Shocking revelations from Natalia Vodianova for Porter magazine. Antoine Arnault and Natalia Vodianova: French kiss Natalia Vodianova and her men

The French billionaire went with his model son Lucas to the stadium

The French billionaire went with his model son Lucas to the stadium

Natalia VODYANOVA's French fiancé, billionaire Antoine ARNO, along with his beautiful lover, also had the difficult mission of raising her three children. However, the businessman got down to business with enthusiasm and does not shy away from his stepfather’s responsibilities. The day before, the paparazzi photographed Natasha with Antoine and her eldest son Lucas at the stadium.

The family went to the stands to watch a football match between the Paris Saint-Germain and Montpellier teams, which took place as part of the French football championship. Before meeting Antoine, Natalya was not at all a sports fan. She was attracted to football by her boyfriend, who zealously supported his home team, Paris Saint-Germain. The paparazzi once photographed the lovers kissing during the game. This time the bride and groom behaved more reservedly - after all, the model's eldest son Lucas was with them. And this time Natasha herself looked more like a strict teacher than a sexy model: glasses with massive frames, a strict coat and a warm scarf wrapped around her neck.

According to Natalia, Antoine and her children easily found mutual language. For the sake of her beloved, Vodianova had to move from London to Paris and take Lucas, Neva and Victor with her, giving them to French school. Native father children - Justin Portman - rarely meets with children: the British lord prefers to waste his life in Uruguay, where he has an estate. Justin is constantly seen hanging out in the nightclubs of a popular resort, and in the company of various attractive girls.

Justin now lives not in England, but in Uruguay, in the resort town of Punta del Este - he always really liked it there, we have a big ranch there,” Natalya said in an interview, “But it would be strange to teach children in Uruguay, and therefore the question did not even arise: where should they live? Of course, with me!

According to the model, Portman still has not come to an agreement with her regarding the divorce.

I don’t want to hurt him again, to pull him. And what can I do? “Justin doesn’t want to communicate with my lawyers; every attempt they make to contact him ends in nothing,” she said.

Judging by Natalya’s peaceful appearance, she is completely happy with her new man. True, as evil tongues say, Vodianova’s French prince is far from impeccable: according to rumors, he is very partial to alcohol. However, many people around the model are guilty of this, so Natalya could classify her weakness for drinking as a harmful, but quite tolerable habit.

She has conquered more than one stage, more than one man’s heart and at least one millionaire. The supermodel’s current lover, the son of the richest man in Europe, bluntly stated in an interview about the beginning of their relationship:

“She doesn’t even remember this meeting. And my jaw dropped when I saw her. She is surrounded by a special aura.”

However, the couple soon filed for divorce, Arno learned about this from news reports, took it as a sign of fate and decided to act. Due to a busy schedule, the tête-à-tête took place only 2 months after the first message was sent.

According to one version, it happened on a simple wooden bench in a park in Paris, according to another, in a man’s house. No signs of attention indicating sympathy were shown on his part. Vodianova, accustomed to the interest shown, even thought that she was being offered friendship:

“He was wearing ordinary jeans and looked like an ordinary young man. I already realized then that I liked him, but he didn’t even try to kiss me.”

On the second date, Antoine met the present members of the model’s family, chivalrously helped one of the guests, and then began frequent visits to his lady love in England, which ended accepted proposal live together.

Now the couple has two sons, Maxim (2014) and Roman (2016), and together they are raising Lucas (2001), Neva (2006) and Victor (2007) from Natalia’s first marriage. This is how the businessman’s dream came true - to have many children and make them happy.

Looking at their perfect idyll and touching relationship, fans are perplexed why they have not yet played magnificent wedding, which can claim to be the main celebration of the year, or even the century. If you believe the media, then the problem is the same full workload and lack of time to plan and implement such a serious event.

If he does have a free minute, Antoine devotes it to his favorite poker and reading books.

