What a beautiful woman's nose. Perfect face

Perfect face- what is it? In fact, this is not a matter of taste, but of mathematical calculation. Secret perfect beauty lies in certain proportions of facial features. How close are you to the ideal of beauty? Let's try to find out!

American scientist, Dr. Stephen Marquardt, who has spent 30 years studying the differences between beautiful (generally beautiful - models, actresses) and average female faces, knows a lot about the patterns of an ideal face.

We perceive woman's face as ideal and beautiful if all its features are located at a certain distance from each other, that is, they are subject to the rule of the “golden section”, which was derived by the thinkers of ancient Greece.

In numerical terms, it can be written as a ratio of numbers 1:1.618. This means, for example, that the ideal mouth should be 1.618 times wider than the nose, and each of the front first incisors should be 1.618 times wider than the adjacent (second) incisor, and so on.

Ideal face mask scheme

Markworth combined the ideally proportional features into a specific mask scheme.

It can be used to determine how close to perfection your face. Of course, the mask changes depending on the race, we are considering the European type of face.

Marilyn Monroe

Stefan Markworth identifies five types of faces: beautiful, attractive, average, unattractive and repulsive. The photo shows the first three.

He also invented the smile mask to determine the perfect smile.

Experiment - face before and after

Dr. Markworth, with the help of his mask program, was able to significantly bring women’s faces closer to the ideal.


“I think I look good, although if I could change something, I would probably change my eyebrows... Because they are one higher than the other and because of this my face looks comical.”

Stefan's Take: "She has beautiful eyes - they fit perfectly into the mask, but she's absolutely right about the eyebrows. I had to adjust one of them to match the mask. I also softened the outline of the lower jaw and narrowed the nose a little."

People's opinions:

"The new lips don't suit her. But the whole face looks prettier, I think."

"She began to look better and somehow... younger. Yes! Younger than her age."

"These are two absolutely different faces! In the first photo, everything is proportional, but the lower part of the face doesn’t look very good - is there a double chin there?”


"Probably my eyes are my best feature. I don't like my nose - it's very wide. If I decided to plastic surgery, then I would change it."

Stefan's opinion: “She has beautiful cheeks, but I had to correct the lower jaw: I made it smaller. I moved the close-set eyes apart so that they fit more accurately into the boundaries of the mask. The tip of the nose had to be narrowed a little, and the upper lip had to be made fuller.”

People's opinions:

“She suits her new oval face and almond-shaped eyes. I like the second option, it’s very attractive.”

“Yes, of course, she is better than she was!”

“In the first photo there is a living woman, and in the second she looks like a doll.”


"They always told me that I have big and expressive eyes- that's why they suit me. But I would add volume to my lips. And you know, I was once seriously worried about my nose; it seemed to me that it was very big.”

Stefan's opinion: "She looks charming, but I still changed a few things. I made the lips fuller and raised their corners - it turned out, in my opinion, more attractive. I corrected the shape of the chin and made the cheekbones a little wider - the result is a contour of the face became more definite."

People's opinions:

“I’m more interested in the first option. The second person, although it looks better, doesn’t look like Carrie at all. Just a different person.”

"The girl began to look older, which is not very good, and her eyes became less expressive. The first photo is better."

"Really better than the second one option. The cheekbones are more graceful, and the face has become more friendly, because the corners of the lips have been raised."


"I really wish my eyes were bigger. The longer I look at them in the mirror, the more convinced I am that they really are different sizes."

Stefan's opinion: This is - attractive woman, she has good form face, almost completely matching the mask. Still, I softened the contour of the lower jaw to make the oval of the face more streamlined. There were a few other small changes: I slightly enlarged my upper lip and eyes and narrowed my nose a little."

People's opinions:

“Wow, how great they remade it! Everything has improved!”

“The eyes have become bigger, and the lips are now just super. In general, I like her more than all the girls - she has become just a sultry beauty.”

“Although in the second photo the girl looks friendlier, I have a feeling that something wasn’t done to her: the oval of her face could probably be corrected further.”


"I am very calm about my appearance. For example, I have no illusions about my eyes. They are too small to be considered beautiful, and I am sure that it is beautiful eyes that are main feature beautiful face."

Stefan's opinion: "One side of the face turned out to be wider than the other, so I evened them out. I reduced the lower lip, and made the nose smoother and a little longer."

People's opinions:

“The upper part of the face did not need to be changed, it seems to me. But the lips and cheekbones were corrected well.”

“In my opinion, after the changes, the girl became more masculine. In the “before” photo she is much prettier.”

“There was no need to change the lips. And the eyes became more expressive after the changes.”

All five girls became very similar after treatment: right eyes, correct eyebrows, correct noses. If girls in life were so correct, we would all die of boredom, honestly!

Perfect star face

Look at portraits of stars whose faces are perfect, and those whose faces are not perfect, but are still considered beautiful.

Perfect beauties

Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron, Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, Oksana Fedorova, Reese Witherspoon, Monica Bellucci, Carmen Electra, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Zhanna Friske...

Simply beauties

Celine Dion, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Vera Brezhneva, Alina Kabaeva, Natalia Vodianova, Adriana Lima, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, Anne Hathaway, Chloe Sauvignier, Kim Kardashian...

You too can check your face to see if it matches the ideal. You will need:


    A friend who will take a photo

    Mask drawing (print and cut it out)

    Tracing paper to copy the mask

    Scanner and computer


How to take a photo?

You need to take a photo from a certain angle. For this:

Look straight into the lens; raise your palms strictly horizontal to the floor

So that the base of the index finger touches the opening of the auricle;

Tilt your chin until the photographer gives you the signal: tips index fingers should be in line with the lower border of the iris;

Now relax your face and close your teeth so that they lightly touch each other (don’t squeeze!), your lips shouldn’t be tightly compressed either;

Without moving your head, lower your arms. You're ready to take photos. The print must be at least 13x18 cm.

How to apply the perfect face mask?

In your photo, draw a straight line connecting the pupils, and another one connecting the corners of the lips.

From the center of the “pupillary” line, draw a straight line to the center of the “lip” line.

Do the same on your copy of the mask.

Enlarge (or reduce) your copy of the mask (a scanner or copier will be useful for this) to a size at which the vertical line in your photo will coincide with the same line on the mask.

Redraw the mask of the required size onto tracing paper, combine the images and compare carefully.

How to make your nose more beautiful and change the proportions of your face?

We all differ in our own characteristics in appearance. Each has its pros and cons. By nature, a person strives to emphasize the advantages of appearance. To visually correct an imperfect face, you can use several methods:

  • hairstyle - if you choose the right haircut, abandon bangs or add them, you can visually change the perception of your face shape. Chubby girls need to comb their hair behind their ears to extend their jawline. Protruding ears will be covered with a curly, fluffy hairstyle. Girls with deep-set eyes will benefit from bangs that slightly cover their eyebrows;
  • makeup - women have mastered this art since ancient times. Pencils, powder, lipstick, blush, eye shadow and mascara - all this helps correct imperfections in appearance. Beautiful make-up can correct facial proportions. A wide face can be narrowed a little using a foundation that is a shade darker. Give a face triangular shape blush on the cheekbones will allow. To visually reduce the chin, you need to apply a dark tone to its protruding part.
  • fillers - beauty injections that model the oval of the face. These injections tighten the skin, corners of the lips, eyebrows and even hide the nasal hump.

Let's try to figure out whether “genes are our everything”? Or is good heredity still not enough?

Geneticist at the Atlas Medical Center, analyst at the Atlas genetic test

Bust size

The contribution of heredity to this important parameter for girls is truly significant. For the most part, breasts consist of adipose tissue: you’ve probably noticed that as soon as you start to lose weight, your curvy shape disappears somewhere. But there are also thin girls whose breasts are the envy of many. This is because the size of the breast as a whole is influenced by the size of the mammary gland itself, which is determined by genes. Today, science knows as many as seven genes (ZNF703, INHBB, ESR1, ZNF365, PTHLH and AREG) that regulate the process of mammary gland growth. By the way, three of them also determine the other side of the coin: with certain variants of them, which are responsible for large breasts, the risk of developing breast cancer is increased.


Hair thickness

You can use volume-increasing shampoos as much as you like, do lamination and other procedures, but this will not make new hair grow thicker. And then again nature gave main role genes. As a rule, the thickness of human hair ranges from 0.04 mm to 0.1 mm and is determined by the diameter of the hair follicle, in which dividing cells give rise to hair. There is a gene called EDAR that directly affects the activity and rate of this cell division. If a person is a carrier of a variant of the EDAR gene, which is particularly active, the cells for future hair in his skin divide just as actively. As a result, the hair grows thicker. By the way, this gene variant is typical for many residents of Asia and Africa.

Nose shape

But with facial features everything is complicated. This topic is one of the most interesting and at the same time unstudied by geneticists due to its complexity. However, several genes that specifically influence the shape of the nose are already known. For example, variants of the DCHS2 gene, which regulates the connection of cells in dense tissues of the body, are responsible for the shape of the vestibule septum and the angle of the tip of the nose, as well as for the protrusion of the nose beyond the plane of the face as a whole. And the SUPT3H and RUNX2 genes, which are responsible for the development of bone and cartilage tissue, affect the width of the bridge of the nose. The width of the wings of the nose also depends on genetics - the GLI3 gene is responsible for it.

Hollywood smile

A beautiful smile, and most importantly, healthy, problem-free teeth, is the dream of many. Fortunately, heredity is not so important here; genes that can seriously affect the beauty of teeth are very, very rare. So everything is in your hands. Regular visits to the dentist, daily oral hygiene and everything like that.


How many pain-filled appeals on the “eternal” topic every day turn into emptiness: why does Katya constantly eat donuts and remain skinny, and I can’t eat a piece of cake once a month... And although scientists have not yet found specific “slimness genes”, genetics influences where our energy, obtained from those same donuts and other products, will mainly be spent. Thus, one of the variants of the UCP2 gene causes our body to spend a huge amount of energy on heat, while the other variant is not very concerned about this. Accordingly, if a person spends most of the energy consumed all the time on heat production, he will not have time to gain weight. But it is important to say that playing sports and proper nutrition no one has canceled it: based on genetic data, you can achieve fantastic results and always be in great shape.

Fashion has been around since ancient times. Fashion is not only about clothes, but also about appearance. She also affected her nose. Its ideal proportions, which Leonardo da Vinci thought about long ago, are recognized.

Beautiful noses by modern standards.

Beautiful noses: ideal proportions

Each nation has its own views. For example, the ancient Greeks had a perfectly straight nose as a standard of beauty. Moreover, it suited both women and men.

However, even despite well-established role models, people's faces are individual. And if one nose looks perfect on one face, then on another it will look stupid and ugly. Nevertheless, standards have already been established, although at present they differ from the past.

You can determine whether a person has a beautiful nose or not by its exact parameters that meet modern beauty standards. The main indicators are:

Nasofacial angle;

Nasolabial (there is a possibility of changes with age, which occurs in both men and women);

The bridge of the nose should be slightly higher than the eyelashes on the upper eyelid;

Identical nostrils;

The columella (dividing septum) is located just below.

The most beautiful nose by modern standards should not be perfectly straight, as in ancient Greece, but on the contrary, have a hump. The main thing is that it is not conspicuous and barely noticeable.

How to understand how ideal your nose is?

First, the face needs to be visually divided vertically by six lines. A nose that fully meets all standards should be located clearly in the middle. It is easy to determine how even its back is: by drawing a central straight line (from the center between the eyes to the tip). If the back is flat, it will be parallel to all six lines. Otherwise, the nose is deformed.

Secondly, the face is divided (visually) into four horizontal lines. The ideal nose is always located strictly in the center. If it doesn’t fit into the frame, it means it’s longer than it should be.

The angle between the nose and forehead should not be less than 110 degrees, but not more than 120 (for women). An angle of 90−110 degrees is considered absolutely ideal.

These parameters are considered perfect by the standards modern world. However, even if not everyone has them, this does not mean that it is necessary to undergo surgery (rhinoplasty). It is recommended only in case of medical indications.

Very important: when deciding to have rhinoplasty, you should not go abroad. There is more than enough in Russia good doctors, and the cost of the procedure here is significantly lower compared to Europe or America.

Today, beauty and science go hand in hand not only in terms of innovative developments in the field of cosmetology and rejuvenation, but also in the field of statistics. Thus, scientists managed to find out which of the star girls closest to the Greek “golden ratio” (the number phi), which means they can be called the owners of the most beautiful faces in the world.

First in the ranking is Amber Heard, American actress And ex-wife Johnny Depp, whose face meets the golden ratio standards by 91.85%. Using computer technology, which allows you to calculate matches down to hundredths, London plastic surgeon Julian De Silva also determined that the “Queen of Instagram” Kim Kardashian has perfect eyebrows, Scarlett Johansson has the perfect eye shape, - perfect shape faces, Kate Moss has a perfect forehead, and Emily Ratajkowski has perfect lips.

At the same time, in the list of the most beautiful faces, Kim Kardashian took second place (91.39%), third place went to Kate Moss (91.06%). In fourth and fifth positions were models: Emily Ratajkowski, also known to us for her role in the film “Gone Girl,” with 90.8% and Kendall Jenner with 90.18%.

The Golden Ratio has long been used to determine beauty standards, but modern technologies allowed to apply it to real girls", says Dr. Da Silva. The detailed results of the study are right in front of you.

  1. Amber Heard - 99.7%
  2. Marilyn Monroe - 99.6%
  3. Emily Ratajkowski - 99.56%
  4. Helen Mirren - 98.2%
  5. Scarlett Johansson - 97.1%

The most beautiful eyes in the world

  1. Scarlett Johansson - 95.95%
  2. Rihanna -95.85%
  3. Marilyn Monroe - 95.8%
  4. Kate Moss - 95.75%
  5. Cara Delevingne - 95.14%

How to calculate: The distance between the eyes divided by the length of the eye should equal 1.618. In addition, the position in relation to the rest of the face should be considered. So, the distance from the nose to the edge of the eye, divided by the distance from the edge of the eye to the corner of the lips, should also be equal to 1.618.

The most beautiful lips in the world

  1. Emily Ratajkowski - 96.7%
  2. Marilyn Monroe - 95.7%
  3. Kendall Jenner - 95.02%
  4. Natalie Portman - 94.3%
  5. Angelina Jolie - 93.82%

How to calculate: It is necessary to obtain three values ​​at once, each of which should tend to 1.618. The first is the area lower lip, divided by area upper lip. The second is the length of the lips divided by the distance at the base of the nose. The third is the distance from the corner of the lip to the wing of the nose with opposite side, divided by the length of the base of the nose.

The most beautiful eyebrows in the world

  1. Kim Kardashian - 94.85%
  2. Selena Gomez - 94.6%
  3. Amber Heard - 89.8%
  4. Helen Mirren - 88.7%
  5. Kate Moss - 87.63%

How to calculate: First, the length of the eyebrows from base to ponytail divided by the length from ponytail to arch should equal 1.618. Secondly, the area of ​​the area from the eyelid to the eyebrow, divided by the area of ​​the eyebrow, should tend to the same value.

The most beautiful chin

  1. Amber Heard - 99.6%
  2. Scarlett Johansson - 99.4%
  3. Angelina Jolie - 98.1%
  4. Emily Ratajkowski - 96.7%
  5. Rihanna - 94.7%
ID: 3306 47

The ideal of beauty different people different, sometimes even opposite. Even for the same person, preferences can change over time. This list was made by me to see if there are people who like the same things as I do.
In tenth place is Milla Jovovich.

As a child, she seemed to me the most beautiful girl in the world. I had notebooks and posters with her image. I liked everything about her: her eyes, her lips, the oval shape of her face, her signature squinting look, which I tried to copy, but most of all her nose - straight, quite large, with fluffy nostrils and a sharp tip. Now she doesn’t seem to me as beautiful as before, but her nose deserves tenth place.
In ninth place is Camilla Belle.

Camilla Belle is a girl of incredible beauty, and I consider her nose to be her most important asset. Large, straight, beautiful, with a narrow back, it was given to her by nature.
In eighth place is Olga Koryagina.

Probably no one remembers who she is anymore. I remember. This former member VIA group GRA. She didn’t stay in the group for long, so she appeared in a couple of videos, but her nose sank into my soul. And now she is in my top.
In seventh place is Barbara Brylska.

The 71-year-old Polish actress and just beautiful woman, who even at her age looks wonderful, and I think her nose plays an important role in this.
In sixth place is another former member of the VIA GRA group, Tatyana Kotova.

Tatyana is a real beauty, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Tatyana is the winner of the title “Miss Russia 2006”. This is one of the few times when I agreed with the jury of this competition.
In fifth place is Victoria Radochinskaya.

She participated in the Mrs. World 2009 contest and became its winner. The naturalness of her beauty is questionable, but even if so, her nose is still worthy of attention and fifth place in my top.
In fourth place is Aishwarya Rai.

Perhaps most will not understand me, but once she was at the top of my top, I considered her nose to be the standard. I especially liked the tip and nostrils. But either my tastes have changed, or have become more beautiful girls, and she is now only in fourth place.
In third place is Agnia Ditkovskite.

Her nose has such a thin back and such a sharp tip. This is exactly what my nose is missing. How he decorates her already beautiful face.
In second place is Natalie Portman.

Even with a shaved head, she is as beautiful as a woman with a shaved head can be. She's perfection. She's ideal. Her nose is considered the most desirable on the list of rhinoplasty specimens. And I would agree with this if she had not appeared on the “stage” - the winner of the first place. So…
In first place is Alena Shishkova.

Here she is - the owner perfect nose and eyes and lips. And let all this be the merit of the surgeons, but you must agree that she is wonderful.
