Rising zodiac sign or ascendant in the horoscope. The simplest calculation of the ascendant

Sometimes, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors of the people around us, we find out their dates of birth and turn to the help of astrology. After all, as far as we know, it is the zodiac sign that determines a person’s character. However, not everyone knows that appearance, fate and individual characteristics character is formed by three indicators: the location of the Sun in the sky on the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the individual, the position of the Moon, which determines character, and the value of the ascendant. This raises the question: what does the last term mean, what does it affect, and how can you calculate the ascendant yourself?

The concept of the ascendant

Ascendant (translated from Latin as “rising”, from English - “power”, “influence”, “predominance”, “dominance”) - a sign of the Zodiac rising above the horizon at the moment human birth. In other words, the time when the starry sky with its entire planetary arrangement, capturing this moment, forms a personal horoscope for the newborn and his individual life path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the ecliptic plane.

The Earth and every point on its surface, rotating, passes through the entire area every day, fixing the meaning of the ascendant in a certain sign of the Zodiac. A person is assigned a sign, such as Capricorn, because this sign (and not the Sun, as many assume) is in the sign of Capricorn. The ascendant of birth is directly influenced by the place, time and date of birth.

What does it affect?

In many astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and starting point in constructing a horoscope. Its unique imprint, received by a person at the moment of birth, becomes an integral part of the personality, a determining factor in behavior, character, appearance and attitude towards others. It determines your reaction to people, situations and how others see you. The Ascendant, which can be calculated independently, shapes individuality, personality traits, self-expression and worldview.

This point, in contrast to the sign of the Moon, which forms the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, the face, the mask that a person demonstrates to others. The ascendant sign represents the outer layer, the shell of your self, and determines what people see first and foremost in you. The Ascendant (abbreviated as ASC) is called the gate behind which the inner world is located.

According to astrologers, the sign of the ascendant is a fundamental component of birth), the position of which determines the rest of the characteristics of the horoscope. Without calculating this criterion, a person’s horoscope will not be the most complete and relate specifically to the moment of birth.

How to determine the ascendant

  • Hour, day, month and year of birth.
  • Geographical longitude and latitude of the place of birth.

The ascendant is manually calculated using a special formula:

arctg (cos s / -[(tg f sin ε) + (sin s cos ε)]) = ASC, where

  • f is the geographic latitude of the place of birth;
  • ε - angle of inclination of the ecliptic to the equator (23-26 o);
  • s - local sidereal time(calculated by the formula s = S o + l + UT + d, where S o is sidereal time at Greenwich Mean Midnight of the desired date (can be viewed in the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - universal time;
  • d - correction in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) for the discrepancy between sidereal time and the average solar time.

The value of s must be multiplied by 15 to convert it to degrees.

The calculation can take a long time and does not guarantee the accuracy of the result, so it is better to turn to the help of computer programs.

Features of the programs

Before the advent of information technology, people turned to professional astronomers and astrologers to determine the ascendant. On this moment everyone can analyze their horoscope and calculate their ascendant. You just have to become interested in these questions, and you won’t need to contact astrology specialists. For this purpose, there are special computer programs that allow you to receive the desired information about your ascending zodiac sign within a few minutes. The program will be able to calculate using formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its influence on character. After all, it is the ascending sign of the Zodiac that determines your goals, objectives and creative potential, even influencing your destiny.

It doesn’t matter if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of your birthplace. Professional program will determine them itself, you just need to enter the country and city in the appropriate column (if your homeland is a village, indicate the nearby city), converting local time into a global format (Greenwich Mean), and then into sidereal (time relative to the fixed stars). The sidereal day is not identical to earthly time; it is four minutes shorter than the Greenwich day.

One program, no matter how sophisticated it may be, will not be able to give you complete and comprehensive information regarding the degree rising sign Zodiac and location of other planets at the time of birth. You can calculate the ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal chart based on several programs, additional information, or with the help of a specialist.

Sun value

It is possible to determine the ascendant without resorting to the help of specialized programs, but simply by finding out the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday. Let's look at the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendant coincides with the solar sign of the Zodiac. For example, if you are an Aries, then your rising sign is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after dawn, the meaning moves one sign forward, therefore, Aries, who made the light happy with his appearance at 8 o’clock in the morning, is based on the ascending sign of the Zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shifts the native sign two more horoscopes forward. That is, the ascendant of Aries is Gemini.
  • If you were born around noon, the ascending point moves another three signs (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move another four signs, which means that Aries is already Leo.
  • Birth 2-4 hours before sunset is marked by the value of the ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves approximately one sign forward. However, not all points move the same way; some may move faster or slower. Therefore, calculating the ascendant based on the time of sunrise is quite difficult; for greater reliability, it is better to seek the help of programs and professional astrologers.