Antoine Arnault now

The eldest son of Bernard Arnault, whose fortune is estimated at $79.3 billion and allows him to confidently be in 4th place on the prestigious Forbes list, took a lot from his father. For example, he also has a craving for art, succeeds in the established business and knows a lot about truly beautiful things.

Unlike his chosen one, Antoine is not so active in in social networks and, it seems, appears on her Instagram page more often than on her own account. Photos from fashion shows, red carpets and social events dilute happy publications highlights personal life, relaxation, travel, meeting with friends, shopping and children's birthday parties.

In 2018, he attended the World Cup match at the Luzhniki Stadium with his wife and celebrated France’s victory with a passionate kiss.

Antoine Arnault and Natalia Vodianova at the Luzhniki Stadium in 2018

The couple tenderly takes care of each other, comes up with pleasant surprises, and organizes charity events, including golf tournaments. As the fashion model says, common law husband loves to help those in need and cannot simply pass by a beggar. He is fit and slender to match his beloved (height 185 cm, weight 76 kg).

0 June 4, 2018, 16:02

Today, June 4, beloved Antoine Arnault celebrates his 41st birthday. The first to congratulate him, of course, was the model herself, who yesterday published a very romantic video on her Instagram. the site not only joins these congratulations, but also talks about the most interesting facts from the life of a French businessman who won the heart of a Russian model.

1. In fact, it was Natalia who won Antoine’s heart. He himself admits that when he first saw her in 2008, he was literally speechless.

Natalya doesn't even remember this meeting. And my jaw dropped when I saw her. What I mean: of course, she is very beautiful woman, but also surrounded by a special aura,” he recalled.

At that time, the model was still married to her first husband, Justin Portman, and Arnault was not free, so he made no attempts to win her. But after Vodianova and Portman separated, the Frenchman realized that this was fate and began to court the Russian star.

The couple took place in Paris in 2011 and took place... on a wooden bench.

We couldn't go anywhere together, so we just met on a bench. We sat and talked. We knew that if we went somewhere together, in Paris, the whole world would know about it,” Vodianova said.

2. Antoine Arnault loves children very much, so soon after he and Vodianova began to live together, he told her about his desire to have offspring. Now the couple has two sons together (Maxim and Roman, who, by the way, also celebrates his birthday today) and three children of Vodianova from her previous marriage. By the way, Arno gets along well with them.

3. Besides French, Antoine Arnault speaks fluent English - he spent his childhood in the USA (by the way, he speaks very warmly about him). But whether he mastered the Russian language during the seven years of his relationship with Natalya is unknown.

4. Unlike his beloved, Antoine is not such an active user of social networks. There are only a few dozen posts on his Instagram, the last of which is dated April 3. Nevertheless, he is not so rare on the model’s blog.

5. Antoine Arnault, although he often wears classic suits, is not a big fan of ties. Of course, he wears this wardrobe item to very important meetings, but mostly he prefers to do without it.

6. Last year, Antoine Arnault, together with Natalia Vodianova, went to her homeland in Nizhny Novgorod, where he visited her old apartment, went on an excursion to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, met the model’s relatives and took part in the Day with her open doors Naked Heart Foundation, founded by Russian star. Arnault called this trip "incredible."

Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault with children and employees of the Naked Heart Foundation in Nizhny Novgorod

7. By the way, even though Antoine is a very serious person (he is still CEO Berluti company, which produces men's shoes and luxury leather accessories, and the heir to one of richest people planet of Bernard Arnault), nevertheless, he knows how to have fun. Moreover, he even participates in parties and is not afraid to look funny.


35-year-old catwalk star Natalia Vodianova knows how to surprise her fans and not only that. Everyone knows how reverently she treats her native country, raising her children with the understanding that they have Russian roots. Despite the fact that Natalya devotes most of her time to her five children and work, she does not forget about her common-law spouse Antoine Arnault. As it became known the other day, Vodianova decided to make her billionaire husband unusual gift in honor of the anniversary of their relationship.

