Taoist self-massage complex. Centuries-old Taoist massage technique - Your path to energy and health

is the name of a whole group of massages that have come down to us since Ancient China are still very popular to this day.

The Taoist massage technique is based on knowledge of the laws of energy circulation in the human body and is useful for a wide variety of disorders - from energy failures to congenital gene pathologies. is quite unique in terms of energy exchange and is part of the teachings of Tao. I would like to highlight one of its main purposes - ensuring the unhindered flow of qi through the channels human body and restoration of physical and spiritual functions of the body.

The main purpose of Taoist massage

The main goal is to eliminate all obstacles that arise on the human body for the free passage of vital energy. During the massage, the patient receives peace of mind, inner harmony with himself, and gains peace of mind .

  • people suffering from neurasthenia, and especially under stress;
  • people with bad habits;
  • at chronic fatigue;
  • in case of indigestion;
  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • early aging.

In order to achieve certain results, you need to turn Special attention on the:

  • restoration of proper breathing. Exactly correct breathing able to provide unimpeded flow of energy;
  • activation of biologically active points.


According to the results of medical research, it was found that the effect of Taoist massage improves blood circulation, activates metabolism, saturates the brain with oxygen, and improves the functionality of internal organs.

In this article website will tell you about the Taoist masses of the penis. It is known that the most sensitive reflexogenic points are located on the genitals. According to traditional Chinese medicine On the male penis there are reflexogenic zones of the following organs:

  • on the head of the penis: heart, lungs, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, prostate gland;
  • top part shaft of the penis: stomach, pancreas, spleen;
  • middle part of the penis shaft: small intestine, liver;
  • base of the penis: kidneys, large intestine, bladder;
  • testicles: connected with all glands.

Taoist massage can be performed both in the morning and during hours of activity of the genitourinary system: from 15:00 to 19:00.

Remember that in order to fully activate the internal organs, the penis must be stimulated along its entire length.

During the massage itself, it is better not to bring the man to ejaculation. It is advisable that the man refrain from orgasm for some time after the massage. Sex is allowed fifteen to twenty minutes after the procedure.

  1. First, you should activate the reflexogenic zones on the foot. Foot massage - great way relax the whole body and stimulate the male sexual center. Next, use light massaging movements to massage your legs, moving from your feet up to your partner’s knees and hips.
  2. Then light movements Using your hands, massage the testicles in a spiral. Do at least 36 repetitions. Stroking the testicles stimulates the release of testosterone, which increases male potency. Be extremely careful: this area is very sensitive for a man, and a strong impact can be painful. Choose the amount of pressure individually, focusing on the man’s sensations.
  3. Then start massaging the head of the penis. First, hold the head between two fingers and knead it with gentle movements. Lightly “beat” the head against your thigh to improve blood flow. Next, lower it from the head foreskin and massage the head with spiral movements eighteen to thirty-six times in each direction.
  4. Don't forget to massage the entire length of your penis. Rub it with your hands along three lines: along the central one and two side ones.
  5. Finally, examine the perineum and find the depression between the prostate and the anus (prostate projection point).
    Pressing this point simulates contraction of the prostate. Massage it in a spiral pattern 36 times in each direction. The Taoists called this place the “Million Dollar Point” because pressing on it during sexual intercourse immediately before ejaculation inhibits the ejaculation reflex, thereby increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

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Massage is a set of techniques of mechanical and reflex effects on tissues and organs in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body with hands and special devices through air, water or other medium with the purpose

This massage is one of the components of the teachings of Tao. Its goal is to restore the functions of all organs and body parts of the human body and its energy forces.

The Taoists believed that old age occurred as a result of the loss of vital energy; if it seems to us that it is impossible to restore former strength, then these Chinese sages argued the opposite. You can stay forever young and restore lost energy according to the teachings of Tao with the help of Taoist massage.

The peculiarity of this type of massage therapy is that it can normalize the functioning of your entire body. The Taoist ideology was structured in such a way that during the procedure a person must get rid of all obstacles that prevent his internal energy from moving normally.

