Natalia Oreiro and her children. Natalia Oreiro: personal life, latest news

Natalia Oreiro now, in 2017, continues to live with her husband, raising her son, and last news from the photo they say that she has not abandoned her career - she is still the same star!

Natalia Oreiro – famous actress, model, creative personality and simply a unique woman who is popular all over the world. Particular interest in it arose in the territory Russian Federation. There are a huge number of fan associations here, which always warmly welcome Natalya when she visits Russia, and this happens very often.

Now Natalia Oreiro regularly pleases her fans with photos with her husband and child, which can be found on social networks.

Everyone knows about this woman’s singing and musical talent. Today she organizes tours all over the world, but most often in South America and the Russian Federation. In any city, she is the most anticipated guest who is greeted with open arms. Thus, the news about Natalia Oreiro’s personal life and successes today is only positive.

What does Natalia Oreiro look like now, in 2017?

Current career

Currently, the actress continues to develop her creative career. In 2017, she took part in the filming of the film “Gilda. I don't regret this love." In the film Natalia Oreiro plays main role. This is an autobiographical film that tells the story of the life of the famous singer Gilda, who died at the peak of her popularity. Natalia Oreiro claims that this is one of the most significant works in her entire acting career. In the film, the singer had to sing in a voice that was not her own. In order to achieve similarity, Oreiro had to imitate famous singer.

Natalia Oreiro – photo 2017 at the premiere of the film “Gilda. I don't regret this love."

In this film, Natalia Oreiro once again demonstrated her excellent acting. For the role of Gilda, the actress has already been awarded “Best Actress” awards at film festivals in South America. In July 2017, a film festival will be held in Madrid, at which Natalia Oreiro is also nominated as one of the best actresses of the year. In 2017, news about the career of Natalia Oreiro was very a large number of.

In addition, Oreiro actively tours Uruguay and South America. On stage she performs both old famous hits and new songs that were included in her latest album. It is impossible not to mention two films that were released recently, “Red Pepper” and “I Don’t Regret This Love,” which were received quite well by critics. Thus, even today, while taking care of family affairs, she continues to work actively.

Many people want to know how old our star is. Despite the fact that the actress and singer is already 40 years old, she looks great. Oreiro still remains the standard of beauty for many women.

Not long ago she became the face of the cosmetics company Avon. She is filming for the company's Argentine catalogs. The contract with Natalia Oreiro was concluded in 2016, but to this day she takes part in promotional filming. In addition, Natalia Oreiro is a member of Avon's movement against breast cancer, participates in various charity events, and helps women suffering from these diseases.

Natalia Oreiro, Avon charity event against breast cancer (photo 2016)

Natalya recently started her design career. She released several collections that became very popular among fashionistas all over the world. After visiting Russia, the singer released an original line of clothing called “Matryoshka”. The clothes are dominated by red shades and national Russian patterns. Now Natalia Oreiro is often invited to fashion shows, where she shows off exclusive items.

Now, in 2017, you can find new photos of Natalia Oreiro on social networks.

Photo 2017 at the closing ceremony of the 38th Moscow International Film Festival

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro's husband is a popular musician, Riccardo Mollo. Some time ago the couple had a serious crisis in their relationship. There were rumors in the press about Natalia Oreiro's affair with actor Facundo Arano. The family was on the verge of divorce. However, despite temporary difficulties, Natalia and Riccardo still maintained their relationship.
Natalia Oreiro with her husband: photo

Singer for a long time dreamed of becoming a mother. In January 2012, the couple had a long-awaited son, who was named Marilyn.

Currently, Natalia Oreiro is trying to devote everything free time to his family: husband and son.

Natalia Oreiro with her son

The singer has official accounts on the Internet. Natalia Oreiro is not shy about posting photos without makeup. Appearance The singer is admired by thousands of fans. However, in the comments they are actively discussing the large number of plastic surgeries that Natalia Oreiro underwent in order to preserve her beauty. The singer herself is not shy about these facts and has a very positive attitude towards plastic surgery.