The influence of the ascendant on appearance

It is well known that ASC can influence a person’s appearance. However, it cannot be said with complete confidence that a person will be outwardly exactly the same as his ascendant suggests. After all, genes play a significant role in the formation of physique and other elements of appearance. The genetic characteristics of an organism, coupled with the influence of a particular zodiac sign, give final result, determining the features of appearance.

Before finding out the ascendant, read the standard description of each zodiac sign.


Athletic build, medium height, energetic gait, open smile, direct, slightly piercing gaze. The activity and energy of the Fire sign are expressed in offensive life positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Hardy, strong, determined Aries always goes ahead and is prone to rash actions.


The connection gave the owner of the sign a dense, strong body, chiseled features, big eyes, square type faces. Slow, reliable, considering every step, appreciating luxury and comfort, Taurus is under the protection of Venus, who has endowed him with sensual charm.


Geminis have short stature, agile, thin physique, pointed facial features, lively, open gaze, swift gait. Geminis are incredibly smart and intelligent, sociable and friendly, and have agile facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and capable of showing talent in several areas at the same time.


Cancers are compliant, touchy, and have an incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of the Ascendant in this sign are usually of medium height, have soft features, a round face, a gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and feet. Cancers are absent-minded, dreamy, sensitive natures, they value family and home, they have a hard time making contact with strangers However, they know how to manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The Ascendant and appearance of Leo are characterized by majestic posture, a beautiful head shape, a dazzling smile, and thick hair. Leos are incredibly proud, energetic and quick-tempered, and have pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The protection of the Sun gives Leos courage, boldness, and self-confidence.


The sixth sign of the Zodiac - Virgo - is distinguished by tall or medium height, a fragile physique, aristocratic features, and a tenacious, attentive gaze. The dominance of Mercury endowed Virgo with an analytical mind, a high degree of observation, and demandingness towards herself and others. Virgos are balanced, a little petty and picky.


The Ascendant in Libra suggests a well-built figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, and delicate, sharpened facial features. The patronage of Venus endows representatives of this sign with beauty, charm, and composure. Libras are born diplomats and aesthetes. They strive to achieve harmony in everything, but are sometimes quite indecisive and absent-minded.


Scorpios have a strong physique, prominent facial features, and a piercing, hypnotizing gaze. They are distinguished by iron willpower, tough character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are secretive, distrustful and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascendant sign in Sagittarius have an athletic build, small, pleasant facial features, a friendly, slightly mocking look, and a tendency to be overweight. Sagittarians are positive, friendly, energetic, sincere, and love to travel. They are sometimes tactless and straightforward, but they are always honest and open.


Capricorn is tall, thin, has a deep, thoughtful look, a radiant smile, and strong, resilient legs. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, ambitious, prone to stress and depression. He is disciplined, reliable and focused on career and power.


The Ascendant in Aquarius gives the owners of this sign a dense physique, developed muscles, chiseled facial features, and a contemplative look. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, and an unpredictable character.


Medium or short height, large dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, large hands and feet distinguish Pisces from the many representatives of the horoscope. Pisces are endowed with the ability to foresight, developed imagination, and a certain “otherworldliness”. They are indecisive, lazy, secretive, giving the impression of slow and sluggish people. Although in reality this is not always the case.

Astrologers believe that calculating the ascendant can be very important for a person. After all, knowing your rising sign will allow you to get acquainted with the most full description your personality, creativity and factors that can influence your destiny and make them more real.

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The picture shows an example of how your ascendant will be calculated in the table, and in will be given brief information. All information about Ascendant read on this page, or.

The first house determines appearance and behavior, height, build and gait. He is responsible for style, choice of image, clothes, hairstyle, choice of hair color and even the color of contact lenses. The indicators of the First House, its content and its connections acquire special significance in choosing a profession, especially in the area where external data, physical characteristics, height, weight are of decisive importance. Physical indicators and physical activity, determined by the First House, will determine a propensity for one or another sport.

The appearance is influenced by all elements of the 1st house: zodiac sign in the 1st house, planets of the 1st house and their aspects, lords of the 1st house and their aspects. Knowledge of astrological influences on appearance is extremely important for a practicing astrologer. It allows you to check the correct time of birth, and also provides decisive help when establishing it in a case where the time is completely unknown.

The main assistant is the ascending zodiac sign (ascendant).

It greatly influences appearance and behavior. Natural hair and eye color is mainly determined by genes. Among the pure representatives of the yellow and black races, we see only brunettes with brown eyes. However, hair color can be changed by dyeing, and eye color can be changed by the color of contact lenses. And, choosing new color hair or eyes, a person acts in accordance with his Ascendant.

It should be noted that there is an erroneous opinion prevailing among amateurs that the ascending zodiac sign determines the content of the subject’s characteristic statements and even his worldview. This is wrong. The first house determines only external manifestations, but under no circumstances internal content. A statement is the result of mental activity that is not related to the 1st house. Given this point, it is important not to miss what is truly determined by the 1st house: the manner of speaking, the speed of speech, articulation, facial expressions and gestures.

