Corporate script for the New Year presenter. New Year's corporate party in the office on your own

This cool, cheerful table New Year's scenario for an adult company, which was written by the modern author Nikosa, I really liked it. We hope that this funny adult New Year's scenario for a feast on New Year you will like it too. Thanks to the author!

Scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts)

The Snow Maiden enters after the presenter’s introduction:

We have opened the doors to our beautiful hall,

And everyone saw the forest guest!

Tall, beautiful, green, slender,

It glows with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Do we all like the Christmas tree?

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

He comes along the snowy road,

Round dance of snowflakes.

Mysterious and strict beauty.

New Year fills the heart!

Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes with the wind, blizzard and snow.

Now he’s silent, now he’s calling, and now he’s coming towards us!

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Ay, ay-y! I'm coming!

Good evening ladies, gentlemen.

Did you get here okay?

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

Here's the New Year, once again,

Comes to us from the stars.

And as always he beckons us,

Hope, bright dreams,

Hope, believe and love,

All three cherished words,

Take it with you and go far away,

And be happy again.


The old year is passing, its last page is rustling.

Let the best that happened not go away, and the worst cannot happen again!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 1: “Songs about the New Year”

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turns. Let's everyone try to remember a verse or at least the name of songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost.

(Whoever sang last is the winner. The winner is awarded No. 1)

GAME #: Piggy Bank

We also have a Piggy Bank of the Evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (both monetary and other promises) on New Year’s Eve can throw as many as he doesn’t mind into the piggy bank.

TOAST 2: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On your doorstep all gray Beard

Old year- old, very old,

He leaves us, he waves his hand at us

And wishes you good luck in everything!

But someone came, someone quietly called,

Three white horses at the door,

It was exactly midnight when the New Year arrived.

Pour champagne into glasses!

I raise my glass and congratulate you again,

My dears, Happy New Year!

Always do good and give love,

Despite the years and weather!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 2: "Riddles"

I have many riddles prepared for you:

It's snowing outside,

Coming soon... (New Year)

The needles glow softly,

The coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)

And the toys swing

Flags, stars,... (crackers)

Clubfoot and big

Who sleeps in a den in winter? (Bear)

How many times can you celebrate New Year in Russia?

Lying, lying,

Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)

Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

There's a mountain in the yard,

And in the hut there is water. (snow)

When needed, they throw it away,

When not needed, they raise it.

What it is? (anchor)

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (pit)

GAME #: Piggy Bank

In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not want to participate in any competitions, or will suggest the correct answers to other participants in competitions, or behaves too indecently during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine, which will immediately go to the general piggy bank Let's set together the amount of the fine,...what suggestions are there...

TOAST 3: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the New Year of throwing old and unnecessary things that have become boring during the year out of the window. We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory, as unnecessary rubbish, insults, quarrels, bad deeds... If we do all this, it will turn out that they remain in our memory only warm and pleasant memories of the old year. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 3: I suggest playing the “New Year Quiz”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also cards. But few people know that the New Year's card first appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A little hint - between 1800 and 1850. (1843) We reward the guesser

Like everywhere else, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but it is celebrated not for one day, like here, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (December 6) We reward the guesser

No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are much more blows - Japan. You have to guess how many times the Japanese walkers beat. Hint - from 100 to 150. (108 hits) We reward the guesser

Please tell me, in what year did Peter 1 issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (In 1700) We reward the guesser

(4 people who win become participants in the game and go into the hall or the middle).

GAME 4: “The Enchanted Glass”

I'll put a spell on these glasses now. I can hold one or even two glasses in my hands at the same time, as many as I want, and any of you will not cope with this task and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move from your place.

One two…. And I’ll tell you three tomorrow.”

Naturally, no one will wait until tomorrow, and they will put out the glasses. The presenter continues:

Well, since you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can have a drink?

If there is a winner. Then he is rewarded.

TOAST 4: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

TOAST 5: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will tell us that another year has passed and a new one has begun. We know nothing about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 5: “Dance with Inflatable Santa Claus”

An inflatable D.M floats around the hall to the music. Whoever the music ends with is the loser. He is given the floor for congratulations.


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

The old year is passing. Leaves without return

The thread of worries that we don’t need is leaving.

And what we desired will sink into oblivion,

Who was in love and was loved.

Suddenly - unexpectedly, names go away,

Moments, looks, songs.

The times where it was so wonderful are passing away!

Farewell, Old Year, farewell, no goodbye!

The New Year is coming to us and making promises!

(We have a drink and a snack.)


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.

And at this moment, mysteriously ringing

My love is the spark of all my deeds.

For the magic of your calling eyes,

For all the moments I spent with you,

For the joy of meetings that awaits us, -

For a thirst that knows no quenching!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

SN: (while guests drink and eat)

Smoothing out the wrinkles in our foreheads, let’s make a wish for the holiday.

Let’s forget any bad weather, maybe it’s really not in vain,

At the end of December, golden hope and happiness comes to us!

It all started in 2600 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiac calendar.

What is the Dog in the Chinese Zodiac?

In general, the Dog is a symbol of a compassionate individuality. You can always expect from a Dog good words, support, advice. The dog is a listener, always available to provide his sensitive ear or faithful shoulder to a friend at the right time. Sometimes the Dog can be annoying and may strive to take control of the situation, but this is only due to excessive impressionability and a desire to serve. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and Jennifer Lopez were born under the sign of the Dog. Nice company, really, what cute and active dogs!

Fire Dogs (1946, 2006) - Natural leaders are popular, charismatic people, always surrounded by a group of admirers. These Dogs also have high sexual attractiveness. They are enterprising and lively, honest and sincere.

Thus, we should not expect anything unpleasant from the year of the Fire Dog. This year will be a year of mercy, compassion and support. Strong countries will help weak ones, authoritative politicians will forcibly impose their projects on citizens aimed at their own good.

In life ordinary people The Fire Dog will add love and more love. To some, this love may even seem excessive.


The MOUSE will be concerned about change and tend to be on the defensive. If she manages to maintain her position and not quarrel with her partners, then she will be able to celebrate the next New Year with full bins.

VOL will find himself in a situation of choice that he will not like at first, but will open up a world of new opportunities and will be appreciated at the end of the year. It is better for him not to refuse the opportunity to take control in a difficult situation; those around him will tend to place high hopes on him.

TIGER, against the backdrop of awakened ambitions, will be able to turn his life around - and achieve renewal, self-affirmation and recognition. The most unexpected turns in events, proposals and participation in interesting projects await him.

The RABBIT will more than once find himself in circumstances where he will have to rack his brains about how to get out of them. Situations will be ambiguous, where the benefit or hidden meaning is not immediately apparent. He needs to more often pay tribute to his intuition and not refuse help if it is offered sincerely.

The DRAGON must keep financial matters under control and remain grounded in reality in his quest for impressive success. He will be visited more than once by inspiration and the excitement of capturing new positions. In the summer this can result in problems, but in the fall everything is possible...

The SNAKE should enlist the support of well-disposed partners and transfer to them a share of its responsibility. This year is more inclined towards spiritual search, travel, education and solving personal issues.

The HORSE is on the verge of significant changes. Some of them can take you by surprise - there is so much going on at once. But she will quickly be able to choose the most promising ones and will do it to her advantage. The most important thing is not to look back and overcome obstacles in one leap.

The GOAT will benefit if it takes a neutral position in all the twists and turns and situations of confrontation in which more militant and impatient signs will find themselves involved. This year, success can come to her without much effort - the one who knows how to wait always wins.

An eventful year awaits the MONKEY. She will have to use all her dexterity and intelligence to not only avoid losses, but also reach the finish line with noticeable achievements. In the professional sphere, unlimited opportunities open up for her, but in personal relationships it is better to adhere to the tactics of compromise.

The ROOSTER may be disappointed by the need to work hard without recognition of his merits, increased attention and noisy events where he could let his feathers fly. But he knows that a grain of pearl can be found by working well with his paws and beak - surprises can be expected in the fall.

The DOG understands the responsibility of the moment and is ready for a good fight. This year will bring success only to those who can stand up for themselves, know well what they want, and do not retreat in the face of a serious opponent. A sense of reality, together with well-developed intuition, guarantees her decent dividends, even more so. That she realizes all her advantages this year.

BOAR will be successful in the area of ​​life where he has good control over the situation and has the hidden support of interested parties. His wealth may increase significantly this year.

Attention, says Armenian Radio: “The program for the deaf has ended!” I remind you of our piggy bank, into which we throw all the “debts” of the past year.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!

Everyone who is single should get married, everyone who is in a quarrel should face off,

Forget about grievances, everyone who is sick - become healthy,

Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny should become fatter

Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler,

Narrow-minded people need to wise up. To all gray hairs - to darken,

So that the hair on the top of the head of bald people thickens like the Siberian forests!

So that the songs and dances never stop.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! May trouble pass us by!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 6: "Forfeits"

And now, dear friends, let's warm up a little. I suggest playing an old game, “Fanta”, without leaving the table. Everyone will pull out a piece of paper on which it will be written what the participant needs to do.

(Sn. Carries a tray of forfeits around the hall, and D.M monitors the execution of each forfeit.)

Kiss your neighbor

Apologize to your neighbor (neighbor) and achieve his (her) forgiveness

Sing a very militant song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Confess your love for inspection with gestures

Explain to your “blind” neighbor that you are very hungry using gestures

Depict Othello with your neighbor

Portray a Chapaevite (Petka or Anka)

Have a drink with your neighbor (neighbor)

Picture an eagle flying

Crow three times

Give (if you can) your neighbors a penny (cent)

Picture a child lost at a train station

Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car

Give a compliment to those present

Solemnly say the phrase “I have been sitting at the table for four days and drinking.”

Depict the dawn in the village, after the hayloft

Make a scary face

Picture yourself eating last year's cracker

Portray the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI

Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year. To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 7: “Three Phrases”

Calls for those who want to participate.

If you can repeat three phrases after me, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Ready? Let's start.

1) “What a wonderful evening today!” The player must repeat word for word.

2) “You are simply beautiful!” At the same time, D.M does not behave confidently, and after the participant repeats the phrase, he happily spreads his hands and says:

3) “So you lost!” Usually players make mistakes and ask again “Why?”

Whoever repeats it wins and is awarded.

If there are winners, they are awarded.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On a snowy winter road

The old year is being swept away.

Let everything you want come true.

On New Year's moonlit night.

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 8: “Divination by glass”

I suggest everyone to make a wish cherished wish for this year and choose a glass under which the answer will be. One condition, to read it, you need to drink a glass, under the cat. there is a piece of paper with a prophecy.

1- Act boldly and riskily today. To fulfill your desire you will need determination and assertiveness. It may come true, but you will have to fight for it.

2- The desire to come true. It will bring joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.

3- A definite NO. This is also advice to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.

4- Now the time has not yet passed for our plan or aspiration. We need to wait, circumstances may change.

5- There is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, and promises good conditions for what is planned.

7- Luck smiles on you. But don't interpret this as a definite YES to your question. He suggests that a wide range of extremely favorable opportunities will be provided to fulfill a desire. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.

8- What you wish for may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When achieving what you want, do not act headlong or spontaneously. The voice of reason will give the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.

9- This is YES, and the wish will be fulfilled without any effort. The whole situation has developed in such a way that there are no obstacles to your plan.

10- Luck is your middle name. Intuition will lead you on the right path to achieving your desire. Don't overthink it, don't use logic, just trust yourself and enjoy life.

11- All roads lead to Rome. And there are many paths to your desire, but which one you choose will affect the range of events related to your personal life. In order not to make a mistake and choose the right path, look back, haven’t you already followed it once?

12- Your wish will come true, but don’t forget that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. You have to pay for everything. But it’s up to you to choose which “coin” you pay with. But just remember that everything has its price.

13- A desire will only come true if it is your true desire. Well, don’t be upset if you don’t get it, but rather look into the innermost corners of your soul to understand what you really want.

14- Be fulfilled, but only if your desire is very important and significant for you. You will have to put in a little effort to achieve what you want, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

15- YES, YES, and YES again! Hasn't it already come true?

16- A wish can come true, but with the help of your loved ones and loved ones who will offer it to you sincerely. Do not reject help, because this is the path to fulfillment of your desire.

17- Your wish will come true, don’t worry so much. Calm down and prepare to wait patiently. You will really need composure and restraint now. Remember. That the one who knows how to wait wins.

GAME***: “Sirtaki”

Hear, the music started again:

Fun and joy sparkle everywhere

Let each of you spin in a waltz!

The floor is given to our “Disc Jockey”.

(dance SIRTAKI).

Hurry to the round dance, let everyone sing,

A wonderful Christmas tree awaits everyone.

How more people the more guests,

It will be even more fun.

Now let's play and dance to the Russian gypsy song.

GAME ***: “Gypsy”

5-6 players are called and the same number of chairs are placed. Music is played, participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops and the participants take off one thing at a time. Do this several times. Afterwards, different music sounds, and the participants begin to dress the same way. Where the participant stays is where he dresses.

Prize for the most extravagant (chosen with the help of invitees).

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Health, joy and happiness

The script will help brighten up any party. 10-15 people can take part. Interesting, fun competitions will give a number of positive emotions and good memories. There are no time restrictions on the scenario. The scenario is suitable for both an office and a restaurant, the main thing is that the room is spacious. Between competitions and toasts, musical breaks can be announced.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus.

Details: gifts for competitions, several certificates, diplomas, Balloons, thread, tape, markers, a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, gifts for the lottery and fortune telling, lottery tickets, a bag, balls with numbers, coins, jar, ribbons, gifts in Santa Claus's bag.

Good evening all friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
A magical time awaits
There will be a celebration, loud laughter!
There will be gifts, treats,
I promise you a good evening,
I wish everyone good mood,
I'm starting our holiday!

(There is a knock. A slightly shabby-looking Santa Claus flies into the hall)

Father Frost :
Oops, where did this take me?

Hello. I hasten to inform you that you are at a very important event that is taking place at (__________ address).

Father Frost :
How so? Should I be in Paris, or where else do they like frogs? And where is my staff and bag? Who took my things?

Grandfather, you should probably sit down, okay? We have a corporate party, people want to celebrate, look how beautiful and elegant everyone is. And when the holiday is over, we will definitely help you find it.

Father Frost :
Baby, I have no time! You see, I still have to go to Tokyo, Milan, London, and somewhere else I need to go!

Unfortunately, I can’t help, everything is calculated to the minute!

Father Frost :
And at the end of the evening?

I'll see what we can do for you! In the meantime, I invite you to sit down at the festive table and immerse yourself in our festive atmosphere!

Father Frost :
No, I'll wander around a little for now,
Maybe I'll remember what's what,
The road is already waiting for me,
I will come to you all again!

(Santa Claus disappears behind the door)

Friends, my dears,
I suggest filling the glasses,
The year we are about to spend,
It's a little sad, but it's necessary.
I suggest you have a drink
For hopes, dreams,
And so that we do not lose values,
Raise your glasses together,
I wish you to let go of the past!

(Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to the passing year)

I am sure that you have many pleasant memories of the past year. I propose to list them. Just remember that it is important to name all the funniest, most interesting and curious incidents that happened to your team over the year. Whoever remembers the most will receive a wonderful prize, whoever cannot name anything is eliminated.

(The winner of the competition receives a certificate of honor or diploma)

So many interesting and amazing things have happened to you this year. It seems to me that you have become even closer and more friendly over all this time. Your team is one family that is becoming stronger every day. It is for your unity and originality that I propose to raise a glass!

I want to offer you an exciting activity that will once again prove your unity, brightness and creativity. So, pay attention to “Dance Boom”!

The presenter invites 3 couples. The task is simple - dance. But it shouldn’t just be a dance, couples dance to 4 different tunes: “tango”, “lady”, “gypsy”, “Lezginka”. Whoever dances the best will receive a prize. The winners are determined by the audience."

(There is a knock. Santa Claus flies in)

Father Frost :
Hello again! Well, why haven’t you seen my staff? And the bag?

(Everyone shakes their heads negatively. Santa Claus leaves)

He's strange. OK. My dears, we have smoothly moved on to the third toast, which means that we will raise our glasses to a wonderful feeling, repeatedly sung by poets, to love! I want each of you to feel the influence of love spells in the New Year. So that everyone has their own soul mate and soul mate who will warm you up on cold winter evenings. For love, my friends!

The time for congratulations has come,
Let good rule everywhere,
You don't skimp on your words,
Let everythnig will be alright!

(The competition for the best begins. The winner receives a symbolic prize)

As you have already noticed, our holiday is missing the Snow Maiden, apparently our absent-minded Santa Claus has lost her too, so I suggest our dear men make her!

(The competition “Blind me” is announced. Two male teams are selected. The task of each of the balloons is to mold a female sculpture. The balloons can be inflated or not. The duration of the competition is 3 minutes. The winning team receives a prize. Competition details: balloons, threads, tape , markers)

What great fellows you all are, truly great sculptors! Friends, I propose to raise a glass to the talent of these wonderful men who gave us two Snow Maidens!

My dears, I ask everyone to stand around! I want to dress you all up a little! Of course, you all look great, but still something is missing.

(The “Clothes” competition begins. Various funny, absurd things are put into a large box. The music is turned on. The presenter hands the box to the participants. When the music stops abruptly, the one who has the box in his hands will have to take out any thing at random and put it on. Things cannot be removed for 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can choose another funny one. Contest details: a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, etc. quantity things should be equal to the number of participants)

How fashionable, bright, and interesting you all are now! I propose to dedicate this toast to your extraordinaryness, so that it manifests itself not only in clothes, but in your business ideas!

