Evening meeting with graduates is an original scenario for those who have not seen each other for a long time. Scenario "evening meeting with school graduates"

Scenario for the alumni meeting “Once Upon a Time Many Years Later” 2018

Registration is underway at the entrance, and students on duty seat guests in their seats.

School-themed songs are played.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends!

Presenter 2:We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Leading: Do you know everyone?

Presenter 1:Yes, sure! It’s written on their faces: “Ours!” You can immediately see creativity, positivity and communication! Because they all graduated from our twenty-ninth school.

Presenter 2:And how great it is that they are all here today!

Presenter 1:Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Presenter 2:After all, each of you was waiting for her once.

Presenter 1:True, mostly from class, and very rarely to class!

Presenter 2:We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!(phonogram of the call)

Presenter 1: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How your mothers took you to school by the hand,

They called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

Presenter 2:School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, A's and D's, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, competitions, Olympiads...

Presenter 1:And everything happened here, behind these walls, but there was always a person nearby who has been heading our school for more than thirty-two years - this is our director Alla Ivanovna Grigorieva. And we give her the floor, as the mistress of the house.

Alla Ivanovna(Results of the life of the school over 50 years)

Presenter 2:We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life have once again gathered within these walls.

Presenter 1:Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter 2:For all graduates, 5th grade students perform the dance number “I feel like being a hooligan.”

Presenter 1:With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers:

those who worked and are working today, giving their talent, soul and heart to the school, and for whom the school has become a second home.

Presenter 2: You will always remain next to us,

Because we always need you.

This means you will never grow old.

Never! Never! Never!

Presenter 1: Today at the evening there are: (labor veterans are listed)


Presenter 2: We do not forget the teachers who are now on well-deserved retirement.

Teachers of school No. 29: Pervanova Sima Andreevna; Vasilenko Lidiya Vasilievna; Fedoseeva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna; Maslova Larisa Anatolyevna; Primak Olga Alexandrovna.

Presenter 1: Teachers of school No. 32: Baidina Olga Grigorievna; Shirokova Sofya Zakharovna; Chechel Elena Viktorovna; Lyashchenko Maria Prokofievna; Boyko Elena Ivanovna; Cherednichenko Ekaterina Antonovna; Klyuchko Maria Andreevna.

Presenter 2: Today, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much!

And we are very grateful to you that you devoted so many years to your native school, raising students.

For you, dear teachers, this musical gift from the Domisolka vocal group.

“Thank you, teachers.”

Presenter 1:Many things have an amazing way of returning people’s memories of the past, giving them the joy of lived moments that have long been prevented from happening again.

Presenter 2: And everyone really wants to go back to childhood...

Presenter 1: Because those instructive lessons and interesting events.

School friends and a fun time during recess.

Presenter 2: All this happened here within the walls of my native school. And the school remembers you, the graduates.

And students should not forget their teachers.

Presenter 1: Let's remember today those teachers who are no longer with us today, they are gone, but their memory will remain in us forever. This : Kovenkov Nikolai Dmitrievich, second director of the school;

AT 2. Belokhvost Ivan Ivanovich;

IN 1: Molodyk Nina Mitrofanovna;

AT 2. Kutasevich Evgenia Romanovna;

IN 1: Borovskaya Nadezhda Ivanovna;

AT 2. Kovenkova Ekaterina Stepanovna;

IN 1: Fedorova Lyudmila Vladimirovna;

AT 2. Kravchenko Raisa Fedoseevna;

IN 1: Shaforostova Anna Mikhailovna;

AT 2. Skrynnik Vasily Terentievich;

IN 1. Tokareva Nadezhda Ivanovna;

AT 2. Golovneva Galina Vasilievna;

IN 1. Khudoley Alexey Alekseevich

AT 2. Koldenkov Vitaly Nikolaevich;

IN 1: Vasilchenko Valery Fedorovich;

AT 2. Leiba Elena Vladimirovna.

IN 1 Kozlova Valentina Dmitrievna;

AT 2: Gvozdeva Nina Vasilievna

IN 1: Zuboley Lyudmila Zakharovna;

AT 2. Garmatyuk Maryana Olegovna

IN 1. Vasilyeva Irina Georgievna

Leading 2. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence. (Minute of silence)

Leading 1: Many of the graduates became teachers and employees of the school.

Some of them work at their home school.

Leading 2: This is Svetlana Ivanovna Miroshnichenko, teacher primary classes.

Leading 1: Svetlana Vladimirovna Kravchenko, deputy director for educational work.

Leading 2. Lvova Victoria Aleksandrovna, school librarian.

Leading 1. Sereda Olga Ivanovna, school caretaker.

Leading 2: Tamara Aleksandrovna Kosenko, school technical staff.

Leading 1: Karepanova Elena Vladimirovna, Stetsenko Vita Aleksandrovna - school guards.

Presenter 2: Koren Alexander Nikolaevich, Potachuk Viktor Petrovich - stokers.

Presenter 1: Many of our teachers have turned from cool mothers into cool grandmothers,

because their graduates began to bring their children and even grandchildren to school.

Presenter 2: Entire school dynasties are already taking shape, and this is no coincidence, because school is our second home, where goodwill and justice always reign...

Presenter 1: Eat amazing view dynasties. Our graduates return to their home school as teachers and more.

Presenter 2: This is Batrakova Larisa Valentinovna, teacher Ukrainian language and literature, and her daughters - Elena Nikolaevna Valchuk, teacher of the extended day group, and Svetlana Nikolaevna Gurina, art teacher.

Presenter 1: Our graduates are returning, and it’s wonderful! This means that life goes on, and the traditions of the school will not fall into oblivion!

Presenter 2: School classes will not cool down if someone wants to warm them with the warmth of their hearts!

Presenter 1: For everyone present in the hall, Maksimova Ulyana, a 5th grade student, will perform the song “Back to School.”

Presenter 2: Already fiftieth year twenty-nine the school hospitably opens its doors. And every year we, students and teachers, look forward to meeting you.

Presenter 1: You are probably thinking: “Why are they trying so hard? Who are we to them?

I will answer this question right away: we would also like schoolchildren to wait to meet us in a year, five, ten years - and wait sincerely.

Presenter 2: For us, you are a kind of bridge to the future, which we can look into through you.

Presenter 1: Overall, it's a wonderful day. Just imagine: on the same day, at the same time, all the graduates, as if on command, meet in their home schools, all the stores exceed their plan for selling cakes. The flower gardeners are having another successful day, and passers-by can easily recognize themselves 10, 20, 30 years ago in the cheerful young men and women.

Presenter 2: Yes, this is a unique day, because every year, on the last Saturday of January, everything is different. A year is added. And now not four, but five years have passed, and not nine, but for some, all forty-nine...

Presenter 1: Today students came to our meeting different years our school. Young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable...

Presenter 2: And for them, the current 6th grade students prepared a scene from school life. Let's meet them.

Presenter 1: Among the graduates sitting in the hall there are VIP graduates - celebrants of the day.

Presenter 2: We want to look at the graduates of 2013 - those who graduated from school 5 years ago (applause).

Presenter 1: Let's welcome the graduates of 2008 - 10 years ago, the last bell rang for them, the graduates of 2003 - 15 years ago, who graduated from school!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see graduates of 1998 in our hall - please stand, today you have 20 summer anniversary!

Presenter 1: We welcome the graduates of 1993 with applause - 25 years ago, they graduated from school!

Presenter 2: I wonder if among the graduates there are those who graduated from school 30, 35, 40, 45 years ago, please stand up... this applause is for you.

Presenter 1: And, of course, we especially welcome those who are at this meeting for the first time, those who have recently left the walls of their home school and miss it very much.

Presenter 2: Graduates of 2017 - our latest graduate, we welcome you!

Presenter 1: We invite everyone to play a friendly and fun shouting game called “It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!” We will read the text, you, dear graduates, shout the phrase “It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!” to the lines that suit you.

Presenter 2: Who does not change his roots,

glorifies the hometown,

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

Presenter 1: Greetings bye

Those who are here from afar,

Who are our birds?

From near and far abroad?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Leading: 2 (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now and admiring you:

Keeping a good eye on your graduates?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 1: We, experienced parents,

Someone with a big, frankly speaking,

Who mom and dad got up at first light,

Whose children are older than 15 years old?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 2: We continue about the children of heroic families.

Who the hell has a large family?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 1: Who is still single,

Who holds his own tail with a pipe?

Whom should I wish happiness to?

To start a family faster.

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 2: Live and learn forever,

who has a life like this?

Are there any students among you?

Who is it, stand up now?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 1: Who is on the site on the famous

Adorable classmates

Still trying to find it? Who hangs up on the network?

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 2: Who, despite the burden of life,

I found the opportunity, the means, the time

And today I am very glad to return many years ago.

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!”

Presenter 1: Ah, we are a different generation,

Have we moved forward? Who knows!

After all, we are children, just like you once were

The answer is that only time can give...

Presenter 2: And for all graduates, 8th grade students prepared a skit “How the stars studied at school.” Let's meet them.

Presenter 1: I would like to know if any of you are graduates of 1969?

Presenter 2: We greet you! Your episode is special! On August 26, 1968, our school was reorganized from school No. 7 to school No. 29. And this year, 2018, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school, and in 2019, the 50th anniversary of the first graduating class of 1969. This applause is for you!

Presenter 1: And for all graduates - a fiery dance from 5th grade students. Hip-hop.

Presenter 2: What is 8 or 9 years? These are the years spent in the waiting room of the school station.

Years of hopes, worries, thoughts about the future.

Presenter 1: And today there is a solemn event at our station. On the Graduation Express train

We're heading down the road of school memories.

Presenter 2:When you're at school, time moves forward subtly. But when you return to school and meet your classmates, it seems as if these years never happened, that everyone is the same schoolchildren, and your teachers are still waiting for you. And today is the day when our school hours will help you return to your school years. I think it's worth a try...

Presenter 1: We invite you to make virtual trip on our symbolic train.

Presenter 2: Attention! Attention! The “Graduation Express”, following the “School Years” route, departs from the first track of the “School No. 29” station, the numbering of cars is from the tail of the train. Request: Passengers transfer to empty seats. The train leaves in 2 minutes.

Presenter 1: Each passenger on our train carries with him a significant baggage of memories from his school life. Let's wish each other well and long journey! (Train whistle.).

Presenter 2:( The sound of wheelsbackground ) Our train is picking up speed, the wheels are knocking on the rails in time. Their knocking is made up of memories, interesting facts, joyful moments of your school life. Enjoy your journey along the road of school life!

Presenter 1: Dear passengers, during the trip you and your guides, your favorite class teachers, need to fill out a travel diary. Reflect in it your memories, confessions and wishes to each other, teachers, schoolchildren and future graduates ...(transfer album and a pen for writing down wishes)

Presenter 2: And so that our passengers don’t get bored during Putin, we offer your Attention dance number from 9th grade students "Ninth-grade girls."

Presenter 1: There is a short stop ahead of each issue where you will share your memories with us.

Presenter 2: Attention attention!!! Dear passengers, our train is arriving at the station

“Heroes of our time” and we have the first stop of the train.

Presenter 2: Dear passengers, the next stop is the station “Bylyye milyye goda”

Presenter 1: Passengers are invited to the platform - representatives from all cars - graduates of 1969 - 2017 (the presenters ask everyone questions in turn).