By removing obstacles with the help of massage according to the Tao system, you will be able to achieve inner harmony, improve your emotional, mental and physical condition.

A Taoist massage course can not only improve sleep, eliminate fatigue, provide a surge of energy, restore strength, but most importantly, it will give you eternal youth. The Taoists sincerely believed that massage using this technique could slow down the natural aging process.

Important Mark, that if massage is carried out according to the Taoist method according to all the rules, then it is possible to normalize blood circulation functions, strengthen the immune system, saturate the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen, and make the skin elastic.

primary goal

The main goal of massage according to the system of wise Taoists was to gain inner balance, harmony of body and spirit, and tranquility. This type of massage therapy is recommended for those people who are often stressed, nervous and irritable.

Taoist massage can restore all functions of your body, unlike traditional massage, which can only eliminate specific problems, for example, relieve joint pain.


This type of massage therapy is indicated for those people who have the following health problems:

  • Frequent migraines and headaches.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Constant stress and depressive moods.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Cellulite.
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is worth noting that this massage also has a positive effect on reproductive system men and women, prevents the development of various sexual disorders, increases libido.

Breast massage

This type of massage therapy will help a woman keep her breasts firm, beautiful and healthy. Regular manipulations of this kind will allow you to forget about oncology, as they serve as its prevention. In addition, Taoist massage can improve the contour of this part of the body, give it tone and prevent the development of diseases such as mastopathy.

The massage therapist performs the procedure using a vessel whose size corresponds to the size of the breast. It is applied to this part of the body and remains on it for several minutes. Then it is taken in the palm of your hand, and the specialist begins to perform rotational movements, then presses it again. Oils such as chamomile, rose, olive, jasmine or coconut are used for the procedure.

This type of massage is not contraindicated for men either.. It is carried out using the following technique:

  1. The massage therapist's hands are placed on the chest.
  2. Are being done circular movements hands from the shoulder to the center of the body in a number of nine turns.
  3. The palms are placed on the chest, the nipples are in the center, the specialist applies ten light pressures.

After the procedure, you may feel some pain that will go away after a couple of hours.

Face massage

Manipulation performed on the face promotes rejuvenation; before proceeding, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin by cleansing it of cosmetics and exfoliating.

Facial massage according to the Taoist system helps strengthen facial contours, increase muscle tone, helps remove toxins and waste, and improve blood flow. Also this procedure helps eliminate headaches and ensure the preservation of youth and beauty for as long as possible. When carrying it out, the following manipulations are used:

  1. You need to rub your palms, bring them to your face and move them in a circle, moving them up, then to the sides and down.
  2. Place two fingers of each hand on both sides of the wings of the nose, move them up to the bridge of the nose, and then, having reached its top, spread them in different directions, continue movements, gradually moving towards the hairline.

These manipulations will help reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Spine massage

The spine is massaged in a circular motion from the collar area, capturing each vertebra. When the hands have reached its lower part, they should be repeated in the reverse order.

You can also run your fingers along the entire length of the spinal column, pressing lightly. This technique will help you relax and relieve your spine from feeling tired.

Massage of buttocks and legs

This procedure is usually performed after a specialist has worked on the spine and back. The buttocks are massaged using circular movements and lightly pinched. After such a massage, the person completely relaxes.

After the buttocks, the thighs are massaged, grasped with both hands and lightly beaten. Next comes the turn of the knees, which need to be massaged in a circular motion with patting and light kneading. Next comes the turn of the feet, which are massaged over the entire surface and between the toes.

It's worth saying, that foot massage according to the Tao system is very useful, since it is on a person’s feet that there are vital points responsible for the functioning of organs such as the heart and brain, but it must be done very carefully.

Shoulder massage

This type of massage therapy will be useful for those people who are engaged in work involving physical effort.

A procedure is carried out with aromatic oils, the movements are circular, the palm lightly presses on the scapula bone.

Video lesson: Taoist facial massage

Most of the energy points of the stronger sex are located on their genitals, which are also responsible for the functions of other organs and systems. Sessions of this massage should be carried out in the morning or from 15-00 to 19-00. It is necessary to massage the entire sexual organ, since the points responsible for the functioning of the heart, stomach, prostate, small intestine, bladder, lungs, liver and kidneys are concentrated on it.

Energy massage options for men

In addition to the basic massage for men according to the Taoist method, strong half humanity also enjoys and becomes healthier from massaging other equally important parts of the body, that is, the head, which is recommended to be massaged from the back of the head using circular movements, moving towards the collar area.

Massage therapy for the shoulder blades is no less important; it allows you to get rid of tension and relax. The spine, hips and legs, buttocks, and feet should also be subjected to the procedure.

To restore vision

Wise Taoists could use massage to help restore vision. Some of their techniques have survived to modern times:

  1. The eyes should be closed, the hands folded in a “boat” are placed on them, the inner part of the palms touches the nose, but they should not touch the eyes. For the full effect, you need to completely relax and lean on the table.
  2. One elbow rests on the table, a hand with an outstretched index finger is placed in the center of the eyes, and the head begins to move to the right and left, without taking your eyes off the finger.


Despite the many positive characteristics Massage according to the Tao system is contraindicated for people who suffer from the following ailments:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Chronic diseases in the form of exacerbation.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Oncology.
  • Excessive hair growth.
  • Bronchial asthma.

In addition, this procedure is prohibited for pregnant women.

Taoist massage will help you become not only healthier, more beautiful, young and energetic, but will also help you change your worldview. Will help you find harmony and tranquility, find mutual language with your body, feel its unity with the spirit.

Taoist massage is a group of individual massages that normalize the functioning of the whole body. It is part of the famous teachings of Tao, the ideology of which is based on ridding a person of existing obstacles that do not allow energy to move normally. All this allows you to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

Chinese teachings indicate that a person ages due to the loss of internal energy, but this process can be restored. A course of massages will help get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, and you can also restore strength and slow down the aging process.

If you do special movements correctly, you can improve blood circulation and metabolism, saturate tissues and cells with oxygen, strengthen the immune system and make the skin elastic.

Taoist breast massage

The procedures can be performed on both women and men. So, place your hands on your chest and slowly move in a circle, make 9 turns. You should move from the shoulder to the center of the body. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances, as this may stretch the skin. Then place your palm on your chest so that its center is on the nipple. Do 10 light pressures.

You can make it located between the ribs. Such manipulations will help open and activate the thymus glands, which are responsible for the rejuvenation of the soul and body.

You should start from the top and work your way down. Walk over this area in a circular motion, paying special attention to pain points. Do everything with your index finger. After the manipulations, the sternum may hurt for 2 hours.

Taoist facial massage

With regular massage you can rejuvenate your skin. It is recommended to do a complete skin diagnosis before a course of procedures. Even in ancient times, people believed that each section on it was responsible for the work of a specific organ.

If you want to carry out the procedures yourself, it is recommended that you study this information. By activating certain points on the face, you can start the rejuvenation process and cleanse tissues and cells. Thanks to massage it increases muscle tone, blood movement, the walls of the circuit are strengthened, harmful substances and toxins are removed.

Such manipulations can get rid of headaches. For a woman, Taoist massage is an excellent opportunity to preserve the youth and beauty of her face.

Exercise No. 1. It will help strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. Rub your palms to concentrate the flow of energy into them. Bring them to your face and move them in a circle (about 24 times), first moving up, then to the sides and down.

The right hand should move according to this pattern: up, right, down, and the left hand should move like this: up, left and down. Touches should be gentle.

Exercise No. 2. This will help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For women, this place is one of the most problematic. Cover your eyes slightly, and place your palms folded in a “boat” so that the eyes and the center of the palm are at the same level.

Feel the energy moving from your hands to your eyes. Make eye movements to the sides and in a circle in different directions. After this, lower your hands to your face and make 12 pressing movements.

Exercises No. 3. It is used to, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence. This energy massage will help get rid of insomnia and migraines. Place two fingers of both hands on different sides of the nose, near the wings and move up to the bridge of the nose.

Having reached it above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same, but go even higher and do everything until you reach the hair.

