Formal business style of speech is the rule. Official business style of speech: brief description

The Russian language allows you to express your thoughts in five different languages, each of which is characterized by something special and is used in a specific field of activity. In administrative and public - used formal business style speeches, which is used both in written and oral form.

In contact with


This style has pronounced characteristic features , which are clearly visible in the morphology and syntax of the texts. The style features are as follows:

Concerning lexical features, then there are only three of them:

  1. A certain set of lexical phrases and the use of official words: I prescribe, authorize, notify, plaintiff, law, etc.
  2. Dry vocabulary, full of purely clerical expressions: there is a place to be, etc.
  3. Use of stable phrases: based on, taking into account, etc.

Important! Despite the necessary impersonality, these texts allow the use of first-person verbs and pronouns.

Syntactic constructions- these are the signs that easily allow the reader to determine the type of presentation. This type of text has several characteristic syntactic features:

  1. Availability of small structures – simple sentences, absence of homogeneous sentence parts or introductory words.
  2. High structural standardization – each type of document has its own structural features. Thus, all statements begin with a stamp at the top of the sheet, and all protocols are characterized by signatures at the end of the document.

This form of presentation of thoughts is quite actively used in different areas life activity. Everyone should be able to use it, since any relationship with organizations occur in business language.


The scope of application is extremely narrow, and at the same time quite broad. Examples of text of this nature are often found in government organizations and are divided into:

  1. Legislative level – legislative documents, official papers, charters, rules.
  2. Everyday business level - official correspondence, private office work.

Both types are used in different fields:

  • jurisprudence;
  • economics;
  • politics;
  • business;
  • international relations;
  • marketing.

An example of official business style documents is official and official papers, starting with explanatory notes and ending with the Constitution.


As in any other, in an official business text There are some clichés. Usually, the use of such stamps is considered unacceptable and negative.

Cliches are words that are overused and have an uncertain meaning (defined, therefore, to some), deforming the meaning, or losing it in the abundance of unnecessary phrases altogether.

Despite negative meaning cliches, they can and should be used in business conversations and papers. It was stated above that business speech uses standards as the main means of language. The presence of a certain standard or stamp at times simplifies creation and filling all questionnaires, forms and other documents.

Important! It is unacceptable to freely express your thoughts in such forms: the secretary cannot be answered in business correspondence“We are waiting for an answer, like a nightingale in summer” - this is unacceptable.

Official speech, standard situations - all this determines the nature and purpose of such documents, as well as their clear structure and arrangement of all elements of the sentence. The following are not allowed:

  • conversational elements;
  • poeticisms;
  • archaisms;
  • emotional words and colors;
  • artistic elements: hyperbole, metaphors, etc.;

Any text in this category that is correctly constructed in terms of grammar and vocabulary is correct and fully complies with the requirements of an official business style of speech. And if it contains the above elements, even with the correct structure, it is perceived as incorrect. Standardity in this type of speech is a lexical feature and has its own markers, for example:

  • to fine;
  • declare gratitude;
  • call to account;
  • make an argument;
  • be responsible;
  • notification of delivery.

Thus, cliches in general are a negative phenomenon, but their use in this category acceptable and even encouraged.

However, there is another side to the excessive use of bureaucratic language - texts must convey information, despite the use of many clichés.

Therefore, you should carefully proofread all papers to ensure that the recipient and reader get the necessary information load from them.

Style text analysis

Any text is subject to analysis to determine the style to which it belongs and other features. Examples of text can be found in legislation, legal notices and other official documents. To determine the style, you need analyze the text:

Identify style features:

  • accurate presentation of information and detailed;
  • rigor of composition;
  • lack of expression and emotion.

Lexical features:

  • use of special terminology;
  • abundance of bureaucracy (taking into account, they have the right);
  • words of necessity and obligation.

Morphological features:

  • use of verbs in the present tense;
  • frequent use of verbal nouns;
  • naming people based on action.


  • high frequency of homogeneous members;
  • presence of complicated sentences;
  • frequent use of the genitive;
  • use of passive and impersonal constructions;
  • the presence of simple unemotional sentences;
  • direct word order.

