How to prepare a baby dwarf for a scene. Short funny skits for children

The essence of the Baby at the Wedding competition is that the main participants of the future performance in pairs play an imaginary child who carries out all the commands of the presenter. The words are written in advance or the script is agreed upon with the actors immediately before the performance. Musical accompaniment and props are selected to match the image of the main character of the competition: a gentleman in a hat, as in the photo below, or a cool rocker - it all depends on your desire and imagination.

Props for the Baby competition

The main prop for the Baby competition will be a screen, which is easy to make with your own hands. You will need a wide piece of fabric measuring 1 m by 1.5 m and children's clothing. As a base, we recommend using any plain cotton sheet in white or another discreet color.

A hole is cut in the fabric so that you can stick your head through the material; a bib, a vest, baby pants or a whole jumpsuit are sewn at the bottom of the neck. It is advisable to select children's clothes for the screen in bright, contrasting colors so that the hero of the performance is clearly visible to all guests. Additionally, holes are cut for the arms and legs. A beautiful screen for a spectacular performance is ready.

For the wedding competition you will also need: a bottle, a pacifier, a rattle, a hat, a toothbrush, a cap, air balloons, pot and tray to effectively bring different items onto the stage.

A few minutes before the start of the skit, behind the scenes the participants prepare the hero of the performance. To perform the role, a team of 4 people is required: 2 artists - usually the bride and groom, and 2 extras - witnesses for the young to hold the screen during the scene. If the main participants in the spectacle are the newlyweds, then the groom threads his head through the neckline in the linen and puts rompers on his hands (like gloves). The bride puts her hands into the vest sewn onto the sheet. The preliminary preparation is completed, the baby is ready.

The competition is announced, a melody is played, and the witnesses bring a screen onto the stage. As the guests begin to laugh, the music gradually fades away. The presenter begins his story, and the baby accompanies his words with actions. The proposal to put a cap on the groom's head explodes with laughter. The fun of the guests is caused by any activity of the acting character. Various dance moves from hip-hop to the dance of little ducklings look good. Rehearse complex movements backstage in advance if improvisation is not your thing.

Bursts of laughter from the guests evoke the words of the presenter: “Our baby learned to drink and eat on his own!” and the bride's attempts to get a glass into her mouth or feed the groom a snack. The active actions of the newlywed, who wants to help his betrothed, look funny - from the outside it looks like the baby is eating with his legs. The main thing is to take your time and pay attention to every action of the competition.

Options for the scenario may be different - it all depends on the character, age, and type of activity of the guests present. Finds a good response real story the groom's life, use a humorous form of presentation. If chosen for a wedding certain style, then the competition should be held in accordance with the general style festive event. Imagine it yourself or use our advice.

Competition scenario

The presenter announces: “Dear ladies and gentlemen! The Kid came to visit us! Meet!”

“Our baby was born strong in the city of N.,” the presenter continues the story. - “They named him Ivan (use the groom’s real or home diminutive name). Our boy screamed loudly and cried (the crying of a child is depicted) until he was given a pacifier (the props are brought out). Then he began to grow, learned to walk, wash, brush his teeth, and get dressed” (the groom performs every action, playing and fooling around for the amusement of the guests).

Presenter: “In kindergarten Ivan loved to listen to music and dance (the groom's musical preferences are included). Show me how you danced as a child! Singing songs and hanging out with friends.” The laughter of the guests can be heard throughout the performance of the bride and groom.

“Our baby has grown up and gone to school. - says the presenter. - Show me how big you have become! At school I played football, chess, and worked out my biceps.” For this moment, choose any type of activity that the groom does.

Presenter: “At one fine moment, Ivan met his soulmate - his beloved bride Svetlana, and decided to get married. Show her how much you love her! Strongly? Did Svetlana immediately agree to marry you? Show me how you asked for her hand!”

Throughout the competition, the host asks the groom clarifying questions and asks him to depict this or that movement, actively monitoring the reaction of the guests.

"It's time significant date– wedding day – the host concludes the competition. – Our little Ivan came to visit us to tell us about himself and congratulate everyone on this wonderful event. His fiancée Svetlana (use the newlywed's name) helped him in this. Let's welcome the young ones!

After these words, the newlyweds free themselves from the baby’s clothes, come out from behind the screen and bow to the guests. The competition is over.

Video: wedding competition Baby

1. Original congratulation “Starfall wishes”

Perhaps you will find out your destiny! (To music, for example, “Star Country” “ Happy birthday" or "We wish you happiness
“To you” - everyone takes turns throwing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The captured stars' wishes are read aloud by the hero of the day.