Photo in Moscow, 2017


The future star was born in the city of Montevideo, which became her native and most beloved. Many fans believed that she was from Argentina, but no, she is Uruguayan by nationality. In 1977, Natalya was born, who became the second child in the family. The parents were not rich, they worked in the public service sector: the father was a salesman, and the mother was a hairdresser. This is exactly how the future star grew up, with incredible success ahead of her. But in hometown they did not live long as they moved to Spain.

Natalia Oreiro in childhood (photo)

Oreiro has always been a bright and creative person. Also in preschool age sang songs. Thus, it was decided to send her to a special theater school at the age of eight. It was a huge success for the little girl who was one of the very best. Starting at the age of 12, she took part in filming advertisements.

All the money that Natalia Oreiro earned in adolescence went on flights to Argentina. She wanted to get into at least one series, which at that time were popular and broadcast all over the world. It can be said that not a single casting took place without her participation, but no particular success was achieved.


In 1993 she received a role in the unique project “High Comedy”. It was an episodic character, and the picture never appeared on wide screens. At the age of 16, she received an offer to participate in the TV series “The Unruly Heart.” It was from this moment that a full-fledged actor career. “Models 90-60-90” is also a successful series that many viewers liked.

Everyone knows the TV series “Rich and Famous,” which was also broadcast in the Russian Federation. We can say that the title of the picture became prophetic for Natalia, since she also became rich and famous. Afterwards, offers appeared almost constantly. Many directors dreamed of taking possession of this talented and beautiful girl.

Natalia Oreiro in the series “Wild Angel”

“Wild Angel” is another famous series with the participation of the star. She also helped develop her character's personality. Thus, many directors spoke about her talent. Filming began in 1998, and she also participated in various competitions and festivals.

N. Oreiro and Facundo Arana, series “Wild Angel”

In 2005 she starred in the series Russian production"In the rhythm of tango." In 2011, she took part in the film “Montoneros,” which could even become an Oscar nominee. Despite everything, the singer and actress has always been a popular and sought-after actress who has become a symbol of Argentine TV series.

It’s safe to say that now Natalia Oreiro’s photos are completely no different from those that were taken several decades ago. A few wrinkles do not spoil the beauty of our Wild Angel at all...


Yankelevich is the person who helped Natalia Oreiro achieve high results not only in cinema, but also in music. Together with this director, she released her first album, which bore her name. Since 1999, all stores in Argentina have had discs with Oreiro songs, which are loved by young people. But no one thought that the success would be so great; in Argentina alone, about 800,000 copies were sold in a year. More than a million discs have been sold worldwide. Thus, the debut album became “gold”.

Natalia Oreiro, photo from a performance in Minsk

In the same year, work began on the second album, “Your Poison,” which was also expected to become incredibly popular. We can say that this music sounded in every corner of our planet. Almost 2.5 million copies were sold in 2000 worldwide.

The first tour started after the release of the second album. Concerts were held in various cities around the world, and in the Kremlin, there were not enough tickets for those wishing to attend this event. After the success, the third album “Tourmaline” was released, which was no less successful. Since 2003, she has toured Russia several times and interest in her music has still not disappeared.

Concert in St. Petersburg

In 2014, Natalia Oreiro participated in the TV show “Evening Urgant”, where she was greeted with open arms. Recently, a remix of everyone’s favorite hit “Braveheart” was released. They also recently presented a new album, “Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.” Thus, the popularity of Natalia Oreiro is now not only not decreasing, but, on the contrary, only increasing. in 2017, the latest news about the singer and actress delights her endless fans...

Natalia Oreiro | Legion-media

Natalia suggests switching to you. When she mentions her son, her face lights up, her eyes sparkle, and her emotions seem to give her goosebumps. Natalia gives the impression of a very sincere, childlike open woman. She does not consider herself an exemplary mother and honestly admits this.

- Natalia, are you doing your thing? musical career, you actively tour, act in films, you have a clothing line “Las Oreiro”, which you produce together with your sister. How do you manage to combine all this with being a wife and mother?

- Very difficult. I think all working mothers will understand me. Every time I leave my son on tour or filming, I cry. I’m having a hard time with the separation, but I can’t quit my job either. This is an important part of my life. I can’t live without music, without stage, without cinema.

