State subsidy for starting a business. State assistance to small businesses: how to get your company

Government support for small businesses is an important area economic policy: Today in Russia there are more than 5.5 million small and medium-sized businesses, which account for 21% of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

It is planned that by 2030 the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP Russian Federation will reach 45%. That is why diverse government support for small businesses has entered its active phase.

Basics of government subsidies

Support for individual entrepreneurship and small businesses today in Russia is provided at the legislative level. Within the framework of the program “Stimulating Economic Activity”, financing of the activities of entrepreneurs is provided.

The program to stimulate economic activity in 2019 provides additional funding, which is called a subsidy.

Subsidizing is a targeted and free government payment for starting a business. The money will not have to be repaid, as is usually done when borrowing or taking out a loan.

According to preliminary information from the Ministry economic development our country, only 11 billion rubles were allocated for the entire 2017 program, while in 2014 this amount was more than 20 billion, and in 2015 – almost 17 billion rubles.

These funds are divided among all constituent entities of Russia on the basis of competitive procedures. Due to a noticeable reduction in support, the regions of the country will have to independently determine the priority areas of business activity for financing.

State funds will go to really important areas of the economy: Agriculture, trade, provision of utilities and household services, social entrepreneurship, innovation activity and others.

Every small and medium-sized business has the right to count on comprehensive support from the state - this is regulated by various regulations and, first of all, Federal Law No. 209-FZ. Various programs have their own validity period, terms of provision and budget.

In every region of our country for the implementation of events state support small business is responsible for the relevant authorized body. You can find a complete list of them on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Types of financial support for entrepreneurs

In 2019, the size of the subsidy will depend on the region of residence and will be issued for the following needs:

  • purchase of raw materials;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • intangible assets;
  • repair work.

Subsidy program individual entrepreneurs allow budding businessmen to receive government funding. The size of the subsidy depends on the region in which the businessman lives. The average payment amount is 60,000 rubles.

Important! When starting your own business, you should take into account that government subsidies cannot be obtained for the production of tobacco products or alcoholic drinks.

Financing is provided on a non-refundable basis and only if the businessman has start-up capital. An entrepreneur can use the funds received to open and develop his business - for example, purchasing equipment, raw materials, carrying out repair work or purchasing intangible assets.

Types of financial support for the development of small businesses can be approved executive agency. After receiving the state cash assistance the entrepreneur must provide a report on the use of funds. This means that every person who receives a government subsidy is responsible for its distribution and must spend the funds correctly.

The rest of the financial assistance will have to be returned, and if it is discovered that the allocated money was spent inappropriately, the entrepreneur will have to return the entire amount to the state.

How to get a subsidy for small business development

Any unemployed citizen of the Russian Federation in 2019 can become a recipient of a subsidy for the development of small businesses.

Financing is provided jointly with the Employment Center.

A person can be recognized as unemployed if he is registered with the Employment Center at his place of registration.

A potential entrepreneur with a ready-made business plan should contact the Employment Center.

The applicant’s business plan must contain detailed information about the planned activity, the place of its implementation, necessary equipment, materials, technologies, work force, suppliers.

A separate place in the business plan is given to the cost of the project, taking into account own and subsidized capital. It is also important to carry out calculations and analysis. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the expected revenue and profit, the profitability of the project, the payback period, etc.

A competent business plan is the key to obtaining government funding.

After agreeing on a business plan with the Employment Center, an unemployed citizen applies to the Federal Tax Service with an application to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The period for registering an individual entrepreneur, established by regulatory documents, is 5 working days. After receiving the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate and extract from Unified register, the aspiring entrepreneur again applies to the Employment Center with an approved business plan, an application for a subsidy, a passport and documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. This is how an agreement on subsidizing activities is concluded between a businessman and the state.

In order to receive a subsidy from the state to start a business, you need to draw up a business plan correctly and in detail.

After signing the documents, the Employment Center transfers funds to the entrepreneur’s personal account.

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Features of receiving subsidies for small business development

Main feature Receiving government funding for small businesses means there is no need for repayment, since the funds are provided free of charge.

In return, the state receives a new small enterprise, new jobs for the population and another cell of the market economy.

When concluding an agreement on subsidizing business activities, a businessman must know that he assumes a number of obligations. The main one is reporting.