1. State your last name, first name, patronymic.

2. State your year of manufacture.

3. Who was your class teacher?

4. Do you remember your first class, your first teacher, his name?

5. Which teachers do you remember and what do you remember about them?

6. Can you remember the unforgettable phrases of your teachers?

7. Your favorite subject.

8. How has our school changed since you left it?

9. Which of your classmates would you like to tell us about?

10. Who did you dream of becoming and who did you become?

11. Have your school dreams come true?

12.What can you wish to your friends, graduates, teachers?

Presenter 2: Our train is approaching the “World of Wonderful Discoveries” station.

Presenter 1: Passengers wishing to disembark may respond from their seats.

Presenter: On the screen you see photographs from the school life of graduates from different years. Who can comment on these events?

Presenter 2: Thanks to our guests for their memories, and we move on. (Knock of wheels).

Look at each other, pay attention to your appearance, smile. The next station is called "Confession". We offer you two daisies: one with questions, the second with answers.


1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played in class? gambling?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy image life?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


1. I often had to suffer from this.

2. This happened against my will.

3. My embarrassment tells me that I should remain silent.

4. Why do you care?

5. It all depends on my mood.

6. This goes without saying.

7. I admit this too.

8. I don’t answer such questions.

9. I don’t even allow the thought of this.

10. It seems that you are too carried away.

11. Yes, this is my element.

12. Yes, I advise you too.

13. Yes, although that's not all.

14. This is my dream.

15. How did you guess?

16. Only in a hammock under a tree.

17. This gives me a lot of pleasure.

18. You don’t know me well.

19. It’s not necessary once in a while...

20. I've been used to this since childhood

21. This is my hobby.

22. Especially in the director's office.

23. I spend all my free time like this.

24. I had to a couple of times.

25. My head is fine so far.

26. Yes, I have always had many talents!

27. Yes, but today I’m resting.

28. Yes, especially on the train.

29. You would like it too.

30. Only if no one sees.

31. Please do not put me in an awkward position.

32. If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

33. Yes, I really like it.

34. Only in the company of friends.

35. Life forces you.

36. Only in a dream.

37. At every opportunity.

38. This is quite possible, given my appearance.

39. Ask something easier.

40. Let's talk about this without witnesses.

41. Risk is a noble cause.

42. My financial situation does not allow me.

43. It seems to me that this is possible.

Presenter 1: Attention! Attention! Dear passengers! Our train arrives at the final station “Wind of Change”. We welcome those who will always remember each of their graduations, each of their lessons - these are our beloved teachers and class teachers - we invite you to the platform.

Presenter 2: We all want to hear your wishes to graduates - present and future (live microphone).

Leading: This concludes our journey. But the school's story does not end there. We are all its chroniclers. With every step we take, with every action we write new pages. And the 2018 page will belong to our future graduates. We give them the floor.

9th grade:

1. A year later, we will gather for our graduation party, and today will be history for us.

2. We, representatives of the upcoming release, assure you:

We will proudly bear the title of graduate of our school.

3. We will meet the expectations of our teachers.

4. We will go through life in such a way that the school is proud of us.

5. And the school has stood for 50 years and will stand for another fifty years.

6. And the school will have both the hundredth and two hundredth graduation, and this means

ALL- we'll meet Again!

Presenter 1:And today is a special evening - wonderful, sincere, warm...

And so that this evening will not be the last, the vocal group “Domisolka” gives everyone the song “Odnoklassniki. Dot. RU".

Presenter 2:We thank everyone who came to our native school and askkeep the warmth of this meeting for a long time.

Presenter 1: The evening of the meeting does not end here,

It continues in your former classes.

Presenter 2: Good teachers are waiting for you there,

Classmates and beloved friends are waiting!

And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together:"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Presenters exit. Background

Leading: Good evening, dear graduates!

Presenter : Hello, dear teachers!

Leading : For the umpteenth time, our school has cordially opened its doors to you.

Presenter : We are glad to welcome you to our traditional meeting evening, in our hall, because the school was once your second home. Remember?

Presenter: Let's greet each other with loud applause!
Leading : And now only those who are in a good mood applaud!
Presenter: Those who are happy to meet friends!
Leading : And now stormy, prolonged applause for our teachers and guests of the holiday!
Presenter: In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this hall


Graduates day today

And we will talk about you here.

But before the holiday.

Friends, let's start

Roll call now

We'll hold it here.


Be careful, shout loudly,

Don't miss your graduation year!

Graduates of 1966 – 50 years!

Graduates of 1971 – 45 years!

Graduates of 1976 – 40 years!

Graduates of 1981 – 35 years!

Graduates of 1986 – 30 years!

Graduates of 1991 – 25 years!

Graduates of 1996 - 20 years!

Graduates of 2001 – 15 years!

Graduates of 2006 – 10 years!

Graduates of 2011 – 5 years!

And the youngest of all are the 2015 graduates!

Leading: We continue the roll call. I ask you questions and you have to answer me“It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots.

The native village is glorified.

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,

Those who are here from far away.

Who are our birds?

From near and far abroad?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

3.Who built himself a house,

Celebrated a housewarming party in the house,

And now he lives in it,

Having experienced this fun?

4. There is nothing more beautiful in this world

Live in your own apartment.

Who is the owner?

Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

5.We will continue about children

Heroic families.

Who knows, not the same.

The large family?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

6.Who is still single

Who holds his own tail with a pipe?

Whom should I wish happiness to?

To start a family faster.

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

7.Live and learn

who has a life like this?

Are there any students among you?

Who is it, stand up now?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

8.Who, despite the burden of life,

I found the opportunity, the means, the time

And today I’m very happy

Take many years back?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

9. Who is on the site, on the famous one

"Odnoklassniki" lovely

Is he trying to find everyone?

Who hangs up on the network?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

Leading: We start our evening. Go!

Musical interruption

Presenter: 2016 has been named the year of Russian cinema! Therefore, we decided to call our meeting “Chronicles of school life.”

Leading: “I would like to rewind my life like a film 10 years ago...” We invite you, dear friends, to replay the film of your memories of school and again plunge into the atmosphere of fun school days.

Presenter: And we want to support our cinematic theme with a video about the school

Video about the school


Now we invite you to the stage

The one who every day in the morning

He meets us all at the doorstep,

Who takes care of us all at school.

Of course, our director.


The floor for greetings is given to the school director Marina Aleksandrovna Kunakovskaya.

Director's word

Ved 1 . Leafing through an old school album,
I plunge again for a moment
In the days of youth... And like in a silent movie
Frames of past days are flashing... I'm trying

Ved 1 . Restore everything in your memory:
Here is the old porch and school yard,
Here are friends smiling in the shadow of the branches,
The teacher, moderately strict, squints his eyes...

Ved 2 . The last state exam is over,
Unrest is a thing of the past century
Everyone was wondering - what is there ahead?
And how to get a “lucky” ticket to life?..

Presenter: There is a proposal to go back many years.

Leading: But for this we need to greet those without whom the process of your education at school could not take place - our dear teachers - veterans


Presenter: We invite you to the stage.

Leading: Let me ask you a few questions:

— Do you remember all your students?

— How many graduations did you have and how many guys did you graduate?

— Did you have any favorites, who were they?

— What can you wish for teachers who are currently working at school?

Leading: Thank you very much, please take your seats.

Flowers for veteran teachers

Leading: The Anthem of the 29th school is played.

“Anthem of the 29th school” - choir of 5th grade students

Presenter: 1966.

  • The Luna-9 spacecraft, launched on January 31, was the first in the world to land on the surface of the Moon in the Ocean of Storms region and transmitted the first lunar photo panorama
  • The Kosmos-110 satellite is launched with the dogs Veterok and Ugolek on board
  • Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Venera-3" for the first time in the world reached the surface of the planet Venus
  • Monthly wages were introduced on collective farms for the first time.
  • Biggest meteor Rain registered on the night of November 16-17, 1966.

And we invite to the stage the class of 1966 - the 50th anniversary celebrants. Applause!

Leading: A total of 5 classes graduated - 305 people, of which 11 medalists:

  1. Kursov Dmitry Vasilievich
  2. Bondar Lyubov Ivanovna
  3. Dashko Lyudmila Pavlovna
  4. Logvinenko Evgeniy Ivanovich
  5. Malakhov Alexander Valentinovich
  6. Khodus Nina Grigorievna
  7. Martynyuk Lyudmila Evtikhievna
  8. Semenova Nina Fedorovna
  9. Simonenko Alexandra Ivanovna
  10. Kozak Anatoly Vsevolodovich
  11. Dogadkina Rimma Sergeevna

Class teachers:

  • Vishnevskaya Maria Afanasyevna
  • Masterova Taisiya Alexandrovna

First teachers:

  • Shcherbina Ekaterina Alekseevna
  • Miroshnichenko Alexey Mikhailovich
  • Uncountable Alexandra Petrovna

The graduation was famous for the fact that all students had their own profession, loved sports, and traveled a lot. The activists were: Alexander Kunakovsky, Tatyana Ivanina, Liliya Sulim, Lyudmila Shilova.

This year’s graduates have achieved considerable heights in their professional activities:

  • Simonenko Alexandra Ivanovna Candidate of Mathematical Sciences, taught at Nalchin University;
  • Konovalov Yuri Ivanovich – teacher at the Polytechnic Institute;
  • Usok Galina Savelyevna - worked as a director at school 34;
  • Vdovina Tatyana - worked at the embassy in India;
  • Shcherbakov Vladimir Ivanovich - worked abroad in Belgium;
  • Evgeniy Ivanovich Logvinenko – teacher of oriental languages ​​at Kuban State University;
  • Efremenko Alexander - captain of the navy.

Assignment for the Class of 1966

Leading: Dear graduates! Over to you.

Presenter: And we have prepared a task for you. Since we touched on the topic of cinema today, you need to listen to the phrase and guess the film in which it was heard:

1. They are writing an essay, but they took away my lesson for this task.

Are you sorry?

It's a shame there aren't two.(“We’ll live until Monday.”)

2. Hard at school - easy at work. (Coward. "Operation Y".)

3. An exam is always a holiday for me, professor! (Oak. "Obsession.")

4. He who does not work eats. (Big guy. "Partner".)

5. We will not take Baba Yaga from outside. We will educate you in our team. (Ogurtsov. “Carnival Night.”)

6. Girl, don’t argue with the teacher. The teacher is always right!(Episode: "The Big Break")

7. Don’t interrupt, please, I’ll get confused myself. (Novoseltsev. "Love affair at work".)

8. The main thing is that the suit fits! ( Ivan. "Sorcerers")

Leading: Our graduates did a great job. And in parting, we would like to work with you to compile a congratulatory address for our teachers. Please name a few adjectives.

Farewell autograph of graduates.

Our teachers!
On this _______ day of meeting with school, we want to say only the most _______ words.
During 11 years of _______ school life, we experienced many _______ moments.
We will never forget you, our _______ teachers!
We, your _______ students, wish you _______ health, more _______ minutes in your life, _______ students, and may a _______ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect, your _______ children.


Leading: A musical gift for you.

«__________________________» — ________________________

Presenter: 1971.

