Display of goods. Merchandising Basics

Open display of goods opens up new opportunities for the pharmacy.

However, if the retailer does not value customers and adheres to a policy of “aggressive” sales, the pharmacy will begin to lose profit.

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In order to form a customer-oriented attitude among the chief executive and bring communication with him to the level of new level, it is necessary to reduce stress levels.

Pharmacy employees should feel confident and comfortable in the workplace, and then they will be able to get out of any difficult situation with dignity.

Equally important are modern technologies attracting and retaining customers based on the analysis of an array of data obtained.

Today, pharmacy managers often “play” with product display and different formats of the sales floor. But rarely does any of them win, because communication between the capital owner and buyers is still at a low level.

Indeed, in many pharmacies the phenomenon of so-called “aggressive sales”, familiar to many residents of our country since the last century, still persists.

Essentially, this is a situation in which the buyer has nowhere to go, while the seller is the “king of the market,” which, in turn, means that he does not need to make any effort special effort in order to retain the client - he will still come and make a purchase.

Let's find out what is the reason for this phenomenon and what needs to be done to get the pharmacy staff to contact you.

Open display with “closed staff”

Classic marketing objects are goods or services. A pharmacy is a place whose employees not only sell goods, but also provide services - they assist the buyer in selecting a drug, and if it is not available, they place an order.

Also, primary care workers can redirect him to a drug of the same effect, refer him to a specialist, and even provide socio-psychological assistance.

Unfortunately, now pharmacy owners do not believe that training staff in communication skills with customers is so important. Their attention is concentrated on choosing the selling format of the trading floor. Open display in the pharmacy has become very popular.

Indeed, open display cases encourage the buyer to walk around the sales area and, perhaps, choose an additional purchase.

But that’s where it usually ends. For comparison, in London, if a pharmacy visitor stops in front of the window even for 30 seconds, a consultant immediately approaches him, ready to answer all his questions in detail.

But how this happens in a Russian pharmacy is described in the example below.

Example 1

One day I went to a pharmacy chain that was popular in our city - it is located 300 meters from my house. Not long ago, the display format changed - previously there were three windows, but now there are two cash registers on open counters. There are more shelves, and they installed them at the entrance.

I go to the shelves. The first thing I noticed was the bright layout and insufficient facing. But that's not what this is about. After I picked up one of the packages of the drug, the guard, who previously, it would seem, had not paid any attention to me, perked up. He immediately stood behind me. The chief at that time was literally a couple of meters away from me, but, despite the fact that there was no one at the cash register, he did not seem to notice me. A minute passed, then two... And finally I decided to ask the question myself:

- Can you show me the instructions for this medicine?

“Take it,” she muttered dissatisfiedly and almost immediately after that she shouted somewhere deeper into the hall: “Sveta, are you going to lunch?”

“Thank you,” I returned the instructions to her and asked about another popular drug, “Tell me, is it approved for use by a 7-year-old child?”

- Honestly I do not know. Don’t you know if you’re taking it for the first time? - the pharmacist went on the offensive.

Her tone became louder and louder, she offered drug after drug and endlessly argued and argued... And at one moment I caught myself thinking - but if she had stood behind a closed glass partition all this time, I would have felt much more security.

Unfortunately, the described case is not an isolated one. The format and display of goods in the pharmacy have changed, but the format of communication between the chief executive and the buyer still leaves much to be desired.

Service cost

A purchase at a pharmacy is a “product + service” complex, but the product has a price, but the service does not.

Service price in in this case stands out. And if a pharmacy provides a service unprofessionally, sooner or later this will lead to the flow of customers drying up. As a rule, people choose a pharmacy at the point with the highest traffic.

But if next to it there is another, competitive pharmacy with similar prices, but with a higher cost of service, the flow of customers will be redirected from a point with a more attractive service.

It may be possible to retain some customers with the help of promotions, discounts or discount cards, but this will clearly not be enough.

According to researchers, sales to regular customers are always several times higher than sales to casual visitors. The irresponsible and indifferent attitude of the head of the capital costs the pharmacy dearly, because then it loses up to 68% of customers.