Fallen stars - the presenter, with the help of the guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment - “Star Necklace”). Game moment "Star Necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star and a relay race is organized: which team, using their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips, will quickly collect and present their star necklace to the hero of the day.

This is especially good original congratulations for an anniversary with a star theme. 2. Congratulations on a woman’s anniversary “Portrait of a birthday girl.”

(For this original congratulation, which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with blank slate paper and colored markers or felt-tip pens): I suggest not just saying a congratulation, but drawing it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and markers are passed from guest to guest.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start! (under number 1 - detail of the portrait for the first guest, under number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, crafty and funny (passed to neighbor) 2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (passed to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma.... Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (passed to neighbor) 5. Let’s add a little rosy color to the cheeks. (passed to neighbor) 6. We’ll decorate our ears with diamonds, of course. (passed to neighbor) 7. We will cover our head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina is like a queen... (passed to neighbor) 8. Then we draw beautiful body (passed to neighbor) 9. And hands that are skilled in any task (passed to neighbor) Not just any, but slimmer ones (passed to neighbor) 11.

We'll put fashionable shoes on our feet (passed to neighbor) 12. Kind heart we'll draw her (passed to neighbor) 13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her
Feminine zest - the sweetest!

(passed to neighbor) 14. With a beautiful voice
We will reward Ira,
Moreover, it’s musical - that’s what we want (passed to neighbor) 15. We draw a dress, very glamorous,
Ruffled on top and openwork on bottom (passed to neighbor) 16. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to neighbor) 17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone. (passed to neighbor) 18.

Another card with a bank account,
In which there are zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Iroy cool car (passed to neighbor) 20. And a dacha by the sea, well, very big (passed to neighbor) 21.

There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passed to neighbor) 22. And luggage ready for travel! (passed to neighbor) 23.

At the top we will write: “Happy Birthday!” (passed to neighbor) 24. And we will not regret good wishes! (passed to neighbor) 25.

Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor) 26. We will hand over the portrait and
Let's kiss Irina! (They present a portrait as a gift, offer to take a photograph with the portrait)

3. An unusual congratulation to a Soap Opera woman.

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who loves watching TV series and melodramas. For it you need to stock up on several bars of soap under the following names: “Children’s”, “Flowers of Love”, “Family”, “Baby”, “Favorite”, “Tar”, “Granny’s Soap”, “Berry” and “Dolce Vita”. It is best to pack the soap in beautiful boxes or picturesquely place it in a gift basket. If you cannot find soap with exactly the names mentioned, then it is quite possible to choose something that suits the meaning.

“Almost every woman has a weakness for soap operas.” Let's make our birthday girl too the main character most exciting series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life path (give children's soap). She grows and blossoms, entering the most beautiful time girl life- she falls in love (give “Flowers of Love”). Blooming like a beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man appears on her horizon and becomes her chosen one. (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . Living together spouses are full of mutual understanding and love (give soap “Favorite”), but don't you think that everything is going a little too smoothly? It doesn't happen like that!
That's why. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey. (“Tar”). Moreover, after quarrels, reconciliation is so sweet. Time is running.

Like a good mother, our birthday girl one day becomes just a great granny (“Granny’s soap”). Finally, a moment comes in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because it’s time, rich in everyday difficulties and the problems passed, and she herself reached her peak - her 45th birthday!
What do people say? Right!
At 45, Baba Berry again! (give Berry soap). However, the end of our soap opera"means just the beginning sweet life (queue of “Dolce Vita” soap)!” If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman with a different anniversary, just rewrite the end of the story by replacing “Berry” soap, for example, with “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

4. Congratulations are a joke" Best gift for a girl - "Vasya." To carry out this comic congratulations P first draw on a piece of Whatman paper
Vasya according to your own taste. The main thing is that it is the size of a human being.