Every practicing astrologer must learn to determine the ascending zodiac sign, and, consequently, the hour of birth of the subject by appearance and behavior. Below is a technique to make this process easier.

Determining the rising sign by appearance

First of all, you should determine whether the ascending sign belongs to the male or female group of zodiac signs.

Male rising signs They usually give height above average, long limbs, and an elongated face. The gait is energetic, movements are fast. A person is open to communication, frank, sincere, does not hide what he thinks, loves when attention is paid to him. Tends to smile. An open smile.

Female rising signs They usually give below average height, short limbs, and a round or square face. Behavior is reserved or secretive, gait is not energetic. A person is not inclined to say what he thinks, but prefers to keep it to himself, and does not like to be the center of everyone's attention. A rare smile bears the stamp of restraint or shyness, but can be ironic.

After identifying a male or female ascendant sign, you should begin to determine the element of the Ascendant.

Masculine signs include the signs of Fire and Air.

The fiery rising sign gives, usually, broad shoulders, large build, large facial features, penchant for sports. Such subjects are energetic, speak loudly, take the initiative in conversation, are prone to monologue, strive to be the center of attention, occupy a leading position in the company.. They are frank in their statements, always say what they think, even when they are not told about it they ask. An open smile.

Air rising sign, as a rule, gives an asthenic physique, a lightweight skeleton, elongated limbs, fine features face, which collectively conveys a youthful appearance. Subjects are sincere, say what they think, but do not impose their views, have an easy-going character, are sociable, and are prone to dialogue. They are not as energetic as they are excitable, their energy is less than that of representatives fire element. They enjoy being the center of attention, but they do not fight for this position. The smile is friendly.

Feminine signs include the signs of Water and Earth.

Watery rising sign gives round body, arms and legs may be shorter than usual. By nature, these subjects are emotional, hide their thoughts, but do not hide their feelings, are prone to hysterics and violent emotional manifestations, and love a confidential heart-to-heart conversation. They don't like to attract everyone's attention. A shy or ironic smile.

The earth's rising sign gives, as a rule, a square build or a square head, short limbs. The subject is slow, reserved, silent and little emotional, and is not frank in his statements. Does not seek to be the center of attention. Rarely smiles...

Once the element of the ascending sign has been determined, you can proceed to establishing a specific sign on the Ascendant.

Fire Signs

Aries Rising tends to dye hair blonde or hazel tones. The eyes are often yellow or green, as well as brown or light brown. The chin is narrow, the neck is long. Hair is sparse. They speak and act quickly and energetically. They walk quickly and easily take off. While sitting, they throw their head back and try to look at the interlocutor as if from top to bottom. An open smile.

Classic Leo Rising Look - blonde hair, Brown eyes. Hair is sparse and becomes problematic early. The subject is warm-hearted, natural, easily becomes the center of attention and loves when all eyes are on him. Has good posture and a straight back, regardless of age and illness. The smile is bright, sunny, endearing, the behavior is very cordial. The gait of female lionesses is playful, attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

Classic Sagittarius look- blonde hair, Blue eyes. The hair is usually very thick, but it turns gray early. The subject can be large, prone to obesity, and this becomes his problem. As he gets older, he develops a belly. He may be stooped and slightly clubfooted, which is more pronounced and noticeable in men than in women. The style of speech is sharp (not to be confused with semantic sharpness), Sagittarius speaks as if it were shooting. He is very sociable, talkative and good-natured. As a rule, this is the type of cheerful and optimistic person.

Air Signs

Libra Rising usually produce light hair and eyes. Friendly, smiling, peaceful facial expression, a tendency to agree and give in. The character is easy, cheerful and courteous. They are marked by a lack of energy and self-confidence, which creates a need for partners and support. Help will be duly appreciated, even if it remains silent. They retain a youthful appearance for a long time. Beautiful speech with pauses and harmonious gestures. A particularly easy gait, but a tendency to stoop.

Aquarius Rising encourages impulsive and sudden actions, sometimes strange and absurd actions, surprises others with a penchant for buffoonery. This does not prevent him from maintaining constant friendliness and peacefulness. May suddenly, unmotivated for outsiders, change the direction of movement, posture, or move from rest to movement.. May amaze others with a strange, untimely smile, causing a feeling of inadequacy.

Gemini Rising often give high growth with asthenic build, long arms and legs. The classic type is a brunette with blue or gray eyes, beloved by many. He is quick in his movements and somewhat nervous, which is revealed by his hands being in perpetual motion. Often, when nervous

fingers may tremble, then Gemini drums them on the table, shaking his leg at the same time. When walking, he swings his arms and sways from side to side. He is talkative, even talkative at times, knows how to joke and appreciates humor.

Water Signs

Cancer ascendant may have very blonde hair and blue eyes. In childhood, as a rule, always. They tend to gain weight as they age. They can be shy to the point of timidity with strangers, while in relationships with loved ones they are characterized by intemperance, a tendency to hysterics, screams and tears. Men often have a claw-like hand position.

Scorpio rising hair or beard may have a reddish tint. Facial features are masculine or rough. Facial expression can be mocking and ironic. The behavior is teasing, sharp, provoking. He is inclined to use rude and obscene words, which makes him pleased with himself. This is less common for women. Has the peculiarity of casting probing glances or looking sideways. An attentive observer can identify Scorpio by his wary expression in his eyes and intense gaze.

Pisces Rising quiet and modest in behavior, delicate in everyday life, love to gossip about their neighbors, talkative and emotional in dialogue. They prefer peace to movement and, as a result, tend to be overweight. They rarely play sports and are considered poor walkers. These are dreamers and dreamers in their own quiet, warm and cozy harbor with an abundance of plankton.

Earth Signs

Capricorn Rising gives a tendency towards thinness, composure, seriousness and taciturnity. He is not tall, his facial features are small with an elongated tip of the nose. The shape of the head and body is square or bony, angular. Speech is poor, voice volume is reduced, facial expressions are poor, gestures are absent, and smiling is rare. Nature shows its frugality and economy here. As a rule, Capricorn looks older than his age.

Women often love to bleach their hair and have been doing so for decades.

Taurus Rising gives stubbornness and perseverance, and based on this - self-confidence. Slow in actions, speeches and movements. It has a dense build, a short neck and a large, square, beautifully set head.

Virgo Rising has a thin and proportionate physique, a large square head and a fresh face. Often gray eyes and dark brown hair. Virgo is endowed with liveliness and sociability. Distinctive feature statements - suggestiveness with characteristic reticence. Speech is characterized by monotony, intonation monotony and lack of pauses.

Other influences on appearance and build

An important characteristic determined by field I is growth. It is known from anatomy that height is determined primarily by the length of the legs. And it depends on the zodiac sign in the 1st house. It should be borne in mind that the human body can be schematically represented in the 1st house so that the Ascendant will be the top of the head, and the end of the 1st house and the cusp of the 2nd house will indicate the feet. Therefore, the length of the legs, which affects growth, depends on the zodiac sign located in the second half of the 1st house (of course, if the 1st house occupies two signs). If there is only one sign in the 1st house, it will determine both the length of the legs and overall height.

Hence, high growth is determined male sign not on the Ascendant, but in the second half of the 1st house. Accordingly, if in the second half of the 1st house - female sign, the legs will be shorter and the height will be shorter.

The position of the owner of the Ascendant in the natal chart also affects growth. In odd numbered houses it increases height, and in even numbered houses it decreases height.

Influence of planets on external behavior and physical data

In addition to the above factors, appearance and character are influenced by planets in the 1st house, as well as aspects of planets to the elements of the 1st house. In this case, the essential nature of the planets appears in a pure, undistorted form. The planetary influence descriptions below are based on analysis large quantity horoscopes. The given characteristics are partly well known to the reader, but in some details they may cause protest due to the inconsistency with established clichés.

Pluto influencing the 1st house, gives activity, initiative, quick reaction, increases personal attractiveness and self-confidence. It adds redness and fullness to the hair, enlarges the nose, making it extremely individual.

Tense aspects of Pluto give the instinct of a conqueror and tamer, and sometimes an enslaver. Manners are devoid of softness, they are characterized by clarity, turning into straightforwardness.

Neptune gives external forms asthenicity and frailty , diminishing the physical and promoting the development of the spiritual. Will determine psychologicality, sensitivity, contemplation, daydreaming, secrecy (even in the absence of prerequisites for such behavior). The character will be determined by the sign in which this planet is located.

With a disharmonious influence, it will add uncertainty, duality, as well as indecision and inactivity. It will give you lack of composure, excessive emotionality and great absent-mindedness.

Uranus acts as a vertical magnifier : increases height, lengthens limbs, hands and fingers. Blackens eyes and hair. Communicates friendliness, ingenuity, exclusivity and selflessness. Behavior can be unpredictable, extraordinary and very effective. The person is indifferent to traditions and generally accepted norms, and is very intuitive.

Its tense aspects give rise to destructive behavior and sudden outbursts. A person can shock others with eccentric manners reminiscent of buffoonery.

Saturn acts as the creator of various deficits , namely, lack of body weight, reduction in height, size of legs and hands... Darkens the eyes, hair and eyelashes, sharpens and shallowens facial features. Able to age the appearance. There is modesty, restraint and caution in behavior. The character is calm, hardworking, purposeful, perseverance and constancy. Loyalty to traditions.

