Complex of reconnaissance, control and communications (krus) “Sagittarius. All about the combat equipment “Ratnik Complex of reconnaissance, control and communications Cruz Strelets”

According to general designer Alexander Kaplin, the new equipment was tested during the landing, the soldiers ran with it along the airborne assault strip, made their way through the thicket and even climbed Elbrus. Based on the test results, the complex was seriously modified. Only after it received a positive conclusion from the military was Sagittarius included in the state defense order. “Several thousand sets have already been delivered to the troops,” Kaplin told Interfax-AVN.

First of all, they are equipped peacekeeping units, scouts and paratroopers. For example, this fall the 15th Blue Helmets Brigade from Samara region handed over more than 250 such kits. A few months earlier, they entered the peacekeeping battalion of the Eastern Military District. Siberian intelligence officers and representatives of other types and branches of the military are also mastering new equipment.

The complex includes Personal Computer commander, satellite communication radio station, VHF radio station, rangefinder and inclination device, portable short-range reconnaissance radar "Fara-VR", unified information transmission equipment, as well as individual and group navigation systems operating using GLONASS and GPS data. In addition, "Sagittarius" is equipped with a "friend or foe" identification system. It can interface with all domestic reconnaissance and target designation equipment, radars, targeting devices and drones.

All this together makes the complex a fairly universal assistant to tactical commanders. It is no coincidence that it was he who was included in the new combat equipment"Warrior" and completely linked with other subsystems of this ammunition. The main task of Strelets is to prepare information for effective combat by a company, platoon, squad and individual military personnel. At a human command, the complex identifies enemy objects, determines their coordinates, performs target designation and prepares data for firing.

If, for example, we're talking about about the separation of soldiers, then “Sagittarius” will provide communication and interaction between them at a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers. And an autonomous positioning module with an inertial system will help the fighter determine his coordinates even outside the coverage area satellite navigation. If necessary, "Sagittarius" also works as a repeater, significantly increasing the range of signals passing through secure communication channels.

The Strelets personal computer is included in the combat equipment of every squad, platoon or company commander. One of its functions is to display the tactical situation against the background of a digital map of the area. The computer generates commands that are sent to subordinates in the form of voiced text messages. It can also transmit images and videos.

According to Kaplin, thanks to Sagittarius, the commander sees a complex picture, based on which he either makes a decision himself or transmits information to senior commanders using shortwave or satellite radio stations. As for the privates, they are equipped with multifunctional information devices built into the so-called “smart” unloading vests.

And one more important detail. Experts claim that our “Sagittarius” is not inferior to the French “Owl” and the German “Gladius” in its main indicators. But it costs much less. In addition, due to the open architecture of devices, this complex has good resource for modernization.



Chief Researcher

Research Institute

Armed Forces The Republic of Belarus,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Basic requirements for modern means ground reconnaissance

The main combat properties that characterize the capabilities of a potential enemy include:

Mobility and maneuverability;

Availability of intelligence information received almost in real time from space-based and air-based means (radar means, electronic reconnaissance and radio reconnaissance means, optical-electronic means);

Accuracy of destruction by land-based (sea-based) and air-based weapons.

Targets in troop groups can be classified as follows:

Class 1 - tracked vehicles;

Class 2 - wheeled vehicles;

Class 3 - people;

Class 4 - aviation equipment on the ground (helicopters (anywhere) and airplanes (at airfields)).

Based on their quantitative composition, these classes can be divided into large groups (for example, columns of troops, aviation at airfields), medium groups (for example, battle formations divisions) and small groups (units).

The main factors determining effectiveness of fire control and strikes against enemy ground targets are:

Location reconnaissance (including direction of movement), classification and determination of the quantitative composition of an object in real time at ranges that provide the possibility of using fire weapons;

The efficiency of fire impact, determined by the reaction time of combat systems, relative position fire weapons and targets, maneuverability and range of weapons;

Accuracy of targeting of striking elements and their radius of destruction;

Assessing the effectiveness of a strike.

The key element in ensuring the effectiveness of fire destruction is ground reconnaissance means, information from which must meet the following requirements:



Completeness and accuracy of data.

In addition, when conducting defense in a limited area reconnaissance assets must meet the following requirements:


Low vulnerability;

Ability to operate in enemy-occupied territory.

brief analysis of the state and prospects for the development of existing ground reconnaissance means

The main means of conducting ground reconnaissance at present are:

Radar stations ground artillery reconnaissance(SNAR), placed on a self-propelled chassis (for example, SNAR-10);

Artillery radar systems (ARC) detecting firing positions (for example, ARK-1, “Zoo”);

Sound-metric complexes (ZMK) for artillery reconnaissance (for example, 1B19, AZK-5);

Portable ground reconnaissance stations (for example, PSNR-5). At the same time, the first three classes of tools provide information

only artillery, and the fourth class - ground forces units in a limited sector.