If all these features are found in the text, then it belongs to the official business style. Examples of texts of this kind are found in educational literature, stationery and personal documents. For example, an autobiography is often written in similar language, and when writing it you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Text structure: each important date begins with a paragraph and is followed by a new paragraph; the date is always indicated at the end of the document.
  2. Strict adherence to chronological sequence, starting with birth and ending last year Before the document is written, illogical transitions are not allowed.
  3. Conciseness: the autobiography should not be written on more than 2-3 pages.
  4. A statement of accurate, reliable facts that can always be confirmed with evidentiary papers.

When writing a biography It is allowed to use words from other styles, but the presence of clichés is welcome. You can often find autobiographies in full artistic style, but such a document is more like an autobiographical story than a dry statement of facts.


Oral speech can also be staged in a business style. Compliance with the clichés of the official style is also encouraged in dialogues, despite the fact that the usual arrangement of information on papers differs from oral speech.

She is usually full of emotion and quite asymmetrical. If oral speech emphatically logical, the communication environment is clearly official.

Main characteristics oral business communication- this is the flow of a conversation in a positive manner in the key of sympathy, respect or goodwill. Oral speech differs depending on the types of style:

  • clerical and business - oral speech is filled with clericalism and clichés, but also allows the use of ordinary, non-business words;
  • public administration - the use of phraseological units, anarchisms, slang expressions and other words not related to business style is unacceptable.

TO main features oral official speech includes:

  • brevity;
  • accuracy;
  • influence;
  • corresponding words;
  • correctly composed structures;
  • correct syntax;
  • standardization of mentally prepared speech.

Oral business speech cannot be emotionally charged. A good example The following business dialogue can serve:

- Hello!

- Hello. How can I help you?

— I would like to submit my resume to your company.

- You have higher education?

— Yes, I graduated from the university with a course in Management.

— Are you familiar with our terms and conditions?

- Yes, in full.

- Fine. Then take your resume and other documents and come to the main office tomorrow at 9.00 for an interview. All the best!

- Thank you. Goodbye.

Official business style in Russian, examples where it is used

We study speech styles in Russian - official business style


Business speech may seem boring and dry at first glance, but when mastering it, it becomes clear that it is as rich as artistic speech, it’s just that the scope of its application requires certain conditions and rules, to which it corresponds. Formal business style is feature of the state and business sphere , and sooner or later you will have to learn to master it in order to become a full-fledged member of society.

Official business style (ODS) serves the sphere of official relations, in which communication participants perform certain social functions. Situations during such communication are as typical as possible, which gives rise to the standard speech behavior their participants, therefore many documents are ready-made forms in which you only need to enter the passport data of the document submitter.

The term “official business style” is usually used to designate the peculiarities of the language of official (organizational and administrative) and diplomatic documents. The main function of the official business style is that, requiring a certain form for the written presentation of the content, it gives the text the character of a document and transfers the various aspects of human relations reflected in this text into the category of official business documents.

The main features of ODS are precision of formulation, standard arrangement of material, regulation (limited set of language tools), rigor and simplicity, information richness, written form presentation and impersonality of utterance.

ODS is divided into three substyles - legal, diplomatic and clerical and business. Each of them is reflected in a number of genres. The genres of the legal substyle include the constitution, code, law, charter, resolution; the genres of the diplomatic substyle include a credential, note of protest, declaration, communiqué; the genres of the clerical and business substyle include orders, contracts, notices, orders, as well as all types of documents. of a personal nature (application, complaint, receipt, power of attorney, letter, report / official / explanatory note, autobiography, etc.).

From linguistic features Official business style should highlight the following. To the lexical features of ODS refers to the presence of stable expressions and terms denoting the realities of social life, as well as clericalisms that immediately catch the eye, are imprinted and later emerge in a spontaneous and unprepared form in colloquial speech (proper, undersigned, hear, plaintiff, individual, consumer and etc.). ODS texts lack emotionally expressive vocabulary, evaluative and introductory modal words ( good, bad, like, want, probably, maybe, etc.). The words used in the texts are characterized by limited lexical compatibility, for example, official letter not written, A is being compiled.