We paint the left ear red, but cover the top with the same organ of hearing, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear with double-sided tape). Let's do
Vasya and removable panties, whatever frivolous color you want, are attached in the same manner over quite decent panties, for example, with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”
Before unwrapping the “gift,” you can arrange a survey among the guests (like a musical hat), approach several guests and ask what gift is best to give the girl, and the DJ takes turns playing various cuts from songs: “ Best friends girls are diamonds”, “Cinema, wine and dominoes...”, “This dark cherry shawl” and others, and the last one will be “Of course
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya..” - with this answer, present “Vasya” in all its splendor and read out to the hero of the occasion instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, an indispensable assistant in the household and everyday life 2. After all,
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been?!” 3. When everything goes wrong and you want to “just tear and throw” - Vasya is always at hand, you can throw darts and plates at him - he still won’t be offended.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Vasya... color it! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you return home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it up into a tight tube first)! 6. You can put a flashlight under Vasya’s eye, and your home will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when people lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (With these words we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can be dressed and undressed (the top panties can be removed with a slight movement of the hand, but underneath there are others with the inscription “Happy Birthday!” or “I love you!”)" Then “Vasya” can be rolled up and, tied with a gift ribbon, given to the birthday girl, again turning on the band’s song
Bravo "Of course"
5. Beautiful congratulations Happy Anniversary "Sand Ceremony". For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk.

Several basic colors are selected that carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment, and so on. Salt different colors pour into small containers; You can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, cups, vases. You need to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, congratulatory participants will sprinkle colored salt. This could be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a pourable jar made of transparent material. The main thing is that it closes hermetically.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a container common to everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday person health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautifully: inside the glass vessel, peculiar swirls of multi-colored salt are created. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a souvenir with Best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original “Family Hearth” congratulation on a woman’s anniversary) 6. Comic “heartfelt” congratulations from male guests (To congratulate two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who follows whom and give each a souvenir heart to present to the birthday girl, which they will give to the culprit at the end)(Come on, play this role) - (beckon someone with your finger) Grabbing the hair like a harness,
He shouts “Iiiigo-go” in a drawn-out manner (the guest gets on all fours, the hero of the day sits on him) Let’s finish the report here
And let's say together to our hero of the day --------, with
During the day

Anniversary scene - for a man

The hero of the day and his wife participate in the congratulations scene. You will need: a cap (make a homemade one so that you can wear it on the hero of the day), a bib, a pacifier (they come in the form of candy), a banana, a bottle of milk, a comb, a toothbrush (new). No diaper needed!

Props: 1 option - a baby drawn or printed on whatman paper and the area of ​​the head where the hero of the day will stick his head to participate in the action is cut out. There are also incisions in the arm area - the wife will insert her arms. See the picture below.

Option 2 - not drawn, but two large holes are cut out in an old sheet. The top one is for the head of the hero of the day (appropriate size). 10 - 15 cm lower is the second, larger size.

The second “hole” is covered by an old children's overalls, which is missing the back. There is no overalls - you can sew on a vest (fastening at the back) and rompers. The two (highest guests) hold a screen - a sheet, the hero of the day sits on a chair, sticks his head into the upper hole, and his hands into the sliders (they become the baby’s legs). The wife of the hero of the day stands behind him and puts her hands into the vest (the baby’s hands). Presenter: (text similar to the previous one)

Wedding competition baby

By right the most cool competition At a wedding it is considered a “baby” competition. The staged scene will make everyone present at the wedding laugh. Most often, this competition is conducted by the presenter, but it can also be presented as a gift to the newlyweds.

So, baby wedding competition, how to do it?

Wedding competition baby

Creating a screen

To play this scene, you need to make a special screen. To do this, take a piece of fabric and make a slit in the center - this will be the head. Then a bright, children's suit is selected and sewn to the canvas.

Where the sleeves are located, it is also necessary to make cuts so that you can stick your arms through them. The same is done for the legs. Below, to the pants, you should sew booties to completely create the image of a baby. In addition, you will need to select the items necessary for the scene.

The essence of the scene

The presenter announces the competition, the witnesses bring a prepared screen onto the stage, preferably under some kind of children's motif. Groom with reverse side the screen puts her head through the slot, and the bride puts her hands through the hand slots.

The host commands: “The baby puts on a cap,” the bride is given a cap in her hands, and without seeing the groom’s head, she tries to put it on. Believe me, it looks extremely funny, especially when the groom gets tired of these manipulations and starts helping the bride. After all, the groom pushes his hands into the leg holes and tries to put on the cap with them. Thus, all the leader’s commands are played.

Scenario for the "baby" competition

The baby's wedding competition is realized in reality according to the script. We bring to your attention some of them. The host announces: “Dear guests!
There is an unusual guest among us. Welcome,
Baby!" At this moment the screen is brought out and the actors take their positions. Then, while reading the text, the presenter pauses, and the actors perform all the necessary actions at this moment. Presenter: “Not long ago one baby was born.

