How great-grandfather Emmanuel Vitorgan became a father. Age is not a barrier

One of the most beloved and popular Soviet artists, Emmanuel Vitorgan, was born in sunny Baku at the end of 1939. The boy's father, being a sought-after specialist in flour-grinding production, was forced to frequently move from one city to another in a large country.

The mother took care of the house and raising children - the eldest son Vladimir and Emmanuel. Parents were native Odessa residents, Jews by nationality.

The youth of the future artist

While studying at one of the Astrakhan schools, Emmanuel became seriously interested in theater. It was fateful for him to meet Yuri Kochetkov, whose parents were theater artists. Emmanuel tried not to miss a single premiere, and after a while he decided to enroll in a drama club. At the same time, his recent hobbies - water polo and volleyball - were relegated to the background.

After graduating from school, young Vitorgan, who dreamed of fame as an artist, went to the capital. However, he failed to enter any of the Moscow theater universities. Failure did not break Emmanuel, and he went to Leningrad, where he was enrolled in LGITMiK. The young man was lucky and learned the basics acting under the guidance of the outstanding teacher Boris Zon, and his fellow students were Alexandra Nazarova, Sergei Yursky, and many other talented actors.

Having received his diploma in 1961, Vitorgan ended up in the Pskov Drama Theater. After working there for the required two years, he returned to his beloved Leningrad and joined the troupe of the famous Lenkom. Here he appeared on stage until 1971, when the artist and his wife Alla Balter moved to Moscow.

In the capital, the married couple was enrolled in the troupe of the Taganka Theater. Vitorgan performed on the stage of this theater for two years, and after moved to Academic theater them. V. Mayakovsky. Emmanuil Gedeonovich performed on the stage of this theater for many years, having played leading roles in productions by such remarkable directors as Leonid Kheifits, Adolf Shapiro, Andrei Goncharov.

Film career

Vitorgan's debut in Russian cinema occurred in 1962. Enough for a long time these were only episodic and minor, meaningless roles. Only in 1977 were films featuring the artist “And That’s All About Him” released., in which he perfectly embodied the image of the criminal Gleb Zavarzin. Vitorgan played the charismatic villain so convincingly that he got his first taste of popular fame.

Emmanuel Gedeonovich's appearance perfectly corresponded to Soviet cinematic cliches of images of CIA agents, spies, and criminals. That is why the talented artist has many more negative roles than positive ones. The most striking examples of this were the paintings “Emissary of a Foreign Center” and “Profession – Investigator.”

However, Vitorgan's acting talent is much more multifaceted than it might seem at first glance. The artist managed to prove his ability to transform, and he played many noteworthy roles in comedies, melodramas, and psychological dramas.

Positive characters were played by Vitorgan in the films “Anna Karamazoff” (director Prokudin-Gorsky), “Battle for Moscow” (Commissioner Fomin), “Don’t Wake a Sleeping Dog” (investigator Zotov).

The comedies “Sorcerers” and “Pious Martha” brought Vitorgan national popularity. Also among the most popular films with the participation of the artist are the films “When the Saints March,” “On Deribasovskaya good weather, or it’s raining on Brighton Beach again,” “Don’t wake up a sleeping dog.”

Interesting notes:

The 90s turned out to be a difficult period for domestic cinema, and at this time Emmanuil Gedeonovich, like most of his colleagues, began to appear on screen less and less. But at the same time, the artist was going through a difficult stage in his life: he was seriously ill, and then for a long time he could not recover after the death of his wife.

With the beginning of the new millennium, Emmanuel Gedeonovich returned to his profession. He began acting in popular television series, thanks to which he reminded the older generation of viewers and attracted the attention of young people. In 2003, in the series “ Poor Nastya» Vitorgan embodied the image of Prince Pyotr Dolgorukov. This was followed by equally successful projects: “Children of the Arbat”, “”, “Christmas Trees 2014”, “Two Sides of the Same Anna”.

If in his youth the artist was often cast in the roles of villains, then with age he was increasingly offered the roles of respectable professors, oligarchs, successful doctors or lawyers.

Despite mature age, Emmanuel Gedeonovich still continues to do what he loves. He actively acts in films, plays on the stages of the Modern Play Theater and the Theater named after. V. Mayakovsky.

Vitorgan is also a teacher of acting at the Eastern European Film School, and works as a TV presenter for the “Conversations about Cinema” program on the NTV channel. Besides creative activity, the artist runs the Emmanuel Vitorgan Cultural Center, as well as the Vitorgan Club, a branch of which was recently opened in Germany.

Personal life

Emmanul Gedeonovich got married for the first time while he was a student. His chosen one was a fellow student, Tamara Rumyantseva, who gave her young husband a daughter, Ksenia. When the girl was five years old, this marriage broke up. The reason for the divorce was Vitorgan’s acquaintance with the beautiful actress Alla Balter.

The romance between the two artists turned out to be so passionate that the lovers could not hide their relationship and be away from each other. After the divorce, Rumyantseva asked ex-spouse so that he would move to another city and not traumatize the psyche of their common daughter. This is how Emmanuel Gedeonovich ended up in Moscow.

Alla Balter became the actor’s second wife, and soon the couple had a son, who in the future followed in the footsteps of his parents and also became an artist.

The Vitorgan-Balter couple was one of the most beautiful and happiest in Russian cinema. The news of terrible disease Alla. She was diagnosed with cancer, but for a long time the actress bravely appeared on stage.

When Alla passed into another world, Emmanuel Gedeonovich fell into the deepest depression. Irina Mlodik, the head of the theater agency, managed to bring the artist back to life. They met during collaboration on the play "Shaman from Broadway". Over time, acquaintance grew into friendship, and later into love. In 2003, Irina and Emmanuil Gedeonovich tied the knot.

The artist has five grandchildren, but he practically does not communicate with Ksenia’s children – Nikita and Alexandra. Much more often, Vitorgan sees Maxim’s children – Polina, Daniil and Plato. He is very proud of his eldest grandson, who is diligently studying at a British college, but most of all his grandfather’s love goes to the youngest - Plato, the son of Maxim and Ksenia Sobchak.

In February 2018, Vitorgan managed to shock the public with the news of his paternity. His 56-year-old wife Irina gave him a daughter, whom her parents named Ethel. Emmanuel Gedeonovich is incredibly happy to experience the joy of fatherhood again, and is well aware of how big a responsibility this is.

Films and roles of Vitogran

Year Name Role
1960 A man with a future miner
1967 Two daytime tickets

husband of Inka-Estonian

1968 Just one life

listener to Nansen's report

1970 Mission in Kabul Jan Kalnin
1970 King Lear servant
1971 Rudobel Republic

Captain Oleg Yurievich Zvonov

1972 Such a long, long road...

Svetlyakov (scenes with the actor’s participation were cut out by censors)

1972 Unexpected joys Gurdjieff
1972 Going beyond the horizon Seryozha
1973 Big springboard Zheglanov
1973 Grandmaster Orlov
1973 Dmitry Cantemir Charles XII
1973 Dirk Nikitsky
1973 Red agate Igor
1974 Magic lantern

cowboy with scars / Fantômas


Hottest month

1975 Diamonds for Maria Chaplain
1975 Time-can't-wait

Jack Westendale

1975 Rain seller

File Shelton, Deputy

1975 Biography fact Sanya
1976 It's easy to be kind Grudinin
1976 No one instead of you

Dumitru Saveleanu

1978 Two in a new house Vladimir
1978 And it's all about him

Arkady Leonidovich Zavarzin (credited

1978 Fortress

Kalitin, lieutenant colonel

1978 While the dream runs wild

Valerian Bruten

1978 Long distance running tactics

German officer

1979 Today and tomorrow

Dmitry Savelievich Bazhutin

1979 Emissary of the overseas center

Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel

1980 Pious Martha

Don Felipe de Ayala

1980 Before dinner

Nikolay Fedorovich

1980 Big and small war Sirotinsky
1980 Star inspector Douglas Kober
1980 Casket of Marie de Medici

Vincent Savigny / Vsevolod Yurievich Svinin

1980 Expectation Nikolay
1980 Scandalous incident in Brickmill

Inspector Street

1981 43454 Lazarev
1981 Long way in the labyrinth Ivan Shagin
1981 The Mystery of the Fugitive Colony Don Emilio
1981 Conflict situation

Yuri Vasilievich Voskoboynikov

1981 Joke?! pirate
1982 Profession investigator
1982 Sorcerers Victor Kovrov
1983 Anxious Sunday

Igor Pavlovich Chagin, lieutenant colonel of internal service, head of the fire department

1984 The shore of his life Macton
1984 Your peaceful sky

Mikhail Samarin

1985 Battle for Moscow

Fomin, Commissioner Brest Fortress

1985 Anna Vierling's roads

regimental chaplain

1986 Ransom

Maretta, former police inspector

1986 Complaint Yuri Smirnov
1986 The end of the world followed by a symposium

General Wilmer

1987 Fulfill all righteousness

Igor Arsentievich Kuleshov

1987 Pathfinder Cragg
1988 I offer my hand and heart

Leonid Ivanovich

1990 Crazy Bus

Anouk, Israeli diplomat

1990 Adult daughter young man Ivchenko
1990 Live target prosecutor
1990 When the saints march Gerasim
1990 Ghost Prince vizier
1991 Anna Karamazoff

Prokudin-Gorsky, director

1991 And the wind returns... Uncle Misha
1991 Don't wake a sleeping dog Zotov

Do not ask me about anything

1991 Tanks are walking along Taganka Brockhaus
1991 Cuckold Max
1992 The weather is good on Deribasovskaya, or it’s raining again on Brighton Beach

Jack, CIA General

1992 Road to Chattanooga / A Young Man's Grown Daughter Ivchenko
1992 Black square Kazakov
1993 Code of Dishonor assistant
1993 Tragedy of the century

Commissioner of the Brest Fortress Fomin

1994 Pirate Empire cardinal
1997 Ship of doubles FSB Colonel

The 55-year-old wife of the national artist gave birth to a child, who became his third and her first.

Emmanuel Vitorgan with his wife Irina a month before the birth of their daughter Ethel. Photo:

Before the country had time to discuss (Dmitry and his 54-year-old wife Elena admitted that a surrogate mother gave birth to their son), a child was born to another older couple. This time . The woman claims that she carried and gave birth to a daughter herself. “TV program” answers the most pressing questions about new parents and their heiress.

Who gave birth?

The most obvious version, which immediately began to be discussed: the daughter of Vitorgan and Mlodik was carried by a surrogate mother. But the Woman explained that she and her husband had wanted a child for a long time, but it took her 20 years to solve her health problems.

How is it possible to become a mother for the first time at 55 years old? The doctors explained to us that it is now fashionable for women at a certain age (preferably under 40, but possible up to 45) to freeze their eggs. This method is called cryopreservation - eggs obtained during the IVF program are frozen and stored in the clinic. This is how a delayed pregnancy is planned. You can bear a child at 55, but only if the woman is in good health. And you can get pregnant on your own at the age of 55 if the woman’s cycle continues. But even in the most advanced medical centers such cases are rare. We repeat: pregnancy and childbearing depend on general condition woman's health. But Irina Mlodik admitted that she had serious health problems already in her youth - in addition to traditional treatment, she even turned to the healer Juna for help. By the way, Mlodik’s mother was an obstetrician.

On February 21, an advertisement for a nanny appeared on Vitorgan’s Facebook page. And on February 26, the actor became a father for the third time.

An interesting detail - Irina Mlodik appeared at events shortly before the birth of the baby, but no one noticed her pregnancy. Although Irina wore loose clothes that easily disguised her belly. But during pregnancy at this age, women tend to behave less active image life. By the way, on February 26, on their daughter’s birthday, the Vitorgan couple appeared in the evening at their “Vitorgan Club”, where, judging by the video, they sang and danced at their friends’ birthday party.

Who is helping?

A week before the baby’s appearance, Emmanuel Vitorgan published in in social networks advertisement for a babysitter. They found a nanny. In mid-March, the new parents are planning a three-day tour of the Emmanuel Vitorgan Cultural Center in Baden-Baden. So now there is someone to leave the girl with. Irina devotes maximum time to the baby. The name Ethel was chosen for the newborn (translated from German as “noble”). The girl is calm: she eats and sleeps, she cries a little. Mlodik has already said that Ethel Vitorgan looks like her father: the baby’s nose, lips, high forehead are exactly like Emmanuil Gedeonovich’s. For the actor, Ethel is the third child. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Ksenia, and from his second, a son, Maxim. National artist Russia is not only a grandfather, but also a great-grandfather - two great-grandchildren were given to him by Ksenia's daughter Alexandra.

Emmanuel Vitorgan with his youngest grandson Plato. Photo:

Where does the money come from?

A child needs not only to be raised. The appearance of an heir in the family involves serious expenses. They spent over 2 million rubles on the surrogate mother alone (if there was one, of course). And now money will be needed constantly. However, Emmanuil Gedeonovich and Irina Mikhailovna are wealthy people. Firstly, they have Cultural Center Emmanuel Vitorgan, who tours with performances, organizes and conducts creative evenings, holidays. Emmanuil Gedeonovich is in the forefront of the creative ranks here, and his wife took on all managerial functions. All our artists have known Mlodik for a long time - she had her own theatrical agency. Secondly, the family opened a chain of dry cleaners. In addition, Irina has another business.

Love story

Irina and Emmanuel met back in 1993 in Sochi at the Kinotavr film festival. It was a friendly acquaintance, both were happy in their families. Vitorgan lived with his second wife Alla Balter for thirty years: his wife helped him defeat cancer, but, alas, she herself could not cope with the disease. Irina Mlodik supported Emmanuel Vitorgan during a difficult period, so the friendship gradually grew into a relationship. Emmanuel and Irina got married in 2003. Vitorgan’s son Maxim did not come to his father’s wedding; at first he did not communicate with his father’s chosen one. But then, seeing how Irina takes care of her husband, he understood and accepted his father’s choice. Next to his wife, the artist looked 20 years younger, because Irina is a successful, energetic and very positive woman.

“We hardly quarrel,” says Mlodik. “Some kind of clash is possible, but to quarrel, not talk to each other, or, God forbid, to offend, insult... I don’t even understand how this can be.” Emmanuil Gedeonovich sometimes goes crazy at home, and he makes it so funny that he himself starts laughing with me. He's generally very funny."

IN Russian media Information has appeared that 78-year-old actor Emmanuel Vitorgan and his 56-year-old wife Irina Mlodik had a mysterious post on Emmanuel Vitorgan’s Facebook page on February 21, announcing the birth of a child. The actor’s wife turned to her friends with a request to find a nanny. It turned out that the couple actually had a daughter, and the “young” parents had already stated that she looked like their grandson -

Just as black and shaggy. She has the same nose, lips and forehead as Emmochka (her forehead is the same as her nephew Platon’s - we noticed this on the ultrasound), - said Irina, who became a mother for the first time.


A little later it became known that the baby was named Ethel, a German name that means “noble.” Irina claims that she gave birth herself. Allegedly, she had been preparing to become a mother for about 20 years—medical reasons had previously prevented her from doing so.

“Emmochka and I have been dreaming and thinking about having a child for a long time,” Irina told reporters. “But first I had to overcome problems with my health. We had to wait almost 20 years to solve them.

“My daughter is very calm and well-mannered: she practically doesn’t cry—she eats and sleeps,” the mother shared. “When they took her from the maternity hospital, she cried only once and quickly calmed down. Of course, we are infinitely happy.

Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents got through to Irina to clarify whether she really carried the child herself, and not surrogate mother. Tired of the attention, a woman with the voice of Irina Mlodik reported that “Irina has moved away.” Nevertheless, she answered the journalists' question.

“I gave birth myself, sorry,” the newspaper quotes the answer.

Neither Ksenia Sobchak nor Maxim Viktorgan commented on the new addition to their family. Irina Mlodik became the third wife of Emmanuel Vitorgan. In his interviews, Emmanuel Gedeonovich has repeatedly said that he has real feelings for Irina Mlodik.


True, acquaintances of the couple do not remember Irina being noticed pregnant. TV presenter Oleg Marusev initially reacted to the news about the birth of a child with disbelief, saying that he “didn’t see Irochka in a position,” but then he confirmed that his friends had a daughter.

“I didn’t know that they were preparing to become parents, because these people never bring their personal life to the forefront... A daughter is a gift that they received for their love,” he said.

Gynecologists say that it is quite possible to give birth on your own at 56 years old. The main thing is that the woman maintains her cycle and that the ovaries produce enough follicles and hormones. However, even if there is a shortage of the latter, hormone replacement therapy will help.

Carrying a child to term at 56 years old is real. In our department, even a 67-year-old woman became a mother,” says gynecologist-reproductologist Maria Milyutina. - Probably, the eggs of a 56-year-old woman were stored (frozen) in advance. Although in 99 percent of such cases a donor egg is used.

The Internet reacted differently to the news. Fans of the couple are sincerely happy for Vitorgan and his wife, others believe that having a child at an old age is frivolous. Many do not understand why Vitorgan and his wife are looking for a nanny: “To buy a child for themselves, and then give him to be raised by a nanny!” However, after a barrage of attacks, the 78-year-old actor deleted his post from Facebook.

Emmanuil Vitorgan and Irina Mlodik

And last Friday, information appeared on the Internet that Emmanuel Vitorgan and his third wife Irina Mlodik became parents. He is 78 years old, she is 56. What miracles don’t happen now?! Medicine has made significant progress!

Vitorgan is a favorite theater and film actor and a favorite of millions of people. He starred in more than 100 films and TV series. Everyone remembers the good old films: “Dirk”, “The Magicians”, “Pious Martha”, “King Lear”, “Radio Day” and “Election Day”... The actor has two children: daughter Ksenia from his first wife Tamara Rumyantseva and son Maxim Vitorgan (the same one who became the husband of Ksenia Sobchak) from his second wife Alla Butler, who died in the year 200 cancer. And now, according to the Internet, Emmanuel Gedeonovich has given birth to a third child, a daughter. But for his wife Irina, this is their first child. And the woman admitted that at the age of 55 she carried her daughter herself. The couple has been together for 20 years!

With his first wife Tamara Rumyantseva

Vitorgan with her daughter from her first marriage, Ksenia Rumyantseva

While the couple abstains big interviews and comments, although Irina Mlodik answered a call with a question about the birth of a child: “Yes, we have a child. Thank you for your congratulations". The couple gave the following comment to the publication “7 days”: Emmochka and I have long dreamed and thought about a child. But first I had to overcome problems with my health,” said Irina Vitorgan. It took the couple almost 20 years to solve the health problems. Irina does not reveal secrets, but insists that she did not resort to the help of a surrogate mother. The newborn received a beautiful And sonorous name Ethel.

Second wife famous actress Alla Balter

Irina Mlodik, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Lyudmila Narusova (Ksenia’s mother), Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

Now the couple is busy with pleasant chores: they are organizing the baby’s life and getting used to the new daily routine, although the girl, according to her mother, is calm and not capricious, and they are also looking for a nanny through social networks, asking friends for recommendations. Internet users and Vitorgan's Instagram followers congratulate the couple on such a miracle! Of course, there are many who condemn the couple, calling the birth of a child at such a late age for both parents a whim and even senile insanity, and some talk about the impossibility of conceiving during menopause.

I found such an interesting family tree of Vitorgan, everything is correct, although the photo is incomplete - there is no grandson of Plato, son of Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak. And perhaps this is significant, next to the name Ksenia you can add “candidate for the presidency of Russia” next to “TV presenter” And of course, daughter Ethel is missing!

For Emmanuel Vitorgan, this is the third child: the famous Soviet and Russian artist already has a daughter from her first marriage, Ksenia Vitorgan, and a son, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Now the family of the 78-year-old artist and his 56-year-old wife has a baby named Ethel.

It is not reported when exactly she was born, but already on February 21 he published an advertisement on his Facebook page, in which he announced that his family was looking for an experienced nanny, preferably with medical education, who was offered a job with accommodation in an apartment in the center of Moscow. On March 2, employees of the StarHit publication got through to Irina Mlodik, who confirmed that a daughter had been born into the family.

For fans star couple and the news was so unexpected for journalists that they assumed that the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

Judging by the enthusiastic comments given by Irina Mlodik, everyone was pleased with each other on this trip: “It’s incredibly nice that the children invited us! - she told the publication. “We were vacationing in Jurmala at that time, but without hesitation, we went with them.”
