Mysterious photographs and stories about them. Mysterious photos that cannot be explained

We are all a little cynics and skeptics when it comes to phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs and other illogical things. Look at these 12 photos that are hard to explain and draw your own conclusions.

1. Walking down the corridor

It seems to be an empty corridor, but upon closer inspection, in its depths there is some strange hooded figure. She looks strange and scary.

2. Strange figure

This creepy photo has gone viral on blogs and videos all over the internet, and opinions on its authenticity are rife. Some claim it's completely fake, while others swear it's proof that monsters live among us.

3. Time Traveling Guy

Another photo popular on the Internet, with many believing that the tall man in sunglasses- clearly a time traveler, because he looks out of place there. This guy in glasses, a T-shirt and a sweater would look more at home in a modern Starbucks with a latte than at a 1940s press conference.

4. Alien in Brazil

British tourists photographed this strange figure in the bushes during their holiday in Brazil. The creature somehow doesn’t really look like a human, does it? Are they really already among us?

5. Just a UFO

This photo captured an unidentified flying object. The UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane and it looks suspiciously real.

6. Lady “Granny”

This is the nickname of this unknown lady who was captured during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and is believed to have photographed and perhaps even filmed the event. The mystery is that this lady was never identified, and they could not even clearly identify her face in the photo.

7. Boogie-woogie

The woman who took this photo swears that at the time of shooting this dude in pink was not even visible. Ghost from the past???

8. Egyptians are from Mars

Back in 1976, the Viking orbiter took photos of the surface of Mars that captured some rather strange formations. Some scientists have begun to argue that one of these formations looks like an Egyptian sculpture and is therefore proof that there is life on Mars, or that the ancient Egyptians lived there at some point.

9. The truth is out there

This photo is also popular on UFO-themed websites. It shows two soldiers jet aircraft accompanying the flying saucer. I wonder what's going on there? Are they working on a new military project or escorting an alien ship? We will probably never know, but the truth is out there.

10. Strange guest

The owner of this Indiana home was experiencing bouts of anxiety for no reason, so she decided to do her own research and photograph the house to find any evidence of strangeness. In this photo, you can see a blurry silhouette of a woman looking directly at her from the living room window.

11. Ancient rocket

This cave drawing was dated back to 500 BC, pre-airplanes, cars and even bicycles. So how did this wonderful drawing of a rocket end up on the cave wall? Interesting food for thought.

12. Giants Among Us

The folklore of the Amazon peoples is full of stories and legends about giants. This giant skeleton was allegedly discovered in Brazil and may be proof that giants once lived among us. Is he real? Quite doubtful. However, all sorts of “non-standard” remains have long been found in this region.

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, Opportunity took an even more interesting photo at the end of 2012, which clearly shows much large quantity much larger areas.

These spheres, made of hematite, could mean that there was water on the “Red Planet” in the past.

Sea monster, filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This one is good famous photo many consider it to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec photographed this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photograph became the reason for heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the “Black Knight,” was taken in 1960 by one of the first Earth satellites. An unidentified object is clearly visible in polar orbit, which could not be either a USSR satellite or a US satellite. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to view the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. While analyzing photographs taken at the murder scene, experts noticed a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman. for a long time, but were never able to establish her identity.

The Collector's Edition DVD of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus includes a bonus featurette of the 1928 premiere. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent mobile phone.

Belfast-based film director George Clarke said he believes the footage is evidence of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that the woman is holding an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study mysterious phenomenon, called "The Lights of Hessdalen".

Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour.

The identity and further fate of this man remained a mystery. But this photograph was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron, which fought in the First World War. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see a face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron was photographed, Jackson’s funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface numbered AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as “exposed.” She clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact it captured structures that resemble pyramids.

[b]I suggest you familiarize yourself with the “ten” strangest and inexplicable photographs in the entire history of photography. Very interesting and mysterious. Read on for details.

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, Opportunity took an even more interesting image at the end of 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of much larger spheres.
These spheres, made of hematite, could mean that there was water on the “Red Planet” in the past.