Taoist massage for men

It is reliably known that representatives of the stronger sex have the most energy points on the penis, and they are responsible for different organs and systems.

The points that are on the upper part of the shaft of the penis affect the stomach and spleen. Active centers on the middle part of the trunk affect the small intestine and liver. The points located at the base of the penis are related to the kidneys, intestines and bladder. The testicles are related to all glands.

The Taoist massage technique for men is as follows:

  • You should start by kneading your feet, which will allow you to relax and activate your sexual center. After this, gradually move up your legs;
  • Using light spiral movements, knead the testicles. Do approximately 36 repetitions. Thanks to this, male testosterone, which is responsible for potency, will begin to be released. The force of pressure depends on the man’s sensations;
  • Move to the head. Pinch it with two fingers and knead it with light movements. Gently pat the head to improve blood flow. After retracting the foreskin, make spiral movements in both directions (36 times);
  • Now rub your penis along the entire length with your hands. Do everything in the following directions: along the central and two side lines;
  • Feel the depression between the prostate and the anus, and massage it with spiral movements in both directions.

Other energy Taoist massage options for men

It is difficult to find representatives of the stronger sex who do not like massage; many even compare the pleasure they receive to an orgasm. It is recommended to massage all significant parts bodies.

Head. Important points are located on the back of the head. Walk along them in a circular motion, gradually moving towards the middle of the collar area.

Shoulder blades. Warming up this part of the body will allow you to relax. Various oils can be used. Using circular movements, massage your shoulder blades, applying gentle pressure.

Spine. You should start with the collar area, and move around each vertebra in a circular motion. When you reach the end of your back, repeat in the opposite direction. After this, lightly move along the spine, applying light pressure. Thanks to these manipulations, you can get rid of pain and relieve tension.

Buttocks and feet. Make circular movements with light pressure and pinching. This will allow you to relax even more. You should massage your thighs with both hands. Grab both sides of the body and start whisking.

Moving to your knees, do the same movements in a circle with light stroking and periodic pats. Move to the foot and massage the toes and the spaces between them. Thumbs massage the center of the foot and move to the heel.

Taoist massage to restore vision

Ancient healers knew how to do massage, which helped restore vision. Many techniques have survived to this day. Let's look at a couple of exercises.

Palming. Rub your hands so that they become warm, but if the exercise is done in the heat, then you need to put them in the cold. Close your eyes and cup your hands over them so that the inside of your hands touches the bottom of your nose.

The palms should not touch the eyes and it is important that no light comes through. The neck should be straight, rest your hands on the table so that your fingers are relaxed. The goal is to completely relax, that is, there should be no white spots before your eyes, only blackness.

Energy is a very subtle matter, and if a person distributes his forces incorrectly, does not monitor his own lifestyle, and does not develop spiritually, it leaves. As a result, depression, depression, apathy and other unpleasant manifestations appear that interfere with enjoying life. IN Chinese philosophy there is the concept of Tao, which implies the path of truth, which all people must come to. After all, it is this path that leads to enlightenment and spiritual enrichment.

Followers of Tao have been thoroughly studying the capabilities of the human body, the features of its structure and functioning, as well as factors that can influence the functioning of the body for several centuries. This is how unique massage techniques were developed, which are known all over the world.

Energy and health

Taoist massage carries the healing energy of Qi, which primarily affects the human energy field. This helps to increase the flow of vigor and health. The complex includes several types of techniques, each of which is aimed at “healing” a specific area.

The history of this Chinese philosophy and the procedures created on its basis goes back more than 4 thousand years. Even in ancient times, the Chinese knew that each part of our body is responsible for a certain internal organ, and stimulation of these zones makes it possible to cure a person from a huge number of diseases.

In each session, Taoists distinguish three important parts:

  • development and stimulation of the external vascular network (head, rib cage, abdomen, hands, feet) for the purpose of warming up, activating the blood circulation process and saturating tissues with oxygen;
  • work with points responsible for internal organs;
  • manipulations in muscle and tendon areas.

Such sessions can be performed at any age, regardless of gender, but the main indications for this technique are:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • excess weight and cellulite;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • frequent headaches;
  • depression, stress, depression;
  • frequent colds.