  • Production of the Zhiguli car began
  • Launch of the first Soviet orbital station "Salyut"
  • in the presence of 103,000 spectators, Lev Yashin's farewell match took place
  • American lands on the moon spaceship Apollo 15
  • Greenpeace organization created
  • Motown Records released Michael Jackson's first single, "Got to Be Were," when he was 13 years old.
  • The first landing on the surface of Mars by a Soviet spacecraft lander<Марс-3>

And we invite 45-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!


3 classes graduated, a total of 80 people.

First teachers: Barkova Maria Timofeevna, Morenko Ksenia Terentyevna,Anastasia Nikolaevna

Class teachers:Andryukova Olga Pavlovna, Nishchuk Klavdiya Petrovna, Yulia Petrovna

The classes were very friendly, everyone helped each other.

Class 10 “A” actively participated in the collection of waste paper and scrap metal; this was a kind of tradition of this class. The guys helped veterans, the disabled, and were compassionate.

From the story of a student of class 10 “A”Lydia Yakubovskaya: What the class remembered most was:

  1. Celebrations for the honor of the school
  2. Annual demonstrations
  3. Sports holidays (the class was sports, especially girls)
  4. Hiking
  5. Acceptance of class students first in October, then into the ranks of the Komsomol.

11B class was the most athletic class. Participated in the RSFSR volleyball championshipVyushkin Alexey Viktorovich, Kolomiets Grigory Mikhailovich, Tikhonov Evgeny Yurievich.

This year’s graduates have worked and are working for the benefit of our country:

Komoza Olga Viktorovna-works in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Vyushkin Alexey Viktorovich— Worked in ore mines for 23 years. Worked his way up from a simple mechanic to the head of the Eastern mine in Aapatity, Murmansk region, worked in Finland, Germany, Belgium, Holland.

Kashkakha Galina Nikolaevna- employee of the Research Institute of Cosmonautics in Lvov

Fedorov Viktor Alekseevich- talented builder

Assignments for the Class of 1871

Presenter: Let's remember school curriculum. A little quiz. We answer questions. I remind you that you must raise your hand to answer.

  1. In the novel “Destruction” by Fadeev, the following characters participate:

Snow Maiden
Father Frost

  1. Complete the quote: “I go out alone...”

to work
on the road
on the bear

  1. Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, are -


  1. What formula actually exists:

What difference does it make to you

  1. Karl Marx wrote...


  1. When adding numbers it turns out

a lot of

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 1976.

  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found the Apple Computer Company
  • The XXI Olympic Games took place in Montreal.
  • The first studies have been carried out on the surface of Mars.
  • The comedy film by Eldar Ryazanov “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” was released on the big screen.

And we invite 40-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!

Leading: In 1976, 3 classes graduated, a total of 81 people. There were no medalists.

10a Total students 26

1 teacher: Fedorova Anisiya Zinovievna; Klimenko Valentina Evgenievna

Class teacher: Khavilov Nikolai Vasilievich.

10b Total students 26

1 teacher: Varvara Petrovna Kovylyanskaya

Class teacher: Dmitrenko Lyubov Viktorovna.

10в Total students 29

1 teacher: Dmitrieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Class teacher: Vishnevskaya Maria Afanasyevna

Assignments for the Class of 1976

Presenter: We invite you to guess and sing good old songs about school verse by verse:(phonograms with songs and slides with words)

- school years

- taught at school

When we leave the school yard

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall

Presenter: 1981.

  • The premiere of the musical “Juno” and “Avos” took place at Lenkom.
  • Debut of the MTV music channel. Exactly six years later he began working in Europe.
  • Scientists have reported for the first time the threat of global warming on Earth.
  • The world's largest shopping center with an area of ​​483 thousand square meters was opened in Alberta (Canada). meters.
  • December 11 - Big Ben stops due to cold at 12:27

And we invite 35-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!


This year 90 people graduated from the school. First teachers: Kostyuk Maria Alexandrovna, Morenko Ksenia Terentyevna. Class teachers: Nikolay Vasilievich Khavilov, Svetlana Viktorovna Nazarenko, Vera Viktorovna Belik.

Certificates of honor were awarded to: Sergey Valentinovich Glebov (NVP), Pavel Anatolyevich Sinyansky (NVP), Irina Vladimirovna Masletsova (biology), Natalya Nikolaevna Ponamareva (history)

Among the graduates are medical workers, military personnel, economists, accountants, cultural figures, entrepreneurs and just many others. good people. The parallel classes are very friendly. The leader at the school was Natalya Vladimirovna Senik.

Assignment for the class of 1981

Presenter: You left school a long time ago and haven’t seen each other for many years. During this time, a lot has changed for all of us. But if everyone talks about their lives, then we will be “stuck” here for a month. And for this case we have a magic bell that will help us find out everything about everyone

Game "Magic Bell"

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: Looking through footage of school days, it’s hard not to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

Leading: Many teachers who gave you their warmth and shared their knowledge have left our ranks. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.

  1. Minute of silence

Presenter: These are difficult times for our country today. But Russia has always remained strong. One of the striking examples of demonstrating the strength of Russian character was the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, whose 70th anniversary we celebrated last year.

Leading: Every year in February our school hosts a month of military work. This year it is called “For Faith, Kuban and Fatherland!” We try to instill in our students a love for their Motherland and a sense of patriotism. We dedicate the next issue to this.

«_________________________» — ____________________________

Presenter: 1986.

  • Soviet orbital station Mir launched
  • An accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • Mike Tyson won the WBC heavyweight title, becoming the youngest world champion in boxing history.
  • Queen became the first group after Louis Armstrong to break through the Iron Curtain - Budapest, Live Magic concert.

And we ask for a 30th anniversary release on stage! Applause!


In 1986, 2nd class graduated. Total 73 students

10 "A" class. The first teacher is Ekaterina Dmitrievna Dmitrieva.

Class teacher - Dzhurko Vera Nikolaevna.

10 "B" class. The first teacher is Tatyana Sergeevna Zgurko.

Class teacher - Tomara Petrovna Domashenko.

Among them: sports, friendly classes. Teachers, doctors, cosmetologists, businessmen.

Their children studied and are studying in our 29th school.

Assignment for the class of 1986

Presenter: Many of you must have been pioneers. That's why we have prepared a simple task for you. Break into pairs. Hug your partner with one arm as if you were Siamese twins. And secondly, try to tie one of you a pioneer tie.

“In the fight for the cause of the Communist Party, be prepared!”

Must answer “Always ready!”

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall! This musical gift is for you

“Let the fires fly” - pioneer class

Presenter: 1991

  • Alla Pugacheva received the title “Honored Artist of the USSR”
  • In a referendum, Leningrad residents voted to return the city to its original name - St. Petersburg, and Sverdlovsk again became Yekaterinburg.
  • July 3 — Premiere of the film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”
  • heir Russian throne Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, cousin of Nicholas II, flew to St. Petersburg, visiting Russia for the first time.
  • abolition of the USSR and creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

We ask for the 25th anniversary release on stage! Applause!


This year there were three graduating classes: 11A; 11B; 11B. A total of 77 students.

First teachers: Barabash Maria Timofeevna, Shpatak Alla Grigorievna, Shinkarenko Natalya Nikolaevna

Class teachers: Yaroshenko Valentina Fedorovna, Bashmakova Alla Semenovna,

Many of the guys had a sense of humor.

The guys from this class became teachers, economists, medical workers, farmers.

Assignments for the class of 1991

Presenter: A simple task. Before you are two abbreviations (OBZH, VUZ), your task is to come up with as many different options as possible for deciphering these abbreviations.

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 1996.

  • the first chess match between the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov (G. Kasparov won with a score of 4-2)
  • Russian presidential elections. Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term.
  • July 19 — The XXVI Olympic Games began in Atlanta

And we ask 25-year-old anniversaries to take the stage! Applause!


IN In 1996, four 11th grade students graduated. A total of 89 students.

In 11B medalists: Puchok K., Klitinskaya I. (gold); Gomagan A., Kanakaeva M. (silver).

Class teacher Kotova E.V.

In 11A medalist Batulova A.A.

Class teacher Knysh T.S.

Kolomeets Galina. Graduated from Kuban State University by profession a lawyer, currently works as a legal consultant at the Federal Treasury Institution “Management of Federal highways“Black Sea” Federal Road Agency” by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated December 26, 2014. awarded a diploma and medal for significant contribution to the preparation and holding of the 22 Olympic Winter Games and 21 Paralympic Games in 2014 in Sochi.

Irina Klitinskaya graduated from the Medical Academy, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Puchok Tatyana graduated from Moscow Trade and Trade the University of Economics, accounting and finance faculty - economist, works as an accountant in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory.

Shulga Peter graduated from the rocket school, Moscow Military Academy, candidate of technical sciences.

Assignment for the class of 1996

Presenter: Which song or poem begins with the following question words (variants are possible)?

Where? (“...childhood is leaving”)

Who? (“...invented you”)

How? (“...this all happened”)

Where? ("…It was")

When? (“…let’s leave the school yard”)

What? (“...you look greedily at the road”)

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall! A musical gift for you

«___________________________» — _______________________

Presenter: 2001.

  • first release of Wikipedia
  • flooding of the Mir orbital station in the southern part Pacific Ocean, near the Fiji Islands
  • Flight of the first space tourist Dennis Tito
  • The World Carnival Parade took place in Moscow, opening the “Square Theaters of the World” program as part of the International Theater Olympiad.
  • The XXVII Summer Olympic Games opened in Sydney.

And we invite the 15-year-old graduate to the stage! Applause!


In 2001 it was released 6 eleventh grade. They studied 132 students.

Two people received a gold medal:

Elena Klitinskaya (11 B) and Elena Kupatadze (11 D).

Six people received a silver medal:

Svetlana Medvedeva (11 A), Olesya Sokolova (11 A), Victoria Tereshchenko (11 B), Olesya Lee (11 G), Dmitry Melnik (11 G) and Nikolay Drozhd (11 D).

Certificates of commendation received:

Antonenko Anton in biology;

Vasilchenko Andrey in physical education;

Zyazina Natalya in chemistry.

Tyapchenko Oleg in English.

Melnik Dmitry in algebra.

Klimtsev Sergey in computer science

V 11 A There were 21 people in the class.

Class teacher Krasnyak Yuri Grigorievich

First teacher Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Seredova.

B 11 B There were 20 people in the class.

Class teacher Maya Evdokimovna Golubitskaya.

First teacher Garmasheva Natalya Anatolyevna.

V 11 V There were 23 people in the class.

Class teacher Galina Petrovna Khikhlovskaya.

The first teacher is Dzgurko Tatyana Sergeevna.

In 11 G There were 24 people in the class.

Class teacher Tatyana Viktorovna Silchenko.

First teacher Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna.

B 11 D There were 22 people in the class.

Class teacher Lyudmila Georgievna Nesterenko.

First teacher: (mixed class) Romanets Svetlana Ivanovna and Dmitrieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna and others, the rest could not be identified

At 11 E There were 22 people in the class.

Class teacher Alla Semenovna Bashmakova.

First teacher: (mixed class) Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna and others, it was not possible to identify the rest.

Assignment for class of 2001

Presenter: I will tell you phrases in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to decipher the shifters.