In morphological terms noted use short forms adjectives with the meaning of obligation ( obliged, responsible, accountable) and participles ( the decision was made, the candidacy was supported), an abundance of denominate prepositions and conjunctions ( accordingly, in continuation, for purposes, due to the fact that). To express imperativeness, infinitive constructions are used, reinforced by adverbs and modal words ( repairs must be made, I order that measures be taken, it is necessary to begin... etc.).

TO syntactic features ODS texts include the active use of passive constructions ( the order is completed, it is not possible, negotiations are completed) and the abundance of sentences with homogeneous members and isolated revolutions, various kinds of cliches and cliches with archaic elements ( according to the act, the punishability of the act).

ODS texts are characterized by sentences with inversion - the subject with an objective meaning follows the predicate ( Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience). Sentences with participial and adverbial phrases make the text information-rich. The texts are dominated by constructions with “stringing” of genitive cases of nouns without prepositions ( Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens is prohibited Russian Federation ).

Official business texts are characterized by high degree segmentation, which allows you to clearly structure the text, dividing it into articles, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs. The text is built according to a template (form), which includes all the elements required for a given genre.

ODS texts, or documents, occupy a significant place in life modern man. They regulate our social life, so we feel the need for them every day. That is why each of us must be able not only to correctly interpret a document, but also to draft it correctly. The author composing this or that document must use in it those linguistic means that the genre of the document requires of him, and not “invent” his own phrases that differ from the standard ones.

The document is created in accordance with the genre model of the text with a constant composition, which includes mandatory thematic blocks, i.e. details.

For example, a job application contains the following details:

1) indication of the addressee (name of the manager and enterprise);

2) indication of the addressee;

3) name of the genre of the document (statement);

4) the main content of the request (please accept me...);

5) indication of the date of preparation of the document;

6) signature (handwritten signature).

It is necessary to strictly observe the requirements for the location of details in relation to each other. In the application, the addressee and addressee are indicated in the upper right corner of the sheet. Document title (with capital letter and without a dot at the end, if the addressee is with the preposition “from”, or with a lowercase letter and with a dot at the end, if the addressee is without the preposition “from”) is located in the middle, and the main content is along the width of the sheet. The date is placed at the bottom left, and the signature is placed at the right, on the same line as the date. In this case, empty lines are left between the details. Below the date and signature, free space is left for the resolution. Resolutions are also in the top left corner.

The official business style is the most common style, which functions not only in clerical work and diplomacy, but also in any official relations, for example, in production, at a university, in medical institutions, in the newspaper, etc.

When drawing up documents, generally accepted stable speech patterns are used: I ask your permission to...; I, who have signed below...; the certificate was given... that... indeed...; let me invite you...; I, who live at the address..., trust...

It is extremely important for documents correct usage verbs like trust, assure, guarantee, declare, notify, insist, confirm, notify, offer, order etc. These verbs are used in the first person plural or singular form in sentences without a subject, as well as the third person singular when mentioning the addresser, for example: “I ask”, not “I ask”; “we undertake”, not “we undertake”.

The author of the document must be able to accurately and concisely express his point of view on the issue of interest to him. To do this, he must know linguistic means expressing cause-and-effect and other logical relationships, which, first of all, include complex conjunctions and denominate prepositions: for the reason, for the purposes of, on the basis of, in order to avoid, in accordance with, according to, thanks to, in view of and so on.

In official business papers it is necessary to use correctly etiquette formulas addresses indicating respectful attitude of the addressee towards the addressee: Thank you for..., We kindly ask you..., Unfortunately... It should be borne in mind that in a business letter the second person pronouns ( You, Your) are written with a capital letter, while in the usual writing This spelling contradicts the norms of Russian spelling.

In official business papers, familiar address to the addressee is not allowed ( Expensive…), indication of response time in ultimatum form ( Please answer me immediately...)or refusal to the addressee’s request without specifying reasons.

