Words that can be checked for plural. Nouns that are used only in the singular and only in the plural

5th grade

Nouns that have
plural form only

Open lesson scenario

Lesson objectives:

1) educational: to give the concept of nouns that have only a plural form, to be able to use them in speech, to practice spelling skills, to expand lexicon;

2) educational: to develop the need to analyze one’s own actions and the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgive; introduce the traditions associated with the beginning of March;

3) developing: develop creative abilities and search skills.

Equipment: drawings for a conversation on homework, a board, a projector, a program on CD, twigs of pine, birch, willow, worksheets, cards with riddles, the Bible, explanatory dictionaries, poems by B. Pasternak.


1. Start of the lesson.

Co l tse gre e t to s units a lot of sweat
And I rage e t, stupefied, ovra G,
Like dozens e th cowboy tsy Job,
The matter is e dreams are boiling in my hands.

Chahn e t dream G and bol e n anemic b eat
In the vet O chkah be ss very blue And l.
But smoke tsya and And knowledge in hl e woo k oro V b eat,
And health oro let's eat lusciously at t tooth b I pitched.

So today I came to class with a March pine twig. According to popular belief, a pine twig brought home in early March cleanses the air that has stagnated during the winter and makes our breathing easier. And this is a birch branch. In the old days in Rus' the month of March was called birch, because from the action of the spring sun, the birch tree in March begins to fill with sap and buds.

2. Recording a sentence from dictation.

In the old days in Rus' the month of March was called “Berezol”.

Each group has a consultant. He writes and comments (using Lysenkova’s “Leading Myself” method) for the rest of the group:

« IN - preposition, I write separately, old times- I am writing from A, because the test word is old, suffix -in- I'm writing from And, with one letter n, on- preposition, I write separately, Rus'– proper noun, I write with a capital letter, month- writing yats, This - vocabulary word, March– I write with a small letter, this is – common noun noun, called- I’m writing a prefix on the-, beresol” I write in quotation marks, since this word is given in the nominative case.”

Conversation with the class

– Pay attention to the words: March And beresol– synonyms.

– Are there any words in this sentence that do not have a plural form? (Rus, March, birch.)

– Form the plural form of the word month. Write down five more words ending in ts, in plural. (Moons, knitting needles, birds, tits, foxes, martens, pages, starlings, palaces, sorceresses, singers.)

– In the poem by B.L. Pasternak also has a word ending in -tsy. Is this a good example for us? (No, because cowgirls– this is not plural. h., and r.p. units h. noun cowgirl).

- That's right, this is an example of a homonymous ending -s.

3. Home analysis (captions under the pictures).

- Before we move on to new topic, let's see how student Petya did his homework. In the first picture you see a tree and a book.

Did Petya sign the drawings correctly? There are leaves on the tree. There are leaves in the book.

Write down the sentences in corrected form.

(There are leaves on the tree. There are leaves in the book.)

– Is the second drawing signed correctly? There are stakes in the diary. There's cola in the hedge. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

(In the cola diary. There are stakes in the fence.)

– Is the third drawing signed correctly? The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.

(No, you need to: The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.)

– Did the poet B. Pasternak use the word correctly? teeth in your poem?

(Yes, because it's fork teeth)

– How can such mistakes in Petya’s work be explained?

(Such errors appeared because the words leaf, tooth, stake- polysemantic. Depending on the meanings of words and are formed different shapes pl. h.)

– What words do we call polysemantic? Give examples.

(We call words polysemous that have two or more meanings. Most often, the first meaning is direct, and the second is figurative. For example, hand - a bunch of grapes.)

Conclusion: The plural form often depends on the lexical meaning of the word.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

You will learn the topic of today's lesson if you complete the following task.

Exercise. Each group received an envelope containing the cut-out texts of the riddles. They need to be collected, written down in a notebook, and guessed.

1st group:

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. (Scissors.)

2nd group:

They walk all the time, not a beast, not a man. (Watch.)

3rd group:

What kind of water is only good for writing? (Ink.)

- Look at the answers. What do these words have in common?

(Scissors, ink, watch– nouns that have only a plural form.)

Let's write these words down. Yes, the topic of today's lesson is: “Nouns that have only a plural form.” We will try to collect as many of them as possible during the lesson.

This word also appears in B. Pasternak’s poem. Has anyone seen him? This word - pitchfork. Let's write it down.

5. Which nouns are used only in the plural?

Exercise. In the worksheet, read into which groups nouns that are used only in the plural are divided, give 2-3 examples. Cut out this certificate and paste it into your theory notebook.

(sleigh, shorts, swing);

Some real (cream, bran, yeast);

Some are distracted (day, twilight, name day);

Own (Carpathians, Alps).

In the Old Russian language there were not two, but three numbers: singular, plural and dual. Then the dual number disappeared, and the words from this number moved into the category of those words that have only a plural form and which are indicated in your certificate in paragraph 1.

6. Lexical work.

– In the certificate you came across the word bran. What does it mean? Let's look in Dahl's dictionary. " Bran- the remainder of the sifted flour, a shirt of grain crushed under a millstone, sifting.” We encounter this word in the parable of the prodigal son. Maybe someone can remind us of her?

– A certain young man, having matured, decided that he could do without a family, and demanded from his father his share of the inheritance. And when he squandered it, he was forced to herd pigs and eat bran with them. Tired of humiliation and hunger, the young man decided to return home, agreeing to the fate of even a slave. But his father forgave him and arranged a feast in his honor.

– We remembered this parable for a reason, right? You need to be able to both ask for forgiveness and forgive.

7. Work in groups using cards with the texts “From the world of simple things.”

Exercise. Read the suggested text. Guess what subject we're talking about. Invite other groups to name the word described in the text. Copy the text, insert missing letters and punctuation marks.(Consultants help those who have doubts in writing.)

Card 1

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Genova. Trousers for sailors were made from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for the poor and gold miners. Now people of all ages wear them. This… ___________ (jeans).

Card 2

Who invented them and when is unknown. In Ancient Greece, polished rock crystals were used for them. Venets, the queen of mirrors and glassware, is still considered their homeland. In Rus' they began to be worn out from the 15th century. This... _______ (glasses).

Card 3

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major There is a star that can only be seen in summer. At this time it was hard to work because of the heat and people were out of breath. This summer period and was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to use this word to refer to leisure, winter, and fun. This _______ (holidays).

- Word glasses got its name from an ancient Russian word. Which one? (Eyes, those. eyes, singular - eye.)

Did you know that the word eyes is included in the popular names of some plants, and in these names the word eyes used only in the plural: for example, ox eyes(blue daisy), Tsarev's eyes(sundew), peacock eyes(caustic grass).

8. Search work.

Last year, fifth-graders did search work in the Russian Dictionary. From it they wrote down nouns that have only a plural form. You see a list of these words in the worksheet.

Exercise. Write down words from one thematic group from the list. The 1st group will write down words that we can find in the kitchen, the 2nd group - in the closet, the 3rd group - in the workshop. Mark words whose meanings you do not understand with a question mark..

Words for reference


Name day

Hide and seek
Swimming trunks

Canned food

Dried fruits


In the kitchen: splashes, tops, scales, marc, yeast, capers, canned food, pasta, bran, leftovers, slop, dumplings, horns, sweets, dried fruits, cream, spaghetti, meatballs, pistachios, flakes.

In the closet: curlers, breeches, trousers, beads, jeans, perfume, underpants, tights, leggings, scissors, glasses, pantaloons, rompers, swimming trunks, hangers, hose, trousers, bloomers.

In a workshop: whitewash, gates, pitchforks, rakes, firewood, pliers, scissors, stretchers, sawdust, pliers, sleds, ink.

9. Creative task.

Present the words selected in the groups in the form of a dialogue: “We are preparing a surprise for mom,” “We are going to the resort,” “We are building a birdhouse.” Prank them.

10. Homework:

1. Using the Explanatory Dictionary, find out the meanings of the words that you marked with a question mark.

2. Group the words by type of spelling in an excerpt from the poem by B.L. Parsnip “March”, which was played at the beginning of the lesson and which is on your worksheet.

3. Find and write down from all the exercises in the paragraph nouns that can only be used in the plural.


loins, loins (old). Lower back, hips. Belt h. sword (also translated: prepare for battle).

Beads,-current. A cord with beads or knots (in church use for counting bows during prayer and the prayers themselves).

Ink,-il. Coloring liquid for writing. Black parts. Red parts. | adj. inky,-oh, -oh. Ch. device. Ch. pencil(same as chemical pencil). ink nuts(growths on the leaves of oak and some other trees, rich in tannins; special). Ink War(translated: about printed polemics; obsolete irony). Ink Soul(translated: about a clerical official; outdated. disapproved).

Enchantment, charm

1. Magic, witchcraft (obsolete). Witchcraft hours.

2. transfer. Charm, captivating (book). Ch. love.

Cymbals,-al. Musical instrument in the form of a box with strings that are struck with wooden hammers.

Choirs,-s. Open gallery, balcony at the top large hall [original. for a choir or orchestra room]. In the choir.

Walkers,-s. A small wall clock of a simplified design with weights.

Figs, fizhm. In the XVIII - beginning. 19th century: a frame in the form of a hoop, inserted under the skirt at the hips, as well as a skirt with such a frame.

Bonds, knot

1. Fetters, shackles (obsolete). U. slavery(translated).

2. transfer. That which connects, connects (high). U. marriage. U. friendship, love. Bratskie u.

Tropics,-ov, plural The area north and south of the equator, between these parallels, is the hottest zone of the globe. In the tropics.


1. Same as an auction. International fur goods. Sale by auction.

2. Delivery of a contract to someone who, competing with others, agrees to conditions more favorable to the customer (obsolete) Announce a proposal for the construction of a factory.

Those "fteli"-ey and (colloquial) meatballs,-to her. Food in the form of balls of minced meat or fish.

Twilight,-rek, -rkam. The twilight between sunset and nightfall, as well as the (obsolete) morning pre-dawn twilight. Early c.

Stanzas,-ov, units stans, -a, m.

1. pl. A poem, each stanza of which represents a complete semantic and syntactic whole.


Subject:"Nouns that have only a plural form."

1. Excerpts from poems by B.L. Pasternak:

February. Get some ink and cry!
Write about February sobbingly,
While the rumbling slush
In spring it burns black.

(February. Get some ink and cry...)

The sun warms up to the point of sweat,
And the ravine rages, stupefied,
Like a hefty cowgirl's work,
Spring is in full swing.

|| The snow withers and is sick with anemia
|| There were impotent blue veins in the branches.
|| But life is smoking in the cow shed,
|| And the teeth of the forks glow with health.

(From the poems of Doctor Zhivago, “March”)

2. Help in a notebook on theory.

The following groups of nouns are used in only the plural form:

Denoting paired objects (sleigh, shorts, swing);

Designating substances (cream, bran, yeast);

Denoting abstract concepts (day, twilight, name day);

Denoting proper names (Carpathians, Alps).

For such nouns, gender and type of declension are not determined.

School № 1,
Pushkinsky district,
village Sofrino,
Moscow region

In English there are two numbers of nouns, just like in Russian: singular and plural (in some languages ​​it happens differently). At first glance, it may seem that the plural of nouns in English is formed according to some difficult, incomprehensible rules. In fact, everything is simple, since in most cases the plural is formed according to the basic rule, and the remaining cases are quickly memorized with practice.

Rules for forming the plural of nouns in English

1. Basic rule

In most cases, the plural of nouns in English (plural) is formed using the ending -s. Pay attention to how this ending is pronounced:

  • After vowels and voiced consonants - like [z],
  • After voiceless consonants - like [s].

However, if you are confused about the pronunciation of -s at the end of a word, you will certainly be understood.

2. Nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss

What if the word ends with s? In this case (for greater euphony and ease of pronunciation) you need to add -es. The same goes for words -ss,-sh, ch, x, -z.

Ending -es helps to pronounce combinations of sounds that would be difficult to pronounce without it. Let me remind you, -es added at the end of words to -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z. Imagine what it would be like without -es:

watchs, matches, boxes, buss (!), classes (!!!)

Agree, it’s much easier to pronounce the words:

watches, matches, boxes, buses, classes.

3. Nouns ending with consonant + y

consonant + ending -y, That -y changes to -ies .

If a noun ends in vowel + ending -y, then to -y is added -s. In other words, the plural is formed according to the basic rule.

4. Nouns ending with -o

If a noun ends in -o, you need to add -es.


  • photo – photos (photo),
  • memo – memos (memo).
  • piano – pianos (piano),

5. Nouns ending in -f, -fe

In nouns ending in -f or - fe, need to replace -f or - fe on -ves.

6. Table: plural nouns in English

This image provides a quick summary of the rules for forming the plural of a noun.

Special cases of plural formation in English

In English there are exceptions to the rules for forming plurals. Most of them concern rather rare words; the most important thing to remember is the cases from the first paragraph (man - men, woman - women, etc.), since they are the most frequent.

1. Main exceptions: the plural is not formed according to general rules

A number of nouns form their plurals in a non-standard way:

Note: the word women is pronounced [ˈwɪmɪn].

2. The plural and singular forms are the same

Some nouns have the same plural and singular forms. These include:

3. Nouns used only in the singular

As in Russian, some nouns in English are used only in singular or plural. These include:

1. Abstract, uncountable nouns

  • Knowledge - knowledge,
  • Love - love,
  • Friendship - friendship,
  • Information - information,

2. Names of sciences, academic disciplines in -ics

Although they end in -s, these words are used in the singular.

  • Ecomonics - economics,
  • Physics - physics,
  • Aerobics - aerobics,
  • Classics – classic literature.

3. And others

  • Money - money,
  • Hair - hair.

3. Nouns used only in the plural

As in Russian, many names of paired objects do not have a singular number

  • Pants - trousers,
  • Scissors - scissors,
  • Glasses – glasses (for the eyes, not glasses in the game),

Some words that are used in English only in the plural are used in Russian in the plural and singular:

  • Goods – product, goods.
  • Clothes - clothes.

Note: clothes is or clothes are?

Often have difficulties with words clothes - clothes. Should we use it as singular or plural? How to write correctly: clothes is or clothes are?

We are accustomed to the fact that “clothes” is a singular number in the Russian language, so we strive to use the English clothes in the Russian manner, as if it were a singular noun, but this is a mistake. In English this word is plural and is used accordingly:

  • Wrong: Your clothes are so dirty. -Your clothes are so dirty.
  • Right: Your clothes are so dirty. -Your clothes are so dirty.

4. Plural of compound nouns

Compound nouns consist of more than one word and can be written:

  1. Separately or with a hyphen: mother-in-law(mother-in-law), assistant headmaster(assistant school principal).
  2. Together: postman(postman), schoolboy(schoolboy).

In separate compound nouns, as a rule, the word with the main meaning takes the plural form:

In general, the plural of nouns in English is formed according to strict and simple rules. However, there are some nuances and exceptions here that will be useful for you to know.

Basic rules for forming plurals

Plural most nouns are formed by adding the ending to the word - s. For example:

  • cup - cup s
  • pen - pen s
  • page - page s
  • daughter - daughter s

However, if the word ends with -ch, -x, -s, -sh, the ending is added to it -es.

  • ben ch—bench es
  • fo x—fox es
  • cla ss— class es
  • bru sh—brush es

Most nouns ending in a consonant +o, also form the plural using the ending -es.

  • he ro- hero es
  • pota to- potato es
  • toma to-tomato es

However, in words of Spanish or Italian origin that end in -o, is simply added -s.

  • phot o— photo s
  • pian o- piano s
  • tang o—tango s
  • studio o— studio s

To nouns that end in -z, is added -zes.

In nouns that end in a consonant + y, discarded y and is added -ies. For example:

  • co py— cop ies
  • hob by—hobb ies
  • s ky—sk ies

Most nouns of Latin origin that end in -is, discarded -is and is added -es. For example:

  • bas is- bas es
  • cris is- Chris es
  • oas is- oas es

Most nouns that end in -f or -fe, discarded f and is added -ves. For example:

  • wi fe—wi ves
  • shel f— shel ves
  • lea f—lea ves

But this is not a strict rule:

  • belief - beliefs (believes is a verb)
  • chief - chiefs
  • reef - reefs
  • proof - proofs
  • cliff - cliffs
  • safe - safes (saves is a verb)

Exceptions to the rules

There are many common nouns that have an irregular plural form: the plural of such nouns is formed in an unusual way.

These include most nouns denoting people. For example:

  • woman - women
  • child - children
  • brother - brethren (meaning “brothers”)

Other exception nouns:

  • foot - feet
  • tooth - teeth
  • goose - geese
  • mouse - mice

Some nouns have the same singular and plural form. For example:

  • sheep - sheep
  • fruit - fruit
  • aircraft - aircraft
  • series - series

In the plural they require the appropriate form of the verb (are/were):

  • There is a fruit in the vase. —There are some fruit in the vase.
  • There was a sheep in the field. —There were a lot of sheep in the field.

In turn, uncountable nouns (money, news, advice, information) do not have a plural form and agree with a singular verb ( is/was):

  • There is a lot of news in your letter.
  • There there was some money on the table.

Some nouns (scissors, glasses, trousers, tweezers, pyjamas, etc.) have only a plural form and require the corresponding verb form ( are / were). For example:

  • Where are my new trousers? They were on the chair.

Nouns that come from obsolete forms English words or are of foreign origin, often have a non-standard plural form:

  • ox - oxen
  • index - indices or indexes

In compound nouns, the plural ending is usually added to the main component. For example:

  • mother-in-law s-in-law
  • hotel-keeper - hotel-keeper s

Words ending with -us

Linguists can argue for hours about the plural of nouns that end in -us. Many of these words are borrowed from Latin and retain the Latin plural form, where the ending -us is replaced by -i (pronounced [-ʌɪ] or [-iː]). However, not all such words are of Latin origin, and not all latin words end in -i in the plural, hence the controversy. For example:

  • The plural of virus is virus es, not viri.

Some take regular English ending -es: campus - campus es; bonus - bonus es.

Some Latin borrowings take the ending -i: radius - radi i, stimulus - stimulus i.

If you want to puzzle a linguist, ask him what the plural of crocus is - crocuses or croci. Or is the plural of octopus - octopuses, octopi or octopodes?

Words in the singular

Uncountable nouns are used only in the singular.

Most nouns in Russian are countable objects. They can be used in combination with cardinal numbers. Such nouns have forms and the only one, And plural: table - tables, desk - desks, cloud - clouds.

These forms have different endings and combine differently with other parts of speech.

If the singular number is used to denote a single object from a series of similar ones, then the plural number denotes a set of homogeneous objects.

In most cases, plural nouns have endings -s, -i, -a, -ya(trunk - trunks, girl - girls, place - places, tree - trees). In some cases, alternation or loss/adding of vowels is observed at the base of the word ( friend - friends, wreath - wreaths, piece - pieces).

It should also be noted that in the singular nouns of each of the three genders have different endings. The plural hides gender characteristics, so, for example, nouns wall, night, village (female) And stump, table, knife(masculine) have identical endings in this situation: walls, nights, villages, stumps, tables, knives. This is a feature of language when in this case the main thing is to show the number of objects, not their type.

Some nouns in Russian indicate plurality with a singular form. Such words do not form a plural. These are the nouns:

    real ( milk, cereal, butter, silk, gold and etc.);

    collective ( humanity, students, foliage);

    distracted (patience, pressure, kindness);

    own ( Moscow, Paris, Rhone).

There are cases of using words from this list in the plural: cheeses, cereals, sausages etc. But here the plural means rather various varieties, not quantity, for example:

"The meat processing plant produces various types of sausages."

In contrast to nouns, which do not form a plural, there are words in the language that exist only in the form of a plural. These are the nouns:

    distracted ( twilight, vacation);

    real ( cream, cabbage soup);

    names of some games ( hide and seek, blind man's buff, checkers, chess);

    items that include several parts ( scissors, trousers, jeans, scales and etc.).

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Hello dear readers! Today you will learn how the plural is formed in English. The topic at first glance is not complicated, but there are many nuances that you should pay attention to.

In English, only countable nouns form the plural, that is, those that can be counted. Such nouns can have a singular or plural form. I think it's no secret to anyone what the plural is. If the singular is used to denote one thing or concept, then the plural is used to denote several things. So, now we will look at the basic rules for forming plurals in English. Plural of nouns in English

Formation of the plural

1. The plural of most nouns is formed by adding the ending −s to a singular noun.

−s reads:

[z] after vowels and voiced consonants
[s] after voiceless consonants

  • a tie tie- tie s ties
  • a teacher teacher— teacher s[ˈtiːʧəz] teachers
  • a room room- room s rooms
  • a map map— map s cards

2. Nouns that end in consonants s, ss, sh, ch, tch, x, plural endings take -es which reads [ɪz].

  • a match match-match es[ˈmæʧɪz] matches

3. Nouns that end in a vowel -O, in the plural also take the ending -es.

  • hero hero- hero es[ˈhɪərəʊz] heroes
  • tomato tomato−tomato es tomatoes

If before the final -O there is a vowel, then the plural noun takes the ending -s.

  • radio radio- radio s[ˈreɪdɪəʊz] radios
  • kangaroo kangaroo— kangaroo s kangaroo

If a noun that ends in -O in the singular, is an abbreviation, then in the plural it also takes the ending -s.

  • photo (graph) photo)— photo s[ˈfəʊtəʊz] photos
  • kilo(gramme) kilo (gram)- kilo s[ˈkiːləʊz] kilograms

In some cases, variations are possible with −s And -es.

  • flamingo flamingo— flamingo s flamingo es flamingo
  • volcano volcano- volcano s, volcano es volcanoes

4. To nouns that end in -y, and before the end -y a consonant is added, the ending is added -es And at changes to i.

  • a factory factory, factory− factor ies[ˈfæktəriz] factories, factories

In case before −y there is a vowel, no changes occur, and the plural is formed by adding the ending -s.

  • a day day- day s days

5. Plural of some nouns that end in f, fe, is formed by substitution f consonant v and adding the ending -es. The following nouns obey this rule:

  • сalf calf− cal ves calves
  • half half− hal ves halves
  • elf elf−el ves elves
  • knife knife−kni ves knives
  • leaf tree leaf−lea ves leaves
  • life life−li ves life
  • loaf loaf−loa ves loaves
  • self self− sel ves ourselves
  • sheaf bunch—shea ves[ʃiːvz] ligaments
  • shelf shelf− shel ves[ʃɛlvz] shelves
  • thief thief− thie ves[θiːvz] the thieves
  • wife wife− wi ves wives
  • wolf wolf −wolves wolves

In some cases, variations with endings are possible f And v.

  • hoof hoof-hoo fs, hoo ves hooves
  • scarf scarf—scar fs, scar ves scarves
  • wharf pier—whar fs, whar ves piers

Plural of exclusion

6. Some nouns retain archaic plural forms. The plural of such nouns is formed by changing root vowel or by adding an ending — en.

  • a man man− m e n men
  • a woman woman− wom e n [ˈwɪmɪn] women
  • brother ["brʌðər] brother− br e thr en["breðrɪn] brethren
  • foot leg−f ee t legs
  • goose goose-g ee se geese
  • louse ["laus] louse−l i ce lice
  • mouse mouse— m ic e mice
  • tooth tooth-t ee th teeth
  • a child [ʧaɪld] child− childr en[ˈʧɪldrən] children
  • ox [ɒks] bull- ox en[ˈɒksən] bulls

7. In English, the singular and plural forms of some nouns are the same.

  • craft ship - ships
  • works factory - factories
  • species["spi:ʃi:z] biol. species - species
  • headquarters ["hed"kwɔ:təz] main department - central authorities
  • alms [ɑːmz] alms − alms
  • barracks [ˈbærəks] barracks - barracks
  • corps military diploma housing - housings
  • grouse partridge − partridge
  • crossroads [ˈkrɒsˌrəʊdz] road intersections - crossroads
  • deer deer - deer
  • sheep [ʃiːp] sheep - sheep
  • fish ["fɪʃ] fish - fish
  • fruit fruit − fruit
  • gallows [ˈgæləʊz] gallows - gallows
  • trout trout − trout
  • means means - means
  • salmon ["sæmən] salmon - salmon
  • series ["sɪəri:z] series − series
  • swine pig - pigs

