Program for drawing up a natal chart. Construction of a natal chart by date of birth and its interpretation

The construction of a natal chart begins with an image of a circle on which the signs of the Zodiac are placed. Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac occupies a sector of 30º. Next, using ephemeris tables (where the positions of the planets are recorded for every day, starting from 1800 to 2400), the location of the planets in the corresponding zodiac sign is determined. The interaction of planets in the natal chart is determined by aspects (angular distances measured in degrees) - harmonious: 0º, 60º, 120º and tense: 90º and 180º. Usually in the figure they are depicted as green (harmonious aspects) and red lines (tense aspects), and the 0º conjunction aspect is a blue dot. In the natal chart, the harmonious interaction of planets is expressed in less conflict between them and gives more positive aspects. Tense interactions are obvious conflicts that can impede the resolution of certain issues. For example, a natal chart with large quantity harmonious aspects than tense ones, can “make a person go with the flow” without taking any action special effort to achieve your goals. Tense aspects are a constant struggle, something forces you to move on, without focusing on one thing.

Natal chart represents the fixed position of the planets at a certain point in time. This is a map starry sky, which you would see if you opened your eyes directly at the moment of the specified date and time. A cosmogram is a more simplified version of a natal chart, where the position of the planets relative to the horizon is not considered.

In order to compile your natal chart (cosmogram), you must enter the following data: your day of birth, month, year, as well as the hours and minutes of birth. If the time of birth is not known at all, you can consider the position of the planets at 12 noon. If you want to receive a natal map with house markings, then you need to enter the coordinates of the area that interests you in this moment. Format for entering coordinates in the form decimal, for example - 47.33, etc., while, for eastern longitude and northern latitude the value of the fraction is positive, and for western longitude and south latitude- negative (minus sign before the fraction). The entered coordinates automatically determine the time zone. Double-clicking on any calendar date automatically displays the natal chart for the specified date, at 12 noon and the specified coordinates.

CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES: Horoscope houses are built according to the Placidus system. The marking of the boundaries of the horoscope houses depends on the position (longitude, latitude) on the Earth's surface and on the time zone of the area (GMT). The service uses a time zone derived from the longitude you entered divided by 15 degrees (the geographic “width” of the zone) and rounded to the nearest whole number. Thus, a purely geographical time zone is used without taking into account winter, summer time and other translations. For example, for an area with a longitude of 34 degrees, the GMT+2 belt will be applied. And if you need to build a natal chart with a longitude of 34 degrees for the GMT+3 time zone (translation to summer time), then it is necessary to adjust the set time by -1 hour. The time zone for which the natal chart is calculated is displayed on the panel.

If you tick the NATAL position, then by entering the appropriate data and pressing the OUTPUT button, you will receive the position of the planets in the Zodiac signs at your time of birth and a description of the aspects (interaction) between the planets. It will be a brief description of the inner potential inherent in you.

If you tick the TRANSIT position, then enter the appropriate data, for example some significant date, and by clicking the OUTPUT button, you will receive a natal chart describing the transit position of the planets in the zodiac signs for any given date. This natal chart can be used for forecasting. These will be supposed changes in your internal state (especially during the transit of planets such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). These data may also describe a significant period.

If you tick the position BY ZODIAC SIGN, then the NATAL and TRANSIT positions are ignored. And you are invited to select the zodiac sign and date you are interested in. After clicking on OUTPUT, you will receive a natal chart with an interpretation for your zodiac sign. To return to the first two options, uncheck BY ZODIAC SIGN.

Natal chart (horoscope) - This astrological chart birth of a person built on a specific date, exact time and the specific geographic location of his birth.

At the moment of human birth, each of the eight planets solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and two luminaries (Sun moon) are in one or another zodiac sign in one of the twelve (sectors in the horoscope resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). Between the elements of the horoscope there are angular relationships (measured in degrees) called. The angular relationships between the planets (luminaries) and their position in the zodiac signs and horoscope houses mainly form the character of a person, and also determine his destiny.

In a person’s natal chart (horoscope), the planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and luminaries (Sun, Moon) of the solar system are projected onto one plane, the center of rotation of which is the Earth (geocentric astrology). The Sun, Moon and personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are responsible for the personal subsystems of a person (ego, emotions, thinking, love + beauty, physical and sexual energy, respectively). The remaining planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are considered social and modify the influence of personal planets through aspects with them and their positions in the houses of the horoscope. All planets fall into certain zodiac signs and (sectors resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). The influence of houses in astrology is associated with the influence environment and society on a person in the process of his growth, education and development (accordingly, these are not innate, but acquired characteristics). The influence of zodiac signs, unlike the influence of houses, is innate and gives a person’s character innate characteristics and a certain type of temperament. The houses are counted from Ascendant- horizon points at the moment of a person’s birth and the beginning of the 1st house of the horoscope. The Ascendant describes a person’s personality (how he wants to show himself to other people) and in terms of the power of influence on a person is equal to the power of influence of the Sun and Moon. Horoscope point opposite to the Ascendantcalled Descendant. She is the beginning of the 7th house of the horoscope, which is responsible for partnerships and marriage. The Descendant and its ruler (the planet that rules the zodiac sign in which the Descendant is located) describe the sphere of a person’s relationships with other people and the sphere of marriage. All planets have certain angular positions between themselves (aspects) and the energies of the planets are modified by these aspects.

So, we have luminaries and planets located in Zodiac signs and houses and having aspects to each other (tense and harmonious). All this interacts with each other in a complex way and describes the character and temperament of a person, as well as his fate. The strongest elements of the horoscope in terms of influence are the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The Sun is responsible for a person’s internal sense of self (ego), the Moon for emotions, and the Ascendant for personality (from the Old Russian word lychina, i.e. mask), which a person wants to demonstrate to others. Essentially, the Ascendant is the outer shell of a person’s personality, and the Sun and Moon are its contents. This three is the basis of a person’s character. It is believed (and quite reasonably) that in the Moon-Sun pair, the Moon is more manifested for children and women, and the Sun for men. The ascendant is equally strong in both men and women. It is by considering the position of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon, as well as aspects to these elements of the horoscope, that one must first begin to decipher the natal chart. This is the basis of the horoscope, onto which everything else is then built upon when considering the natal chart.

Interpretation of all elements of the natal chart individually and the relationship with each other helps to recreate a complete picture of the personality, character and possible future of a person.
Using these two links you can read samples of analysis by a professional astrologer of the natal chart of an adult and a child: and.
In addition to describing temperament, character traits, talents, strengths and weaknesses of the individual, as well as life spheres, to which are attracted Special attention the owner of the horoscope and in which he can achieve the greatest successes and achievements, long-term and short-term ones are made according to the natal chart. At this link you can read a sample astrological forecast on the topic

Decoding the symbols in the natal chart

In the outer circle of the natal chart there are 12 zodiac signs, the designations of which are as follows:

The inner and outer circle of the natal chart is divided into, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life (personality, material wealth, close contacts, family, love, etc.) The beginning of the first house coincides with the Ascendant of the natal chart As (the opposite point is Ds , Descendant). Another important point on the map is Midheaven MC (the opposite point is Ic). The As-Ds and Mc-Ic lines represent the main energy axes of the natal chart, are the beginning of the most important houses (1-person, 4-family, 7-marriage, 10-career) and are very important in its interpretation.

Click on the picture to display the value:

Rising sign - Sagittarius

Sagittarius Rising is masculine and fire sign, symbolized by an archer. It indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for great goal or defending some good cause. Sagittarians are principled and make good parents and teachers.

Usually these are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy and have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: full figure, happy smile, brown hair, long face, big nose and ears. Their behavior is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, but at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen and officials, since they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty when using it. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. People with Sagittarius ascendant can sacrifice themselves for the good of others, finding good fortune abroad, or far from the place where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and leaders for people who are pure in heart. There are often quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of comfort for the sake of working for the benefit of humanity. They have good self-control, but they lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but suffer from the opposition of envious people. They are highly respected by scientists and noble people, live long, and their lives are pure.