To typical for business speech Errors include the following violations:

1) unmotivated use foreign words (prolong instead of extend; appeal instead of address);

2) the use of archaisms ( which instead of which, this year instead of this year);

3) incorrect use of paronyms ( graduated from university instead of graduated from university; introduce the products instead of introduce the products);

4) violation of the norms of using prepositions ( thanks, according to, despite, according to combined with the dative case; as a result, during differ in their spelling from prepositional-case combinations An experienced detective is involved in the investigation; there are rapids along the river).

Here are two options for writing a statement:.

Option 1 (application from whom):

prof. A.M. Shammazov

from a second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich.


Please transfer me to correspondence form training for family reasons. Extract from academic certificate about the tests and exams I passed are attached.

07/25/2012 Personal signature

Option 2 (whose statement):

Rector of Ufa State

oil technical university

prof. A.M. Shammazov

second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich


In connection with the request of the enterprise, which sent me at its own expense for training, I ask you to transfer me to the specialty “Drilling of oil and gas wells”. A letter from the HR department of Burintech LLC is attached.


General characteristics of official business style…………………………..4

Dynamics of the norm official business speech…………………………………..6

Varieties of official business style……………………………………7





Communication is heterogeneous; it is divided into many spheres, many areas.

A speech by a lawyer in court, a report in a scientific circle, a poem, an open letter, etc. - all speech genres perform different content and stylistic tasks, therefore their language and speech form are different.

But there are tasks (functions) that unite groups of speech genres that are characteristic of the entire language. It is known that the language existed at first only in oral form. At this stage, it was characterized by a single function - the function of communication. Then, in response to the demands of society, social practice becomes necessary to regulate life within the state and enter into agreements with neighbors. As a result, the official business function of the language develops and business speech is formed. Other functions also appear - scientific and informative, formative scientific style, aesthetic, language-forming fiction. Each function requires special qualities from the language, for example, accuracy, objectivity, imagery, etc. And the language develops the corresponding qualities over time. This is how the development, differentiation of language and the formation of functional styles occur.

“The clerical language,” wrote G.O. Vinokur, “is man’s first attempt to master the element of language, to subjugate all these unruly particles, conjunctions, pronouns, which do not fit into a harmonious, smooth period.”

The origin of Russian official business speech begins in the 10th century, from the era of Kievan Rus, and is associated with the execution of agreements between Kievan Rus and Byzantium. The language of contracts and other documents was precisely the language from which the literary language was later developed.

Modern official business style is one of the book styles and functions in the form of written speech - speeches at ceremonial meetings, receptions, reports of government and public figures etc.

The official business style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relationships: relations between government and the population, between countries, between enterprises, organizations, institutions, between individuals and society.

It is clear that, on the one hand, the content expressed in the official business style, given its enormous importance, must exclude any ambiguity, any discrepancies. On the other hand, the official business style is characterized by a certain, more or less limited range of topics.

The correlation (official business situation - the corresponding genre of the document) means that the content of the document covers a variety of real business circumstances, corresponding not to a single circumstance, but to their entire type-situation. As a result, the form and language of documents in an official business style appear to be standardized (corresponding to a single model), and the very requirement of standardization permeates the entire sphere of business speech.

In the field of business speech, we deal with a document, i.e. with a business paper that has legal force, and this fact itself determines the written nature of the implementation of linguistic means in an official business style.

In linguistics, it is customary to contrast two types of texts: informative (scientific, business) and expressive (journalistic, artistic). The fact that business speech belongs to the first type explains some of its features, and above all, its stylistic nature. Ultimate informative purpose business text is reflected in the writer’s desire for the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation, and thereby in the desire to use stylistically neutral and/or bookish elements.

The above also determines the requirement of unambiguity, characteristic of business speech. This requirement predetermines the use of terms or close to unambiguous terms in business speech. special means language, for example, decree, resolution - in clerical format, plaintiff, defendant - in legal format.

The requirement for logical and well-reasoned presentation in the field of syntax of business speech explains the abundance of complex constructions. This refers to the greater frequency of complex sentences with conjunctions conveying logical relations ( subordinate reasons, consequences, conditions), the productivity of all kinds of clarifications in the text (participial, adverbial phrases), differentiation of semantic relations with the help of complex conjunctions (due to the fact that) and prepositions (on the subject of what).