8. Some nouns that have Latin or Greek origin, in the plural retained the archaic form.

  • analysis [ə"næləsɪs] analysis− analyzes [ə"næləsi:z] tests
  • axis ["æksɪs] axis− axes ["æksɪz] axes
  • basis ["beɪsɪs] the basis− bases ["beɪsi:z] basics
  • crisis ["kraɪsɪs] a crisis− crises ["kraɪsi:z] crises
  • datum ["deɪtəm] given value− data ["deɪtə] data
  • erratum typo− errata list of typos
  • formula [ˈfɔ:rmjulə] formula− formulae ["fɔ:rmjuli:], formulas ["fɔ:rmjuləz] formulas
  • locus ["ləukəs] location− loci ["ləusaɪ] locations
  • memorandum [, memə"rændəm] record "for memory"− memoranda [, memə"rændə], memorandums [, memə"rændəmz] notes
  • nucleus cell-nuclei cells
  • phenomenon phenomenon− phenomenal phenomena
  • radius ["reɪdɪəs], [ˈreɪdjəs] radius− radii ["reɪdɪaɪ] radii
  • species [ˈspiːʃiːz] type, type- species [ˈspiːʃiːz] types, types
  • thesis [ˈθiːsɪs] thesis- theses [θiːsiːz] theses

9. In English there are a number of nouns that are used only in the plural.

  • binoculars − binoculars
  • breeches ["brɪtʃɪz] − breeches
  • glasses ["aɪglɑːsɪz] − glasses
  • jeans [ʤiːnz]− jeans
  • pajamas, pajamas − pajamas
  • pliers [ˈplaɪəz] − pliers
  • scissors [ˈsɪzəz] − scissors
  • shorts ʃɔːts − shorts, panties
  • stockings[ˈstɒkɪŋz] − socks
  • tights − tights
  • tongs - forceps
  • trousers [ˈtraʊzəz] - trousers
  • proceeds [ˈprəʊsiːdz] − income
  • surroundings neighborhood
  • riches [ˈrɪʧɪz] − wealth
  • thanks [θæŋks] − Gratitude
  • wages [ˈweɪʤɪz] − earnings

Pluralizing compound nouns

1. Compound nouns that are written together form the plural by adding an ending to the second element.

  • schoolgirl schoolgirl— schoolgirl s schoolgirls
  • policeman police officer— policem e n police

2. If a compound noun, which is written with a hyphen, includes the words man or woman, as one of components words, then all parts of the word take the plural.

  • woman-writer writer− wom e n-writer s writers
  • gentleman-farmer gentleman farmer− gentlem e n-farmer sgentleman farmers

3. Compound nouns, which are written with a hyphen, form the plural by changing the key element.

  • family-name surname− family-name s surnames
  • commander-in-chief commander in chief− commander s-in-chief commanders-in-chief

4. If in compound name noun has no noun element, the plural is formed by adding the ending −s to the last element.

  • forget-me-not forget-me-not− forget-me-not s forget-me-nots
  • merry-go-round carousel− merry-go-round s carousels


1. In English, some uncountable nouns can be used as countable nouns.

Uncountable: success - luck, success (in general terms))

  • Success is in the details. − A scrupulous attitude to business is the path to success.

Calc. :a success successful result− success essuccessful results

  • My new job is a success. − My new job- it's just a happy accident.
  • We learn from our success es and failures. − We learn from our successes and mistakes.

2. In English, some nouns can agree with a verb in the singular or plural, depending on the context, without changing their form.

  • My family is large. — My family is big.(Family as a whole)
  • My family are early risers. — Everyone in our family gets up early. (Family is like a set of individual members of a team)

3. In English, the same noun can be countable in one meaning and uncountable in another.

Uncountable: iron − iron
Calcul.: an iron iron-iron s irons

4. In English, some nouns have endings -s have a singular meaning and accordingly agree with singular verbs.