Ground artillery reconnaissance radar stations. Such stations are designed to conduct reconnaissance of moving ground (surface) targets, as well as serve artillery fire. The main advantages of the SNAR are high mobility, the ability to reconnaissance moving targets and adjust artillery fire in the presence of direct visibility in difficult weather conditions, with smoke and dust. The main disadvantages of the SNAR are its low search capabilities in difficult terrain and wooded areas, the inability to detect (and adjust fire) using stationary (stopped) equipment, as well as low stealth due to the emission of powerful probing signals. The presence of powerful radiation leads to the detection and direction finding of the SNAR by the enemy within a few seconds from the moment the work begins, which entails fire suppression of the SNAR and a nearby artillery unit within a few minutes from the moment the work begins.

Artillery radar systems marking firing positions. These complexes are designed to determine the coordinates of enemy artillery positions by measuring parameters ballistic trajectory projectile. The main advantage of the ARC is the speed of obtaining enemy coordinates directly from the position of the artillery unit. The main disadvantage of the ARK (without taking into account the cost and complexity of working in conditions of massive enemy fire) is the emission of powerful sounding signals, which provides the enemy with operational fire suppression of the ARK and artillery unit.

Sound-metric systems for artillery reconnaissance. The main advantage of the ZMK is the absolute secrecy of its operation, which ensures continuous reconnaissance in close proximity to the line of contact between troops. Along with this, ZMK developed before the 80s of the last century have the following disadvantages:

Low efficiency in combined arms combat (reflected signals, shots small arms, shots from enemy guns and mortars from flank areas, shots from friendly artillery units), in the presence of wind, as well as when the enemy simultaneously uses fire weapons from several points and rapid fire;

Low efficiency of preparing initial data for firing, which allows the enemy (self-propelled artillery installations and missile systems volley fire) escape the retaliatory strike to new firing positions;

Low mobility big time deployment that does not meet the conditions of transience and high maneuverability of modern combat operations.

At the same time, with deep modernization, sound measuring systems can become one of the ideal means of passive reconnaissance, since the main part of the shortcomings is due to outdated structures for constructing base points and the lack of equipment that implements effective signal processing algorithms in conditions of interference and real-time information. a large number goals.

Thus, taking into account the shortcomings inherent in radar equipment, sound-based reconnaissance is practically the only type of reconnaissance to a depth of 10 - 20 kilometers that meets the requirements for secrecy, all-weather capability and continuity of operation in difficult terrain and wooded areas. The priority of this type of exploration, taking into account the rapid development precision weapons operating on radiation sources will only increase in the next decade.

Portable ground reconnaissance stations. These stations are designed to monitor the movements of troops and military equipment, provide adjustments to the firing of fire weapons, protect borders and facilities, and combat crime and terrorism. PSNR of various classes perform their tasks at short (up to 3 km), short (up to 10 km) and medium (up to 40 km) ranges. The impetus for the development of PSNR was the American-Vietnamese War, during which these stations showed themselves to be effective remedy detection of single and group moving targets in conditions of limited optical visibility. The main disadvantages of the PSNR are the low efficiency of operation in difficult terrain and wooded areas, as well as the inability to detect stationary (stopped) equipment. In addition, in PSNR developed 30 - 40 years ago, there is no possibility of viewing space with automatic detection, tracking and recognition of targets. Currently, more than a hundred types of PSNR and their modifications have been created and put into service, and work on creating new and modernizing existing stations does not stop.

Analysis of existing ground reconnaissance means allows us to do the following: conclusions regarding their development and prospects for application. Firstly, radar reconnaissance means will be developed in the direction of increasing the secrecy of operation and information capabilities, as well as integration with other means. Taking into account the steady growth in the capabilities of electronic reconnaissance means, the priority place among ground-based radar stations (radars) will be taken by short-range and short range millimeter range. The main means of reconnaissance of the ground situation (primarily in the interests of the attacking side) is on greater depth with low optical visibility and in conditions of difficult terrain and wooded areas, unmanned (low-speed and high-speed) will become aircrafts, carrying on-board small-sized radars with antenna aperture synthesis. Secondly, when organizing ground defense of territories, important areas and objects, there will be an increase in the use of passive detection means, integrated into network systems at various levels to increase information content.