How to “re-educate” the headmaster

To begin with, it’s worth thinking about why the first capital owner chooses “aggressive” sales. The most common cause is stress, which occurs as a result of:

  1. The need to implement the plan.
  2. Fear of aggressive or dissatisfied customers.
  3. Manager's assessment.

Let's remember the saying " Best protection“This is an attack.” Since the leader has nowhere to go in the current situation (he can’t just up and leave his workplace), and he cannot help but defend himself, he remains the only choice- “to attack.”

In order for him to change his behavior tactics to a more client-oriented one, it is necessary to help him increase his confidence in his abilities, and then the stress will disappear on its own.

First of all, training is needed. The staff must know the product, be able to answer all questions, including complex ones, have scripts and hints in the system at hand, as well as a bank of questions on the internal server and the ability to contact a more experienced colleague in any controversial situation.

According to sociological surveys, approximately half have reduced self-esteem. it is necessary to praise and support your subordinates, take their side or take the blow in case of conflict, give them the opportunity to speak out and make suggestions and initiatives.

Taking care of the emotional comfort of employees is one of the main tasks of a manager, who must pay attention to every little detail.

Pay attention to the conditions in which the pharmacy staff dine or rest, whether there is air conditioning or a warm corner in the room where you can change clothes during the cold season.

A well-formed company image will allow employees to feel like professionals and be confident that the team needs them, and the pharmacy where they work is the best.

Then the first capital will easily withstand any attacks from dissatisfied customers pressing the “guilt button” and accusing them of low quality or too high cost of medicines.

Benefits of One-to-One Marketing

In order to reduce stress in the work of a first-rate owner, you can use new channels to attract loyal customers who are ready to make a purchase.

In 2013, more than 60% of the world's largest companies have already invested or are planning to invest in the development of technologies in the field of Big Data. This modern methods attracting and retaining customers based on the analysis of an array of data obtained.

Individual marketing is the near future, which is easy to predict and which can begin today with a new format of service in a new pharmacy format.

Open display of related products in the Vera Victoria Vito store

23.01.2018 3749

Depending on the store format, related products may be allocated more or less space. Common options for laying out the “companion”:

    in a glass display case;

    behind the cash register;

    open display on racks in the hall.

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. The product locked in the display case is clearly visible, you can backlight it and it will not be stolen. But you can’t pick it up; the seller must unlock the window to show something...

If the goods are laid out in the hall, for example, on special racks, then it must be protected from theft, and this means additional equipment and costs. Advantage: the buyer can pick up the product and read the label. The principle of self-service applies here, encouraging the buyer to act. In addition, the sales consultant can also immediately show the product and explain its capabilities.

The most common remains the display of the “companion” in close proximity to the cash register, often behind the cashier’s back. The buyer standing at the checkout has the opportunity to examine the goods laid out “in front of his nose.” If the buyer has not yet received recommendations from the seller to take something from the related product, then the cashier has the opportunity to offer him suitable product. In addition, there is an opportunity here, near the cash register, to place promotional materials via “companion” or put up a screen with a video about shoe cosmetics.

From emotional to rational

In addition to the right location, the layout model itself is also important. We roughly divided them into three: emotional, rational and “American”.

Emotional the display can be found in small shoe chains, where there is a responsible employee who is constantly involved in the selection and design of the “accompany”. The product is laid out in such a way as to attract attention, and is a kind of beautifully selected composition. Color and design play a big role. As a rule, this is a wide range of cosmetics with exotic products and a large palette of colors. With such a calculation it is assumed that good training sellers who, from all this variety, can offer the buyer what he needs.

Rational display is present in large networks, where there is already an established system of work, but staff turnover here is usually high. Here everything is put on stream. The assortment should therefore be concise and clear, including only bestsellers and seasonal products. Then it’s easy for sellers to remember everything, and it’s easy for buyers to figure it out.