I serve my son, who needs time, but I try not to lose my personal space. When I leave home, Ata tells me: “I don’t want you to work hard. I already have a bunch of cars.” I'm trying to explain to him that I sing and act in films not only for the sake of money, I just love my profession. I hope he understands.

I try to devote maximum time to my son. Therefore, I learn all the texts right on the set during lunch break. Evening is time for family. When I return from work, Ata and I go to the library. There we read fairy tales together and choose a book that my son reads with his dad or our house help during the day while I’m on set.

Ricardo helps me with everything. He is a wonderful father! My husband takes Ata to kindergarten, picks him up, knows all the teachers, goes to parent-teacher meetings. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to do all this.

– Before the birth of your son, you said that you would take maternity leave for 3-4 years and devote this time to raising a child. What made you abandon your plans?

– I was going to leave cinema and the stage for four years, but I didn’t succeed. I simply cannot live without my work. Director Thomas Yankelevich called me and invited me to new project- TV series “Among the Cannibals”. I said, “No, I can't. I have little son" But Thomas persuaded me to read the script. It was a real challenge, the role turned out to be completely atypical for me: my heroine was raped, after which she began to take revenge. I couldn't refuse to participate in this project.

For me it complex topic. I missed my son’s first birthday because filming was going on, it’s good that Ricardo was next to our boy on this holiday. When Ata first got up heat, I wasn’t around again. They put makeup on me, and I cried and couldn’t stop. My husband called the pediatrician, whom I called every five minutes. The doctor assured me that everything was fine: if the child had a fever, it meant that the body was fighting the disease. But I was still worried. Thanks to the producers - they moved all the scenes with me so that I could go home early.

– In Russia, it is customary for the mother to take care of the children. It is the woman who goes on maternity leave and deals with parenting issues. How are things going with this in Argentina?

– In Argentina everything is exactly the same as in Russia. But every family has its own rules. Ricardo is not only my husband, he is my friend and partner. The man who believes in my dreams. It is very important. That is why he took on part of the care of his son, while he continues to study music. It doesn't hurt his career.

Natalia Oreiro | Lori

– Despite your active filming schedule, you breastfed your child and even participated in the UNICEF campaign “Breastfeeding is giving the best of you.” Why was this important to you?

– Many women now do not breastfeed because they are afraid of losing shape. But a nursing mother is the most beautiful thing in the world. During the first six months, the baby needs breast milk. But I think that even after six months you need to continue feeding breast milk, if possible. I did this until she was two and a half years old, but when Atya was 6 months old, I started introducing other foods.

Breastfeeding is good for your baby's health, and it strengthens the bond between mother and baby.

– When I was expecting a child, I did not limit myself in food, I gained 30 kg, I hated myself and my body. I wouldn't wish the same on anyone. People around me said: “Stop eating! You’re just huge!” I had a terrible complex, I couldn’t look at my reflection in the mirror, but I continued to eat. I was like a Russian nesting doll (laughs).

A month after giving birth, I had to appear at the Cannes Film Festival... Cannes, red carpet, and I'm fat! I urgently needed to get in shape. I couldn’t go on a diet because I was breastfeeding my baby. As a result, I took extreme measures: I banned myself from my favorite chocolate and all flour products. A month after giving birth, I began to exercise a little, after consulting with my doctor. I think breastfeeding also helped my weight loss to some extent.

Natalia Oreiro at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012 | Legion-media

– How have you changed since the birth of your son?

– Motherhood has never been the main goal of my life, I just didn’t feel it. And now I can’t imagine how I lived before without my son. I began to feel like a more complete person, as if I had completely found myself. At the same time, I became more vulnerable, more sensitive. I have always had a special love for children, but after Ata was born, this feeling intensified. I work in many organizations with children in need, with orphans, with children who have health problems. Previously, I went through this situation, bringing joy... Now it is much more difficult for me to do all this, I cannot see how the child suffers. I'm crying...

I recently watched theatrical production, which was about child abductions, and I couldn’t watch it: I cried. And this is connected with maternal feelings, which were unfamiliar to me before I became a mother. I could imagine, they could tell me about it, but I had no idea how it really was.

– Is it true that your son chose his name himself?