The listed distinctive linguistic features of business style (stylistic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) organically fit into the written sphere of use of this style, into its characteristic genres of documentation. But this is not the only feature of the norms of the official business substyle.

Business speech is a set of standards of written speech necessary in official business relations. These standards include both forms of documentation (set, sequence and arrangement of details) and corresponding methods of speech presentation. The thesis about the high regulation of official business speech is confirmed not only in the mandatory requirements for the construction and preparation of documents, but also in the possibility of normalization - making changes to the rules for the construction and preparation of documents in the process of their unification. This applies to both sides of the document - its form and its language.

Currently, textual and linguistic norms of business speech are under pressure from the increasingly developing method of compiling, storing and transmitting documents using electronic computing technology.

The official business style is divided into 2 varieties, 2 substyles - official-documentary and everyday business. In the first, one can distinguish the language of diplomacy (diplomatic acts) and the language of laws, and in the second, official correspondence and business papers. (Annex 1)

THE LANGUAGE OF DIPLOMACY is very peculiar. It has its own system of terms, which has much in common with other terminologies, but also has a feature - saturation in international terms. In the Middle Ages Western Europe the common diplomatic language was Latin, then French (XVIII– early XIX). Therefore, in the language of diplomacy there are many terms of French origin: attaché - a position or rank of a diplomatic worker; muniqué is an official government statement on foreign policy issues.

There are also Russian terms - Russian diplomacy has a long history: ambassador, embassy, ​​observer.

Only in diplomacy are etiquette words used. These are addresses to the chairmen of other states, designations of titles: king, His Highness.

The syntax of the language of diplomacy is characterized by long sentences, extended periods with branched conjunctions, with participial and participial phrases, infinitive constructions, introductory and isolated expressions. Often a sentence consists of segments, each of which expresses a complete thought, arranged in the form of paragraphs, but not separated from the others by a dot, but is formally included in the structure of one sentence. For example, the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has such a syntactic structure.

THE LANGUAGE OF LAWS is official language, language state power, in which she speaks to the population.

The language of laws requires, above all, accuracy. Another important feature of the language of laws is the generality of expression. The legislator strives for the greatest generalization, avoiding particulars and details.

The language of laws is also characterized by a complete lack of individualization of speech and standard presentation.

The law does not apply to an individual, specific person, but to all people or groups of people.

OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Its example can be considered the telegraph style, characterized by extreme rationality in construction. syntactic constructions. Stringing of cases, which is considered a serious stylistic flaw in other styles, is also not prohibited here. Here it also contributes to saving language resources and compactness of speech.

The main feature of the language of official correspondence is its high standardization. The content of business letters is very often repeated, since many production situations are the same. Therefore, it is natural to have the same linguistic design of certain substantive aspects of a business letter. For each such aspect, there is a certain syntactic model of the sentence, which, depending on the semantic and stylistic characteristics, has a number of specific speech options.

Sometimes, after reading the next contract, you understand why it is customary to use specially trained people to work with them. This happens due to the peculiarities of the official business style, making it difficult to understand. But this manner of presentation also has its advantages, otherwise its use would have been abandoned long ago.

Signs of an official business style of speech

Of course, for us the main indicators of the officiality of a document are the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person, but when we're talking about Regarding the style of speech, completely different signs come to the fore.

  1. Objectivity, information content and reliability.
  2. The absence of words that can be interpreted in two ways.
  3. Impeccable construction of phrases and documents from a legal point of view.
  4. Conciseness of wording, striving for maximum brevity, use complex sentences with frequent use of complex conjunctions and verbal nouns.
  5. Neutrality of presentation, lack of emotional coloring, preference direct order words, almost complete neglect of individualization of style.
  6. The use of speech cliches when constructing phrases.
  7. Using standard phrases to describe typical situations.
  8. Logic of presentation, its narrative character.