"American" display is when a lot of each product is displayed. The idea was borrowed from the system of displaying goods in supermarkets - a lot of goods are laid out, because the demand is very high, and it is necessary to keep stock. Thus, the buyer is encouraged to buy: everyone needs it, and so do I. This is, as a rule, a small, impact, seasonal set of products. One product in large quantities can be displayed on a separate podium near the exit.

All three layout methods have the right to life and can freely combine.

    An open display in the checkout area (without a display); the product should be positioned so that most of it is at eye level with the buyer.

    The product must stand tightly, without free space between individual cylinders. There should be a few cans/tubes of each product displayed, but not too many.

    If in one group of products - for example, in impregnations, there are cylinders of different heights, then it is better to display them in a “slide”, with the highest or most important product located in the middle.

  1. Tubes with creams are placed with the end part facing forward so that the color is visible.
  2. If this is a premium product, then seasonal, relevant products should be especially highlighted - there is no limit to imagination: jars, tubes, balloons can be in a stand/presenter, accompanied by an advertising poster, a mini-gift.

    If there is space in the store and this is technically possible, then an open display of seasonal goods in the sales area, on a podium or a separate counter is also welcome.

Retailers are seeing growth in the accessories category.

Director of the Econika brand Alina Stepanova:

“The development of a line of accessories is one of the strategic objectives of the Econika brand. It is based on the goal of improving customer experience through the ability to select stylish look, be inspired to make changes, find an individual fashion solution for a specific occasion or occasion. First of all, we study the needs of clients, their lifestyle, style and preferences. Interpreting fashion trends and taking into account knowledge about the client, we develop unique themes that are reflected in capsules, which include shoes, bags, accessories, and jewelry. Using this approach, we have successful sales of bags and accessories, increasing their share annually by 30-40%. Over the next few years, we plan to continue to strengthen the category through exclusive designs and limited-edition capsules.”

“In our stores we offer scarves, wallets, belts, bracelets, and umbrellas. Sales of accessories are growing, and wallets are especially popular. Arrived before New Year new batch bracelets and rings made of ceramics, and they immediately showed good result in terms of sales, especially since they appeared in our stores during the gift season.”

High sales of shoe cosmetics are in the hands of sellers

Selling related products depends entirely on the skill of the seller. The related product itself is not for sale. A customer may come to a shoe store with the firm intention of buying a pair of shoes, but he never comes with the intention of buying a tube of cream. the main task the seller - to see and correctly evaluate the buyer, while the seller must be as honest and unobtrusive as possible. Of course, he is interested in selling as much product as possible, but he should offer only what the buyer really needs, and in no case “sell” the product.

The Russian buyer combines high degree distrust and at the same time is a grateful, responsive public if he feels a good attitude towards him. The seller's sincerity will be appreciated and the buyer will come next time for advice.

Of course, the seller must have information on all the goods, but in practice we see that often the seller has his favorite products that he offers first. Sellers come up with their own stories and give reasons why the buyer should purchase these particular products. There is nothing bad here; on the contrary, if these products are offered correctly, then during training you should ask the sellers what products they like and give even more information about them. The seller must be confident in the product, then he will be able to successfully offer it.

Before the season begins, retailers need to introduce a short line of seasonal shoe care products that will pack a punch. It should not be long, otherwise it will be difficult for the seller to remember all the advantages of each product. For example, if it is impregnation, no more than three: gentle impregnation with a care function in a 200 ml bottle, nano-impregnation strong action in a 400 ml bottle, concentrated impregnation in a 75 ml bottle.

Sellers must understand the types of leather so as not to make mistakes with the selection of products. If there is a high turnover of salespeople in the store and there is no opportunity to constantly conduct training, then you can choose a certain line of universal products (there are such products on the market) that can be used for all types of leather. For example, modern impregnations high class are developed for absolutely any materials, including TEX membranes.

Five general rules for sellers:

    Don’t push the product, but talk about its advantages.

    So offer the product so that a person picks it up.

    Offer two products to choose from - as a rule, one of them will be purchased. But no more: a person has only two hands.

    Offer a care product at the end of the conversation, when the buyer has decided to buy shoes.

    Formulate the benefits of the product clearly, briefly and clearly.