Natalya arranged a golf day for her husband

The fact that the relationship between Vodianova and Arno recently turned 6 years old no one would have known if it weren’t for interesting photo, which Antoine shared with his fans. In his microblog, the billionaire published a photograph in which he and Natalya pose in front of a golf course. Under the photo, Arnault wrote a very touching inscription:

“I am very pleased to know that a person like Natalya has appeared in my life. When a woman remembers significant dates from his personal life and tries to make a pleasant surprise about it, then this is truly wonderful. This year Natalya has outdone herself. She gave me an unforgettable trip to St. Andrews to enjoy playing golf. The Old Course is a place that all professionals of this sport know. Not everyone gets to play on these fields, but I was lucky. I admire Natalia's actions! I am crazy about you!".

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Natalia does not forget about her children

While everyone is discussing the photo of Natalia and Antoine on the golf courses, an interview with Vodianova appeared in the press, in which she talked about what the children were doing in her absence. As it turned out, the most important thing now for Natalya’s older children is studying. Here's how she described the kids' activities:

“I pay a lot of attention to languages ​​in children’s education. I believe that it is possible not to know some formula in physics, but Lucas, Victor and Neva must know English and Russian. In general, languages ​​are very important in later life. That is why they now study French, English and Chinese at school, and study Russian separately with a tutor at home. If speak about exact sciences, then my sons really like computer science and mathematics. They are leaders in their classes in these subjects. Besides that, I really want them to grow up absorbing something from art. This is why all children study with a piano tutor. In general, in France, children are very busy. They even study longer than Russian children. They will have holidays only after July 7.”

In addition, Natalya talked a little about her children’s hobbies. For example, Lucas is interested in baking and desserts. Here's what Vodianova said about this:

“Antoine and I decided to arrange a meeting for his birthday with the famous pastry chef Cédric Grolet, who works at the Le Meurice hotel. However, this was not just communication, but a master class. Lucas absolutely loved watching Cedric and learning from his experiences.”

Not much is known about the personal life of Natalia Vodianova and her lover Antoine Arnault. After all, the couple does not like to talk about their relationship and prefers to keep the details of the affair secret. However, recently they gave joint interview for the summer issue of W magazine, in which they first told how their relationship began. Antoine remembered how in 2008 he first saw Natalia on the set of a Louis Vuitton advertisement. “She doesn’t even remember this meeting, and then I almost lost my jaw. And this reaction was not only to her incredible appearance, but to her eyes and what I saw in them,” admitted Arno.

After this meeting, Natalya and Antoine crossed paths several times various events, where there could be no talk of any informal communication. And in 2011, it became known that the model was divorcing her husband Justin Portman. Having learned about this from the newspapers, Arno decided to act. However, even after this he had to wait several months to meet the model. To avoid gossip, Antoine decided to invite Natalia to his home. “That time everything was so ridiculous! We were both shy and didn't know how to behave. He was wearing regular jeans and seemed like a simple guy, which I really liked about him. But that evening he never tried to kiss me. Even though I don't worry too much about whether a man likes me or not, it still hurt me somehow. And then I decided that maybe he just wants to be friends...” the model said.

But Vodianova hastened to conclusions - after all, Antoine soon came to her home in England for a return visit. “She was noisy. Not only were her children there, but also grandparents, a mother and several couples with babies. Then one guest became ill and had to call ambulance. After that unusual meeting I came to the UK every weekend, but soon invited Natalia to move to Paris and live together. I told her that I wanted children from her,” Arno noted.

Thus began the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples modernity. In May 2014, their first child, Maxim, was born, and two years later, their second celebrity son, Roman, was born. Now Antoine and Natalya and their children live in France. It is worth noting that Vodianova also has two sons from her first marriage - 16-year-old Lucas and nine-year-old Victor and 11-year-old daughter Neva.