For example, the correct answer for the shapeshifter “A girl is like a house” would be “A little boy.”

  • Kikimora under a watermelon (The Princess and the Pea)
  • dog without sandals (Puss in Boots)
  • clothed beggar (Naked King)
  • copper chicken (golden goose)
  • Rubik's Cube (Kolobok)
  • stupid Vasily (Vasilisa the Wise)
  • green shoe (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • rusty lock (Golden key)
  • gray bush (Scarlet flower)

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

«_______________________» — ________________________

Presenter: 2006

  • The XX Winter Olympic Games were held in Turin (Italy).
  • On International Congress mathematicians in Madrid, the King of Spain was to present the St. Petersburg mathematician G. Perelman with the Fields Medal. He was awarded this highest award in the mathematical world, equal in importance to the Nobel Prize, for his proof of the Poincaré conjecture. For 100 years, no one succeeded in doing this. But Perelman refused the award
  • September 12 — As part of the Confessions Tour, singer Madonna visited Russia for the first time in history, performing in Moscow at the Luzhniki Stadium

And we invite the 10th anniversary edition to the stage! Applause!


In 2006, 84 graduates graduated from the school. The school director is Galina Fedorovna Kovtun. Head teachers - Vera Nikolaevna Varenik, Evgenia Pavlovna Yozhikova, Valentina Grigorievna Pronchatova.

First teachers:

1A Olga Viktorovna Masletsova,

1B – Shpatak Alla Grgorievna,

1B – Simonova Elena Vladimirovna,

1D – Chilingaryan Marina Romanovna,

1D – Starichkova Irina Olegovna,

1E – Tarasenko Nadezhda Anatolyevna,

1F – Sanamyan Sofya Khachaturovna.

Class teachers:

Polyakova Evgenia Mikhailovna, Kolesnichenko Lyubov Nikolaevna, Nishchuk Klavdiya Petrovna, Bedenko Irina Evgenievna.

Grade 11A – Sinyanskaya Margarita received a diploma for success in studying geography. Class activists: Anna Medvedeva, Lusine Javadyan, Irina Tokiy.

11B grade – Denis Redkin and Evgenia Bikova received gold and silver medals. Class active: Evgenia Bikova, who was the leader of the school, Alla Voskovskaya, Olga Popova.

11 B class – 3 silver medals. They were received by Alena Makhonina, Igor Morozov, Inna Son.

11th grade –. Gold medal received Nikolay Domashenko, Ekaterina Omekha received a diploma for success in learning English.

And we invite the class of 2006 to the stage - 10 years! Applause!

Assignments for the class of 2006

Presenter: You, dear friends, have not collected your school bag for a long time, we did it for you. But perhaps there are things in your briefcase that are not related to the educational process, and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during school hours. Everyone, taking out one item, shows it to the room and says “I need this for...” or “I need this for...”

Leading: Yes, we are convinced that you are practical people, and every little thing is always necessary for you! Please tell me a few words about the school and teachers? Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 2011

  • Russia was divided into 9 time zones and the transition to winter time was canceled
  • Russia and the whole world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space - Yuri Gagarin
  • On October 30, humanity crossed the 7 billion barrier - UN experts decided to choose the city of Kaliningrad as the birthplace of the seven billionth earthling, where at midnight local time the Nikolaev couple had a son named Peter.

We ask you to come to the stage for 5-year-old anniversaries! Applause!


First teachers: Stenina Lyubov Borisovna, Loschakova Svetlana Ivanovna, Bezzub Vera Serafimovna. Garmasheva Natalya Anatolyevna. Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna.

Class teachers:Revazyan Eva Makichevna-11 a. Drovaleva Elena Yakovlevna – 11 b. Drozhd Tamara Nikolaevna – 11th century.

Gold medalists:Kardakova Olga, Prosyanik Ksenia.

Governor's Ball participants:Kardakova Olga, Prosyanik Ksenia, Petrov Nikita, Vlasov Mikhail.

The honor of the school was defended annually sports competitions: Lived Andrey, Snezhko Denis. Khatkov Nizar, Bugaenko Maria, Petrov Nikita, Ermoshkin Artem, Lyapina Lyubov, Myachina Yulia, Pivneva Yulia, Nogovitsyn Andrey. Mikhail Vlasov is now a candidate for master of sports in handball, Eric Kocharyan, who is a master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling, a multiple medalist and winner of the championship of the Southern Federal District and Russia.

Actively participated in the life of the class and school, were winners and prize-winners of Olympiads and various creative competitions: Usoltseva Kristina, Kolosova Albina, Yesayan Laura, Mailyan Susanna.

Ponamareva Katerina, Legkikh Nastya, Derkach Angela, Derkach Veronika, Velichkovskaya Lena, Naminova Dasha.

Myachina Yulia, Pivneva Yulia, Beresneva Lyubov.

This episode included training from members of the dance group “Inspiration” - multiple winners of dance competitions in the Southern Federal District: Ksenia Prosyanik, Olga Kardakova, Anastasia Surova, Elena Yunda.

Assignments for the class of 2011

Presenter: You have received the letters that make up the word “classmates”. I will read out the question, and you must show the answer in letters. That is, you need to guess the answer and rearrange yourself so that you get a word. Anyone who has a letter that is not needed in the word moves away. Are you ready? Let's start!

- Pirates are always after this! (answer - treasure)

- They write on it in class with chalk? (answer - board)

— do you usually experience this feeling in the evening, when you feel like...? (answer - dream)

- we are 11A, and we have a friendly and cheerful...? (answer – class)

- if we are bored in class, then we look at...? (answer - window)

- took popcorn and ran to...? (answer: cinema)

— should we always look for it in equations? (answer - X)

- we are all with you forever...? (answer: classmates).

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 2015.

The agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union consisting of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia entered into force

Construction has begun on the Kerch Bridge, which will connect the peninsula with mainland country and finally integrate Crimea into Russia.

  • Russia celebrated its anniversary - 70 years of victory in the Second World War, 12 million Russians took part in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign.

Eurovision 2015 Russian representative Polina Gagarina took second place.

Timur and Amur. In the Primorsky Safari Park, the tiger Amur, to everyone’s surprise, did not kill the goat Timur, who was launched towards him to be eaten. And I even became friends with him.

In such a significant year for Russia, the class of 2015 graduated from the school. We ask you to come up on stage! Applause!


One class graduated. In total there were 28 people in the class. Chesibaeva Natalya Nikolaevna, Bezzub Vera Sirafimovna and Stenina Lyubov Borisovna, as the first teachers, directed their students to Right way and accompanied them at the beginning of their training. Then Eva Makichevna Revazyan took her under her wing and graduated from the 11th “A” class, instilling hard work and determination in her students.

6 medalists who won prizes in various Olympiads and NPCs.

Yana Martynenko is a prize-winner of All-Russian festivals and competitions.

Son Anna is a multiple winner of All-Russian tournaments.

Nazaryan Silva is a repeated winner and prize-winner of regional NPKs and Olympiads.

Anna Yatskova is the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiads in Kuban studies, biology and life safety.

Lavelina Vlada is a repeated winner and prize-winner of regional and regional scientific and training courses in geography and law.

Arina Domashnenko – winner of the regional stage All-Russian Olympiad on literature. Multiple winner of the regional stage of the English Language Olympiad.

Students also have achievements in sports.

Brovarets Alexey

Sheludko Konstantin

Duluntz Rafael

Kova Evgeniy

Gorskov Dmitry

Out of 11 “A” students, 2 presidents of the school self-government organization of the SYUGR graduated.

Lavelina Vlada

Tsagelnik Sergey

Assignment for Class of 2015

Presenter: Guess the musical puzzles prepared for you.

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!


One hundred years since last call.

Well, a little less, but it seems like recently.

And memory is a thread: it does not break, no matter how thin.

And remembering is both sad and funny.


I remember everyone with whom my life brought me together,

But for some reason it gets more expensive every day

Those first ones, those school friends.

Will we see each other someday? May be.


Perhaps the hour has already come

When, having given up on all worries,

It will be possible to bring us all together,

By appointing our main Saturday?

Burn your whole life over low heat!


Without you, friends, is this really life?

I'm waiting to be able to say:

“It’s great that we’re all here!”

This concludes our evening, but we do not say goodbye to you, we say to you “See you again.” See you next year!

“Where does childhood go” - Milena Khachaturyan


1. Opening speech by the host of the evening.

- It seems that just recently the last bell rang at our school, and our class scattered through life in different directions. Only 20 years have passed since we all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.

To ensure order in the glasses in our class today, let's appoint “classmates on duty.”

The presenter appoints “class attendants” - men responsible for filling glasses.

The presenter makes an introductory toast.

The river of time carries you! It's no secret to anyone here

That 20 years have passed since the last call!

Now everyone has their own worries, their own affairs, their own path in life.

Perhaps you love your job and don’t have time to relax...

It’s a pity very rarely, - having thrown off the burden you understand “It’s time”

Get together, remember the time - with the name “School time!”

And remember how we were all friends, fell in love, sometimes quarreled,

How we couldn’t live a day without each other, how we stood up for our friends!

The granite of science is a hard stone, they gnawed everything while breaking their teeth!

Suddenly, annoyed, they smoked in the forest belt.

We were all ready to play pranks, we didn’t know the word - sadness,

After all, how many pranks we knew by heart back then!

OK! I got carried away! Otherwise I’ll tell you everything for you!

Let's pour some glasses, and I'll make you a toast!

As the song says, we are all so different and different from each other. Each of us is individual and unique in our own way, but there is one thing that unites us all - our childhood, our school, our class. And today, communicating with each other, maybe for a while we will return to our childhood again. And I just want to say “how great it is that we are all here today!” and let's raise a glass to our first meeting, after 20 years, and so that it will not be the last!

PAUSE - break.

:Look at any map

There are many roads in the world,

But they begin

From the school threshold

The first time you came to first grade -

They could neither write nor read.

You carried flowers to the line.

To you beautiful shape put it on...

First class is the first call.

There were joys, there were hardships,

Your teacher and first lesson -

This is how my school years began.

Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He ushered you into first class.

Solemn and respectful.

Let's applaud

Let's say THANK YOU to the first teacher!

(we give bouquets and memorable gifts)

Shouting game “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots

glorifies the native VILLAGE,

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,

those who are here from afar,

Who are our birds?

From near and far abroad?

3.Who built himself a house

celebrated a housewarming party in the house

and now he lives in it,

survived this fun?

4. There is nothing more beautiful in this world

live in your own apartment

Who is the owner?

Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

5.We are experienced parents,

Someone with more, to put it bluntly?

Who became mom and dad a little early,

Whose children are older than 15 years old?

6. Let's continue about children

heroic families

From whom, mind you,

The large family?

7. Who is still single?

Who holds his own tail with a pipe?

to whom I wish happiness

To start a family faster.

8.Live and learn

who has a life like this?

Are there any students among you?

Who is it, stand up now?

9.Who is on the site, on a well-known one

Adorable classmates

Is everyone trying to find it?

Who hangs up on the network?

10. Who, despite the burden of life,

Found an opportunity, means, time

And today I’m very happy

20 years back?

A toast to us.

- Friends are remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence. Let's remember all our friends who, for various reasons, could not be here today, and let's drink to them!