With disharmonious aspects, conservative preferences develop into a complete lack of flexibility, leading to stagnation and dead-end situations. Saturn can take away energy, cause pessimistic and depressive states, which can lead to alcohol consumption.

Jupiter gives increase in size, fullness, large shapes and impressive posture. Brightens hair and eyes. The character makes you cheerful and optimistic. The breadth of nature is expressed in generosity and the desire to patronize. There is the ability to evaluate the long term.

With disharmonious influence, it imparts adventurism, excitement and a penchant for risk.

Mars increases muscle mass, gives energy to movements . Reddish hair, gray eyes. A face with the stamp of masculinity, its features may be disproportionate. Speech is active, assertive, energetic, regardless of the meaning. The person is enterprising, active, and has a quick reaction.

With a disharmonious influence, the described qualities will manifest themselves in an exaggerated manner, resulting in haste, rashness and rudeness.

Venus does not affect body composition and height, but softens motor activity, making it harmonious, natural and calm. The face is pretty, the character is peaceful, cheerful, there is goodwill, jokes and gentle humor in communication. Venus bestows peaceful and calm behavior, productive and joyful action.

With disharmonious influence, it communicates inaction, idleness and laziness.

Mercury increases height, lightens the skeleton and lengthens the limbs . Dark hair, gray eyes. Behavior is sociable, talkative, active and active.

Its intense aspects to the elements of the first field complicate life with anxiety, talkativeness, and impart fussiness and nervousness.

The moon rounds the physique, reduces height, brightens hair and eyes. The character expresses caring, attentiveness, mercy and kindness. Behavior is flexible, a person adapts to the situation, showing high sensitivity.

Its disharmonious influence will cause inconstancy, capriciousness, infantilism and hysteria, excessive gullibility and a tendency to fall under the influence of others.

The sun increases muscles. Gives hair a reddish or sandy sparkle. Character makes you open, sunny, and warm-hearted. A person is focused on himself, his personal interests and needs, and strives to attract attention to himself.

With disharmonious influence, egocentrism becomes excessive.

Black Moon with its harmonious influence, it conveys to the person concern for personal safety. Does not have a noticeable effect on appearance.

With disharmonious influence, it gives a tendency to neglect personal safety. Connection in in this case negatively affects safety issues and indicates a threat of physical harm.

Key signature of the Ascendant.

Fire- temperament;

Air- fast reaction;

Water- emotions and feelings;

The earth is inert.

Aries- independence, love of freedom, kindness, generosity;

Taurus- perseverance, perseverance, caution;

Twins- strong intellect, imagination, intuition, excitability, irritability;

Cancer- emotionality, sensitivity, inclination towards the medium. Imbalance. Moodiness, quirks;

a lion- will, determination, pride, conceit, selfishness. Vivid people. Strong pride. You need to be careful with them;

Virgo- thoughtfulness, accuracy, diligence, selfishness, narcissism;

Scales- intuitiveness, fantasy, imagination, good taste. Cowardice, whimsicality, fear;

Scorpion- willpower, energy, self-affirmation, painful pride;

Sagittarius- self-will, ambition, penetrating power, obstinacy;

Capricorn- practicality, prudence, patience, selfishness, greed, careerism;

Aquarius- intelligence, honesty, sincerity, strong intuition;

Fish- receptivity. Conscientiousness, goodwill, compassion. Pessimism, capriciousness, suspiciousness.

All of these factors should be taken into account when analyzing compliance appearance and the nature of the composition of the first house of the natal chart.

From the book: "Horoscope Analysis" and lectures

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Tags: ascendant, ascending zodiac sign, find out or calculate, your ascendant, first house, feminine and masculine. rising signs, signs of fire and air, water and earth