I have good news for you! At our amazing evening there is a win-win, magical lottery, the lots of which will bring you a lot of joy and happiness! Those who wish to participate must sing a New Year's song!

(Lottery lots can be small chocolates, notepads, pens, a set of pencils, keychains. You can also buy several small puzzles. The main thing is to pack everything in identical boxes and write on each one New Year's prediction. To participate in the lottery you will need to purchase a ticket, which it is advisable to sell at the beginning of the evening. Then the presenter will take out balls with numbers from the bag. Whose number matches gets the prize)

I hope everyone was pleased with their gifts. And now, I suggest you test your accuracy!

Competition "Coin"
Two pairs of participants are selected. A pair of a man and a woman. Men tie a tin can (can be cut off) to their belt plastic bottle). The woman is given 10 coins. The woman moves away a little and throws coins, the man’s task is to collect them in a jar. The pair that collects the most coins will win. Competition details: coins, cans, ribbons (cans will be attached to them).

You don’t have a team, but a complete find! And dexterous, and accurate, and talented! I want to wish you to always remain like this!

(There is a knock, Santa Claus flies in with a bag and a staff)

Father Frost :
I found all my goodness,
And I came to you for the holiday,
I'm ready to dance with you,
Raise toasts with you!
New Year is just around the corner,
Give you gifts!

Grandfather, take a seat at the table.

Father Frost :
Why are you granddaughter, I’ve already had enough, I want to dance! But I won’t dance alone, I could use assistants!

Assistants? For what?

Father Frost :
I want to put on a beautiful dance. Synchronous. Don't worry, I'll choose it myself!

(Several employees are selected. The music is turned on, the girls’ task is to repeat the movements of Santa Claus. The one who does it better will receive a prize)

Father Frost :
I danced and got drunk,
It's time to give me gifts,
And for all this to happen,
They should say congratulations to me!

(Employees take turns saying congratulations)

New Year is coming,
It's time for us all to meet him,
And we need to say goodbye to the past,
And open all doors to new things!
My dears, I invite you to step over the outgoing year and enter the New one!

(A ribbon is tied between two chairs. All corporate party participants must hold hands and step over the ribbon)

Our evening is coming to an end,
Good luck to everyone, I want to wish you happiness,
So that what you wish comes true,
This coming year!
May there be prosperity and patience,
Good luck to you in your future endeavors,
Creative inspiration, mood,
And don’t be afraid to get lost in your dreams!

Corporate New Year's parties are becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, it is worth preparing thoroughly for this long-awaited holiday, so that next year your employees will work with even greater dedication and enthusiasm. They will help!!!

Corporate New Year scenario

For the event you will need:
. Props for competitions.
. Prizes and gifts.

Event plan:
. Official congratulations.
. Banquet.
. Game "Memories".
. Contest of wishes for next year.
. Election of honorary Father Frost.
. Election of the Snow Maiden.
. Competitions and games.
. Astrological forecast for office workers.
. Dancing.

Official congratulations

It is best to start the holiday with an official congratulation from the company's management (director, heads of departments). Congratulations should not be drawn out; it is advisable to spend it with humor, jokes and New Year's poems. Should not be used congratulatory speech for an official report on the work done, it is enough just to briefly summarize the results of the year and be sure to thank all employees.

Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration is taking place, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after official congratulations.
On long holidays such as New Year, it is not recommended to have a buffet. Even if a general feast is not planned, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of seats for participants.

Game "Memories"

This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. Players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the company (or is directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.
The game can be stopped earlier by rewarding several participants. The best prize There will be a notebook in the game.

Contest of wishes for next year

In addition, at the table you can hold a competition for best wishes company or your department for the next year. It is most convenient if the wishes take the form of toasts. A jury made up of the company's management selects the winners who are awarded prizes. The most suitable prize for this competition is a bottle of champagne or other wine.

Election of honorary Father Frost

After the bulk of the guests have had their fill, you can offer some more active entertainment. The presenter announces a competition for honorary Father Frost. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them:


Each contestant receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut out the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive prize points.

Frost Breath

For the next competition, players place their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many contenders for the title of Santa Claus, you can move several tables). Their task is to blow away a snowflake from the opposite side of the table.
Participants try to do this as quickly as possible, but the prize point in the competition will be awarded to the player whose snowflake was the last to fly off the table. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has “the frostiest breath.”

Red nose

In this competition, participants are invited to drink a glass of vodka or other strong drink. After this, the audience chooses the contestant with the reddest nose. He gets a bonus point.
The candidate who scores the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He wears a Santa Claus mask or a red Santa Claus hat. If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by drawing lots or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.
All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
Despite the simplicity of these competitions, they are very fun in a certain festive atmosphere.

Election of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to choose a granddaughter for Santa Claus, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maiden competition. The following competitions are held between the candidates:

New Year's song

The contestants take turns singing a verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, who receives a prize point.

Santa Claus's request

Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items before others receives a prize point
Items can be very diverse: fruit, jewelry, a glass of some drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the looseness of the company) and shoes. Participants must ask other guests for the necessary things, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Affectionate granddaughter

The contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the candidate who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words Santa Claus liked the most. The winner receives a bonus point.
The participant who scores more points than the others is declared the winner and appointed as the Snow Maiden. If several candidates for this role score the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.
All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
After the election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they can give all guests small memorable gifts (for example, boxes of chocolates).

Competitions and games

After the competitions, you can hold several games among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues; some of those present may start dancing.

North and south wind

To play, you need two participants and one snowflake, cut out at the Santa Claus competition. The snowflake is placed on the table, the participants take places on opposite sides of the table. At the leader’s command, the players begin to blow on the snowflake, trying to throw it off the table from the opponent’s side. The one who succeeds will receive a prize.
After several pairs of participants try their hand at this competition, those who wish are invited to do the same, but blindfolded. The draw is that after the participants are blindfolded, the snowflake is replaced with a saucer of flour, on which the participants begin to blow.
If you are not sure that the participants will perceive such a prank with humor, it is better to limit yourself to the usual rules of the game. In any case, it is not recommended to involve women in the drawing.

Rehash about winter

This game is best played during a feast. Participants can be divided into teams. Each participant (or team) takes turns singing a verse of a song about winter. The participant who finds it difficult to make his move is eliminated. The last participant (or team of players) remaining in the game receives a prize.

Also a game for feasts. Participants take turns naming any date starting from January 1st. In this case, the next participant changes the day or month in the date named by the previous participant, and the named date must be later.

For example:
1st player: “January 2.”
2nd player: “February 2.”
3rd player: “February 7.”
4th player: “June 7.”
5th player: “June 30”, etc.
Thus, the named dates are increasingly approaching December 31st. The participant who has to name this date loses and completes the penalty task assigned by the other participants.

Astrological forecast for office workers

To entertain guests, one of the participants can dress up as a fortune teller or astrologer. The simplest option for prediction is to find a zodiac horoscope for the next year (preferably a comic one) and read it.

Another option is for the host to inform guests about a new discovery by astrologers and modern magicians. Everyone knows the zodiac, Chinese, flower and Druid horoscopes. But now it has appeared new horoscope- office workers (if this name does not quite suit the company’s activities, it is possible to modify the proposed forecasts, making them more relevant for the given organization).
Examples of a comic office horoscope:

Born from January 1 to February 20. Your symbol is “Table”
Next year you will become the best support for your work colleagues and loved ones in serious matters. However, try to at least sometimes succumb to worldly temptations, and not waste all your energy on work.

Born from February 21 to March 10. Your symbol is “Chair”
Next year you will be recognized as the most conscientious and responsible employee. However, be vigilant if morally unstable individuals appear among your friends.

Born from March 10 to April 20. Your symbol "Wardrobe"
Next year you will experience material well-being. And if you follow the advice and be more open and generous with others, your position in society will improve and you will make new friends.

Born from April 21 to May 20. Your symbol "Computer"
Next year you should Special attention pay attention to your health. Beware of viruses! Otherwise, your business will go uphill, and your abilities will be noticed by others and appreciated by your superiors.

Born from May 21 to June 20. Your "Fax" symbol
Good luck will accompany you throughout the next year. However, be careful to avoid gossip and backbiting.

Born from June 21 to August 10. Your "Telephone" symbol
Next year you will experience some troubles related to work. At the same time, this will be a year of new acquaintances and amazing adventures.

Born from August 11 to September 20. Yours, the symbol “Lamp”
Next year you will bring a lot of joy to those around you. Everyone will be glad to meet you and be your friend. However, try to avoid stressful situations and overload at work.

Born from September 21 to November 10. Your "Organizer" symbol
Next year you will find many useful contacts. Try not to miss a good chance that will definitely present itself to you.