And as soon as he was born, the doctor slapped him on the butt, and he screamed (at this moment the groom begins to babble and cry). Then he began to jerk his legs and arms. The baby (here it is better to use the groom's name) was an obedient boy. He himself said to himself - I am a good boy (at this moment the groom strokes himself on the head). (Groom's name) grew up quickly and to keep his ears from freezing, he learned to wear a hat. When his mother was not there, in order not to cry, he sucked on a pacifier. When the baby was hungry, he put on a bib and ate porridge on his own. The baby was never bored, as he knew how to play happily with a rattle.

As a child, the baby loved to dance (at this moment a children's song sounds). But time flew quickly, the kid changed his cap to a fashionable cap and bought glasses. Now he was interested in other music (modern music is played here). And when the baby became quite an adult, he began to drink vodka and snack on it with lemon.

And today the baby is having a wedding and he decided to tell those present about his childhood. Our charming bride helped him with this. Welcome! After these words, the screen is reset and the newlyweds bow.

So we studied the question of how to make a “baby” wedding competition. But you can add any sentences to the text, it all depends on your imagination.

Wedding competition. The groom plays in the baby competition.

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The “Baby” skit will make everyone laugh at a wedding

The incredibly funny skit “Baby” will amuse everyone present at the wedding. Neither the newlyweds nor their guests will forget such a performance. More often than not, this unforgettable show is prepared by the wedding host, appointing the bride and groom as participants.

But the scene is also perfect as a gift for the bride and groom from friends. In principle, you don’t really need to rehearse it, just discuss the details. A special screen is required for staging. You need to take a large piece of fabric or sheet.

A slot is made in the center for a children's suit or overalls. Bright clothes are sewn into the hole along the side seams from the neck to the beginning of the legs. Thus, on the front side of the screen there is the front part of the overalls with loose sleeves and pants.

A vertical cut is made along the back of the garment. It should turn out so that you can insert it into the neck of the overalls. front side screens the head, and hands in the sleeves and pants. You need to sew booties or socks to the bottom of the pants.

In addition to the screen, for the scene you will need various items, with which the “baby” will play. Now we create the “baby”. If newlyweds participate in the scene, the screen is usually held by two witnesses. The groom puts his head into the neck and his hands into the “baby’s” legs.

The bride, standing behind the groom, puts her hands into the sleeves of her overalls. All this is done behind the scenes.

Very fun wedding competition "Baby"

Why did the “baby” come to the wedding (the essence of the scene)

So, everything is ready. The host announces the start of the show. Witnesses bring out a stretched screen so that the guests cannot see the actors. It’s good to go out to some children’s music (for example, from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny”). Then the music becomes quieter, and the host talks about the “baby” who came to the wedding. As the story progresses, the actors perform appropriate actions.

The first laughs are heard after the appearance of a fully grown guy in the form of a baby. But everyone just bursts out laughing when this “baby” tries to do what the presenter says. For example, the words “the baby puts on a hat” sound. The presenter’s assistant hands the “baby” a cap on a tray. But!
The hands of the “baby” are the hands of the bride, who cannot see anything from behind the screen. Trying to put a cap on the groom's head looks very funny. And when the groom can’t stand it and starts helping the bride, the guests are already laughing. After all, from the outside it seems as if the child is trying to get dressed with the help of his legs. Actually, this is how all the leader’s commands are played. It is important that the items served to the “baby” are placed one at a time on the tray. The text talks about the “baby’s” favorite dances.

It is advisable to rehearse these dances a little or at least discuss them. It is enough to try to do the basic steps behind the scenes. Cross claps look good: the right “hand” claps on the left “leg” and vice versa. During dancing, appropriate music is turned on. For a little “baby” “Dance of the Little Ducklings” is suitable, for an adult - hip-hop or club tracks.

Text of the wedding scene “Baby”

The host of the skit announces: “Ladies and gentlemen!
We had an unusual guest at our wedding!
Baby!" Witnesses come out with a screen and a “baby”. Next, the presenter reads the text, pausing so that the actors have time to perform the necessary actions. Presenter: “Once upon a time, or maybe not long ago, a boy was born.

As soon as he was born, the midwife slapped his bottom and the baby screamed. (The groom cries like a child and babbles cheerfully.) Then he began to jerk his arms and legs. Misha (the groom's name) was a very obedient boy, and everyone praised him.

And he himself constantly repeated to himself: “I good boy" (At these words, the “baby” strokes his head.) Misha grew up quickly. He learned to wear a cap to keep his ears warm. In order not to cry when my mother was not around,
Misha sucked a pacifier. If the boy was hungry, he put on his own bib and ate delicious porridge from a bottle. Misha was never bored, because there was his favorite rattle nearby, with which he played happily. In kindergarten
Misha loved to dance. (Children's music plays.) Childhood flew by quickly,
Misha changed his cap to a cap and put on fashionable glasses.
Now he danced other dances. (Adult music starts.) When
Misha had completely matured, he wanted to drink a glass of vodka. Under the lemon.