Wit and ingenuity

They have helped you in your life more than once.

If you don't mind the time,

Prove it to us now.

Let's play a little more

It's very boring to live without a game,

After all, the game helps many

Remember your childhood and love life!

Ask me, and I will answer you - one of the types of games. The rules are very simple, and the game itself can be played at the table to catch your breath.

It all comes down to the fact that the presenter must cut strips in advance, preferably from cardboard, so that they will be useful another time. On each of them, write a question, you can choose from the ones suggested, or you can come up with your own, and on the second, answers to them, and as you noticed, all the answers are suitable for any question. Next, the first couple of people sitting at the table takes one

a strip with a question and one strip with an answer, some of them ask, and some answer. Then the next couple does exactly this, and so on until everyone present has participated.

It is possible not necessarily, but at will, i.e. a person takes a card with a question and asks a question to any of those present, and now the one who answered the question asks another.

The presenter conducts a prediction game.


Each person present receives a card number.

The presenter reads out the question, and then the answer to it, accompanying the prediction with comments suitable for the owner of this number.

1. Who were you in? past life?

1. A hermit monk.

2. A navigator.

3. The royal jester.

4. Renaissance artist.

5. A eunuch in a harem.

6. A concubine.

7. Beggars.

8. Roman legionnaire.

9. A slave on a plantation.

10. Astrologer.

11. A swindler of noble origin.

12. An artist in a traveling circus.

13. Card sharper.

14. Tribal leader.

15. Provincial actress.

16. Innkeeper.

17. Medieval knight.

18. Organ grinder.

19. Camel driver.

20. Court lady

2. What is your character?

1. Good.

2. Good-natured.

3. Very controversial.

4. Difficult.

5. Moody.

6. Weak.

7. Strong-willed.

8. Scandalous.

9. Optional - Your vice.

10. You are too decent.

11. Wonderful!

12. Jealousy spoils you.

13. Very heavy.

14. You are almost a child.

15. Naivety adorns you.

16. It is difficult to say anything good about your character.

17. You need to be simpler.

18. Your character has not yet been formed.

19. You are just an angel.

20. Your character depends on the circumstances.

3. What type of transport matches your image?

1. You are better off walking.

2. Reindeer team.

3. Bicycle.

4. Antique carriage.

5. Balloon.

6. Race horse.

7. "Moskvich-412".

8. Pie.

9. Airliner.

10. Rickshaw.

11. Hang glider.

12. Freight train.

13. Broom.

14. Donkey.

15. Russian troika.

16. White Chevrolet.

17. Yacht.

18. Gypsy wagon.

19. Personal jet.

20. Racing motorcycle.

4. What's good about you?

1. You do not bore with your presence.

2. Refined manners.

3. Graceful figure.

4. The ability to choose friends.

5. Luxurious hair.

6. Ability to sit on two chairs at once.

7. Loyalty to ideals.

8. And face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.

9. Almost everything.

10. Legs.

11. Flexible mind.

12. Divine voice.

13. The ability to turn a blind eye to other people's vices.

14. The desire to notice the good in others.

15. Flying gait.

16. Your hospitality.

17. Love for people.

18. Charming smile.

19. Fantastic generosity.

20. Rare wit.

5. What is your life motto?

1. After me there might be a flood.

2. All - or nothing!

3. Whatever is done, everything is for the better.

4. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. My hut is on the edge.

6. Through thorns - to the stars.

7. I came, I saw, I conquered.

8. Nothing human is alien to me.

9. Take everything from life.

10. Man is a wolf to man.

11. If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.

12. If you drive more quietly, you will go further.

13. Don't be surprised by anything.

14. If you want to be happy, be happy.

15. Seize the moment.

16. The end justifies the means.

17. Not a day without love.

18. Give people joy.

19. Time is money.

20. Don't spit against the wind.

6. What do you dream about most often?

1. Something that will not happen in reality.

2. Past life.

3. Nightmares.

4. Treasures.

5. Lots of food.

6. They don’t talk about this out loud.

7. Fragments from pornographic films.

8. Romantic trips.

9. Stage and fans.

10. Money, money, money.

11. Leadership position.

12. Beloved person.

13. Childhood.

14. Dull landscapes.

15. Luxurious mansion.

16. Gardens of Eden.

17. Blacks and the sea.

18. Flights in time and space.

19. First love.

20. God knows what!

7. What would you give half your life for?

1. No way.

2. For the fulfillment of your innermost desires.

3. For a bottle of good wine.

4. For talent.

5. For an ardent lover (ardent lover).

6. For extraordinary love.

7. For a rich groom (rich bride)

8. For a secure old age.

9. For a graceful figure.

10. For good health.

11. For your loved one.

12. For first love.

13. For worldwide fame.

14. For the opportunity to become a Hollywood star.

15. For eternal youth.

16. For a villa by the sea.

17. For a ticket to Rio de Janeiro.

18. For slender legs.

19. For a clear conscience.

20. For a tight wallet.

8. Where would you rather spend your holidays?

1. At the dacha.

2. You can do without a vacation.

3. On a cruise Mediterranean Sea

4. At home on the couch.

5. In the village with grandfather.

6. In the kitchen.

7. At youth parties.

8. On romantic trips.

9. In Paris.

10. While running around the shops.

11. Reading detective stories.

12. Where there is wine and women (men).

13. It is difficult for you to give advice.

14. Tent, fire, barbecue.

15. You don't know how to rest.

16. Visit museums and libraries.

17. In the best restaurants in the city.

18. At the resort with your mistress (lover).

19. On a nudist beach.

20. In a family that hasn’t seen you for a year.

Toast –

Time flies quickly, everything changes.

Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere.

And among them is our usual one,

Our high school excellent!

You will appreciate the school only then

When years flash by like moments.

She will often dream about her at night.

No one will forget their school years!

I dream about a school scene,

First your roles,

First applause!

First success!

And you are happy!

You are the best!

And now our class’s theater group is performing.


The presenter selects from among those present colorful characters who will

play the roles of Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse. The presenter distributes

them “costumes” (wigs, hats, ears, bows, etc.) and cards with in short phrases,

which participants must say every time the leader gives a sign.

Text for the presenter

Grandfather planted a turnip,

I watered it with fertilizers,

The sun began to get hot,

Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;

And she said: “Both - on!”

Grandfather took the bit

And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,

The grandmother shouted: “Insolent!”

Turnip again: “Both on!”

Grandfather replied: “Wow!”

He grabbed the turnip tightly,

He pulled as hard as he could.

But without my grandmother I made a mistake.

She replied: “Insolent!”

I tried, but I couldn’t,

Immediately she called her granddaughter.

She is smart beyond her years:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

Turnip is shocked: “ Both on!»,

Grandfather too: “Wow!”

Everyone slept with the grandmother,

She barely said: “Insolent!”

The granddaughter doesn’t care about dramas:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

They pull - You can’t see the turnips -

They need to call Zhuchka.

The bug is happy to help them -

He answers: “I wouldn’t mind.”

But again it didn’t work out.

This is where the Cat came in handy.

"No problem" she said

And it became the end of the chain.

No result to be seen

You need to call the mouse.

The mouse had a simple answer:

“Dudes, there is no market!”

Turnip moans: “Both of them!”

Grandfather in ecstasy: “Wow!”

Almost hit grandma in the eye

She, naturally: “Nasty!”

Super replica for the ladies:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

The poor bug can't bear it anymore,

But through clenched teeth: “I’m not averse.”

The cat says: “No problem”

He doesn't risk anything.

The mouse pressed a little

And, pleased, she said:

“Dudes, there is no market!” -

Here's Turnip for lunch!

Rewarding participants with sweet prizes.

Lottery and auction

A very good way to entertain your guests is to hold a lottery. Lottery tickets can be issued in the form of invitation cards, or simply attached to an invitation card, a gift, whatever you want. You can organize a competition, and the winners get lottery tickets, but these competitions should be at the very beginning, because the drawing lottery tickets It is better to spend it in the first half of the evening. Even better, if you distribute them throughout the program, play no more than 5 - 7 tickets at a time. Below are examples of possible lotteries.

1. On a ticket by chance


2. Receive your present


3. It’s your turn

A SWEET BAR “MARS” for you!

4. So that your face and hands

Were clean

Got on your ticket

A piece of scented soap.

5. Pleasure for the whole night. (pacifier)

6. The Polyana company offers facial makeup. (watercolor paints).

7. Get it, hurry up,

A notebook for you: write poetry.

8. Car keys (spanners)

9. Islands in the ocean (piece of map).

10. Live to be a hundred years old

With “BLEND-A-HONEY” toothpaste!

11. To always have a hairstyle,

You are given a comb.

12. So that the gait is smoother,

We give you a bottle of vodka.

13. Whether you need it or not,

Here's some lipstick for you.

14. Better means no stress

Why buying a Mercedes (toy car)

15. motor ship (insoles)

16. I know you love write letters,

Then get this notebook.

17. Of course, you are looking young,

So look in the mirror more often.

18. Here is a pack of cigarettes for you.

Are you satisfied or not?

19. Although she is not fashionable,

But sometimes it's useful. (Grater)

20. You and your companion never lose heart

And use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.

21. Soft pressure tool (rolling pin)

22. You and your companion will never go missing,

You won't come home hungry from your favorite guests. (Spoon)

23. If senile sclerosis suddenly overcomes you,

Tie all four corners of the scarf.

24. storage of family heirlooms (family panties)

25. If you are in the midst of fun,

You forgot congratulations

You will need one thing -

This is the fountain pen.

26. Of course, you are not lazy

Brush your teeth every day. (Toothbrush)

27. This miracle is so wonderful:

Win a bottle of beer.

28. You wanted to win a flashlight,

But I just got a ball.

29. a reliable safe for storing family valuables (socks)

30. Pour this into a glass

And sip slowly.

31. In life you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn’t stick.

32. automatic machine for painting walls (brush)

33. food processor (spoon and fork)

Remember your golden childhood!

Game program for adults.

Details: 6 bows, 6 bibs, 2 strings, 2 hats with ear flaps, 2 scarves, 2 pairs of mittens with an elastic band, 2 cars with a string, 8-10 pins,

6-10 balloons, thread, tape - 2 pieces, 2 scissors, 2 felt-tip pens or markers, the song “for the dancing ducklings.”

Host: Good evening, dear friends! Think and tell me, please, when were you truly happy? Think carefully. And if you really think carefully, you will understand that you were truly happy, of course, in childhood. Then the trees were big, and the sun shone brighter, and the summer was longer, and the girls were more beautiful. So today let’s remember this golden time and try, at least this evening, to again become as carefree and happy as we were in childhood. Do you agree? Then let's divide into kindergarten groups: "Karapuz" and "Krokha". Let's try to have an equal number of "boys" and "girls" in each group.

(The players are divided into two groups.)

Host: Now, to really feel like kids, put this on.

(The presenter puts on the participants’ heads: children’s bonnets, caps, scarves, bows; ties children’s “bibs” on the chest, etc..)

Presenter: Now you are not a kindergarten group, but a nursery group. Remember these little ones when they go for a walk outside. They still don’t know how to walk in pairs. Previously, the teacher took the end of the rope in her hand, to which the kids clung. Our first competition "Rope". At my signal, the first participant takes the rope in his hand and runs the entire distance alone. He returns to the start, the second “kid” from the group grabs the rope. Now two people run the entire distance, then three, etc., until the whole group is holding on to the rope. Whichever group reaches the finish line first wins.

(Holding the competition)

Presenter: Well done! I remembered mine better young age group….

Host: Dear friends, remember your childhood birthdays. Probably many parents loved to brag about their gifted child. To do this, they put you on a stool or chair and asked you to recite a poem loudly and with expression. Choose the best reader from your group for our next competition. Now we will see which of you delved deeper into your childhood better. And so, ... (for example, Tanechka), stand on a chair so that all the guests can see you and tell us your poem loudly, with expression.

An example of a poem for “girls”:

I have polka dot panties.

Good, so good!

All the boys are pestering -

Show me, show me!

Well, you, big fool,

Why don't you bother me?

I have polka dot panties.

Do not you know?

For boys":

They bought the drum for Vitya,

Look at Vitya!

I'm very happy with the drum

He walks like a soldier!

(Conducting the competition. Announcing the results.)

Host: Surely, many of you, dear friends, had younger brothers and sisters. And you, as elders, tinkered with them. For our next competition, choose one “girl” and one “boy” from your group. We'll have a "boy" younger brother, and the “girl” will be the older sister. At my signal, the “elder sister” should dress her “little brother” for a walk as quickly and at the same time as carefully as possible.

(For this competition, prepare a winter hat with ear flaps with drooping ears, mittens with elastic, a scarf, Conducting the competition.)

Presenter: Well done, she dressed her brother well, and tied his hat so that his ears would not freeze, and put on mittens, and tied a scarf on top beautifully.

(Announcement of results)

Host: No, no, dear “brothers”, don’t take off your clothes. You will participate in our next competition. We all know that boys love to play with cars more than anything else. Now you will play with these excellent machines while walking. This is the task. Look at the pins (cubes, etc.) placed at the distance. You are given a children's car on a string. You must zigzag between the pins with the machine on a string, without knocking over a single pin, and back. Who is faster?

(Holding the competition)

Host: After sleep, kids usually play quiet games. We will do the same. Sit down on the chairs. Let's solve riddles. Whoever guesses the most riddles will win.

Sample riddles:

1. Walks from one end to another,

Cuts a black loaf

Another one walks behind

Sprinkles golden salt. (Tractor)

2. The girlfriends are different heights,

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

3. There was a whole box of bricks,

The house came out looking like a real one.

Whose house is this beautiful?

What kind of bricks is it made of? (Cubes)

4. On New Year’s Eve he came to the house

Such a ruddy fat man.

But every day he lost weight

And finally he disappeared completely. (Calendar)

(Announcement of results)

Host: And now we will dance. Which group dances better? We'll check this now. Let's turn on the song "Ducklings" and dance.

(The song “They want to be like dancing ducklings...” is played. Conducting a competition. Announcing the results.)

Presenter: Our fun game ended. All participants are awarded sweet prizes.


Host: Dear friends! Return to your childhood more often, at least in your thoughts. And your life will become much easier!

So that you don't get bored,

Let's try to play.

Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,

Let's have a little fun and laugh!

And those who will actively play,

We will be giving awards here today!

So, let's start the game,

It’s time to explain the conditions to me!

Matryoshka dolls

Play out any situations with such riddles in your competitions, fun and joy will not keep you waiting long.

What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and lunch)

What notes can measure space? (Mi - la - mi)

What happens if you turn right three times in a row? (Turn left)

I'm standing on the roof - above all the pipes. (Antenna)

What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat? (sleeping)

What is a lunch break? (Official meal continuation time in the workplace)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

When does anything happen in an empty pocket? (When there's a hole in it)

She trims everyone in the world, but doesn’t put it on herself. (Needle)

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)

Why does a goose dream of apples? (For Christmas)

A full bath of water, on the edge of which lie a mug and a spoon. What should you use to quickly remove water? (You need to pull out the plug)

He will stand up and reach the sky. (Rainbow)

What rocks can you not find in the sea? (Dry)

Even though there is snow and ice, she sheds tears as she leaves. (Winter)

Which month is shorter than others? (May)

Does mental arithmetic help with insomnia? (It helps, first try counting to three, and if that doesn’t help, then half past four)

What is a desk? (Trash bin with drawers)

About 40 million people do this at night. What it is? (Internet)

How to pick a branch without scaring a bird? (We have to wait for her to fly away)

He made a hole, dug a hole, the sun is shining, but he doesn’t know. (Mole)

Where does the water stand? (In glass)

She doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and whoever goes to the owner, She lets you know. (Secretary)

What question will no one ever answer “yes” to? (Sleeping person to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

What's the difference between medicine and beer? (The medicine is first prescribed and then drunk, but beer is the opposite)

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open)

Which words have a hundred consonants? (table, haystack, moan, stop, stop)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

A red-headed lineman climbed onto a pine trunk on its claws. He worked hard, but no light flashed in the forest. (Woodpecker)

A long tail and it smells like fish. What it is? (Queue for beer)

Does he eat little, drink a lot and give gifts to everyone? (Father Frost)

How does day and night end? ( With a soft sign)

Why do they often walk and never drive? (Ladder)

The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only two people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which elevator button is pressed most often? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button “1”)

The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw 3 bags, on each bag sat three cats, and each cat had three kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill? (There were 2 legs, and cats had paws)

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out of the window)

What is opera? (The place where the main character is killed with a dagger, and instead of falling, he sings)

Everyone bypasses this place: the earth here is like dough. There are sedges, hummocks, mosses and there is no support for the feet. (Swamp)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing it? (Phone sex)

How is it possible to fill two bags with one bag of wheat and its resins, which are as large as the bag in which the wheat is located? (You need to put one of the empty bags into another of the same kind, and then pour ground wheat into it)

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, the ostrich can't talk)

What is under a person's feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole)

Lush at the chest, slender at the waist, and skinny at the bottom. (Glass)

What is: The world's kindest ghost with a motor? (Zaporozhets)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head? (The lame man behind the fence)

What kind of artist applied leaves, herbs, and thickets of roses to the glass? (Freezing)

What patients was the novel “Gone with the Wind” written about? (About dystrophics)

An ancient hero who has survived to our times in the form of porridge? (Hercules)

What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station)

Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (It’s possible if she freezes there)

Name the two greatest German storytellers? (Marx and Engels)

He willingly inhales dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze. (Vacuum cleaner)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz, the beetle runs down the street. And two cheerful lights burn in the beetle’s eyes. (Car)

The boss tells the employees a joke, everyone laughs, but one doesn’t, why? (Because he's quitting today)

How can you put two liters of milk in liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk)

How many months in a year have 28 days? (All)

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything)

What ends faster than a vacation? (Vacation pay)

What's the difference between an elephant and a flea? (An elephant can have fleas, but a flea cannot have elephants)

What is the difference between a man and a camel? (A camel can work and not drink for a whole week, and a man can drink for a whole week and not work)

Dear friend - who is this? (Validol)

What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)

When is a fool smart? (When silent)

What can’t a person live without? (No name)

What is baldness? (The process of replacing combing with washing)

It wags its tail and has teeth, but does not bark. (Pike)

Amazing child! Just out of diapers - He can swim and dive like his own mother. (Duck)

How good it is for you and me, I’m under you, and you’re on top of me. What it is? (Hedgehog carries an apple)

What is it: flies and shines? (Gold Tooth Mosquito)

What is 90/60/90/? (Speed ​​with traffic police inspector)

Why is “Zaporozhets” not painted black? (So ​​as not to be confused with a Mercedes)

What can travel the world while remaining in the same corner? ( Postage Stamp)

What happens to the green cliff when it falls into the red sea? (It'll get wet)

What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older)

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the truck. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was day)

What is the difference between an old bachelor and a young one? (A young man cleans his apartment to invite a woman, and an old man invites a woman home to clean his apartment)

Earrings for simpletons? (Noodles)

What's on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, and used in hockey and on the chessboard? (Combination)

When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next? (The eighth will go)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (Som)

I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Dressy, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year. (Christmas tree)

Cutlery for slurping cabbage soup. (bast shoes)

Who comes, who leaves, everyone leads her by the hand. (Door)

You, me, you and me. Are there many of them? (Two)

What comb should you not comb your head with? (Petushin)

When a boy is called female name? (When he sleeps for a long time - Sonya)

Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch it. (Time)

Can it rain two days in a row? (Can't, nights separate days)

I held your tail in my hand, you flew, I ran. (Balloon) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing, everyone else is no longer on an empty stomach)

What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)

What is it: two bellies, four ears? (Cat wedding)

Two birch trees grow, each birch has four cones. How much in total? (Cones don’t grow on birch trees)

What do you call a person who is lucky in love? (Bachelor)

Why does the cow lie down? (Because he doesn’t know how to sit down)

What is democracy? (This is when you say what you think without thinking)

Can a woman make a man a millionaire? (Maybe if the man is a billionaire)

What kind of mistress should you have? (So ​​that if your wife catches you, you won’t be ashamed to show it)

How can you lose weight quickly? (Remember, women: a skinny cow is not a gazelle)

Does a woman have the gift of satisfying a man? (Possesses, but not for nothing)

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? (The dog must stand)

A bald hedgehog is walking - how old is he? (18, he is being drafted into the army)

Why are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours. (Bed)

How about “mousetrap” in five letters? (Cat)

What goes on while staying in place? (Road)

Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees? (On the map)

When can a person race at the speed of a racing car? (When he sits in it)

Shine, sparkle, warm everyone. (Sun)

Yes, guys, I have two silver horses. I ride both at once, what kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes. (Cabbage)

Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Those that stopped)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

What will happen this year on February 30? (No such date)

Bent in an arc: in the summer in the meadow, in the winter on the hook? (Sickle)

Green, not a meadow, White, not snow, Curly, not a head. (Birch)

Either a pancake or half a pancake; now this side, now this side. (Moon)

What remains in the box if you take out the matches? (Bottom)

Why does the cat run? (Because he can't fly)

Why do they wear a hat? (Because she doesn't know how to walk herself)

Why does a goose swim? (From the shore)

Why does a duck swim? (On water)

What are we eating for? (At the table)

What is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Equal per kilogram)

The roof of one house is asymmetrical: one of its slopes makes an angle of 60% with the horizontal, the other 70%. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope? (No way, the roosters don't lay eggs)

On what path has no human foot ever trodden? (On milky)

Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot. (Shower)

Remember it a little, it will be as hard as potatoes. (Snowball)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

A hundred clothes, all without fasteners. (Bum)

What categories are women divided into? (For virgin lands, developed lands, fallow lands)

What is the heaviest punishment for polygamy? (Mother-in-law)

Why does the bride wear all white at the wedding? (This is the color household appliances)

A hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up? (To the police)

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. (Vodka)

What is dropped when needed and picked up when no longer needed. (Anchor)

What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess, sports)

There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. What should you take first? (Paper)

Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter? (Mary)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Brigade)

What word always sounds wrong? (The word “False”)

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

What is bottled water for? (Behind the glass)

Which animal can easily change its head? (Louse)

In my garden it falls twice as much more snow than the neighbor's. Why? (Because my garden is twice as big as my neighbor's)

In which year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

When does a person stand watch? (When he's a guard)

When black cat What's the easiest way to get into the house? (When the door is open)

When is a person a tree? (When he wakes up from sleep - “pine”)

What is in the middle of the Volga? (Letter “L”)

Sitting on the window, speaking French? (Frenchman)

What is this skeleton in the closet? (The one who won hide and seek)

What is the difference between lightning and electricity? (No need to pay for zipper)

What is the best age for a child? (When you no longer lead him by the hand, and he still doesn’t lead you by the nose)

What's warmer than a fur coat? (Two fur coats)

What happens to a scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (It gets wet and that's it)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

Why do people buy shoes? (For money)

Can a man marry his widow's sister? (No)

Which river is the scariest? (Tiger)

When they build new house What do you drive the first nail into? (In a hat)

How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one, everything must be put down)

What is between the window and the door? (Letter I)

Games and competitions for adults

Where to invest money?

Two couples are called - a man and a woman, and announces: “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only ONE bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Couples are given “candy wrapper money”) Banks for your deposits can be pockets, lapels and all secluded places on the body and clothing young man. Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let's start!" After a minute, the presenter stops the participants and sums up: "How much "money" do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All money is invested in the business. Well done! Now I will ask the girls to switch places and withdraw the entire amount from their accounts as quickly as possible. Open banks, withdraw money! Attention, let's start!"

To the music, the girls first put in candy wrappers and then take them out.

Over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is already coming to an end and the guests want to exercise a little. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “bumps”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. You can cross it only by stepping on each leaf in turn and moving the other one forward. Players must get to the other side as quickly as possible over the “bumps” without stepping on the floor.


Two teams are selected and stand in two lines (alternating in each: man, woman) facing each other. The condition is that the players must hold the ball under their chin; during the pass, they must not touch the ball with their hands under any circumstances; however, they are allowed to touch each other in any way they want, just so as not to drop the ball.


Arrange the guests in a line "boy" - "girl" - "boy" - "girl". Give the first player in line a regular playing card. The task is to pass the card from one player to another while holding it in the mouth. Don't use your hands. You can complicate the task, and after each transfer the presenter tears off a piece from the card. In this game, guests can be divided into teams and have a team competition.


Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. We usually play the song "Move Your Booty" for this competition. And so, while dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.


Teams in which men and women alternate (3-4 people) must pass from first to last a simple pencil, and it is passed clamped between the nose and upper lip playing! Naturally, you cannot touch the pencil with your hands, but everything else can be touched with your hands. “A heartbreaking sight,” especially if the people had already taken a certain amount of alcohol.


. Two participants: a boy and a girl. Inflated balloons on a small string are tied to the ankles and wrists. You need to pop the balls at speed: on your wrists with your hands, on your ankles with your heels. If you tie more balls, the process will be more interesting.


The participants of the game stand in a circle (alternating: man, woman). The first participant clamps a bottle between his legs, preferably a 1.5-2 liter plastic soda bottle, and passes it to the next one without touching the bottle with his hands. The other participant also picks up the bottle only with the help of his legs. The game is a knockout game and the pair that drops the bottle is out of the game. The last remaining pair is considered the winner and the most “skillful”.


The presenter announces the title: "Pissing Boys." This is already alarming. Three or four willing (men) are selected, preferably at random. Inventory: 3-4 glasses, preferably more, 3-4 bottles of beer. The players hold the beer between their legs, obliquely, with the neck up. Hands are pulled back. Task: pour beer into the glass standing on the floor in front of the player faster than your opponents. The presenter congratulates the winner and offers to drink the glass he filled.


Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. To do this, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands (as in previous game). Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair using rubber bands. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.

Find your gift

Under the plates they place pieces of paper with the place where his gift is located, and the place is indicated in the following way. I'll bring you next example:

Stand with your back to door No. 3 and facing door No. 1, take 3 steps and hum 2 times, turn right 4 times, take 3 steps, turn right and jump, take 5 steps, turn back and take 2 more steps, and now find the house for what is the head of everything and look there.

The door numbers indicate that there are several of them in the room, but you can come up with everything as you wish. At first it doesn’t seem very funny, but already by the fifth minute, everyone was laughing so much, and it doesn’t matter whether they find their gifts or find them with your help, it’s all about the process.


Write all the parts of the body on pieces of paper ( left leg, right elbow, front part of the palm, and so on), and then the first two people take a piece of paper and join with those parts of the body that are indicated on them. Then the second one takes it and says which part of the body the third one should join him with and so on, the third one comes out, takes a piece of paper and reads the part of the body with which he should join the second one.

You can make the game more difficult. When two people have connected, they again take the pieces of paper and read which parts of the body the third will join them, and the third takes not one piece of paper, but two, and reads with which parts of the body he will join the second and third, in the end it turns out something similar to a lot of little, delight is guaranteed

Belly dance

Two people, chosen by lot or otherwise, hold a tennis ball between their stomachs. It is necessary to roll a tennis ball from the stomach to the chin for two people without arms. I can immediately say that this is almost impossible, but the effect of the impression is excellent.

Pay off the first and second

Everyone has blindfolds on their eyes, and their place in the queue is announced to everyone in their ear; everyone, on command, must line up without uttering a single sound.


This competition can be held at the table, or as a relay race. Pour any drink with a straw from one glass to another, you can use an alcoholic drink.

Visiting a fairy tale

Holding fairy tales, in my opinion, is very good way have fun.

You can gather several teams, give them pieces of paper with jokes and let them beat them. The team that did it better wins.

To carry out a fairy tale, you can come up with your own plot; the presenter needs the fairy tale itself. It is better to choose the most ordinary Russian fairy tales, the most simple plot, Turnip, Chicken Ryaba, Zayushkina's hut and others.

We also need roles written on tablets, and any noun from this fairy tale is also a role (shovel, sun, window sill, etc.). The actors are selected by lot or at will, the curtain opens and the presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and what he says, regarding one or another role, is performed by all the actors of the Maly Theater. For example, a bunny sits under a bush and cries, that means Vasya (the bush) is standing, and Galya is sitting under him and crying.

The tale can be slightly complicated, for example, when a role is named, not only does this person have to do what they tell him, he also has to say something else. For example, a bush should rustle when it is mentioned, and a bunny should say how unfortunate I am, and this with every mention of someone’s role.


Give two teams balls, preferably different sizes, scissors, and tape. Moreover, depending on the holiday, this competition can be held on the New Year, then you will have to make a snow woman, and on March 8, let the men make the woman they imagine in their dreams. Naturally, whoever makes it faster wins.


One of the simplest competitions at first glance, but try to quickly put an ordinary newspaper into an ordinary one glass bottle, just don’t take thin newspapers. I can tell you, it is advisable to roll the newspaper into a tube, the narrower it is, the more likely it is that it will end up there whole, or in pieces.

Culinary duel

There are countless numbers of such culinary duels that can be held, even on the go, because everything you need is already ready and lying on the table. festive table. The only advice is that it is advisable to conduct it in the first half of the evening, while people can still eat food. I will present several possible options, and you choose, you can have everyone on the team do the same thing, or you can make several obstacles for several pairs.

1. Come on, take a bite! Several apples are tied with cuttings to ropes and one of the pair hangs them up. The task is to eat your apple as quickly as possible

2. Gourmets prepare a delicate dish in advance, the task is to eat it as quickly as possible using Chinese chopsticks.

3. Diet competition, the task is to eat ice cream using a banana.

4. Make some kind of dish from products on the festive table, and it may not be just independent products, such as pickled cucumbers, but you can also use ready-made salads as a product, it’s more interesting. And of course you need to eat it all. The one who quickly prepared his salad and ate it wins. Try to explain to couples that there should be so many components, in general, for it to be edible, this is also important.

5. With the help of Chinese chopsticks, you can eat not only delicate dishes, but also, for example, grapes, canned peas, everything that is almost impossible to eat with them in everyday life, unless of course you are a gourmet of Chinese cuisine and he works better with chopsticks than with a spoon.


Balls, how many games and competitions you can come up with with this item. For example, from a long ball that is inflated by a pump, although there are those that blow on their own, make an animal based on the model. I want to say that you should have leaflets ready with instructions on how to do this; now you can find such illustrated pages. Whoever completes such a task faster naturally wins. If you don’t want to look for such pages, then give these balls to the contestants and let them show their creativity and imagination. And let them try to name their work of art. Or let everyone make the dog, let's see who made it more beautiful.


One of New Year's competitions. Anyone who can make a beautiful snowflake out of a napkin without scissors can do it for a while.


This is also a small show of its own. Two teams are chosen, but no less than 4 people in each, the more the better, a particular holiday is announced in a particular institution.

For example, everyone is told what holiday is being celebrated, if it is not a specific celebration by date, but just a party. Each team draws out its own piece of paper with the location of the event.

In kindergarten

In the manger

In prison

In the army

In the sobering-up station

In the bathhouse, etc.

Believe me, it's very interesting. Especially if the teams depict not only the New Year in a kindergarten, but also take into account all the features of this institution (the teacher, the children dance in a round dance, someone picks their nose).

Slow motion

This game can be played in different ways. You can invite several competitors to do the same thing, or you can give several individual tasks. It is necessary to depict the following actions in a slow rhythm; the faster the action in life, the more difficult it will be to depict it in slow motion.

Catching fleas

Catch up with the bus

Catch a chicken

Run away from an angry bull


Competitions with a rope and a pencil tied to a belt (a belt can also be made from a rope) are very interesting. Tie it so that the pencil is higher than the bottle, it makes the sight more interesting. Next are the contestants, there may be several of them, the main thing is to prepare in advance all the ropes with pencils already tied, they must get into the bottle at speed.

Together in pants

Here is one of some competitions with pants. Teams are selected and stand at the start, the first, i.e. the commander, runs to the finish line, first alone in one trouser leg, returns, puts the second one in the other trouser leg. And so, one by one, he transports everyone from one side to the other.

Dress up competition

Also very interesting competition, and it can also be used for the New Year, calling it a competition for Snow Maidens, or it can be used in the regular program. You need to make sure in advance that you have as much clothing as possible, preferably large and different sizes, skirts, dresses, pants, hats, T-shirts, even mittens. Divide into two parts, it is best if it is equal, if this is not possible, then use one box with clothes for two players, the main thing is that they do not knock against each other. Well, the point is simple, get dressed with your eyes closed for speed. You can do several approaches.

Remember your place

Several people sit on their chairs blindfolded, then the leader tells everyone to stand up, take a step forward, step left, step right, step back, let him try to sit in his place, you can make it more difficult by increasing the number of commands.


There are two teams in this competition. You need two regular balls and two tennis balls. The first player runs with balloon between the legs above the knees, and the second with a tennis one below the knees. They run through one with balloons and tennis balls.

Long balls

You need two long balls, not thin ones, but thick wavy ones; thin ones will also work, but if they turn out straight. This relay is for two teams; there should be a distance between people depending on the available space. It is necessary to pass the long ball with your feet to your neighbor and so on without using your hands and back.

Balls in my pants

Two players or more participate, the main thing is that there are enough pants for everyone. You need to move as many balls as possible to the other end of the hall, as many as you like, or you can limit the amount to time.

Pop the ball

Each pair is given 5 balls, the partners face each other and squeeze the balls between them. The pair that pops their balloons the fastest wins. Hands cannot be used.