Sea Monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known photo is considered by many to be the result of Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec photographed this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photograph became the reason for heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the “Black Knight,” was taken in 1960 by one of the first Earth satellites. An unidentified object is clearly visible in polar orbit, which could not be either a USSR satellite or a US satellite. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to view the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. While analyzing photographs taken at the murder scene, experts noticed a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI searched for this woman for a long time, but were never able to establish her identity.

The Collector's Edition DVD of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus includes a bonus featurette of the 1828 premiere. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone.
Belfast-based film director George Clarke said he believes the footage is evidence of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that the woman is holding an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Lights.
Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour.
The identity and further fate of this man remained a mystery. But this photograph was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron, which fought in the First World War. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see a face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron was photographed, Jackson’s funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface numbered AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as “exposed.” She clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact it captured structures that resemble pyramids.

Secret is something that people use. The secret allows everyone to express their point of view, basing it solely on their own conclusions. It pleases your pride and raises your self-esteem. The following 10 photos will help you stroke your vanity and express your hypothesis.

Could this lady codenamed "babushka" have anything to do with the assassination of JFK?

The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 gave rise to many conspiracy theories. One of the mysteries is Lady "babushka", a nickname that was given to an unidentified woman who was repeatedly photographed at the murder scene. How was this lady different from everyone else? Unlike others, she filmed everything on a video camera and was very close to where the bullet hit the president. The police tried to track down the woman, in the hope that her footage would help solve the mystery, but to this day, no one knows her name.

In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver appeared who claimed that she was the very “babushka”. A few years after Kennedy's assassination, she says, a man who introduced himself as an FBI agent knocked on her house. She admitted to them that she had the film and gave the original. Then they disappeared and she was never heard from again.

Her legend was immediately questioned, mainly because she was only 17 years old in 1963. Based on the photo, there’s no way to give the woman less than 40. In 1994, Beverly Oliver wrote a book of memoirs about that day and called it “A Nightmare in Dallas.” This book became the inspiration for John Oliver's film JFK.

Officials they doubt the veracity of her legend, so officially “babushka” remains a mystery.

Lights of Hessdalen: Aliens or natural battery?

In Hessdalen, Norway, people regularly see spectacular lights. The lights were very active between 1981 and 1984, with people coming from all over the world to experience the open air night, saw these lights 15-20 times a week. Nowadays, people observe this phenomenon only 15-20 times a year.

There is no scientific explanation for these lights, leading many to speculate that they are caused by alien activity. spaceships.

However, as of May 2014, some scientists think they may have solved the mystery. The hypothesis is that a large number of The iron inside the mountain, combined with a lot of sulfur in the river, creates something like a battery. When the ionized gas comes into contact with river vapors, people see lights. This theory has not yet been proven, so the mystery is still considered unsolved.

Sea monster

If this photo were taken today, it would most likely be called a hack job in Photoshop, but they were taken on December 12, 1964. And in case you forgot, let me remind you that there was no Photoshop then.

Robert Le Serrec and his wife were off the coast of Stonehaven Bay on Hook Island, Queensland. Robert's wife noticed a huge silhouette in the quiet lagoon and took several photographs to later determine what it was. As they said, the creature looked like a huge tadpole 25 meters long. At first the creature was motionless, but when they pointed the boat at it, it quickly sank into the depths.

The Mystery of the Astronaut Silhouette

When Jim Templeton took photographs of his wife and daughter on a sunny day in Cumbria, England, in the summer of 1964, he did not know that he would soon become the target of all sorts of conspiracy theorists. But here's what happened according to Jim. There was no one behind his daughter and wife when he took the photo. An unknown silhouette appeared after he developed the photographs. The police did not see anything criminal in the photograph, but the media inflated the whole story.

Many have debunked the mystery of this photograph, theorizing that what appears to be an astronaut is none other than the girl's mother standing further up the hill, and the light silhouette was due to light hitting the lens during the shooting. Others firmly stand their ground and say that the photo is of an astronaut. According to legend, a rocket launch was planned in the area that day, which was interrupted by two men in white spacesuits who were watching the launch from the mountain, and it was one of them who was removed by Templeton.

Faces of phantoms overboard Watertown

James Courtney and Michael Meehan cleaning the fuel tank on the Watertown in 1924. While working, the men inhaled harmful fumes and died from suffocation. As was customary at the time, they were buried at sea. But for several days after their funeral, the ship was haunted by the faces of two men who did not disappear from the surface of the water for a second. The faces were very clearly visible, and Captain Keith Tracy ordered them to be photographed. The photo shows two large faces chasing the ship.

Alien satellite in Earth orbit

Can a satellite that is more than 13,000 years old fly in Earth's orbit? Theoretically, anything is possible, and people who believe in the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence have found confirmation of this in this photograph. Some have even linked this "satellite" to the long echo that Nikola Tesla once recorded in 1899, sending a signal into space. Rumors about the possible presence of an unidentified object in Earth's orbit appeared in the 1950s, when stories were published in which the US Air Force allegedly described the discovery of two satellites that neither the United States nor the USSR had ever launched.

Ghost at dinner

Legend has it that when the Cooper family (pictured) moved into their new house, and this was the first photograph that was taken within the walls of this house. When the Photograph was developed, everyone saw a body hanging from the ceiling, which none of the people in the photo had seen. Further research gave rise to many legends, however, most are inclined to skillfully combine two photographs and it is quite possible that this was done deliberately.

Pyramids on the dark side of the moon

What exactly is hiding there on the dark side of the Moon? The photo above was taken by Apollo 17 during its final flight to the Moon. At first it was rejected as unsuccessful, but then they paid attention. Although there is a lot of “noise” in the photo, the straight lines characteristic of a pyramid are clearly visible. Some believe that on back side the moons have pyramids similar to those of Egypt, but most are skeptical of these claims.

Photo of Freddie Jackson after death

In 1919, Freddie Jackson was accidentally killed by an airplane propeller while working on Sir Victor Goddard's airplane. Two days later, the squadron took a photo, and when Goddard found himself in the photo, he saw Freddie Jackson's face behind him. When he showed his discovery to his friends, they agreed that it was in fact the late Jackson. That day was his funeral.

Mysterious death Eliza Lam

Elisa Lam was a 21-year-old student who disappeared from the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles in January 2013. Her body was later found in a technical water tank. Eliza was reported to have suffered from bipolar disorder and this story could have been a simple accident, but nevertheless, her death left too many questions that could not easily be written on an accident.

The video, which preserved the last moments of her life, shows Eliza pressing all the elevator buttons, but the elevator does not close, and then we see Eliza hiding from someone. Then she gets out of the elevator, looks around, runs into the elevator, presses the buttons, but the elevator again does not want to close the doors. Minutes pass, Eliza leaves the elevator and the doors close... We don’t see her anymore.

Other facts that may make your blood run cold:

Stayed at this hotel twice serial killers,
- a strange outbreak of tuberculosis that occurred a few blocks from the hotel. And the strangest thing is that this quarter was called LAM-ELISA.
- no one could also explain the fact how she was able to get onto the roof, because the passage to it was locked,
- and who updated her blog six months later?

This story has interested Hollywood and therefore in 2015 expect a film about the strange death of Elisa Lam.

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Over the almost 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken that no one can explain to this day. (Next 10 mysterious stories)

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, Opportunity took an even more interesting image at the end of 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of much larger spheres.

These spheres, made of hematite, could mean that there was water on the “Red Planet” in the past.

Sea Monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known photo is considered by many to be the result of Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec photographed this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photograph became the reason for heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the “Black Knight,” was taken in 1960 by one of the first Earth satellites. An unidentified object is clearly visible in polar orbit, which could not be either a USSR satellite or a US satellite. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to view the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. While analyzing photographs taken at the murder scene, experts noticed a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman for a long time, but they were never able to establish her identity.

The Collector's Edition DVD of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus includes a bonus featurette of the 1928 premiere. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone. Belfast-based film director George Clarke said he believes the footage is evidence of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that the woman is holding an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Lights.

Björn Hauge took this one on a clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour. The identity and further fate of this man remained a mystery. But this photograph was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth, where he decided to take Kodak photographs of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron, which fought in the First World War. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see a face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron was photographed, Jackson’s funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface numbered AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as “exposed.” She clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact, it captured structures resembling pyramids.
