Natural objects of the Urals presentation for children. Southern Urals

Ural Mountains - mountains of medium height (m) Highest point - Narodnaya, 1895 m In height, the Urals are divided into 5 natural regions: Polar Ural - m. Max. height - Payer - 1472 m Subpolar Ural - m. Max. height – Narodnaya town – 1895 m Northern Urals – m. Max. height – Telpoziz town – 1617 m Middle Urals– m. Max. height – Kachkanar – 878 m Southern Ural – m. Max. height – Yamantau – 1638 m

Relief of the Ural economic region Russian Plain Western Siberian Plain Ural Mountains 1. Russian Plain: -Verkhnekamsk Upland -Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya Upland. -Common Syrt 3. West Siberian Plain: -Kondinskaya Lowland -Ishim Plain 2. Ural Mountains: -Northern Urals -Middle Urals -Southern Urals

Relief of the Ural economic region Russian Plain West Siberian plain Ural Mountains Russian Platform Region of Hercynian folding Western Siberian platform Minerals occur in the cover of the platform Minerals occur in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Minerals lie in the platform cover

Resources 1. Mineral: Fuel and energy (oil, gas, peat, coal) Ore (iron rules, copper-nickel, aluminum), but they are depleted. 2. Hydropower - Kama, Ural, Chusovaya, Sosva and others (there are many rivers, but most of them are the upper reaches of rivers) 3. Forest resources of the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions 4. Soil resources of Boshkortostan, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions 5.Recreational resources ( mineral water, nature, archaeological sites, etc.)

Climate of the Urals Temperate continental with excess moisture Altitudinal zone Continental with insufficient moisture 1. Varies from north to south: subarctic temperate continental with excess moisture Continental with insufficient moisture 2. Barrier role of mountains CLIMATE
Homework 1.Paragraph 2. Analyze thematic cards atlas on the population of the region (p. 10-19). 3. Write down the information in a notebook: Features of natural population growth (P, C and Epr). Sex and age composition of the population. Demographic load of the population. Migration, standard of living of the population Ethnic and religious composition of the population Formulate general conclusions.

“The Urals is an area of ​​great past and great future, generously endowed with an amazing variety of natural resources.”

A. P. Karpinsky

The nature of the Urals is unique in its diversity and can amaze with its beauty and richness.

On Ural mountains ah you can observe a pronounced altitudinal zone, that is, if you start climbing in the mountain-forest zone, you can end up in the mountain tundra.

In some places in the Urals there are relict plants (glacial and post-glacial) and endemics that live in a relatively limited range.

The danger in the Urals is represented by ticks, which transmit many dangerous infections, including encephalitis (there are especially many of them in May-June), and Poisonous snakes, of which only vipers are found in the Urals. There is also a danger of meeting the owner of the taiga - the bear.

Natural attractions

Far beyond the borders of the Urals, such unique natural attractions of the Urals are known as weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau, Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash) with ancient rock paintings, underwater gypsum Orda Cave, Kungur Ice Cave, Chusovaya River, Mount Narodnaya, Taganay National Park and many other places.

In the east of the Komi Republic and the west of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are the most high mountains Ural (including the highest point of the Ural Mountains - Mount Narodnaya on Subpolar Urals, 1895 m). Here, in hard-to-reach places, in some places almost virgin Ural nature is still preserved.

In the Sverdlovsk region, on the contrary, in some places you can drive through the Urals without even noticing the mountains. This is the lowest part of the Ural Mountains. In the Yekaterinburg area, the predominant heights are on average around 500 meters.

IN Perm region most rivers, including those suitable for tourist rafting. There are also many caves here (including the Divya Cave, the longest in the region). Bashkiria is also very rich in caves. And the Chelyabinsk region has the most lakes. There's a lot here and beautiful mountains, relatively easy to visit.

Rivers flowing from the western slope of the Urals carry their waters into the Caspian Sea, and from the eastern slope - into the Northern Arctic Ocean. The most long river region - Ural (formerly Yaik).

Unique Feature The Urals is also due to the fact that almost every river has factory ponds. Now water energy is no longer used in factories; ponds have begun to be used mainly for recreation.

Problems of the Urals

But not everything is as rosy as we would like. The Urals are experiencing great ecological problems. Environment Numerous factories pollute, and many mountains, as a result of mining and simply crushed stones, forever change their appearance, or even disappear altogether. Soon a quarry should appear even on such an iconic peak as the Konzhakovsky stone.

Very significant and Nuclear pollution Ural. First of all, as a result of the activities of the Mayak plant in Chelyabinsk region. More than one generation of Ural residents will experience the harmful effects of Mayak.

There are fewer and fewer animals and fish in the Urals. Many species of animals and plants are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

Almost all of the Ural forests were completely cut down at least two or three times in the 18th-19th centuries to produce charcoal for mining factories. Active logging is still going on. Only in some places there are areas of untouched forests (mainly in the north).

Film about the nature of the Urals

The rich nature of the Urals is reflected in literature and art. The writer D.N. wrote best about the Ural nature. Mamin-Sibiryak. The Urals were depicted in paintings by many artists; they were taken from late XIX century photographers.

Many travelers, having once visited the Urals and admired its nature, want to return here again and again. Appreciate and take care of the nature of the Urals!

Geographical location The territory of the Urals is located in the interfluve of the great rivers Volga-Kama and Ob-Irtysh. From west to east, the Urals are conventionally divided into three parts. The first part is the Western Urals, or the Cis-Urals, the Urals. Here the western foothills of the Ural Mountains gradually transform into the Russian Plain. The second part is the Ural Range, or Mountain Urals. The Ural range from north to south is divided into Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern. The third part is Trans-Urals. The eastern slope of the Ural ridge ends with a protrusion into the West Siberian Lowland.

Relief In the relief of the Urals, two strips of foothills (western and eastern) and a system of mountain ranges located between them, stretched parallel to each other in the sub- meridional direction according to the strike of tectonic zones. There may be two or three such ridges, but in some places their number increases to six to eight. The ridges are separated from each other by extensive depressions along which rivers flow. As a rule, ridges correspond to anticlinal folds composed of more ancient and durable rocks, and depressions correspond to synclinal folds.

Relief The Ural Mountains are located in northwestern Russia. They lie between the East European and West Siberian plains. The length of the Ural ridge is more than 2000 kilometers, width - from 40 to 150 km. The most high point Ural - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m.). The Ural Mountains were formed in the late Paleozoic during an era of intense mountain building (Hercynian folding). Formation mountain system The Urals began in the late Devonian (about 350 million years ago) and ended in the Triassic (about 200 million years ago). In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains are called the Riphean or Hyperborean Mountains. Russian pioneers called it Stone, under the name Ural these mountains are first mentioned in Russian sources in late XVII century.

Climate The climate of the Urals is typical mountainous; precipitation is distributed unevenly not only across regions, but also within each region. The West Siberian Plain is a territory with harsh continental climate; in the meridional direction its continentality increases much less sharply than on the Russian Plain. Mountain climate Western Siberia less continental than the climate of the West Siberian Plain. It is interesting that within the same zone on the plains of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals, the natural conditions are noticeably different. This is explained by the fact that the Ural Mountains serve as a kind of climatic barrier. To the west of them there is more precipitation, the climate is more humid and mild; to the east, that is, beyond the Urals, there is less precipitation, the climate is drier, with pronounced continental features. The climate of the Urals is varied. The mountains stretch for 2000 km in the meridional direction, and the northern part of the Urals is located in the Arctic and receives much less solar radiation than South part The Urals, located south of 55 degrees north latitude.

Northern Urals This region is wider and higher than the Middle Urals (up to 1600 m). The area is located in a mountainous zone covered with forests. The climate is more severe. The area is sparsely populated. In the Northern Urals there are Pechoro-Ilychsky and Vishera nature reserves (the fourth largest in Europe). There are a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forests, and there is good fishing in the rivers. Tourist routes pass through uninhabited areas in complete autonomy.

Central Urals This is the narrowest and lowest (up to 1000 m) part of the Urals. The area is in the zone coniferous forests(spruce, pine, larch). The Middle Urals are densely populated, the transport network and industry are developed, business tourism is widely developed.

Southern Urals This is the widest part of the Urals. The eastern slopes are characterized by forest-steppe with numerous lakes, the western slopes up to an altitude of 1200 m are covered with forest, and the southern part is covered with steppe. In July and August there is the clearest and most warm weather. Karst phenomena are developed on the western slope. The area is quite densely populated, with developed railway and road connections.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Geography"

Ready-made presentations on geography contribute to schoolchildren’s perception and understanding of the materials being studied, broadening their horizons, and studying maps in an interactive form. Presentations on geography will be useful for both schoolchildren and students, as well as teachers and lecturers. In this section of the site you can download ready-made presentations in geography for grades 6,7,8,9,10, as well as presentations on economic geography for students.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Natural conditions largely determine the direct impact on the settlement of people, their lives, occupations, health, and the location of production. Due to its large meridional extent, the Urals are distinguished by contrasting natural conditions. Degree of favorability natural conditions Next Tsymbalyuk Alexandra Anatolyevna Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 6”, Gai Orenburg region

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Elements Hurricane winds Return of frost Avalanches and landslides The contrasting nature of the Urals contributes to the occurrence of various natural disasters on its territory. Fires Severe frosts Stormy floods Drought Exit 1. Occur annually in summer in forests and steppes 2. Happen in winter almost everywhere 3. Spring disaster on rivers 4. Frequent in summer in the Southern steppe Urals 5. This element demolishes roofs and breaks trees 6. Can occur in summer , when no one is waiting 7. Possible in the high mountain parts of the Urals Determine natural phenomena in the Urals using prompts: Students are asked to determine what natural phenomena are possible in different areas Ural. To do this, click on the hint rectangles one by one. Pictures and answers will be revealed

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exit Resources - map of the Ural Mountains - photo severe frost - photo fire jpg - photo avalanche - photo of the Ural Mountains - photo of climbers at the top – photo of the Ural Mountains – photo of drought userimg/forum/1278273100.jpg - photo squally wind - photo return of frost 03/16/9fd827703845db588e70e4f0e9e6c4fc.jpg - photo of the flood - photo of a combine harvester - photo mountain river - photo of the Ural plant - photo in the mine http://www.southural. ru/photos/photos/3549.jpg - photo of the river meander - photo of the southern Urals mount/m15.jpg - photo Cis-Urals - photo Trans-Urals 316340.jpg - photo northern Ural Atlas Physiography Russia 8th grade. – M.: “AST-Press”, 2001