Matryoshka dolls

All participants are divided into two teams, each with a handkerchief in their hands. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first, the first to the third, and so on until everyone has a headdress on their heads. You can't correct or help. The team that completes it faster and with better quality wins.


Take two envelopes, and each contains a piece of paper with a task, for example, to dance tango or lambada. These envelopes are placed on a chair, then two or more pairs, without hands, each pair must print out their envelope and complete the task. The winner is the couple that completes their task faster and better.

Speed ​​running in bags.

There’s no need to even explain anything in this game, it’s a very old game. The first in each team carries everyone in a bag in turn to the finish line; if the game is in a close company, then you can try to carry more than one person in a bag, two at once, if the dimensions of both the bag and people allow.


This game can be played on February 23, using shoulder straps, and on New Year, using snowflakes. Two teams, the leader puts two snowflakes on the shoulders of the first. The task is to run to the finish line and back without dropping them, pass them on to the next one, and so on until the last player.


Two people participate and are blindfolded. At some distance from them, two chairs are placed, an odd number of disposable glasses are placed on them, 11, and another chair next to each other. Volunteers are blindfolded and turned around. The game is that the competitors must take one glass and transfer them to their chair. In this case, the winner is not the one who carries the most glasses, but the one on whose chair there are more of them.

. Kittens and piglets.

The guests are divided into 2 teams of kittens and piglets, the host determines in advance whose team meows and whose team grunts, everyone is blindfolded and mixed. On command, the kittens meow, the piglets grunt, and whoever gathers in their circle the fastest wins.

Broken phone

An ancient game, played at the table, by the way, you shouldn’t think that it won’t make an impression when everyone is having more fun. The host or the first person at the table speaks any word or phrase into the other’s ear, and so on they pass it along the chain, and at the end they find out what kind of word it was. Try to find the broken link.

And now I propose one of the varieties of table games, these are questions with a comic tinge. They can be asked by the presenter himself. Or you can write questions on pieces of paper, put them in a hat, and everyone in turn pulls them out and answers the question they pulled out, and the presenter checks.

You can come up with a competition, for example, each of two teams is given several questions, and the team that answered faster, or the closer to the answer, is considered the winner.

You can come up with a competition of the following type: a gift or prize is hidden somewhere, the contestant must find this gift by solving riddles, and having solved the riddle, the presenter tells where the person should go, and then there is another riddle, and so on several times, about 5 or 6 riddles enough for such a competition.

Here is another competition similar to the competition above. It is not held for one person, but in a competition for two, only there are not two gifts, but one. Whoever solves it faster will receive a gift

To carry out a fairy tale, you will need props or elements of the costumes of the characters (a beard for the grandfather, a green cap with “tops” for the turnip, an apron for the grandmother, etc.). It is better to distribute the roles taking into account the nature of the players, but even if the heroes are determined by drawing lots, the role of the mouse should go to the “most important one” (if this corporate party- then to the boss, if there is a school holiday - to the director, if there is a birthday or wedding - to the heroes of the occasion, etc.) 50% of success depends, naturally, on the presenter reading the fairy tale, so he must help the “artists”, emphasizing some words or with using gestures.

Fairy tale "Turnip" No. 2.

Presenter: - Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Rus'

Grandfather once planted a turnip!

(We’ll put the turnip on a stool,

What did grandfather prepare in advance?

(Gestures “Turnip” to take his place)

- Our turnip grew by morning

And the tops shake in the wind.

And now everything is in order:

In the morning the grandfather went out to the garden beds.

He groaned and stretched

Yes, I turned to Turnip

What a miracle, miracles!

Grandpa rubs his eyes

Because I was surprised:

This is how the vegetable was born!

Grandfather grabbed the turnip,

I pulled as hard as I could.

He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!

-The turnip did not leave the garden,

You know, she’s firmly rooted in the ground!

What to do? Call grandma

To make it easier to pick turnips.

Grandma in a new short shawl

I’m ready to help my grandfather.

Grandma came closer,

Grab Grandpa Grandma!

Grandfather grab the turnip again!

And come on, pull and tear!

- Grandma called her granddaughter,

So that the Granddaughter helps them.

Only for the Granddaughter, to be honest,

It's all not interesting!

The granddaughter is a fashionista, which means

The granddaughter carefully polishes her nails.

She must admit, really

Somehow I have no time for vegetables.

But, so as not to anger our ancestors,

Still, I decided to help.

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

- Grandma and Grandpa are very sorry –

The harvest is lost.

The matter was resolved by the Granddaughter,

She called Bug for help.

The bug came running quickly,

I didn’t even gnaw a bone,

Moreover, despite all this,

Wags his tail happily.

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

- Wagging his tail a little,

I decided to call the bug Cat.

An hour later she appeared

She purred and washed herself.

Appearance it was told by:

Someone had a delicious lunch.

There was very little oil

And now it’s completely gone.

The cat yawned sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Bug.

Cat for Bug,

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

- Apparently, everyone is too tired.

We must call Mouse for help!

The mouse went out into the garden,

Pushed the people away

I grabbed the tops tightly

And she took out the root vegetable!

And by all indications

This is no ordinary mouse.

Our fairy tale is over, And whoever listened - well done!

Turnip - man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!

Both on!

And here I am!

Grandpa, we're doing our best and running away!

I have become old, my health is not the same!

It's about to get so drunk!

Grandma-in Lately Grandfather does not satisfy me! (preferable)

Run Run!

Granddaughter - I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

Bug - I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Cat – I can’t work without valerian!

Remove the dog from the site, I'm allergic!

Mouse - well, finally!

Guys, maybe a shot glass?

At the end of the holiday, you can give small souvenirs to everyone present. For example,

An alumni reunion evening is a meeting with your childhood and youth, it’s an occasion to remember school and have fun, like in previous years. This opportunity is given funny scenes about teachers and students at the graduation party in 2019.

We offer funny scene about school life at the homecoming evening, which is called “Bandits”.

School class, students sit with their eyes down on the floor. The door swings wide open and the teacher appears.

- Hello, bandits, lazy people, slobs, losers! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, sit down!

One of the students sits down and gets up at the wrong time.

- Petrov, two for inattention!

The original skit for the evening of the meeting with graduates continues, and the teacher opens the magazine

- Who is absent?
- S...s..s..
- Is Sidorov not there? "Two" to Sidorov.
- S...s...s...
- Is Smirnov not there? "Two" to Smirnov.
- S...s...s...

- And you have a “two” so that you don’t stutter! Now let's check how you completed homework. Here you are, Petrov, solved one hundred and fifteen test problems?!
- No, I just decided one hundred and five...
- Two! And you, Zvezdochkina?
Gets up from the first desk excellent student with two huge bows:
- Yes.
- You're lying! You copied it from him! (Points to the poor student on the last desk.)

The skit for the 2016 alumni reunion evening is continued by the teacher and the poor student.

- Hey, you, from the last desk... March to the blackboard!

The student, trembling, comes to the board, spreads his legs and raises his hands up.

- Are there any cheat sheets?!
- No.
– What if you think about it carefully?
- I forgot them at home.
“Didn’t you forget your head at home?” So, I wasn’t prepared! Two!!!

The student, sobbing, goes to his place, and the skit about school life at the graduation party continues.

teacher(looks at his watch and addresses the class):
- There are five minutes left until the end of the lesson. This means you will have time to do a small test. Those who solve twenty out of ten problems will receive a “three”. I'll give the rest "twos".

The guys are whispering. teacher:
- Everyone be silent! Hand out the leaves! Collect leaves!

Excellent student Zvezdochkina(pulls out his hand):
- But I didn’t have time...
- Be silent! Everyone stand up! I say stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up! And if this happens again, I will call ro-di-te-ley to school! I'm telling you, loser!

The student from the back row falls to the floor.

- Well, what a contingent! And where did they find these slackers...

A comic skit for a graduation party ends with the words of a student who gets up and looks around the class in bewilderment:
- It’s so good that I only dreamed of all this! And at our school everything was different!

The beginning of the calendar year is the hottest time in terms of alumni reunions. And so that such a festive evening does not turn into a banal drinking session, you need to come up with entertainment in advance. We offer you cool mini skits for your graduation party. Funny life miniatures about school life and life after school.

A guy is standing on the stage. The second one approaches him.

Second guy:
Petka! Petka Ivanov, what are you?

Hello. How can I help you?

What? It’s me – Sanyok Krivov! Well, we went to school together. Well, we sat at the same desk. Well, it was me who put bricks in your bag... locked you in the toilet... performed chemistry experiments on you... well, remember?!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Now I remember.

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Well done! Give me a hug! So many years have passed! Wow, so elegant! What a suit you have! I see you’re not living badly?

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
I live normally, like all educated people who did not experiment on others at school and did not lock them up in classes.

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Come on, it’s okay for you to remember the old things, after all, we were children. How many years have passed, but you remember everything.

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
How can you forget (he takes off his wig and turns out to be bald). Will you ever forget this - “let’s add more so that the reaction goes faster”!
So you threw it in, and I got a reaction.

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Yeah, they haven’t grown back, then? Well, don’t worry, because you can change your image every day!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
And I see you, as you wanted, are working with finances (looks and points to a badge that says “McDonald’s”). What, I immediately learned - “Free cash register”! – or stayed after work for extra classes?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Well, you are the one to be offended, be offended, but don’t go too far! Here, the toilet is nearby! Let's better remember how we studied at school! Do you remember how fun it was!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Some are having fun, and some went to school!

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Come on, come on! Do you remember how in geography they asked me - What is the Panama Canal? Well, remember?

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Of course I remember. You then said that you don’t know, because you don’t have such a channel on your TV. Then they staked you. And after that you called all the cable networks to find out if they could connect this Panama Channel.

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Yes, it happened. Listen, do you remember Dimka Sorokin? He is sitting now. After all, he was like this all the time at school, everything pulled him in that direction.

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Yes Yes. When his teacher asked for an example of when to use the expression - fortunately - remember what he said?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Of course I remember! How can you forget this? Every time I feel sad, I remember his words - “robbers attacked a passerby and killed him. Luckily, the passer-by forgot his wallet with the money at home!”

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Listen, where is our artist Oleg Vereshchagin?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
I don’t know, maybe he draws horses, only real ones!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Yes, what did he say to the teacher when she said that today we are drawing horses?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
It seems like this - “Lyudmila Petrovna, since we are drawing horses, we can ask you not to move until the end of the lesson!”

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Yes, whatever you say, it was a fun time. How did you attack Romka Chernyagin in literature back then, remember? Do you remember why?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
Would you like to forget this? After all, the teacher clearly asked me: “What can I say about the heroine of the novel?”
What could I know then about Roman’s heroine, because I don’t use heroin, and here such a setup loomed with a deadline! It was only when I blacked out his second eye that I realized that we were not talking about the heroine, but about the heroine of the novel that we are studying in literature class!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Listen (looks at his watch), I have lunch now. Maybe we can go have lunch somewhere and talk about school and something else? But where should we go?

Second guy (Sanyok Krivov):
What does it mean - where to go? Here (points to his badge) - free cash register!

First guy (Petka Ivanov):
Two potatoes and a Big Mac, please!

(both laugh and leave)
