you like the most.

  1. Throw a small pinch of product over your left shoulder, be sure to laugh while doing this. Our ancestors believed that on the left side of every person there is an evil entity that loves to play various dirty tricks and quarrel with people. And with the help of this manipulation, you pour salt into her eyes so that she does not violate the family rules. Thanks to a smile and laughter, you will show that you are not afraid of any intrigues. You can also spit in the same direction to be more sure.
  2. Another way to eliminate a bad sign is to pronounce a certain conspiracy. You need to say the following words: “Salt is salt, pain is pain, but nothing to me.”. Then the spilled grains should be collected and carefully wiped off the table.
  3. Many people believe that the evil effects of a belief can be eliminated with the help of a good omen, for example, spilled sugar. So, if you accidentally spilled salt, you should sprinkle it on top with a small amount of sugar or add a cube of refined sugar. Wait for a certain amount of time (about a day), and then throw it all in the trash. Sugar in this case will represent a kind of antidote to salinity.
  4. And finally - if you spilled salt, follows with the little finger right hand draw a magical cross and then no bad beliefs will be scary for you.

Note! It is even important to pass salt at the table with a smile and a positive attitude. In this case, no bad omens can harm you.

Of course, these recommendations apply exclusively to those who for real believes in them. The best thing is to focus on this as little as possible. bad event, because it has long been proven that thought is material and can attract both failure and luck.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

People tend to listen to different beliefs. Even the most avid skeptics can give up their principles and trust the signs of fate. Sometimes folk wisdom can help and warn. Everyone considers spilled salt a bad sign. Not everyone knows what actions should be taken after the incident.

The history of the sign

Why sprinkle salt, we thought back in Ancient Rus'. At that time it was compared in importance to gold. In terms of cost, it was expensive, and because of this, it was treated with care. Large salt shakers decorated tables in holidays and in case of receiving guests. This is where the phrase comes from: meet with bread and salt. Waking her up was perceived as a great sin. In this regard, if someone in the family spilled salt, everyone at home would start to quarrel. From then on they began to say that spilling salt would lead to quarrels.

The scandal over spilled salt could continue long time. All this was deposited in people’s subconscious for years, and they began to see a direct connection between spilled salt and troubles and scandals. Even after many years, when the product has lost its value, people still remember why salt should not be spilled. The sign of trouble remained relevant. Facts cannot be substantiated, so it is not necessary to believe in a sign. The main thing is to remember that thoughts materialize. To avoid conflict with someone, get rid of fear and tension.

Common signs

There is such a statement: if he spilled salt, even accidentally, then after a while, he begins to quarrel with the residents of the house, therefore, when such a situation arises, the one who spilled it should restrain himself and not give free rein to his emotions.

  1. When salt shakers standing on the table crack for no apparent reason and their contents spill out, this may indicate impending troubles.
  2. A cracked salt shaker warns that relatives or friends have run out of patience and will soon tell you something unpleasant.
  3. Sprinkling salt on the floor or table means a quick disagreement with your family.
  4. Since spilled salt portends quarrels, passing it around the table can have a bad effect on others. To avoid this, laugh when passing the salt shaker at the table.
  5. Never lend salt. So you can give the happiness and well-being of your family to another person.
  6. If a child wakes up, expect trouble. It doesn’t matter if it spilled on the table, floor or other place. This is a bad omen and becomes a harbinger of brewing scandals in the house. Outsiders will know the details of this. To avoid exposure negative energy on the child, he must be quickly removed from the scene of the incident, washed with holy water three times, and a prayer must be read.

Superstitions about found spilled salt

Salt is able to absorb surrounding energy, which is why it has become a sought-after item in most magical rituals. When you find it outside the perimeter of your home or inside it, you should take action.

  1. Check with her relatives to see if they woke her up there. If none of the household members left it on the home territory, then this may be the result of the actions of strangers who do not always mean well.
  2. If your relatives did not spill the food product, then you cannot hesitate. Otherwise, your family may be subject to severe shocks and minor quarrels.
  3. The product must be removed carefully, avoiding its contact with skin areas. It is recommended to use a damp cloth and gloves, which after cleaning should be rinsed well under strong water pressure, or better yet, thrown away.

Actions in case of spillage

Do not let spilled product start the mechanism negative impact. The following methods will help you avoid negative impacts::

  1. throw salt over your shoulder and think about good things, in order to neutralize the negative, you need to throw it over your left shoulder;
  2. Sprinkle the area where it was spilled with water - this will help remove negative energy;
  3. sprinkle the place with sugar, its energy is considered positive and capable of suppressing all negativity.

If household members have already started a quarrel after someone spilled a food product, he will help make peace. To achieve positive results, use sea salt. Dissolve one tablespoon in 200 ml of water. Bring the resulting solution quietly into the room where people are quarreling. This water will begin to absorb all the bad things, relieve tension and have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere.

You can also improve your home aura with the help of green plants: thyme, lemon balm and rosemary. They have a good effect on people who are in a quarrel and help calm down.


Spilled food is not a big problem. By adhering to small tricks, you can easily avoid bad consequences. It is important to think positively. Remember that such a little thing as spilled salt should not in any way affect your life, the creators of which you yourself are.

Signs about salt have become widespread, since in the old days salt was considered valuable product. Salt was used carefully not only in cooking, but also for various magical purposes. A sign foreshadowing a quarrel or other negative events was associated with scattering salt. In love and protective magic salt was used to cleanse from negativity and reflect energy attacks. Many of these beliefs and rituals still apply today.

Why salt became associated with quarrels

The thrifty housewife (owner) of salt tried not to spill salt, because they believed it - sure sign impending quarrel. As soon as the valuable “salty powder” was scattered, relatives and close people temporarily became strangers. Simple household rituals aimed at neutralizing the situation helped to correct this situation. negative consequences signs.

Spilled salt - no problem, neutralize the omen positive emotions!

Has the salt spilled? You could draw a cross with the little finger of your right hand. And just to be sure, take a pinch of spilled salt and throw it over your left shoulder with a laugh. Another option is to spit three times over your left shoulder - there, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the tempting spirit was located. It is very important that these actions are accompanied by positive emotions, that is, you really need to laugh sincerely. To do this, it would be good to remember a funny incident from own life or any pleasant event for you.

Since salt is capable of “recording” information, like water, this product can become a cleansing agent. You can read any positive program in salt. Salt will certainly realize it.

The flow of positive energy from within formed a protective energy layer around the person. And the energy of the sign no longer had any effect on him, despite the powerful energy supply from the outside. It was considered the worst omen to sprinkle salt over a fire. In this case, traditional household rituals it wasn't enough. The power of fire required more human intervention, since salt spilled into the fire was considered an unambiguous sign of impending trials.

If this happened, you had to immediately cross the index and middle fingers of your right hand (on top middle finger), blow on them, and whisper three times: “Salt goes into the fire, and I am under angelic protection.” In a modern interpretation, the ritual looks like this: for three days in a row, read prayer of protection or mantra, depending on the cultural tradition and religion, as well as accepted in your own family traditions. So it is possible, predicted by a sign, or, if you cannot avoid the event, pass the test with honor and minimal losses.

Too salty - fall in love?

There are special signs associated with the kitchen, where salt is actually kept, both positive and negative. The latter is associated with the same risk of spilling salt. For example, at the dinner table, one of the family members or guests passes a salt shaker. One careless movement is enough for the salt to spill out. Each time you performed this action, that is, holding out your hand with a salt shaker, you had to smile from your heart at the person to whom you were passing the salt. It is believed that in this case, even if the salt is spilled, the negative sign will initially be extinguished by positive emotions and a quarrel will not happen.

Place first for lunch or festive table the salt shaker was considered a good omen. So, it was possible to attract wealth to the house. But it was not recommended to leave the salt shaker open at the end of the meal. It was believed that an unclean spirit could leave its mark there.

But most often, kitchen signs about salt are associated with romantic themes. The most common: oversalting a dish means falling in love. The person preparing the dish is focused on the object of his love and unconsciously strives to express the fullness of emotions, and since salt absorbs information just as well as water, the dish is filled with salt, just like the cook’s heart with love.

The sign says: the ardor of love makes you salt your food more.

But if a person is inclined to under-salt his food, it was believed that he only loves himself. However, in modern world this sign can no longer be interpreted so one-sidedly, since many, taking care of their own health, reduce the amount of salt in their diet as prescribed by a doctor.

Nevertheless, there is still an occult component in the sign about the relationship between salt and love. The fact is that there is a series of rituals in love magic, requiring the use of salt. When pronouncing a special spell, you had to add a little charmed salt to the food of the object of your love. In some cultural traditions during wedding celebrations The following ritual was also practiced: the bride had to independently salt the food prepared for the parents of her future husband.

Adding a little more salt than required was considered a sign of special respect. This is how the bride tried to show: I don’t skimp on caring for you and your son.

How to diagnose the presence of negativity in the house

Salt, due to its ability to store information, can be used to diagnose the room in which you live for the presence of negative energy there. One such method is as follows: after sunset, pour four pinches of ordinary stone into a frying pan. table salt. The pan must be clean and there should be no traces of fat on its surface.

Before using salt for occult purposes, be sure to heat it in a frying pan.

Place the frying pan with salt on moderate heat and heat the salt well. If the color of the salt has not changed at all, there are no serious negative programs, for example, caused by a curse, in your home. It is a bad sign if the salt noticeably changes color during the calcination process, especially if the salt has darkened. In this case, the room needs to be cleaned and, ideally, a good specialist should be invited for energy cleaning.

In ancient times, salt was used, among other things, to protect small children. A bag with a charmed spell was placed in the cradle protective spell salt. This is how children were protected from the “evil eye.”

By the way, you can also test the guests who have crossed the threshold of your home for their true attitude towards you and your family using salt. Prepare any dish, even the simplest one, that contains bread and salt. This can be either a sandwich consisting of bread, any cut, greens (you need to pour just a little salt inside), or a salad, for example, a warm salad, one of the ingredients of which is croutons. Before serving the dish, rub your palms well and imagine an energy ball between them. Mentally direct it into food and give the instruction: “Open the truth to me, open your hearts to me.”

This ritual is based on the beliefs of our ancestors, who greeted guests with “bread and salt.” It was believed that guests who had tasted the treat could no longer be enemies. Your guests, if consciously or unconsciously, had certain negative emotions towards you (envy, dissatisfaction, doubts about your good attitude towards them), then the salt in the food will “extinguish” them and even help.

But if the guest carries some more serious negative, for example, the energy of anger, then as soon as he tastes your dish, he will show his true face, or he will no longer be able to cross the threshold of your home. Of course, this does not mean that all guests who come to your house, including relatives and friends, need to be “tested” like this. In a certain situation with a specific person, you will simply feel “something is wrong” inside your own heart. Perhaps then it makes sense to carry out such a ritual.

Why is the “salt” debt not repaid?

Salt is widely used in magic, and therefore a special omen is associated with salt. For example, if someone asks you to borrow salt and there is no way to refuse, you can give it, but not from hand to hand, but by placing a pack of salt on any surface. And when another person takes it, mentally cut it off from yourself and give yourself the attitude that you are breaking the energetic connection with the salt.

After the person who asked leaves your home, turning his face to the east, recite the spell three times: “What I give, I don’t ask for back. What’s mine stays with me, take yours with you. Let it be so". You are no longer connected with this salt. And remind the person who asked that the “salt debt” is not returned. Do not take the salt back under any circumstances. The fact is that salt can be used to read a negative program, which you, along with the debt returned to you, will voluntarily accept into your home and family.

Salt, supported by fire energy, will cleanse negative energy

If you cannot shake the feeling that the salt was borrowed from you with bad intentions, in addition to the above-described ritual, you can perform one more additional one. Light a wax candle. On a saucer (preferably one that you use only for occult purposes and not as a kitchen utensil), place three pinches of salt. Move the candle flame clockwise over the salt, read the same plot 12 times, after that, mentally imagine yourself in an energy cocoon, and another person who borrowed salt from you, in the same energy cocoon.

The person who borrowed salt from you could even unknowingly put a negative program into it if he was emotionally experiencing some situation that was unpleasant for him. By giving the salt, he could pass on some of his own troubles to you.

When the wax begins to drip onto the salt, imagine the negativity that may have been brought into your home, burning in the candle flame and dripping with wax onto the salt crystals. You will feel when the ritual needs to be completed. Leave the candle, let it burn to the end, under no circumstances do not extinguish the flame with your fingers or blow it out. As soon as the candle goes out, carefully pour the salt into a previously prepared sheet of paper and take it out of the house. Ideally, this salt should be scattered at the intersection of two roads. But in a densely populated city this will be difficult to do.

If the intersection option is not feasible, walk at least three intersections from your house, that is, three blocks, throw the package of salt in trash can or an urn, and walk away without looking back. You don't need to talk to anyone or answer questions until you cross the threshold of your home. This important point a ritual that must be performed. Of course, such a ritual does require a good reason to perform it. I repeat, you don’t need to suspect everyone and everything, even those who borrowed salt from you, of wanting to harm you. But caution should still be exercised. Just listen to your intuition.

The special power of Thursday salt

It is considered the most energetically Thursday salt. That is, salt that was previously calcined and consecrated in the temple on Easter. This salt has powerful cleansing properties.

Thursday salt has special cleansing and protective powers.

In principle, it is good to always have such salt in your home. If one of the family members feels bad, a few grains of this salt are enough to remove the negativity. This means if you suspect the presence of negative influence from the outside, and this happens when medical studies do not show any pathologies, and the person continues to feel unwell.

Thursday salt will also be applicable to neutralize a negative program aimed at destroying family well-being.

If you see that quarrels in the house arise for no reason or no reason, you should scatter a pinch of this salt in every corner in all rooms. This must be done after sunset. And sweep away the salt and throw it away - before dawn the next day. This way you will “sweep” out of your home the negativity that has been causing discord in your family. You can simply clean the room in this way.

Thursday salt can be used to attract wealth into your home. Pour no more than a pinch of salt into right palm, loosely clench your hand into a fist and whisper a conspiracy for wealth: “My house is full of goodness, in my wallet there is always a coin ringing, in my box there is always a large bill crunching. (Your name) lived (lived) and will live forever. Let it be so". Pour the charmed salt into your wallet. Let it lie there overnight. If your wallet is tight, you don’t have to empty it out of your pocket. If there are holes, pour salt on the threshold of the house with inside. The energy of wealth will flow into your home in a continuous stream and there will be no financial problems in the family.

So, salt has powerful energy and the ability to “remember” and reproduce information. Charge salt with positive energy programs and use it for the well-being of your family and others. Remember that any negativity directed outward will return to the sender like a boomerang, and therefore I would like to warn against experimenting with salt and reciting various conspiracies to destroy plans or take revenge. All this will come back to you a hundredfold. It’s not your job to punish someone, even deservedly so. Each of us punishes ourselves. In every sense, it is beneficial to sow only goodness around you, and salt can become a powerful tool for this.

Many signs travel from century to century and remain relevant to this day. No computers, smartphones, or tablets can erase them from people’s lives. This is especially true for superstitions associated with spilled salt. Almost everyone, having spilled salt, begins to worry, get nervous, and look for ways to neutralize the bad omen.

The meaning will be to sprinkle salt

The interpretation of signs where a salty product appears largely depends on the day of the week.

  • Monday, as they say, is a hard day. Salt spilled on this day can quarrel loving couples for a long time. The quarrel promises to develop into a real confrontation. Only later for a long time partners will understand that the conflict arose out of nowhere.
  • You should expect troubles at work on Tuesday. The boss will be dissatisfied with his employee, constantly escalating the situation, which will lead to an explosion of negative emotions. The relationship with the boss will deteriorate in the end. It will take a lot of effort to restore good relationships.
  • Not a large number of salt spilled in the middle of the week - a good sign. In a couple of days there will be a fruitful meeting with a friend.
  • The mistake occurred on Thursday - a quarrel with the parents is coming. Disputes will arise over the most insignificant, everyday issues. As a result, the conflict will be settled, but an unpleasant aftertaste will linger in the soul for a long time.
  • On Friday you can sprinkle salt without fear of negativity. If this happens, then a pleasant moment awaits you in your personal sphere. Perhaps an offer will be made to start a family. The marriage promises to be happy.
  • Saturday and spilled salt powder are a bad combination. Data about the betrayal of your significant other will come to light. Most likely the couple will have to separate.
  • The Sunday incident with salt will lead to conflict with colleagues. Moreover, the entire team will fall out, which will affect bonuses.

Sprinkle salt on the table

Salty white powder appears on the table - you should prepare for changes in life. When deciphering signs, one must take into account environment, people, place.

  • The seasoning spilled onto the table in the office, and was witnessed by numerous colleagues - this is a sign of professional failure, you will not be able to get a higher position, even solving ordinary problems will cause dissatisfaction among your superiors.
  • If you poured salt at home and no one saw it, you are about to have a quarrel with your friends. It will no longer be possible to make peace, we will have to create new circle communication.
  • A good interpretation is when the incident happened in a cafe, bar, or canteen. This is for a quick wedding.

Sprinkle salt on the floor

It would be bad if the seasoning spilled on the floor. Troubles and squabbles await a person.