And today our
Misha's wedding. He decided to tell all the guests about his childhood.
His charming bride helped him in this
Tanya (bride's name). Greetings! At last words the newlyweds throw off the screen.

At a wedding it is considered a “baby” competition. The staged scene will make everyone present at the wedding laugh. Most often, this competition is conducted by the presenter, but it can also be presented as a gift to the newlyweds. So, wedding competition baby, how to make?

Creating a screen

To play this scene, you need to make a special screen. To do this, take a piece of fabric and make a slit in the center - this will be the head. Then a bright, children's suit is selected and sewn to the canvas. Where the sleeves are located, it is also necessary to make cuts so that you can stick your arms through them. The same is done for the legs. Below, to the pants, you should sew booties to completely create the image of a baby. In addition, you will need to select the items necessary for the scene.

There are almost no cuts or unexplained gaps on time. The great innovation of Blue Clues is something called "pause". Steve asks a question and then pauses for about five seconds to allow the viewer to shout out the answer. Young children feel much more involved and invested when they think they have a role to play, when they feel like they are actually helping Steve and Blue put the clues together. A longitudinal study of children over 2 and a half years old found that those who watched Blue Clues significantly increased gains in flexible thinking and problem solving over two years of watching the show.

The essence of the scene

The presenter announces the competition, the witnesses bring a prepared screen onto the stage, preferably with some children's motive. From the back of the screen, the groom puts his head through the slot, and the bride puts her hands through the hand slots. The host commands: “The baby puts on a cap,” the bride is given a cap in her hands, and without seeing the groom’s head, she tries to put it on. Believe me, it looks extremely funny, especially when the groom gets tired of these manipulations and starts helping the bride. After all, the groom pushes his hands into the leg holes and tries to put on the cap with them. Thus, all the leader’s commands are played.

However, for kids the situation looks a little different. Children under 2 and a half show what researchers call a "video deficit." This means they have much easier time processing information provided real person than the person on the videotape. In one series of studies conducted by Georgen Troseth, a developmental psychologist at Vanderbilt University, children watched a live video monitor as a person in the next room hid a stuffed dog. Others watched the same scene unfold right through the window between the rooms.

Scenario for the "baby" competition

The baby's wedding competition is realized in reality according to the script. We bring to your attention some of them. The host announces: “Dear guests! There is an unusual guest among us. Welcome, Baby! At this moment the screen is brought out and the actors take their positions. Then, while reading the text, the presenter pauses, and the actors perform all the necessary actions at this moment.

The children were then untied into the room to find the toy. Almost all the children who looked at the hiding place in the window found the toy, but those who looked at the monitor had a much more difficult time. A natural assumption is that toddlers do not yet have the cognitive ability to cope with symbolic representation. But there is another way to interpret this particular stage of development. Toddlers are adept at searching for what researchers call “socially relevant information.” They tune into people and situations that help them construct a coherent narrative of the world around them.

Presenter: “Not long ago one baby was born. And as soon as he was born, the doctor slapped him on the butt, and he screamed (at this moment the groom begins to babble and cry). Then he began to jerk his legs and arms. The baby (it is better to use the groom's name here) was an obedient boy. He himself said to himself - I am a good boy (at this moment the groom strokes himself on the head). (Groom's name) grew up quickly and to keep his ears from freezing, he learned to wear a hat. When his mother was not there, in order not to cry, he sucked on a pacifier. When the baby was hungry, he put on a bib and ate porridge on his own. The baby was never bored, as he knew how to play happily with a rattle.

IN real world it smells like fresh grass and popcorn, and adults smile at you or say something back when you ask them a question. She turned the puppy into a stuffed Piglet. More importantly, she made an interactive video demonstration. The kids and their parents entered a room where they could see a person - a researcher - on a monitor. The researcher was in the room where Piglet was hidden and in turn could see the children on the monitor. Before hiding Piglet, the researcher effectively helped children in the form of training in means mass media.

As a child, the baby loved to dance (at this moment a children's song sounds). But time flew quickly, the kid changed his cap to a fashionable cap and bought glasses. Now he was interested in other music (modern music is played here). And when the baby became quite an adult, he began to drink vodka and snack on it with lemon.

And today the baby is having a wedding and he decided to tell those present about his childhood. Our charming bride helped him with this. Welcome! After these words, the screen is reset and the newlyweds bow.