"We were born at a certain moment in certain place and bear the mark of their influence, just as years of aging determine the bouquet of a vintage wine." Carl Gustav Jung.
Without a doubt, astrology is primarily a science about you and me. It illuminates the path to the depths of personality. Astrologers say that you can go through life not blindly, guiding your destiny within certain limits and achieving a better understanding of your personality.
When people hear the word “astrology,” they always imagine their zodiac sign under which they were born. But only a few have heard that every person also has an Ascending Zodiac sign, which is called the Ascendant.
The Ascendant or rising sign (these terms are equivalent) is an important element in your horoscope. The Ascendant is a sign that reflects your outward behavior; it largely determines how he sees you the world.
As you can see, the word "external"
is key when applied to your rising sign as it represents the outer side of your personality. Using modern language, we can say that this is your image. Very often it turns out that the ascendant is responsible for what the world sees in you first of all, what is the first impression you make. Many astrologers believe that your rising sign reveals you more directly than your Sun sign. The Ascendant is compared to the door of a house, the entrance through which the visitor must pass to see
the housing itself.
Since the ascendant is the sign rising above the horizon at the time of your birth (hence the term "rising sign"), it reflects the moment when your life began. independent life in this world. It characterizes your interaction with others, your individual communication style.
The Ascendant is called the sign of your “I” - your self-awareness, independence, interest in yourself. In many ways, your rising sign represents your goals, aspirations,
indicates the main area of ​​application of your creative powers. To some extent, this sign also affects external characteristics and manners. This is your mask facing the world. Like any mask, it can hide the true face, but rather it is part of the real face. This is the face that you show to others with the greatest ease and naturalness.
What is the Ascendant? According to the simplest definition, the ascendant is the astrological sign rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your
birth. To better understand what this means, imagine the Earth as a small circle at the center of a larger circle. The second circle depicts the sky, the celestial sphere surrounding us. You lie on a small circle (Earth) and look up at the sky at the moment of your birth. If you draw a line from the eastern horizon to the surface of the celestial sphere, this line will indicate the exact position of your ascendant. (Some clairvoyants claim that they actually see this person's astral line.)
When a person says that he was born under a certain sign, he means the sign of the Sun (that is, the sign in which the Sun is at the time of birth). However, when astrologers talk about the sign under which an individual is born, they mean the ascendant. Previously, the ascendant was considered more important factor, than the sign of the Sun, but in the twentieth century this opinion was abandoned. However, many astrologers believe that the ascendant line is main component birth charts, because other horoscope parameters can be calculated,
based on her position. One thing is certain: without establishing the ascendant, the interpretation of the horoscope remains limited, and it will never become truly natal, that is, relating to the moment of birth.

To determine the Ascendant it is necessary to know the date of birth, time and place of birth. You can find out your Ascendant using any astrological program. If you do not have this opportunity, then below I present to you another way to determine the ascending sign of the Zodiac.
First, you need to find out what zodiac sign you were born under, as well as your time of birth. Next, you need to start counting from your zodiac sign, taking into account sunrises
and sunsets.
Sunrises for people born in mid-latitudes, start at the following hours:
January, December – approximately 8:30 - 9:30
February, November – approximately 7:30 - 8:30

March, October – approximately 6:30 - 7:30
April, September – approximately 5:30 - 6:30
May, August – approximately 4:30
- 5:30

June - approximately 4 o'clock in the morning
July – approximately 4 - 4:30
January, December – 16:0 0 - 17:0 0
February, November – 17:0 0 - 18:0 0
– 18:0 0 - 19:0 0

April-September – 19:0 0
- 20 :0 0

May, August – 20:0 0 - 21:30
June, July – 21:30 - 22:30
You can determine your ascending zodiac sign as follows:
If you were born on sunrise plus minus 1 hour, then your Ascending sign coincides with your main one.
If you were born 2-4 hours later or earlier than sunrise,
then your Ascendant is the next or previous sign relative to your main sign. For example, if you are Leo, then your Ascendant will be Virgo (+2 hours) or Cancer (-2 hours).
If you were born 4-6 hours before or after sunrise, then your sign will be third from the main one. For example, for Leo it is Libra or Gemini.
If you were born between sunrise and sunset during the day, then the sign is the fourth from the main one. For Leo it is Scorpio.
If 4-6 hours before sunset, then the fifth. For Leo it is Sagittarius.
If in 2-4
before sunset, then the sixth. For Leo it is Capricorn.
If you were born at sunset plus minus 1 hour, then the seventh sign. For Leo it is Aquarius.
2-4 hours after sunset - the eighth sign.
4-6 hours after sunset - the ninth sign.
Between sunset and sunrise at night - the tenth sign.

So, you have determined your rising sign. Below are descriptions for each sign.
Aries– height is often average. Athletic build. The head, forehead, and thick eyebrows stand out. He is quick-tempered by nature and a pioneer in everything. Very active, energetic, prefers to do things first and then think about actions. There may be head injuries.

Taurus- growth is often high, especially in men. Strong neck and shoulders. Slow by nature, loves luxury, comfort, and is focused on making money. Expert in cooking, talent for music, good voice. There may be a tendency to be overweight.

Twins– growth is often low. The nose is sharp and the movements are fast. The physique is thin. By nature he is very smart, quickly perceives information, sociable, able to do several things at the same time, it is difficult to complete things to the end.

Cancer- average height. The voice is soft. The face is round, the eyes are large and moist. Character is soft, secretive, touchy. Loves home, does not easily make contact with strangers, appreciates family traditions. Tendency to corpulence. Knows how to manipulate other people's feelings.

a lion– medium to tall height. The posture is straight, the chest stands out. There is a sense of greatness and charisma in his appearance. Often the hairstyle stands out. Proud character, strong self-esteem, leadership and organizational abilities. Highly sensitive to flattery. Likes to have a great time. Energetic and enterprising.

Virgo– tall or average height. The physique is thin. Proper facial features. By nature she is very demanding of herself and others. Strongly expressed analytical mind. Sometimes she can be overly picky and meticulous. Pays great attention to detail. Good performer.