  • You might get robbed. Moreover, the loss will be impressive, and it will not be possible to find and return the money.
  • Another option is that there will be a split in the family. The conflict will be long-lasting; it will take a long time for relatives to begin to communicate normally again.
  • If the event happened during fun, then you need to prepare for sad news from loved ones.
  • The salt crumbled in moments of causeless sadness and melancholy - a situation will occur where you will find yourself in an uncomfortable position. Your reputation will suffer greatly.

Important: salt should not be borrowed from anyone. Happiness and prosperity will leave home with her.

Spill salt by breaking the salt shaker

The salt shaker is beating - don't expect anything good. If the vessel was full, then anxiety will settle in the soul. The real reasons for this, as it turns out, no, but the nerves will not be at their limit.

Shards of dishes will be sprinkled with snow-white salty powder - troubles will pour out as if from a cornucopia. We must try with persistence and perseverance to try to overcome this black streak, and then everything will work out.

An empty salt shaker scatters - the promises made cannot be realized. In the end it turns out that this is even for the better.

I dreamed of a salt container beating - joy awaits in reality. Everything will work out as we wanted.

Important: always keep the salt shaker closed, otherwise negative energy will come out and quarrel with everyone.

How to avoid a quarrel

To avoid worrying about the bad consequences of spilled salt, do the following:

  1. laugh and throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder with a smile. According to beliefs, on the left, there is always an evil entity that does various dirty tricks. Throwing salt will get into her eyes and prevent her from acting evilly. And by laughing you make it clear that you are not at all afraid of her.
  2. Say the spell: “Salt - salt, pain, pain, but for me none.” Then carefully collect the spilled salty product and wipe the table.
  3. Blocks negative action bad omen sugar. After all, it promises only good things. Therefore, you need to pour sugar on top of the salt and leave it for a day. When the time is up, scoop everything up and throw it away.
  4. To ward off trouble, you can draw a magic cross on the spilled layer. This must be done with the right little finger.
  5. The salt shaker broke. The fragments must not be touched with hands. They need to be raked into dense material, taken away from their native porch and buried.
  6. The salt is removed with a wet cloth. A broom is not suitable for cleaning, since negative energy can linger on it for a long time.

Important: when passing salt at the table, be sure to smile.

How to make peace between people

If a quarrel has started, it is urgent to dispel the negative atmosphere. You will need sea salt. Dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water. So that no one sees, put it in the room where the scandal is going on. Solution sea ​​salt takes away bad energy, relieves tension in the air. The quarrel subsides, people go to peace. If three days have passed and the household members are still grumbling at each other, you need to change the solution to a new one. The result will still be there.

Green plants help improve the aura of your home. Thyme, lemon balm, and rosemary cope well with this. Their aromas quickly calm you down and change your mood in a positive way.

As soon as the seasoning has crumbled, in order to avoid conflict, try to immediately hug the culprit of the mistake. If it was you ask someone to do this to you.

To reduce the effect of bad omens, you need to think more about the good, be positive and not focus on the consequences associated with salt.

When we accidentally spill salt or sugar, we immediately remember folk signs and superstitions. A lot of thoughts come into your head: either for good or for trouble. So what do these signs mean in our lives, and should we believe the signs when something falls apart?

If the salt has spilled

To scatter the salt- a bad omen that promises a quarrel with a loved one. The origin of this sign has a long history and explains its meaning. Previously, salt was a very valuable product and was on the table only of wealthy people, and only on holidays. If someone accidentally dropped a salt shaker, then, of course, this person was scolded and even beaten, because salt then cost a fortune and every pinch of it was almost worth its weight in gold.

Nowadays, everyone has salt in their house and today it does not represent any special value. It’s only when it falls apart that we remember the bad omen, which in our time no longer has an objective justification, and set ourselves up for the bad.

Another very important thing is connected with salt. interesting sign. It is believed that if a girl puts too much salt in her food (oversalt), then she has fallen in love. The origin of this sign is not known for certain. One can only assume that when a person is in love, he is very absent-minded, and this may not only cause him to over-salt, but also confuse salt with sugar.

If the sugar has spilled

Scatter sugar- a good omen. If you accidentally spilled sugar, then this is a good sign, promising a sweet and comfortable life. Fate seems to be giving you a hint that soon there will be many joys and pleasant moments in your life.

This sign has a special omen for girls. If a young lady spills salt, it promises her something new. interesting acquaintance with a man. If the bride spills sugar before the wedding, then family life happiness and joy await her.

Believe only good signs, and don’t even remember the bad ones, then only positive events will happen in your life! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.06.2014 09:29

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