How to correctly form a “cosmetic” assortment

Which shoe cosmetics brand should you choose? Here it makes sense to build on the shoe brands that are presented in the store.

If this is a cheap product, then shoe products cannot be expensive. In addition, in a low-price segment store there is no point in presenting a large assortment. All you need is one impregnation, one cleaning product, cream in three main colors, velor-nubuck spray in three main colors, a couple of brushes – that’s it! Sometimes they add shoe grease or very cheap cream in a jar.

In the middle segment and above, a wide range of products can be presented to satisfy more sophisticated demands. Creams and products for velor-nubuck leather in a wide range must be present here. color scheme, big choice cleaning products, impregnations, various brushes, special means for varnish or synthetic materials, stretching for problem areas in shoes, products for delicate leather or leather with effects and much more. Of course, the emphasis is still on commercial products, but if the seller sees that a girl has bought very expensive shoes made of genuine patent leather, then perhaps she should be offered not ordinary nail polish cream, but a special nail polish oil that will more effectively protect the skin from creases. Oil, of course, costs a little more, but there is certainly a point in using such a product, of which the seller should try to convince the buyer.

Those who do not have any experience in selling shoe cosmetics are recommended to start with the so-called starter kit win-win products, and then gradually expand the range based on sales experience.

If we consider only shoe cosmetics without other “accessories” - insoles, laces, horns, shoe holders and other things, then for an average store with an area of ​​100 sq. m, selling shoes with retail prices from 4,000 rubles to 12,000 rubles, in the low season you will need about 40,000 rubles worth of shoe cosmetics per month at purchase prices. This is, of course, a very average figure. It was already mentioned above how many factors are important when selecting an assortment.

There are no general recipes; here you have to act by trial and error, while hoping that there won’t be too many of them. You can calculate differently: just take approximately the average volume of shoe sales per month, take 10% of it, divide by 2 (you get the wholesale price) and multiply by 3, since this will be the very first purchase - if you start selling shoe cosmetics from scratch , – and it must contain a certain supply of goods.

Should we have sales of creams and sprays?

As practice shows, sales of cosmetics do not make sense. With shoes, everything is different: the buyer clearly understands how much this or that shoe can cost and sometimes specifically waits for a sale. Or the buyer sees a significant discount and is tempted to make a spontaneous purchase, even if he doesn’t really need these shoes at the moment, because “it’s a sin not to buy at that price.”

In the case of shoe cosmetics, no one will buy cream just because there is a special promotion on it and there is a 20% discount. If the seller managed to convince the buyer that he needs a specific product, he will buy it without a discount.

Offering a care product as a gift during a promotion in addition to shoes is a possible option, but in this case the gift should be chosen so that the buyer can actually use it. Such a gift should be inexpensive and versatile, not requiring consultation on its use. For example, a sponge with impregnation to add shine to shoes is suitable for such purposes. The buyer, of course, will not refuse the gift, but he will still be very happy to just receive a discount on shoes, and not a gift. Of course, such promotions can be carried out, but this is not the main task of care products. They can sell well in regular trade.

Depending on the store format, related products may be allocated more or less space.

Shoes Report Editorial Board

Open display of products is very effective because it allows you to increase sales. The increase in the number of purchases is explained by many factors, including psychological ones; Having picked up the product, the buyer already partially feels it as his own, even if he has not yet paid for it. This increases the chances that the product will actually be purchased. But open display means not only increased sales and free customer access to products, but also the need for reliable protection against theft of expensive electronic devices.
This article talks about what technical solutions to ensure the safety of goods on racks are used today, what new products were presented in Lately and what trends have emerged in this market.


Research shows that almost 50% of purchasing decisions today are made based on the buyer's personal interaction with a product. This is influenced by many factors, including psychological ones.

Foreign retailers have long understood the advantages of open display (see photo 1), which increases sales, and have switched to this method of displaying products. In Russia this happened a little later. But all retail chains, both foreign and Russian, faced the same problem during the transition to open display - the need to reliably protect electronic devices that are freely available to customers (see photo 2). The fact is that expensive small-sized goods are not so difficult to hide and take out of the store, and this can be done not only by a professional thief, but also by a less experienced attacker.