Scales- height above average. Many beauties and handsome men have this sign. Well built figure. Places great emphasis on her appearance. The character is harmonious, a born diplomat and esthete. Before making important decisions, he often weighs the pros and cons. Needs a partner badly, self-actualizes at the expense of a partner.

Scorpion– average or below average height. The build is stocky. Direct, piercing gaze. The nose is snub or aquiline. He has enormous willpower, is tough, independent, loves extreme sports. Secretive, distrustful and suspicious. Prone to extremes.

Sagittarius– tall or average height. Tendency to corpulence. Women often wear ponytail hairstyles. The thighs stand out. By nature he is an optimist, cheerful, loves to travel. Straightforward, honest, can sometimes be tactless. Interested in other countries and religion.

Capricorn– tall or average height. The physique is thin. The appearance feels dry. In his youth he may look older than his years, but with age he becomes “younger”. By nature he is ambitious, responsible, prone to depression and pessimism. Focused on career and power, acts carefully and effectively. Hardy.

Aquarius- height above average. The physique is harmonious. Bright skin. The character is open, sociable, extraordinary. Tends to be eccentric. He has a lot of ideas in his head, prefers informal communication, “get-togethers”. Abilities in the field of information technology.

Fish– below average or average height. Tendency to corpulence. The large eyes stand out strongly. Outwardly it may give the impression of lethargy. By nature he is indecisive, lazy, has a very developed imagination, is secretive, and has the ability to deceive. Can "make fog".
==> You can read more about each ascending sign of the Zodiac here: load/0-19

In addition to your native zodiac sign, calculated by date of birth, you are influenced by another zodiac sign - Ascendant. IN natal chart birth this eastern point, located on the left.

Ascendant comes from the Latin word for "to rise." This is the point of the ecliptic, rising above the horizon at the moment of a person’s birth, associated with a specific zodiac sign. In a given zodiac sign, this point will have certain coordinates, expressed in degrees and minutes.

Ascendant symbolizes the first independent breath of a person at the moment when the umbilical cord connecting him to his mother comes off: the first breath, the first cry - and the person receives a “sip” of radiation from the planet that, at a given degree of the sky, sends its indignation to the Earth more strongly than other planets.

Ascendant- first point horoscope, symbolizing the beginning of a person’s life and what will appear in him as primary. The Ascendant characterizes our talents, abilities and the mask we wear on our face. In other words, the zodiac sign ascending at the moment of a person’s birth characterizes our personality.

For example, Darwin: personality is defined as Ascendant in Capricorn. Over time, such a person will develop purposefulness, perseverance, closeness, the desire to achieve goals, maximalism and long-term plans in life. Quite practicality and pragmatism will develop - this is the ascendant in Capricorn.

Are of great importance planets on the Ascendant, they help in determining personality type, play main role in reading life events according to the horoscope. These are the lords of the Ascendant.

For example, people with Sun on the Ascendant They easily stand out among other people, since they always strive for primacy, crave attention to their person, shine in society, striving to play a noticeable role in any way.

These included Emperor Augustus (born before sunrise, had pronounced ambition), Emperor Nero (born at sunrise, in the sign of Sagittarius), Peter I, Nicholas I, Queen Victoria, Catherine de Medici, Richard Wagner (pronounced vanity) , Glinka.

However, depending on the cosmogram (i.e. the position of other planets), these people will glorify themselves in different ways. For example, those born at sunrise under the sign of Virgo will gain intelligence and cunning.

Aspects including ruler of the Ascendant, are also very important, along with aspects including the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant itself. Such aspects are important because they indicate certain dynamics affecting the overall flow or inhibition of your self-expression.

Connection ruler of the Ascendant with the flow physical energy and with the state of human health can hardly be overestimated, its importance in this regard can easily be seen by observing transits to the ruling planet. Such transits very often correspond to noticeable changes in a person's health, vitality or appearance.

For example, one client (a 34-year-old man with Virgo rising) experienced complete nervous collapse when Uranus squared natal Mercury. Assuming that the square of transiting Uranus with natal Mercury may correspond to the period nervous tension, this transit will not, however, be such an influential force for those who do not have Mercury as the ruler of the Ascendant.

No consideration Ascendant is not complete without simultaneously including the whole complex of factors that are closely related to the Ascendant. In other words, qualities rising sign and him planetary ruler(including her sign and house), as well as any planet in the 1st house, all show drives, needs and orientations that form one of the most decisive combinations of energy in your life.

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And the Ascendant are the three most important figures in the natal chart, determining personality and the forms of its manifestation. They rarely converge in the same sign, although such cases do occur (it is precisely such cases that most correspond classical descriptions one or another sign). As a rule, for men, the Sun constitutes the “basis” of personality, a set of its permanent properties, and the Moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and dynamics of development. For women, both luminaries “change roles.”

The Ascendant shows the degree of realization of the potential inherent in a person. We can say that the solar-lunar horoscope is like a “genotype” of a person, a set of properties, given to a person at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation ( left hand in palmistry). Whereas the Ascendant can be called an astrological “phenotype”, a set of properties acquired by a person more or less consciously throughout life (in palmistry - right hand). This is an expression of that very freedom of will that Ptolemy spoke about, pointing out that the “stars” determine only half of one’s destiny—a person arranges everything else for himself. Another thing is that not all people can (or want) to become “the architects of their own happiness”; many just go with the flow, leaving fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty is that in the West it is customary to record a person’s time of birth to the nearest minute, so calculating the Ascendant there rarely causes difficulties. In Eastern countries (including the Soviet Union), such an opportunity is not always available; the error in the time of birth can reach several hours. Here you have to either rectify the Ascendant based on life events, or make do with a solar-lunar horoscope, which, unfortunately, is more like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But let's return to the houses counted from the Ascendant. We received twelve of different sizes - their size varies depending on the geographic latitude, time of year, and also the time of day. In addition, we received four important points, one of which is the Ascendant. Let's consider them in more detail.

Descendant in cosmogram

Directly opposite the ascendant is the descendant, the descending (or setting) degree. If at the moment of a person’s birth in the East some degree of the celestial circle rises, then in the West, naturally, at the same moment some degree sets and is called the descendant or descendant. The Descendant is a point and is designated by the letters DS.

The ascendant-descendant line represents the horizontal or, more simply, the horizon. If the ascendant corresponds to the human “I”, the beginning of the human personality (edge), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the environment, the point of a person’s relationship to other people and their relationship to him, it is not without reason that the descendant opens, “the house of marriage and partner.”

Further on the cosmogram there are two more points that make up the points of the IV and X houses; the first point is called the nadir, the second the middle of the sky. The nadir opens the fourth house and is designated IC (from the Latin “imum goal” - the lower part of the sky). The midheaven corresponds to the cusp of the tenth house and is designated MC (from the Latin "medium of purpose", meaning the same).

In a physical sense, IC corresponds to midnight and MC to noon: these points of the ecliptic the Sun passes at (approximately) twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of a given calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, say, at 11.45 local solar time, the MC point almost coincides with the position of the Sun, and if born at 12.05, it will leave it slightly behind.

In occult terms, nadir (IC) personifies the “initial capital” of a person, the genetic and mental baggage given to him at birth; the midheaven (MC) represents the goal of his aspirations, the “zenith” to which his personality strives in the course of its development. Human life seems to follow the line connecting the nadir to the zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called the meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram into northern and southern, and the meridian line into western and eastern halves. Even a quick glance at the cosmogram is enough to determine how the planets are located relative to these lines and draw some conclusions.

For a better representation, redraw yours on Blank sheet paper, and draw two lines along the blue arrows, the Ascendant (AS) in the 1st house and the Midheaven (MC) in the 10th house. It is recommended for all novice astrologers to redraw the map; this will help them plunge more deeply into the mystery of the influence of subtle energies.

If most of the planets are above the horizon, that is, in the southern half of the cosmogram, this usually means that the “owner” of the horoscope is a man of action: he prefers to control his own destiny. The closer the Sun is to the meridian, the higher the position it reaches. This is true even in cases where other indicators are not entirely favorable.

If the planets are located more below the horizon, in the northern half of the cosmogram, then fate is not very favorable to a person: all of his development occurs “inside”, in the soul, without giving a tangible social result. Such a person is usually unable to cope with circumstances. If the Sun or Jupiter is near the nadir (IC), that is, the lowest point of the northern half of the sky, a person often devotes himself to studies mystical teachings, metaphysics, occult sciences. If Mars and Saturn are near this point, this indicates tense relations in the family.

If most of the planets fall in the eastern half, that is, within the triangle MC-AS-IC, this means early development personalities, bright events in youth, in general, the early independence of a person, and in other favorable conditions- and early success in life. If the horoscope is generally unfavorable, this can mean many difficulties and obstacles in the first half of life.

If the planets are concentrated mainly in the western half, that is, in the triangle IC-DS-MC, then major events will occur in the second half of life. Such people generally tend to wait and not take active action; they make decisions that are imposed on them environment. In general, inner life is more important to them than outer life.

The horizon and meridian divide the cosmogram into four sectors - quadrants. These sectors are rarely equal to each other because in different latitudes and at different times of the year, day and night, light and dark times of the day have different durations. American astrologer Dane Rudyard in his book “Personality Astrology” indicates that the northwestern sector gives the concept of a person’s emotional sphere, and the southeastern sector gives an idea of ​​his logical thinking; the southwestern one talks about the peculiarities of his perception, and the northeastern one talks about the ways of processing information.

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