Tension sensor in minecraft. Why do you need a daylight sensor in Minecraft: its manufacture and use

Sensor daylight transmits a red stone signal in the game Minecraft. Lighting from sources other than the sun does not affect it.

This unit functions as a daylight detector or a solar panel. Depending on whether it is day or night, it will signal 15 or zero. For 15 blocks the sensor signals exactly at noon. At dusk it signals 5 blocks, and at midnight it signals zero.

Moonlight and daylight sensors

If you right-click on the sensor, it will turn into a moonlight sensor. Therefore, such a sensor will give the strongest signal at midnight - 15. This can be used to illuminate the courtyard at night. Visually, these types of sensors differ in color: the lunar sensor has lamps of cool bluish colors, in contrast to the daylight sensor with lamps of warm pale yellow shades.

Why do you need a daylight sensor in Minecraft? Such blocks are mainly used for decorative purposes for automatic lighting of external or internal premises. There are many compact flashlights that use sensors. However, their production is not the easiest: 1 sensor requires 3 quartz from the Netherworld (in Minecraft in Russian - the Nether World), which is a significant drawback.

What is the daylight sensor made from?

It is made from:

  • 3 glass blocks (made in a sand oven);
  • 3 quartz from Nether (mined in the Nether with a pickaxe everywhere);
  • 3 slabs of wood of any type.

There is no source in Nether sunlight, so such a block there will always give the signal “eleven”. And in the Land (location with the Dragon), the sensor does not give a signal at all. The daylight and moonlight sensor does not block the strength of the outgoing signal from the beacon.

In what cases can a daylight sensor be useful?

Is used for:

  • work of automatic farms (when you need an action to be performed once a day, for example, automatic pumpkin picking);
  • beautiful outdoor lighting at night (you can make a whole alley with lanterns by crafting street poles equipped with a lamp and a moonlight sensor);
  • automatic closing of iron doors at nightfall, etc.

Let's look at why a daylight sensor is needed in Minecraft to simplify the construction of an automatic farm for harvesting pumpkins, watermelons, or reeds. To do this, you will need to connect the next block of red dust to it with a repeater at a distance of 15 and then install pistons that will push (collect) your crop. This simple solution allows you to automatically harvest once a day.

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The daylight sensor transmits a red stone signal in the Minecraft game. Lighting from sources other than the sun does not affect it.

This unit functions as a daylight detector or as a solar panel. Depending on whether it is day or night, it will signal 15 or zero. For 15 blocks the sensor signals exactly at noon. At dusk it signals 5 blocks, and at midnight it signals zero.

Moonlight and daylight sensors

If you right-click on the sensor, it will turn into a moonlight sensor. Therefore, such a sensor will give the strongest signal at midnight - 15. This can be used to illuminate the courtyard at night. Visually, these types of sensors differ in color: the lunar sensor has lamps of cold bluish colors, in contrast to the daytime sensor with lamps of warm pale yellow shades.

Why do you need a daylight sensor in Minecraft? Such blocks are mainly used for decorative purposes for automatic lighting of external or internal premises. There are many compact flashlights that use sensors. However, their production is not the easiest: 1 sensor requires 3 quartz from the Netherworld (in Minecraft in Russian - the Nether World), which is a significant drawback.

What is a daylight sensor made from?

It is made from:

  • 3 glass blocks (made in a sand oven);
  • 3 quartz from Nether (mined in the Nether with a pickaxe everywhere);
  • 3 slabs of wood of any type.

There is no source of sunlight in the Nezer, so such a block there will always give the signal "eleven". And in the Edge (location with the Dragon), the sensor does not give a signal at all. The daylight and moonlight sensor does not block the strength of the outgoing signal from the beacon.

In what cases can a daylight sensor be useful?

Used for:

  • work of automatic farms (when you need an action to be performed once a day, for example, automatic pumpkin picking);
  • beautiful lighting outside the room at night (you can make a whole alley with lanterns by crafting street poles equipped with a lamp and a moonlight sensor);
  • automatic closing of iron doors with the onset of darkness, etc.

Let's look at why a daylight sensor is needed in Minecraft to simplify the construction of an automatic farm for harvesting pumpkins, watermelons, or reeds. To do this, you will need to connect the next block of red dust to it with a repeater at a distance of 15 and then install pistons that will push (collect) your crop. This simple solution allows you to automatically harvest once a day.

Having a home in Minecraft, many players install automatic lighting in it. And also alarms and lighting on landings, devices for automatic lighting of artificial farms and message relaying - and all this using one device. Does it resemble reality? Do you want to know how to make yourself a similar device with similar functions? Then the player must craft a light sensor. After all, it is this device that transmits the signal to the red stone, thereby performing the specified functions. Many users claim that the sensor operates like a solar panel. Therefore, during the day the signal transmission strength is 15 blocks at lunchtime and 5 blocks in the late afternoon.

How to make this useful device?

To craft a light sensor, the user will need:

— Wooden plate (3 blocks). To craft it, you will need several blocks of boards, which need to be laid out in order in 2 cells of the bottom row in the workbench.
— Quartz (3 blocks). You can only get the basis for making quartz by going down to the Lower World. It is there that there are many deposits of quartz ore, the blocks of which are broken with a diamond or metal pickaxe. Then, we take the coal mined in the coal mine and combine it with quartz ore in the stove. The output is a block of quartz. Another way to get quartz is to mine its ore with the Silk Touch pickaxe.
— Glass (3 blocks). To make a glass block, the player needs to have sand and coal available. Combine them in the oven and get the required number of glass blocks.

Making a light sensor - instructions

All materials have been collected - we begin the manufacturing procedure.
Open the workbench and fill in its grid. The top row is completely filled with glass blocks, the middle row with quartz blocks and last third row - blocks of boards. That's it - the device is ready.

Minecraft players very often give objects their own designations, which only they themselves can understand and knowledgeable people. Some of these names stick and become popular. The same thing happened with the tension sensor, which as a result turned into a hook. You can’t hang anything on it, or use it as a hook, but it somewhat resembles this object when the sensor is bent. This is probably why fans nicknamed this device that way. By the way, a tension sensor can be very useful to you, because when correct use From several sensors you can create a full-fledged security system. So everyone should know how to make a hook in Minecraft.

Hook craft

The tension sensor belongs to the switches, it was added to the game in one of the latest versions and received exclusively positive reviews, as it turned out to be incredibly useful. Many people immediately began looking for information on how to make a hook in Minecraft, and the recipe was quickly found. In fact, it is extremely simple, so almost everyone in the first stages will be able to make enough hooks for themselves to use them to their advantage. So, to create two tension sensors you will need a board, a stick and an iron ingot. The stick needs to be placed in the central cell of the workbench, the board below it, and the ingot above it. Why do you get two hooks? The thing is that the tension sensor is a paired device, that is, in a single copy it is simply useless. Therefore, when crafting, you will get two samples at once. Now you know how to make a grappling hook in Minecraft, but how to use it?

Installation of sensors

You have already found out that the tension sensor will only function in conjunction with a second device, so there should be no misunderstandings. Figuring out how to make a hook in Minecraft was quite simple, since the recipe is simple and the necessary resources are publicly available. But the installation process can cause difficulties for novice players. So, the first rule is that you must install both sensors on the same line. This is done because you will need to stretch the thread between them. When you do this, if both ends of the thread are connected to two different hooks, the device will make a special sound. But it is worth remembering that there should be no more than forty blocks between two sensors - if there are more of them, you will not hear any sound and the device will not work. Therefore, you always need to calculate everything in detail if you play Minecraft. What a hook is for is the next point you should know. Without this information, your sensors will simply be useless.

Alarm device

Have you figured out in detail how to make a hook? "Minecraft" 1 5 2 in this regard is no different from other versions. You also tried to install it and ensured that the system began to function. But why all this? What will two sensors connected by a thread give you? To find out, try walking between them. The thread will break and the sensors will immediately begin to emit a warning signal. And this can give you a lot, because in fact you get a primitive signaling model. If you want to protect your home and your territory from intruders, surround it with threads connecting sensors that are hidden from prying eyes. If an intruder tries to enter your territory, the thread will break, which will trigger the alarm. So you found out why there is a hook in Minecraft - it helps keep your buildings and savings safe. But there are some ways to improve the system and raise it to a whole new level.

Defense complex

An alarm is good, but it just notifies you that a stranger has entered your territory. By the time you get back to your home, it may already be too late. Therefore, it is better to create a full-fledged defense complex using tension sensors. To do this you will need a dispenser, a lot of arrows and red sand. Bring red sand to the hooks, which will be connected to the dispenser. Load as many arrows into it as possible, and you can admire your creation. As soon as someone crosses the border of your domain and breaks the thread, the sensors will go off and a barrage of arrows will be fired at him. This works much more effectively than a regular alarm.

Progressive approach

If you play with the Industrial Craft mod, then you will have a great opportunity to turn your alarm system into a real live fence. To do this, you just need to connect it to the sensors and voltage will flow along the thread drawn between them. Every mob or intruder who targets your home or your belongings will be reduced to ashes using electricity. This method is the most effective option use of tension sensors, but is only available if you have the appropriate mod installed.