All these features of the official business style of speech make it the most closed and stable among all book styles. Time brings its changes to this language, but the main points - phraseological units, specific speech and syntactic turns - remain unchanged. In other styles of speech, the use of cliches has long been considered a disadvantage, but in formal conversations they are welcome. Actually, such a stereotyped text, combined with a lack of emotional coloring and big amount enumerations, which are also a sign of the official style, and make documents so difficult to read and .

The purpose of the formal business style of speech

At first glance, all this linguistic inertia and conservatism were invented to emphasize the isolation of business from other spheres of life. As a result, the average person receives headache from trying to understand all the intricacies, and is forced to pay money to specialists.

On the one hand, this is true, a number of specialists (document specialists, lawyers, archivists) are partly translators from official business speech to colloquial speech, understandable to the majority of the population. But you shouldn’t look for the tenacious clutches of a global conspiracy here, because on the other hand, the official business style of speech is designed to minimize the likelihood of errors and simplify working with various kinds documentation. In colloquial speech, we often use expressions with strong emotional overtones, love ambiguity, often use argot and do not disdain irony. Can you imagine what, for example, a supply agreement written spoken language? On compliance with delivery deadlines, liability for violation of the agreement and the conformity of the delivered goods ordered could be forgotten. That is, a special style of presentation for official papers was created to eliminate the possibility of speculation and different interpretations information depending on the education of the people working with them. And to speed up work with various kinds of documents, drafting standards have been invented. Everything is regulated: from the location of the details to the order in which the address is written on the envelope. This allows you to quickly find necessary information without revising the entire document. For example, an accountant paying for the rental of premises is only interested in the terms of payment, details and duration of the contract. The clear structure of the document allows you to quickly access this information; otherwise, the time for processing the contract would greatly increase.

Characteristic for legal, administrative and social activities. For such a phenomenon as the culture of speech, the official business style is very important, because with its help documents and business papers relating to government tasks, court cases and diplomatic communication are drawn up. It is characterized by isolation, stability of many speech patterns, specific vocabulary and special syntactic patterns. Documents written in a formal business manner are compact and filled with cliches and linguistic cliches. This international treaties, government decrees and acts, legal laws and court decisions, various charters and official correspondence, as well as other types of business papers that differ in the accuracy of presentation and language standard.

This is a special culture of speech. The official business style, in addition to cliches and language clichés, includes an abundance of professional terminology and archaisms. Ambiguous words when using this style they are not used at all. Documents also avoid synonyms, and if they are used, their style is also strictly adhered to and the vocabulary is, as it were, shackled within a framework, beyond which it is prohibited.

But the official business style uses nouns in abundance, naming people based on their activities; positions are always called in the masculine gender. Words with a particle are often used not as antonyms for the same words when they are used without a negative particle. Complex and infinitives are also popular in business documents to denote actions performed or being performed. Quite a large place in this style of speech is given to complex words.

Formal business style gives preference to homogeneous members. Passive constructions are also often used, that is, impersonal offers without specifying the person performing the action. The genitive case of nouns forms a chain of syntactic constructions; sentences are often very common and burdened with a subordinate clause.

The official business style has two varieties: official-documentary and everyday business. The first group is the language of such legislative acts as the Constitution of the Russian Federation and its subjects, charters and programs of parties, as well as diplomatic documents international importance, such as communiqué, memorandum, convention, etc. The second group includes the language used in the process of conducting official correspondence and drawing up private business papers. These include a variety of certificates, business letters, powers of attorney, announcements, statements, receipts, autobiographies, etc. It is known how standardized the listed papers are, which greatly facilitates their preparation. The information they contain is brief and used in minimal quantities.

It is known that English is a means international communication. Therefore, formal business style in English used in diplomatic settings when business papers need to be translated. The types of business speech in this case are determined by the sphere of use. Trade agreements and contracts are conducted in the style of commercial correspondence. In the legal field, the language of codes, statutes, state and parliamentary decisions is used. The language of militarized business papers stands out separately.

Thus, the official business style of the English language is intended to serve as a tool with the help of which the parties understand the essence of the matter, which leads to the signing of various agreements.