The first systems for protecting goods on racks in our country began to be used more than 10 years ago. They were then used to protect DECT standard radiotelephones, multimedia players, voice recorders, radios, some cameras and some other devices. And the protection systems worked according to the following principle: an electronic sensor was attached to the product, connected to the control unit of the security system, and if the circuit was broken (for example, if the wires were broken, the sensor came unstuck), an alarm was triggered.

This operating principle is still used today in electronic anti-theft systems (see photo 3). The difference is that the technical solutions on the market have become more advanced. More sensors have appeared to ensure the safety of a variety of products, in particular those that have been developed recently: smartphones, tablets, etc.

But electronic protection is not the only thing used
to ensure the safety of goods on racks these days. The fact is that electronic systems cannot guarantee 100% safety of products. If a thief manages, for example, to cut a wire or peel off a sensor, an alarm will sound, but the attacker may have time to run away with the goods. And (especially if the store is not in mall, and on the street, in a separate building) there is a high probability that the thief will not be caught.

That is why leading manufacturers of anti-theft solutions have developed new way protection of goods - a mechanical system that appeared on the market two years ago. It is more reliable than electronic, since its essence is that the sensor is not glued to the product, but metal elements (brackets, fasteners, etc.) are attached, which cannot be broken, torn off, or removed without causing harm to yourself apparatus. At the same time, the range of brackets, mounts and holders today is very wide, which allows you to protect a wide variety of devices.

To make the differences between the electronic and mechanical protection systems more clear, I will give next example. Imagine a door with an alarm installed. The owner of the apartment can only remotely control whether it is closed or opened by an unauthorized person: in the event of illegal entry into the house, the alarm will notify about this. But, being far away, the owner may not have time to protect his apartment from theft. The same is true with the electronic protection of goods on shelves: sellers can monitor the status of devices that are constantly in the hands of customers (whether the goods are in place or they are trying to steal them), but they may not have time to prevent the theft.

Now imagine the same door, closed with a secure lock, which cannot be opened without a special key. The same is true with mechanical protection: it is impossible to remove the structure without special equipment (a key) in order to steal the goods. After installing such systems, retailers noted a significant reduction in theft rates in their stores: for example, one of the largest retail retailers The USA recorded a 95% reduction in thefts, and one of the largest American operators wireless communication reported a 90% reduction in thefts. The world's leading brands, such as Apple and Samsung, are increasingly protecting their devices with mechanical systems.

To ensure the safety of openly displayed goods, “hybrid” systems can now also be used, which combine electronic and mechanical systems. And in some electronics stores and household appliances In addition to anti-theft systems, traditional EAS systems are also installed on the racks - they can be seen at the entrance to a retail facility. The differences between them are that shelving protection systems prevent theft directly on the sales floor, while EAS systems are able to detect theft when a customer leaves the store with unpaid goods. When both systems are installed, the level of product safety increases.
Maximum safety of goods and minimum percentage losses from theft - this is what retailers primarily expect from a system for protecting goods on shelves at the present time. Also important for them are such parameters as the reliability and quality of the system, its payback, the absence of false alarms, the price-quality ratio, and the popularity of the brand in the market.


By the number of protected goods in retail networks in Russia, the European company XTR1M became the leader (see photo 4). Using XTRIM as an example, I will talk about some of the new products that have been developed recently.

One of them is sensors in the form of monoracks. Their advantage is that they can be quickly placed anywhere on the sales floor without the use of special retail equipment. Without additional effort, these sensors can be placed on the floor, on a table or placed on a wall, resulting in increased efficiency in displaying goods, and there is no need to order retail store equipment, wait for it to be delivered, installed, etc.

Another new product is sensors designed to protect against theft of batteries in smartphones. Before the advent of such sensors, these devices were protected in the following way: in addition to the main sensor for the phone, an additional mini-sensor was attached to the battery. But it could come off, causing false alarms. To eliminate this problem, XTRIM has developed a microsensor that is located under the battery. Any attempt to remove the phone cover triggers an alarm.