Born from November 11 to December 31. Your symbol “Electric kettle”
The next year will be happy for your personal life and friendships. However, try to think about work at least sometimes.
The proposed horoscope can also be written on posters decorating the room. In this case, it is necessary to make appropriate explanations.

For active recreation, you can organize dancing or hold several more Games.

Best script New Year CORPORATE PARTY

The cafe hall where the evening takes place is decorated in New Year's style. With all its New Year's decorations, there should be marine motifs here, since the theme of the evening is already stated in the title. What it could be: ropes, rope ladders, fishing nets, voluminous paper decorations (fish, stars, crabs, octopuses...). Bright colorful posters will also come in handy:

"In the New Year - seven feet under the keel!"
“On New Year’s Day, any sea is knee-deep!”
"Happy New Year's sailing!"
"Tailwind in the New Year!"

While the participants of the festive evening gather in the cafe hall, modern hits on New Year's and maritime themes are heard.

Spontaneous gaming attractions are held in the lobby and on the dance floor. Why spontaneous?.. Because no one is agitating for participation in them, no one is admonishing for compulsory participation. The gaming space and gaming action must be calculated so that guests, on their own initiative, take part in the proposed gaming attractions and amusements. Attractions are located throughout the free holiday space so as not to interfere with each other. Each game point has an animator who explains the rules of the game, gives out prizes (and possibly collects money).

"Autograph as a keepsake."

At the entrance to the hall, a blank Whatman paper is affixed in a visible place on the wall, with the inscription on top:

"Everyone who is here, don’t be lazy,
Sign here as a keepsake."
Blue and red markers are attached to strings on both sides of the Whatman paper. Ladies sign an autograph with a red marker, gentlemen with a blue marker. You can also leave your congratulations. And the most interesting ones will be read out during the evening.

During the evening, you can use the following information: how many guests are present at the evening; how many women (red autographs); how many men (autographs are blue).

"New Year's fishing"

It is necessary to prepare the props: 2-3 fake fishing rods, on which a ring is attached instead of a hook (metal, a ring for curtains is suitable). You will also need a stopwatch or watch with a second hand and bottled drinks.

Task: players try to put a ring on the neck of a bottle from a set distance. If you manage to “ring” a bottle, you will receive it as a gift. Instead of “catch” items, you can use bottles with various drinks: mineral water, soda, beer, champagne, cognac...

Since there are usually a lot of people willing, we can set the following rule:

Non-alcoholic drinks - 1 minute of “fishing” costs 5 rubles;
alcoholic drinks - 1 minute 10 rubles.
"Underwater shooting range".

Props: a three-liter jar of water, at the bottom of which there is a small glass (glass).

Task: throw a coin into a jar so that it ends up in a pile. You can only throw rubles (not pennies). Hit the pile - get a prize. The coin flew past - the money remains in the bank.


Props: build a frame 1.5 x 1.5 m from slats; Stuff nails along the slats and pull the fishing line so that you get a grid of squares: number the cells horizontally with numbers (from 1 to 8), and vertically with letters (from A to Z). Thus, a playing field of 64 cells is obtained. You will also need two plastic balls connected by a short cord (5-7 cm). The diameter of the balls should easily fit into the cells.

Task: the player throws connected balls onto a vertical playing field so that the balls hang in some cell. The animator has on his tablet the same playing field, on which the different places 5-7 cells are “ships”. If the balls end up in the cell where the “ship” is located, the player receives a prize. If the attempt is unsuccessful - alas...

At the request of the organizers, the game can be “paid”: one attempt - 1 ruble.

Music is playing. Guests arrive and rent outerwear to the wardrobe and leave autographs, and some leave congratulations and wishes...

Someone has already become excited and carried away by the games. Someone is chatting nicely with each other, or watching the players...

15 minutes before the start of the program a musical cue sounds and...

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 15 minutes, the New Year's regatta will begin its festive sailing! Thank you!

10 minutes before the start of the program, the musical beat and voice of the announcer sound again.

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 10 minutes the festive New Year's regatta will start! Thank you!

5 minutes before the start of the program - musical cue and announcer.

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 5 minutes we will go on a New Year's journey! Take your seats! Thank you!

So the time has come to begin holiday program. Solemn fanfare sounds...

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! Attention…

Musical introduction. The presenter comes out with a song. It is possible that the song is performed by a vocalist.

Leading. One day a wonderful day comes to us,
And everyone is waiting for his arrival with hope.
This miracle happens again
And this is a miracle holiday - New Year!
And outside the window fluffy snow sparkles,
A sparrow ruffled its feathers on a branch.
Let's get together with friends this evening
Celebrate your favorite holiday as soon as possible.

Chorus: New Year! New Year!
New Year is coming across the planet!
New Year! New Year!
The New Year will come with new happiness!
Leading. The cold snow turns silver,
The moonlight streams over him,
The stars dance in circles...
And the light, clear one approaches,
Majestic and beautiful,
The newest New Year!
He comes with a cheerful song,
It gets more wonderful with every step
He sings about joy.
There are ringing strings in every heart
They answer: “Hello, young
The youngest New Year!"
I want to say so much...
The road is bright ahead!
Time flies, life doesn't wait!
Hello bright, hello clear
Welcome guest, wonderful guest!
Hello, glorious New Year!
Leading. Good New Year's evening, dear friends!

How nice it is that we have a holiday that everyone enjoys. A holiday that knows no boundaries in time, space or age. Probably the only holiday of the year that promises us a miracle!

And it doesn’t matter whether it happens or not... The important thing is that we believe in it. And if this faith and expectation of a miracle does not fade away in us, it means that the greatest events in our lives have not yet happened.

Dear friends! Look around, pay attention, your friends and colleagues are sitting next to you - smart, beautiful, cheerful, festive... Let's smile at each other! Let's smile with all our hearts! And we all wish together:

"Happy New Year with a new happiness!".

Musical screensaver.

Leading. So, friends, the time has come,
At this festive table,
Fill everyone's glasses
Champagne rainbow wine!..
Toast. Champagne. Music. Banquet break.
Impromptu "Auction of "new" desires."

Leading. On these holidays, we wish each other only a new... New Year! New happiness! - if someone is not satisfied with the old... New friends! - although we must not forget that " old friend, better than the new two"…

What else do we wish each other new on the eve of the New Year?...

An auction of “new wishes” is being held.

Impromptu "Travel Dance Auction".

Leading. Thank you for the kaleidoscope of wishes, and joining them, I want to wish you all new travels. By the way, let’s remember what you can travel on. But you must not name your options, but show them. As soon as the music starts, one of you rises from your seat, and to the beat of the music shows a movement by which we will all understand what the people of our planet travel on...

A "Travel Dance Auction" is being held.

Impromptu "Captain, title, song."

Leading. So, we are convinced that there are many means of transportation for travel. But I invite everyone to go on a New Year's cruise on the waves of good mood, with wishes of a fair wind and “seven feet under the keel”... So, I announce the beginning of the “New Year's Regatta”.

Musical screensaver.

Leading. ___ crews are participating in the New Year's regatta.

The number of crews is determined by the number of tables.

Leading. Each crew, that is, each table in our festive space, chooses its own captain and comes up with the name of its yacht. At the same time, remember: “Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” And don’t forget about the accompanying song that you will present to us soon, that is, you will sing.

You have very little time, exactly as long as the song will sound. No questions?…

The song "Captain, captain, smile!" plays. The song can be performed by both the leader and the vocalist.

Leading. Stop! Time is money, and money doesn’t come easy to us... Which means we’re starting a parade-presentation of the crews of the New Year’s regatta.

Each crew introduces the captain, the name of the yacht, and a passing song.

Leading. Everything is ready to start! I hand over a shell to the captains, who will announce the opening of the New Year's voyage...

The captains are given firecrackers or boom fetti.

Leading. Captains, are you ready? Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Damn!... Give up the mooring lines!...

Firecracker explosions. Musical screensaver.

Impromptu "Raffle with champagne."

Leading. Before the start of the voyage, a bottle of champagne breaks on the side... But we won’t break it, but rather play it...

From the letters that make up the word “champagne” you can make up many other words, for example: shaman, scythe, chance... So you are given a unique chance to show off your intellect and “break” our “champagne” into many word fragments. The crew that gives the last word will become the owner of this New Year's drink. If there are no questions, let's begin...

A drawing is taking place. Word clues: pan, punk, juice, nose, con, shop, hat, shmon, sleep, veneer, catfish, mena, foam, etc.

Leading. The New Year's regatta has started! Along the holiday route, we will get acquainted with the New Year's traditions of the countries off the coast of which we will make intermediate finishes. For victory and active participation in the New Year's national competitions, the crews will be awarded an honorary flag-pennant. The more flags on board your yacht, the longer the New Year's flag garland. The longer the garland, the greater the chances of becoming the owner of the Grand Prix of the New Year's regatta.

In the meantime, a show-gastronomic break is announced...

Banquet break with show numbers and festive toasts and congratulations (15-20 min).

"Off the Turkish coast..."

Leading. Dear sailors and sailors! Our route took us to Turkey...

Turkish music is playing.

Leading. By the way. You may not believe me, but Turkey is the birthplace of the main New Year's character - Santa Claus. Although in different countries, the New Year's old man is called differently. On the territory of this country there is the famous Church of St. Nicholas, who is the prototype of all New Year's grandfathers in the world. There is a very ancient true legend...

“The good miracle worker and persecutor of evil, the patron saint of kidnapped and lost children, lived in 300 AD. Once Nicholas of Merlikiy walked through the village past the house of a poor man. And there the father was going to send his daughters to “study” the oldest profession. Nikolai did not like this, and at night he threw three purses of gold into the house through the chimney. They landed in the girl's shoes, which were drying by the fireplace. The happy father bought a dowry for his daughters and married them off."

The ringing of coins is a phonogram.

Leading. What else has Turkish country given to the whole world? We remember and call...

Participants name options for “Turkish gifts” - Turkish coffee, Turkish resorts, Turkish sweets, Turkish bistros, Turkish bath, etc.

The presenter invites those who named one of the “Turkish gifts” to the center of the hall.

Leading. (To the impromptu participants.) I have several wallets in my hands, but only one of them contains three coins. You select any of them, and then, at my command, check the contents. Whoever has three treasured coins in his wallet is the lucky one, as he will bring his team a prize flag to the future rating garland.

An impromptu performance is carried out: the participants take wallets from the presenter’s tray (they cannot be touched first), and at the presenter’s signal they open them - whoever has three coins, the crew receives a prize pennant flag.

"Turkish Night"

Leading. Anyone who has vacationed in Turkish resorts is familiar with the concept of “Turkish night.” The tables are set with traditional dishes, national music is played, local folk groups perform... On this night, Turkish dances are performed without fail.

One participant from each crew is invited to a master class on Turkish dancing.

Leading. Turkish dances are not easy to perform, but very simple. Everyone stood in one line. Look at me and repeat after me...

The presenter or animator-dancer shows the dance movements. Participants repeat after him.

Dance combination:

“Two - put your left foot next to your right foot.
"Three" - step with the right foot to the right.
"Four" - place your left foot next to your right foot.
"Five" - ​​step with the right foot to the right.
“Six” - the left foot is placed on the heel in front of the right foot.
"Seven" - step with your left foot to the left.
“Eight” - the right foot is placed on the heel in front of the left foot.
Then everything starts again with the right foot to the right. The dance movement is performed in a line, moving in a circle.

Leading. Now let's try to perform all this to music...

The participants, together with the leader, perform a combination to the music.

Leading. But that is not all. If you have ever seen how the Turks themselves perform this, you will notice that in their right hand they hold a scarf, which they periodically wave. Instead of a scarf, we give you air balloons.

Participants are given balloons.

Leading. Now, attention. Conditions of our competitive Turkish dancing. You take the ball into right hand and lift it up. The left hand is behind the back. Music sounds, we dance together. As soon as during the dance I say: “One, two, three, four, five! It’s time to throw the ball up!” At the last word of my simple rap, you throw the balls up. Whose ball hits the floor first gets to his yacht. And with other representatives of the crews, competitive dance battles will continue.

As soon as we have the last participant left, the winner will be determined - the crew of the impromptu “Turkish night”.

It is very important that you throw your ball on time, otherwise you will be removed from the dance ring.

A competition is being held. Participants dance with balloons in their hands. On the fourth performance, the presenter, in rhythm with the music, pronounces a “rap count.” At the end of the leader’s text, the participants throw all the balls up. Whose ball fell to the floor first, that participant is eliminated from the competition. The competition continues further. With each round there are one fewer participants. The game is played until a winner is identified.

Whose representative won the Turkish dance competition, that crew receives a winner’s pennant flag. It is advisable to give participants balloons of different colors, this will make it easier to follow the results of the competition at each stage.

Leading. Türkiye is a wonderful country with interesting traditions and nice resorts. And we will end this sparkling New Year's “Turkish night” with a traditional belly dance.

Concert number "Belly Dance". It is advisable to use interactivity during this performance - the dancer, after performing the staged composition, “infiltrates the people” and provokes the participants to dance with her. It’s interesting when men take part in this impromptu performance.

Leading. We continue our New Year's Mediterranean route. Interesting meetings with European countries await us ahead. And now, dance and gastronomic break.

Banquet break with disco, toasts, congratulations and hot dishes (25-30 min).

"Greece has everything!"

Leading. We continue the New Year's regatta. On the way there is a country about which they say that it has everything. Greece!

Greek music sounds.

Leading. New Year in the birthplace of the Olympic Games is St. Basil's Day. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts.

Greeks, going to their relatives or friends on New Year's Eve, take with them a gift - a mossy stone. Leaving it to the owners, they say: “May your money be as heavy as this stone!”

"Are walnuts tough?"

Presenter: I have in my hands a bag of walnuts that you need to crack, but not with the power of your teeth, but with the power of your intellect. I'm asking a Greek New Year's question. For the correct answer the crew receives Walnut. The more nuts, the greater the chances of winning this competition. Attention, question...

What is the name of the Greek New Year's grandfather, that is, the colleague of the Russian Father Frost? (St. Basil.)
Name the most prestigious competitions in which athletes participated Ancient Greece? (Olympic Games.)
According to one of the New Year's customs, at exactly midnight, the mother of the family goes out into the yard and smashes a fruit against the wall of the house. If the grains scatter throughout the yard, it means good luck awaits the family in the new year. What kind of fruit is this? (Pomegranate.)
What Greek folk dance is popular at our corporate parties? (Sirtaki.)
Do you believe that in Greece in New Year's Eve bring a goat into the house and rub its horns with olive oil so that the next year will be abundant? (No.)
In what year did Greece win the famous Eurovision Song Contest? (2005 year.)
Venue for a divine Greek party? (Olympus.)
For the correct answer, the presenter gives the crews a walnut; the one who has the most of them receives a pennant flag.

"Sirtaki in top-clap style."

Leading. Our next competition is a dance competition again and I invite one representative from each crew.

Participants of the competition are determined.

Leading. Sirtaki is a famous Greek dance that is known throughout the world. And we cannot ignore this dance masterpiece. First, let's learn the movements...

The presenter or animator-choreographer shows the participants a dance combination.

Dance combination:

“One” - step with the right foot to the right.
“Two” - place your left foot on your toes in front of your right foot.

“Four” - place your right foot on your toes in front of your left foot.

“One” - step with the right foot to the right.
“Two” - place your left foot on the toe behind your right foot.
"Three" - step with the left foot to the left.
“Four” - place your right foot on the toe behind your left foot.
"Five-eight" - repeat the combination.
Express training takes place to music; learning is done at a slow tempo.

Leading. Now each of you ties a balloon to your ankle.

The assistants hand the players balloons, which they tie at ankle level.

Leading. We hold hands and stand in a circle. The music sounds, you perform sirtaki, to the applause of your colleagues. When the music stops, you need to try to crush your opponent’s ball with your foot, while keeping yours. You can't unclasp your hands. Whoever loses the balloon is eliminated from the dancing and stomping game. Remember, we step on the ball, not on our feet. So, let's dance sirtaki in the top-clap style.

A competition is being held. The players join hands and stand in a circle. To the music, they perform the movements that they have previously learned. When the music stops, the balloons burst. Participants whose balloons burst are eliminated from the game. For those remaining, the music sounds again and the game continues. Thus, the competition goes down to the last participant, who becomes the winner. The crew whose representative wins is awarded the coveted New Year's pennant.

Leading. Maybe Greece has everything, but we won’t linger here. Let's continue our New Year's sea voyage. Which next country We will make you happy with our visit, we will find out a little later. And now there's a break. We communicate, dance and congratulate each other in a free atmosphere.

Banquet break (15-20 minutes) Music, dancing, communication. At the end of the disco program of this break, it is desirable that Italian pop songs be played.

"Oh! This is Italy!"

Leading. So, Italy! A country of unique vocals, long, long pasta, and world prestigious film festivals.

Italian music is playing.

Leading. I do not recommend going close to the walls of houses. It just so happens that Italians throw old things out of windows on New Year’s Eve - flower pots, chairs, boots fly onto the pavement... It happens that a huge ancient wardrobe falls to the ground with a wild roar. The more things you throw away, Italians believe, the more wealth the New Year will bring.

Italians on New Year's Day
Opening the windows wide,
Without hesitation, without hassle,
They throw junk into them willingly.
This is the New Year's custom -
Good luck so that the year does not leave,
Italians are so used to it
Throw anything out of the windows.
"Getting rid of unnecessary feelings and emotions."

