What is the dream of a dead daughter. Small Velesov interpreter

When a person experiences strong feelings in a dream, the dream is remembered much better and more importance is attached to it. Therefore, one who dreamed that his daughter had died can most often remember many details of this dream, which will facilitate its interpretation and further actions.

What if the daughter died in a dream?

The dream in which the sleeping daughter died cannot be considered prophetic, since it very rarely comes true exactly. Such dreams can be caused by anxiety about children, about their growing up. Therefore, sometimes a dream in which the sleeper sees his daughter dead does not mean anything other than fears and fears that have come to the surface.

If the deceased daughter is dreamed of by someone who does not really have her, such a dream has a different interpretation. Perhaps this person was once diagnosed, due to which he will not be able to have children, and to this day he is experiencing this fact very hard. Therefore, such dreams, pursuing him from time to time, can be considered a pattern.

If the deceased daughter is dreamed of by a person who has not even thought about children until now, this may be a dream in which his plans and expectations for the near future appear. Most likely, the sleeper is not sure that he will be able to complete everything that he has planned, and this anxiety is expressed in such a peculiar way. It is also possible that a person who has such dreams has low self-esteem and therefore does not bring anything to the end.

If the deceased daughter was in a wedding dress in a dream, this dream denotes the fear of new beginnings that prevents a person from living calmly. The sleeper, most likely, is not used to leaving the usual path, as he is afraid of making it worse than he is, and this greatly slows down his development and progress.

Also, a dream that the daughter has died may be a harbinger of the beginning of a new period in life. Perhaps the sleeper will then reconsider all his life views and set himself a new goal, since the old one will be achieved. This dream can be very frightening and make you think not only about its interpretation, but also about life in general, therefore it is considered more favorable than a harbinger of misfortune.

Sometimes a dream about a dead daughter means the collapse of a dream through no fault of the sleeping person. Circumstances may turn in such a way that you have to forget about it, setting yourself more realistic goals.

If the death of a daughter is dreamed of by a person who is unsure of himself, who cannot complete a single thing because of this, this is a good reason to start working on himself. Low self-esteem and the constant underestimation of one's real strengths and capabilities can eventually lead to the collapse of even the most successful ideas, so the solution of this issue should be a priority. As a result, if the work is successful, the dream can be considered happy, since it was he who prompted the solution of this important issue.

What portends?

Parents of already adult children may also have such dreams due to concern about them. They are most often caused by the fact that a person cannot recognize the right of his child to grow up and would always like to be with him. But sometimes they have a good reason if the child is in danger, and then this dream does not mean anything, but only helps the sleeper's anxiety to come out.

The dream that the daughter has died may be dreamed by the parents of an adult daughter after a quarrel or before her, as they are justifiably afraid that communication will stop. If it is impossible to do without quarrels, such dreams can come quite often, revealing an unhealthy atmosphere in family relationships.

A mother who categorically dislikes her daughter's fiancé can also express her fears in this way, especially if she fails to influence the child's choice. Such dreams can also occur in the case of a daughter's pregnancy, since childbirth always carries an element of unpredictability, even in the absence of pathologies. It is impossible not to worry about your child, and therefore the subconscious thus prepares the ground for the worst.

Sometimes a parent sees such dreams on the eve of a child’s illness, but most often in this case it passes without complications.

Having seen such a dream, one should not think about the bad and tune in to tragedy, since it does not belong to the category of things and was sent to show weak spots sleeper and his relationship with children. By drawing the right conclusions from this, you can fix a lot in your life.

It will help to find the answer to this question if the owner of the dream is able to resurrect him in detail in memory. Most guides to the world of dreams recommend taking such a dream seriously, as it can shed light on future events. So what are the predictions?

Why is the daughter dreaming: Cleopatra's dream book

Interesting information for dreamers is contained in this guide to the world of dreams. So, what does the dream in which the daughter is present mean? Cleopatra's dream book offers various interpretations for men and women. The representatives of the stronger sex, who saw native person in a dream, you should pay attention to your emotional state. It is possible that they are gnawed by sadness associated with the inability to implement plans.

What does the daughter who appeared in night dreams want to warn the fair sex about? Cleopatra's dream book claims that the lady who saw similar dream does not feel adequately protected. It is likely that she is not satisfied with the behavior of her beloved man, he does not seem to her a reliable life partner.

Birth of a daughter

The birth of a daughter is a plot that is considered by many ancient and modern dream books. If an unmarried and childless woman sees such a dream, he predicts that she will find family happiness in the near future. Single girls will soon meet the man of their dreams.

Offers other interpretations of the dream book. An adult daughter, who turns into a newborn baby in night dreams, is dreamed of by women and men who miss their child living separately. If you rely on the explanation given by Aesop's dream book, then the birth of a daughter in a dream threatens with serious problems in reality. Most likely, troubles will be associated with the financial sector, especially if the dreamer handles money incorrectly.

Modern dream book believes that the night dreams in which a girl is born have a positive meaning. In real life, the dreamer will have to successfully complete a complex project, after which he will be able to go on a long-awaited vacation. The crying of a newborn daughter in a dream promises a streak of bad luck in reality, but the owner of the dream will be able to overcome difficulties.

Daughter's wedding

What other stories does the daughter consider - a dream that many people meet. Most guides to the world of dreams consider such a dream to be good. If you focus on their assessment, the dreamer can safely count on pleasant changes in life. There is a high probability that he will be able to get rid of bored troubles.

However, not all dream books agree with the opinion given above. A modern dream book, for example, claims that a dreamer who has an adult daughter should beware of reality. It is possible that troubles associated with professional activities will soon fall upon him.

What else can night dreams mean in which a daughter gets married? Dream Interpretation Grishina advises paying attention to the suit of the groom. If the chosen one is poorly dressed or seems sick, the daughter's real marriage will end in divorce. If the hero of the occasion was poorly dressed at the ceremony, various troubles await her in real life, and not only in the sphere of family relations. Newlyweds in luxurious outfits - a dream that promises happiness.


Plots related to the death of children are also considered by any dream book. The daughter died - a dream, seeing which, all parents will be frightened. However, such nightly dreams only predict a long and happy life in which there will be no place for financial problems. The funeral of the one that is actually alive is predicted successful resolution all existing problems.

There are also dreams in which a daughter dies or lies in a coffin, who is no longer alive in reality. Almost all guides to the world of dreams are unanimous that this is a dream for significant costs, worsening financial situation. If she drowned in a dream, the cause of the crisis will be the wrong attitude of a person towards money. If she died a violent death, the costs will be related to external circumstances.

Quarrel with daughter

People often conflict with relatives in a dream, they often dream of quarrels with their own children. What does the dream book say about such night dreams? A daughter with whom a mother or father quarrels in a dream may turn out to be dissatisfied with her parents in real life. It is possible that a wall of misunderstanding has arisen between relatives, it is difficult for them to communicate with each other.

To beat a daughter in a dream - in reality, to face the troubles associated with various areas of life. What does a dream mean in which a mother or father brings her daughter to tears? It is likely that in real life they put too much pressure on their child, that they should become more tactful.

Ill Omens

It is bad if a person dreams of a daughter who is in a state of extreme intoxication. It is highly likely that in reality the dreamer is already ashamed of his child, or he just has to go through this. If the daughter is naked in night dreams, in real life the secrets of the owner of the dream will be made public, which can cost him a reputation built over the years.

What other dreams does the dream book consider bad? Daughter's hair that ends up on the floor after a haircut - such a dream predicts an illness. The disease can affect not only the dreamer himself, but also one of the relatives.

Is it worth worrying if you dream that your daughter is sick? Yes, since such nightly dreams indicate that the child (including an adult) is in dire need of the dreamer's help, which should be offered independently. If in a dream a daughter is abused, in reality she will have serious troubles, which only the support of her parents will help to survive.

Various plots

Dreams in which a person finds out about his daughter's pregnancy are quite common. Such a dream can be considered good, it is highly likely that in reality its owner will receive long-awaited news. There are also night dreams in which a child is stolen. If in real life the daughter is already an adult, she is in trouble in the family. If the dreamer dreams of meeting her girl's boyfriend, it is possible that she has secrets that she does not want to share with her parents.

Often in a dream, dead people come to a person to warn him of impending dangers and problems in the future. Why did a person dream of a dead daughter, and can such a vision correlate with real life?

A dead daughter in a dream is not the most positive sign, and often it portends a disease, and a very serious one. Perhaps the infection has already occurred, and a person can only prepare for the test of his own immunity.

When a daughter says some words in a dream, they usually have a clear relationship with real life. Perhaps it is these words that will help prevent the development of the disease, returning the person to his former strength.

Some experts believe that a dream about a dead daughter is more of a harbinger of serious money spending than illness. That is why it is worth carefully analyzing your expenses, preventing the development of controversial transactions and dubious monetary manipulations. Perhaps one of the relatives will turn out to be an unreliable ally in financial matters, which will turn into a storm of expenses for a person. Care must be taken in choosing financial partners.

If in a dream the deceased daughter laughs and has fun a lot, then the minor problems that await the parent on the way will eventually turn into sudden joy. Most importantly, do not give up and persevere to resolve these troubles.

A dream in which a dead daughter appears very rarely portends the death of a parent in reality. Usually, with the help of this dream, the departed person tries to warn his living relatives about something in order to prevent the troubles that await them in the future.

If in a dream the deceased daughter is angry or behaves very aggressively, parents should be afraid that in the future they will be tried to set up or deceive them. Moreover, the deception will be very difficult to expose, and the owner of the dream may well suffer serious financial losses. If the daughter goes somewhere in a dream, then family relationships will soon stand the test of strength.

A bad omen has a dream in which living parents do something with their dead daughter. For example, cooking or caring for the land with a dead person in a dream is a sign of serious problems that are about to overtake the family. It is necessary to bypass any financial fraud, showing tolerance for relatives and friends. Perhaps such measures will contribute to the fact that problems can be avoided.

If in a dream a daughter tries to take her parents away, serious troubles and illnesses should be expected. Perhaps such diseases will be fatal, but you should not panic ahead of time. Such a dream will help prevent the problem by getting rid of it in the bud. This vision may mean that the daughter is unhappy in the afterlife, and parents should light a candle for her in the church for the rest, and perhaps the dream will no longer bother.

A dream involving a dead person rarely portends something good. So, for example, a vision in which a deceased daughter sits at a table and receives guests means that trouble will come to her parents' house. Moreover, they will have to solve these problems on their own, without outside help.

A dream in which the daughter appears dead, in a coffin or without it, portends imminent grief. Perhaps sadness will be caused by financial troubles, or perhaps family conflicts will be the cause. The owner of the vision has the opportunity to deal with the problem before it becomes real.

If in a dream the daughter has a distorted facial expression, then in real life, parents are waiting for bright emotions, but it is not yet known whether they are positive or negative. If the whole family is going somewhere or in a hurry in a dream, then in real life a person should also prepare for the road. Perhaps a very important journey awaits him, which in the future will have big influence to fate.

Any such vision is usually easy to remember, but the details of the vision should be recorded. With their help, it will be possible to accurately design a sleep analysis, knowing your future.

Visions involving dead daughter often bring trouble in real life, but they must be treated with understanding. Perhaps such a vision will help prevent problems in the future. The most important thing is to correctly interpret the dream, paying attention to all the little things.

Why is Daughter dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Daughter - may reflect a relationship with real daughter. Symbolize the woman's need for patronage.

For a man - a symbol of his Soul.

Seeing a healthy beautiful daughter is a fulfillment of hopes.

The daughter is in danger - the disorder of life, debts, illnesses.

American dream book

Daughter - may indicate your real daughter.

Eastern dream book

Seeing a daughter is a sign that some unpleasant events will eventually turn into joy.

However, if in a dream the daughter does not justify your hopes, you will be overcome by discontent and irritation.

Small Velesov dream book

Daughter - chores, worries, grief; born - a surprise; dying - pay money.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Daughter dreaming?

Daughter, if you have one - to spending; if not, bye.

New dream book 1918

Seeing a daughter born is a surprise; dying - to pay money.

Family dream book

If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will eventually open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.

I dreamed that my daughter was not caring enough towards you - expect trouble.

dream interpreter

Seeing your daughter dying means being forced by the court to pay all your debts; to see a daughter born at home - portends a loss and disorder of the state.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Daughter?

Seeing a daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will lead you to pleasure and harmony.

If in a dream the daughter does not justify your hopes, in reality you will be dissatisfied and annoyed.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Daughter - the need to pay attention to the relationship with a real daughter. A reflection of the immaturity of one's own femininity.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Daughter - chagrin.

Dream Interpretation Longo

The daughter who appeared to you in a dream - in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn't matter who her father or mother dreamed of.

If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (namely, this is the strongest motive for dreaming) and you had a dream about your daughter, the dream does not mean anything special. You miss, think about your daughter, worry about how she is there without you, which is why you had such a dream. Perhaps he promises an early meeting.

If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day, a dream can warn of the danger that threatens your daughter.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If you dream of your daughter, this means that troubles await you, which, nevertheless, will turn into happiness and harmony in love.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Daughter dying to see - big expenses are coming.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Daughter - may be a symbol of the girlish part of your Self. This sign can also refer to your daughter, note other accompanying signs.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If in a dream you saw your daughter - do not be afraid of future troubles. When completed, they will allow you to feel like an incredibly happy person and bring many pleasant surprises.

If in a dream you do not have enough care and attention from your daughter - in reality you will face bigger troubles.

If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, you may soon marry her off.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Daughter - household chores and worries, family problems.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing your daughter cheerful - for arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; under the crown - to a short marriage.

Seeing a daughter during childbirth is for profit.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

If in a dream your daughter is inattentive to you - in fact, she will present you with a very pleasant gift.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream is a grief.

If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this is a nuisance.

Miller's dream book

Chinese dream book

You hug your daughter - portends a squabble.

The death of a daughter - speaks of a verbal quarrel.

You see a newborn - portends great happiness.

You see a marriage ceremony or a daughter's worship of her parents - portends misfortune.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Daughter in a dream?

The dream in which you see your daughter portends unpleasant events, which, however, will be followed by a streak of success. Seeing your newborn daughter in a dream - to an unexpected event, at death - you will have to part with large sum money.

If in a dream you feel her negligence and insufficient attention to you, it means that in reality you will be in trouble. So, for example, if you see in a dream that your daughter, without waiting for you to finish eating some dish, takes it away - in reality you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people you know, but do not respect.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Daughter - chores, worries, grief.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.

If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care - in reality you will be in trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Daughter according to the dream book?

A daughter for a father is an image of a guardian angel, a pointer to the path: hope, new business, success or failure (depending on the type and behavior).

For the mother - care, excitement, life's hardships, a missed opportunity, part of the negative emotions (envy, jealousy, discontent); relationship with another person. Positive aspect: own active life force, hope, dream; mother's daughter is herself.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Daughter - litigation in your favor

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You have a daughter - expect a big surprise.

If you dreamed that your daughter died, you will lose a lot of money.

You quarreled with your daughter - do not expect anything good from life.

If you married your daughter - to the good news.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A daughter for a father is a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the behavior of her daughter in a dream; for the mother - hope.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

If the dreaming daughter asks for something or takes something from you - a warning that someone is using you and your funds for their own selfish purposes.

A strained relationship with a daughter in a dream portends trouble.

Medieval dream book

To see that sons or daughters were born to you - to increase.

French dream book

Daughter - always dreams of honors, profits, good society.

Marrying your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous love adventures.

Gypsy dream book

Daughter - you will be very worried about the actions of a person, but all your worries will be in vain.

Esoteric dream book

Your daughter - there are problems in your relationship. We need to sort this out before they take on unpleasant forms.

Daughter - a sad, sick holiday of the soul may not take place. We must think that the soul also needs food.

Cheerful, beautiful - peace of mind, goodness, consciousness of the right thing to do.

Marry - find new spiritual horizons.

Erotic dream book

If you see a daughter in a dream, existing in reality or proposed by your imagination, this means that you clearly lack the attention and support from your partner.

If a woman had such a dream, it means that she needs to feel herself next to her chosen one, as if behind a stone wall. For a man, such a dream symbolizes longing for unfulfilled desires.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Daughter according to the dream book?

Seeing your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of some kind of trouble, which in the end will end very well.

The dream interpretation says that if she is on the verge of life and death, then by some court decision you will soon have to pay off the old debt.

I dreamed that my daughter does not see you - in the near future you will marry her to someone.

She is dreaming that she has just been born to you - someone will present you with a huge gift.

See your daughter's wedding - get good news.

If a pregnant woman sees a dream, or a man who is preparing to become a father, the dream speaks of the experiences, excitement associated with the birth of a girl. You are probably wondering - will everything be all right, and what will it be, who does it look like, etc. Everything has its time.

If you dreamed that you yourself married her - a sign of upcoming short-term romantic relationships.

If in a dream your daughter is sad and sick with something, the upcoming celebration will not come true, and if you see her joyful and happy, you will find long-awaited peace in your soul, that is, everything you do will be done right.

To see a dream in which you lost your daughter and could not find her speaks of your worries in reality. You try to control her affairs, personal life, not realizing that she has already grown up and is able to take care of herself. If you do not give her the opportunity to make decisions on her own, your relationship will deteriorate very much.

If you dream that you are looking for a daughter - in reality, you are worried about the affairs of your loved ones. And also, this dream is interpreted as parting or serious conflict with someone dear to you.

To dream that your daughter gave birth to a baby - in reality your daughter will be successful and happy life. Also, the dream marks that soon your daughter will get married, and possibly become a mother.

Seeing your adult daughter in a dream as a little girl - your life and your daughter's life will change for the better. Probably, in the near future she will marry and create a new, happy family.

To see a dream in which your daughter died - despite the unpleasant aftertaste, the dream promises good news and promises your daughter long years life, excellent health and a bright future.

To dream that your daughter is getting married - in case you really want it - the dream promises not a quick marriage for your daughter. If now you still do not want your daughter to get married, your daughter will soon begin her own life, independent of you.

To beat your daughter in a dream - in reality you have a very difficult relationship with your daughter. You are angry, and thus, in a dream, you splash out your negativity. Freeing yourself from unpleasant emotions, in reality you will become more calm. You can not worry, the conflict will not arise.

If you dreamed of a newborn daughter, pleasant, joyful times will come in your life, which will favorably affect the whole family. Success, prosperity and happiness - this is what this dream promises.

Did the mother see her daughter in a dream? Her child is under the yoke of serious emotional discomfort, there is no way to find a way out of this situation.

At the same time, the girl does not know who to turn to for help, for simple advice. Did the father see the child in a dream? The girl will meet her future husband.

What happened to the daughter in a dream? At what age did you dream of a daughter? In what state did you see your daughter in a dream? What did you do with your daughter in a dream? Did the daughter have hair in a dream? Who killed the daughter in her sleep?

What happened to the daughter in a dream?

Daughter gave birth Daughter died Daughter is getting married Daughter was born Daughter in wedding dress

If you dream that your daughter was killed

I dreamed that my daughter was killed and you see her in a coffin - significant cash costs are expected. If you witnessed the murder of a girl, the expenses will become unplanned.

To prevent development difficult situations, their transition to global problems, it is recommended to carefully approach the purchases made, carefully weighing the decisions made.

Daughter drowned in her sleep

If you dream that your daughter drowned, be careful about planning your expenses. It is recommended that you carefully consider each purchase so as not to lose significant amounts of money.

Why dream that the daughter is missing

Did your daughter disappear in a dream? If in reality you experience difficulties in communicating with children, conflicts constantly arise between you, the dream serves as a reflection of the existing complexes. Take time to understand yourself and your desires.

At what age did you dream of a daughter?

Little daughter

Dreaming of future daughter

If a woman had a dream about her future daughter, similar plot predicts the occurrence of a huge amount of trouble and problems. Be careful and thorough in your affairs in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

newborn daughter

In what state did you see your daughter in a dream?

Dreamed of a crying daughter

If you dream crying daughter, this girl has problems in reality. She is not going to share her troubles with family members, but you gradually began to guess about the existence of troubles.

Do not sharply ask your daughter about the presence of secrets and secrets. Be tactful in relation to her problems, talk in private, help the girl open up.

Drunk daughter in a dream

What is the dream of a drunk daughter? In reality, an event will occur that will make you feel ashamed of the behavior of your child. However, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. No need to worry about trifles.

Dreaming naked daughter

Was there a naked sleeping daughter in the dream? The dream book portends that the secrets that are available will become known to the people around. Your reputation can be seriously damaged due to rash actions. If you do not need shame, try to guard your secrets more carefully.

What did you do with your daughter in a dream?

Lose your daughter in a dream

Had a dream that you managed to lose your daughter? There is a possibility of the disappearance of life guidelines, the dream speaks of the loss of chances given by fate. Be attentive to what is happening around.

Search for a daughter in a dream book

It is a dream that you are forced to look for a daughter - in reality, you will have to make attempts to establish relationships with no relationship. In the meantime, your communication is quite harmonious.

Be tactful, treat all situations with wisdom and understanding, then new conflict situations will not arise.

beat daughter

Hug your daughter according to the dream book

If in a dream you decide to hug your daughter, Felomena's dream book interprets this kind of plot as the likelihood of conflict situations and quarrels. The squabble will flare up at the most unexpected moment and ruin your mood for a long time, you will forget what a good mood is.

Scold daughter in a dream

We had a dream about how they began to scold their daughter - a misunderstanding interferes with your communication, it brings a lot of suffering to all family members.

Scolding a girl, swaying, trying to hit - experiences, new problems and troubles will arise. To cope with difficulties, it is recommended to gather strength, focus on everything that is happening around.

Did the daughter have hair in a dream?

Dreamed of a bald daughter

If a bald daughter is dreaming, the plot promises that prosperity will soon burst into life. Will be able to achieve financial success in business and endeavors. All this will be accompanied by pleasant emotions, happiness and joy. The main thing is not to lose your mind from the surging euphoria.

Who killed the daughter in her sleep?

Kill daughter by dream book

Did you have to kill your daughter in your sleep? Such a dream is a symbol of cardinal future changes. They will be so strong that they will change you beyond recognition.

Look at the dream book, mine for the disease!

albina bergalina

This is for a change in the weather - the dead man dreams, and tears or crying in a dream - to joy


The daughter will have some kind of test, which she will pass with honor. The daughter will be healthy and live long.

Olga Tsybina

Dreams of death speak of what kind of test awaits a person and how it will end.

If an enemy dies in a dream, then in reality, for someone who sees this dream, it means that he is able to overcome bad thoughts.

Dreams about death, if they have no basis, constantly mislead a person.

Disappointment inevitably comes after a dream of this kind. To hear in a dream about the death of your friend or relative - to bad news about him.

A dream where you see a dying person speaks of impending separation or sadness.


Live will be long! Do not worry!

Died daughter funeral

Dream Interpretation Daughter Died Funeral dreamed of why in a dream the daughter of the funeral died? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the daughter of a funeral has died by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about them portends the end of an unpleasant business and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also portends an inheritance or an early marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream portends failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for your dishonorable or illegal actions. To be present in a dream at the funeral of close relatives or important persons means that you will get rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream portends a quick wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream portends the imminent end of some case in court and joy about it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon marry. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and well-being. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news of success in business. But to see a funeral procession in a dream means long period suffering and great sorrow.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

If in a dream you meet a lot of relatives, friends and just familiar faces at someone's funeral - in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. The dream in which you bury a relative portends friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing in a dream the funeral of one of the family members is a win or a long-awaited find of a long-lost thing that is very dear to you. If you are present at own funeral- it predicts you long life and family happiness.

To be accidentally in a dream at the funeral of a person completely unfamiliar to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell volleys - to confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not by merit, but by mind and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old man is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in seclusion from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream they betray the earth completely young man or a child - this means that in reality give in to rough pressure and put up with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. The disgusting weather at the funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and faith in yourself for some time.

Walk in a dream funeral procession, carrying the cross - a harbinger of lost hopes, carrying the coffin - to unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave - you will soon be cured of a chronic disease, falling asleep - to new worries.

Accompany the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and see how he winks at you - soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such features that he never had and cannot be due to his absurd nature directly opposite to these qualities.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Daughter died and then

Dream Interpretation - Buried Together

Such a dream, for some reason, draws attention to the fact that once in a relationship with a man you behaved in a peculiar way .... You had something in common, but you experimented something, Speech in a patter can mean that you sometimes couldn’t understand something on his part for yourself ... However, “burial and digging of graves” speaks of the poor sign of the situation ... There was something sad and doomed in that connection of yours .... Therefore, perhaps about the doom of something in your life and the dream is telling you now.

Dream Interpretation - Buried Together

Your dream suggests that the former relationship and the former environment of the nearest society will forever remain in the past, you show activity and acumen in obtaining material resources, at the same time there is a tendency to impulsive and imprudent spending physical strength, minor conflicts and quarrels over finances, your overstrain and overexpenditure of vital energy and strength may arise. In the best case - A love acquaintance may occur, in the future it is possible to conclude marriage by mutual love, there will be a good relationship and understanding with a marriage partner, a strong attraction to each other. Also the opportunity to profit from social activities.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Good evening, Irina! Peacefully, unobtrusively, gently - seek official registration of your marriage. If you achieve this, then I will come to your wedding and marry you. Well, here your strength should play ... Every woman dreams of becoming official wife even if she never talks about it. But this should already be your intention. You can do it - the flag is in your hands. As for damage, now you don’t have it. But work on yourself, you need it: http: //www. sunhome. En/magic/15895 The blessing of the Lord is upon you, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Reflection of the desire to harmonize all relationships in the family circle. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - A dream involving the former

For you personally, I don’t see any danger in this dream. Perhaps you once had a feeling of guilt towards the daughter of the former. The dream is not about you. About events in the life of the former. Remove the emotional connection with the former and the echo of the events of his life will not disturb you.

Dream Interpretation - Rain

Good night Elena! I wonder why you did not manage to arrange a daughter in any section? Getting caught in the rain is good, cleansing. Moreover, this is something that is not customary to do in ordinary life, that is, this is a conscious destruction of the daily routine, which is a great blessing for the Soul, since the Lord never planned to make thoughtless robots out of people. In addition, I personally perceive a real fall under the downpour, for myself, as some kind of physical manifestation of God's grace. I will tell you one case with my friend. In her youth, she went to the temple, and saw a priest there. And fell in love with him immediately. She ran out into the street and walked happily along pouring rain several kilometers. After that, all my life I followed him all over the country, to the monasteries where he served (and he became a Metropolitan), and the conditions were not simple - Soviet power. And she believes that all this led her to the true faith. I will simply add that in her old age (75 years old) she prays standing in front of the icons for at least 6 hours a day, and the rest of the time (except for sleep) she reads the Holy Scriptures. Well, the second part of the dream is apparently to what we discussed earlier, that you need to accept the situation as it is (with your ex-husband), and there it will already be, as God wills. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Dreams about children and new teeth

Good afternoon Larisa! The room is your inner state. "The sister-in-law sees that the child is naughty and advises massaging her gums with buckwheat" - You need to consult the family about caring for the child. "I'm massaging, the croup is pouring on the floor" - the nervous stress of the child goes away. “I open her mouth and see at the top left (from me) teeth erupted - 1 eye and 5 root” - the child has some kind of stress, apparently you misunderstand what he needs. Maybe there are not enough vitamins or the food is not quite to his liking. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - A terrible dream about a daughter

Good evening, Valentina! It has nothing to do with death, as well as with illness. In this regard, you do not have to worry. "she drowned" - she will have problems of an emotional nature, experiences, a spiritual upheaval, and most likely this will be connected with the affairs of your family. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Buried Together

Good day! “I dreamed of a man with whom I had a relationship” - they were and have passed ... “Now he has his own family and a daughter is growing up” - karmic interactions with children, his daughter will raise him (according to the Sviyash method), since you could not: Children are also a tool for karmic "education", and the education of their parents. They "educate" their character, habits, behavior, attitude to life, etc. According to our observations, the first child gives parents special trouble (when there are several children in the family). Maybe, Higher power they fear that the child may be only one, therefore it is he who is instructed to carry out all the "educational" activities with his parents. That is, a child is born with a soul that idealizes values ​​that are opposite to those that are very significant for his parents. Or for one of the parents - exactly the one who needs more "education". So, the destruction of the value system of parents through children is carried out for the first child. He is given: qualities opposite to those idealized by his parents; qualities that parents despise in other people. It is these qualities that will most annoy parents and have an educational effect on them. Typical methods for destroying the idealizations of parents From this we can outline typical methods for destroying the idealizations of parents through children. In particular, a drug-addicted child can destroy the "engagement" of parents for discipline, order, moral standards, and public opinion. A child who does not study well at school - the parents' idealization of knowledge, intelligence, planning and managing their lives. A child actively participating in some exotic youth group such as punks, rockers, rappers, etc. - the parents' idealization of public opinion, rules of conduct in society, moral standards. A child who is fond of sex early - puritanical views of parents on sexuality, condemnation and restriction sexual relations. As you know, the problem of the relationship between children and parents has always been. Parents always condemned the new and nodded at the old as a role model. And young people have always appreciated the new and despised the old. So they mutually "healed" each other. And they will "treat" for a very long time. The medicine to get out of this situation is the same - mutual forgiveness and acceptance of views and positions opposite side. "I dreamed that we were burying people with him. At that, people were completely different. And with some it was just the process of burial, and with others it was very much like the practice of thanatotherapy" - I think that you conducted true thanatotherapy with your friend)) ) "One dug out got out (he looked like a Mayan Indian), snorted, dusted himself off and left. Someone really was dead and we dug a deep grave for him and buried him deep, as it should be. At some point, my the man spoke very quickly when he addressed me. Like a tongue twister "- apparently your former man prepared for the food of fate... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - What did the fish dream about?

Did you dream about Blue Fish? Your angel wants you to have a boy. Since God gives a child, it means that he will give an opportunity to raise him. I will write a terrible thing now, but not worse than you about abortion ... If you don't want a third, kill one of the daughters you already have. Give birth to a son, and there will be a set. Abortion is the same murder, and it is also reflected in the karmic plane. Do not listen to anyone except your Soul, your angel...

Daughter died and lived

Dream Interpretation Daughter died and came to life dreamed of why in a dream the daughter died and came to life? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Daughter died and came to life in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

A mother to see her daughter in a dream is a sign that she will soon receive news about her or from her, which will ultimately turn into grief or trouble for her. Accidentally meeting your daughter in a dream - to an unexpected turn of affairs in the family. To give birth to a daughter in a dream is a loss due to careless handling of money. Seeing your daughter dying in a dream means that soon you will have to pay the bills based on a court decision. The neglectful attitude of your daughter towards you in a dream is a nuisance. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The dream in which you see your daughter portends unpleasant events, which, however, will be followed by a streak of success. Seeing your newborn daughter in a dream - to an unexpected event, at death - you will have to part with a large amount of money.

If in a dream you feel her negligence and insufficient attention to you, it means that in reality you will be in trouble. So, for example, if you see in a dream that your daughter, without waiting for you to finish eating some dish, takes it away, in reality you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people you know, but do not respect.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The daughter may reflect the relationship with the real daughter.

Symbolize the woman's need for patronage.

Being a child For a man is a symbol of his soul.

Seeing a healthy beautiful daughter is a fulfillment of hopes.

The daughter is in danger - the disorder of life, debts, illnesses.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If the daughter dreamed of her father, then very soon she would meet her future husband. For everything to come true, give your daughter Golden ring.

If the daughter dreamed of the mother, then in real daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice. For the gods to help her, wear a golden ring near your heart all day, then hide it near your daughter's bed. Everything must be done quietly so that she does not know anything.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If in a dream you saw your daughter, do not be afraid of future troubles. When completed, they will allow you to feel like an incredibly happy person and bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you do not have enough care and attention from your daughter, then in reality you will face bigger troubles. If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, you may soon marry her.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing your daughter cheerful - for arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; under the crown - to a short marriage. Seeing a daughter during childbirth is for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream is a grief. If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - The Living Dead

"revived" deeds, feelings, undertakings, plans, relationships, worries.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Unpleasant events will interfere with the execution of the plan.

Imagine that this is not your daughter, but, for example, the daughter of neighbors. You just recognized.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will eventually open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.

I dreamed that my daughter was not caring enough towards you, expect trouble.



Good evening! THIS CAN BE CALLED NOT A DREAM, I woke up, tried to fall asleep again, as I closed my eyes, I see my daughter in a wedding dress and bury her. It's scary as horror. Thank you


The second night I dream that my daughter died. Yesterday I saw her tombstone right in the cemetery. And today, that she fell from an unrealistic height and I ran after her as if in delirium, and then I saw her bloodied body She was still breathing, but they couldn't save her. I was just hysterical. I woke up with a choke. This is true. Briefly. The dream was extensive and somehow delusional and realistic. But mostly nonsense, which cannot be. And in the same dream I saw a long-dead grandfather who was older than he died (this is even before the death of his daughter in a dream). I sat down on his knees, talking about my grandmother (his wife died in December, lived to be 90 years old), but he did not hear well and did not know that she had died. I just changed the subject


hello, my name is Alexandra! I dreamed that I left my 2-year-old daughter with my friends and went to the store, then I abruptly find myself at home, but my daughter is gone. daughter,” I’m hysterical, and they answer so calmly: don’t be upset, you’ll give birth to another one. The most important thing is that I didn’t see the child, they just told me everything.
then the dream changes. I live on the 4th floor and we have a small balcony. Here in a dream she sits on the parapath, facing me and pushing herself down from the 4th floor. She's fine.


I am a man, I am 33 years old, I have never been married, but I had a dream as if I had a daughter and she died, although I have no children


i dreamed we lived in a large building, I went where she came, and this house was destroyed and only she died in this house, her daughter was 10 months old, and the house was frozen by ice and half drowned in water, although there was no outside there was no snow, no rain, no sea, I roared a lot and blamed myself for her death, I searched for her for a long time, breaking the ice with my hands, walking in the water, but it was in vain, my husband came running, having learned the situation, got upset, began to calm me down and the dream ended.


i dreamed that my daughter died, I cried a lot, sobbed, blamed my mother for everything (she lived with her) and I woke up.


we lived in an old house. At first, I noticed that the windows were all crooked. Then my mother said that my brother had left. Then I went outside and got drunk for some reason. then I went home and I see how a nearby pillar falls on this house and the house collapses. Our apartment remained standing but sank, as it were. dad ran ahead of me to the house after him. and he runs towards me on the stairs, and in his hands is the body of my daughter, some kind of dark one. I managed to ask, is she alive? he said go look for your mother. I got up and began to break down the door, turning around, my daughter was standing in front of me. I squatted down to her and she shrugs her shoulders as if she apologizes and smiles at me. I hug her and she is a ghost.


i dreamed that we (daughter, son, me, husband and my mother) were in an old apartment and there the balcony fell all the time, my daughter and mother fell there and husband, husband alive healthy and my daughter and mother died!!


In a dream, my mother called me and said that my daughter had died. But she didn’t want to talk at first, but she said, and I heard my husband’s voice in the phone, he said that my mother shouldn’t tell me about it now. I cried a lot and began to scream and stomp my feet .And then I woke up, I have never dreamed of such a thing.


I dreamed that my daughter died, but in fact she is alive. And I saw in a dream the hair on the comb her hair. which could mean she is dead.


I dreamed that my mother and I were taking photographs of the dead in the funeral home, and they gave us black and white and the daughter, whom I see dead, did that she was standing next to the photo and not in the coffin, and I heard a voice, they say that her husband it’s a pity he cried a lot, at my daughter like a wedding dress, I realize what happened and start to sob, woke up, in life she got married a month ago and she and her husband are going to leave to live in another corner of Russia very far from me


My living little daughter dreams in a coffin. In a coffin she is alive and talks like she has fun in life, I touch her - she tells me dad you are hot, and I am cold .. And there are coffins and funeral ceremonies around.


In the evening we were returning home through a dark courtyard .. I walked in front, my mother and a teenager daughter walked behind .. I look around, they are not there .. I am looking for my daughter .. fear .. panic .. then in the hospital .. emergency room .. "We do our best "Then, they announced that they had not saved .. I scream .. I wake up ..


Good afternoon. I dreamed that my daughter went with my sister to another city for a competition and died in training (she plays sports every day in her life). A man called me and told me about it. Then I dreamed that I was standing in the courtyard of the house where my grandmother lived and looking at a neighbor who was walking with her children. Then my deceased mother, grandparents appeared next to me and began to reassure me, saying that they live without children. And in a dream I knew for sure that I would not live without her either.


I dream that my daughter is already dead swimming in the pool, I understand this, but I start to pull some things out of the water, I don’t know whose and why, Then someone tells me that I need to sort of pull her out, then we are in the water, we are trying to pull her out, we lift it up, but it’s heavy and again falls into the water towards us. And her legs are half-bent and no longer straighten up, and I understand that she’s a corpse and I start to sob, I wake up like this with wild horror and with tears. daughter was also born at this time and now she is 23 years old


i dreamed that my late grandparents were walking with my 2 year old daughter, and then she came up and asked where she was, they answered that she was no more, she fell under a tram ...


I was in the hall, suddenly I hear screams Alice crashed by accident. I run out to the balcony, and she lies downstairs all white with eyes closed. I sat on the floor and cried a lot and shouted: My daughter ... And I woke up from this.


I dreamed that they called me from the garden and said that my daughter died, she was hit by a swing, and the other girl survived, I didn’t understand in hysterics whether it was true or not, she was 3 years old, I cried a lot in my sleep, and screamed if if not a garden, she would be alive and like that, and then I woke up, and was glad that this was a dream, in the morning I hugged my daughter like I never hugged, what is it for?


Recently I dreamed that my daughter and my grandmother died, what does this mean? And my daughter also dreamed that she was sitting on her late great-grandfather’s lap, then they killed him and they wanted to kill her, what does this mean?


I dreamed that my 6 summer daughter died, but I did not see her body, I cried a lot and grieved, I could not calm down, it seemed to me that my life was destroyed.


i dreamed that my daughter died, I found out how it turned out in some alleged sect, I remember crying a lot and talking with a man and woke up


I dreamed that I heard some kind of sound (I don’t remember whether it was a cry or not)! Looking down from the balcony, I saw my daughter. she was dead


I dream that I lost my 4 year old daughter and I can’t find it. in a place with me, people unknown to me are looking for her. everything happens at the station under the viaduct. like spring but the snow has not completely melted. and I see a deep puddle and a splash in it, as if a fish waved its tail. some man climbed into this puddle and takes out a black plastic bag, and in it is my daughter, all white in only panties and her eyes closed, I took her, and then woke up.


Hello, I dreamed that my daughter died, but for some reason I don’t see her, I keep crying, crying, crying and telling everyone that she is no more


Met a crazy woman on the street She says my wife and daughter will die. She said and left. The three of us come home. The apartment is different in the old fund of St. Petersburg, beautiful, bright. And suddenly some woman comes running and emotionally says that his wife and daughter are gone. I run into the corridor, a large bright room. Some people are standing with a mournful look in a semicircle facing the center. In the center of the hall there is something like a pedestal or tribune, but there are no bodies. I scream that I don't believe it, and it's not true, because they are nowhere to be found.. The end of the dream.


I dreamed in a dream of a dead child, as if frozen. Not mine in real life. But in a dream I understand that my daughter died.


i dreamed of a hospital, I go there, and there is my son-in-law and little grandson, my son-in-law is shrieking, and my grandson is crying, and my daughter is in the ward and the doctors say she died, I start screaming.


I was told that my daughter had died and in confirmation they showed how feces with worms came out of her. I started to clean it all up with my hands and did not know what to do. Screaming or crying and in general did not believe in what had happened and did not want to believe.


i dreamed that my daughter died, but I didn’t see her in the coffin, I just knew that she had died and that’s it, she died with some boy, I just knew it


today I saw my daughter dead, in fact, she’s alive with me, why would this dream, then the dream broke and I had another dream, as if we were standing on ice with our daughters and the ice began to crack and we began to drown with her, but I saved her, we didn’t drown with her


well, at first she had a rash all over her body, then her hair began to fall out, then she turned blue and died while the ambulance arrived, then somehow we started preparing for the funeral, but I didn’t see her in the coffin


It was written that my daughter was shot by a sniper. And she didn't die right away. I asked for help, but everyone said that there was nothing you could do to help her, she would die anyway. and she died. It was supposedly a coincidence. valued in another person.


I dreamed that my daughter was still a child (now she is an adult) and she died, I don’t remember why. I was very worried that I would not see how she grows up, how beautiful she is, and so on. Then I tried to tell her and myself that soon, after earthly life, we would be together again and never part. I even calmed down from it.


i dreamed that my daughter died, my dad buried her, a second daughter appeared, the same thing happened to her, and out of nowhere a son appeared about a year old. he crawls, walks happy and I understand that he is ill and I ask my mother: will we take him to the hospital or will we treat ourselves? and my mother answers me: of course, to the hospital, so as not to lose this child


i dreamed of a daughter, I talked to her on the phone, I was not happy with her decision that she was drinking tea with her scoundrel ex-husband
but in reality they were divorced


Write here your dream for interpretation ... I dreamed that my daughter died. When I took her in my arms, she began to revive


i dreamed that I was sleeping and when I wake up my husband takes my hand and we go out into another room there is my little daughter and my mother-in-law washes her. then it turns out that it's me and I'm crying realizing that there will be no one to take care of my sick daughter. then I go to the coffin and my daughter lies there and my husband reads the prayer of OUR FATHER, I come closer and see that she wrinkles her eyebrows, I tell him about it, he said that it seemed to me and then she began to move her lips and hands.


I dreamed that in a dream my relatives told my little daughter no, she was actually alive! Why am I very worried !!!


I dreamed of a dead dad, my daughter and I came to him in some clearing, my daughter ran, fell and died. I tried to pour water on her, but she was like a hard doll. And in my arms I also had a child who is not in reality.


I saw in a dream that my youngest daughter had died, and was lying on a tall Kamaz-type car, and my husband lay down to sleep next to me, as if he had really come from the night shift. I asked him to cover her legs, because I felt with my hands that they were cold, but she assured me that everything was fine and she was not cold. Then suddenly I saw some kind of party, and the man sang and danced, his name was Misha, and it feels like we all know him, when the husband lying next to his daughter in the car asked:
- Who is this?
- It's Mishka, I answered. at this the dream was interrupted.


Write here your dream for interpretation... hello! years, and in a dream he was 12 years old. what is it for. the three of them just stood and looked at me.


dreaming of a house, but not mine. I’m in this house with my children, it’s like I came to pick up something and I have a photo with a white crown in my hands, but the veil is very large three-tiered like a curtain is very beautiful, holding it in my hands I figured out how it would look beautiful on the window, the second the cut was black like a curtain, but I put it aside and didn’t even unfold it, as a result, I didn’t take anything with me, but left everything in that house. I ran out of this house with son and daughter like I was already at home, but this is also not our house, but it seems like a room in a hostel. When she ran, she felt great anxiety. When she went into the corridor in front of the room, there were three boys of about nine, ten years old and they were talking to each other that she had died. I ran into the room, and my daughter was lying on the bed, and a boy of nine years old did artificial respiration to her, he said that she had been hit on the head. I didn’t see any blood. I grabbed it and shouted to call an ambulance. I woke up in the heat, as I left the sauna, I thought that my heart would jump out.


My daughter is 6 years old, I dreamed that she died. I cried a lot and said that she had been killed. The funeral, the coffin was not seen, just her photo.


in a dream I dreamed that my little daughter fell ill suddenly and died, I have been crying all my sleep from pain and longing for my daughter, I can’t believe and accept it, I don’t want to live. I clearly remember how my soul was torn to pieces. And my husband was silent and silent all the dream and sad, he seems to calm me down, but at the same time he cannot understand my hysterical killing for my daughter.


I dreamed that I was lying in my room on the bed. Then my husband and my granddaughter (alive) started calling me, saying Galya came (my deceased daughter) then, Galya ran into the room and attacked me in a fight, I swung to hit her and woke up


dream: a car hit me and my daughter, my daughter is 6 years old. I survived, my daughter died. Further preparations for the funeral, a terrible state in a dream, the funeral itself, I saw the coffin being lowered into the ground, but my daughter did not see it in the coffin. Why is this ... a very bad sediment after such a dream


i had a dream that my daughter died and I came to the cemetery to see how she was buried and I look at the territory of the cemetery and there women wash some kind of booth light color and I went through them and went to my daughter's cemetery and I see a lot of cemeteries


hello! my husband and I were lying on the bed and suddenly something felt uncomfortable and the chair moved as if someone pushed him hard! I don’t remember exactly what it was, I ran away and found my daughter dead and started crying a lot. I hugged her and cried and we decided to take her to my grandmother to find out why she died so abruptly I was told that this was the work of the devil! but the grandmother was never found and we returned back home and I started screaming that my daughter should be buried and then I woke up


Good day! I dreamed about how my wife and I were sitting looking at her things and remembering our daughter. But the mood is somehow moderate for some reason?


I came home, it was 15 minutes to five in the evening, I met a neighbor at the door, told him that I had to go to the garden for my daughters and went, I came, and it was closed there, I turned around and left for some reason, I called my mother at home, then I began to worry, I called the teacher, it was 15 minutes past six, they picked up the phone, but silently hung up, they answered me the second time, but the voice was not of the teacher, they said, come, I began to quickly get ready, dug with shoes for a long time, found an old boot, there was no second, then I remembered that I threw them out altogether (I really threw them out a few days ago), then I put on new ones with heels and ran, for some reason it was winter, I ran and prayed, if only everything was fine with her. I ran, I go in and see on the table, her sarafan is clean and ironed, next to the woman is ironing something else, I ask her where the child is, she nods at me at the sundress, here, take it, I say where the child is, and she says, so they took her out already, then I grab this woman by the hair and I start screaming, or rather, I seem to be screaming, but I don’t scream, and then I wake up with wild pain yu in the chest




i dreamed that my mother and daughter went somewhere early in the morning and died from sea water, this is what people said at the entrance.


dreamed, I found out that my eldest daughter killed and found in a field. In a dream, she experienced suffocation from grief. I didn't see the body. I saw relatives and the procession.


Hello! i dreamed that my father died (in fact, he had died a long time ago when I was still small), and immediately after him my daughter, who I don’t have, died. I cried and grieved a lot. What does this mean?


hello, from the beginning I dreamed my grandmother died on the bed, then the daughter and wife of the body are warm and they are smeared with some kind of white ointment and the mother does not have one leg, then the bus came for them and I wake up


Night, the youth went to ride motorcycles. I go on the road. Ahead, people say that there was an accident and the smallest girl died. There is a cart and someone is covered with a blanket on it. They take it off and see my child. I can clearly see what she is wearing, these are her old clothes, which she has not worn for a long time.


I dreamed that my daughter died, then my family and I went to her grave. And she also dreamed of me in my dream and said that she would always be with me


Today I dreamed of a daughter who died four years ago. She seemed to come from somewhere, but for some reason she was in a dressing gown, but I ran up to her and started hugging and kissing and she smiled at me.


Good evening. I keep dreaming about my little daughter, which I don't really have. She's in danger. AND I AM IN SEVEN FORCES IN A DREAM TRYING TO HELP HER. But she is constantly dying in front of my eyes. What is it for?



my daughter died during childbirth, I went into the room and there she lay dead in a coffin with her dead daughter. And grandmothers in headscarves were sitting around


hello at night, I dreamed of some kind of disgusting thing, then woke up in the morning, drank, went to dream that I was arguing with my mother-in-law, then everything was fine after my husband went with his daughter to a neighbor, and when he returned, one said that he sent her to the city to my grandfather, I take a bag, I look at the phone there are 10 missed ones from the one who we were lucky to get through to her, then we find ourselves in the city already with friends, we’re going somewhere and my flip flops are torn, I want to go to my grandfather to change my shoes, and he sits on the bench, hands me flip flops and says, my dear, I need to remember, I say who he is, mom, dad, they are dead and I will give how to give that Dasha Dasha is a daughter of a year and a half to her and he says we were in the garden with her again she had an attack and they didn’t have time to save her, but she once didn’t have anything and I started to get hysterical, I woke up and ran to hug my baby


My friend (not my daughter's father) and I were walking along the river bank, suddenly I see my daughter lying at the bottom of the river near the very bank, well, the depth is somewhere knee-deep. I pull it out and on this I woke up


Mom told me today. that she had a dream in which I died and walked happily by the hand, silently, the whole dream, with my cousin, and he died in a car accident 3 weeks ago. She said we were happy and smiling, what does that mean?


I very vaguely remember my dream, but I dreamed that she died, then came to life, then died again, they were going to bury her, but I did not let her approach and believed that she was alive and did not allow the thought that I would not see her again


we are sitting in a restaurant, the windows overlook the cabin of a high-rise crane very close. mom calls and asks where it is better to throw it on the tap, I tell you why ?. she answers right. I answer wherever you want. then I watch something flies at the crane cabin. then my 10-year-old daughter comes out and tries to throw something out, but takes an extra step and falls down from a great height. I rush to the window and see how she flies face down and falls to the foot of the tap like a doll. I run down and scream ... .. woke up from wild horror


it seems that my daughter and I are standing at home and she put on makeup and came up to me and said I’ll go sit in some cafe they invited me, I hugged her and said of course go and she died in my arms and I started shaking her and calling for help and then she began to call ambulance but dialed the ambulance number incorrectly




good day! I dreamed that I was living somewhere abroad, I went to the store to buy fruit and listened to a foreign speech. so in the apartment I seemed to go to bed, but I remembered. that my five-year-old daughter is dead ((I went to the window, saw her photograph and began to sob and ask her forgiveness! but my mother came up to me, who died three weeks ago and began to calm me ... woke up from the horror of losing her daughter, but tears was not in sight


vacationing in the mountains with my daughter. We went into a wooden house that looked like a hotel. The daughter said: Mom, cockroaches are climbing out of the cracks. And at that moment an earthquake began. The roof collapsed immediately. I woke up under a pile of rubble and immediately began to look for my daughter. I bumped into children, they were alive and I carried them to a safe place. A man approached me and said that 2 boys had died in the rubble. I had a hope that this was not my girl. I continued to search and when I despaired, I noticed some kind of bump under the blanket. I went up and pulled the blanket. God!!! My heart sank at that moment with pain and anguish. My girl, my daughter! She sat huddled in fear. Her neck was broken and horror froze in her glassy eyes.


it turns out they called me like from the hospital and said that your daughter died
and then all sorts of different gossip from people and I sobbed very much because Varyusha is our only beloved daughter and she will only be 4 months old and in a dream it was that she was 8 months old


I dreamed that I was walking with my daughter and we are happy with her, but at the same time we know that she died and came to me as a spirit, and lives like that with me.


My daughter died over two years ago. she was twenty-six. i had a dream, she was lying dead indoors on the couch, I went up to her to fix something, leaned over, and she took my forearms, gently like that. her hands were warm and her eyelids trembled, as if trying to open her eyes. in a dream there were two more women in the room, elderly, I did not recognize them. they went to bed. turning to them, I said (quite calmly) - her hands are warm, meaning that she is alive ... I don’t remember the continuation of sleep. in fact, the daughter died after spending three weeks in a coma. almost three weeks later, I got into a not very serious accident by car, but this accident, due to some purely personal circumstances, changed my life dramatically.


in a dream, the daughter breaks her arm, her husband sat with her, and then told me that she had died. I ran into the room, and she really lay all white and did not breathe. I started hysterical. I couldn't call an ambulance. I woke up in a cold sweat, even screaming.


as if I had left home, having returned, supposedly my daughter died, I also had a farewell ceremony and they tell me that it seems that I need to give birth to another child, the whole pillow woke up in horror, in tears


Today I saw my daughter, who died seven months ago. For some reason, the coffin was dug up, it was upholstered in white satin. They told me, “Well, look at her, I didn’t want to look at what she became. And suddenly the daughter sits down in the coffin and smiles at me, but for some reason her teeth are dark. and i woke up


I saw my daughter in the morgue, she spoke to me. Warning of danger


I cried very much for my dead daughter in a dream, but my daughter is alive, I even felt bad after sleep.


We floated on a raft in the sea. The water was dark blue, very beautiful, like the color of some stone. Were sooooo big waves. They were huge, without lambs, like hills. I saw the beach very close. There were four of us on the raft: me, my husband, our three-year-old son and daughter (she is three months old). And then our raft capsized. I understood that the baby drowned, with her son. But then, when the waves stopped and the sea became calm, we found our son alive and well. There were a lot of people on the shore and they were looking for their babies (nonsense), and among these babies, there was one of them ten meters along the shore, I was looking for my daughter, but I didn’t find it.


I dream that my youngest daughter died, she lies on the sofa, she is good, I constantly cried and did not know what to do with her


It just lies dead on the floor, I run around crying in a panic. a neighbor says something to me, I tell her to get behind me. I need to buy the prettiest dress


Good day. I dreamed that we died to his 30 and 20 year old daughter, although in a dream she was no more than 7 years old. I had such a strong state of disbelief in this, rejection that I woke up. But I remember that I tried to settle everyday affairs: to understand how we can stay in a large apartment - it needs to be changed, some kind of light questions. Moreover, in life, the son always says that he will live no more than 30 years. In a dream, our apartment, but not ours, but a rather large room. I put a meter or more bag of semi-cured or gel-like stains here and there, like oz, under my daughter. Feelings of guilt that I didn’t insist my son go to a psychic, I’m generally suffocating for my daughter - I don’t understand ...
Before all this, in a dream, a cousin was informed about the death, and he himself, but supposedly about something else, meaning himself, in the house of recording handwritten telephone numbers of some housing department by my already deceased employee, I tell someone, this is her, understanding in a dream, that she died, such as call the next world, find out why the death of my children failed?!!! As a result, a few light bulbs lit up. The husband took an active part in solving some problems in a dream - I don’t remember, in general, together. Sleep from Sun to Mon, it was the day before high pressure, fell asleep with aroma lamp Ilyina-ylang


I dreamed that I gave birth to another daughter (I already have a son and a daughter). They named her Natalya. I dreamed that I had a lot breast milk. But she didn't eat and pooped endlessly. A lot of poop. And then she started to die. I couldn't call an ambulance. All the time, the number “003##*” was dialed from the mobile instead of the desired “03*”. Fingers did not obey. I tried to dial the number while standing on the street. When she got home, she found that she was no longer breathing. At that moment, my husband woke me up.


The details are already blurred. What I remember, in an unfamiliar room, a daughter of 7 years old was dying in her arms, she understood this, I understood this, she died easily, I remember the moment that she said that I should not be afraid, everything will be fine with her. I remember that grief, but I was definitely surprised in a dream that there was no hysteria, as they show in the movies, I accepted everything without tears, I just covered with grief. but it was calm enough and still calm that it was not scary to die.


Hello Tanya! I woke up in horror. I saw my daughter in a dream. She was all white, hair, face, clothes. She passed me with a plate in her hands on which lay vermicelli with a cutlet. She didn't even look at me. I felt a sense of resentment towards me from her side. My daughter died on October 7 this year. Buried for all Orthodox rules. Something like that. Thank you in advance for your reply. Alexander.


I woke up from the fact that I dreamed that my daughter and I were taken as hostages and I was so terribly afraid of the whole dream, I felt insane fear and as a result, the one who captured us 4 stabbed my daughter, she began to bleed and I felt such terrible anger that I was ready to kill naked with the hands of that man, at the same time, I have never seen him in my life and I woke up in terrible fear


To dream that the child lost consciousness and my husband and my mother bring her to her senses, I grabbed my daughter in my arms and let's shake it, but it's all to no avail. Then it seems like in the hospital they said that the defect was the seed, but I clearly see that everything is in order with the heart. And then I see already that the hole is already buried, and next to it there are two more. Also a little girl with a letter K on the ground, Kristina, I don’t remember the rchdom, and the third hole with her daughter on a pile is the letter Y. The daughter’s name is Yulechka. It seems that this is not a cemetery, but the garden of my grandfather and woman. Mom's parents. But they are still alive. In my sleep I cried a lot. Everything was so real.


I dreamed that my daughter died, but they didn’t take her to the morgue. She was at home. My husband and I already went to a special store for such worldviews, but didn’t buy anything there and returned home. And my daughter lies on the bed with her eyes closed, I started to wake her up and I woke up with a fright.


Hello, I had a dream that my daughter died from something not serious, I cried the whole dream


i dreamed that they came to me and said my daughter died, I didn’t believe it. I didn't see her dead in my dream. then clarification, phone calls, etc. then I saw my daughter alive and well in a dream.


I didn’t see her dead as such, but someone told me about it .. if someone from the outside, then my deceased mother. I gave my mother money supposedly for my daughter’s funeral. but in the end I saw my daughter alive and healthy and she told me that the dead man is at our house. and my grandmother too. and I woke up.


Allegedly, they told me at work that my daughter had died, we work together in the kindergarten, but before that, her daughter appeared from somewhere, it seems to be small, and they offer me to give her away to someone for guardianship, and then I thought and said, well, I’ll arrange all the grandmother herself to myself. (And my daughter has two sons) I came to work and the manager gives me my daughter's blouses and children's things, I cried and woke up


Hello! My name is Denis, today I dreamed so realistically, although before that I had never dreamed of anything like this! as if my daughter was playing and climbing into the bathroom in the bathroom and the toilet, I took it off from there so that she wouldn’t fall, then I’m abruptly in the kitchen and the spouses already have a daughter in their arms, and by the way, she is 2.5 years old, one eye with broken capillaries from her mouth, an incomprehensible liquid can saliva and she shakes at death, as if her head hit and the nerve endings just pull the body and look at me! My wife woke me up and said that I screamed loudly and his mustache eyes are in tears! Tell me why it doesn’t come out of your head all on pins and needles !!


I dreamed that I wanted to buy comfortable shoes for my daughter, but I never bought it, I see that she is driving and we are going to the market, then she gives me money, and the other day I saw in a dream that she was marrying her husband


Hello, I dreamed that my daughter died and I screamed a lot from grief


my wife came to work with me with her youngest daughter, but only in infancy, although she was 5 years old and she died. but for some reason he lays the corpse on the floor. I said why not on the seat. I had a dream during the day because I work at night


Hello! I dreamed that my one-year-old daughter (and in a dream she was a newborn) fell out of bed and was covered in blood, and then I pick her up, she is alive, she doesn’t have a scalpel! Horror!


i dreamed that my one-year-old daughter died of pneumonia in the hospital, and at that time I learned the news at the apartment dead friend she was there too, she gave her phone to call her so that I could find money for the funeral, I was afraid that I couldn’t bury her and they would bury her as a rootless woman, like when my aunt cried a lot in a dream


Hello! I dreamed as if my little daughter and I came to visit. We sat there and talked, then I decided to feed her. And I saw strange men who killed the dog (which guarded the house) then they saw us. I asked to spare us and not to touch the daughter. They killed all the children that were in the house (my daughter, the son of a friend and raped her and she had a miscarriage, she is actually pregnant) and two girls ... only my friend and I survived ... I cried and tried to throw myself under the wheels, but the guy ( whom I know) did not run over me. I began to beg him to knock me down and that there are witnesses and they will say that I myself. And he laughs it off.


I dreamed that my daughter and son were in a cafe - suddenly a drunk man starts clinging to his son, his son is 9 years old, and his daughter is 3 years old, my son runs up to me, I start to protect him from a drunk man and I say to my son, run away, son runs away, drunk a man grabs his daughter, sits her on a bar stool and starts to break her neck - I cry, scream, swear - a drunken man punches me in the face - I fall and lose consciousness - when I come to my senses, my daughter is already dead on the bar stool - near her police doctors - I wake up in tears. Then I fell asleep a little and dreamed more of a dream — my son and I walked the son ran across to the other side of the road — I’m screaming just don’t run back, look or there are no cars — it seems like he doesn’t cross the road and gets hit by a car — I cry, I shout to my husband call an ambulance - the husband comes up to his son and says that it's already late - the son is lying in a pool of blood - and I wake up again in tears, my heart is pounding ...


I dreamed that I came home, they told me that my daughter had died (4 years old), I approached her, she seemed to come to life, started talking to me, walking and everything was fine with us, but this is only for me, for the rest she is still lay dead in bed. The next day I went up to her, she was lying pale, with gray spots and said that she felt bad. I began to cry how I will live without her, saying that tomorrow is a funeral, I woke up.


I just remember that my daughter died, I don’t remember the details, and I don’t remember how she died


My daughter died at the age of 7 days. April 15, 2015, and I dreamed about a month ago, alive and well.
In a dream, we walked with her in the meadow, she laughed, played, ran, but didn’t come up to me ... Then she started to run away and disappeared ..


I have been dreaming for a whole year that my daughter died, but I don’t see the coffin, only the hill or someone reports and I cry a lot


Hello, in a dream I see my grandmother, who has died for a long time. Who, in a panic and hysteria, screams that something happened to my daughter, she was killed, I started calling my daughter on the phone, but my old friend answered instead of her and could not answer me what happened to my daughter, but only cried. And I spent almost the whole dream with my eldest son looking for a daughter. In a dream, I had fear and panic for my daughter


All night I had one dream that my little daughter died and I cried very much and woke up from this. and so 3 times a night. I don’t see exactly how uerla, but I just know it.


my daughter died, I rowed the earth, kicked under the ground, and somewhere took Small child as if he is mine, but also not my daughter


Dream: my eldest daughter died, I see her hand in the coffin, a feeling of deep loss and hopelessness, I woke up with this feeling


I dreamed that my daughter had died. Many people gathered for the funeral. My daughter is lying in a coffin. I cry a lot, I scream in a voice that is not my own. I take my daughter by the hands and say that I will raise you, I will revive you, you will rise !!! And then my daughter came to life, I am very glad all the people are happy too. And then everyone dispersed. Here is such a dream, what can it mean ??? And what does it mean for his daughter??


I dreamed that my daughter had died. Many people gathered for the funeral. The daughter lies in a coffin. I scream a lot, cry and take my daughter by the hands, saying that I will lift you up, revive you and you should get up. And then my daughter came to life. I am very glad, people are all happy too. Here is such a dream. What can it mean ??? And what does it mean for his daughter??


I dreamed that my ex-husband informed me about the death of my daughter. And she is dead in their apartment. The former mother-in-law did not let me go to her, saying that I needed to approach with a toy. I went to look for and buy a toy. I bought a rattle, returned to them and the realization came that my daughter had died and I was crying a lot. I woke up, went to see my daughter alive, cried all night.


I only remember whether we were driving or saw how our daughters were driving, then a bus or a large passenger car fell into a small puddle, but it turned out to be very deep, like a swamp, and a car with passengers fell sideways there, the passengers got out on the left side, but the rest did not and I was looking for an opportunity to pull them out or her, but I woke up. The dream was divided, as it were, into two parts, in the first part one daughter dies and at the same time a familiar dead man dreamed, I don’t remember this dream in detail, in the second part it’s as if another daughter dies, I described this dream what I remember.


Recently deceased elderly relatives (2) are lying on the tables and the daughter is lying next to them.


Hello .. I didn’t see any details of my daughter’s death in a dream ... just the fact ... that she died. ..but I am very worried that I will no longer have my own children and I suffer in a dream from this fact .. even a thought appeared, I can clarify the child. ..and then I changed my mind... In my life, my daughter is an adult.. she is 21 years old and she will soon have a long business trip to another country... now I am very worried


my daughter dreamed that she died and lies in a coffin,


a big snake strangled my father and swallowed mine youngest daughter. they died and the snake was not found


at first, my daughter just got lost, left and disappeared, I started running around some fortune-tellers and famous psychics and no, and asking where she was, and everyone answered me, she is no more and will soon find the corpse and report. I just sobbed the whole dream, woke up and saw the same thing again and again, I said to one, how so, you removed the damage, said that you would be fine, and with her this, in general, a nightmare


Hello, I dreamed that my grandmother had a daughter at work (she is 8 years old). Not so long ago she lost her phone. And so I call my grandmother and ask what's wrong with the phone, and she tells me that my daughter fell into the well and boiled. Very uncomfortable now, I want to cry, I'm very worried.


I dream of my daughter’s funeral, but I don’t see them, I’m very hurt, and then my husband says, look who came, opens the door, my daughter comes in, smiles, hugs and tells mom what are you


The daughter lies, her eyes are open, her eyes are not hers. In the dream of hazel gas full of moisture, open. Body, facial features, except for the daughter's eyes. Then she makes an exhalation of gas close and the dead daughter lies, very beautiful


I dreamed that my daughter died and they were burying her .. but I can’t look at it and sit at home and cry ..


i dreamed that my one-year-old daughter was with a lock and fell out of a window on the third floor, I ran out into the street and she died in my arms. I sobbed bitterly but could not scream as if dumb.


I dreamed that my stepfather was running away from me, he had my little daughter in his arms. He slipped and dropped her. And she died. They showed me her heart, it was broken into pieces. What is it? Please explain, I'm losing my mind. no, with grandma left for the village.


Dead - I didn't see her, but I knew she was definitely dead. After this nightmare, I managed to fall asleep, so the details of the dream were erased.


Later I managed to fall asleep, so the dream was erased. I didn't see her dead, but I knew for sure that she was dead.


Hello! I dreamed that the eldest daughter, she was 18 years old, that she had died

Often in a dream, dead people come to a person to warn him of impending dangers and problems in the future. Why did a person dream of a dead daughter, and can such a vision correlate with real life?

What if the dead daughter is dreaming?

A dead daughter in a dream is not the most positive sign, and often it portends a disease, and a very serious one. Perhaps the infection has already occurred, and a person can only prepare for the test of his own immunity.

When a daughter says some words in a dream, they usually have a clear relationship with real life. Perhaps it is these words that will help prevent the development of the disease, returning the person to his former strength.

Some experts believe that a dream about a dead daughter is more of a harbinger of serious money spending than illness. That is why it is worth carefully analyzing your expenses, preventing the development of controversial transactions and dubious monetary manipulations. Perhaps one of the relatives will turn out to be an unreliable ally in financial matters, which will turn into a storm of expenses for a person. Care must be taken in choosing financial partners.

If in a dream the deceased daughter laughs and has fun a lot, then the minor problems that await the parent on the way will eventually turn into sudden joy. Most importantly, do not give up and persevere to resolve these troubles.

A dream in which a dead daughter appears very rarely portends the death of a parent in reality. Usually, with the help of this dream, the departed person tries to warn his living relatives about something in order to prevent the troubles that await them in the future.

If in a dream the deceased daughter is angry or behaves very aggressively, parents should be afraid that in the future they will be tried to set up or deceive them. Moreover, the deception will be very difficult to expose, and the owner of the dream may well suffer serious financial losses. If the daughter goes somewhere in a dream, then family relationships will soon stand the test of strength.

A bad omen has a dream in which living parents do something with their dead daughter. For example, cooking or caring for the land with a dead person in a dream is a sign of serious problems that are about to overtake the family. It is necessary to bypass any financial fraud, showing tolerance for relatives and friends. Perhaps such measures will contribute to the fact that problems can be avoided.

If in a dream a daughter tries to take her parents away, serious troubles and illnesses should be expected. Perhaps such diseases will be fatal, but you should not panic ahead of time. Such a dream will help prevent the problem by getting rid of it in the bud. This vision may mean that the daughter is unhappy in the afterlife, and parents should light a candle for her in the church for the rest, and perhaps the dream will no longer bother.

What portends?

A dream involving a dead person rarely portends something good. So, for example, a vision in which a deceased daughter sits at a table and receives guests means that trouble will come to her parents' house. Moreover, they will have to solve these problems on their own, without outside help.

A dream in which the daughter appears dead, in a coffin or without it, portends imminent grief. Perhaps sadness will be caused by financial troubles, or perhaps family conflicts will be the cause. The owner of the vision has the opportunity to deal with the problem before it becomes real.

If in a dream the daughter has a distorted facial expression, then in real life, parents are waiting for bright emotions, but it is not yet known whether they are positive or negative. If the whole family is going somewhere or in a hurry in a dream, then in real life a person should also prepare for the road. Perhaps a very important journey awaits him, which in the future will have a great influence on fate.

Any such vision is usually easy to remember, but the details of the vision should be recorded. With their help, it will be possible to accurately design a sleep analysis, knowing your future.

Visions involving a dead daughter often bring trouble in real life, but they must be treated with understanding. Perhaps such a vision will help prevent problems in the future. The most important thing is to correctly interpret the dream, paying attention to all the little things.

Why is the daughter dreaming? This rather significant dream character can personify the dreamer himself, convey relationships with a real child, symbolize the need for patronage, and others. Dream Interpretations will tell you what it means to see in a dream.

According to Miller's dream book

Dreamed of your own daughter? Get ready for the fact that unforeseen difficulties will become an obstacle on the way to the goal. If in a dream the daughter was dismissive and cold, then expect big trouble. If she was friendly and cheerful, then the interpretation of sleep is exactly the opposite.

Why dream healthy and beautiful daughter? Fate has prepared bright prospects, pleasant events and joy in the family circle. Seeing a thin, pale and sick daughter is worse. The dream book is sure that someone close to you will get sick.

According to the dream book for the whole family

Dreamed of a daughter? Expect a troublesome and difficult life stage. If in a dream they managed to quarrel with their daughter, then plans and hopes will not come true. Why dream if you had to say goodbye to your daughter? A period is coming when you will have to rely solely on your own strength. The dream book is sure: there will be no help from outside.

Did the dead daughter appear in a dream? In reality, the financial situation will worsen. If someone else's daughter is seen, then be prepared for the fact that others will constantly interfere in your life, give advice and teach.

According to the dream book of the White Magician

Why is your daughter dreaming? Regardless of the plot and personality of the dreamer, she conveys the current relationship in general in the family and even at work.

If in reality the daughter is far away, then such dreams do not need interpretation. In a dream, only parental anxiety caused by separation is reflected. Sometimes a dream book promises a quick meeting in reality.

If you dreamed of a daughter who lives nearby, then you should pay attention: there is a possibility that danger or serious changes are approaching.

According to the Wanderer's dream book

Why does a daughter dream of her father? For him, she is a guardian angel, a symbol indicating Right way. The dream book also predicts a successful / unsuccessful course of affairs, undertakings (interpretation depends on the plot).

If the daughter dreamed of her mother, then excitement about her fate is similarly transmitted. In addition, the dream character indicates the unused possibilities of the dreamer herself, as well as her negative emotions (dissatisfaction, envy, jealousy).

In a positive interpretation, his own daughter indicates increased activity, the fulfillment of dreams, a second youth. Sometimes the daughter is the personification of the woman herself in a dream.

Why dream if a daughter was born

Did you dream that a cute daughter was born? In the near future, things will get better, the career will go uphill rapidly and there will be a reason for pride. Why dream that an ugly or sick daughter was born? Be careful: you are in big trouble.

If in a dream a newborn daughter cries and screams incessantly, then failures, sorrows, disappointments, and mistakes are coming. The birth of a daughter also warns of some kind of surprise, surprise, a real miracle. Was it lucky to give birth to twins or twin girls in the night? An unexpected event will be truly shocking.

What does the daughter symbolize in a dream, which is not

What is the dream of a daughter who does not really exist? This means that you need understanding, attentiveness and care of a loved one. In your heart you dream of a man who will become a support and protection.

If a young girl dreamed of a non-existent daughter, then a romantic date awaits her. For a family dreamer, a daughter who is not there promises large, unforeseen expenses. For a man, this is a symbol of unfulfilled desires, plans, ideas.

Dreamed of your own daughter? Difficulties have been outlined in relations with her, figure it out before it's too late. If your own daughter came in a sad dream, then some kind of celebration will not take place. The same image hints: your soul urgently needs spiritual food.

Dreamed of a daughter in a wedding dress

In general, seeing a daughter in a wedding dress or watching her ask for blessings before marriage is bad. This is a harbinger of great trouble, serious illness and even death. At the same time, the same vision means that fate will change in the direction of prosperity and success.

If a man dreamed that he managed to marry his own daughter, then he would soon become a participant in an interesting, but reckless adventure. Marrying a daughter in a dream is good. Soon a rare chance will fall, good prospects will open up. But the same plot predicts the death of one of the relatives.

Did you dream that your daughter was unhappy on her wedding day? Anguish and anxiety will pile up, but you will not be able to establish the cause. Why dream that a grown daughter is getting married? Your daughter has already become quite an adult, give her more freedom.

What does an adult daughter mean

If you dreamed that an already adult daughter became small in a dream, then you should devote more time to household members.

The same image suggests: a situation is approaching in which the daughter will behave literally like a child. An adult daughter dreams of a little one to commit stupid acts, unjustified risk, and is also a symbol of missed opportunities.

Why dream that an adult daughter has become small, and you took her to a kindergarten or school? In reality, serious trials await her, literally - a repetition of the past. For the dreamer himself, this vision promises a pleasant rest or a successful solution to domestic troubles.

What is the dream of a daughter - pregnant, gave birth to a child

If the daughter of a pregnant woman dreamed too little, then an unhappy marriage awaits her. Seeing a pregnant virgin means that she will know shame, humiliation and shame. But most often, a pregnant daughter is a symbol of incredible surprise, a miracle, a shocking surprise, and also promises a good profit.

Why dream of pregnancy if the daughter is really pregnant? In reality, she will give birth quickly and relatively painlessly, and will also be able to quickly restore strength. In a dream, a daughter gave birth to a son? Get money. If the pregnancy ended with the birth of a daughter, then events are coming that will lead to happiness.

What does it mean in the night - a dead daughter, died

Why dream that the daughter died? In reality, this is a sign of longevity, imminent marriage prosperity and success in the future. The literal interpretation of sleep is applicable only in extreme cases, and it must be supported by other dreams and signs.

Did you dream that your daughter got sick and died? You will recognize the monstrous injustice. The same plot predicts a choice on which fate will depend. Sometimes a dead daughter indicates a serious change in relationship, perhaps you will quarrel corny.

Daughter in a dream - examples of interpretation

Dreamed of a daughter? Troubles are approaching, which will subsequently bring good changes. To get a more accurate interpretation, you need to take into account other details of the vision. Moreover, the final decoding equally applies to both the dreamer and the real daughter.

  • eldest daughter - the need for protection, support, advice
  • the youngest - you need to protect someone, support
  • small - a new hobby, business
  • aged - excessive delay, uncertainty will lead to decline
  • newborn - an unexpectedly pleasant event
  • sad - unfulfilled dreams, the collapse of hope
  • cheerful - miracle, luck, family celebration
  • calm - achieving the goal
  • excited - obstacles, unexpected problems
  • healthy - fulfillment of expectations, success
  • sick - the collapse of hopes, difficulties, disagreements in relationships
  • very beautiful, like a doll daughter - a miracle
  • ugly, evil - refuse the offer, do not get down to business
  • dirty, poorly dressed - decline in business, delays, all kinds of deterioration
  • uncontrollable, harmful - obviously unfulfilled dreams, desires
  • dead - disappointments, frustration of plans
  • a daughter for a father is a gift of fate, recognition, spiritual development or lack thereof
  • for mother - hope, own dreams, desires
  • daughter in danger - illness, debts, disorder of life, worsening situation
  • sledding - separation, fun
  • walks in the garden - well-being, prosperity
  • combing her hair - get married, attend someone else's wedding
  • daughter cries - treason, trouble, trouble, deterioration in health
  • screaming - experiences, making mistakes
  • calls for help - danger
  • asks for money - unnecessary spending, forgery, deceit
  • steals - you are brazenly used
  • smiling - peace of mind, satisfaction
  • laughs - excellent prospects, new opportunities
  • bites - bad news
  • dancing - happiness, passionate love
  • daughter is in the hospital - getting bad news
  • walking alone - independence, independence, satisfaction
  • sings - a pleasant / useful acquaintance
  • reciting poetry - a solemn event
  • teaches lessons - successful correction of mistakes, mistakes, tests
  • fell - unforeseen difficulties, the collapse of plans, hopes
  • broke her knee - obstacles in endeavors
  • helps with the housework - well-being, prosperity
  • washes floors - the discovery of secrets, the need to hide the truth
  • sweeps - sad events, trouble
  • gives birth - profit, addition to the house
  • dies - serious waste, losses are coming
  • kill your daughter - stupidly you will be left without money
  • kissing - joy, a pleasant surprise
  • hug - quarrel, scandal, separation
  • babysit - deception of a loved one, confidant
  • screaming at her - mental discomfort, suspicion
  • to scold - mistakes from the past, unpleasant consequences
  • quarrel - bad changes, worries, troubles
  • to teach - success in love, professional activity
  • giving birth to a daughter is a surprise, most likely a good one
  • marry - good news, imminent changes of an unknown nature
  • kick out of the house - big trouble, misses
  • talk - success, wealth, mutual understanding
  • daughter became a prostitute - a difficult choice, the wrong path

If you dreamed of someone else's daughter, then in reality you will forever quarrel with the person who betrayed you. In a dream, you had to protect your own daughter from danger? In fact, you have to make excuses and solve other people's problems.