Among the new products, I will also note sensors that are inserted into a standard connector (either micro USB or mini USB) and, in addition to protection, also provide power to devices.

In general, protection systems with the function of recharging goods are in great demand on the market today. The problem is that not all manufacturers can offer technical solutions that not only protect, but also power devices. Likewise, not all manufacturers can offer universal systems, suitable for most products and which can be used for a long period of time, despite the expansion of product lines and the release of new electronic devices.

The growing demand for universal protection systems is one of the trends in the market.

Another trend that has emerged recently is the transition from electronic protection systems to mechanical or “hybrid” ones. Yes, for now most retailers (especially in Russia) still use mainly electronic systems, but having made test installations of mechanical structures, they will come to the conclusion that the future lies with them.

And the third trend is that the demand for protection systems for new devices that appear on the market and are very popular is growing rapidly. I mean tablets, smartphones and laptop tablets.

A pharmacy with an open display can significantly increase the income of its owner if you approach the matter responsibly. In essence, an open display looks like various cabinets, shelves around the perimeter and center of the room with goods laid out, most often cosmetic and hygiene products. Since this method of displaying the necessary goods requires a significant area, a pharmacy with an open display should have a fairly spacious room.


An open display in a pharmacy provides the buyer with greater opportunities when choosing medical products. Your visitors will be able to see related products without haste, there is no need to voice your choice in front of other customers, which is important for shy customers. The time spent in line will no longer be so tedious, because it can be used with maximum benefit.

The pharmacy receives increased demand from open display; you just need to properly organize the merchandising system. Using certain techniques, you can encourage the visitor to purchase the promoted product range. There are so-called “sold shelves”, they ensure the availability of goods.

  • Place the assortment needed for sale at eye and hand level with the front part facing the buyer
  • Add products with colorful packaging, they attract the eye to the display
  • It is better to place it in a visible place a large number of one product, if you add a discount to it, sales will increase up to 50%
  • Proper open display will certainly ensure increased sales in the pharmacy.

Disadvantages of open display

The main disadvantage of open display is the need for additional expenses. First of all, this is the area of ​​the pharmacy premises. To organize a convenient and efficient trading floor, you will need at least 50 sq.m., and this is an increased rent. In addition to additional square meters, you need to locate the pharmacy in passage place. Pharmacies with a large flow of customers are ideal for open display.

The purchase of display cases, shelving, costs for design, and a security system are also necessary. In a pharmacy with an open display type, goods are less protected from theft and damage. You will have to install a video surveillance system, add a security guard to your staff, and consider purchasing necessary equipment. It is advisable to hire additional employees as consultants.

Choice of display: open or closed?

Any pharmacy can make a profit with proper management. When choosing a pharmacy format, you should consider many factors. This is location, specialization, traffic, rental cost, etc.

Each type of trading has its pros and cons. An open display will pay off in places with high traffic, while a closed display will ensure the safety of goods due to the lack of a sales area. Both have prospects for development - it is only important to treat the business with love and attention, then your business will certainly bring long-awaited dividends.

In the previous article, we looked at the features of merchandising in pharmacies with a closed display. However, now a large number of pharmacies operate in an open display format. Some practical tips.

The first and most important difference between pharmacies with a closed and open display is that the product becomes accessible to the buyer not only visually, but also tactilely. After all, as you know, people perceive information at three levels: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Depending on the psychotype, a person may better perceive information auditorily or visually, for example, when he has a well-developed photographic memory. But the strongest perception is kinesthetic, i.e. tactile. This quality is inherent in us by nature itself, and the majority of people have a very high level of perception. Based on this factor, the influence of competent merchandising in pharmacies with an open display cannot be underestimated.

The formation of a pharmacy space with an open display has its own characteristics. So, the shelves in the center of the hall for such a pharmacy should not be too high. The optimal height for them is from 1.2 to 1.7 m. Higher furniture should not be placed, because there will be a poor view of the hall, which will complicate control to prevent theft and discomfort in the perception of the hall by clients who may feel like they are in a maze. I note that the main visitors to pharmacies are women, and their average height is 160-165 cm.

The distance between the racks should be large enough so that the buyer can move freely. It is necessary to form the space of the sales floor in such a way that people, moving around the hall from entrance to exit, have the opportunity to inspect the maximum number of racks on their way.
The profitability of a particular zone is predictable, but not absolute. Sometimes the most noticeable to the visitor are display cases and shelving, which were initially assigned a more modest role. Therefore, constant analysis is necessary in order to adjust the display zones. It makes sense to conduct surveys of hall workers, because... they have the most objective and timely information about the perception of retail space by customers.

In general, the rules of merchandising in a pharmacy with an open display are identical to the methods of working with a closed display:
- below 0.5 m - low attractiveness zone;
- from 0.5 m to 1 m - zone of average attractiveness;
- from 1 m to 1.7 m - a zone of high attractiveness;
- above 1.7 m - an unattractive area for display.

The center of the display case is a hot zone; expensive products should be placed there; zones “cool down” towards the edges of the display case; cheaper products can be placed there. When laid out openly, the technique of double placement also works well, i.e. placement of goods is duplicated in the hall and, for example, in the checkout area. This is relevant for seasonal goods or if it is necessary to reduce the stock of any product. You can also note such a method as “promotion” - this is placing products ahead in comparison with other assortment units. The main thing is to break the monotony of the display, because... violation of symmetry forces the client to hold his gaze.

With any display method, visual dominance of medicines is necessary in order to maintain the classic image of the pharmacy. Display cases with drugs should be placed immediately from the entrance, displaying those categories of medicines that are not very profitable. When entering a pharmacy, the client is not yet ready to buy, and it is important not to scare him off with an assortment that is not related to medicines. Emphasis on medications are also required in checkout areas and opposite them.

When displaying medicines, it is better to focus on “promoted” forms of over-the-counter drugs, which may be in demand by the buyer even without consulting the “prime-principal”. In its turn. It is not advisable to display prescription drugs in open display, because Buyers who do not have a clear recommendation from a doctor will still not be able to purchase them, and a person who has a prescription with a specific name of the drug will definitely ask the “pervostolnik” about its availability in the pharmacy.

In a pharmacy with an open display, it is possible to more actively promote such a high-margin area as parapharmacy. The display capacity when displayed openly is higher - and there is an opportunity to more widely present the range of parapharmaceutical products. This is especially true for parapharmaceutical products, which have bright and eye-catching packaging that can influence the purchasing decision. In addition, the purchase of this category of goods very often occurs on impulse, and the kinesthetic component of the buyer’s perception significantly increases its likelihood. For example, it has been noted that the decision to purchase vitamins or various dietary supplements is made independently and often spontaneously.

It has been noticed that the greatest profit can be generated by the sale of inexpensive but in-demand goods, so it is advisable to make freely available goods in the price category of up to 300 rubles. This will reduce losses from theft, which, unfortunately, are inevitable with an open display. More expensive products should be located in closed display cases or in the viewing area of ​​a pharmaceutical specialist at the pharmacy or security.

Based on the recommendations listed, it is necessary to draw up a clear list of the assortment of open display. The selection of drugs for this list should be based on the results of an analysis of the most profitable positions for the nearest seasonally comparable period. Best places positions should be allocated to the most profitable or new promoted positions, subject to compensation by the manufacturer for lost profits.

Also among the “promotional” displays, we can note the block display, when a large number of the same product is placed to attract the buyer’s attention to the greatest extent. It is important to remember that in this case it is necessary to have a fairly large inventory balance.

The second fairly common mistake is trying to convey information about maximum quantity goods from the assortment, which ultimately leads to the buyer’s “blurred eyes” and getting lost in the mass of information that has befallen him.

In conclusion, I would like to say - do not be afraid to spend your time and energy on merchandising. Ultimately, building a system of competent merchandising in a pharmacy is the way to the prosperity of your business. Good luck to you!