Within 3 months after receiving Money from the state, the entrepreneur must provide the Employment Center with a report with supporting documents on the use of the subsidy. Fiscal and sales receipts, invoices and paid payment orders, receipts and other documents can be presented as confirmation.

The report must correspond to the paragraph of the business plan, which indicates the intended use of funds.

In case of partial or complete non-confirmation, the entrepreneur is obliged to return the subsidy amount to the state in full. Another feature of the subsidy is fixed in the terms of the contract. According to the agreement, the activities of the state-funded business should last at least a year.

Thus, the state excludes the existence of fly-by-night companies.

Types of subsidies

The type of subsidy can be established by each subject of the Russian Federation. State aid is of the following types:

  • business support – 25,000 rubles;
  • opening a business in 2018 with the possibility of increasing the subsidy for a new one workplace– 60,000 rubles;
  • opening a business provided that the entrepreneur is the only parent of the child, is unemployed or has a disability - 300,000 rubles.

A subsidy can be received not only for starting a business, but also for its development. At the same time, you can have your own production ideas for a small business or open it as a franchise. A sum of money is issued to individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in Moscow

Entrepreneurs and small businesses registered in Moscow have not only more possibilities for business development, but also receive special privileges available only to businessmen from the capital. One of these benefits is a business development subsidy. The size of this subsidy reaches 500,000 rubles.

To receive financing, a start-up entrepreneur must contact the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” with a corresponding application and a package of documents. The condition for receiving a subsidy is an activity carried out for at least six months and no more than 2 years. To confirm the success of the business, the entrepreneur provides financial statements, rental agreements, cooperation agreements, and so on.

The application with a package of documents is reviewed by a special Industry Commission.

Among the priority areas of subsidies are the innovation sector, agriculture, healthcare, education, social sphere, hotel business and tourism. After submitting funds, the entrepreneur is required to report on the intended use of the financing, as well as confirm the indicated financial indicators.

Thus, the state controls not only the legality of the use of subsidies, but also the influence of the enterprise on the economic environment of the country.

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Last changes

The purpose of receiving a subsidy for an entrepreneur in 2019 is to open a new enterprise or expand an existing one.

The advantage of this financing option is its gratuitous nature, but the main disadvantage is a large number of conditions and a strict selection procedure.

The Government plans to launch a geomarketing navigator system.

For this purpose, over 200 business plans were developed in 75 areas of small business activity. With the help of this system, it will be easier for entrepreneurs to choose an area or niche to open a small business.

If the project receives approval, then government support will be a good help for entrepreneurs.

There are several other types of assistance from the state to budding entrepreneurs:

  1. Renting real estate on preferential terms.
  2. Acquisition of state property at preferential prices.
  3. Use of infrastructure specially created by the state for the development of entrepreneurial activities (technology parks, offices, business incubators, etc.).

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State subsidy for starting a small business

December 2, 2015, 15:40 March 3, 2019 13:51

Many beginning entrepreneurs at the stage of business formation face financial difficulties. The easiest way to solve this problem is government concessional lending. There are many programs under which the state allocates funds to developing enterprises at low interest rates. We will tell you in this article what you need to do in order to receive a preferential loan as assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.


In 2019, the government of our country plans to review the terms of lending to small businesses. In particular, the annual interest rate for bank loans will be set at 10-11% per annum. In addition, the active support of the country's Central Bank will ensure refinancing of projects with a minimum rate of 6.5%. The maximum threshold will be 11%.

In addition, a geomarketing navigator system will be launched, thanks to which entrepreneurs, without conducting additional research, can obtain comprehensive information about their chosen market segment. For this purpose, more than 200 business plans have been developed in 75 areas of business activity. If this project is approved, government assistance for the development of small businesses in 2019 will be a pleasant bonus for aspiring entrepreneurs who are starting their own business in such difficult economic conditions.

Types of government assistance to small businesses

Federal programs

For 10 years, the government of our country has been allocating funds to regional budgets that are intended to support small businesses.

Businesses can count on assistance from the state during a crisis:

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs;
  • Manufacturing enterprises;
  • Companies involved in eco-tourism;
  • Organizations whose activities are related to folk art.

Small business support

It is worth noting that assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state is expressed not only in financial support, but also in the provision of various free services.

It could be:

  • Training (seminars, trainings, etc.);
  • Consulting on legal and economic issues;
  • Organization of fairs and exhibitions to promote goods and services;
  • Provision of land plots and production premises.

Subsidy from the Employment Center

Everyone knows that before that, you need to find start-up capital. If you don’t have your own savings, you shouldn’t immediately run to the bank to take out a loan. Beginning entrepreneurs can receive government assistance to open a small business through the labor exchange.

To do this you need:

  • Register with the employment center as unemployed;
  • Develop a competent project with calculations and detailed description planned activities;
  • Submit an application to participate in the competition.

The commission will review your plan and make a decision. If it is positive, you can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, receive money and start working. Such financial assistance from the state to small businesses is provided free of charge, but the entrepreneur must provide the regulatory authorities with a detailed report on the intended use of the funds.

Property support

There are several other types of assistance to budding entrepreneurs from the state in 2019:

Before submitting an application to participate in the competition, you need to collect all the necessary documents, including confirmation that you have not received any grants or cash subsidies before. In addition, you need to undergo training in special courses entrepreneurship that operates under regional small business support funds.


If for some reason you were denied free financial assistance, you can get a loan for a small business from scratch from the state at 5-6% per annum.

This type of government support is available to enterprises:

  • Those involved in the development of innovative production;
  • Focused on import substitution or production of export products;
  • Engaged in the production of oil and gas equipment.

In other words, in 2019, preferential loans to small businesses from the state will be available to enterprises that operate in priority sectors of the economy.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential loan

How to get help for small businesses from the state in 2019? First of all, you need to contact your partner stock bank, provide all the necessary documents, and submit an application. After this, you need to wait until the bank reviews your application and makes a decision. If the borrower is unable to pay the deposit, the financial institution sends e-mail client documents and an application for a guarantee to the above fund.

The application must be reviewed within three working days. If a positive decision is made, an agreement is drawn up between the credit institution, the fund and the entrepreneur. Because the we're talking about about a profitable one, before making a decision, the fund conducts a thorough analysis of the borrower’s business in order to assess its financial stability.

Where and how to get a loan for a small business?

It should also be noted that a loan from the state as assistance to small businesses can also be obtained from a regional or municipal fund. Beginning entrepreneurs are given small loans for short term. Microcredit is great for businesses with short term production cycle. If things go well, the businessman can count on more impressive assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.

Another profitable tool for preferential financing is a compensation loan. This option can be used for implementation. The government issues small loans that are intended to pay off the main loan. Thanks to this, the client receives a deferment on interest payments for up to one year. During this period, he can calmly develop his business.

The easiest way is to develop some kind of innovative project. In this case, you can count on active support from the state, since such activities have a positive impact on the development of science.

Who is given preferential loans?

Today, preferential loans for start-up entrepreneurs have become available in many banks. Preferential conditions in different credit institutions have significant differences, but despite this, we can highlight main trend– this is a low interest rate, long term loan repayment and simple application procedure. Concessional lending is an ideal option for implementation.

Since much less funds are allocated for federal subsidies in 2019, regions will finance only the most priority areas entrepreneurial activity - agriculture, innovation, scientific and technical developments, production of essential goods. According to experts, this is the social sphere and housing and communal services. These areas of activity receive full support from the state.

There are also restrictions on receiving soft loans. Persons who:

  • Have gone bankrupt or are on the verge of bankruptcy;
  • In the past, you received a preferential loan, but did not repay the debt;
  • Have any debts to government agencies.

  1. Do not forget that government assistance programs for small businesses may vary depending on the region. Therefore, before contacting the Small Business Support Fund, you need to carefully study the provisions on the guarantee. In some cases, the fund does not provide a guarantee for the entire amount of the requested loan, but only for a part of it;
  2. If you provide reliable collateral and complete all documents correctly, the likelihood of receiving a preferential loan under the microfinance program will increase significantly;
  3. Before receiving assistance for small businesses from the state at the Employment Center, think carefully again about whether you will be able to account for all the funds spent. The subsidy can only be spent in strict accordance with the business plan. All expenses must be confirmed with checks, receipts and other payment documents. If you know exactly how to increase your capital with a small amount of money, you can safely ask for such help.
  4. conclusions

    Government support programs are the most The best way, . Opportunity to develop your own business through budget funds can be found in any region. The most important thing is persistence and desire. Good luck!

Traditionally, any decision to start your own business always promises both bright prospects and unforeseen difficulties for the novice entrepreneur. Problems with suppliers, misunderstandings with clients, natural force majeure - all this leads to colossal expenses that were not included in the preliminary business plan. Limited capital is an integral “attribute” of a beginning entrepreneur, and each new material collapse can be a real blow to the gut. At the same time, not all young businessmen succeed in finding an investor and convincing him that it is reasonable to finance the project.

Grants for the development of small businesses, which are allocated under various public and private programs, are intended to save the situation and help the entrepreneur at an early stage.

What are these programs? Who can take part in the competitive selection? How are entrepreneurial funds allocated and distributed?

In this article we will understand the basic concepts and provisions of grant assistance in our country in 2019.

Read also: How to get a loan for small business development

What is a grant and the basic principles of its distribution

A grant for small business development is considered to be free financial assistance from government programs, projects, competitions, financial institutions, allocated to aspiring entrepreneurs as an incentive for the presented implementation of a business model. This implies an understanding of the main requirement for receiving a grant - the prototype of the idea and the business model must solve any social problem and have obvious benefits.

In the traditional sense, there is a basic definition of how grant aid is distributed:

Firstly, the activities of a private businessman must relate to the production/sale of goods and services at the level of a small business;

Secondly, only entrepreneurs whose activities have been active for at least 12 months can count on participation in the state grant program, and this requirement automatically “weeds out” the youngest aspiring businessmen.

Third, required condition provision of a grant – the “white” credit reputation of the grant candidate and the absence of any misunderstandings with the tax authorities.

All applications from applicants for participation in the small business support grant program are analyzed in detail by commissions specially created for this purpose, and sometimes this procedure can take a long time.

It must be said that the list of fundamental requirements can be expanded in accordance with programs in different regions RF.

Who provides this assistance and for what purposes?

In understanding grant activities, there is a significant distinction between sources of funding: money can be allocated by both public and private foundations. At the same time, representatives of both categories of funds can put forward a number of individual requirements to potential beneficiaries.

Let us note that the social component of business will always be a priority for selection by government funds. Supports the state and small businesses in the field of education and agriculture.

But commercial fund structures more often provide grant support to entrepreneurs in the field of economics, innovative startups, marketing analytics, medicine, etc.

It is important for an applicant for a grant to realize that in the event of a positive outcome and a monetary tranche is allocated to him, it is strictly prohibited to dispose of the funds at his own discretion or use them for personal needs. The purposes of financing must be declared in advance. The Commission welcomes the purchase of equipment for the production and implementation of innovative technologies. Money may be allocated for renting a site or purchasing raw materials. Controversial point - salary costs employees. If private foundations allow such an appointment, then the public foundation will consider it inappropriate.

Requirements for applicants

In addition to the main general criterion - the relationship of the activity to the category of small business, it offers details of the conditions for belonging to it, and, accordingly, the possibility of admission to the grant competition. The federal law No. 209. This document clearly regulates

criteria by which entrepreneurial activity may be identified as such that it can be invested through a grant. Among them are the following requirements:

    registration legal entity according to all required standards;

    the presence of a certain number of official jobs;

    the entrepreneur must have a certain level of income for the calendar period;

    training in entrepreneurial fundamentals at the small business support fund in relation to the region of residence.

It is also important to remember that the competitive selection commission will monitor the possibility of providing grants to applicants in the past, and if this fact is confirmed, you most likely will not have to count on a new grant.

Procedure and conditions for receiving grants

As mentioned above, the key conditions for success for a worthy applicant, in the opinion of the commission members, are the economic feasibility of the project, innovation, demand for the product or service, and, of course, social significance for society.

Where to start if you decide to take a difficult path competitive selection for a potential grant?

First, you need to “polish” all aspects of your business plan: it should be as clear and structured as possible, understandable in its purpose and the usefulness of its results.

Next, contact the small business support fund in your region. The fund's employees will let you fill out the entire package. necessary documents and will help you formulate an application for consideration by a special grant commission.

Thirdly, the applicant must not have any financial debts to tax authorities and other financial institutions.

List of documents for receiving a grant

The procedure for preparing the package needed to participate in a grant competition for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2019 is quite simple. Let's look at what documents are required in the competitor's application.

    Business plan for the project: clear and structured in its abstracts. Here it is necessary to indicate the time frame, cost limits, and detail the possible risks. The more details, the better.

    Passport (original and copy) of a Russian citizen;

    Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;

    Charter documents of the enterprise (originals and copies) and a document confirming that this type of business belongs to the category of small;

    The application itself, drawn up according to a template (it will be provided by the small business development fund at your place of residence).

However, this list is only a basic list of key documents and may be partially modified depending on the rules of various fund programs.

In what cases can they refuse?

It’s interesting, and sometimes offensive, but even following a clear order in preparing documents and writing out, at first glance, an absolutely brilliant business plan does not provide any guarantees that grant funding will be allocated for your idea. "Why?" - you ask, and we will answer: often enthusiasm alone will not be a sufficient argument for the commission distributing grants.

It is very likely that you will be denied support if they do not find evidence of work experience in this activity, or if past experience suddenly turns out to be a failure.

Irrational use of grant support funds (if this happened in the past) can also leave a negative imprint on the decision of the competition commission.

But those who are most likely to be denied a grant to support business are companies from those areas of activity that funds are prohibited from financing by law. This is justified by the fact that their business is not socially significant and does not develop the economy of the region, or the country as a whole. These include:

    Credit communities, investment funds, Insurance companies, pawnshops and currency brokers;

    Lottery and bookmaking companies;

    Companies that produce or sell products subject to excise taxes (passenger cars and motorcycles, fuel, cigarettes and alcoholic products).

Organizing your own business requires significant financial investments from the entrepreneur. However, not everyone has enough money to start a business. Therefore, entrepreneurs need help, including financial assistance. The state seeks to support small businesses by providing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. It is important to know when and how much money can be received free of charge for organization and development own business.

Types of government assistance

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs from the state is provided in several forms: financial, property, information, and infrastructure.

You can count on the following types of financial support:

  1. funds from the employment center;
  2. grant for start-up entrepreneurs;
  3. preferential lending;
  4. subsidizing.

Funds for opening an individual entrepreneur through the employment center are allocated in order to combat unemployment and maintain self-employment. Such assistance represents one-time financial support in the amount of sixty thousand rubles. These funds can be spent exclusively on organizing your own business. If a businessman plans to employ one or more employees in his activity, the amount of the subsidy increases in proportion to the number of employees hired.

For beginning businessmen, special funds can compensate up to five hundred thousand rubles spent on creating a business. Grants are traditionally allocated for development in those sectors that are significant for the state. Today it is agriculture, innovation, education, spheres social significance and other areas.

Preferential lending involves issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs at rates that are lower than in banks. Today they amount to 11% per annum. You can receive up to one billion rubles for a period not exceeding three years. It should be borne in mind that only those individual entrepreneurs who have been successfully operating for more than 6 months can count on preferential loans. At the same time, the entrepreneur should not have outstanding debts or damaged credit history.

Subsidizing individual entrepreneurs involves issuing funds for specific purposes. In this case, you can count on government assistance to reimburse part of the interest on the loan, overpayments and the down payment for leasing, training and advanced training of workers.

Regardless of what the small business support scheme is, subsidies are issued only after going through a difficult procedure. First of all, you will need to develop a business plan and provide well-written documents. When the assistance is allocated and spent, you will have to document the directions in which the funds were spent.

Conditions of receipt

Don’t think that it will be easy to get free subsidies for individual entrepreneurs from the state. In fact, extensive and serious work will have to be done.

After registering at the employment center and receiving official status An unemployed entrepreneur must go through the following steps:

  • choose a field of activity;
  • draw up detailed business plan, in the final part, it is important to carry out an economic as well as social justification of the significance of the business being opened for the development of a particular region;
  • conduct state registration entrepreneurship;
  • submit the documents, application, and business plan prepared in accordance with the list to the relevant authorities.

The submitted application is considered by the commission. The duration of this process reaches sixty days. After the review procedure, the commission makes a decision, which is sent to the entrepreneur by registered mail.

It is important to keep in mind that when receiving government support, an individual entrepreneur takes on specific responsibilities. First of all, they involve submitting reports. Subsequently, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide a report on the expenditure of the funds received. In this case, it is important to attach checks, payment orders, receipts and other documents confirming the direction of expenditure of funds.

When learning how to open an individual entrepreneur through the employment center, it is worth learning important rule. If a businessman cannot provide documents regarding the direction of spending the money received, he will have to return the subsidized funds to the state.

In addition, a business organized with government support must operate for at least two years. This condition makes it possible to exclude financing of fly-by-night companies.

Drawing up a business plan

A subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur is issued only if a well-written business plan is provided. There is no established template according to which such a document is drawn up.

However, there are a number of points that must be considered in the business plan:

  1. The first part necessarily contains the personal data of the entrepreneur. Here you should describe in detail the features of the chosen field of activity and explain why the chosen business is significant for the state.
  2. The second chapter of the business plan contains a description of the project. It is important to pay attention to the activities through which it is planned to achieve a specific profit level.
  3. When drawing up a business plan, studying the market, as well as the niche that the entrepreneur plans to occupy in it, is of great importance. Here you will have to describe the work process in detail, make a list of the necessary basic and working capital, lead staffing table. In addition, at this point the cost of the project is calculated, as well as the payback period.
  4. At the end of the business plan, information about the expected risks is provided. It is important to foresee in what ways the entrepreneur will avoid them.

Only a well-drafted plan can become the basis for obtaining a subsidy for organizing and developing a business. Without this document, no commission will consider the possibility of government support. It must contain real data and calculations, since after receiving funds you will have to spend them exclusively in accordance with this document. Subsequently, the costs must be documented. The Commission of the Employment Exchange (Employment Exchange) will check their full compliance with the business plan.

Where can you spend subsidies for small businesses from the state?

Assistance from the state to individual entrepreneurs is targeted. This means that there is a strictly designated list of areas where you can spend the money received. They should be followed both when receiving money to organize your own business and to develop it.

The directions for spending the subsidy are necessarily reflected in the business plan. An entrepreneur cannot spend funds at his own discretion.

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs can be aimed at solving the following problems:

Do not forget that the entrepreneur will have to report where the funds provided were sent. This is why it is important to keep all supporting documents. It is necessary to carefully collect checks, transfer orders and other payment papers.

Reasons for refusal

Not only studying how to obtain a subsidy is of great importance. It is also important to know why government assistance may be denied.

There are several circumstances that can lead to negative decision upon application for a subsidy:

To maximize the likelihood of a positive decision on a subsidy application, it is important to take into account all the reasons for refusal and try to avoid them.

Changes in 2019

In 2019, the main goals pursued by the support of individual entrepreneurs remain the organization of a new business, as well as an existing one. As before, this method of financing has major advantage, which consists in its gratuitousness. However, there are also serious disadvantages - complexity in registration, the need to put in a huge amount of effort in the absence of guarantees of a positive solution.

This year the government plans to introduce absolutely new system, which is based on the principles of a geomarketing navigator. For this purpose, more than 200 business plans were written, which characterize 75 areas of entrepreneurship. Such a system will help an individual entrepreneur decide which area and niche he should consider to create his own business. If the project is implemented, it will be an excellent support for entrepreneurs both in 2019 and in the future.

Other types of support that individual entrepreneurs can receive from the state in 2019 include:

  • transfer of real estate for rent on favorable terms;
  • the use of infrastructure that was specially created by government bodies for the purpose of developing entrepreneurship - business incubators, technology parks and other companies;
  • sale of property owned by the state at a reduced price.

In 2019, it is planned to provide not only one-time financial assistance individual entrepreneurs, but also issue government grants. To participate in such subsidies, an appropriate application should be sent to the authorities involved in the distribution of funds.

In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development is going to start using a qualitatively new register of small and medium-sized businesses. It will be created automatically. If an entrepreneur is included in the new register, he will be able to count on subsidies issued to support small businesses.

Government assistance can be an invaluable support in creating and developing an individual entrepreneur’s business. It is worth considering this possibility, because the subsidy is free of charge.

Obtaining government subsidies to start your own business

(using the example of a catering outlet)

It all started with the fact that in the summer of 2010, as part of the information strategy of the Exhibition (“Write only about what you have checked yourself”), we decided to receive government subsidies for points Catering for the sale of pies and drinks in schools. On this moment, after 3 months, positive decisions have been made on three of our subsidies, and we expect to receive money in our accounts as funds arrive in the budget (under one agreement, 300 tr in January; for the other two, 120 tr in March).

Types of government subsidies for your business:

If you are registered in Moscow, you can receive one of three subsidies:
- 300 tr. for business (if you have not worked anywhere before or you have served or are a single mother/father or have a disability certificate);
- 60 tr. for business with the possibility of increasing the subsidy amount by + 60 tr. for each unemployed person you plan to hire (for any categories of unemployed citizens);
- 25 tr. for business registration (for any categories of unemployed citizens... yes, you can register through intermediaries).

If you are registered in the Moscow Region or regions, then only one type of subsidy is available to you:
- 60 tr. for business with the possibility of increasing the subsidy amount by + 60 tr. for each unemployed person you plan to hire (for any categories of unemployed citizens).

How to get government subsidies to start your own business?

1. We quit. As a result, you should not work anywhere, and should not be a founder or co-founder anywhere, and should not be registered as an individual entrepreneur).

2. We contact the Employment Center at the place of registration with the desire to register as unemployed. You can contact any of them, and they will tell you which one is yours. An interesting fact we noticed: in the Moscow region, in Employment Centers, information about the possibility of receiving a subsidy is actively posted and communicated; in Moscow (even in the district Employment Centers), employees often do not know or pretend not to know about the possibility of receiving subsidies and their amounts).

3. We take their internal form from the Employment Center for reference previous place work about the size of your salary and register it in the accounting department of your previous place of work. Yes, the standard form will not work: each Employment Center insists on its own.

4. Register as unemployed. To do this you will need: an internal passport, employment history, an ill-fated certificate about the size of your salary from your previous place of work (see paragraph 3), certificates of average and higher education, TIN (if any). Also, right on the spot for a complete set of documents, fill out two simple shapes(nothing complicated, a couple of sheets of scribbling extracts from existing documents).

At the same time, when registering (the “Initial Admission” queue), specify to the employee when filling out the documents that you want to organize self-employment in the form of your own business.

Upon completion of registration (everyone in line takes an average of 1 hour), you will be assigned a day for your return visit and will be told in which branch of Sberbank you will need to open a savings book, to which the subsidy will be transferred, and before it is transferred, a monthly allowance (in Moscow 7t. rubles/month, and in the Moscow Region and regions 4 thousand rubles/month). Repeated visits (“Secondary Admission” queue) take place until the subsidy is received twice a month at a predetermined time. Another savings book will not work; you need to create one exactly where they say (the issue price is 10 rubles).

5. We check with the Employment Center the address of their department for promoting self-employment of the population.

6. We prepare a business plan for which we receive a subsidy. I received a subsidy in the Moscow region, for my wife in Moscow, and for my nephew in Yaroslavl. All according to one business plan, which you can find in the promotional materials at the stand of our public catering exhibition PUBLIC FOOD Online Expo here:

I draw your attention to the need to note in the plans (plans and facts may be different) the creation of additional jobs. As for the mention of raising personal funds, these are also only plans (after all, for example, the relatives on whom you were counting may “change their minds about investing in your business”).

7. We bring and submit to the department for promoting self-employment of the population a business plan in printed and in electronic format, designate the type of subsidy desired and wait for the commission meeting.

8. We remember the defense with nostalgia thesis, we come to the meeting and answer simple questions from the commission.

9. Having received a positive decision from the commission, we sign an agreement with the Employment Center on the targeted use of the subsidy. If you have written a completely crazy business plan (this happens very rarely, since, having the form, filling it out is not difficult), then the commission will ask you to revise it and re-defend it.

10. After a couple of months, we receive money for the savings book, spend it, close the agreement with the Employment Center with an act on the targeted expenditure of funds.


Getting a subsidy is tedious and time-consuming, but it is possible, and on your own. Of course, if your wage more than 100 rubles/month, then the amount of subsidies will not cover the cost of your working time. But, if you have an existing small business, relatives with Moscow registration, or a large staff of employees or non-working family members, then attracting 0.5-1.5 million rubles free of charge is quite advisable.

We hope our experience, which FOODING Online Expo shared with you, will be useful to you! If you have questions about the article, you can ask them directly at the CATALOG stand at:

And, if you want to suggest a topic that is relevant to you in the field of public catering as a topic for subsequent articles, write to us at [email protected]
