Where to find rare Pokemon Pokemon GO and catch them. Legendary and rare: how to catch the desired Pokemon in Pokemon Go

They admit that what they like most about the game is catching new monsters for their collections. The desire causes constant physical activity and a tireless search for monsters. The rarer the Pokemon you get into the Poké Ball, the better! Unique Pokemon increase your rating and command respect in the eyes of other trainers. But finding and catching a rare animal is not so easy; you need to know both its habitat and appearance future pet. In this article you will find information about where they are rare pokemon and how to catch them.

The term “rare Pokemon” is quite vague, since in one area this monster is not found and, accordingly, its appearance will be a sensation, but in another it lives wonderfully and appears every day, which means it ceases to be rare. There are only ten Pokemon that remain rare despite territorial location players and the environment.

List of the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Experts say that Mew is the “genetic” bouquet of absolutely all monsters on the planet. The animal knows how to hide perfectly; even in close proximity to you, it can become invisible and appear only for a split second. Catch Mew - show the highest level of professionalism in the game. The monster knows how to copy the state of paralysis or any other sign onto the opponent who caused this suffering. Mew is a Psychic-type Pokemon, which means it is strong against fighting and poisonous Pokemon, but weak against dark opponents, be careful! Mew also likes to hide in the ruins of old houses, so construction sites, as well as the ruins of ancient towers, become their home.

- the second stage of the evolution of Mew. Unlike its first stage of development, Mewtwo has big amount abilities and greater resourcefulness in hunting. Using the “Tension” ability, she can irritate the enemy, making him unable to eat the fruit. Each time an opponent falters during a confrontation, Mewtwo becomes one stage faster. Mewtwo is incredibly cunning - he hides in places where there are large crowds of people, only occasionally showing them his presence. The most favorite place for Pokemon was Times Square in New York.

Moltres refers to two types of monsters at once - fire and flying. With a height of 2 meters and a weight of 60 kilograms, he has incredible skills - he can put pressure on the enemy, increasing the consumption of AP and has about a 30% chance of burning the attacker upon bodily contact. Moltres likes to hide from prying eyes, so it lives in mountainous areas, hiding in caves. He was seen several times on Mount Carmel (Israel).

Articuno- an animal that is fluent in ice magic. Wings can cool everything around, because they are created from the very thin ice in the world. There is a belief that if it snows, it means Articuno is flying high above the ground. The bird also knows how to evade hail without receiving any injuries. This monster appears most often in winter time, but there is a place where you can always find it - the Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland.

Zapdos refers to electric Pokemon, like Pikachu. With his skills, the monster can control all the electricity in the area, summon thunderbolts and draw strength from them. IN wild environment Zapdos lives high above the ground, flying in storm clouds. After the construction of power plants, the Pokemon settled there, you can safely catch it. Of course, having previously received permission from the station workers!

Celebi- a cute Psychic-type Pokemon. The inconspicuous monster is the ruler of all forests and groves. Traveling through time, Pokemon appears to people only in times of peace. He knows how to heal his friends after a battle, so he will be an excellent assistant to both the trainer and his brothers. Celebi was seen several times near a bamboo grove on the outskirts of Kyoto.

Lugia- Lord of the Seas, although he is a flying and psychic Pokemon. Habitat: crevices in the depths of the sea. The monster is very strong, one flap of its wings can cause a forty-day storm, because Lugia reaches a height of 6 meters and a weight of 200 kilograms! Having full HP, he can reduce the damage of enemy attacks. Catching Lugia is extremely difficult, but there is a place where all trainers go in the hope of catching him - the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. These islands are the furthest places from the mainland that are almost uninhabited by people.

Another rare Pokemon - Rayquaza. One of the skills is to cancel all weather effects without removing the weather itself! Rayquaza is quite massive, the monster is about seven meters tall and weighs more than two hundred kilograms. In order to catch the strongest and most unique Pokemon, you should try hard - the monster loves to fly in the ozone layer of the atmosphere and really doesn’t like being disturbed. The Burj Khalifa skyscraper in the UAE, or rather, its very top - the best place for hunting Rayquaza.