> Natal chart online

What is a natal chart? This is a personal horoscope created using birth information (date, time and place). With its help, you can find out about everyone’s karma, as well as about inclinations, opportunities and expected circumstances that may affect life path. When drawing up a natal chart, you decide on a cosmogram. It displays the arrangement of planets in the zodiac circle and houses. And based on this information, the horoscope itself is deciphered.

Online program for calculating the natal chart

How to calculate a natal chart

This is a unique program that allows you to find out detailed information about yourself. That is, by entering data about the place, date and time of birth, you will receive details about your character, inclinations, positive and negative qualities and even look into the future.

How to use the card?

To a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of astrology, drawing up a natal chart may seem like a daunting task. In fact, everything is much simpler. To get the full picture, you only need to enter your name, gender, date of birth and time. As for the last one, this is important point. Of course, it’s great if you know exactly when you were born. But if you do not have such information, then put 12:00:00 (and next to it in the column check the time - exact, only date or + several hours). Below, indicate your country, region and city, then the latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 1

Next comes a column with parameters. In “Horoscope”, always start with the “natal” column. Only after its creation can you create an event one, etc. On the right you see the “aspect colors”. Just put the colors you need in the columns that interest you. This will make it easier to see the final diagram.

Problems arise in the "House System" because beginners who have not encountered them do not know which one to choose. This is not surprising, because even professional astrologers disagree on which of them is closest to the truth. You can read more about these systems online, or find out which ones your favorite astrologers prefer. And you can start with the “cosmogram”, which is located in the last columns. Her beauty is that she is able to describe psychological potential, point out strengths and weak sides inner world and give a lot of other useful information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 2

When everything is ready, click on “Create a horoscope” and get your card. Now, how to read it? It's quite simple. By hovering your mouse over the planets to which the lines stretch, you will discover their meaning for you.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 3

But to get a full picture, you just need to hover over the Horoscope, and all the necessary information will open there: Description of the card, Table, Psychological porter, Horoscope of professions, etc. You just need to open what interests you and read the information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 4

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 5

Below are the coordinates and status of the planets with explanations.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 6

Often, to learn more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely, fortune telling with cards, coffee, mirrors and other magical tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire works well, but a more informative method is , wherein

The main tool can be called the natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical location birth of a person and represents the basis individual horoscope.

Features of drawing up a natal chart

For those who are just beginning to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some mandatory rules that will help you implement qualitative analysis and ultimately correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner risks getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require natal horoscope, you will have the opportunity to correctly determine cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in a specific astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with interpretation– this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises you should expect, and what events you can avoid. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in the signs and determine the aspects that influence the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of the fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After these simple steps, we will eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in in this case can be used online interpretation, but, if you really want to engage in astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Deciphering the astrological Houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person’s life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • The 1st symbolizes a person’s character;
  • 2nd denotes acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • The 4th stands for home;
  • The 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • The 6th is the present that exists at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is aloofness.
  • The 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • The 10th signifies independence, as well as position in society;
  • The 11th is about aspirations, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for willpower and achievement.

Deciphering the celestial bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately constructs an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The celestial body the Sun is associated with a person’s personality, its shortcomings, as well as its advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars signifies the degree of activity shown in solving important problems. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable actions. And Pluto is nothing more than intrapersonal metamorphoses.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their traits to all indicators, and this directly affects a person’s fate.

As for the aspects, they represent a connection individual character between planets and show the nuances that allow an individual to become unique.

Decoding "strange icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the “strange icons” found on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu karma);
  • The circle with the letter “K” on it is the career area (Midheaven);
  • The letter “N” – family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Depth of the sky);
  • Reversed Omega is responsible for a person’s purpose in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded month icon is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of a shaded month located on a cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • “Ms” – human relationships (Descendent);
  • “As” symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio points to strong personality involved in the surrounding world.

Horoscope by date of birth

We invite you to use the free service for creating a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the acquisition of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about deciphering your natal chart yourself