Leading. Now we'll get rid of unnecessary trash. But not material, but spiritual-sensual. For each crew there will be a riddle that will need to be answered by the whole crew, that is, in unison.

The presenter reads a riddle for each crew, to which they, the crews, answer in unison.

Leading. So that we are lucky in everything,
We can easily throw away... (Evil.)
So that life seems fun,
Let's leave it forever... (Envy.)
A year that promises good changes,
It's time to give up... (Betrayal.)
So that life is heavenly manna,
Everyone needs to get rid of... (Deception.)
So that we are not overcome by storms and thunderstorms,
Let's eradicate mutual... (Threats.)
So that unwanted disputes disappear into existence,
Let's forget family forever... (Quarrels.)
So that circumstances are always successful,
Let's eradicate offensive practices from practice... (Expletive.)
"Garbageball in Italian"

Leading. And again the New Year's competition. But with an Italian flavor. And I invite one representative from each crew.

Participants for the competition are determined.

Leading. First, let's cast lots...

The assistant brings out a box with numbers, identical numbers on two cards - two “ones”, two “twos”, etc., depending on the number of crews. Participants take out numbers.

Leading. Who has number one? So you will compete with each other. Now we will master the Italian New Year's tradition, namely throwing garbage out of the window. Moreover, this competition will be held in the form of a championship. First, pairs determined by lot compete - the so-called 1/8 finals. Then the winners of the 1/8 compete in pairs. And so we reach the final game.

Now, pay attention! Conditions of the game. In the center playing field there is a “window”...

An assistant comes out with a “window” - a square is constructed from large spaghetti balloons; and stands in the center of the site.

Leading. On each side of the window there is the same amount of “garbage”.

The role of garbage is played by balloons scattered on the floor.

Leading. While the music is playing, players throw “garbage” through the “window” onto the enemy side. As soon as the music stops, the window slams shut and we count the “trash” on each side of the playing field. Whoever has more of him on his side will be eliminated from the round of the “garbage ball” championship. So, bypassing 1/8, 1/4, semi-finals, we will find out who will fight in the final.

If there are no questions?... Players number one, I ask you to come to the court...

A competition is being held. Music plays (30 seconds), at which time players throw balls from their territory to the enemy’s side through the “window”. As soon as the music stops, the assistant holding the “window” blocks it with his chest.

The number of balls is counted. Which side has more balls is eliminated from the competition. And the winner advances to the next round of the “championship”.

After all the pairs have played, the winners of the first round, that is, 1/8, begin to compete. Using the same technology, the game is played until the final, where the winner is determined, who is awarded the winner’s flag.

Leading. New Year is a holiday of fulfillment of desires and expectation of a miracle! We’ll find out a little later which country will be on our way next. A time-out is announced for New Year's sea travel.

Concert numbers and congratulations. Disco break (10-15 minutes).

"Under the sky of Paris"

Leading. Dear participants of the New Year's regatta, we continue our journey. Many people would like to visit the capital of this country. No wonder they say about this city: “See Paris and die...”.

The waltz “Under the Sky of Paris” or other French music sounds.

Leading. France is waiting for us, ladies and gentlemen! What's so special about it?...

The host listens to the responses of the party participants.

Leading. In this European country, the president is elected once every 7 years. France is also a country that annually hosts the most unusual stilt running competitions.

The French Santa Claus is called Pere Noel. He puts his New Year's gifts in the children's shoes. A large log, which is lit in the fireplaces of houses on New Year's night, is considered a symbol of prosperity and family hearth. For festive table French women cook seven mandatory dishes, including cauliflower, soup with garlic, snails... The Parisian New Year is, first of all, mass celebrations on the Champs Elysees, where acquaintances are made and champagne is drunk right on the street.

And it was here, in France, that the first café-chantants appeared, that is, cafes where they sing.

"Frozen Songs"

Leading. We are not interested in a New Year without songs.
We sing them while sitting at the table.
About the horse from the cold, about the threats of winter,
We sing from the heart about a Christmas tree from the forest.
Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call last words lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

The Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song "Christmas tree": "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, in the forest it grew...");
icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song "Winter": "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...");
me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);
frost - wires - blue - star (Song "Blue Frost": "Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...");
brought - Frost - I look - thank you (Song “It’s Snowing”: “Probably good Santa Claus brought my love to me...”);
minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);
centuries - seas - bears - earth ("Song about bears": "Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...");
young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance ...”).
As soon as the guessed answer is heard, the music of the guessed song immediately sounds. And the crew who guessed the song performs a verse to the music. Whichever crew has the most guessed songs will be awarded a New Year's pennant-flag.

"Aerial bilbock"

Leading. I propose to get acquainted with the French folk pastime "bilboke", which was amazingly popular back in the 19th century.

Bilboke translated from French means “bil” - ball, “boke” - to hook on the horns. At its core, it is a children's game in which the player must catch a ball on a stick with a bowl attached to it.

The presenter demonstrates a toy - bilboke.

Leading. I invite two people from each crew to enjoy this traditional French pastime...

Players are determined.

Leading. On New Year's Eve, the most incredible miracles happen... Which we are waiting for, but we understand that miracles do not happen. In the famous Christmas tale, the prince was turned into a wooden toy - the Nutcracker. So you have to turn into a toy, that is, into a billbok.

One of you will be the bowl, joining your hands in front of you in a ring. And the second will be a string tied to the bowl - you must always hold onto the “bowl” with your right hand.

The task is this: to drive the balloon into the “bowl”. The one who plays the role of the “string” drives the ball. You can move freely around the playing area, but the “rope” cannot be detached from the “bowl”.

Music!... Balls in the air!... Let's play!...

The game is being played. Pairs form a “bilboke”: one player joins his hands in front of him in a ring, the second holds the “ring” with his right hand, and with his free hand tries to push the balloon into the “ring”. You cannot take the ball in your hand, you can only push it and toss it.

Couples can move freely around the playing space, but they cannot separate.

The game is played until the ball hits the ring for the first time. But if the goal is achieved very quickly, the game is played until three hits are made.

The number of balloons on the site should be half as many as the crews so that there is a fight for these balloons.

The winning crew receives a pennant flag.

Leading. Ahead of us is a meeting with New Year's traditions and customs of another European country. In the meantime, our regatta is moving into a freestyle format, that is, free style.

Banquet break (15-20 minutes). Feast, music, concert performances, congratulations, free communication.

"Vivat! Spain!"

Leading. New Year's Eve greets us in Spain!

Spanish music is playing.

Leading. The Spaniards use any occasion for a fun fiesta. Especially on New Year's and Christmas days.

Performed by a dance group - Spanish fiery dance.

Leading. In Spain, Santa Claus is called Olentzero. He is dressed in national homespun clothes and carries a flask of good Spanish wine with him so that the long New Year's working night will not be so difficult.

"Still life of wine and grapes"

Leading. Crews, attention! We present to your attention a New Year's Spanish still life...

Music. The assistant brings out a glass of wine, a bunch of grapes and a spruce branch on a tray.

Leading. Look carefully at our still life and try to guess: how many grams of wine are poured into the glass and how many berries the bunch of grapes contains. You are given 30 seconds to think...

The metronome keeps time.

Leading. I listen carefully to the answers...

The crews name their answers. Whose answer is closest to the correct one is the winner of the impromptu test.

The correct answer is sealed in an envelope, which is in the hands of the assistant.

The winner is awarded a pennant flag.

"Grape Macarena"

Leading. The Spaniards prepare for the New Year well in advance, decorating their houses, lampposts and store windows with garlands. At this time of year it is quite warm in Spain. The main action always takes place in the main square of the city. The opening of the holiday can be considered a traditional New Year's ball, in which children participate along with adults.

According to an established tradition, at 12 o'clock at night, the townspeople go outside to eat one grape with each strike of the tower clock, while making a wish.

And I invite a couple of participants from each crew for a New Year’s competition in Spanish rhythms...

Participants are determined.

Leading. I told you about 12 grapes. Did you know that the famous “Macarena” comes from Spain?... Then let’s dance the Macarena.

The presenter or animator-choreographer shows a dance combination of the Macarena dance.

Dance combination:

“One” - extend your right arm forward.
"Two" - pull out left hand forward.
"Three" - right hand on the left shoulder.
"Four" - left hand on the right shoulder.
"Five" - ​​right hand behind the head.
“Six” - left hand behind the head.
"Seven" - right hand on the right thigh.
"Eight" - left hand on the left thigh.
The dance class is conducted to the music.

Milanese walnut interior door
Leading. Now we combine the Macarena with 12 grapes. You dance in pairs back to back. At the same time, hold two balloons with your backs. You cannot help with your hands, as your hands must “dance.” Then, with each round, we will add two more grape balls to you. Whoever holds all 12 balls will become the absolute winner of the New Year's fun.

Remember that the balls must be held while performing the Macarena. Whoever loses at least one ball is eliminated from the competition. Do the sailors have any questions? In that case, maestro, music! Let's dance...

The game is being played. Couples stand with their backs to each other and hold two balloons with their backs.

Music plays and couples dance the Macarena. With each round, two more balls are placed between the participants. Whoever loses the ball is out of the game.

The winners are those couples who, while performing the Macarena, were able to hold 12 airy “grapes”. They are awarded prize flags and pennants.

For this fun, it is advisable to use small green balloons.

Leading. Dear friends! Our New Year's regatta is taking a reverse course! We are waiting to meet the main character of the main holiday! A little patience... And now, let's dance, dance, and dance again! So as not to defeat anyone seasickness on the way back!

Disco break (15-20 minutes).

The presenter or vocalist performs the song "New Year's Waltz".

"New Year's Waltz"

rustling with serpentine shavings,
The New Year is coming to visit us!
Fragrant Christmas tree in toys,
Round dance of golden candles.
Magical New Year's Eve
The whiteness of the snow sparkles.
An unexpectedly wonderful fairy tale
Will come from a wonderful dream.
An unexpectedly wonderful fairy tale
Will come from a wonderful dream.
Frost, like a cheerful prankster,
Hastens with a picturesque hand
Decorate your favorite holiday,
Hanging out the ice pattern.
A masquerade of colorful colors swirls,
Old and young became the same age.
Unexpected gifts, surprises,
A cascade of fun and smiles!
Unexpected gifts, surprises,
A cascade of fun and smiles!
All the best things in life
Let it come true in the New Year!
The best thoughts will come true
Fate will overcome adversity.
Let the New Year's chimes strike
The countdown will give us happiness.

This is how the coming year will pass.
How will you celebrate New Year's Eve?
This is how the coming year will pass.
"We will meet Grandfather..."

Leading. Celebrating the New Year is impossible without an obligatory meeting, a meeting with...

Regatta participants, guess what?
Answer me seriously.
All of you answer in rhyme,
For my New Year's question.
He will make us laugh until we cry,
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)

Brought a bag of gifts
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)

Brought a lot of joy
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)
Only today is our long-awaited New Year's guest not just Santa Claus, but Grandfather Sailor!

The "New Year's song" of the Disco "Accident" is playing.

Enter Santa Claus, that is, Grandfather Sailor. He is in a traditional Santa Claus outfit, but instead of a hat he has a cap.

Grandfather Sailor. Hi all! Hello! Hello!
Are you waiting for me?...
Let's meet then!
I have... (Beard.)
There is a fur coat and a road,
Yes, with gifts... (A bag.)
Even though I breathe fervently in the frost,
Instead of a hat... (Visor cap.)
And under the fur coat is not a shirt,
And the striped one... (Vest.)
And my last question:
Who am I?... Grandfather... (Sailor.)

Grandfather Sailor. Yes, I am not an ordinary Santa Claus, but a real Grandfather Sailor. Since I travel across countries and continents by sea. So I’ve come to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

Winter of unprecedented beauty
The fields around are white.
On the dial, like a mustache,
Two arrows froze.
But the dial will smile,
He will close his mustache on his forehead,
The wine glasses will fly off the table,
And the New Year will come!
He will enter a thousand doors
And in a million hearts
And maybe a little kinder
We will finally become.
And maybe, and maybe
He will bring with him
We are happy to believe and love
Wizard New Year!

Parade across the country
He will rush into the distance.
Thousands of lights will light up
And the crystal will ring
And meet the holiday parade
People will reach out
Shouting: "Vivat, vivat for you,
Wizard New Year!

Leading. Grandfather Sailor, on this festive evening, the employees of the company ____ decided to celebrate the New Year by traveling. An unusual, competitive journey. Do you have a fun task in your arsenal for our crews?…

"New Year's Eve Catch"

Grandfather Sailor. But what? Before handing out New Year's gifts, I want to do a test. Since I am not a simple Santa Claus, but a Grandfather Sailor, I love fishing. So we’ll organize a New Year’s fishing competition!

Each crew is given a small Christmas tree...

The musical theme of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays. Assistants distribute small souvenir trees to crew tables.

Grandfather Sailor. I also give each crew their own personalized fishing rods...

From his bag, Grandfather Sailor hands out small fake fishing rods: a stick with a string, at the end of which there is a hook made of a paper clip.

Grandfather Sailor. In the center of the hall I place a box with New Year's toys. And these are the conditions. In turn, each crew member arms himself with a fishing rod, runs up to the box, fishes for one Christmas tree decoration and returns to his yacht. A toy for the Christmas tree, and a fishing rod for the next participant.

Whoever has the richest catch of Christmas tree decorations will be the winner.

On your marks! Attention! March!

The song sounds New Year's toys". A game is played. Crew members, one by one with a fishing rod in their hands, run up to the box, catch the toy and return to their place. The fishing rod, like a relay baton, is passed on to the next crew member.

The game continues until the toys in the box run out. At the end of the game, the number of toys the crews have is counted and the winner is determined. The winning crew (or winners) are awarded a pennant flag.

Leading. This was the last New Year's test. Dear fishermen and fisherwomen, tie your flags into one New Year’s garland and count the number of flags...

The results are being summed up. Which crew has the most large quantity pennants, he becomes the absolute winner of the New Year's regatta.

"Party Grand Prix"

Leading. We are starting the award ceremony for the winners of the New Year's regatta. The winner is the crew of _____!

Grandfather Sailor presents the Grand Prix of the party to the winning crew. Solemn fanfares sound.

Grandfather Sailor. Now let’s join a big round dance and sing a traditional New Year’s song!

General round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Grandfather Sailor. Happiness! Joy! Good luck!
The only way! And no other way!

Leading. I wish you excellent health!
Good luck for sure!
Grandfather Sailor. Success to your company!
Leading. And there is more laughter in the family!
Grandfather Sailor. Happy New Year!
Leading. With new happiness!
Disco. Tea table. Congratulations. Fireworks.

Welcome, dear guests!

Just yesterday they said on the radio that this year many companies have cut the budget for New Year celebrations, and some even announced: if you want a New Year’s corporate party, do it yourself and at your own expense.

Of course, it’s good when the company itself organizes corporate events; it’s even better when they hire professionals and don’t think about this topic anymore. But what can you do, there’s a crisis...

This is what happened at my work; they didn’t give me any money at all. We really, really wanted to celebrate the holiday as a team, we sat down to think and decided to organize a New Year’s corporate party in the office on our own.

We began to count how much it would cost us and I will say that many took their heads into account - it was a little expensive, especially since before the New Year we already spend a lot of money on gifts for loved ones and New Year's treats. The solution was found as follows: spend as little as possible on food and make the holiday as fun as possible through an entertainment program.

I took over the entire organization, but on the condition that all employees would help me, do everything I say and not refuse.

All people are different, one likes it, another doesn’t, whims begin: I don’t eat this, I don’t drink this. And it’s even worse when it’s like this: I didn’t drink/ate it - I won’t pay. Over many years of work, we have developed rules for holding office corporate events:

— Everyone buys alcohol for themselves or joins groups by type;
- If you don’t like the food on the table, don’t eat, but hand over the money;
— If everything and everyone annoys you, don’t go at all;
“If you don’t like how the holiday is organized, just say so, next time you’ll do everything yourself.”

A plan for organizing a New Year's corporate party in the office is inexpensive and fun.

A date needs to be determined. I recommend doing corporate events on Thursday, I’ll explain why. If you do it on Friday, you can be so busy that you end up lying around all weekend, and before the New Year the house is full of things to do. And if it’s Thursday, then everyone understands that they have to work tomorrow, then the bosses are more tolerant of being late in the morning, or they may even give you a day off. And how good it is to discuss all the details of yesterday’s corporate party, laugh, look at the photos. Then, you have to clean the office after the holiday. Imagine what will happen by Monday.

Conduct a survey among employees and determine the number. You can send an email that there will be a corporate party on such and such a date, please respond by such and such a date. If someone is not satisfied with the date, see the rules, paragraph 3.

Determine the location for the New Year's corporate party in the office and decorate it. Ask employees to bring garlands, a Christmas tree, toys, masks, and tinsel from home. Everyone has enough of this stuff that they don’t seem to need, but it’s a shame to throw it away. Select employees who are not very active, ask them to cut out paper snowflakes or something else to decorate the office.

Think over food and snacks for the New Year's corporate table. Whatever one may say, it’s a working day and by the evening everyone is hungry. Moreover, we plan to drink strong alcoholic drinks. Ask your employees to bring some preserved food from home free of charge: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, lecho, salads, mushrooms and more. If you have jam, that’s great; you can dilute it with water and do without expensive juice. As a last resort, you can buy syrup.

There are enough salads of 3 types, for example, you can make “Herring under a fur coat”, from crab meat based on Chinese cabbage and traditional meat salad with sausage. As you can see, the salads are inexpensive, but filling. Take a look, maybe you will find something for yourself.

Fruits: apples, oranges at the rate of 1 piece per 3 people, lemons 2-3 pieces, choose small tangerines, there will be more of them, at the rate of 2 pieces per person.

We ordered hot food from a nearby canteen and they prepared it for us. big piece baked meat with boiled potatoes, about 180 rubles. it was worth it (2013). Heated it in the microwave.

I will say that there were no delights, but no one was left hungry. We managed perfectly without caviar and expensive salads. At meetings with employees, no one ever remembers what was on the table that New Year, but the Snow Maiden will be remembered for a long time.

We bought disposable tablecloths and dishes for the tables; don’t forget to include this in your shopping list, as well as large garbage bags and napkins.

We need to think about the musical arrangement of the New Year's corporate party. I spent a lot of time preparing musical accompaniment, all this is not difficult, but it takes a long time. And I really wanted to make the holiday fun, music plays an important role in this matter. While the tables were moving, I turned on the assembly New Year's songs, all this puts the team in the right mood, you see, someone is humming, and someone is even dancing. In addition, if there are going to be a lot of people, as we had, then microphones are needed.

I prepared the entertainment program myself, enlisting the support of people whom I knew would not refuse me. The first thing you need is to get costumes for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. I was lucky, one employee’s mother works in kindergarten and we were given a Santa Claus suit for one evening, it was this employee who was Santa Claus. But you can make one yourself from an old velor robe, trim it with tinsel, and there are plenty of inexpensive beard hats sold in stores, make a staff and wear felt boots. I made the Snow Maiden costume myself and I decided to dress the most active man in it, it also turned out that Santa Claus is shorter than the Snow Maiden, what a joke. Until the very last moment, I didn’t tell him that he would be the Snow Maiden; he would have immediately refused, despite his promise, to help me. The surprise and the strong alcohol he drank worked, but I was planning a trick - to dress him in nylon tights. The main costume was made from old tulle.

I asked one lady to prepare the role of a gypsy, she made her own costume, found some funny fortune-telling and predictions, it turned out very well.

For many years, at the New Year's corporate party, the whole team held the following lottery: we wrote down all the employees on pieces of paper and then each one in turn pulled out a piece of paper with the name of the person to whom he would give a gift. We keep who pulled out a secret, creating intrigue, so to speak. We agree in advance that the cost of the gift cannot be lower, for example, 150 rubles, and higher - please, as they say, the master is the master. Before the start of the feast, we hold a kind of ceremonial part, the director begins, congratulates everyone and gives a gift to the one whom he pulled out. Then this employee also congratulates everyone and gives a gift, and so on in turn. It turns out that everyone has gifts, everyone is happy, everyone good mood, and it cost 150 rubles. There was a funny case, one lady pulled out the same man for 3 years in a row, and we have quite a few employees... well, how can you not mock this, it’s good that people have humor. In general, all of our employees were generally very cheerful and friendly with each other. It’s a pleasure to do corporate events with such people and it’s a shame that our company closed.

I also announced to everyone that there would be a “hat competition” so that everyone would come in hats, this required condition. Hilarious! Who's into what! But it was fun beyond words.

So, by the appointed time, the table is set, everyone has gathered and put on their hats, taken their gifts, the ceremonial part with congratulations begins. Then I chose three employees who had the coolest hats: the symbol of the year (our director), the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and Mr. X. Each participant told why he put on such a hat and then voted with applause: whoever clapped harder won. And, oddly enough, the rabbit won.

It's time to refresh myself, I seat everyone at the table, I give the official word to the bosses below, just 4 toasts. We had a drink, relaxed a little, and I began to prepare for the competitions. Below I will write a list of what you need to prepare and buy.

I was sure that at least someone would come to the hat competition wearing a cowboy hat, and I was not mistaken. The first competition I’m holding is “Cowboys”. See description. I managed to find only 2 boat pumps, but I also had two participants; if there were more people, I would have done it in stages, i.e. 2 times 2, identified the winners in each pair, then they compete again. I give the winner a prize, and the losers a lollipop.

After the competition, everyone sits down at the table, and I prepare the gypsy’s entrance. As soon as it is ready, I turn on the music from the film “The Camp Goes to Heaven.” It is necessary to warn the actress so that she does not immediately leave, but after 15 seconds. This is necessary so that the employees, having heard the music, understand that some kind of action is beginning, end their conversations and get ready to watch.

Then the gypsy comes out. My colleague prepared herself, and her performance was also a surprise for me. What if no one agrees to be a guest in disguise? Prepare everything yourself, a suit, words on a piece of paper (in large print) and simply choose the most active employee during the corporate party. In a good, cheerful mood, and with a drink or two, few people will refuse.

The next competition I'm holding is a competition with stockings, see. You don’t have to turn on the music; you can’t hear it because of the Homeric laughter.

Afterwards I prepare the performance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. As I wrote above, my assistant for the role of Santa Claus knew everything in advance, even learned the words by heart. I printed the text of the Snow Maiden in large font. The man I had chosen for the role of the Snow Maiden was tricked out of the table and sent to the changing room. When he saw what kind of costume I had prepared for him, he, of course, immediately began to doubt that maybe I was not in my right mind, offering him such a thing. I, having reminded him of his promise to help me in everything, dispelled his doubts about my mental abilities with just one phrase: “Next year you will be the last to receive your salary!” He, cursing and swearing, began to put on tights, and I, laughing at my successful joke, handed him a piece of paper with the text and went to prepare for the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Everyone had to be gathered and seated at the table. By this time the employees are already well tipsy.

There are a lot of scenarios on the Internet, you can choose the one you want, but I didn’t expect long action, the evening was short, there was little time, and I still wanted to dance. Therefore, I limited myself to short poems of the heroes, and the appearance of the Snow Maiden caused a sensation, everyone rushed to take pictures with her and Santa Claus.

First, as a warm-up, I say that I will ask questions, and the employees must answer “yes” or “no” in unison.

“Is Santa Claus a great guy?
Will he drink half a bucket of Stolichnaya?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
Will he give us two salaries?
Do you like jokes and anecdotes?
What about working Saturdays?
Does Santa Claus sing ditties?
Does Grandfather have girlfriends?”

Let's call Santa Claus together.

Santa Claus comes in, all upset, confused, sad, and nervous.

"What should I do? That's the trouble, the Snow Maiden let me down,
He writes a telegram that he won’t come to the holiday
You see, she has a date - a meeting with Lel in a restaurant
But I don’t care about my grandfather! All in Spring, vigorous mother!
Damn, she’s also a fidgety girl, she’d forever flutter in love
Not a housewife - woe - just! There is dirt everywhere - but she doesn’t care!
So what should I do now? Without the Snow Maiden, what's the matter?
Let everyone down in the New Year! Holiday, Lord, forgive me!
What should I do? What do i do? Should I call my mobile phone?”

I answer:

Well, you whined, old grandfather, are you tired? And you have no strength?
We will find the Snow Maiden and call in unison.

Let's call together the Snow Maiden

Biensie's intro "crazy_in_love" plays and here she is - the Snow Maiden.

"Hello my dear,
Mature and young
Noisy and mischievous
Happy and beautiful.
Married and single
Bald and Redheads,
Modest, shameless,
Fat, thin,
Simple and businesslike
Good and bad
Rich and poor,
Drinkers and snackers
Well, moderately amenable.
Happy New Year!"

Then the dancing begins. I wanted to hold another dance competition before the dance, I even prepared a cut for it, but I couldn’t do it. To be honest, I myself was already tired by that time, I also wanted to relax and have fun with everyone. I performed it later at my husband’s anniversary, you can see how.

I have prepared 55 musical hits for dancing, everyone dances to this music. If you want to receive them, then subscribe using the link below, you will receive access to the mail cloud at the specified address, where you can view and download. There, the very first number is cutting for dance competition which I spent at my husband’s anniversary.

At 22:00 I invite everyone to go outside to watch the fireworks that I bought from the general money.

No matter how everything goes, you definitely need to thank them for their help, say how great they all are, how well they helped, and all that.

My to-do list for a corporate event in the office.

Find boat pumps for the Cowboys competition, prepare scarves, see photos.

Prepare musical intros

balloons for the competition;
the cheapest tights, 3 pieces of the most small size, 1 piece of the largest size;
Chupa Chups for the losing participants of the competition;
Souvenirs for Gypsy, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, as well as the winners of hat and cowboy competitions;

Another thing that is important for holding corporate events in the office.

Check the availability of utensils, and also ask the women to bring boards, knives and some cloth napkins (rags) from home. Everyone will be busy and prepare food faster.

I plan to write a lot of articles, I’ll tell you how we did themed parties with friends and colleagues, how we relax and what we do outdoors, subscribe, you’ll be the first to know, if you’re interested, of course.