These creatures are the hardest to find and are therefore valued much higher than normal characters. Many players often wonder where to find rare Pokemon GO and catch them. In fact, they are found everywhere, and our Pokemon Go guide on this topic will confirm this. You can meet them in absolutely different places on the map.

How to catch legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

In order to increase your chances of catching a rare or legendary character, you should not get hung up on one place: you need to move around the map, exploring new places. The highest probability is that you will meet rare creatures in special places (fountains, monuments, parks, ponds, etc.). Therefore, the main task will be, first of all, to search rare places– well, how can you catch the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO differently?

The frequency of rare Pokemon appearing on your path directly depends on your level of play. Once you reach level 8, you will encounter rare characters much more often. Therefore, the higher the personal level in the application, the higher the chances of finding a rare character. It is also possible to get rare or legendary Pokemon by joining the Pokemon trainers club. Sign up for their newsletter and sometimes you'll receive special codes to get rare or legendary creatures.

How to look for rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

When the Pokemon game first came out, players noticed one interesting thing: there was a small, almost imperceptible hint in the game that lets you know that a rare character is somewhere nearby. This clue is golden leaves indicating which direction to go to find a rare character.

This step may be key in terms of how to look for rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Developers Pokemon Go This information has not yet been confirmed, so you shouldn’t rely on it too much when searching for rare characters. These are just personal observations of players and, perhaps, a secret from the developers.

Also remember that getting rare or legendary characters You can by placing the egg in a special incubator. You can get acquainted with the details of hatching a Pokemon from an egg, as well as which Pokemon will hatch after passing a certain mileage, in the FAQ section on the website portal. By the way, there are many other interesting things there.

Among other things, when searching for rare characters, do not forget to take into account the daily cycle (12 hours), because in different time different Pokemon may appear in the same area each day. Therefore, if you are unable to cope with the task of how to catch the legendary Pokemon Pokemon Go, you can try playing the application in the evening or at night in the same area. Suddenly luck will smile on you!

Don't forget your equipment bag. Use the items in your inventory to attract Pokemon: Lure Modules and Incense. These things are very good at attracting creatures. In general, this is the entire Pokemon GO guide on where to find rare and legendary Pokemon. Follow the advice and you will be lucky! Well, below there is some more useful information.

Carefully study the Pokemon uniqueness table. Please note that it may vary in your location.

So, you've played a little Pokemon Go and now you want to catch a rare Pokemon?

What a score. our team for a long time studied the game and scoured the internet for the best tips and tricks. So this article contains everything you need to know to find and catch rare Pokemon, including details on which Pokemon are common/rare/legendary.

Once you know everything necessary information about rare Pokemon, check out other articles on our website. In them you will find rules and tips, details on how to play, how to download the game in your country, why everyone is talking about this application and others important information about Pokemon Go.

The rarest Pokemon

In general, there are two types of rare Pokemon in the game: Rare and Legendary. Legendary Pokemon- the rarest creatures in the Pokemon universe. In fact, few people have encountered them in the game. Users confirmed (by looking at source games) that Pokémon with Legendary status exist and are well hidden. So far, only a few players have been able to notice legendary birds Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos and the rare Pokemon Ditto. There are rumors that Niantic, the game's developer, is preparing an unusual surprise related to these characters, and that is why they are hiding them so much.

Now about which specific Pokemon are considered rare... This is a little more complicated. A Pokemon can be rare in one place, and at the same time common in another. Although, there are a few Pokemon that are very difficult to find and catch almost anywhere. Below is a list of 20 Pokemon that are considered to be the rarest (it was compiled by the official Poke Assistant website and is based on information provided by thousands of users from different countries).

List of the 20 rarest Pokemon in Pokemon go:

How to find rare Pokemon?