“My husband, Ricardo, chose the name for our son. They have a tradition in their family; all Mollo children have the abbreviation of their first and last names M.A.M. But I made my own adjustments, so we named our son Merlin Atahualpa Mollo Oreiro. In Uruguay and throughout Latin America mother's last name is added.

While our son was little, we called him Merlin. But one day we were getting out of a taxi, the driver said goodbye: “Ciao, Merlin!”, and the son answered: “My name is Atahualpa.” I corrected him: “Dear, your name is Merlin Atahualpa.” Then we discussed this episode, and my son said: “Everyone called me Merlin in childhood, but now I’m an adult and my name is Atahualpa.” Ricardo was surprised, but didn't mind. It was more difficult for my parents to get used to it. His grandmother calls him: “Merlin, Merlin...”, but he does not react, because now his name is Atahualpa. (laughs).

– What is the most important thing in raising a son?

– The most important thing in raising a child is to help him be free, be able to make choices and be himself. I don’t want my son to be like me or Ricardo, let him be himself, because every person is unique.

– What is Ata’s talent, and how do you help him develop his abilities?

- Ata is interested musical instruments, he recognizes and imitates sounds. We have a rehearsal room at home, our rooms are filled with instruments. Ata has her own small drum kit. But we try not to impose anything on our son. If he wants to make music, he does. If he wants to play cars, he plays. We are for freedom of choice.

– Your son already goes to kindergarten. How did you accustom him to the new environment?

- It was complicated. At first we sent him to a kindergarten with a musical focus. He loves music, he loves to sing, and we decided that he would have fun there. But older children dressed up there as fairy-tale characters. Ata cried and was afraid of the guys. We bought him a Spider-Man costume and watched the movie with him, but he still felt uncomfortable. As a result, we moved him to the garden closest to our house, where my niece and goddaughter go, and Atya liked it there. He is happy with everything.

It is very important to listen to your child. There is no need for overprotection, but you need to try to make the child’s life comfortable.

Natalia Oreiro | Legion-media

Natalia Oreiro is perhaps one of the most bright personalities in Argentina. World success came to her after she starred in the mile opera “Wild Angel”, playing a heroine named Milagros. In addition to starring in TV series, Natalya is known as a singer; she has released a couple of albums, and her song motifs are sung by the whole world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalia Oreiro

Height, weight, age. We’ll tell you how old Natalia Oreiro is now. It is worth saying that the actress was never shy about her shape, never tormented herself with diets, if she did not live up to world standards of fashion and beauty, she always knew how to accept herself and her appearance, her figure as God gave it, but still, she did not miss opportunities to improve through sports. Natalya's height is 174 centimeters; weight fifty-four kilograms; Oreiro is exactly forty years old, but she looks fit, and the sincere smile that illuminates her face makes her even more beautiful. Still, the years only reveal a woman.

Natalia Oreiro now, as before, has a busy schedule, she is invited to famous awards as a presenter, she has excellent proposals for the filming process, and, of course, she never ceases to delight her audience with new songs. In general, life for this beauty does not stop for a second.

Biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro

The biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro begins with her birth. The actress was born on May 19, 1977 in the city of Montevideo located in Uruguay. The girl’s family was small: her older sister Adriana, who was already four years old at the time of Natalya’s birth, her father and mother. Her parents had small income, but despite this they had enough for everything. The girl's father worked as a simple salesman, but her mother was busy cutting people's hair in a beauty salon. Little Natasha always took a comb from her mother’s professional accessories, stood in front of the mirror and sang, thus pretending to be a singer.

The girl developed a passion for theater at the age of eight; she immediately expressed a desire to attend a theater club. The parents supported the little girl because this was in no way reflected in her school studies. Already at the age of twelve, luck smiled on the girl; she starred in local advertising in her native Uruguay at that time.

After that, there were many more filming in advertising, which helped the girl learn to behave in front of the camera, there were many castings and roles, but none really made a breakthrough for her career, until in 1997 the girl finally received her first star role as Valeria in series "Rich and Famous". And this role was followed by the role of Milagros, after which Natalia strengthened her position in Latin American cinema. Today, the actress’s filmography includes films such as: “Models 90-60-90”, “Sweet Anna”, “Argentine in New York”, “Amanda O”, “Kachorra”, “Only You”.