After just a few procedures you will feel real changes. Massage effects will help you relax and normalize work nervous system and will give you strength.

Focus area – chest

This massage is universal and is suitable for both men and women. A huge plus is that you can even do it yourself. First you need to warm up the selected area. To do this, make circular movements with your palms clockwise, there should be 9 of them. The direction of movements is from the shoulders to the center of the chest.

Remember that sudden movements are prohibited; they can not only cause discomfort, but also contribute to stretching of the skin. After warming up, place your palms on your chest, so that the nipple is in its center, and do 10 light presses.

Proceed to manipulation of the chest in the area between the ribs. They need to be performed with the index finger, making circular pressing movements. Don't be alarmed if your chest hurts a little after the session, this is a normal reaction. This technique will help maintain skin tone and also prevent many diseases, including cancer.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Everyone knows this saying, but often long periods of work at the computer and heavy loads can not only tire the eyes, but also lead to a decrease in visual acuity. In ancient times, healers mastered a special technique, the principles and some exercises of which have survived to this day.

Depending on the time of year and the temperature in the room, you will need to warm your hands in cool weather, and cool them if it's summer outside. Cover your eyes with your palms so that the inside of them touches the base of your nose. The fingers should be tightly closed to prevent light from entering; they should be held so that they do not touch the eyelids. This preparatory stage should create an atmosphere of calm.

Next, place the elbow of one hand on the table and straighten forefinger so that it is in the center of the eye. Smoothly turn your head left and right, but do not take your eyes off your finger. This exercise will help you get rid of the habit of fixing your gaze intensely, which means it will significantly reduce the load.

Such simple lessons will be a real salvation for those who want to restore their former vision.

Facial rejuvenation

Exercises according to the Chinese technique will help maintain toned contours, improve skin tone and make it appearance more attractive. And most importantly, there is no need for any financial costs. This looks like an ideal option for women. All that is needed is systematic exercise.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you massage every day at the same time. It is also worth considering that it is not recommended to conduct a session for 1 hour after eating, and after exercise, do not eat or drink for at least 15 minutes. Here are some of the exercises.

  1. Warm up your palms by rubbing to activate energy. Gently, superficially, make circular movements across the face (24 times). This way you will improve the tone of the facial muscles, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, and improve color.
  2. For those who noticed " crow's feet"around the eyes or suffers from sagging skin in this area, it is worth performing simple eye rotations. In this case, the eyelids should be slightly closed, and the palms, cupped, should be positioned so that their center is at the same level as the pupil. In this position, make circular movements with your eyes in a circle. When finished, press your hands to your face and apply 12 light pressures.
  3. Energy massage helps eliminate wrinkles in the forehead, as well as relieve headaches and migraines. To do this, place your index finger and middle finger with both hands on both sides of the nose (on the wings) and with rotational movements, move up to the bridge of the nose. When you reach your eyebrows, spread your arms. Do the same thing again, but gradually moving higher along the forehead line, right up to the hair.

Protecting men's health

Massage is always pleasant, so having mastered simple techniques, you can give your man pleasant relaxation sessions. Taoists, like many others, have long known that greatest number energy points responsible for male strength and the state of the body as a whole, is located on the penis. Therefore, its stimulation has a very beneficial effect on health. In addition, there are several other important areas.

  1. Back of the head. Light massage circular movements should be made from the back of the head to the collar area and in the opposite direction.
  2. Spine. The action zone starts from the cervical vertebrae and ends at the lumbar level. It is necessary to carefully work through each vertebra, and then walk again from top to bottom with light pressing movements. This will help eliminate existing pain and give you the opportunity to relax.
  3. Hips and buttocks. These body parts are simply “stuffed” active points, exposure to which will help relieve stress. First, make the usual circular movements, and then, placing your palms on both sides, begin to lightly “beat” and pinch.

Taoist massage is a unique combination of traditions, important knowledge and secrets of understanding the body and soul. Thanks to such techniques, you will not only feel more active, but will get rid of many illnesses and mental problems.