The most common Pokemon in Pokemon Go are Pidgey, Rattata, Caterpie, etc. Most likely, after playing the game for a couple of days, you will notice that you constantly encounter these animals, and rare ones, like Marowak, do not come across at all. So how do you find these exclusive creatures? Simple: increase your Trainer level. How often a certain Pokemon is found directly depends on the level of your trainer and the CP (Combat Power) of the Pokemon.

You can see the Trainer level in the lower left corner of the screen. To go to more high level, you need to earn experience. To do this, visit as many PokeStops as possible, fight in Gyms, raise Pokemon from eggs, walk a lot and just play. You can even buy a Lucky Egg in the game store, which will double the experience collected within half an hour. Starting at level 10, you will come across some rare Pokemon.

How can a Pokemon card help you?

A Pokemon map is a locator that determines the location of Pokemon in Pokemon game Go. It uses the Niantic API to determine the location of Pokémon nearby the player and display it on the city map in real time. That is, if a Pokemon appears on the map, you can go and catch it right now.

It is very convenient to see which Pokemon are nearby in given time. The map even displays a timer so you know how much time you have left to catch the Pokemon you want. Plus, you can know exactly where to look for them lurking nearby. All this greatly simplifies hunting. A request to determine the location of Pokemon can be sent every 30 seconds using a special button.

How to catch rare Pokemon?

If you click on the Nearby button in the lower right corner of the screen, a list of Pokemon that are hiding nearby will appear. If you want to hunt down rare characters, then look for the gray silhouettes in the Nearby menu. These are Pokemon you haven't caught yet and therefore aren't in your Pokedex.

Make sure to keep the Nearby menu open. The silhouette of the Pokemon you need moves up and down depending on the distance from you. If the silhouette descends to the lower right corner of the screen, then you are moving away from it. If the Pokemon moves to the right and down, then try moving to the other side and check if it is getting closer. In any case, the Pokemon listed in the Nearby menu is somewhere near you, so pay attention and keep looking.

Now brief instructions how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go. If you are catching a rare Pokemon, try to narrow the ring around it as much as possible before throwing the Pokeball. The narrower the ring, the less chance it will break out of the Pokeball. If the Pokemon does escape from the ring, you will still have a chance to throw a few Pokeballs at it before it escapes.

After reaching level 7, the Trainer can receive Razz Berries at PokeStops. Feed them to wild Pokémon to make it less likely to break out of the Pokeball. At level 12, you can use stronger Pokeballs (for example Great and Ultra Balls). It is more difficult for any Pokémon, even the most powerful, to escape from such Pokeballs. And if you first feed the Pokemon with a berry, and then use a powerful Pokeball, then the catch will most likely be successful.

Rare Pokémon change locations from time to time, and this depends on a number of factors such as population density in the player's city, proximity to certain types of terrain, time of day, etc. Additionally, some Pokémon live in areas associated with their type. Ghost Pokémon tend to lurk near graveyards, while Fire Pokémon tend to spawn in dry areas.

Based on information from Reddit, Twitter and own experience, we have compiled list of tips "How to find and catch rare Pokemon":

  • Walk a lot and don't rush.
  • Check out unknown paths, unexplored locations and sparsely populated areas.
  • Choose locations depending on the type of Pokemon you want to find.
  • Use Lure Modules to lure Pokemon.
  • Use Essence to lure Pokemon if you stay in this location for 30 minutes or more.
  • Pay attention to the movement of leaves on the map.
  • Check the Nearby menu often.
  • If you spot a Pokemon, turn off the AR (Augmented Reality) mode on your camera (top right corner of the screen).
  • Select the appropriate Pokeball and throw it without unnecessary sudden movements.
  • Make sure your phone battery is charged.

There are Pokemon in Pokemon GO that are of particular interest to fans due to their strength or rarity. To find them, players are ready to hatch an infinite number of ten-kilometer eggs, explore every corner of their city and go straight into the bushes when they see the desired silhouette on the radar.

The rarity of Pokemon in Pokemon GO is different for different regions or cities, but general trends in prevalence can also be observed. It’s hard to list the most, because there will always be lucky ones near whom there will be a spawn point for these exclusive fighters.