She asked them questions about her brothers and sisters, pets and toys. She played Simon Says with them and invited them to sing popular songs with her. She told them to look for the sticker under the chair in her room. She gave them the distinct impression that she - this person on the screen - could interact with them and that what she had to say was related to the world in which they lived. The researcher then told the children that she was going to hide the toy and, after she did so, returned to the screen to give them directions on where to find it.

So we studied the question of how to make a “baby” wedding competition. But you can add any sentences to the text, it all depends on your imagination.

This scene will become bright decoration holiday. And most importantly, it involves not the guests, but the heroes of the occasion. To bring the scene to life, you need to prepare in advance a canvas with a slot in which there will be a hole so that your head can fit through. And also sew on rompers and a vest. There should be a separate children's hat, the main thing is that it is large.

This exchange was enough to almost erase the video shortage. Most of the kids who participated in the live videos found the toy. Blue clues were on the right way. The pause could fool the children into thinking Steve was reacting to them. But the holy grail would be creating a scenario in which the guy on the screen actually responded, in which the kid did something and the character reliably jumped or laughed or started dancing or talking.

This kind of conditional interaction is something that fascinates a toddler and can be an important source of learning for even very young children - learning that researchers hope children will be able to transport into the real world. The American Academy of Pediatrics craves the ideal social partner.

Young people follow commands. The bride is responsible for the hands, the groom is responsible for the legs. Preparations take place outside the hall, and the already dressed bride and groom are led out behind a screen by witnesses. When everyone is dressed up and enters the hall, the action begins, the presenter begins to read the text.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We had an unusual guest at our wedding! Meet! Baby!".

Props for the Baby competition

This is certainly not a parent or guardian. Gideon is one of their research subjects. This study is designed to test whether a child can learn more when the information they hear comes from a loved and trusted source. They point him to the one they invented for the experiment, and he obediently opens it with his finger. Gideon barely acknowledges him. The narrator then introduces Elmo. “Hi,” Elmo says, waving.

An Easy Way to Make Children's Reading Books

An image appears on the screen and the narrator asks, “What is this?” It's a banana, says DoDo. My little darling knows what a banana is. However, he is attuned to the signals of the baby's world and seems to have somehow realized that Elmo is the ultimate moral authority. His relationship with Elmo is more important to him than what he knows to be true.

Ay, what a baby, say hello to us a little.
And how good he is, he looks like Andryushenka.
Eyes, legs - everything looks just like dad, and hands like our mother.
Our baby woke up, as if a chick had perked up.
And to be clean and okay, he quickly ran to the bath.
He took the brush in his hands and brushed his teeth.
He wet his face and body and wiped it with a towel.

The game goes on and on, and sometimes Gideon chooses Elmo even when Elmo says an orange is a pear. As it happens, Gideon was not in the majority. But Calvert says that just means babies have become even more experienced users technology than we imagined. She was working on attachment theory and thought that toddlers could evaluate an emotional connection over the correct answer.

But her hunch is that touching a screen, receiving feedback and correcting it in real time is in itself educational and allows little ones to accurately perceive information regardless of its source. Calvert has a balanced view of technology: She works in an office surrounded by hardcover books and sometimes edits her drafts with pen and paper.

To frolic all day, you need to eat well.
He went to the kitchenette and found a banana there.
He ate a little yogurt, as his mother taught him with a spoon.
I ate a sandwich and drank water from a mug.
Our little one got excited and went into the yard.
There is a crowd of people outside, not allowing him passage.

And so as not to just stand, our baby began to dance.
The baby got a little tired and wiped the sweat from his forehead and navel.
I scratched my paw a little and went home to bed.
He is happy, he is loved - dad and mom are next to him.

People say we experiment with our children, she told me. But, from my point of view, it has already happened, and there is no way to bring it back. Children's lives are filled with media in younger and at a young age, and we need to take advantage of these technologies.

Can they transfer what they learn to the real world? What impact does interactivity have on learning? All worthy questions, and important ones, but all viewed entirely from an adult's point of view. If young children had more information, many Education apps would logically fall under the Kids or Children's Games category. Ovmar, an interaction design expert, describes himself as someone who never grew up.

The incredibly funny skit “Baby” will amuse everyone present at the wedding. Neither the newlyweds nor their guests will forget such a performance.

More often than not, this unforgettable show is prepared by the wedding host, appointing the bride and groom as participants. But the scene is also perfect as a gift for the bride and groom from friends. In principle, you don’t really need to rehearse it, just discuss the details.