Eventually, The requirements for modern and especially promising ground reconnaissance means when supporting combat operations of ground forces are most fully met by:

- reconnaissance and signaling devices (RSD), used locally or in the form of network systems and deployed in the operational-tactical zone, in territory occupied by the enemy, or in the contact zone;

Portable small-sized sound-metric systems, used locally or in the form of network systems and deployed in tactical combat zones of friendly and enemy troops, as well as on enemy territory;

Small-sized reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with on-board small-sized radars and optical systems, launched from unprepared positions.

Next, let us turn our attention to the RSP as a means of building a passive ground reconnaissance system that has high secrecy while providing sufficiently complete intelligence information about the location and nature of the actions of enemy troops.

brief analysis of the application and state of development of reconnaissance and signaling devices

Reconnaissance and signaling devices (RSD) began to be developed in the early 50s of the last century ground forces USA. In 1954, RSPs were tested during combat operations in Korea, but were not widely used.

During the Vietnam War in mid-1968, the US Institute of Defense Studies recommended that the Department of Defense prevent the transfer of troops and weapons from Northern Vietnam in Yuzhny to create a system of barriers, called the “McNamara Line” in the press. To install and maintain the McNamara Line, the 728th Joint Task Force and a special secret group were formed, which was engaged in the development of the RSP and had practically unlimited possibilities in spending funds. In the course of the work, several types of RSP were created: seismic, seismoacoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, passive infrared (IR) and gas analyzing. First combat use The RSP took place in January 1968 in the area of ​​the base Marine Corps Khe Sanh, where for the first time RSPs proved their high efficiency. Based on the results of the application, it was argued that the majority of strikes on the attacking forces of North Vietnam (over 500 artillery, several hundred air strikes, including 16 strikes by B-52 aircraft) were carried out according to the detection of RSP. After that it started wide application RSP in ground operations.

American experts believe that a battalion equipped with RSP can monitor an area twice as large in area as the observation area of ​​a battalion that does not have RSP, and their use can reduce losses by 2 to 4 times.

The high efficiency of the RSP gave impetus to equipping US allies with them and the development of similar devices in many developed countries. Currently, there are more than 100 types of radar sensors with different principles for target detection, two thirds of which were developed in the USA. Based on the type of physical field used, these devices are divided into seismic, acoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, radar, television, thermal imaging, laser, capacitive, gradiometric, hydroacoustic, and contact RSP. To increase the efficiency of exploration, combined RSPs are used (seismomagnetic, seismoelectromagnetic, seismoacoustic, magnetoseismoacoustic).

Control of the enemy's location using reconnaissance and signaling devices

Ground reconnaissance systems built on the basis of RSP can be used to solve the following tasks:

Reconnaissance in areas of expected concentration (movement) of enemy troops;

Reconnaissance of the most likely routes of movement of enemy troops, directions and intensity of their movement;

Control of the most important enemy targets (airfields, commanding heights, bridges, road forks, bases, etc.);

Control of areas of possible landings and areas of river crossings;

Protection of places of deployment of one’s forces, minefields, approaches to bridges, etc.;

Issuing target designations to other reconnaissance forces and assets with greater capabilities;

Security (in combination with other means) of military and important civilian facilities to prevent reconnaissance and sabotage groups and terrorists from entering their territory;

Security of sites state border and lines of separation of opposing forces.

An example of controlling an enemy zone using RSP is shown in Fig. 1.

Tinted triangles indicate information cells built on the basis of RSP and having secret radio channels for transmitting data about detected objects. Data from information cells is transmitted to receiving and processing devices located behind the contact line.

Structure of an integrated system for remote ground reconnaissance

The requirements for reconnaissance means intended for reconnaissance and information support of combat operations of troops determine the principles of construction promising systems remote monitoring, the main of which are:

Principle 1 - “secrecy”;

Principle 2 - “completeness of primary sources of information”;

Principle 3 - “distribution in space”.

First principle requires visual and electromagnetic secrecy of system elements. This requirement is best met by small-sized passive RSPs, which are located in the ground or on the surface (in grass, bushes, etc.).

Second principle requires solving problems of detection, coordinate measurement and recognition at the level of primary sources of information (information cell based on RSP, portable
ZMK, reconnaissance UAV). The implementation of this principle allows:

Radically reduce the requirements for data transmission speed in communication lines and, accordingly, increase their secrecy and noise immunity by reducing peak power and increasing the length of the information bit modulation code;

Use the information received at the level of the unit in whose sector of responsibility the primary source of information is located.