Family and children of Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Oreiro’s family and children are truly her biggest outlet and reliable support. Natalya took a long time to achieve her personal happiness. The girl met her true soulmate only after she experienced deep depression after breaking up with her previous lover. Oreiro always talks about how important it is to have a close-knit family, and how important it is to take care and appreciate everything that happens in the house. The actress is devoted to her husband, she cannot live without him for long, she even flew with him on her tour to Moscow. Together with Ricardo, they look very harmonious, each of their appearances is closely discussed in the press. Natalya says that her husband harmonizes her, because she is very hot-tempered by nature, but Ricardo, on the contrary, is very calm.

Son of Natalia Oreiro - Merlin Atahualpa

Natalia Oreiro's son, Merlin Atahualpa, was born at the beginning of 2012, on January 26. The birth took place in one of the clinics in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. For the couple, this is truly a long-awaited child. To the question: “Does Natalya want more children in the future?”, the actress answers half-jokingly: “No, one is enough for me.” The actress understands that with her lifestyle it will be difficult to raise many children, and investing the best in her son is what she needs. Raising a child is sacred for a woman. Since Natalya is also a workaholic, with the birth of her son she took a short “vacation”, wanting to enjoy the first year of her baby’s life, to see and capture everything not only in her memory, but also on film, thereby creating beautiful memories.

Natalia Oreiro's husband is Ricardo Mollo

Natalia Oreiro's husband, Ricardo Mollo, was born on August 17, 1959 in Argentina. They met Natalya at the end of 2001, in November, and they didn’t waste time, already in December of the same year, the couple walked down the aisle. Ricardo and Natalia did not put rings on each other's ring fingers; instead, the couple got tattoos to symbolize their eternal love. The very same wedding ceremony took place on a ship near the Brazilian coast. More than once in an interview, Oreiro announced the fact that it was thanks to Ricardo that she was able to overcome terrible depression, learn again: to smile, rejoicing in new days, victories, maybe, somewhere, failures, but definitely all kinds of little things and find peace within her soul .

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Oreiro

Instagram and Wikipedia of Natalia Oreiro are not difficult to find. The celebrity’s personal page on Wikipedia is located at:,_Natalia. According to Natalya, she is not a big fan of all these social networks, but I still decided to start an official page on Instagram: There are not many photo cards there, compared to subscribers, but apparently the star simply does not have enough time to constantly fill out his profile. Natalia Oreiro - for many girls has become an ideal, a role model, an icon of style, femininity and the keeper of the family hearth. This means that her activities in the world are not useless!

Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias (Spanish: Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias). She was born on May 19, 1977 in Montevideo (Uruguay). Uruguayan actress and singer. Known for the TV series “Rich and Famous” and “Wild Angel”.

Father - Carlos Oreiro, businessman.

Mother - Mabel Oreiro (nee Iglesias), worked as a hairdresser, then became a housewife.

Elder sister- Adriana, owns a clothing store.

When Natalia was 8 years old, she started studying acting. At 12 she began acting in Uruguayan commercials. And already at the age of 14, she was chosen as the main assistant in the show Shushi (Port. Xuxa - Brazilian singer and TV presenter), from many applicants from other countries, and thus she accompanied Shusha on her travels and represented her at special events.

At the age of 16, Natalia went to Buenos Aires to take part in auditions for roles in TV series. She did not manage to win the castings right away, but in the end, at one of them she got the role of an extra in the film “The Unruly Heart.”

After that, Natalia had a small role in the series “Tender Ana” and one of the main roles in the series “Models 90-60-90”. But real success and fame came to the actress thanks to filming in the series "Rich and Famous", where her partner was Diego Ramos.

She said about that period: “I attended hundreds of castings until I was offered a cameo role in the series “High Comedy,” then there was another series, “The Unruly Heart,” however, my heroine did not say anything there. But as soon as a camera was approaching me, I started chatting. They said to me: “What are you doing?” - and I answered: “So at least someone will notice me.” As a result, the famous producer Alejandro Romay noticed me, who signed a contract with me and offered me roles in series "Models 90 x 60 x 90", "Tender Ana" and "Rich and Famous". Alejandro became for me like a grandfather."

At the beginning of 1998, she began working on the Argentine television channel TeLeFe, where Gustavo Yankelevich offered her the main role in the film “An Argentine in New York.” The film was a great success. At the same time, and with the support of Yankelevich, Natalia released her first solo disc, Natalia Oreiro.

The disc went on sale in Argentina on July 14, 1998, and in January 1999, its international version was released. Thanks to such singles as Cambio dolor and Me muero de Amor, Natalia became even more famous, and the disc itself soon went gold. In Argentina, the disc sold 750,000 copies, and about a million more copies were sold in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Natalia Oreiro - Cambio Dolor

The next role that Natalia got on TeLeFe is the role of the orphan Milagros/Cholito from a Catholic monastery in the series "Wild Angel", which began filming in November 1998. According to the actress, she herself took an active part in creating the image of Milagros and came up with the script. It was this role that brought the actress fame and love from numerous fans around the world.

The series “Wild Angel” won the Viva 2000 competition in Israel.

After finishing filming “Wild Angel” in 1999, Natalia began recording her second solo disc. The artist's new album, Tu Veneno ("Your Poison"), was released in Argentina in August 2000. International version The album was released on September 19, 2000. Thanks to such successful singles as Tu Veneno, Rio de la Plata and Como te Olvido, the album sold more than two million copies.

On January 29, 2001, Natalia goes on her first major tour. The singer gave concerts in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, the USA, Spain, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, as well as in Russia, where the performance took place in the Kremlin Concert Hall.

On one of the concert tours, she starred in the video for the song Como te Olvido. The singer filmed it in Dracula's castle, dressed in a chic medieval dress.

In 2002, Natalia starred in the TV series “Kachorra” together with Pablo Rago. In the fall of 2002, Oreiro's third solo album, Turmalina, was released. Disc sales reached 1.5 million copies. In January 2003, Natalia again goes on a world tour and gives concerts in 14 countries.

Two years later, at the end of April 2005, Natalia again came to Russia to film the 16-episode film “In the Rhythm of Tango.” In May 2005, Natalia also took part in the Golden Heart charity event. At the ceremony, Natalia performed the song Alas de Libertad.

Natalia Oreiro in Moscow

At the beginning of December 2005, Natalia began filming in the series “You are my life,” where Facundo Arana again became her partner; filming ended in December 2006.

In 2008, Natalia entered into a contract with Dori Media Group and began filming the series “Amanda O,” which was distributed exclusively via the Internet.

In 2011, Oreiro played the role of an underground activist in the left-Peronist guerrilla organization Montoneros and the mother of the main character in the film Underground Childhood. The film was nominated for the Spanish Goya Award, and was also nominated by Argentina for the Oscar in the category Best movie on foreign language"at the 85th awards ceremony, but was not included in the final number of nominees.

On September 9, 2011, Natalia Oreiro became a Goodwill Ambassador for the La Plata region, that is, Argentina and Uruguay.

In 2013, Natalia starred in the series “Only You” (Solamente vos).

In 2015, Natalia starred in the TV series “Among the Cannibals”, where she played the role of Ariana. In 2016, films with her participation “Red Pepper” (Juana Azurduy) and “I Don’t Regret This Love” (Hilda) were released.

Does business. Las Oreiro - designer clothes of two sisters and partners Adriana and Natalia.

Natalia Oreiro's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Oreiro:

From the age of 16 she was in a relationship with Pablo Echarri. They met when she came to Buenos Aires to take part in auditions for roles in TV series and received the role of an extra in the film “The Unruly Heart.”

In early October 2000, after six years of close relationships, Natalia experienced a difficult breakup with Pablo Echarri.

In November 2001, Natalia Oreiro met the 44-year-old leader of the rock band Divididos, Ricardo Mollo, and in early 2002 they got married. The couple got tattoos on ring finger instead of rings and swore eternal love to each other.

According to Natalia, Ricardo brought her out of terrible depression and taught her to rejoice in every day.

On January 26, 2012, Natalia Oreiro gave birth to a boy in a clinic in Buenos Aires. The child was named Merlin Atahualpa.

In 2013, UNICEF launched the “Breastfeeding is giving your best” campaign to highlight the benefits breastfeeding during the first two years of a child's life.

Natalia on by example supported the company. Emphasizing that the development of a child from the first days of his life is very important, breastfeeding is especially important.

Natalia is a big fan of football, it is no coincidence that in the series with her participation soccer balls often appear, with which the actress juggles and plays; since childhood she has been rooting for football club Rampla Juniors from Montevideo. Before the 2002 World Cup, she was chosen as the “godmother” of the Uruguay national team, and also sympathizes with the Argentine national team.

In 2010, Natalia Oreiro began the procedure for obtaining Argentine citizenship (along with Uruguayan and Spanish). She explained: “I want to become an Argentine citizen because this country has become everything to me... I have leftist political views and vote in Uruguay. But soon I will be able to vote here in Argentina. It is very important for me".

Natalia Oreiro about beauty secrets:

“I use the services of laser medicine. I had my freckles removed; they stood out so much on my skin that I had to put on makeup for a long time. I also love procedures that activate collagen. I pay a lot of attention to nutrition: I am a raw foodist, I prefer “live” food without heat treatment. True, I can’t give up chocolate. In general, I am not very demanding of myself compared to other women. I'm cheerful and open man and I try to care more about my loved ones than about my appearance.”

“I think it’s important to enjoy life and eat well. I'm a vegetarian... so I have to be careful when choosing what I eat to make sure I'm getting enough protein. Being a vegetarian means constantly thinking about what to eat in order to have enough strength. For additional energy sources, I like pollen and echinacea. I also never go to bed without taking off my makeup, no matter how tired I am. Well, I take care of my hair. My mother worked as a hairdresser, and our living room most often served as a beauty salon, so from childhood I saw how to care for hair.”

Filmography of Natalia Oreiro:

1992 - High Comedy (Alta comedia) - Extra
1994 - Unruly Heart (Inconquistable corazón) - Extra / Victoria
1995 - Tender Ana (Dulce Ana) - Veronica
1996 - Models 90-60-90 (90-60-90 modelos) - Lucia Peralta
1997 - Rich and Famous (Ricos y famosos) - Valeria García Mendez de Salerno
1998 - Casablanca (Ojitos verdes) - Rosa
1998 - An Argentino in New York (Un argentino en New York) - Veronica de Ricci
1998 - Wild Angel (Muñeca brava) - Milagros "Mili" Esposito Di Carlo de Miranda
2002 - Kachorra - Antonia Guerrero “Kachorra”
2003 - Cleopatra - Sandra
2004 - Town of Desire (El Deseo) - Carmen
2005 - Trophies (Botines) - Rene
2005 - The Gymnasium War (La guerra de los gimnasios) - TV actress
2006 - In the rhythm of tango (V ritme tango) - Natalia Solanos
2006-2007 - You are my life (Sos mi vida) - Esperanza Muñoz “Monita”
2007 - The Movie (La peli) - Lola Montero
2007 - Possible Lives(Las vidas posibles) - Marcia Miconi
2008-2009 - Amanda (Oh Amanda) - Oh Amanda
2009 - Music in Waiting (Música en espera) - Paula Otero
2009 - France - Cristina Marcela
2010 - Miss Tacuarembó - Natalia Prato “Crystal” / Candida Lopez
2011 - My first wedding (Mi primera boda) - Leonora Campos
2011 - Underground Childhood (Infancia clandestina) - Charo
2011 - Bad (Mala) - Rosario
2012 - Dark Angel (Lynch) - Isabel / Mariana
2013 - Only you (Solamente vos) - Aurora Andres
2013 - Wakolda - Eva
2015 - Among the cannibals (Entre caníbales) - Ariana Mendoza
2015 - El retiro - Laura
2015 - Angel (El angel)
2015 - Cuando dejes de quererme - Laura
2016 - Red pepper (Pimienta roja) - Juana Azurduy
2016 - I don’t regret this love (No me arrepiento de este amor) - Hilda

Discography of Natalia Oreiro:

1998 - Natalia Oreiro
2000 - Tu Veneno
2002 - Turmalina
2016 - Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor

Singles by Natalia Oreiro:

1998 - Que si, que si
1998 - De Tu Amor
1998 - Cambio dolor
1998 - Me Muero De Amor
2000 - Tu Veneno
2000 - Rio De La Plata
2000 - Como Te Olvido
2002 - Que digan lo que quieran
2002 - Cuesta arriba, cuesta abajo
2007 - Esclava
2010 - What A Feeling
2013 - Todos Me Miran
2014 - Me muero de amor
2016 - No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor
2016 - Corazon Valiente

Uruguayan singer and actress Natalia Oreiro does not make a secret of her personal life, however, she is in no hurry to share it with journalists juicy details. Fans of the artist did not even have to find out whether Natalia Oreiro was pregnant - her son was a long-awaited child for her, which she talked about on the popular TV show.

Who is the father of Natalia Oreiro's son?

Popularity came to Natalia Oreiro very early - in her youth the girl became famous throughout Latin America as the co-host of the Shushi show. At the age of twenty, Natalya became a world celebrity thanks to the series “Wild Angel”. Since then, the personal life of the Uruguayan actress has interested fans no less than her creative successes.

Journalists predicted the birth of a son for Natalia Oreiro almost every year, and another film partner was considered a potential father. By the way, it was these rumors that became one of the reasons for Natalia’s separation from actor Pablo Echarri - the young man could not cope with jealousy, because on the set his bride was surrounded only by recognized handsome men.

After a difficult breakup with Pablo in 2000, the actress did not remain alone for long. After six months of loneliness, Oreiro met rock musician Ricardo Mollo, who managed to seriously captivate the girl. After a few months passionate romance the lovers played secret wedding. Brutal (and, as it turned out, romantic) Ricardo organized a celebration on the high seas on a specially rented yacht. After fans learned about this event, the Oreiro-Moglio couple was predicted to have their first child soon. However happy event didn't come for a long time...

Anxious waiting

Only unearthly love Natalia and Ricardo gave them the strength to withstand a difficult test - during 10 years of marriage, the spouses were never able to have a child. It was especially difficult for Natalia, because her husband already had two daughters from his first marriage, and information regularly appeared in the press that the Uruguayan star was unwell. This hard times Natalia Oreiro now tries not to remember with her son Merlin - she had to shed too many tears because of such publications.

In 2009, news began to appear regularly in Latin American newspapers that one of the most beautiful couples in Latin American show business, Oreiro-Mollo, was on the verge of breaking up. , Natalya writes that she was credited with having affairs with Facundo Arana and Luciano Castra, who were her partners in the next series. And Ricardo, like any normal man, had difficulty accepting this information. IN family life The couple really had a crisis, but a happy accident intervened.

In the spring of 2011, Natalya had a week-long vacation, and she invited her husband on a romantic trip. The result of the rest was long-awaited pregnancy Natalia! The actress could not hide such a joyful event, and in July 2011 she published an official statement for fans on her website.

After some time, Natalya and her husband were invited to the most popular talk show on Argentine television, hosted by Suzanne Gimenez. Here Natalia announced the gender of her unborn child, and Ricardo Mollo almost burst into tears, describing his feelings as a father. It is not surprising that the rating of the program that day exceeded all imaginable marks.

Long-awaited son

On the morning of January 26, 2011, Merlin Oreiro Mollo was born. This male name in Latin America it is considered very rare, but the baby’s parents immediately liked it.

After the birth of her child, Natalia Oreiro diligently avoided the press for several months - she enjoyed the long-awaited, hard-fought motherhood. However, the time came to return to filming and performing, and Natalya had a very hard time being separated from her son. But as soon as the baby grew up, the young mother began to take him on tour. So, in December 2013, Natalya came to Russia for the “Disco 90s” festival, and little Merlin accompanied her. On the same trip, the baby first appeared on stage in Crocus City with his mother.

Ricardo Mollo and Natalia Oreiro and their son celebrated 2014 in a quiet family atmosphere. Maybe the spouses made one wish for both of them and soon this a beautiful couple will delight fans with the joyful news of the birth of another child?! In the meantime, I would like to wish Natalya and her family happiness and mutual understanding.