A special screen is required for staging. You need to take a large piece of fabric or sheet. A slot is made in the center for a children's suit or overalls. Bright clothes are sewn into the hole along the side seams from the neck to the beginning of the legs. Thus, on the front side of the screen there is the front part of the overalls with loose sleeves and pants.

A vertical cut is made along the back of the garment. It should be so that you can stick your head through the neck of the overalls onto the front side of the screen, and your hands into the sleeves and pants. You need to sew booties or socks to the bottom of the pants. In addition to the screen, the scene will need various objects with which the “kid” will play.

Now we create the “baby”. If newlyweds participate in the scene, the screen is usually held by two witnesses. The groom puts his head into the neck and his hands into the “baby’s” legs. The bride, standing behind the groom, puts her hands into the sleeves of her overalls. All this is done behind the scenes.

Why did the “baby” come to the wedding (the essence of the scene)

So, everything is ready. The host announces the start of the show. Witnesses bring out a stretched screen so that the guests cannot see the actors. It’s good to go out to some children’s music (for example, from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny”). Then the music becomes quieter, and the host talks about the “baby” who came to the wedding. As the story progresses, the actors perform appropriate actions.

The first laughs are heard after the appearance of a fully grown guy in the form of a baby. But everyone just bursts out laughing when this “baby” tries to do what the presenter says. For example, the words “the baby puts on a hat” sound. The presenter’s assistant hands the “baby” a cap on a tray. But! The hands of the “baby” are the hands of the bride, who cannot see anything from behind the screen. Trying to put a cap on the groom's head looks very funny. And when the groom can’t stand it and starts helping the bride, the guests are already laughing. After all, from the outside it seems as if the child is trying to get dressed with the help of his legs. Actually, this is how all the leader’s commands are played. It is important that the items served to the “baby” are placed one at a time on the tray.

The text talks about the “baby’s” favorite dances. It is advisable to rehearse these dances a little or at least discuss them. It is enough to try to do the basic steps behind the scenes. Cross claps look good: the right “hand” claps on the left “leg” and vice versa. During dancing, appropriate music is turned on. For a little “baby” “Dance of the Little Ducklings” is suitable, for an adult – hip-hop or club tracks.

Text of the wedding scene “Baby”

The host of the skit announces: “Ladies and gentlemen! We had an unusual guest at our wedding! Meet! Baby!" Witnesses come out with a screen and a “baby”. Next, the presenter reads the text, pausing so that the actors have time to perform the necessary actions.

Presenter: “Once upon a time, or maybe not long ago, a boy was born. As soon as he was born, the midwife slapped his bottom and the baby screamed. (The groom cries like a child and babbles cheerfully.) Then he began to jerk his arms and legs. Misha (the groom's name) was a very obedient boy, and everyone praised him. And he himself constantly repeated to himself: “I am a good boy.” (At these words, the “baby” strokes his head.)

Misha grew up quickly. He learned to wear a cap to keep his ears warm. In order not to cry when his mother was not around, Misha sucked on a pacifier. If the boy was hungry, he put on his own bib and ate delicious porridge from a bottle. Misha was never bored, because there was his favorite rattle nearby, with which he played happily.

In kindergarten, Misha loved to dance. (Children's music plays.) Childhood flew by quickly, Misha changed his cap to a cap and put on fashionable glasses. Now he danced other dances. (Adult music starts.) When Misha grew up, he wanted to drink a glass of vodka. Under the lemon.

And today is our Misha’s wedding. He decided to tell all the guests about his childhood. His charming bride Tanya (the name of the bride) helped him in this. Greetings! At the last words, the newlyweds throw off the screen.

You can add any other sentences to the text. For example, the groom loved to eat bananas, comb his hair, brush his teeth, sing songs and play the guitar. “Baby” can do whatever your imagination tells you.

Natalya Erofeevskaya August 15, 2018

A wedding should certainly be not only beautiful, but also fun - good mood and positive emotions will be remembered years later by both the newlywed couple and the friends and relatives invited to the celebration. Wedding fun comes in a variety of varieties– skits, auctions, quizzes, competitions, including the “Baby” wedding competition, which invariably causes a storm of delight and loud laughter.

Photo of a fun wedding

"Baby" or "Infant"- this is an original scene for a wedding, which can be performed by both the toastmaster and the bride’s friends - maybe even as a wedding gift from friendly company. No serious preliminary rehearsals are required; two participants are recruited from among those invited: it is better if they are expressive, relaxed and emotional people. Usually the newlyweds themselves take part and choose married couple or brutal men (a beard and mustache give extra points to the “baby” image) - for some reason their spontaneity and naturalness look funnier. Wedding scene “Baby” with words, so the script is written in advance, if necessary, details are discussed before the show.

The “Baby” competition does not require any special creative skills, but you will need certain props

What will you need for the skit “Malysh” (“Baby”)?

To stage this scene you will need a special screen, which is easy to make with your own hands. On big piece A cut is made in a colored fabric or sheet, into which a bright children's suit or cute jumpsuit is inserted - you should not choose expensive things, because they will be cut and subsequently cannot be used for their intended purpose. Children's clothing is connected with the side seams to the edges of the opening in such a way that the sleeves and panties remain free - the actors' hands will be inserted into them, so the limbs should move easily.

Photos of the wedding celebration

Of course, an adult man will not fit into a children's suit, so children's clothes are cut vertically along the back: one actor will stick his head into the neck of the overalls, the hands of the second actor into the pants, and the hands of the second actor into the sleeves. If the “Baby” wedding competition is held for the bride and groom, then the groom is the head and legs, and the bride’s hands are the hands of the “baby”. To cover the hands, booties or socks are usually sewn onto the “lower limbs”; however, there are also avant-garde versions with sneakers placed on the hands. The screen is supported from the sides during the performance of the scene by one of the guests or witnesses; in addition, the items necessary for the “baby” to play are prepared in advance (hat or bonnet, rattle, spoon and teddy bear, milk bottle with pacifier, etc.) and some kind of cheerful children's song for the ceremonial removal of the screen with the “child”.

All preparations for the competition must be hidden from the viewer: a ready-made “baby” comes on stage to perform, the actors are behind a screen

What is the essence of the production?

The presenter announces that, of course, the whole city, from young to old, knows about such a significant event in the lives of young people. And now, from representatives of the “small” generation, a child came to the wedding (a stretched screen with a dressed “child” and with actors on the back side was carefully brought out).

An adult man in the form of a baby is already funny, but after the “baby”, at the request of the presenter, begins to perform certain actions, the hall roars with laughter and applause. What can you offer the “child” to do:

  • putting on a cap seems like nothing complicated, but the baby’s head belongs to one actor, and the babies’ hands are the hands of another, who still doesn’t see anything. The inconsistency of the head and hands makes for some very funny body movements, and one actor's attempts to help the other with his hands (which are actually the "child's" legs) make the guests roar with laughter;
  • put a bib on your neck or a sock on your right/left leg;
  • spoon feed a teddy bear;
  • dance to a popular song of a suitable genre - dance (at least a few movements), it is better to choreograph in advance: lezginka, cross claps (left arm on the right leg and vice versa), squatting, flashlights.

You can tell a whole story about the “baby”, while the presenter does not forget to pause so that the actors have time to complete their actions:

  1. “One day a wonderful baby was born in the maternity hospital, the obstetrician slapped him on the butt, and the baby made his first sound” (the male actor cries like a child, moves his lips, frowns with displeasure, “farts,” etc.)
  2. “The boy grew and soon began to run” (“the baby” jerks his arms and legs in all directions).
  3. “The boy (you can call him by name) was very nice and everyone around him constantly praised him” (at these words, the “kid” strokes his head with his hand and repeats “I’m a good boy!”)
  4. “This baby grew up quite independent - he could put on a cap, comb his hair, and eat by himself” (the actors try to put a cap on their head, eat from a plate with a spoon, or drink milk from a bottle).
  5. “He also loved to dance” (children’s dancing to a children’s song).
  6. “So childhood has flown by: the boy has grown up, changed his image (changes his cap for a cap, and his bib for stylish glasses) - now the songs and dances are different.” Alternatively, the “baby” can play the guitar and sing.
  7. “When he became quite an adult, he wanted to drink vodka/cognac and lemon” (corresponding actions).

The finale of the skit will be a message, the essence of which depends on who is participating in the skit - the young people or their friends. For example, “And now the baby, who has already become an adult, came to this wedding” - to congratulate, as a groom, etc. At the end, the presenter introduces the actors, and they take off their children’s clothes and bow to the audience.

Photo of the bride and groom

“The Baby” is a rather short sketch for the newlyweds at a wedding, but even with the complete lack of acting talent among the performers, it causes a lot of positive emotions and sincere delight. The good thing about the competition is that for the actions of the “child” you can come up with anything, A individual approach to writing a script will help display character traits the main participant in the scene. And finally, we invite you to watch a funny video of the “Baby” wedding competition:
