Horoscope by zodiac signs: favorable days of the week. Good days horoscope

Representatives of the zodiac circle differ not only in temperament. Each Zodiac Sign has its own happy Days, in which you can achieve success with almost no effort.

Many have noticed that luck comes to people in different time. Some people quickly get back to work on Monday, achieve success and literally float on the wave of good luck. Others are active at the end of the week, as if waking up after a long hibernation. Astrologers have been observing the planets and stars for a long time in order to name positive and negative days according to the Zodiac Sign. The site's experts hope that this information will help you become luckier and avoid troubles.


For representatives of the fire constellation the most good days will become Tuesday and Sunday. These days, Aries will be able to resolve many issues in a professional environment and achieve success in their careers and education. Also during these periods, you can actively engage in your personal life, look for new acquaintances or build relationships in couples. Astrologers call Friday and Monday unlucky days for business and personal activity. These days, Aries should moderate their ardor so as not to get themselves into trouble.


Astrologers recommend that Taurus be active in business sphere life at the beginning of the week, namely on Monday. This time will be good for introducing new ideas and concluding business agreements. Friday will be a good day for your personal life. To avoid mistakes, you should exclude activity on Thursday. On this day, it is best for Taurus to do routine work in order to free up time for future achievements.


Representatives of this Sign have three successful days in a week. On Wednesday, Gemini can safely engage in creativity and look for new ways to solve problems. On Thursday, representatives of your Sign improve their communication skills, which means business negotiations and new acquaintances will bring success. On Sunday, luck smiles on Gemini, so you can easily win on the love front. But on Saturday you should be careful not to fall into the hands of scammers.


On Monday and Thursday, Cancers will be able to forget about shyness and actively meet new people. These days, a representative of your Sign will be able to receive right decisions leading to success and prosperity. Use this time to change for the better and open new horizons. So that luck does not turn away from you, spend Tuesday and Saturday in solitude. According to astrologers, these days will be unlucky for you.

a lion

The Lions will be able to show themselves in all their glory on Sunday. This day is the best day of the week for representatives of your Sign, which means good luck will be in your hands. On Sunday you can achieve success thanks to positive influence celestial bodies Saturday will be a bad day. On this day, astrologers recommend that Leos exclude any new beginnings in order to avoid mistakes and mistakes.


Virgos are lucky on Wednesday. On this auspicious day of the week, you will be able to begin implementing your wildest plans. The completion of important matters will also be successful. Representatives of your Sign should set aside Thursday and Friday for rest from serious activities. These days, activity decreases, so there is no point in risking your happiness.


Astrologers believe that Friday and Saturday are the most successful days for Libra. At this time, you will be able to resolve many issues, as well as begin the path to success. Unlucky days are Tuesday and Sunday. At this time, it is easiest for representatives of your Sign to encounter failures, so be careful in everything.


On Tuesday, Scorpios will be able to feel a surge of strength and get down to the most important things. This day is rightfully considered positive for you, and astrologers recommend planning meetings and serious matters at this time. On Friday and Monday, it is important for Scorpios to avoid aggressive people and reduce communication with strangers, so as not to experience aggression and not fall for the tricks of dishonest people.


It is preferable for Sagittarius to be active on Thursday. This positive day will be successful for travel and business trips, meeting new people and doing business. On Thursday, Sagittarius will be able to attract good luck into their lives by showing activity and perseverance. Astrologers recommend postponing important undertakings on Wednesday. At this time, it is easy to make a critical mistake.


Saturday and Tuesday are favorable for Capricorns. On these days of the week, representatives of your Sign will be able to discover new paths of development for themselves, expand their horizons and not look back at their past. By casting aside doubts these days, you will discover the path to happiness and personal comfort. Thursday can be considered a bad time. On this day, Capricorns should be careful, double-check information and not rush into adventures.


Aquarians can try their luck on Wednesday and Saturday. Energy-favorable days help increase activity and also allow you to do several things at the same time. Astrologers consider Sunday to be an unlucky day for representatives of your Sign. This day is under the unfavorable influence of the stars and planets, so caution should be your middle name.


Representatives of the zodiac constellation Pisces will be lucky on Thursday and Friday. These days are filled with positivity, so even the most difficult things will be easier than usual. You can achieve success on these days of the week by discarding unnecessary emotions. Astrologers advise Pisces to beware of envious people and ill-wishers on Wednesday. On this day, your energy is most susceptible to negative attacks from the outside.

Even the best day can be overshadowed negative thoughts. Astrologers recommend that everyone, without exception, support

Representatives of the zodiac circle differ not only in temperament. Each Zodiac Sign has its own happy days, when you can achieve success with almost no effort.

Many have noticed that luck comes to people at different times. Some people quickly get back to work on Monday, achieve success and literally float on the wave of good luck. Others are active at the end of the week, as if waking up after a long hibernation. Astrologers have been observing the planets and stars for a long time in order to name positive and negative days according to the Zodiac Sign. Experts at dailyhoro.ru hope that this information will help you become luckier and avoid troubles.

For representatives of the fire constellation, the most successful days will be Tuesday and Sunday. These days, Aries will be able to resolve many issues in a professional environment and achieve success in their careers and education. Also during these periods, you can actively engage in your personal life, look for new acquaintances or build relationships in couples. Astrologers call Friday and Monday unlucky days for business and personal activity. These days, Aries should moderate their ardor so as not to get themselves into trouble.

Astrologers recommend that Taurus be active in the business sphere of life at the beginning of the week, namely on Monday. This time will be good for introducing new ideas and concluding business agreements. Friday will be a good day for your personal life. To avoid mistakes, you should exclude activity on Thursday. On this day, it is best for Taurus to do routine work in order to free up time for future achievements.

Representatives of this Sign have three successful days in a week. On Wednesday, Gemini can safely engage in creativity and look for new ways to solve problems. On Thursday, representatives of your Sign improve their communication skills, which means business negotiations and new acquaintances will bring success. On Sunday, luck smiles on Gemini, so you can easily win on the love front. But on Saturday you should be careful not to fall into the hands of scammers.

On Monday and Thursday, Cancers will be able to forget about shyness and actively meet new people. These days, representatives of your Sign will be able to make the right decisions leading to success and prosperity. Use this time to make changes better side and opening new horizons. So that luck does not turn away from you, spend Tuesday and Saturday in solitude. According to astrologers, these days will be unlucky for you.

a lion
The Lions will be able to show themselves in all their glory on Sunday. This day is the best day of the week for representatives of your Sign, which means good luck will be in your hands. On Sunday you will be able to achieve success thanks to the positive influence of celestial bodies. Saturday will be a bad day. On this day, astrologers recommend that Leos exclude any new beginnings in order to avoid mistakes and mistakes.

Virgos are lucky on Wednesday. On this auspicious day of the week, you will be able to begin implementing your wildest plans. The completion of important matters will also be successful. Representatives of your Sign should set aside Thursday and Friday for rest from serious activities. These days, activity decreases, so there is no point in risking your happiness.

Astrologers believe that Friday and Saturday are the most successful days for Libra. At this time, you will be able to resolve many issues and also begin the path to success. Unlucky days are Tuesday and Sunday. At this time, it is easiest for representatives of your Sign to encounter failures, so be careful in everything.

On Tuesday, Scorpios will be able to feel a surge of strength and get down to the most important things. This day is rightfully considered positive for you, and astrologers recommend planning meetings and serious matters at this time. On Friday and Monday, it is important for Scorpios to avoid aggressive people and reduce communication with strangers, so as not to experience aggression and not fall for the tricks of dishonest people.

It is preferable for Sagittarius to be active on Thursday. This positive day will be successful for travel and business trips, meeting new people and doing business. On Thursday, Sagittarius will be able to attract good luck into their lives by showing activity and perseverance. Astrologers recommend postponing important undertakings on Wednesday. At this time, it is easy to make a critical mistake.

Saturday and Tuesday are favorable for Capricorns. On these days of the week, representatives of your Sign will be able to discover new paths of development for themselves, expand their horizons and not look back at their past. By casting aside doubts these days, you will discover the path to happiness and personal comfort. Thursday can be considered a bad time. On this day, Capricorns should be careful, double-check information and not rush into adventures.

Aquarians can try their luck on Wednesday and Saturday. Energy-favorable days help increase activity and also allow you to do several things at the same time. Astrologers consider Sunday to be an unlucky day for representatives of your Sign. This day is under the unfavorable influence of the stars and planets, so caution should be your middle name.

Representatives of the zodiac constellation Pisces will be lucky on Thursday and Friday. These days are filled with positivity, so even the most difficult things will be easier than usual. You can achieve success on these days of the week by discarding unnecessary emotions. Astrologers advise Pisces to beware of envious people and ill-wishers on Wednesday. On this day, your energy is most susceptible to negative attacks from the outside.

Many situations in March will seem to specifically test our strength. We do not receive support from Mercury, which is moving retrograde at this time, which means there is a risk of making wrong decisions.

Uranus brings surprises

Throughout the month there will be unusually high activity of the planet Uranus, which is responsible for unexpected news, condition household appliances and increased accident rates. It is better to keep your eyes open if you are offered something tempting, and be prepared for the fact that some part of the planned activities may go to waste.

March 1 Venus leaving the sign of Capricorn forms a square to Uranus. Take care of your wallets and what is important to you. Relationships can also be tested - with loved ones, friends or colleagues. Don't waste your money and refrain from replacing your smartphone or using your laptop excessively.

At night from 16 to 17 March Uranus moves into the sign of Taurus. It’s worth being double-vigilant about how well your home is protected, and also double-checking all your passwords for existing accounts on the Internet. And do not leave your financial traces online in the form of information and payment cards - today the likelihood of theft of this data increases.

Jupiter's stubbornness

Usually in classical astrology Jupiter is a kind-hearted person who generously distributes gifts. But in March it is better not to joke with this planet, because contrary to usual, the influence of Jupiter will be quite complex and provoke obstacles and delays in what is significant to us.

March 4 the mutual influence of Jupiter and Pluto against the background of almost stopped Mercury is a difficult day with an increased likelihood of unexpected news. Don't start anything new and watch who is in your social circle today. In the evening, it makes sense to turn off your work phones so as not to get involved in unnecessary proceedings that can be avoided.

March 13 The Sun is completing its square with Jupiter and on this day you may suddenly have a strong desire to purchase expensive, status items. But it’s better not to empty your home piggy banks and gut them credit cards. Resist the urge to completely overhaul your wardrobe or treat yourself to dinner at an expensive restaurant. Later, you will thank yourself for refraining from unnecessary and burdensome expenses that day.

Other unfavorable days of the month

March, 6- a day of increased likelihood of becoming a victim of deception or self-deception. Don't follow the lead of those who promise you sweet life without any effort on your part. Don't invest money in other people's projects.

March 23- the likelihood of accidents on the roads and breakdowns of household and office equipment increases. Be extremely careful while driving and on the roads, and in the evening try not to be in unfamiliar company.

Representatives of the zodiac circle differ not only in temperament. Each Zodiac Sign has its own happy days, when you can achieve success with almost no effort.

Many have noticed that luck comes to people at different times. Some people quickly get back to work on Monday, achieve success and literally float on a wave of luck . Others are active at the end of the week, as if waking up after a long hibernation. Astrologers have been observing the planets and stars for a long time in order to name positive and negative days according to the Zodiac Sign. Experts at dailyhoro.ru hope that this information will help you become luckier and avoid troubles.


For representatives of the fire constellation, the most successful days will be Tuesday and Sunday. These days, Aries will be able to resolve many issues in a professional environment,achieve success in your career and education. Also during these periods, you can actively engage in your personal life, look for new acquaintances or build relationships in couples. Astrologers call Friday and Monday unlucky days for business and personal activity. These days, Aries should moderate their ardor so as not to get themselves into trouble.


Astrologers recommend that Taurus be active in the business sphere of life at the beginning of the week, namely on Monday. This time will be good for implementation new ideas and concluding business agreements. Friday will be a good day for your personal life. To avoid mistakes, you should exclude activity on Thursday. On this day, it is best for Taurus to do routine work in order to free up time for future achievements.


Representatives of this Sign have three successful days in a week. On Wednesday, Gemini can safely engage in creativity and look for new ways to solve problems. On Thursday, representatives of your Sign improve their communication skills, which means business negotiations and new acquaintances will bring success. On Sunday, luck smiles on Gemini, so you will easily winvictory on the love front . But on Saturday you should be careful not to fall into the hands of scammers.


On Monday and Thursday, Cancers will be able to forget about shyness and actively meet new people. These days, representatives of your Sign will be able to make the right decisions leading to success and prosperity. Use this time tochanges for the better and opening new horizons. So that luck does not turn away from you, spend Tuesday and Saturday in solitude. According to astrologers, these days will be unlucky for you.

a lion

The Lions will be able to show themselves in all their glory on Sunday. This day is the best day of the week for representatives of your Sign, which means good luck will be in your hands. On Sunday you canachieve success thanks to the positive influence of celestial bodies. Saturday will be a bad day. On this day, astrologers recommend that Leos exclude any new beginnings in order to avoid mistakes and mistakes.


Virgos are lucky on Wednesday. In thatauspicious day weeks you will be able to begin implementing your wildest plans. The completion of important matters will also be successful. Representatives of your Sign should set aside Thursday and Friday for rest from serious activities. These days, activity decreases, so there is no point in risking your happiness.


Astrologers believe that Friday and Saturday are the most successful days for Libra. At this time, you will be able to resolve many issues and also begin way to success . Unlucky days are Tuesday and Sunday. At this time, it is easiest for representatives of your Sign to encounter failures, so be careful in everything.


On Tuesday, Scorpios will be able to feel a surge of strength and get down to the most important things. This day is rightfully considered positive for you, and astrologers recommend planning meetings and serious matters at this time. On Friday and Monday, it is important for Scorpios to avoid aggressive people and reduce communication with strangers in order todo not experience aggression and not fall for the tricks of dishonest people.


It is preferable for Sagittarius to be active on Thursday. This positive day will be successful for travel and business trips, meeting new people and doing business. On Thursday Sagittarius will be ableattract good luck into your life showing activity and persistence. Astrologers recommend postponing important undertakings on Wednesday. At this time, it is easy to make a critical mistake.


Saturday and Tuesday are favorable for Capricorns. On these days of the week, representatives of your Sign will be able to discover new paths of development for themselves, expand their horizons and not look back at your past . By casting aside doubts these days, you will discover the path to happiness and personal comfort. Thursday can be considered a bad time. On this day, Capricorns should be careful, double-check information and not rush into adventures.


Aquarians can try their luck on Wednesday and Saturday. Energy-favorable days contribute toincrease in activity , and also allow you to do several things at the same time. Astrologers consider Sunday to be an unlucky day for representatives of your Sign. This day is under the unfavorable influence of the stars and planets, so caution should be your middle name.


Representatives of the zodiac constellation Pisces will be lucky on Thursday and Friday. These days are filled with positivity, so even the most difficult things will be easier than usual. You can achieve success on these days of the week by discarding unnecessary emotions. Bewareenvious people and ill-wishers Astrologers advise Pisces on Wednesday. On this day, your energy is most susceptible to negative attacks from the outside.

The most powerful day lunar month. A day of strong, decisive action; today you can dramatically influence events. Today you can take a step that will decide the outcome of all previously started projects. The most important thing is to concentrate on the main thing, without getting distracted by the little things. On the 14th lunar day, a lot is achieved. On this day you need to listen to advice, even from outsiders - they can be very useful. The period of building castles in the air. It is better to refrain from making any promises; you may overestimate your strength.. The 14th lunar day is not suitable for fortune telling. Today we need to not make plans, but implement them. You should ask only one thing from Heaven - as much strength as possible. To activate your energy, use a red candle. And to speed up thinking process, fumigate your study or the room where you have the most books with Eucalyptus incense. It is better to prefer jewelry with hyacinth.

An unfavorable day when it is better to indulge in passive rest. A critical day when a person succumbs to internal temptations. On the 15th lunar day, it is necessary to practice asceticism, to tame the flesh and spirit. Pride and arrogance are contraindicated. The day is dangerous due to excessive energy consumption, exhaustion, and half as many things will be done as in any other period. Lunar day, completely unsuitable for intimate contact - physical intimacy, at first it can lift you to the heights of pleasure, and then turn into bitter disappointment.. Day of asceticism, you should not ask for anything today. Needs to be thanked higher power for what you already have. It’s also good to protect your energy. Fumigation with the incense of Myrrh or Frankincense, best method work on the subtle plane today. It’s also good to study your horoscope to see the vestments of your shadow sides.

Waxing Moon in Libra

What to wear?

It’s good if your clothes, accessories and makeup contain white, pink and gray color combinations.

Scent of the day- the floral scent of perfume will be the best addition.

Talismans- amethyst and hessonite. Metal - copper.

What are we eating?

A little pork with olives or lamb pilaf won't hurt you. The less you eat today, the better. You can choose any of the healthy mono-diets. For example - all day there is only oatmeal, boiled in water, or zucchini and apples. It is important not to starve or overeat. It’s very good to exclude spicy, salty, hot and cold foods. Excellent - refrain from taking alcohol, tobacco and tranquilizers.

Tea with the addition of lemon balm flowers is very suitable for any menu.

beauty and health

Today, flower-based cosmetics aimed at nourishing the skin are good. For example, white lily petals soaked in Vaseline.

Recipe: flowers medicinal plants, for example, rosehip petals, you can pour vodka for lotion, fill a small part with warm Vaseline or warm olive oil and leave in the sun for 10 days, then put in the refrigerator. The same can be done with the petals of the white lily.

Smooth physical exercise on fresh air- main action today for good health. This better days for cleaning digestive system, including the liver and pancreas. Any methods are good, unless you have serious illnesses.

Intimate scenario

The moon in the sign of Libra provokes gentle sex. But this is provided that your loved one persuades you to perform intimate acts. Everything will depend on your mood. In any case, you will not be too passionate and sensual, but you will make up for it with tenderness and artistry. Muted music, flowers and other attributes of romance will intoxicate you more than ever and set you up for carnal pleasures.

What to do at home?

Be sure to ventilate the room. Do not water houseplants, but loosen the soil. Feel free to plant and replant any plants, even adults.