10 – Dragonite

Our TOP 19 opens, the next stage and one of the strongest Pokemon in the game. Unlike many top Pokemon, it has a very kind and sensitive heart, often helping people, especially sailors. In Pokemon GO, it is desirable not only because of its rarity, but also due to its enormous development potential.

9 – Omastar

Second form, strong and rare water pokemon, possessing a very durable protective shell. In the anime, it almost became extinct due to its heavy shell, and therefore it is not strange that in the game it is considered a great rarity.

8 – Tauros

It looks like a bull not only in appearance, but also in the manner of attack. He quickly launches a frontal attack and is extremely dangerous in battle.

7 – Clefable

predominantly female, being the next stage of development. He is almost useless in battle, but has perfect hearing and is able to hear the sound of a falling leaf a kilometer away. Even in the anime, this Pokemon tried to avoid meeting people, and in the game it is completely difficult to find. Confirming the fact that the rarity of Pokemon in Pokemon GO also depends on the region, it can be noted that in the CIS, almost everyone has already acquired this cutie. True, some did this thanks to evolution.

6 – Blastoise

A ferocious and powerful Pokemon has grown from a cute little one. In combat, he uses devices similar to fire hydrants on his shell. His powerful water attacks can stagger even the largest opponent.

5 – Charizard

Another starting Pokemon is . One of the most coveted Pokemon in the game, sometimes confused with . In battle he uses fire attacks.

4 – Venusaur

The last stage of evolution of the third of the starting Pokemon. The huge flower on his back is not needed for beauty, but to convert solar energy and then use it in battle.

3 – Mewtwo

The genetically bred Pokemon is considered the most brutal of all, and is also included in the TOP of the most powerful. It opens the TOP 3 of the rarest Pokemon, which in the English-speaking gaming community are also called legendary. It is extremely rare in the game. It is noteworthy that the Pokémon associated with it is also unique and has so many abilities that it is considered by some to be the descendant of all Pokémon.

2 – Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres

One Reddit user recently wrote that he was able to catch all the Pokemon available in North America. Their number was 142. Where are the rest of the rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

Finding three Pokémon that the player failed to catch is quite common. Farfetch'd is in Asia, Kangaskhan is in Australia and Mr. Mime in Europe. So book your plane ticket and go!

6 Rarest Pokemon

The remaining 6 Pokemon have still not been caught and it is not yet clear where to look for them. Here are the names of these cuties: Ditto, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo and Mew. Now we will tell you a little about them, and perhaps you will understand where you can catch these rare Pokemon.


Ditto can transform its cellular structure and take on other forms. However, if he tries to do it “from memory”, there is a high risk of mistakes and ridiculous situations =)


Articuno is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the power of ice. The flapping of her wings cools the air around her and strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies. According to legend, when it flies past, it snows.


Zapdos is a legendary bird Pokemon that can control electricity. It usually lives in thunderclouds. She can draw incredible power from lightning bolts.


Moltres is a legendary bird Pokemon that can control fire. If this Pokémon is injured, it can plunge its body into the hot magma of a volcano to heal itself


Mewtwo is a child of genetic engineering. Even though Mewtwo was created by human scientists, they forgot to give it a compassionate, feeling heart.


Mew is said to be the "genetic bouquet" of all Pokémon. Mew has the ability to turn invisible even if it gets close to people.

How to catch a rare Pokemon?

Undoubtedly, after reading the article you will ask the question: “Where can I capture these legendary, rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go?”

So far we cannot answer this question. In the original trailer for Pokemon Go, we can see several trainers gathered in Times Square and trying to catch Mewto. Some players believe that developer Niantic will organize mass events (like Ingress), during which it will be possible to catch legendary and rare Pokemon. Whether this is so - time will tell.

Today we found out which Pokemon in Pokemon Go are the rarest this moment. Or maybe your rare Pokemon is walking around the nearest supermarket right now?)

And finally, watch the video about rare Pokemon:
