How to get a divorce quickly, current information. Divorce begins with the wedding

Everyone knows that girls usually want to get married. Much less attention is paid to the fact that they also usually want to get married much more energetically than our sex: out of four divorces, three are initiated by wives. Apparently, it is written in women's nature - to be the initiators of any matrimonial innovations. In this regard, we will be more conservative: we are leaving the state of marriage as slowly and uncertainly as we once said goodbye to single life.

Another thing is more interesting: why do women, in general, endure divorce easier than we do? There are many interesting statistics on this topic: we hold a confident lead in both suicide and depression that occurs after the breakdown of a marriage in almost all countries of the world. Here is what the founder of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, says about this: “A man subconsciously perceives divorce as a loss: the woman that belongs to him is taken away from him. A woman feels divorce as a liberation, even if unwanted.”

And, whatever one may say, in an average divorce, a Russian man always remains a loser.

In 94% of cases, according to Roskomstat, the children remain with the mother, and he pays child support, often without the opportunity to regularly meet with the children.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, jointly acquired property, divided in half during a divorce, was acquired by him.

He will remarry about three years later than his ex-wife.

In two out of three cases, a year after the divorce, he will regret it and think about the possibility of returning his wife.

Just don't get a divorce at all.

Nevertheless, six out of ten marriages break up, and if we take urban residents, then all seven. So it's better to be prepared in advance.

After all, divorce can also be organized perfectly.

Divorce begins with the wedding

The lowest divorce rate is in India. Out of a hundred marriages, only one breaks up there.

May the marriage contract save you!

If you are a wealthy person or plan to become one, then senior partner of the Lex Collegium, Alexander Zheleznikov, advises you not to neglect the marriage contract, which can greatly brighten up your life in the future hard times divorce.

“You need to understand that, unlike the United States, in Russia only the financial and property obligations of the spouses can be included in the marriage contract. That is, you won’t be able to push any “If she cheats on me, then I have the right to kick her out of the house in her slippers.”

But a marriage contract can become a shield for a man in the fight against legislation that is extremely loyal to women. For example, all property acquired during marriage is considered common, but if the contract stipulates that the wife agrees not to make claims on your company or, say, real estate that you acquire during marriage, then it will be difficult for her to challenge her obligation later. You can also include in the marriage contract the amount and form of alimony for future children. After all, do not forget that the standard rate of 25% of income per child is levied regardless of the amount of income and it is very difficult for rich fathers to later prove in court that the child will have to live a couple of million years to wear out all those diapers that can be bought for a quarter of the price. dividends dad received on oil shares.

Nowadays, a lot of wealthy fathers seize children from their mothers not solely for the sake of love for children, but because the child often becomes a lever for squeezing out the father’s business. If the marriage contract stipulates in advance a reasonable amount of payments for the child in the event of a divorce, then the court usually approves it.”

Why do people get divorced?

Two years ago, the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion conducted a survey of the population. The population was asked: “What do you think are the main causes of divorce now?” And the population replied:

We asked family consultant Alexey Sivov, a psychotherapist at the Mind and Feelings counseling center, to comment on these figures. As it turned out, the population is delusional.

“The percentages are not very consistent with reality. Perhaps the only thing that has its place here is alcoholism, which for Russia really is a demographic scourge. “The weakening value of family for the current generation” is not the reason, but rather the background against which events take place. Having affairs on the side is usually not the cause of marriage breakdown, but a symptom. The marriage itself quietly and imperceptibly ends earlier, with complete non-resistance on both sides, and lovers appear on the horizon as a consequence of this sad event. Material problems, paradoxically, more often help spouses unite and learn to cooperate. But “boredom and psychological incompatibility” should be combined into one reason and put in first place, because most often it is the inability and unwillingness to live together that leads two people to break up.”

Check if divorce is threatening your marriage

With the help of Alexey Sivov, we have compiled a list of warning signs that may indicate that your family is at risk of divorce.

One of you has been cheating on your spouse for the past five years, and the other knows about it. Most often, you and your wife talk about children and/or pets. You have sex less than once a week (for couples over 35, less than twice a month). It's been a month or more since you kissed (pecking on the cheek and kissing during sex doesn't count). Both you and your wife have a place to live in the event of a divorce. Sometimes in your home there is what is referred to in court chronicles as “domestic violence.” You rarely smile when looking at each other. You can spend a week on a business trip without missing your wife. You and your wife are non-religious people. You have one child or no children at all. Your youngest child is over seven years old. Basically, you know everything that your wife can say on any occasion, and you can hardly surprise her with anything. Your or her parents are divorced. She doesn’t particularly depend on you financially, and you don’t depend on her either.

“Divorce is considered to be a last resort, which should be avoided at all costs,” says Alexey Sivov. - But there are situations in which divorce is favorable for both parties. For example, when spouses, having lost the freshness of their feelings, failed to become relatives to each other. When they are not connected by common interests, serious obligations, or special mutual affection, then a divorce can make both happier and help them realize themselves more successfully in life. Approximately half of all divorced people do not have serious problems in their relationships - for them the problem is the relationship itself, which they subconsciously evaluate as meaningless and oppressive. In such cases, a good family consultant will not try to convince them to keep the family together at all costs, especially if the marriage period is short and the couple has no children. Divorcing harmoniously and remaining friends is no less difficult a task than maintaining a marriage.”

Nutritional theory

Norms family law We developed them back in the USSR, which is where their percentage link to income comes from. Now, when the upper limit of a Russian’s possible income has flown into space, and the interest rate has remained the same, especially lucky fathers are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on kefir for their heir. There are, however, legal ways to save some money in this matter.

1 You can always file an application with the court with a request to reduce the amount of payments for the child, and if the amount of your contributions exceeds the average salary several times, the judge may meet you halfway. There were precedents.

2 Much more often the amount of alimony is determined amicably ex-spouses, although love is sometimes achieved in a very bloody way. To reduce the intensity of the bloodiness, you can take advantage of a loophole in the law by informing your spouse that you will pay her monthly only the subsistence minimum, and put the rest of the money into the child’s account, to which he will receive access only after he comes of age. You have this right. Usually, after weighing all the pros and cons, caring mothers agree to be satisfied with smaller amounts.

3 Have more children. If one costs you 25% of your salary, then, having given birth to a hundred offspring, you will pay each only half a percent of income. After all maximum amount The alimony that can be collected from you is 25% for one, 33% for two children and 50% for any number of children over two.

But know that these percentages are calculated from any of your income: bonuses, casino winnings, renting an apartment, income from shares, etc.

It is also worth remembering that your ex-wife can receive additional alimony from you for her own maintenance if she is on maternity leave for up to three years.

Divorce is an ancient thing

Men also sometimes receive alimony during a divorce. One of the most large sums, which became known to the press - a million dollars received by rapper Kevin Federline from Britney Spears for what he spent on this bad girl the best years of his youth and bore her two children.
People who now strap flip-flops to newlyweds' cars usually have no idea why they're doing it. Tales of abandoned wives who wear out seven pairs of iron bast shoes in search of a spouse are generally perceived as nonsense. In fact, old shoes are so attached to wedding procedures for a reason. In the pre-Christian era, the Germans gave shoes to abandoned wives, and a woman could enter into a new marriage only when the soles were worn out (until then, all children born to her were considered her children). ex-husband). And at the new wedding, these shoes with holes were shown to the guests. There is an opinion that it is easiest for Muslims to get divorced. All you have to do is say “Talaq, talaq, talaq!” in front of witnesses, and - oops! - She is no longer your wife. In fact, under Sharia law, divorce is a very expensive pleasure. Despite the fact that children are considered to belong to the father and remain with him on his support, the husband is obliged to give a divorced wife mehr - a wedding gift, a kind of dowry. The amount of mehr can be different, it depends on the country in which the matter takes place, and on the terms of this marriage contract, which is practically mandatory in Sharia law. But almost always this amount is enough for a woman to live well into old age. All over the world, only Catholics do not recognize divorce at all. All religions allow people to differ good reasons*, but Catholicism looks at marriage as a union sanctified by the divine spirit, personifying the union of the Church and Christ. But Catholics also get divorced, you say. And you will be wrong. They do not divorce, they simply annul the marriage, which is then officially recognized as never having existed.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Orthodox Christians, for example, have such reasons for this moment eighteen. Among them are infidelity of one of the spouses, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, impotence, sex of a husband with the wives of his sons, abortion of a wife without the consent of the husband, refusal to support the wife, unknown absence of one of the spouses and many more interesting things. »

10 rules for a divorcee

1 Do not communicate your desire for a divorce during a quarrel. Even if you really firmly decided on this, there is a risk that the whole process will continue to proceed just as dramatically. However, there is also no need to come out with this rationalization proposal at a time when you are both in good mood. It would be best to choose a moment of quiet and tired indifference to each other.

2 Yes, you can use the good old trick: “Let’s live separately for a couple of weeks and calm down!” A couple of weeks will slowly turn into a couple of months, and there are craftsmen who extend this state to ten or more years - exactly until one of the spouses urgently needs an official divorce in connection with a new marriage. This cunning method, of course, is not suitable for everyone, but for those who are, it is ideal (are we expressing ourselves too confusingly?).

3 Do not have affairs for at least the first two to three months after you have separated in preparation for divorce. And if you do, don’t even think about telling your future ex about it.

4 A little surprise from Russian legislation: if within a year after the divorce your wife became disabled or within five years after that she retired, you will be obliged to support her for life (however, if she marries again, you will be relieved of this obligation) . So, no matter how unexpectedly your separation develops, you need to try your best so that she does not become disabled.

5 Many American psychologists assure: during divorces, you should not have sex with the person you are divorcing. These are the alpha and omega of transatlantic divorce aids. But American psychologists are not entirely right. Sometimes sex helps to cope with this difficult period for both. In addition, it leaves the woman with a pleasant conviction that you still love her. It just so happened that the stars of your marriage were aligned in an ominous way, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Being in this conviction, she will feel a little less desire to peck out 50% of your liver that is legally due to her in court. On the other hand, sex will prevent you from weaning yourself off each other. In general, here you need to look at the circumstances.

The record for the most expensive divorce belongs to Australians: media mogul Rupert Murdoch paid $1.2 billion in 1999 for the pleasure of no longer living with his wife Anna.

6 Demonstrate right away that you are not going to take her children away. Most likely, you won’t succeed, and the more you threaten, the greater the animal fear of loss the mother will experience and the more fiercely she will defend them from you. If you are lucky enough to be a person of moderate income and the material aspect of child-sharing worries you little, but what is important above all is the opportunity to freely communicate with your children, then the less you insist on your paternal rights, the more of these rights you will ultimately have. Moms who are not afraid of dad whistling their baby in Nicaragua very soon realize how wonderful it is that there is a person nearby who can always send a cute baby without an hourly wage. Among properly divorced parents, the dispute over who the child spends the holidays with is heavily weighted towards “I’ve been sitting with him all last month.”

7 The more lawyers you have, the more professional they are, the bloodier the division of children and property will be. Lawsuits, appeals and statements will multiply, excitement will grow, and one day you will be surprised to realize that for the last six months you have been fighting in the courts, finding out how many days a year your daughter must wear the red knitted cap that your great-aunt gave her, and which of the city’s seven planetariums do you have the right to take your son to on the third Thursday of the second month of every fifth quarter? Invite a lawyer only if your wife has one of her own. But first, try to dissuade her from this crazy step*.

8 Seeing a marriage counselor during a difficult divorce is as smart as meeting with lawyers. But, unlike a lawyer, a psychologist is interested in making sure both of you are satisfied, so with his help it will be easier for you to resolve issues peacefully.

9 Never tell children nasty things about their mother, no matter how ideal the embodiment of these nasty things she may be. Firstly, this is their mother, and to find out in preschool age that you are born of a monster - serious challenge. Secondly, judges are very strong impression videos in which kids say that, supposedly, “daddy said - mommy is a dirty whore.”

10 Even before the official divorce, transfer money to the children (either to a special account or transfer by mail) and keep all receipts, including those for the purchase of children’s clothing, textbooks, etc. Otherwise, there is a risk of finding out in court that for the last six months you not only did not raise your children, but also left them to eke out a living.

Your partner or husband has left you for another, beautiful, charming and self-confident woman, who is not so young and beautiful, but calm and well-off. What should you do? First you need to calm down and stop crying. Self-pity can last a very long time, it tends to infinity. You need to think with a fresh mind about how to get your loved one back, how to separate him from his mistress. Maybe you should resort to magic and read a spell for separation, or should you turn to scientific methods and apply knowledge of psychology?

You can break a love triangle using magic or ordinary psychology.

Separation: trouble or joy

Take a sober look at your feelings. How many times have you been unhappy with your husband?

  1. Inattention to family.
  2. Low salary.
  3. Lack of gifts for significant and important family holidays.
  4. Lack of compliments and flowers.

Think for yourself whether you still love your partner and want to be together. Maybe you've been thinking about leaving him for a long time? Why do you need to return it? If you just create a scandal and sort things out, then discuss them later with a lawyer.

But if you honestly and openly admit to yourself that life without him has lost all its colors and has become dull, plan for the return of your loved one to the family, read a strong separation plot. You need to read the plot and perform the ritual on the full moon.

“I will enter a wide courtyard, I will go into a tall house, I will write down (name) a great cold. I’m cooling you off, good fellow (name) and girl (name). So that he does not catch her eye either during the day, or at night, or in the evening, or in the morning. So that she is in peace, he is out of peace, she is out on the street, he is in the house. She will be no dearer to him than the terrible ferocious bear, the insidious toad of the swamp. And no matter what dress she wears, even if she wears it, even if it’s colored, he won’t be able to bear her, he’ll be angry, he’ll hate her, they won’t see goodness, they’ll forget about happiness. No matter how nice she is, no matter how good she does him, he will see everything as passion and evil. You won’t be together, you won’t be together, you won’t know the goodness of love and affection. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, so it will come true.”

Magic will help renew relationships

Magic is omnipotent, it helps lovers to be together, it returns a lost husband or wife to the family, improves the relationship between a man and a woman and also alienates two people from each other.

But we must always remember that magic can only be used for good. Even a conspiracy to separate only if one of the partners does not love the other or uses him (for a career, for material benefits).

Seeking Help magical powers When preparing a lapel potion or reading a conspiracy, remember that you cannot build your happiness on the misfortune of people.

Other methods

Dialogue - good method find out the relationship

  1. Most effective way The solution to the problem is dialogue. In an excited emotional state, people are unable to think logically. You can say something offensive and angry. So speak calmly. Read the book “Aikido” by M.E. Litvak and use psychological methods with the same name, and also listen carefully to your partner, do not interrupt him “active listening method”.
  2. Concentrate, calm down and listen carefully to everything your loved one tells you. Listen and try to hear what your partner is saying. The fact that he agreed to the conversation is worth a lot and means that you have the opportunity to get him back.
  3. This will be your decision alone and other people’s advice is not needed here at all. Now it is very important to take decisive and correct actions to improve the situation. No money - take a loan! Don't forget that people love with their eyes. To do this you need to look great. Tap into your inner feelings of irresistibility, carefree, and joy. Go in for sports, visit the solarium and swimming pool, do not refuse to visit the beauty salon, be irresistible. Follow the latest fashion.
  4. Don't make yourself a victim and don't show how touched you are by your husband's departure. Show how strong and determined you are, confident in yourself and your capabilities. Let the traitor know that he is not the only one who makes up the meaning of your life.
  5. You cannot make the only goal in life an attempt to return your husband to the family or to separate him from his mistress. Whether your husband is having fun alone or next to another, you need to tune in to the positive and move on with your life.

For help to the sorcerers

In this situation, many women turn to magic, asking sorcerers and magicians for help. If you exclude the elements of charlatanism, conspiracies and spells for love can be very effective. But it should be understood that under the influence of current forces, a person suffers and can become seriously ill.

A strong love spell is an effective method

A strong love spell works in such a way that a person does not want to return, but returns, breaking the connection between two loving people. Therefore, before reading a very strong conspiracy to divorce a husband and wife, to separate lovers, think about whether you want to risk your soul, as well as the health of your offspring. Now there are very real ways restoration of human relationships using the achievements of science (psychology) and modern technologies(cosmetics).

  1. The plot is simple and you can read it at any time, but if you have doubts, it is better not to perform the ritual.
  2. Before reading, perform a cleansing ritual and establish powerful protection, since magic is always associated with the action of dark forces.

    “I’ll get up in the morning and go to the courtyard, not by doors or gates, but by a basement log and smoky windows. I will take off my hat from my head and put it under my heel, not under damp earth, and in a black chobot. In that boat I will run into the dark forest, to the black lake, in that lake there is a boat swimming, and in that boat there is a devil and a devil swimming. I’ll throw my hat at those devils and show him the stick. Why are you sitting there, the devil and the devil in your cage? Why are you turning your face away from the devil, devil? Go to the people in the ashes, lead the devil into the good fellow (name of the man) in the hut. Those people don’t live like you and your little devil, little devil, they love each other, they cherish each other, they don’t know grief, they don’t know. You told the devil to loosen her hair, so that from now on, as you were sitting separately in the hut, these people live in a hut. Let the good fellow (name) hate his girl, let him not see the goodness and beauty in her. Let that hatred spread throughout his heart, let it accumulate in every joint and organ. Let her become disgusted with her beauty, freeze, and become decrepit with all her white body. My words are strong, my will is strong, I order you, devil, to guard my hat in the lake and kindle hatred in that hut. Just as I am able to rule you, so you are able to look after the cap in the lake, protect it from fish, protect it from people, and instill fear in everyone walking by. The fish will not be able to eat that hat, the fisherman will not be able to get it, and no one will be able to remove my conspiracy. Let it be so".

  3. After reading the spell, spit three times over your left shoulder.
  4. Conjure up images of the man and woman you want to separate.
  5. Imagine that you are destroying the relationship between them and rub the saliva well with your left foot.

The conspiracy is strong and after some time the relationship between the couple that you hate will be broken.

If he has a mistress

You feel like your husband has become less attentive and is moving more and more away from home. You will learn from people about the existence of a mistress...

If a mistress appears, first of all, you need to calm down

  1. The first thing to do is give yourself time to calm down and think about the situation very carefully.
  2. Don’t rush towards the villain with your fists, don’t rush towards him like a tsunami, sweeping away everything in your path.
  3. Pull yourself together and calmly assess the situation.
  4. How it all happened. Is this a temporary hobby or has the romance lasted long enough?

    The love and passion of the first months of adultery quickly passes, and if you behave prudently, as befits a real woman, peace and tranquility in the family will be restored. To strengthen your union and separate from your rival, perform a lapel ritual.

  5. Necessary conditions: waning moon and strong wind.
  6. Stand so that the wind blows in your face.
  7. To ruin your loved one’s relationship with a homewrecker, quietly read the separation plot:

    “Are you high mountains, are you deep rivers, are you dry forests, are you angry dogs. So it would be high, so it would be far, so it would be evil and evil for the slave (name) with the slave (name) for centuries and centuries, and all the holy men cannot help them and cannot reconcile or marry: neither today nor tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow, and never. My deed, my word, and everything is ready. Amen".

  8. After three or four weeks, your boyfriend won’t even remember about his mistress.

The plot is effective for unmarried lovers, married couples and helps to quarrel between very close friends.

If he decided to leave

If there is a high probability that your husband (beloved) will leave you, the main reasons may be:

  • your dissatisfaction;
  • dissatisfaction with intimate relationships;
  • difficult psychological situation in the family.

You can keep your partner by spending more time with him

You must try to eliminate these reasons - everything is in your power. Find a way to have a fun weekend, go outdoors more often with your husband and children, or wherever your partner likes to go most (fishing, kayaking, biking). Always be polite and pleasant, know how to listen to him and keep up the conversation with friends. But if your partner wants to leave, don't hold him back, don't object.

Sometimes call him and ask about his health, success at work, talk about children (if you have any), show that he is still dear. Create a pleasant atmosphere, comfort and peace in your home. Let him feel like a welcome guest in the house, and you will have the opportunity to bring him back to you by separating him from his rival. Look after yourself. And he will never leave you again.

Divorce your wife

The ritual is carried out and will be effective if the husband does not love his wife and wants to leave her, but cannot decide to do so.

The ritual to break up a relationship between spouses is very powerful.

  1. Take two sheets of paper: black and white.
  2. Prepare a church candle.
  3. On a black piece of paper, write two names: your wife’s and yours.
  4. Read the following words on the black piece of paper:

    “Just as I don’t need yesterday’s snow, just as I don’t need dry grass, just as I don’t need a slanting, lame, stupid wife as a sweetheart, so I, the servant of God (name), will not need the servant of God (name) neither day nor night, not in the evening, not in the morning, not today, not tomorrow and never. Turn away, wife (name), turn away, and turn to the other groom. What is said will come true. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  5. Light a church candle.
  6. Tear the spoken sheet of paper into two parts and burn it in a candle flame.
  7. Go out onto the balcony or into the yard and scatter the ashes in the wind.
  8. On a white piece of paper, write your name and your desire for a future single life.
  9. If there is a beloved with whom you want to unite your future destiny, write her name next to yours.

The conspiracy will help you divorce your wife without unnecessary quarrels and scandals. Your spouse will silently and quietly leave your life forever.

To separate a couple

The time for performing the action is when the Moon is in its waning phase, Saturday, after twelve o'clock at night. Required ingredients:

To perform a separation ritual, you need to take two slices of lemon

  • 2 spoons of cayenne pepper;
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • 2 spoons of salt;
  • 2 spoons of black pepper;
  • Black thick thread;

Photos of the people you want to separate (if you don't have a photo, draw them, it doesn't have to be an "art" painting, just label the symbols with their first and last names).


  1. Grind lemon slices with black and cayenne pepper, add salt.
  2. Place the images spaced apart so that their backs are facing each other.
  3. Sprinkle the prepared lemon and pepper mixture between them.
  4. Place a black thread on top of the images and pepper.
  5. Now you need to read the following words:

    “You are no longer together, The two of you are not alone. The distance has passed between you, It is growing very quickly, You are far from each other, From this day on you will never be together again. The spell is real and will not harm anyone, That’s what I said, so it is, so it will be. Amen".

  6. Burn everything. Bury the ashes at a crossroads or throw them into standing water.

Ritual with salt

Almost all rituals and ceremonies associated with the destruction of any connections or turning away are carried out using salt. Such conspiracies are very effective in relation to the people they are aimed at. The period of validity of such a separation conspiracy depends on the strength of the desire and on the power of the sorceress who commits it.

You can do the ritual with salt yourself

You can cast a salt spell yourself if you want to deceive people and don’t have time to look for a strong sorcerer.

  1. The ritual is effective during the waning moon.
  2. Take thick fabric (it’s great if you have homespun unpainted canvas).
  3. Spread the cloth on the table.
  4. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the canvas.
  5. Above the cloth with salt you need to quietly read the words:

    “White salt, free-flowing salt, Help (name) stop loving (name), Let them not live together in peace and harmony, Let quarrels settle in relationships, Let separation become their companion. Amen!"

  6. Read the text three times. Place the cloth with salt on the windowsill and leave for 10 hours.
  7. In the morning, take the charmed salt to the house of the girl from whom you want to separate your loved one and scatter it in front of the door, quietly whispering the text:

    “I don’t sprinkle white salt on the threshold of a homewrecker, but with strong separation, I help God’s servant (boyfriend’s name) stop loving him. Amen!"

  8. Read the text three times and return to your home. A break in the relationship will soon follow, and your loved one will return to you forever.

Separate the married

In this case, a very strong conspiracy is needed, since the union of two people is sealed and approved in heaven, and it will not be easy to destroy it and separate the spouses in different directions.

To separate the married, you need to knead the dough

  1. Take water, salt and flour and knead into an elastic dough.
  2. Divide it into two halves. Make a doll (male and female) out of each piece. Name the dolls after the people you want to separate.
  3. Take some cat and dog hair (rabbit is fine). Glue the cat's fur to the female dummy, and the dog's to the male one.
  4. Take the dolls to an empty room where there are no people or people don’t go there often.
  5. Place them in different corners.
  6. Every day for forty days, approach each doll and whisper the following words:

    (Man's name) and (woman's name)! You can’t be together, you can’t live together, you can’t eat bread together, you can’t raise children together. Amen.

  7. After the ceremony is over, take the dolls and take them to the field. One of them should be buried in a vacant lot, the other taken to the other end of the city and buried in another vacant lot. You can bury the dolls on both sides of the river.
  8. Some sorcerers, to enhance the effect of the ritual, add earth from a crossroads or cemetery to the dolls, broken glass, nails and hair of the people you are going to separate.

Eliminate a rival

This plot is often read by wives who need to return their husband to the family or separate him from his mistress.

A church candle is necessary for the ceremony

  1. To carry out the ritual, you will need a fresh common photograph of lovers, as well as: a church candle, scissors, a pinch of salt and a small bowl.
  2. Favorable times are midnight and until three in the morning, during the waning moon.
  3. Place all the ingredients on the table. Pour a pinch of salt into a bowl.
  4. Relax, direct all your thoughts towards achieving the desired result.
  5. Light a church candle and carefully cut the photo to separate people.
  6. As you cut the photo, repeat the words quietly:

    “I’m not cutting up a photograph, but I’m sharing the life of God’s servants (name of lover and rival), so that God’s servant (husband’s name) stops loving God’s servant (mistress’s name), so that he knows happiness with her, only be sad and grieved, let them not live together, let everything not go well for them!”

  7. Hold part of the photograph with the image of a woman to the candle flame. Place the flaming photograph in a bowl with salt. Let it burn to the end.
  8. Go out onto the balcony and scatter the ashes in the wind, saying:

    “I blow away all the love of the servant of God (name of husband) for the servant of God (name of rival)! I’m helping them stop loving each other!”

  9. Keep half of the photo with your beloved man for yourself. Every day, until your husband returns to the family, repeat the words over him:

    “My beloved husband, remember your wife, Come back to me, to the family! Happiness and prosperity awaits us, Love and peace, we can always be together. Amen!"

Within three to four weeks, your husband or lover will leave his mistress and return to you.

Return your husband to the family with the help of a conspiracy

Magic rituals, with the help of which couples are separated and traitors are returned to the family, can be found in great abundance. But the use of magical dark forces can lead to negative consequences. When performing the ritual, you must remember this.

To carry out the ceremony, take any item of your loved one

  1. Take things that belong to your loved one, place them under the pillow on the bed and say the following phrase out loud:

    "Miu, Tiu, Rin-Rin, Shibo-Fish, Hin, Bilin."

  2. Repeat the words as many times as they have been together for years.
  3. Take pillows and place them on opposite sides of the bed.
  4. Go to the shower, remove the pillowcase from the pillow under which your husband’s things lay.
  5. Wipe your body with it.
  6. After some time, the husband will forget about his mistress and return to the family.

Spell on unleavened bread

  1. Knead unleavened dough.
  2. Make two dolls from it (the man is your lover, the woman is his mistress).
  3. Place them in different corners of the bedroom.
  4. At dawn, read the words above the female figure:

    “You don’t need to live like this, there is no bread, children don’t grow up, they don’t drink honey. Indeed, it is so. Amen".

  5. Repeat the spell until your husband returns to the family.

Must be remembered

The only thing you need to remember and know, besides magic spells and conspiracies. To become desirable to your loved one (boyfriend, husband, partner), in order to keep him, you need to maintain a reverent feeling of love every day. You need to take care of yourself, create comfort in your home, and listen to the wishes of your loved one. In this case, the union will be very strong and happy.

Roses, especially large-flowered ones, are best propagated by budding. Such plants are more viable than those grown from cuttings (own roots). However, cuttings are practically simpler and accessible to everyone. Therefore, each gardener must make a choice himself. We'll give you classic description both methods and some variations.

The main difficulty of this method lies not in the process of grafting a varietal bud (eye), but in growing the rootstock - rose hips. You can’t take peelings from old bushes: they are too ugly, thick and inconvenient to work with. On such rootstocks, even if the eye takes root, there will still be so much wild growth that the rose will have to be uprooted. Finding wild seedlings of the right size is difficult. Therefore, if there is nowhere to buy ready-made rootstocks, you need to learn how to grow them yourself.

Like many woody plants, rosehip seeds have an extended germination period. This is useful for preserving the species in nature, but complicates the life of rose growers.

Usually, seeds from ripe fruits sown in the same autumn or spring of the next year do not sprout at all. They appear only after a year, and even then not all of them. Nurserymen have noticed that it is better to collect the fruits unripe - in the so-called browning stage, when they are just beginning to turn red.

The most common rootstock for roses is dogrose., or rose canina. Among its bushes, you should choose tall, healthy, weakly thorny specimens.

Immediately after picking, brown fruits are crushed with a wooden hammer. Seeds directly with pulp (pulp) are soaked for 3 days in large quantities cold water, changing it daily. In this way, some of the substances that prevent germination are removed. Then the mass is thoroughly mixed with wet sand (1:3-4) and stratified, that is, kept in a cool place, usually in the basement, at a temperature of 0 - 5°. Periodically moisten and mix, making sure that there is no water at the bottom of the container (flower pot, wooden box, plastic bag). Stratification, as it were, replaces the preparation of seeds for germination in natural conditions, Where are they long time lie in the damp forest floor.

You can also use ripe rose hips, but then the stratification of the seeds is delayed for 1 - 1.5 years. To keep the seeds moist in the sand for such a long time, film bags are used.

In the south, it is better to sow stratified seeds in the fall (October), when the soil is well moistened and will not dry out until winter, and in the middle zone - in the spring. Depth 3-5 cm. For ease of care, sow in rows along a cord every 60-70 cm or in two-line ribbons with a distance between rows of 40 cm, between ribbons 80 cm.

Typically, germination is low - about 20%. The remaining viable seeds germinate within a year. If necessary, these belated seedlings are selected and planted in a new place.

On heavy soil, especially during spring sowing, the rows of rose hips are mulched with loose peat, sawdust, and compost.

Care consists of weeding and regular watering. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves (except for cotyledons), they need to be thinned out, leaving about 20 plants per 1 linear meter. m.* You can replant sparse seedlings. During the summer, they are fed 2-3 times with nitrogen fertilizers (150-200 g per 10 m").

It is very important to prevent the development of powdery mildew. Rose hips are affected by it earlier and more severely than varietal roses. It would seem that, wild species must be more resilient than delicate cultivated plants. Indeed, in nature this disease almost never occurs on rose hips, because shoot growth stops before it appears. powdery mildew, damaging only young stems and leaves. When cultivating in the garden, we voluntarily or unwittingly enhance and delay growth, contributing to the development of the disease.

Already in June, primarily in shaded places, characteristic powdery spots may appear on rosehip leaves. Be careful during this period and, if necessary, begin systematic spraying in a timely manner. Otherwise, your pets will lose leaves and stop growing.

Every 7-10 days, plants should be treated with colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 l of water) or disodium phosphate (75 g per 10 l).

Copper-soap emulsion is also used. 300 g of green or laundry soap and separately in 1 liter - 30 g of copper sulfate. Then the second solution is poured into the soapy solution in a thin stream while stirring and cooled.

1-incision on the rootstock, 2-scion shield with an eye, 3-shield inserted behind the tongue of the bark, 4-tying the budding area with film

Rosehip is ready for budding with a root collar diameter of 6-10 mm. In the south, seedlings usually reach the required conditions by the end of July - beginning of August. In the middle zone they have to be grown until the spring or summer of next year.

The essence this method vaccinations are like that. From a shoot (cutting)** of a varietal rose, an eye (bud) with a shield (a small piece of bark and a thin layer of wood) is cut and inserted into a cut made in the rosehip bark.

If the work is carried out in August, then the graft is a bud, which awakens only in the spring of next year. This grafting is called sleeping eye budding.

During the spring operation, the varietal bud begins to grow within 2 weeks. Hence the term - budding with a germinating eye.

Garden roses become suitable for scion harvesting after the first flowering. If by this time you have a suitable rose hip, then you can oculate it.

Thus, this method of reproduction, especially in the south, can be used from early spring to autumn.

1-block, 2-touchstone, 3-belt, 4-budding knife (a-bone, b-cutting edge, c-butt), 5-wooden spatula, 6-film

Before starting work, you should prepare your tools. A store-bought budding knife needs sharpening and straightening. To do this, you need a fine-grained block, a razor whetstone and a belt, part of which is lubricated with green Goya paste.

The knife is sharpened only on the side that will be the top if you take it in your right hand with the cutting edge facing you. The bottom side is carefully passed along the block or whetstone with the entire plane only to remove burrs. The blade should be razor sharp. First, they sharpen the upper side with a block, gradually reducing the pressure so that a bending edge does not form on the cutting part. If it appears, then place the knife vertically with the cutting part on the whetstone and remove it with a careful longitudinal movement. Then the tool is sharpened on a whetstone without pressure. The bar and the whetstone are generously moistened with a solution of soap or washing powder. The finishing is done on a belt with paste, and then on a dry one. The knife is moved along it with light reverse movements (butt first), turning it over the butt.

To ensure uniform sharpening, hold the knife with its tip up against the sun, 20 cm below eye level. If shiny places are visible on the cutting edge, then you need to continue working until they disappear completely. The sharpness of the knife is checked by trying to shave the hair on the arm.

* The best rootstock material is obtained by picking seedlings, since this stimulates the development of the root system.

In horticulture, varietal shoots harvested for grafting purposes are also called cuttings.

*** The best generally accepted time is still considered to be the end of July - the beginning of August, when the bark on the rootstock - rose hips - is well behind, and the scion is not exposed to summer drying and heat.

Remember: The budding knife is used only for cutting the eye and cutting the bark on the rose hip. In all other cases, use a pruner or other tool.

For tying the budding site You need a synthetic film, preferably thin and durable. If this is not the case, use regular polyethylene tape (adhesive tape is worse: it gets your hands dirty and dirt sticks to it). The film is cut into strips 10-15 mm wide. They are then carefully stretched to their limit. At the same time, the strips become narrower (a convenient width for work is 5-10 mm). Unstretched film breaks when tying.

Budding is best done in the morning and evening hours. It is not recommended to do this after dew or after rain until the rootstock has dried out, otherwise you will introduce dirt into the grafting site. To protect from atmospheric moisture, the rosehip can be covered with a film the day before.

In hot, dry weather, the rosehip should be watered 1-2 days before budding.

If scions are harvested in your garden, then just before budding, faded shoots with developed eyes are cut off with pruning shears. Carefully, without tearing off the strips of bark, remove the thorns and leaves from them, leaving the petioles. Place in a bucket of water, immersing only the ends (5-10 cm). Juicy and fragile stems are unsuitable.

Cuttings obtained from outside can be stored for 1-2 weeks. They are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a film bag and placed in the refrigerator away from the freezer. Cuttings are also sent by mail wrapped in damp cloth and film. If they become wilted during storage or shipping, then you need to completely immerse them in cold water for several hours.

They are grafted into the root collar of the rosehip, always below the branching point of the shoots. Otherwise, although the eye will take root, it will not produce a good seedling, since the variety will become clogged with wild shoots growing from below.

So, using a wooden shovel, garden scoop or trowel, carefully scrape away the soil from the root collar, trying not to damage the bark, to the point where large roots emerge. If there are single shoots or small roots on it, they are removed to the ground.

Immediately after opening, wipe the neck with a dry, clean cloth and make a cut in the bark. Then, using a budding knife, remove the eye with the shield from the scion and insert it behind the bark. The budding area is tied with film.

It is more convenient to start tying from the bottom. It needs to be done as tightly as possible. With each turn, the previous turn of film is slightly grabbed by the next one. The cultural eye is left open. The end of the film is inserted under the top turn and tightened tightly.

There are two common methods of budding: in a T-shaped incision and in the butt with a tongue

The first option is accepted in all nurseries, where they usually work in teams of 3 people (preparer, budding specialist, strapper). It is more convenient for two people to work in the garden. One person removes the peephole and inserts it into the T-shaped incision, while the other person ties the budding site. The shield must have a leaf petiole, otherwise it is difficult to insert. This method of budding can only be used when the bark of the rootstock is well separated.*

It must be said that on strong rose hips the eye is often covered with wound tissue (callus) and does not germinate. And if the rootstock has a too thin or thick root collar, it is difficult to insert an eye, and the survival rate decreases.

Butt budding with a tongue does not have these disadvantages. A rosehip with a continuous bark, a thin and thick root collar, and the eye never becomes overgrown with callus is suitable for it. The shield is taken without a petiole, but inserted behind the tongue of the bark, it easily falls out, so the budding artist himself must immediately do the tying. In principle, this method is easier for amateurs.

Budding in a T-shaped incision

1-removing an eye from a cutting of a varietal rose,

2-T-shaped cut on the rootstock bark and prepared scion eyes,

3-spreading the bark with a knife bone,

4-inserted a peephole under the bark and tied it with film,

5-eye attached to the rootstock in the spring of next year,

6-pruning *by eye* of the oculant,

7-growing varietal shoot (the dash indicates the place where it is pinched),

8-year-old shoot by autumn.

So, on the cleaned root collar of the rootstock, an incision about 2 cm long is made, the bark is cut off, leaving a tongue 5-7 mm long. Then, taking a rose cutting in your left hand, remove a suitable peephole with a shield equal in length to the cut on the rootstock (if it turns out to be longer, shorten it slightly top part). Insert the shield by the tongue and begin tying.

The success of the operation largely depends on how correctly the cuts are made. Between the bark and the wood of the stem there are cambium cells - just one layer. During the growing season, they actively divide, due to which the stem grows in thickness.

The goal is to ensure that the cuts on both the scion and the rootstock pass through the succulent cambium. This is easy to check. If the cut is one color, it means the knife only went through the bark. When a narrow strip is visible in the middle, slightly different in color (as if watery), then the operation was performed correctly. However, if this strip is wide, the cut is too thick. A well-sharpened knife seems to slide along the border of bark and wood, that is, along the cambium.

Panels with a very thin layer of wood should be smooth, without visible torn fibers. This is achieved by simultaneously moving the knife blade not only along the shoot, but also to the side. Beginning budding artists can learn the technique of grafting on willow branches.

There are also little tricks that help the matter. For example, it happens that the shield does not hold onto the tongue and falls to the ground - lick it and it will stick to the rootstock. Some old manuals generally recommended first cutting up a few scutes, putting them in your mouth and then grafting them.

After 3 weeks, the oculant plants are examined (revision). During this time, in warm weather, the shield usually has time to grow to the rootstock. In hot and humid weather, white, shapeless bulges of callus appear between the turns of the binding; the film cuts into the bark of the rootstock and is urgently removed, carefully cutting with a sharp (but not budding) knife on the side opposite to the grafted eye. If the film does not cut into the stem tissue, then it is better to wait another week. In cases where budding was done late, the rose hips were weak or the weather was cold after grafting, you can not remove the binding until spring.

After removing the film, it is useful to sprinkle the root collar with soil to the height of the cultivated eye, so that adventitious buds, a source of wild growth, do not appear below the shield, on the lighter part of the rose hip.

Sometimes the eyes sprout within 2-3 weeks after budding. Pinch prematurely developed shoots above the 3-5th leaf so that they have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather (in the south they can be left).

The next operation is pruning the rootstock by eye. The entire rosehip bush is cut to the upper edge of the grafted shield. In the southern regions this is done in the fall, after the first drop in temperature to minus 3-5°. Then the oculants are covered with earth to a height of 10-15 cm.

IN northern regions They often practice digging up oculants, which, having been cut by eye, are stored until spring in the basement in damp sand or sawdust. But in such plants the scion takes root worse than in those wintering in open ground.

There is no point in leaving pruning until spring, especially in the south. Rosehip begins to grow very early, and cutting it before this is dangerous due to return frosts. Thus, in spring, uncircumcised occulants have some spare nutrients is spent on the growth of wild animals, and not on the development of cultural shoots.

A. Clip for desktop winter grafting:



B. Cuttings of roses:

1 green stalk,

2-woody shoot.

If for some reason the late summer budding did not take place, you can use the existing rose hips for winter grafting. In the fall, rootstocks are dug up, shoots and roots are trimmed to 10-15 cm and placed in the basement in damp sawdust or sand. Harvested cuttings of varietal roses are also placed there.

Mold and rot pose a great danger during winter storage of material. They first appear in voids where sawdust or sand does not adhere tightly to plants. For prevention, before planting in the basement, it is recommended to dip the cuttings in a 1% solution of iron or copper sulfate. Bundles of rootstocks and cuttings are made small and carefully mixed.

If the cuttings begin to germinate, they are moved to a colder room or buried in snow.

In the second half of winter, 2 weeks before grafting, the rose hips are brought into a warm (20°) room. Before the operation itself, the root collar is wiped with a dry cloth, and the rootstock cuttings are thoroughly washed in warm water. Oculate the butt with a tongue.

To make it more convenient to tie with film, make a simple clamp (see figure). The rosehip is placed with its roots away from you on the edge of the table and pressed with a movable bar through the loop with your foot.

After grafting, the plants are placed tightly in a box with wet sawdust and kept at a temperature of 20-25° for 2 weeks, then taken out to a cool room. Before planting in the ground, they are pruned by eye. It is necessary to plant deeper so that the cut is 1-2 cm below the soil level. Then there will be less wild growth.

Sometimes rosehip does not keep up with summer budding, but thanks to the warm autumn it reaches the desired size by winter. In this case, you can prepare varietal cuttings when pruning roses in the fall, store them in the basement, and carry out budding with a sprouting eye in early spring. You need to start it when the buds begin to bloom on the rose hips. Light frosts are not dangerous. 15-25 days after budding, the rootstock is cut by eye and the binding is removed. The eyes quickly begin to grow. Of course, such oculants are somewhat behind in development from last year’s August ones, but by autumn they produce normal seedlings, especially in the south.


If the plants were dug up and kept in the basement, then they are planted as early as possible. Oculants that have overwintered in the open ground are not completely freed from the shelter in the spring, but 3-5 cm of soil are left above the cut. Awakened eyes easily grow through such a spore, but there are fewer wild shoots. Its appearance cannot be completely avoided; 2-3 times the rosehip shoots will have to be removed by cutting them to the ground*.

After the cultivated shoot forms the first 3-4 leaves, its top is pinched, stimulating branching.

To get well-developed bushes, the buds are removed in the first year after planting.

Caring for oculants during the summer consists of watering and fertilizing. In the spring, 150-200 g of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers per 10 m2. In summer, 2-3 nitrogen fertilizations are carried out (150 g per 10 m2). In the fall, after the first frost, you can transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.


This way you can propagate roses in summer (green cuttings), autumn, winter or spring (woody cuttings).

The best results are still achieved by summer rooting with the use of stimulants, but many amateurs successfully manage without chemicals. Work begins immediately after the first flowering. Tools (knife, pruning shears) must be sharpened so that the cuts are smooth and the shoots do not wrinkle, otherwise the cuttings will rot.

Faded shoots are cut from the bush, and cuttings are prepared from them, first with 3 leaves. The lower oblique cut is made directly under the node, at a distance of 2-3 mm, and the upper horizontal one is 1 cm above the node (see figure). Then only the petiole is left from the bottom leaf, and the top two have 2-3 leaves out of five (to reduce evaporation).

To speed up the formation of roots, they resort to stimulants. Indolylacetic acid (IAA) or heteroauxin is used - 100-150 mg/l; indolylbutyric acid (IBA) 20-30; naphthylacetic acid (NAA) 10-20 mg/l. The drugs are first completely dissolved in a very small amount of alcohol or acetone, and then water is added to the required volume.

If there are a lot of cuttings, before processing they are tied into bundles of 20-50 pieces, so that the lower sections are placed in the same plane.

The solution is poured into a wide glass, enameled or plastic dishes layer of 2-3 cm and planting material is placed there for 12 - 16 hours. The liquid should not get on the leaves, as it can damage them. The operation is performed in a cool, shaded place. Diluted drugs are used no more than twice.

The ends of the cuttings taken out of the solution are rinsed with water and planting begins. If there are few plants, it is easier to plant them under glass jars. But you can make a small greenhouse and cover it with film. In the middle zone it is placed on open area with shading, in the south - in places where direct sunlight reaches only early in the morning or evening (for example, under a tree). In bright sunshine, the leaves wither, fall off and the cuttings do not take root.

For the shade, materials are used that block 70-80% of light - fabric, mats, shingles. In cloudy weather they are removed.

Clean sand is poured into a greenhouse (or under jars) in a layer of 4 cm and cuttings are planted in it to a depth of 1 -1.5 cm. They are placed so that the leaves do not shade each other. Moisten the soil and air 3-10 times a day (in hot weather more often), it is better from a spray bottle, since excess moisture in the substrate is harmful. Farms use fogging units of various designs. Decayed specimens and fallen leaves are periodically removed.

After 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings. When half of the plants have rooted, gradual hardening begins. At first, the shading and film are removed only on cloudy days and at night, and after 10-15 days - completely. Make sure the sand is always wet.

At this time, it is useful to feed the plants with nitrogen: once every 2 weeks with a solution of ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 15-20 g per bucket of water.

Shoots of rooted roses often do not ripen during the summer, so they are very carefully, right at the planting site, covered for the winter with fallen leaves, sawdust or other means. You can move young bushes to the basement for the winter, in wet sand. In the spring they are planted in a permanent place.

* To do this, the soil is raked from the bush and all shoots that have developed below the grafting site are removed.

* The advisability of this technique depends on the climate.

* This is observed during the period of downward sap flow, in the middle zone usually from late July to mid-September.

Not all married couples go through all stages of life's difficulties with dignity. Divorce proceedings are a period associated with difficulties, and not only moral ones. There are also a number of issues, one way or another, related to the period of divorce. If you strictly follow all the instructions and do not make any mistakes, a divorce can be filed quickly and without extra costs.

What factors influence the speed of divorce and its registration?

  1. First you need to figure out what the composition of the family is: perhaps this is a young couple who, after a short period of time, realized the impossibility of continuing the marriage relationship, or this is a couple who have children or have acquired long time this or that property, which in court will be recognized as jointly acquired.
  2. Next, it is worth understanding the question: is the fact of a joint resolution of this issue real, or is one of the spouses somehow preventing the divorce or actually cannot be at the place where the divorce proceedings are taking place. Here you can add a clause about the need to attract a professional lawyer or whether both spouses are competent in the peaceful and independent settlement of financial issues. If there is nothing to divide, then the divorce will be finalized faster than in the opposite situation.
  3. If all the points have been taken into account and a rough plan for the development of events has already taken place, it is necessary to move on. Therefore, further specific terms and periods for divorces and trials (if necessary) will be indicated.

What to do to divorce your husband or wife as soon as possible

To answer this question, a clear understanding of the law is necessary. It is important to know that any discrepancy with the rules will lead to the divorce being declared invalid and illegal. It follows that all the rights and obligations of the spouses will remain in the same place and when a new marriage is entered into, the latter will also be declared invalid.

Therefore, if family law requires contacting certain authorities, then this is exactly what needs to be done. At the same time, if possible, it is better to use the services of a legal organization that has experience in such cases and is in close contact with the authorities state power to submit documents correctly and on time.

Option one, divorce by mutual consent and without children: a young couple (husband and wife), without property and minor children.
In this case, both spouses must submit a corresponding application to the civil registry office and submit identification documents confirming the marriage, as well as the paid state fee. This is the most convenient option, in which the divorce is carried out in short time– all this is possible if there is mutual agreement.

Option two, if you have a child: a married couple who has a child under 18 years of age or has acquired property during the marriage.
In this case, the marriage is dissolved only through the court. Any appeal to other authorities may result in the divorce being declared invalid and this process may increase significantly in terms of time.

To speed up the divorce process through the courts, you need to prepare all documents in advance. If you have minor children and peacefully agree to pay alimony, you can contact a notary and enter into an agreement on the payment of alimony, this is done quite quickly.

You can follow the same path when regulating the issue of property. As part of the trial, a settlement agreement can be concluded. At the same time, you can speed up the process by receiving subpoenas in advance, so as not to postpone court hearings to a later date.

Is it faster to get a divorce through the court or the registry office?

From the point of view of shortened terms, the process of divorcing a husband and wife through the civil registry office is faster and more profitable, since with the consent of both spouses, a divorce certificate will be received within a month. With some delays or problems with documents, this process may double.

During the trial, the same period of 1 month is established. However, it must be remembered that the deadline will begin to apply only from the moment the court makes a decision to initiate this legal proceeding, and this is an additional week to the specified deadline. In addition, do not forget about the entry into force of the court decision. To do this, you need to add another month to the total period. As a result, a full divorce can be achieved only after 2 months.
If there are difficulties or other unresolved disputes, litigation may drag on for twice as long.

The information presented in this video may also help you:

Is it possible to get a divorce over the Internet?

In the world of modern technology, the Internet plays a big role. With the help of a computer and free access to the Internet, you can contact one or another authority without leaving your home. For this purpose, there is a legalized and effectively working website for providing public services. This method is well suited for spouses who are in different cities or do not want to see each other due to some conflicting relationship; in such cases, divorce over the Internet can be the fastest option.