Third principle requires the construction of a system based on autonomous primary sources of information (information cells), distributed in space and ensuring the collection of information in the most important local areas that are inaccessible to constant observation. An example of the structure of an information cell based on RSP, intended for use in a ground reconnaissance system, is presented in Fig. 2.

In an information cell that provides surveillance of a ground enemy within a radius of hundreds of meters to several kilometers, it is most advisable to use seismic, acoustic, seismoacoustic, infrared and radar sensors, which autonomously solve enemy location problems and transmit data to a device for receiving and processing information via radio channels, wired or optical channels. Data on targets detected by the information cell:

Transmitted by a built-in VHF transmitter to a level 1 information receiving and processing device;

They are transmitted to the receiver of a special group, which can be located in close proximity (at a distance of up to several kilometers).

Information cells from RSP sets, sets of small-sized ZMK and small-sized reconnaissance UAVs are combined into a comprehensive system for remote ground reconnaissance, an example of which is presented in Fig. 3.

Such a complex system has the following properties:

- continuity of operation in the combat zone (including enemy territory) at any time of the day;

Availability of obtaining information in real time and at various levels of consumption (special group, unit, unit, etc.);

Non-criticality to failure of individual primary sources of information.

Information from such a system ensures in real time the delivery of targeted strikes against a detected enemy using attack aircraft, helicopters, missile systems volley fire, artillery, as well as special groups and special forces.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The main requirements for modern means of remote ground reconnaissance intended for organizing ground defense are timeliness, reliability, completeness and accuracy of the information received, as well as secrecy, low vulnerability and the ability to operate in territory occupied by the enemy. These requirements are most fully met by reconnaissance and signaling devices and portable small-sized sound-metric systems, used autonomously or in the form of networked systems, as well as small-sized reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles with on-board small-sized radars and optical systems, launched from unprepared positions.

2. The greatest efficiency of remote ground reconnaissance is achieved when building a reconnaissance system in the form of autonomous sources of information, combined into a real-time system with access to information at any level. This approach ensures minimization of the time of receipt and use of information both at the unit level and at the level of command and control of ground forces and aviation. This makes it possible to ensure timely strikes against ground enemies.

3. The creation of promising remote ground reconnaissance systems is based on the development of information elements (smart sensors, small-sized sound-metric complexes, small-sized airborne radars with antenna aperture synthesis) and small-sized data transmission devices that meet the requirements of stealth and noise immunity. The real basis for the creation of domestic information elements is the results of the Demeres enterprise, achieved in the development of acoustic and seismo-acoustic sensors for automatic detection and recognition, radar detection sensors, coordinate measurement and recognition with antenna aperture synthesis, and small-sized sound-metric ground reconnaissance complexes.


1. Barabanov A.D. Improving intelligence in the interests of using high-precision weapons / Military Thought. -2003. -No. 11. -WITH. 28-31.

2. Mosalev V. Remote observation systems for the battlefield based on reconnaissance and signaling devices / Foreign military review. - 2000. - No. 2. - P. 21 - 27.

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INTERESTING names of weapons in Russia! :)

Germany has the Leopard tank. Israel has the Merkava (War Chariot). America has the Abrams tank, France has the Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals. And we have the T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot! It’s not clear why, but it’s clear that KVN could only have been born here! :)

Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer “Paladin”. And the British call theirs “Archer” (Archer). All is well. Our guys come up and say: look here. Here self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Gvozdika", 2S3 "Acacia", self-propelled mortar 2S4 "Tulip" and long-range self-propelled guns 2S5 "Gyacinth" and 2S7 "Pion", capable of firing nuclear shells. Please smell the bouquet.

So the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile “Dragon”. And the other is called "Shilleylah" (Budgeon). Everything is logical. Then our people come up and say: look at this. Here are the 9M14M "Malyutka" anti-tank missiles, the 9M123 "Chrysanthemum" anti-tank missiles and the "Metis" anti-tank missile (with the "Mulatto" night sight). And just to make it completely incomprehensible and scary for you, we also had a rocket called “Kromka”.

And to make you think even more, heavy combat vehicle We called tank support "Frame".

And to make your head spin, the newest missile system We called the coastal defense "Bal".

And so that the smile never leaves your face), our most powerful 30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 “Buratino”, and our under-barrel grenade launcher GP-30 is called “Obuvka” :)!

If anything, then there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", company mortar 2B14 "Tray", mortar 2S12 "Sleigh", intercontinental ballistic missile"Courier" with a nuclear charge (please accept the courier :)), intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" with ten nuclear charges, nuclear submarine project 705 "Lira", artillery fire control system "Kapustnik", container missile control system "Phantasmagoria", self-propelled gun "Kondensator" and grenade for underbarrel grenade launcher 7P24 "Foundling".

weapon support system at the rate of nuclear submarines project 667 - "Tourmaline"
system for providing missiles with air and nitrogen - "Sova"
ship-based combat missile system nuclear submarine project 941 - "Fairy Tale"
jet deck depth bomber RGB-9000 - "Pikhta"
small anti-ship missile PKURS-30s - “Mol”.....

"Vivarium" - ACS of a rocket artillery brigade
(ACS-automated control system)
"Grump" - aircraft satellite communications station
(Probably it constantly gives out: “they are chattering and chattering, there is no strength left, they are completely crazy, how much can you do, huh!?”, etc. :))
Woodpecker - aviation marker radio receiver MRP-48
Raccoon - torpedo SET-65
(this one is definitely not the slaughterer of the one that lives in the pond)
Corral - anti-submarine adjustable aerial bomb KAB-250-100
Brass knuckles - hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RGM-40
Capacitor - self-propelled gun of special power SM-54
(shows Kuzkin’s mother to the terminator)
Kochkar - ASU command post tactical formation of the country's air defense forces
(what kind of word is this anyway??? :))
...looked at Yandex "KOCHKAR Novoross. Kachkar Astrakh. unladen, breeding ram" - self-critical!!! :)
Courier - small-sized ICBM RSS-40
(We sent you a note of protest. By courier:))
Lyapis - HF radio receiver R-397LK
(Trubetskoy is not there, I checked. “Gavrila was sitting at the reception. Gavrila was receiving texts...”)
Maria - 30 kt tactical atomic bomb
Metis - ATGM + Mulat - thermal imaging sight for ATGM
(and all this was invented and controlled by a WHITE man :))
Natasha - tactical atomic bomb 8U49
Foundling - 7P24 shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher
Ros - aviation GAS
(Preved to Yarovrat)
Skosok - night vision goggles OVN-1
(for the cross-eyed???)
Traumatism - medical vehicle based on BMD-3


Recently in Leningrad region at the Luga training ground Airborne units from the 98th Guards Airborne Division (Ivanovo) conducted exercises using the latest systems video surveillance (VS), which allows crews self-propelled guns artillery 2S9 "Nona" and 2S25 "Sprut" to significantly reduce the time of determining the enemy's coordinates, carrying out calculations, aiming at a target and opening fire.
Tests of the Strelets control and communications intelligence complex (KRUS) were also carried out here, which provides target detection at a range of up to 5 km. The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise Radioavionics. Based on the experience of use and comments from the military, the designers promised to refine the system so that it would be more convenient to operate and use in combat.
Quite recently, at the end of February 2012, they began to master the Strelets reconnaissance and communications complex (KRUS) in the 5th motorized rifle brigade near Moscow.
(VTS "Bastion")

The peacekeeping unit of the Central Military District, stationed in the Samara region, received more than 250 Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complexes (KRUS) as part of the State Defense Order.
This system provides combat control, identification of detected objects, calculation of their coordinates, target designation, preparation of data for effective application weapons.
The KRUS includes: a commander’s personal computer, a satellite communication radio station, a VHF radio station, a rangefinder and goniometer, a portable radar station short-range reconnaissance "Fara-VR", unified data transmission equipment, individual and group navigation system capable of operating in GLONASS and GPS.
“Strelets” is equipped with a “friend or foe” identification system and can interface with all domestic reconnaissance equipment, radars, aiming devices, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the Chelyabinsk Chebarkul training ground, tests of a new reconnaissance and strike system were completed, in which for the first time the joint use of bomber aircraft and the Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complexes (KRUS) was achieved. This is stated in a message from the press service of the Central Military District, received by the editors of
“Thanks to the experiment carried out in unified system intelligence and fire weapons, assigned to the commander of a battalion tactical group, thanks to which he can completely independently conduct battle on given direction. A new approach allows us to reconsider traditional ways conducting combined arms combat,” the message says.
According to information provided by the military, reconnaissance units, using the Strelets KRUS, gave the coordinates of detected targets to the crews of two Su-24M bombers patrolling the airspace of the test site. After this, the planes carried out a bomb attack. Targets, including moving ones, were hit by 250-kilogram high-explosive fragmentation bombs. It was especially noted that the time from the moment the objects were detected until they were destroyed did not exceed two minutes.
